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Show y " ; ' ' i !intwiaiiBl I 1T.K YKAK. liTrfl 'aatiOBOBBSsl PUBLISHED iri:JN TJSIU !aK8(5M SEKI-WBBEL- Y ( Y, and SATUJUKi Y.) 'I. $1.00 YOjT-.I- V unrwiHiiiiai BY TELEG11AI1L directory. OGDEN f Special Post OHifc; jtlcn AND CLOSING" OF MAILS. AlilUVAU tKi AB1UVU.A. s tit ikti City, .l.ml.lii dnily, - 5.30 p.m. 7.30 M;l daily ,.t, Tlmmidi MalNUily Ki-- TlirmijU t, iU liJiko U-- t. ' ....11 juii. 4.(K) p.m. Cft.m. City, ilnuMu ilnily 1 ;.,. " tl 4.00 Case! The Coolie Trade 11.111. 6.30 " 'J'liii'Uh Mail lnily 'iaily Tlmmi Mail V New Phase of the Stokes' ? a.m. 11.111. County, Tuesdays, Thursdays ' jiuii'Uvs'n'ly to L'J-'- and 4.00 p.m. 4.00 i.ni. '' J.i:li Omity, TiR'sdiiy-- anil Thursday V.: til Ojilrll. Monday inidTlaivsiJuy il Wednesdays ami tsitur-il.1i e, 2.M ii.m. V 7.30 a.m. l'laiu CUv rihI Slatorsvillo, 3.3a .ii.lavs ami Thursday 1..111. Wednesday and Saturdays .rv p ami Miiia, eiini'suuj 11.30 a.m. urn! Saturday ' . OFFICE HOUr.S. S a.m. to C.3(J p.nt. Ouoral Siindav. a p.m. t li.:io p.m. IUWISTKY DEl'AUTMKXT - to : p.m. Open (Yum 0 a. M0XKV OFFICE HKPAKTMEMT. Oj:i from 'J a.iu. to 3 p.m. OtiUiilt Dior 1'n from 6 a.m. to 8 K.m. JOSKl'll HALL, IWiiiastcr. Lviiin-- i M j; 111 Cuba! .o0tt.m. MAILS CI.OtHN'0. Cu It is proposed to increase the salary of Congressmen to$10,OUO. Tho idea is to tho Ogdis Jinctiox ly flic Atlautlcand very popular with them, but they teem to be a little dubious about Ms prosper- I'aciao Telegraph Company. p.in-3.0- Tragic Results From Asphyxia! Rivalry for the Throne of France! Tri-da- 1:... Death of an Eminent Clergyman 111- ! Members of the New Orleans citizens' committee, who remained here, profess to be encouraged to believe that Congress will refuse the action of Judge Durell. At a meeting of representatives of th various missionary legislations with the Government, in favor of the Indians, held on the loth, to wait on the President and j resent the thanks of the organizations for his determination to adhere to a peace policy, and of his treatment of tht Indians, liev. Geo. Whipple, chairman; Benjamin Latham, Ilcv. J. M. Fei'iis, Bev. Dr. Dushiel and John A. King, al .A boarding-housjors, was this AMEUICAS. ' New York, 21. Another murder was committed this Toledo, 0., 22. kept by Mrs. Maa. 111., the scene of the most terrible asphyxia ever knovvu iu this city. A family consisting of mother and daughtor, with some four or five boarders, had spent the evening previous pleasantly, and after all had retired ex cepting Mn. Majon her daughter 18 years oUl, and Mis. Quince, a j'oung married lady, were preparing to do the same, wnen tliey were suddenly taken e, been is session for some time past, has just complete I its labors with the following results: The compulsory service system is retained. The present number of regiments and divisions i doubled. The strength of the nr.ny, ou a peace footing, is to be 7'Jl,Hl!J nun, with a reserve of G21,000, being an increase of 145, (XX over the preseut war fooling. The report of the commission also states that six large factories in process of erection lor tuo pioiluciion ot uniforms, etc The military estimate for the year 1H73 have been increased to 160,(XX,X.KJ 3IacMiio-5IsalfMorp trutU tlian following: mza o. ltrv will 10 found iu t!.a A rarpiMitor'n duly in plain; A for food o'p; Tin barber, wlio i.u'cr ri'ojiied tJie iimin, Utill ;i.m fi dm jioll nnlo miII; Tin bi iivkniiikcr, nil", To kiln's born ni!dir!iil of old; The pilfon-- r (tin. for .ilia plt': An M.t'b aoft .touiig as old; Tin waiitlirriorli-iaakc- r are Vain Of tin vuii.'b tlioy fxpofo ti) t tie I lut; Tlio bullown niiiii ne'ur will rffwn From "blowing" lii wai?n to the last; tire-no- A of roub'.es Rev. Wresthesley, the eminent English dissenting duinini and theologian, is dead. Wresthesley, whoso death is announced, was born iu 179'.. and is a brother of the Earl of Gainsborough. While a young man ho became a miniss ter in the Church of England', but left and joined the Iluptists in 184'J. lie enjoyed much popularity as a preacher, and took a prominent place in many benevolent and liberal enterprises. Among his writings, those best known arc his essays on Christian hnptistn, and letters on the Church of Rome. ' Paris', 22. Tjissensions between the Orleanist and Legitimist aspirants for the French throne are daily becoming wider and with less prospect than ever of a fusion of interests. It is now stated thit the Count Do Paris positively refuses any recognition whatsoever of the claims of Due Do Chambord to the throne, and that the Orleans branch will push its claims for priority and mdependeutly of the aspirations of the Legitimists. The execution of the Commumsia has been ordered to be Carried into effect. London, 22 The London Telegraph this a. in pub islies the following as the osteusib'.e irogramme of the imperialists : There will bo no change in the policy of the Ronapnrtist family. The Empress and l'rnice will undertake the guardianship of the rnnce Imperial during his mi Napo nority, under the title of Louis ' ' ' leon.- .- , lawyrr'a lttii-fprinter 'uinitt t - it britf; uliould U proof; Tin Im blor v ill nuro onin to grl.-Mio cuiiinifiictsj to littild at tlie roof; Tho miller makri inillioiiD Ironi milU; In nil tmdoir.n money be ma.lo, Tut no pu pel Miller fionibilU hit U ktridoni or never aru paid. A i: alter-ward- Too 31 lull for His Xt'rvc. Several ni bis ago, a young pen- tlein.m of tins city, says the :i CTcning about u p.in. Michael Mxon, a Francisco was bill the ladv a invited to Bulletin, proceeding along poster Trains when he got into an altercation Oirdcii Daily until furthemoticc, for Salt Powtrjr, accompany him on a moonlight ride, S ana b..X) a.m. p.m. am! with a man on horseback. The latter I'ity lit j a.m. ami At the appointed tune tho wagon wa tUo S For For 1I19 JvtU't, at n.ui. et, got in front of Mxon's truck, and alp. ' . ' ;...V) p.lil. at the door, and together tbev start City, 7 a.m. and 10.43. a. though he had plenty of room to move Arrive from Salt From ed for the Cliff Ifou.sti. the E;ut, out of the iUirimr tho The ill; whereupon a physician was summonii..iu l iA'i p.iit. anil S.15 p.m. way refused to do bo ;..U t, C.f);i a.m. p.m. From the unride ho who what namo conversation the for whose turned man on is. ed, horseback, upon prescribed supposed jjji'.t lake City Timo. known threatened to strike Nixon wiili to be their illness; they partly becoming and the Ionovy things supernatural, a wbipplctree, when Nixon drew a re- quiet, the physician retired. Noihing Services Itt'llsious wan discussed at length. Tne ghost 11 and at .nu tu tUflTn'icrtiacle, Kvwy Snn liiy, volver and fired. The shot look effect, more uas heard until the morning, when hi th.' il Ward 'tfohoollioiHg and Fai1oy gentleman professed to be free altoand the man fell from his horse. "When a nejghbo", Mrs. Sceley, called to bid ' at 0 p.m. gether from tho dread of the mystehe was picked up it was found tho ball them good morning, and finding no one Mp:opal tiiun-- at 11 A.m. and 7 p.m. rious unknown which deters some ll;Uoilit I'hiurU atll a.m. aud 7 p.m. at 7.00 entered the left eye, and penetrated the up, and the door open, entered the house, fcpiritualt Lecture (Cttrdou' IhtHX Nixon left bis horse aud truck when she was rendered almost senseless brain. afpeople from entering grave-yard- s ' " this by deadly gas, which filled the room. arrested was and ran lie alone with or ter nightfall, Officii Cily liibrary sitting eve y day, Sundays evening at his lodgings, where lie was Alarm was given, aud upon examination W. Xurnor . Op-At declared dead. the that he would lie ; discovered. Ibe unknown man Was Mrs. Quiuce was found dead upon the have to be willimr a tete-a-teven also died. Miss while Ida her where be floor, tiken to the hospital, j Majors, interview with any ghost visitant who Nothing louud cn Lis person to ideuuiv mother was found curled up on a lounge, F. S. RICHARDS, him.' . just alive. Jbree gentlemen, sleeping might choose to make him a call in " . St. Louis, 21. up stairs, were found insensible, buc the still hours of night. After a The Lower House of the legislature may recover. The gas emanated from a . couplo of hours epeut 'pleasantly nt CONVEYANCER. adopted a resolution to make the detective stove in the fitting-roomthe CiifF, tho hordes' beads were turn Optice os 22. senatorial Harrisburg, l'a.t invcstigntion public Frmi';Uu St., lolwe 4th A 5lh Ste. through th;bribery homeward. Tho road was desert ed Houses met Both in oa, seperate s press. The New Orleans Fusion . Legislature yesterday p. in., for the election ot U. S. had all re d, the pleasure-seekerriociiE Itevs. The circumstances of balloted for Snator unsuccessfully. In Senator- Simon Cameron received tne turned, und as they bowled along tho the Kellogg Legislature Messrs. Jcnks, united, support of ull the Republican the underground fight bet wreu the forces smooth road, still they conversed on Scwarus aud Worrall. who withdraw on members, and is therefore elected to the of the Raymond & Ely and those of the ben a short disthe 1'henix the arc still fresh in supernatural. pubthe 10th' took seai6 with the Fuaionists U. S. Senate for six years. Mr. Wallace Pioche toll-gat- e remembered lic mind. be will that the hors is It the Democratic tance vote received the the of FOURTH1 in the State Senate were expelled. beyond Thenix of Thomas one ' the members. men, 21. St. Ryan, ami I'aul, stopped euddeu'y begau to trem OGOKX, was he between U. the iu killed 21. , for V The trial of the Indian bobolink T., difficulty Corinne, ble aou snort. 1 he driver stood up Four Doom from Z, C. --If. X, The epizootic is reported to have made two companies, but the shot by which the murder of the Cook family last sum- ia the wagon to find out the cause, and it is said Ryan was killed couli not be charged ea- - its appearance here GENERAL mer. cotnmenceu in Jeccuer w., ! itSuspi aud lo a coffin lay nt the side of thj upon any particular person. nesday last, and ended at 11 0 clock a number ot horses are laid up with road. to The moonlight shone on tha James Heavy gales are reported throughout cion, however, pointed BOOTS V SHOES, Saturday night, resulting in a verdict w hich fired shot who as the the A last Helena Montana. that and ' silver plate, and the courageous young party of nmrder in the first decree Oispatch says, TTiiTIIKn mill seen was here not killed of Ma of the a roof the niirht Levy witU Ryan. portion man immediately- let go tho reins and SHOE F1XDIXGS, bc.Punishcd 21 sonic Temple was blown off and fell on a after the difficulty, but hearing that he rk, the bottom of the waAt the Lowest rricesi . 1'roaticc ' The ail of Mi3 Fanny 11 vue. who saloon adjoining, crushing through was at Hau uion, he was sent for and dropped into Tho he been shot. as if lnd Taken . i' shot her seducer, George Watsou, is for the roof and causing considerable dam- brought to th;8 (lace. He now remains gon is and while Grand lines sa the the in the in lady fortunately caught in custody Jury feited. She will be seat to Kings Coun age. Two men were bleeping is no affair. sur There the tho loon aud but at a time thus pieveutcd runaway probfortunately escaped vestigating ty iail. f; ' A Havana letter states that a cargo ot uninjured. mising what the result may be. able disaster. As she was endeavorNew und very promising placer dig seven hundred coolies arrived there on Yesterday morning a young man to restore the presence of mind . command six eines were discovered ltsl week on the named Chas. E. Blakcsly was diiving ing Tbev 10th instant the REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. had fled from her cr jucliin which left hand fork of Little beep Creek, in W. t'. Glissan's team, and when some hundred dollars Tier head.""" im-- , It is reported in Havana that a large Meagher county. It is reported fourteen three miles from town, on h.s way tohc companion, an undertaker's cart, one out from in wood ranch, one of the wagon wheels mediately drove up, and the driver day number of armod Cuban revolutionists dollaraAvas panned ' JNO.V.FARWELL&CO., the prospect Bhaft. into a deep hole. The jar. w as dismounting, lifted the cofiin into it. near Guantanama, had landed safely dropped WHO LIS ALE NOTIONS, Washington, 22 such as almost to throw him from his counsel of Stokes, in pressing for The "Get up," said the lady.. ID jEL5T before the seat, and he attempted to jump clc;r of The investigation ., new trial, will rely much upon the fact a 'Is that horrid thing gone?" tli2 t'And V'oolehsr? tlmUwo of, the jurors went ouuide the Committee on privil ge. and elections ou the wagon, but in doing go his feet Larsresfc Stock West of . New York.one having examined the CalJwell bribery case was chiefly caught in the lines, so that he fell to the gentleman groaned, and ventured Mom oc aud Franklin Sts., CHICAGO court for evidence, in the ladies' stah- case, of the Grand Cen- ceufined to a cross examination of Lx ground, his right thigh striking across peep out from the bnggy-roki Committee The Gov. the was fall examined The effect the of required a larce rut. which he had wrapped bis pallid Canney. tral Hotel; another having to Sidney UarK- - to break the thigh and split it for about face. s to sec whether that a a at piBtols gunsmith It appeared that the undertaLOGAN DRUG STORE four 1 could be ' distinguished from six levCnnney, April Oth, 182, he produc three inches. His face and hanU were ker was carrying the colli n to a house m mov cd. The letter simply urges it was the also considerably bruised. Mr. Diakc-l- y 1 uarreueu pisiois. .111 umuavn, DR. 's is yet a young man, und in npparcnt on ttrary street, wnen nis wagon ot embodied in the bill exceptions duty of the Seuate to investigate LOCATF.D IX LOG AX, CACHE CO., be declaration und state the HAVIXU election, i good health, so that there are hopes of broke down, and he was compelled it to nttooil to the practice of Medi- that before the trial one of the jurors cine, Surgery and Obstetric. said that Stokes ought to hang anyhow, of Caldwell and Smith, tuat they would saving the injured limb.. We saw: him leave it on the roudsidc while he reand another that if he were ou the jury buy the Legislature if it cost oO,000 at the County Hospital yesterday, as turned for repairs. The gentleman In a lonir cy tne at comfortable as he. could be, nnd sufferhe would hang him anyhow. drove meekly home, and bus not siuco witness the uas fully con ing but little pain. Vioche Record, l"lh torney of Caldwell, A. A; Tile, Minister to Veazueia, ' been heard to declare his indifference ' firmed the contents ot the letter, la inst. ; xx. 31.' . arrived in this cily. 4 wit to ghostly visitations. T'TEl'SroUSALE TUK BK8T AXD CirEAl'-Y. The small-poepidemic is creating answer to a .question by Mr, Clark, F.ST foica aud Uft rump "for Colorado tuau" residing near Xew-towA s Boston and vi- uess, stated that Senator 1. Suiitli tncU at seriou apprehen-iouilwp or ilmllow wll. Also, l'atuot oiutt'for in tho lower part of Maryland, l'nro Wi ll I'timM .' with naitalte; irvin piuiliiT. cinity: Three hundred eases'- - are now to procure currency from him to pay nxtJ and tittivl upon reanouable term, at reported in that city, and the percentage members of the legislature for their intending to give his little boy a whip"Everything has its use,' said urnsiiup, l itiungr oiuce ,Oirleii. 0f death ia i much larger tlmn by all votes while at a banquet in Leavenworth, switch. The for a hiui sent . election. ping, philosophical professor to hU class. other causes comDineu. nearly an iuc subsequent to. the senatorialbut and r not did child kouic f return, nothing 'Of what use is a drunkard's fiery, burials take place .in the night. The Clark was was brought out. The committee will timo his absence was nut noticed. red uose?" asked one of his pupils. CDidemic has had a strioU'! effect on with witnesses for the AYheu hiH father went to look for bim WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER go on interests."' "It is like a lighthouse, to warn us of nearly a dozen impor he found Jiim lying beida tbe barn the little water defence, though Iwter in Watclit-a- Clx-k- . Jewelry,' Silver aud The ichooner "Henrietta," formerly that passes underneath FiaH'd Wr.re. MAIN tTKEET. tXIDKX. ' was lost on the IGth tant wituewes are yet to be called to es dead. Bennett's yacht, till remained had he out warranted. work all done and Ilq Uepairlug ueatly it, aud reminds us of the shoals of apn-- r inst.. beinz driven ashore near Hondu- - tablish additional facta of bribery. ': : had ..' frozen.; riocue, 21. , , ;. .. .. ; petite, ou which we might otherwise and totally wrecked.;; "The cre was h case of Raymond & Ely r. . the In be wrecked," answered the professor. 6:. motion for in- - '., At a revival meeting in St. Loni, - arcument - . on The cold spell commenced again yes- - Kentucky, , . ., .., . Aa Irishman went into a Chicago TF YOU WANT A TIIOMSOXIAN DOCTOR OR terday; and the freezing has stayed the junction vras com muca uuu ut ryu oi during the hunt week, tho "exliorter" ! h&Tfi the CaU.e. WUiCU ! , bub tur ...I.;- ntliarirtKe iviu iUrcu TliouiDoniou Medicine, X . the the walk down would , freshets nuivu "u.ti store, and, says, "Faith and did you able, asking i S. J. liaaer, wuo uaa mn teg Hudson river. the Captain occurred up felt. CALL ON DR. MURPHY, converts bow tbev Approaching put in the papers tuat you wanted a brokeu last week by the premature exWashington; IWT OFFICE, MAIN BT, of a blast, died jvsterday from a young man with his bead lowered man?"- "Yes, . sail, the .storekeeper, Tnite'd States Senator, pinchbeck, ar- plosion ' downiu grief and panitcnee upou " and I distinctly stated that all apof his injuries. effects the in CoxsriTiTiox Fix, Sl.oo. , but would not be rived here 4 $.3G, j 'RuUion . tho yesterday, shipments the adjoining pew; he' in- - plications must be wado by mail " tervicwJ. McGillan, elected by. v rxr day. A iron U waatrdt All - fiwiotiinte of Louisiana anso arrived here 908, 24. S. I. train. $5 to $20 elan of workint wwp).,Lquired, ilirother,havc jou got relig f An faith, an' it's inesclf that's a FOiiEUY. ben of of t$t!(W the floor on He was the Tnakn Tottnr old. or at moiiaT aud he was nnrt ion: -r- io-or but I ve got an awiui male, sure," says ' St. Petersburg, 21. - " at in ttioir npar. moaxuiU, oraUUia ate. His crcJenrlals will be presented wk for t?. ' ' stomach-ache," ona, man at anything U. Part iclar fro. AJ- hire, The xailttarj. commission, which hat 1rs U, Stianoo Main Ti-- nc 111. - r ' itc School-lioii- e. . , exix-pto- NOTARY l.tTULIC . to-da- , y et - s' fwHITEBEAD, - STREET, . - DEALER to-da- y, . dct, D AI lbiv.XIIDES., CAS II . ' J? - 2-- r GOODS - to-da- i y t - -- c 1 mi-i- y letter-addresse- ORMSBY, JR. Cald-Weil- y4-2- cross-examinati- PUiMPS!PUjVIPS! stuart w - 1 x Anti-frcxin- g n, , 1 - . cross-examine- com-tuorci- d, al . - v - :.- s 1 REMOVED. .. 1 ,,. tWioo-OprO- t'ITE - . to-da- baek-oftlK- r. i PgXJand, c3alf lt, |