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Show mm. (Georgia's Senator. Voting at School Meetings. Gordon Was yes- The first Monday in next month is the day appointed by municipal terday elected United States Senator were Ilia ordinance for the election opponents of School Georgia. Ji,ui Trustees'. As thcre-j- s a division of Alexander II. Stephens, and the opinion among our citizens in regard of the late Confederacy, d)uhlc-fa.ceAekerinan, Attorney- - to the right of voting at District (Jeiierulj who was discarded from the; School Meetings we offer a few reIn refer-- ! marks on the subject Cabinet of the President. The City Ordinance, which is rini: to the election in the richest. State of the South, the names men- strictly in accordance with the Tertioned are so intimately blended with ritorial statute, says: Sec. 5. The trustees sball be elected the country's history, that they canthe voters, residents nnd owners of not be passed by without comment. by taxable property in their respective in the school Gordon ws a Major-Generdistricts, and shall continue in ofViec-Fresi-de- , nt d al A Brcijid Eked. Last night as Mr. Smith Reid was crossing Main Street, from Z. C. M. I. corner, he fell head foremost into the big hole made there for a water tank. The night was very dark, and Mr. Iteid was under the impression that the path was straight across the road from the sidewalk on Fifth Street. lie struck his shins against the temporary fence placed around the hole, and before lie could grasp any thing to stop himself; he tipped over and plunged into the yawning gulf, his head becoming embedded in mud and water. He could not climb out, after floundering about for while, because the sides were so slippery, but two gentlemen passing, came to his help aud he was brought forth, with his shins barked, his bead muddy, and his clothes wet, but without material injury. Some more substantial protection will have to bo placed around those holes, or further damage may ensue. fice for two years, and until their suc cessors are elected and qualified. For the election of Trustees, and for the vote on the rate per cent on the taxes to bo assessed, notice shall be given at least ten days before the time appointed, uj auverusing in some newspaper uav- ng a general circulation, or by posting up notices in three of the moat public places in the district, of the time, place and object of the meeting; said notice On shall be given by at least five perma IInripT relief for vouiis nipn from tlio effwU of nent residents ot the district, but if the Error and Aim) in rlr lit. Mauhiiod re- ImiK'tliineuts to mitrriuge romovud. New district be organized, then shall notice stored. method of treatment. New mi4 renmrkitliltt Hooka aud circulars neut free, iu tailed be given by the Trustees. At such meet- be elected or a tar envelojwg. HOWARD may ngslrustces Addrew, ASSOCIATION, N 2 South levied ' viva voce, or by ballot, as the Ninth St., riiiludeliihi. Pa nn lustitutiuii hnviner hih reputation lor honorable couduct and pru-meeting may determine. ruiuuiu t kin. Southern army. At Tappahanuock, in 1SG3, Hancock charged the works of Lee early in the morning, when a dense fog prevented the sight of the hostile forces that were approaching lines were broken, 1 ho Confederate r.nd the works captured. Gen. Gordon was ordered to recover the lost ground, and to recapture the batteries which had been taken. An imdipetuous attack was made by his Marriage. nm-edi- after disputing every inch of ground, he regained possession Two opposite views arc taken as to of the inportant stratagetic position, the meaning of the first part of this which was indispcnsiblc to his comsection. One party, who are in the mander, who was defending llich-nioncontend that property-owner- s As soon as he accomplished minority, arc endowed with the right to his purpose at the hazard of his life vote whether they reside in the disand th? sacrifice of his battallious, he trict or not: The other party mainsent by signal, a message to Lee: "I tain that voiers must bo both resihave obeyed my orders, but have no dents and owners of property in the more men." This was the occasion district. which brought Gordon into notice, A little examination into the and made his name renowned among of the section will, we He is an unflinch- wording his countrymen. think, detidc tho question beyond ing opponent of the present Admin' If it be contended that controversy. advocate and a' consistent istration, owners of taxable property may vote of the rights of the States. Unwhether they be residents or not, yielding in his political principles, then it follows that residents may conscientious in the discharge of his votcwhether they be owners of tax duties iu every walk of life, and atable property or not. "We presume tached to the convictions of a lifeno one will argue that persons who time, he will prove to be a true and have no property to be taxed have a faithful representative of. the State to vote on questions involving that has conferred the highest posi- right property, of their neighbors ' tion within his gift. r the This being conceded, it follows that No doubt that an issue will be the qualification of voters is resi raised regarding his eligibility, as he denee and ownership of taxable pro is under the bans of proscription. in the district. But a judicious policy will be sug perty then have no right to vote at school gested to the majority who rule the under the ordinance. Senate, that the admission of the new meetings We do not wish on this occasion Senator from Georgia, may contribto argue the injustice of the ordi ute to the advancement of peace and nance and statute. We desire simply reconciliation. to make the matter ' plain to the simplest understanding in order to Ten Thousand per Annum. prevent contentiou and save" bicker A resolution has been introduced ing and litigation Notices of the February meeting? in the House of Representatives to increase the salaries of members of from the lrustees ot ,tne various School Districts have already, ap Congress to ten thousand dollars a pcarcd in the Junction in conformyeir. The intimation that any mem ber would have the impudence to ity to the law, and "all voters who are residents and taxpayers in those propose such a measure at this time, when most revelations are districts should govern themselves vision, and d. Non-residen- ts . .... disgraceful in connection with 'the Credit made, Mobuer operations, is evidence tf the laxity of public morals and the want of a high sense of honor among our kadsng meu. The salary of Congressmen at the prosent time is five thousand dollars. Ihis sum is a mere bagatelle, for the honorable of this great law-make- THURSDAY, 23. rs country, and we admit, inadequate to their necessities'; for; the hospitality of the Capital is proverbial.' 1 But we reiterate the assertion often made in these columns, accordingly. ,: -- - i' : T Sec ii, Whitehead's Advertisement. ly - e. t Little Maggie rctcrson, nine years old, daughter of Mr. II. D. Peterson, residing at West Weber, had the misfortune this morning to fracture the sanio arm that was broken about three months ago. Her foot caught in a fold of the carpet, and she fell violently to the floor. Her father brought her immedi Brave Gikl. ately to Oden, when Dr. Y. L. Anderson set the arm, the little girt never making the slightest cry during the operation. She was around the streets quite gay and smiling, with her arm in a , sling. The following this morning: trc from the ' Herald ; On the arrival of IVm. Carey, Ksq., According to n rather tough ac District Attorney of Utah, on Tuesday, count, out of a number of about two his predecessor, Geo. C. Hates, Ksq., at thousand five huadred and forty emonce invited him to his office, and there, or sixty-fou- r na over kings having congratulated him on his appoint- perors o two hundred and mnoty-ninment, turned over to him its archives, tions, documents and Iwoks. Tho new attorney were dcthrond, sisty-fou- r abdicated, and the old one thtn had ft long and very twenty committed suicide, eleven pleasant private consultation appertain- went mad, one huudred died on th-- . ing to the duties of the office in the past, battle-fielone hundred and twenty- and future, and parted, each gratified were made prisoners, twentr- with the interview. Mr. Carey, from all three fivo bocamo or were announced marwe learn, is a sound lawyer and a prudent counselor, a man of sterling honesty tyrs and saints, one hundred and who will perform his duties with fidelity fifty-on- e were assassinated, sixty-tw- o to law and to justice, characteristics which we earnestlyhope his official career poisoned, and 0113 hundred and eight sentenced to death ; total, nine hunhere will amply sustain. dred and sixty-threWe regret to say that small-po- x has again appeared in this city, and that a number of persons have been exposed to Though disputed sometimes, wo betho contagion. The affected person is a lieve that when trees are cut down, girl uamed Knudson, of a family in the springs dry up. At a scientific dis11th Ward, near Mr. liadley's place; and in cussion England, a gentleman from Dr. Clinton informs us that the disease is Santa West Indies, said that Cruz, of the worst confluent type. Tim) much care cannot be taken to guard against it. twenty years ago that island was u rich and ever blooming garden. Forests adorned the hills, trees woro Molts Bummers. They have horns and they prowl around wagons, and clustered freely o'er the plains, and cheat trams tied up to feed out of half rains were never wanting for abundtheir allowance. They do it, too, in the ant production. The island is twenty-fiv- e miles loug and the soil is all fermost public and unblushing manner, and tile. Now tho hills are all bare and munch filched hay and stolen vegetables the trees of the plain have been d with eyes and an air of inno cut down. Continuous cence only equalled by that of their mostly have desiccated d of droughts hornless biped prototypes. Who owns the islaud, and year by year desolathese cows that arc daily turned out to tion advances. "Soon the whole isprey on the public? If the proprietors land is doomed to become a desert," of these bumming quadrupeds have no Official papers agree in attributing more shame than their animals, they this fcourgc to the reckless waste ef should be taught the lesson which the timber and the neglect to replant tho d alone can teaoh them. forests. d, , e. half-close- one-thir- '- - stray-poun- 2. to-J- Fire! Fike! Mr. Liudelof, of Nam City, purchasod a quantity of phosphorus of Dr, r. L. Anderson this morning. The Dr. cautioned him not to squeeze nor rub it, but as lie wanted to compress it into a email compass, he doubled the parand pressed cel, laid it on the it with his foot. It immediately ignited, burning his boots and scorching his finHe was surprised as well as gers. scorched, and will learn to do better next time. . Who'd 'lie a Kins ? of I. C. Hi, GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; . DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, tide-wal- k CARPETS, Oil. XOTJIN, UPIIOI.STK81Y GOODS, CLOTIIIMIJ, HATS, HOOTS aud SHOES: . Mousd Fort. A theatrical exhibition was given last night at Mound Fort, by a company of amateurs, under the management of Mr. James 11 Goff. In strumcntal and vocal music added to the interest of an occasion, which was pleas ant to all who witnessed the perform ance. Messrs. Goff . and Stonehouse, Mrs. Goff and Miss Alice Terrill, and the others who took part, acquitted themselves with great credit. Preparations For a Grand Ball.- - The employees of the Atlantic and Pa cific Telegraph Company, will give a grand ball at the Union Depot Hotel on the 21st of February, the ere of the an It iversary of Washington's birth-dawill undoubtedly be a splendid affair. y. Sale or the NarrowGavge. Wall Paper, Hordcrlng, Decoration; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines; WIXKS, LiqUOHS, AI.i: and POItTKK; Singers' ScTving Machines, in Variety; Despokc Hoot and Shoe Depart enf; Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; 11 PRODUCE, ORAIX, DL'TTEIt, EttttS, Av.; SCI1LTTLER MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BOB WAf.OXS, SLEDS; BRANCHES, &C.,&C. Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors TO Messrs. SALT LAKE CITT Gilmer and Saulsbury hove bought the right, title and claim to the narrow guage Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in tic several Departments Z. C. M. I., as above, that can le scca in the Vctt, and all at fair prices. road from Elko to Hamilton, now in process of construction. The condition of the sl-H. Superintendent. Elko should was that County purchase give a bonus of $100,000, and White Pine a similar donation of $200,000. The work on this road will be vigorous, ly forwarded. B. CLAWSON,' m Desekkt News Itsms. Brother L. W Porter, writing froro Portery'ille, under Festival, The I. O. G. T. will give date of Jan. lUtb, informs us that there a soiree on Monday next. Ample pre- are new from eight to ten cases of small are being made to render it pox at Morgan City, mostly confined to paiaiions the families first affected with it: Tl ere one of the most happy festivals ever giv. are no additional cases at Porterviile. en in Ogden. Further particulars will .V peculiarity connected with' the form be given in due time. of the disease which has appeared in Tbavei.. A marked improvement is Morgan county is that those attacked with it generally appear to be progressnoticed at the depot. Travel is increasing rapidly towards recovery, when they ing, and more life and activity are now uddenly change for the worse and in a exhibited than ever. All the trains are few hours expire on time. No news along the road. The The epizootic is spreading so rapidly the weather is that it is currently expected that if it tracks are clear, and continues at the prevent rate for a few pleasant between Omaha and Ogden. days, horse flesh will have entirely dis Passengers report that on Tuesday a appeared from the strseti.- It is ttate'd, section hand near Cheyenns was run according to the best information that over by a freight train,' and d'ud from can be obtained, that fully three-fourt- h of the horses in town are sick of the the effect of his wont ds, and corroborated by testimony adduced , before the inrcs tigstion committees now in scesien to make inquiries regarding the frauds perpetrated by men occupying places of honor f and trust, that their perquisites alone will com malady. New Papie. It is called the Spirit of Two negroes disagreed this morning, pensate them for their services. the West, is published at Walla Walla, when one of there drew a knife and made sundry lounges and stabs at the by J. W. Rtgsdal. and is a neat, newsy, of THE NEW II O U S E G. F. CTJIIER & C O., or GUOESBECK'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, ' SALT LAKE CITY, , CHINA and JAPAN TE AS ' OF TIIE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, Imported Direct. - hn-meD- " sc THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OT . other, cutting tb hands and head ef the spicy WMkly, not yet a month eld, Its Utter, and also slitting his clothes in motta is, 'Home First, the World "' several plaees. The injuries inflicted We wish it suoos is, Uts sf snhs. Milcm wort, Ufc it fet him were tot f serious oharaeler." The aad ptsolt; sf atli. fcellig ertt Miaptl, S04? C'fenne far A.'!AKOVR',f a XiiSrie. After-ward.- , . . IN TUB TERRITORY; , &ia!se4 Qlass, Greea, Qubjr, Biuc, YfeiUw, Purple aud . Oram. . OrUrt tttm vita Ce&ry rt tktffs. )fstil &1U4, s4 4ms (M l mj ft SVM7 n4 |