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Show disastrous; and if the water! keeps falling and leaving the iCff'HS it is will take a month to get the Atlantic now, it railroad and telegraph in good suape. The Grand Jury yesterday found Indictment for libel against Victoria C. Woodhull, Tennie C. Claffiin and Joseph II. Blood, upon the complaint of Luther C. Challis Warrants for t'aeir arrests were placed iu the hands of the The prisoners are in the Sheriff. BY TELEGRAPH. social O'inr.v Jcsrno iijr tlie utl Tacifto Te!gr"aph Coiitimnj. to th bo very an-oth- er Senatorial Elections in Various States! Spain to Abolish Slavery in Porto Rico! Tombs. Geo. McDonald lectured on Burns at the Assembly Hall, last night, to a large audience. Washington, 20. Internal Revenue Bureau received information that assessor Bryant, of the 4th district of Ter.ne.Moo, seitod in Lincoln county, on the lGthinst., two illicit distilleries in full operation. The apparatus and contents were destroyed. It is announced that the taxes for 1872 will be assessod under the new llcvenue law. The Bureau will be ready to put the law into operation on the 1st of April Great Ice Floods in Maryland! Mrs. Woo-lm- ll and Co. Still in Trouble! TIio Napoleonic Destiny! German Emigration to America! next. The question has been raised, what punishment will be meted out if any persons, implicated iu the Credit Mobiler proceedings, shall have a crime fixed The. law covering the case upon them is to prevent frauds. Approved Feb., Commu1867, which decrees that, "Any person offering a bribe of any kind to any member of Congress, or any member reeeiv ing the same, shall, upen conviction, be fined not more than three times the amount of fraud, or he imprisoned in a penitentiary not more than three years: AMERICAN. aud.A person holding office, shall forfeit, Albany, 21. be disqualified from holding any office U L'nitcJ of honor, trust or profit of the United Colliding Slates .Senator for six yenra from the 4;b States." of March next. It is discovered by telegraph compa-nit- s Helena, 22. who oppose the telegraph proposiA fire liore nt two o'clock this niorn-T!i- .. tion, that the Government management burnod the Neville House unJ severnl is always more expensive and inefficient i;n;i!ler buildings. than private corporations. In the Senate, a bill supplemental to Springfield. 22. Trie leg'slaturc in joint fusion lum the Texas Pacific II. B. act was reported U. J. Oglesby, tloetcd United and passed. The credentials of McMil-le- r Males Senator for six years from the 4th elected for I ho short term nnd Bay "f .March next. for the long term. the U. S. Senate by Atlanta, G.V , 22. tho Warmoth Legislature, were presentThe legislature, in joint session yestcr- - ed and referred to the committee on ty, toted for United States Senator, elections. Edmonds from the judiciary wlii'.H resulted a. follows: Gordon, 81; committee reported a substitute for the Siejiliens, 71; Hill, ""; Akennan, 42. Morton bill to regulate the distribution The fifth ballot resulted in tlu election of the Geneva award, etc. The considerf tJcn. Gordon for Senator. Stephens ation of the bill for the tonstruction of ! I be eent to Congress from the Eighth ten sloops of war was resumed. SherDistrict, made vacant by the death of man's amendment offered yesterday was Jen. Wright. adopted. This bill passed 30 to 8. Virginia, Nev., 22. Bamsay moved to assign Monday next The legfa'nturo met in joint convention lor the consideration of tho Postal Teleand rend the journals of the graph bill. Conkling would object to bu pre day's session and announce 1 the the assignment of any day for such purvote for Senator in follows: Jones, oO; pose until the bill to abolish the frauk-in- g MH'oy, 17; Pe Long, 1; Mclleth, t. privilege was acted on. The calenA dor tt.e Announcement of the vote Jones dar was resumed and several pension was conducted to the Speaker's desk nml bills passed. A bill to allow women to made a lengthy speech, defending hiui- - vote and hold office in the Territories :!f :gtinst the charges that money was was indefinitely postponed. The bill to con-iitly used to secure his flection, alnili-- h the franking pYivilege was taken which charges, he ?aH, had been ma .'c up b a Tote of 28 to 13. Morrill of in the Kasturn end I'acifio const press, Vermont offered an amendment providing ile acknowledged that tiiouey had been against any .allowance to . Members of licoly used. He had himself disbursed Congress in lieu of the franking privibut only for legitimate canipaigti lege. IMmuuda declared the bill a delulrg:-!ylie dcchii ed himself in favor sion and tho abuses of the privilege c:i.es. ixj of the Federal Government controlling the ought to be corrected, but the benefits of ihaji:.c!j of coiiimtmicntiou on the high- the privilege belonged to the people not way of commerce, and pledged himselt Congressmen. After some further deto support the nie;vsurcs for the regula bate Morrill's amendment was adopted. tir,, equalization and reduction by Fed-tr- ! On motion cf Carpenter, the bill was inrthority of freight fares on all rail-- ri then ro amended as lo simply abolish the Is, particularly those built wholly or fmuking privilege on the , 1st of July 1'artly by Government ubsidie, and next The bill then passed S3 to 1C. tivoco tlie project tif postal telegraphy The House Bill for the admission of without expressing .i preference for any Colorado was discussed during the mornVinictl.tr ecbcme. Jones ttarts for the ing hoar witoout n vote. I'aein and Middle States in February. The Bill to amend an Act granting New York, 22. right cf way to Walla Walla and ColumThe specie exports yesterday were one bia River Railroad, passed. , bundled and thousand Uollars Tho House resumed consideration of in ."!J coin and fitlj-ninthousand in the Bill to create a Board of Commissilver bars. Kngagenients for today sioners of Commerce, aud after discustine? hundred thousand dollars. sion tabled the bill bv a vote of 121 to The Samana Bay company, at a meet-i.'.- CI. A bill from the Appropriation Comychterday, adopted the Commissioners report, and ratified the cutr.raet mittee appropriating one hundred and inali vith the San Domingo Govern-:ncn- thiitcen thousand dollars to supply a deunci elected A. B. Siockwcll, Trs ficiency iu tho expenses of the American ident; Paul N. SpofTurd, and British Mixed Commi sion passed. The directors of the Colonization llpnty (V,ews, Treasurer; and 11. 11. 'Hat ard. f'UTtnry. The company intend have resolved to urge the Governpvirdi-isiiior building three steamers, ment to establish ft line of steamers to h&siucj Tyboe, which w ill run regularly Liberia. Three thousand applicants between tins pott and Samana, estab- await passage, nnd tin ce hundred leave lishing weekly communication; they also on, the first of May. Most of Ihc appliiuiend chartering a large steamer, and cants are from Florida and Georgia. The Hon. James Brooks is ordered by sending out a cabin load of excursionists who nuy wish to inspect San Domingo his physicians to quit work. He is sufbeiei e taking residence there. The Ty-- b fering severely from at tucks arising e is row loading with house furniture, from his summer around the journey etc , for (he officers of the company. world. He has not attended the sesSt.it j bare been commenced ia the V. sions of the House or Wuys and Means S. Iistiitl Court to recover taxes from committee for fortnight. the trie Hailroau company on sterliug The Brest lent in an interview with bund fcaiJ to be duo to ho Government. Charles O'Neil, of Philade phia, yesterTwenty-fou- r $1,000 bonds on the day, explained that his recent proclamaTexas Central were stolen from the tion in reference to tho holding of State banking house of Hatch & Son, Wall offices by Federal officers was not in :.'-..street. tendod to apply to members of school or Tort Deposit, lid., 22. ... educational boards. Gieul ice floods continue. The ice The Senate committee on eloctjons will gorged between here aud the lower commence the examination of Louisiana all (lie buildings on the lower sid matters and resume the Caldwell case ofthj Greets are deserted, the inmates on Saturday. bing compelled to do so to save their Before the Wilson camnntUo, E, II. liven. Tito railroad track and depot are Rollins testified that Ben Butler received, four feet tiiid r water.- - The telegraph three thousaud dollars in December, oilice.H deserted, aud the conti e of town 18(50, for legal services from the Union i Wooded.. The ice varies from 200 to Pacific. ... ' .. ,) i 'v, . .;. t, 2)0 feet high, and .all caked' along the '. Halifax, 22. the h wets nnd wharf. Iu the upper . Anxiety ia folt here for the safety of part of ihc village n oops and canal boats ship Nothing me d'dwo vp o Maiq street, blocking has been heard "IlimelayH.".of her since ' sho ' left tKe tiilroad The river v;W rising up lo Eagtani. '; ,v '; I If w. i i falling now " If tUo?o Vorfc, 22 hliouli brtak up t Safe it will' A special to tbt TVraJ ' frata Wash A Murderer to Suffer the Penalty of Death! Execution of nists in France! Arrests in Important New York! cd t v- ye.-.cvJa- j , . nl'iy-pcve- n c ir t. Vice-Presiden- t; So-ci- cy ( ) , f d; ; J 1 , . th-tio- op .' 'l- jr.UlnhV. s i ..:: Reington says that a large circle of to anxious who are publicans there, have a change in the head of the State ' Department to the end that some New Yorker may become Secretary of the Treasury, have made late dispatches from Madrid on the Cuban question, the occasion of adverse criticism upon Mr. Fish. Sharp brokers yesterday took preliminaries for the formation of an organization. The announcement that Foster would be hanged, had a very depressing effecj upon Stokes and other murderers in the Tombs. When Foster received the news he secluded himself in hi9 cell, refusing to see any one. The printing of the bon is and currency for the Japanese Government, in this city, has been completed, and Mr. Vosis, Japanese Commissioner, who has been superintending the business, will soon return to his own country. The police yesterday arrested five persons in two establishments In Broadway whence circulars oScring counterfeit money were sent out to different parts of the country. A deputation from the Committee of Seventy has gone to Albany to oppose certain portions of the proposed City Charter, now before the Legislature. Buffalo, 23. The police arrested two Railroad Confidence operators who were prowling around the Central depot in this city last night. One was cnught trying to exchange a check on the Erie County Bank of this city for cash. Both were locked up. They were examined when a bogus check for $2,000 was found. No one could be found to appear against Ihem and they were discharged on cgreeing to leave the city at once, which they did. The police are trying to break up thse confidence operations. to-d- ay witnesses, lawyers and died cheering the Benof Thiers." the Commune aud the army. There was only one volley, as all died instantly. There were but a few ,pcc tators. ; false with Be-publi- c, Salt Lake Items. The BiO Wjxr 23. General Produce following COMlilSSM are from the Dtteret Evening Xev$ of HElllim ! the 22nd, inst. If Samuel James, who left London for Utah many years ago, aud who is n Fifth Street, South Side V. C. U. native of Bradford, Wiltshire, England, leiot, will communicate with Mrs. Scott, of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, he will hear something to his advantage. He UTAH, can also hear concerning the same mat-te- r, Mark Lindsey, of by addressing-M- r. Salt Lake City. Mr. II. N. Allred, writing from Spring Wanted and for Sale, City, Sanpete, Jan. 18th, Hates that two small children were attacked with a Eggs disease which terminated fatally in fouriJuttCT, teen hours from the time of the appearCbickons, ance of the first symptoms. The malaFlonr, dy consisted of a btrong fever accompanied by insatiable thirst, nnd before Grain, death occurred the surface of the skin IJeels, was covered with blotches, which, howTurnips, ever, afterwards disappeared, aud morOnions, tification ensued. Tomatoes, are informed that there was a very Potatoes, severe snow nnd wind storm at Sugar House Ward a. lew days ago. So powerful Apples, was the wind that the roof was lifted Plums, clean from a building belonging to Mr. Peaches, George Hugenlobler and carried a conCabbage,. siderable distance away. A chimney was also blown down and a large numALL IN THEIR SEASON. ber of (he bricks in the walls of the same building were loosened. We We understand that the people of Tooele and Gmntsville have commenced New Orleans, 23. grading on the Salt Lake, Sevier Valley Orders Solicited and Prompt Ij Filled Brownsville advices to the 8th receiv- and Tioche railroad, near Clinton's On the Lin of tlie C. P. smd U. I. K. R. ed here state a great number of horses Lake Point, and arc workiug in both and cattle are dying between Browns- directions, East and West, from that ville and Lewis River, the late frost hav- place. It was expected that fifty men aud a number of teams would commence ing killed the grass. Work on the railroad ia progressing the work yesterday morning. favorably. The new telegraph will soon be in werking order. The last of the 10th Infantry left Fort Brown on the 8th inst. for regimental headquarters at Fort McDcavitt. The A despatch from Bombay sap a Mexican Government has estab'ised ft By the Tun or Car Load, for Sale. district court at Matamoras. Gen. Cor- report h.ts reached that city that a tina is ft frequent visitor when the Mex- terrible earthnuake has occurred at ican commission is in session. Soonghur, a town of India, in a deHavana news of the 14th says the tached district of the Baroda domin sugar plantations at Conception, Colum- ions. 114 miles north nf Rmilmv bia, Siintieafel, Santa Rosa, Jantereis, I .rtier9 anJ ,et,e" of !n1uirJ wU1 reSanta Domingo and San Jose, belonging Fifteen hundred persons arc said to ceive prompt atteution. to various persons in tho United States, peon heard from the surrounding ' who are charged with rebellion, have country, but it is feared that thcr ,tU ;.;;.-- . ... . . been leased by the Spanish Government has been mucli additional loss - " of lifts, j for a snm to be paid annually. ' It is supposed the number of armed rebels in the Island is 12.000. The steamer Edgar Stuirt has landed arras ami, ammunition for the patriots at Parto. Par ies in charge of arms Lave moved into the country. Col. Melchoir ' ' ' ' ' : J i Agnew was in command of the expediIlo-te- l, Shipping a Specialty! Terrible Earthquake. UINTAH COAL - l..,.... 1 Z. . I., - Og&cn C. jH, : - tion. Wholesale FOREIGN Madrid, 22. Congress was engaged yesterday the bill providing for compulsory service in the nrmy. The special committee of Congress on the abolitiox of slavery in Porto Rico will The probably present their report question of indemnification to the owners is settled and details alone delay the report. The committee will propose that the emancipation of tho slaves shall be after the procompleted in four mulgation of the passago of the bill. The Cortes will commence to discuss the bill at an early day. The members of the late Cabinet published a declaration yesterday repudia ting the idea that they favored the sale of de-bali- to-la- 2.000 PIECES i ' London, 22. was decided that the Empre?s Eugenie nnd Prince Napoleon should be the political guardians of the Prince Imperial, and they will therefore direct the movements of the party. It is said no manifesto announcing the intention of the Bonapartists will be issued. The Prince Imperial will not be called Napoleon IV, but will be known as Count Tierre Fouds. His adopt, d motto is "Strength, ' but not .rnpatience." . Denims, Domestics, iavsimcrcn, Tweeds, Jtc, Etc. Cotiomules, Jeans, . CLOTHING READY-MAD- E ! Hats and iCaps, B OO T S AN D S HO E S 1 Of Every Variety, E ASTERX and CALIFORNIA MAXUFACTtRE. A General Assortment of The Persian minister of this city ix a the contradiction of the report that Persia made a secret treaty for the ceding of territory to Bussia. A dispatch from Oenoa says, the Reverend Edward ISourie Pusey is danger, ously ill in that city. The remaius of Dulwer Lytton wiil be buried at Kenil-wort- h au-th- PR1TS ! impressWoolCloflis, Jlerinos, Alpacas, AriimrcJ,' lclaincs, etc. Ginghams, Ticking, im-ntl- is It is reported that a conference has been held at Chiselhurst at which it ill " . y. tuna. ' s '. ' oi - to day. . Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' "and other. Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF . There is an extensive emigration movement to Amerioa among the German colonists of Prussia. One hundred and families twenty having left Bersina Plows,Hoes, Rakes.ScythfeSiForks ' alone, The Grand Duchess Helena Paulson .". ii dead . i, v : By order of King William the German Court will go into mourning for one week ' far Napoleon. ' KTC., KTC 7 ' . : " HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. 7, Paris, 22. Masses for Iho repose of the soul of the late Emperor Napoleon were celebrated, in number of churches' in this city yosterJay. Largo crowds were in ' attendance. Feronilli, Deoamp, - and Benot, cani do ned communists, were- shot "early liU this morning at Satory Plain. Feronilli , died without a worL Dooamp's Utt words were., "i die aMasniuaivd. Pvwn - 1 A Full Line i , atdrcal orders .. , ; , . of Of 'All .Descriptions. to X). .' JT, PEEK Vs Vgtlin recipe prompt attentions 4 Ciiy' V. " T. " |