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Show i THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 8 Page "SPEEDY" EDAM UAiAi rKJ M r.T'AP RAYnHROV' AM 1 TN CLtACU 1 BAIL. SOME SPEED RECOR05 ... with THE i Motor Co, 4955 State St. McDaniel-Brook- s by 1 SEND W 'THAT PARACHUTfeyA FAILS TO DO II AND. I Ttr TO 1 THIS FINE USED CAR F?ONJ BASACHOTt ETAA E .fiO0 AMD 1T t SACS AMD I IClASil HOW I'LL OET DOWN TOEAI IC i WING f I FLOOtY' SPECIALS 193G Dodge 193G Dodge 1935 Ford tour. Hudson '8 1034 trunk sedan trunk sed 4-- 4-- :. $199 $379 scd. radio-hea- t sed. fine shape$299 r. r. 1 McD, 1937 lLm Terraplane lirougn., detrost,neat$b4 lcM Sedan Rockne ig29 Qldsmoblle 1932 Studebaker -n 6, r. ....$75.50 Sed $175 ks, Inc. PONTIAC TERRAPLANE Phone Hyland 8999 or Murray 560 HUDSON 4955 $499 South State Street 1938 Murray High Sophs End Season The Murray High School Sophs ended a successful football season by losing only two out of six games. The Davis Darts were the victims in the last game of the season losing to Murray The Murray Sophs have displayed some fine ball playing during the season and have some promising material for next year's squad. The only two teams to beat Murray were Jordan and Bingham. This is the first year the sophomore teams in the Jordan District have had a tournament where seven teams participated. Competition was between the following teams: Jordan, Bingham, Cyprus, Tooele, Granite, Murray and Davis. The Murray Sophs were under the direction of Coach Wayne 13-- LADIES 0. 6 Sizes Reduced 15-1- to .... 'fl tlVv . Smiths At State University r sity of Utah. Among them are two Helen Smith's, two David Smith's, two Hyrum Smith's, Follow These Mailing Instructions And Be Safe w Yd. letter-- carrier x star-rout- in-s- nV-mKn- HICKORY STRIPE Short Jackets OtJ Reduced to oaveiime&LYioney - D rice r f first-cla- Double Blankets Colorful Plaids Size 66x80 Part Wool -- Ski Jackets Ilood styie i 49 Ar"oiParka 7L Reduced to . Growing Girls Shoes Leather All WOMEN'S Glen Row Dresses 4 gg Broken Sizes Reduced to X $2 77 Reduced to Misses Ski Pants . EXTRA LARGE Part Wool All Wool Sizes 6 to 20 Real Value at this ft-- i Ofi Reduced Prfce . . . . X 72 Blankets W ?249 TOY LAND OPENS SATURDAY""" Lions Club To Hear Welfare Worker Holladay Coed On BYU Committee For Harold D. Fife, member of the Salt Lake Countv hnnrri rvf nnk. Ball Dec. 2 lic welfare, will disscuss the ef- PROVO Utah (Special to the tect ot social disease on the problems of vouth at thp the Lions club Thursday, Decem- - of Holladay is on the committee o. Ul sponsoring the Associated WThe meeting will be held in the omen Students Preference Ball at Murray citv fire hall Bngham Young University, DJames Clove, publicity manager ecember 2. iur me The unique feature of this ball is that the coeds select their and buy the tickets. To sPupils of ecure a partner for the dance, the Bergman In Recital young women place a list of four desired men, in order of her prePiano DUDils of Mrs Bergman of Sandy, formerly of ference, with the date bureau. As Murrav. will piv a rofit-i- i ot tk. far as possible, each girl is dated Sandy City Second Ward, on No- - With the fellow of her rhnire However, seniors are given prevemDer at 8 p. m. Pupils will aDDear in Rnwlnt ference over juniors, juniors over costumes and th nnhlic i no. sophomores, and soDhomores over sured of a very entertaining per- freshmen, formance. Mrs. Bergman is quite The theme of the ball will be well known in thf mneir In a Snow Kine's Palace." and of this district. Arctic decorations, a floor show, The recital was originally and dance program will carry out planned for October, but a fire mis xeature. i ne most popular oesiroyca tne residence of Mrs. male, as shown hv thp nrpfprimff Bergman and disarranged the lists, will be crowned the "Snow plans for the recital. King." Preference 1 Mrs. . CHANGE IN Ralph Duvall W. Life Health Aceident I ire - Automobile Casualty SURETY BONDS Second Floor Continental Bank Building- - Salt Lake PHONES WASATCH HOLLADAY 674S 244 BUS SCHEDULE Effective Dec. 1, 1938 Ssuthbeund but will Uavi at 1:13 IniMid of :45 a m. Compltti ichadula will b ai followi: 1 SOUTH Iv. Murray Ar, Lot Anf iiWSi.m. . l. 7:o m.m, a :15a. 45p 6 :30a.m. 2 NORTH Murray 3:14p.m. 8:llp Ar. Salt Lata 3 :30p.m. 8 :55p 6:J9.n m. m. 6 :45i UNION BUS DEPOT 4800 So. State Phone 37 Union Pacific Stages FAtS1' vu ta msuuluj ior cieaninf depends upon the CLOTHES YOU ana rressing. it CLFANEPi Call On I'sWe'll Call iiT Phone Murray ss Ra Winn rfllical ww I II V IOVi MM Per Gal, SILVER BELL 1 Budapest. GASOLINE 1 LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTI C ES Consult Clerk of Divtrirt r.uir or the respective signers for fur tner information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estates- nf- Annin -Pit.. ttt mm nn,l Frederick Peters, also sometimes known as Fred Peters, deceased. p" 7 Gal. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE at SILVER BELL STATION . tt Direct From Refinery To You . ..... viuiiiis Mervyn LtRoy will produce Stand Up and FiKht" with Robert Taylor and Wallace Beery W. S. VanDyke II will dU . . . Donald Ogden Stewart will do the screen adaptation of the Broadway stajre success, "The Worn, en . . . Eddie Buiicll has been signed to a new lontt-tercontract by Fay Balnter has befn signed for a featured role In the 3lVl rr,wford lrrinf vehicle, Sit The Shining Hour". ... with vouchers In lh mH at 47fx South State Street, Mur-ra- y City, Utah, on or before the 20th day of January, A. D. 1939 Nat Levine has signed a contract FREDERICK H -PFTfn! ....... nua,i - s producer with and will do a series of minilrator of Iho Kst.iti.s .,f a nie Peters and Frederick Peters, for that company. Formerly also sometimes known as Fred President of Mascot Picture!, Lc' Peters, deceased. vine has been very active in the W. DOUGIJVS AM.FV Am,.- production field since 1934. His liev for Administrator. 47f!ii snmi, during that period include State Street, Murray. Utah. "Harmony Lane", "Confidential", Date of flrsil rmlil Laughing Irish liar' -- pic-tur- es 4400 South State Street 1 d - I Only Price Only 65p "v Reduced to . . n ,$298 3-- g, d I Reduced to , L N. Schwan quick-actin- H) Shirts Girls' Dresses Sizes Aw ll n. Price Flannel Sport SUNNY TUCKER n, AUTO Dark 7, ALL WOOlT Reduced to .Tnr-l- f Smith's, Lowell Smith's, and three and Marian Fifty-fou- r Smith's are among Don Smith's Smith's, and three Richard e twenty-threthe four thousand (Continued from Page 1) Smith's. students enrolled at the Univer- follows: The name of Johnson is secFirst Class Letters and writond most numerous in the "U" student body with thirty students ten and sealed matter, 3 cents answering to that name. Ander- for each ounce, except when adson's follow with twenty-sevedressed for local delivery; local Brown's and Peterson's each have letters, 2 cents an ounce at and Hansen s, twenty-ftwenty-sioffices, and 1 cent an FINANCING ive. Jones' account for but ounce at other offices unless colof the student body lected or delivered by rural or twenty-thre- e e LOW RATES ON and Williams' for twenty-one- . carriers, in which case of the rate is 2 cents an ounce; Govcommon name Utah The NEW OR USED CARS Young is limited to only twelve ernment postal cards, 1 cent each; students this year. private mailing or post cards, including greeting cards in this thirty-nin- e are there Altogether form, 1 cent each. pairs of students having Air mail Parrels wpichincr loco BRIEF identical names and two cases ITEMS Company where three students were chris than 10 pounds but exceeding 84 inches in and com same length tened with the Bank BIdg. girth appellation. (Continued from Page 1) Murray 464 bined are subject to rate. be held Fridav at t the Addresses school, rather than in the afterAddress all matter plainly and noon, as orieinaliv srhpHnlnH completely in ink, giving street cause of the holiday. Hereafter address or box or rural rnnto me ciass win De neia each Frinumber whenever possible. Place day at 2:3l) D.m. A larcm orMir. sender's return card in upper attended the class last week. left corner of address side. Tags sould not be used unless necesRobert Hansen and Freedell sary, in which case a copy of the Green, Murray boys, are playaddress and return card should ing in "Romeo and Juliet", a be placed inside the parcel for farce, to be presented at Westidentification if tag is lost. minster CollePP Onrt All parts will be taken by boys. Packing and Wrapping Pack articles carefully in strong ousiness and social durable containers. Wrap parcels for officers andmeeting teachers of Murdo not seal them ray Second Ward Rflinf securely, but except when bearing a printed is scheduled for Monday even label or endorsement, reading: ing. iMovemoer ZHtn, at the home Post"Contents, merchandise of Mrs. Theresa Johannason. master: This parcel may be opened for postal inspection ii necParents of school childessary," together with name and ren enjoyed Liberty a Thanksgiving pro"address of sender, as sealed parat the school Wednesday. Why Suffer Lonaer Than Neeessarv? cels not so labeled or endorsed gram visited classes in the They Anti-PaiDr. Miles are subject to Dostaee at the let n Pills Relieve Quickly morning and were entertained ter rate. The name and addrpss DR. MILES ANTI - PAIN out you back on vour feet cnnaren m the afternoon. of the sender may be hand writ oy tne PILLS were made for just one again "rarin to go". ten or typewritten on the labels. The Community Bible Class, DR. MILES ANTI - PAIN Limit of Size purpose to relieve pain. Users Mrs. Blanche Gallaphnr tn-ni- PILLS act You don't not mav Parcels inn pxpppH quickly. write that they "work like meets at the Baptist Church evhave to wait forty minutes to inches in length and girth com- - ery magic". They contain an efWednesday night at 7:30 o'Dines. an hour for them to take effect clock. The public is urged to take fective, analgesic as is the case with Limit of Weight of this opportunity to many analpain reliever. The limit of wpieht of frmrth. advantage gesics. You'll get action in from the Bible under a most study class or parcel-pos- t matter is 70 competent and Pills ten to twenty minutes. Try Dr. Miles Anti-rai- n interesting leader. for all zones, including pounds before you lose a day's work DR. MILES ANTI - PAIN Manila. Iloilo. Cehu. Znmhnancta and pay or break a social en- PILLS are pleasant to take, Fire caused damages estimated Davao, and Baguio, P. I., but par at S2.(iK) gagement because of HEADMonday morning at the handy to carry, prompt and efiscels other those lor in places Latham Grocery store, 20th East ACHE, MUSCULAR. PERIOD- fective in action, and do not lands mav not exceed 20 Bounds and Thirty-thirIC. OR NEURALGIC PAINS. upset the stomach. Their cost South, report-ePermissible Additions John W. Clay, Salt Lake They may be just what you is small. One. or at most twn and Enclosures fire chief. need to relieve your pain and is usually sufficient to relieve. Parcels may be marked "Do County The blaze was confined to the not open until Christmas," this basement. Cause At j our Drug Store, 13 for 23c. 123 for $1.00. of the fire was being Dermitted in order to en undetermined. The building courage early mailing. which belonged to C. G. Latham Written greeetings, such as was insured. Christmas,". .... "Merry "Happy New r 1, ....... vvun uest wishes, and icar, on the question of betnames, numhnrs nr svmKnla f li terSurvey bus service In Murray was the purpose of description, may this week by the Pubdc enaosea wun tnird- - or fourth-clas- s completed lic Service Commission of the (parcel-pos- t mail. Books State of Utah. mav bear simole dedie.itnrv in. Notification of findings is exsenptions not of a personal natwithin a few said ure. Other written additions sub- acted ulen E, Howe, Murraydays, city atto letter postage. ject parcels uo not enclose letters in par- torney. cels, as doing so would subject Evening classes in shorthand, entire parcel to letter postage. business Communications crenaid ut iho will start accounting, and typing Monday. Nov. 23 at the USE SILVER BELL rate may be sent with Murray high school at 7 p.m., at the thirdparcels prepaid or tarter S. Grant, TETRAETHYL STATE REGISTERED fourth-clas- s organizer of the bv rate securely at. classes, announced. tachlne the envelopes FIRST GRADE GASOLINE containing Scheduled to meet Monday and me letters or otner written matWednesday of each week from 7 to FOR QUICK STARTING ter the outside of SMOOTH RUNNING parcels. p.m. to 9 p.m., the classes are Seals free to all. Christmas seals or stickers Mrs. Bishop will inshould not be placed on the ad- struct atCornelia these classes. dress side of mail. 1 Special Handling Parcels of fourth-clas- s matter, PRODUCTION NEWS endorsed "Special handling" will 44 be given the most expeditious TaulctU Goddard hat been signed handling and transportation prac- for an important role in "Dramatic ticable (but not special delivery) School", Luise Rainer'i next itar. upon payment, in addition to the Ting picture. Alan Marshall and ALSO regular postage, of the following uaie iondergaard are other addicharge: Up to 2 pounds, 10 cents; tions to the cast of the production, over 2 pounds, up to HIGH-TES- T pounds, which deals with the 15 cents; over 10 Roysl Academy pounds, 20 cents. of Actors in Janet 36-3- Clean-U- p Outing Flannel 27 Inches Wide - Fifty-Fou- otuaents Suits Sizes LIGHT COLOR Neilson. The squad is comprised of the following players: Captain Keith McDonald, Calvin Zabriski, James Freeze, Lee Lund. Walter Jaeksnn Rnhi. son, Robert Haldine, Fenton Mur ray, L,amar Hansen, Joe Vicchril-li- , Kenneth Van, Richard Mix, Wallace Larsen, Wallace Wahl-eDale King, Lee Hamblin, Tonv Sherieh. DaviH VJuhh Ron. aid Adamson, Steve Pavich', Dar-reGill, James Marsden, Wayne myers, myara Jensen, Deloy McMillan. The Murray backfield did some brilliant playing during the season. Kenneth Van did some wonderful DaSSinff anH Pantain AT. Donald did some very fine punting for the sophs. Lamar Hansen and Joe Vicchrilli did some very- fine runninffo dnrincr tho v"v grid season. DOUBLE BREASTED Jersey Knit Pajamas pic-lur- ! vembrr 17, A. D. 1938. 1938. ' Last Dublication. ln. Eyes", "The vetcr "The President's Mystery" 'I nd ?Tht Hit Parade." es Good taste and go!e!y are reflected in the plccsinj quality and brilliant fla ron I these choice Roma WlneK While Pert !Ud Port Toley Anjtlica toganbrryt 140 Brandy) Aleekat AiBhJ 11 ISO FroL Shtrrf Muscat) BlacVbetTrf SautrBt Clartt Champanf tr to 11 olum. it At Utah Uquor Stores and Package ,lium li'1 31 |