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Show 24, 1938 THE MURRAY EAGLE, THlTRcnAV. NOVEMBER Page 2 Students To In Opera Show-Talen- News From the Murray Schools Jirrayl Editor Assistant Editor Issued every Thursday. Entered as second class matter February 8, 1927, at the Post Oifice at Salt Lake City, Utah, under Act of B. WWiac"e tJrrV. B. Wallace March 3, 1879. Terms of Subscription Salt Lake County Year in Advance $l.tti 50 Six Month in Advance in United States Elsewhere $2.00 Year in Advance Bonnyview school children as a result of a creative writing urge, produced sundry Thanksgiving verses of dubious merit. Printed here are those which were adjudged best by students. H ere an d Th ere op-er- THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving The day which we are living Turkeys, pies, and candy, We think they are just dandy We eat so much jelly and cake, It seems to make our belly ache. Duane Buckley. PUMPKINS Pumpkins all golden Bins full of grain For a bounteous harvest We thank Thee again. Again its Thanksgiving A day to rejoice For the land in which we are Discuss cast leads have been the annual opera for chossen which will be held in the high school auditorium, December 9 md 10. This year's opera will be Gilbert and Sullivan's "H. M. S. Pinafore," directed by Mr. Robinson with students from the sixth class taking part. period "II. M. S. Pinafore" tells the story of the Captain's daughter, Josephine, who loves a sailor, Ralph Rackstraw. They plan to elope but Dick Deadeye, the villain of the story, overhears the "lot and reveals it to the captain md Sir Joseph Porter, Ralph's rival. When the captain prevents he elopement, Little Buttercup, a bumboat woman reveals a secret which changes the situation. In the role of Josephine will he Vosta Johnson and Virginia Gillispie with Ronald White and George McMillan as Ralph. Captain Corcoran, Commander of the Pinafore, will be played by Sam Bringhurst and Max Tripp. Cast for the role of Little Buttercup is Betty White and Emelia and Shirley Westover and LaVella Johnson will play the oart of Hebe. In the part of Dick Deadeye will be LaVar McMillan. n Charles Call and Duane with Bill Beck as the boatswain and Laurence Erick--o- n as mate, Ralph Simper and Jim Kilby as Sir Joseph Porter. Accompanying music will be played by the high school orchestra. Approximately 100 students will perform, including the cast, chorus and orchestra. An enjoyable evening is assured to those who attend. Prices will be 35c for reserved seats and 25c for general admission. Students will be able to secure reserved seats by presenting their activity cards and 25c. BONNYV1EW ' Mur. 35 15ifsPisE-'e- Liberty P..T Double .:;::....:.'.:.:,:.,:. CityTtah t liv- ing Give thanks with heart and voice. Dale Ahlberg a a Final membershin ness of the t,? ' Mpl b h01 be negotiaJ within the next two nr, i,:, I. t mimer WW A week, dent. A rinfin;, 9 riat l oeen set, but will We exp,ct to te Zm Un- have "lore th 60 members ih our last vpnr'c Jr'Jml Lars on. said FLASH!! Freshies annmm nual freshie Frolic" . in First in a series nf arthe"Grdwfi day nun, director of th uner ni, mance Is a Racket- the Fish." said ?ntcd aeain at VvfLrlbewJ ond ward on No in the Miirmw " aH vember v.'1 29. Pe-dro- sa A wise old owl sat in an oak. SAID THE TURKEY The more he saw, the less he Upon the shelf Sat a little elf spoke; The less he spoke, the more he Talking to the different odds and heard ends. Why can't 'we be like this wise The turkey and the yams, old bird? The pie and the jams The cranberries and the pig Around 40,001 on an average, Were also there. pass through Murray City each 24 hourse. This is simply an amSaid the Turkey to the elf azing fact and makes a strong Who sat upon the shelf, challenge to the imagination. "I was the wisest foul that ever Wonder where all these people lived." are going! Then the pig jumped up and said "You ought to lose your head." I was the wisest thing that ever Saturday is a heavy traffic lived." day in Murray City and even puzzles the expert motor As they quarrelled on and on traffic control experts. on The big kettles were put The teacher asked Billy to And the turkey and the pig Will never do a punctuate this sentence: "A nak- Because it's true jig that they ed girl ran into the woods." Were cooked an eaten too. Billy replied that he'd make a Barbara Durst dash after the girl. Murray high school "Ag Club" Several new improvements are members staged a fathers' and sons' banquet Monday at the getting underway in Murray. school. Club officers assisted by UFA investigations in the J. M. Stevens, club adviser, were in charge of events. country are rumored and ev(Continued on Page 3) en Murray people have heard in this regard. mutterings Ad Expert Talks Murray Christmas decorations Maxine Thomason, of the Z.C. for streets contemplates a large star at 48th South and State St. M.I. advertising department, explained commercial types of adAfter Saturday's fox hunt vertising In a talk which she it's going to be hard to be gave to the business English satisfied with just ducks and class at Murray high school Frisage hens. Some of the day, October 28, 1938. townspeople want to make Miss Thomason outlined the fox hunting an annual event. steps which a rough draft went , , The newspaper men had quite through before it became a fina time Saturday covering the big ished ad. She had sketches of fox hunting escapade. Mr. Kir-b- the rough draft and for each and his cameraman were giv--- n step. a bum steer down 53rd South. They tramped through bushes TRUTH HELD USUALLY and swamps, and nearly drown- ATTACKED BY EVIL ed in crossing Little Cottonwood Creek. But their efforts were in "Ancient and Modern Necrovain. All the excitement was mancy, Alias Mesmerism and near Vine Street and they had Hypnotism, Denounced" is the to retrace their steps. We hear subject of the in that Mr. Kirby swears some- all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 27. times. The Golden Text is: "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Murray Eagle ChrLstmxs Issue is to be out December (Romans 8:31). 15. Among the Biblical citations is the following: "Behold. I send Father Kennedy Is watching you forth as sheep in the midst with intense interest the prog- of wolves: be ye therefore wise ress of the Christmas Hope Chest. as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware cf men: for Well, well, so George Dor-a- n they will deliver you up to the is to be the new school councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues" (Matboard member, succeeding thew ID: 16. 17). Mr. Kingston. Included as correlative passare ages followir.g from "SciRussel is a beautiful name and ence and the Health w.th Key to the a much demanded quality, all in one person, speaking off the rec- Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: The broadest facta array the ord. most falsities agair.it themselves, for they bring error from under Athletic Managers cover (p. 97). If the Master had not taken a student and taught Chosen the unseen vtnt;es of God, he would not have been crucified. Mike Vichrilli and Sterling Lar- - The determination to hold Spirit sen have been selected to serve in the grasp of mattter Is the perns athletic managers for the bas-- senator of Truth and Love" (p. ketball season. 28J y lesson-sermo- n 1 "'' our "Continuing Form Policy is MODERN in every respect YOU make a saving of around 40 '7 because there is only one SALES COST! Ask for quotation on your car. Fanners Automobile J. Eu-imnp- r KKX HAMILTON South State Street Thnne Murray 165 or Midvale 93 Rl 4D63 bw,cidi Fred-rickso- utmffi iv'"iiifiViiHiiii' Courtesy ball J.aK.e xeiegran. mm' rn'i Ronald White and Vosta Johnson locking over the opera score Murray High Notes Teams Display Fine Playing In Series The class series which are play ed every year at Murray High School got under way last Wed nesday when there were some thrilling games played. The second night determined the two teams which were to play for the championship, the first place winner receiving a fine trophy which will be placed in the school troThere were eight phy case. teams entered in the tournament. There were two teams from the senior, junior, and sophomore classes with only one from the freshman class and one faculty team. Through their tournament Coach Rose is able to determine who are the best players and who will qualify to remain out for the rest of the season. The final games played Friday night proved very exciting to the ones who watched. Basketball Schedule In what will prove to be tough schedule for Murray, several exciting games have been arranged. The team will play Lincoln twice, and American Fork twice. Other games are, scheduled as pre-seaso- n follows: Nov. 23 Lincoln at Murray. den Nov. at Murray. Dec. 2 Murray at Lincoln. Dec. !' Murray at Weber. Dec. 14 American Fork at 30-Og- Murray. Dec. 21 Fork. Murray at American With support from the school and plenty of hard work, Murray should succeed. Publication Staffs To Attend Convention The Muray hie,h school journalism class and the yearbook staff are planning to attend the sixth Annual Conference of the Intermountain high school journalists, to be held Saturday, 3, 1933. at the Brighnm Young University in Provn. Utah. A very interesting program has been planned by the committee in charge of the convention and everyone is expected to have a good time. The high schools throughout the state have been asked to send In any questions or problems, dealing with journalism, and they will be discussed at the convention. Tart of the program will be set apart to the memory of Mr. Merrill, an instructor of journalism, who passed away a few months ago. Yearbook Staff To Sponsor Contes The yearbook staff is sponsoring a contest for an opprepri. ate theme for the 193!) yearbook. The theme is to be used throughout the book concerning artcover and in work, write-ups- . the dedication, The theme is ti consist mainly originality, practicability, and general appeal. The contest is open to all students of the senior high school, with all entries in by December 2. Entries are to bo submitted to Calvin McMillan or Mr. Bjork-lunnmst-Jiav- itT-Insuran- ce Seats as far back as the on the main Ann, ,..: , ed and .he m,inl Slated For Dec. 16 The Freshie Frolic will be held December 16. Verl McMillan, class president, plans to make it a big event. Life admission. W. Dmall - cSt) Health le. SURETY BONDS Second Floor Bank 1 Continental Building- - Salt Lake PHONES WASATCH 674J HOLLADAT 244 Get the world's good news daily through The Christian Science Monitor An Inltrnatloml Daily h'eu ipuper Tubliihtd by THE CHRISTIAiN SCIENCE PUBLISHING Teacher's Son Goes On Mission SOCIETY One, Norwijr Street, Boston, Musachuittu Regular reading of The Christian Science Monitor Smith. Mr. D. Smith's son is going on a mission to the North Central States on November 24. 1933. dent of Murray high school from which he graduated in 1935. He went to the B. Y. U. for one year and to the U. of U. for one year and two quarters. Lowry Smith was a member of the Murray High School band. He, had his farewell on November 12, 1938. Lowry ii comiJcrtd by many a liberal education. Its clean, unbiased news and eaitorial features, including the Teekly Magazine Section, nuke Monitor the ideal newspaper for the home. The prices are: ! months 18.00 3 months S3 00 1 month II 00 "f00 nIH,ei Wednesday lsaue. Including Magazine Section: 1 year 12 o. issues 25 and th paper is obtainable at the following location! Christian Science Reading Room Mclntyre Bldg, Salt Lake City Soph Circus Goes Over s Friday, Nov. 18, the Soph held in the Murray high school gym, went over with big success. Music was furnished by the Aristocrats of Rhythm, who can be classed as one of the best orchestras that have played at the Murray hiRh school. The concessions were al.su successfully held. Among these games baseball pitching and EB gun shooting were outstanding. The class loaders of the sophomore class should be complimented on their fine work in putting this dance over. Cir-cu- r 1 J J-J".- Murray To Play Lincoln First Game "9'm Beti&i, Qlon'itMf The Murray High School Basketball prospects will get their first trial Wednesday, in a practice game with ii.ncoln High School. Murray will go to Lincoln on December 2 in a return Written words can't take the Tbt eptrator will bt glad It tell ft pre-seaso- THE MOUNTAIN play and all will ste action. With a lot of hard work and some breaks. Murray would, and should, go places this year. K' mm am mm M AW WW mm jildce of telephone visits with lou'il mus in other towns... Hearing tluin U next best to being there. cne.agcment. This game is becoming an annual event for both schools, as last year the teams met on the n floor in games. About twenty boys will be selected to t -, MW M m AW mW AWT AmT iUUS Amf AWT AT TELEPHONE V AWT ATT AWT rates In jny I TEIICI1PI AWT teut CDKP1IT SW i javoTWa tm If you've rms.H-- d it Ik-fo- re don't mii it You'll like its rich, robust f1avor-i- ti now! bourbon goodness. Try it! delightful in? m I e A prize will be given to the student having the most suitable theme. Freshie Frolic Ralph doosl - BRAND STRAIGHT BOURDON WHISKEY m |