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Show he Editor's Column Weekly .t TTTd) the sky, morn: 5 all join in glorious cry, haUKman winds his horn, Song we will ,,kv niB"1 .v, go-H- VOLUME on one. sjst Saturday Mur'.a ne of its lead- - We .:!izens fSj V mate'!!?'c .he escape of seventy" Erek-LfF- a B. Wm. i;f oxe from the To nearly m on Vine Street. and boys who joined in Tsaturdav, the incident will no unusual iVtSuvelthatimagine you hunted oro when you were a lad, 'Z sby.L "ciivrr foxes at that! We fa place in the book of legend can,nave wuU, friends ne nas m una wm-Within a few hours after the L discovered dozens of neighbors Lred arms and the sound of their me iuuu vun-- w t was marked Dy of youngsters and the shouting 10 a.m. more of By dogs. irking half of the foxes had been killed vicinity of the Vine Street in the was filled with cars and a motley GEORGE somewhat by the re papers of their school's :i3 on the gridiron. One would think in spite of losing all their games, team played much better football t did the opponent's. It may read amused in school r this: Outplay Bulltown Loses Game 60 To 0 want them to know that and boys they were beaten we still ithem better players. Our team, with backs and lad Bulltown scared many times 'E the fray and each time they made though g fast-chargi- chdown we fought still harder. Al-- 2 our team made no not seem to score, yardage and they were not but fought hard all the way. does not fairly indicate the ' sore 3 of our team's strength and ability. - though we lost finally 6 to 0 we -- ' the Bulltown team respects us for performance." Ending '7 wife's famous last words: "What t0 wear? 1 haven't a thing : rtitor can't swear at his readers do at him; it wouldn't be good f-ethics to an editor are like to a baby. An individual called and cursed us for a printing ?rroad' obviously in very bad r- n Vvas ""happy about the but we'n 'if? drive over thi3 waSr road SZ m' iie- ; optimist K'll f h0 tcu - is paid - ,orl somebody who figures these days and something 1 Profit. trd rord the first four and a half the fiscal year which began debt, boosted by the spending zed by the last Congress, or me $. , $1,476,111,000 higher than a Paccd y WPA, was .'"'ons in the period, compared Ihorv last ycar- WPA shot rclicf workers up from J million In the four-an- d a half OJO minion in uvtl 6m, Period this year. nR- - yw.. tor UJ examined five WPA workers found the dead one. nirportrr 0f the Tatman chain- - v't tStanurc rccrnlIy ofTcri,d the ar" " the'v c"ains are exaggerating th?. biU WouId rPid, "'1 Uirm' hry hav? absorbed heavy ' n JI n Pasl, it is reasoned; as a , assumed they can Ml taxation in the future -- nue , business at the same old .j u ",e Patmnn Kill ' J'luviues il.i nidi JfB ,Jtr graduated tin to il.OOH 611 slor in excess of 50.i 'trc'a J: Thanksgiving Talk Bishop A. Moulton of Salt Lake City, addressed the Murray Lions Club at their meeting in the To Hold Conference Murray First ward primary will hold its annual conference Sunday at 6:3 p.m. in the ward house, announced Mrs. Give Bennion, president. Verses, talks, tributes, responses and group singing will be furnished by the children. "These conferences provide an excellent opportunity fur children to participate in activities," said Mrs. Bennion. Mrs. Ravola Smith will assist. with the program. - chain. Murray CityFire Hall, Thursday evening on the theme of Thanksgiving. The Lions gave appreciative attention to their distinguished guest speaker, who incidentally is a native of Massachus-settthe birthplace of the American Thanksgiving Day. Murray Lions enjoyed a number of dancing and musical sDe- cialties under the sponsorship of Frank Nelson. Plans for Christmas street dec- orating and activities for the holi-- i day were also worked over s, ' Notice of Election o,f George Dibble Among School Board Member Honored Artists An election for school board member is to be held in the Municipal Ward No. 2. Salt Lake County election district No. 342 for a term of five years, on Wednesday, Dec. 7, George Smith DibMe. Murray, is among the Utah artists who received invitations to si; ni it work to the University i.f Utah art committee. From the wtk submitted, r.'ieces will he selected by a jury for cxhih.tmn at the filth annual exhibition oi the red work of Utah artists sp by the university. I 1U33. Only qualified electors in the voting district will be entitled to vote at said election. Dr. JAMES CLOVE, Clerk of Murray School Hoard Published Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 1938. SUNDAYLDS STAKE INSTALLS SERVICES Grant Ward: Pnr. ence will be held at with Mrs. Herbert Si of the Primary Si; d.lV Reorganization of South Cottonwood Relief Society officers was made Sunday and the new .1 oiliccrs are as follows: Mrs. Lau-ihn- e Dundas. president: Mrs. be Anna Brandt, first counselor and Mrs. Gladys Nichols, second counselor. Mrs. Irene Labrum is ,.,-,-- a" V. ranged to be given h v, ary children, ineie short talks by Mi, NEW OFFICERS I' v : . , , ."! Dr. MeLloyd Kill t ' Murray Second; V. ence with nuftinK" ;'!',! all at 9 a.m. teachers of the w..:i. ' ' ' School meeting at ! i . ; U secretary. Grant ward Relief Society is sponsoring a social, including a v program and refreshments. afternoon in Relief Society The purpose of the social is to increase the membership of the organization. In conjunction with the social will be an apron bazaar. ih ,i S:.i-School and regul.i'" niemheis. ut 6;:i. in the cveiinu: Tues-.i,-i- r.::r.;!av I'.i'ii Tavlorxvillf: conference to be h 'V" evening in Sacram-- ! (" with Mrs. Jennie "' president of the ( ttm charge. Special e e ..!,( i ilu-i- r ? ! i MAY KNOW A delegation from I.ihertj School, composed of Mrs. Den' j til Watts, Hilnier Larsen, ant i Albert E. White met with the j Murray Board of Education j Monday evening, November li j on the question of school build ings. j In reply to questions regard ing school teachers' salaries the board declared that thi ; teachers, through their Association had, this fall, submitted their proposal, which was thai 60 of the school's income bi used to pay teachers salaries This is the highest schedule ol pay in the district since 192f if not the highest ever paid; : here, according to the schoei board. An agreement to cover twe years on this basis was submit t ted to, voted on, and accepter t by the teachers one hundree; ' ; per cent. Since this has been taker I care of, acceptable to all, th people of the district should bi informed, to avoid misunderi f standing and unnecessary critij I cism of the Board regarding t ! t, 'Iff, 4 . M'-'i- Willard Larson and Lawrence Jex get their pictures taken just after bagging some choice game Saturday morning. . . WHEN A STORY "BREAKS" ; BRIEF ITEMS ' i.i-- ; Armual Murray ronfeiViue will be - ; h November 27. aiuviinM.. , Daniel H Snair. '' Ai II ii hi otlirefs men and priesthood convene ti Sundav m1ioI v " sacrament and lo 30 . I I - i 1 -' I v i. 1 - will White, j 1 j i ; "Op-Night- Foxes Find Escape From ADULT START Guns. Cars No Cinch Mass Slaughter Fox hunting became the sport of nearly lou Muray huntsmen Saturday when 79 silver foxes escaped from the farm of William B. Erekson, 661 Vine street. Sixty-eigof them had been retrieved by Wednesday, two of which were alive. One returned to his pen at night and the other was caught by Lawrence Jex. a farm employee. The foxes escaped between 5 a. m. and 7 a. m. Saturday thru a hole they bad made in the fence, Mr. Erekson said. By Saturday evening 63 of the animals had been returned to ht their pens. tr. J- All had been shot except one which was run over by C. R, Buckley, Murray postman, who was driving his car on his jxistal route. Loss to the farm will be quite extensive. Mr. Erekson said, but was unable to give an estimate. Some of the animals were badly shot. One. nearly blown to pu ces e because of shooting, was the only total loss. The greatest loss was the fact that they were killed before they were prime, said Mr. Erekson. They would have been ready to market in about three weeks. "The animals still free will probably live on rodents until they are accustomed to wild life," Mr. Erekson pointed out. 'There is not much danger of their robbing poultry yards yet." Alive, the foxes are worth about $5 each, he stated, but when ready for wear they are valued at S2U Anyone seeing the foxes should notify Mr. Erekson. They are probably In the vicinity ranging South to from Forty-eigSouth and from Hyland Drive to State street. It is impossible to bootleg them on the fur market as they are all marked. Mr. Erekson said. close-rang- Sixty-fourt- Edith h CLASSES' i NOV. 30 j i. Noall. Gamble, at the Liber; Thursday, December 1st, at tt Liberty school, at 7:3o p.m., Pra; tlcal Aspects of Home Managf ment. including budgeting, inte; lor decorating and home manag ment. Class under the directii ;J) V I, Thursday, December 1st, 7:3o p.m. an English and Liter ture class conducted by Mi school. . ht Mae Mrs. 1 i j i ri - ' " The following classes h; ndu' i e. valiit! will beg:a next at the Liberty school: Wednesday, November 30th, ' 4 p.m. a sewing class at the hip J school. This class is given at tl! ? high school as the Liberty schor is not equipped to care for sewing class. This class will me each Wednesday at this time, at; will be under the direction Missionary Was Field Day For Local Hunters mountain of undeliverable Christmas mail accumulates in every post MTice each Christmas due to imperfect addressing The late Mr. O. Henry could doubtless write many a heartbreaking talo about the senders of this mail whi never received a response from the person who was sup- receive the piece of mail. rosed to meantime the postiHicc is the unhappy repositoiy of the unfortunate Christmas card or gift. Tostal Requirements: all things it should be of all to iToprrly mdeavor ,!. all mail and place the Fostaje ...Hn-sPrepay postage fully en all ;,,1!re of the sender on each piece matter. The rales are as in mail tiflod no be . that they may - 8) Continued vn A ( pathetic vae ei non delivery. s KhlH .. ""postal official at Washington h'.vc sent out bulletins regarding mail the handling of Christmas more ,1 wc print a few of the these bul- .HijM.tiant Hems from h'UUv 6.30. The ArlinKton D Sl.o class in Interior en ( Continued em-rlov- con-tenu- re ' E. . of Mrs. Mae Noall. These classes will be give1 each Thursday at the same tin! All classes are free of charge ai persons interested in them a j invited to attend. Coming Events BIRBIDGE farewell testimonial in honor of Elder Chadwick J. Burbldge prior to his departure to the California Mission will be held Noi vember 27 in the Millcreek ward. The program is as follows: Friday, November 25: 8 p. n t f Opening selection, Choir and Meeting at Liberfy school Congregation; Invocation, Milton to promote civic it j patrons Hamilton; Sacramental Song, provements in that vicinity. ; J Choir; Vocal Solo (a and b), Mrs. All day: Baptists ladies au: Levi W. E. Granger; Address. hary meeting at church. Edgar Young; Saxophone Solo, 10:30 a. m.: Interior decorati (a and b) Carl Sandberg; Reclass at Arlington school. ( , M. A. Cornwall; marks, Bishop ' 2 27: November Sunday, p. SoResponse, Missionary; Vocal ' Union Relief of Soc meeting lo, George Gunderson: Selection. First wa ty olficers, Murray j Choir; Benediction, D. R. Merrill. Murray Second ward Meetings at 9 a. m., 10 a. m and 6:30 p. m. i 6:30 p. m.: Murray First a; Grant ward primary conff ' ences ut ward houses. Monday, November 28: 7 p. Classes in shorthand, busln-'- , accounting, and typing at Mi': ray High school. Results of the American Red 8 p. m.: Salt Lake County Fi! Cross roll call drive in Murray have not yet been tabulated, but hall. the campaign will probably "go Evening: Murray Second wj over the top," said Franz H. Relief Society meeting at ho! Westover. in charge. of Mrs. Theresa Johanson, h j Organizations in Murray have : South street. been enthusiastic in volunteerare aid. November 29: their expectAft' Reports Tuesday, ing noon: Grant ward Relief ! ed soon from the committee which includes besides Mr. cu ty social at ward house. Judge D. A. MofTat, Glen p. m.: Murray Second w; i E. Howe, W. Douglas Allen, and stake board numbers meeti ; Gilbert Geitard. Wednesday, November 30: 4 p.l Sewing classes at Murray II C1IADWICK A 1 1 ' confi-ence- . RED CROSS ROLL CALL HERE x 'OVER THE TOP' J 1 d 1 ? and the Murray receivth're are already of the rumble or whiff a ing storm of holiday mail rid the accompanying grief Incompletely addressed or Other ,,ivl wrapped packages post otTice , pi-n.- Albert A meeting of citizens in til vieinitv of thr I.ihorlv srhnol h:, been called for Friday at eigl p.m. in the recreation hall Grant ward. At that time a grou! will be selected to promote clvv When a news story breaks, reporters and camera men are improvements in that localit. denied rest until the news is written and photographed. Just in Everyone interested is invited case the picture wanted can't be taken, the camera man takes a be present. shot like this. It looks like the camera man was going to be the 'Next Tuesday will be in Grant ward Mutui! victim of this shot. Mr. Kirby, Telegram reporter admonished the A program has been pr special boys to never point guns at anybody. pared. 1 i , teacheis' pay. Follow These Mailing Instructions And Be Safe i ! sic. Murray Eagles wili " lion ceiemonu s f"t' ; necunlM Thursday. Fraternal hall at 8 I ' ed B. A. Klasco. l A banquet will I'"1 illation. 9&& Mid. . - " n Murray Lions Hear fr fiKur's disclosed the public 8 ncw high of $38.-i- n U!? people gave. Axel Limberg, George Doran and Grover Brown assisted Mr. Smith. of 83 by 20. those who aren't saygoody" when they do it. PEOPLE IT? All winners except Mrs. Beaver were present at the dance. A capacity crowd attended the dance, and Mr. Smith expressed his appreciation in behalf of the firemen for the support Murray First Ward Primary . boys ron. ' .. afternoon saw good old Siwash from Bulltown all over the Our men were in good shape, to win. We are. proud of r:.day t .. Members of the American Legion are planning to attend a district stag party at Bingham December 2, said Harry A. commander. Legionnaires will meet at the Murray city hall at 7:15 p.m. and will go to the party in a caravan. At their meeting Monday, the Rev. J. P. Payne gave a Thanksgiving talk. The membership drive came to a successful finish with the Murray post exceeding their quota Rob-bin- s, Lai ssh F - 22. Winners of turkeys given at the annual benefit ball of the city firemen Saturday were announced by Ernest Smith, chief. They are Charles McHenry, Mrs. Charles Beaver, Floyd Johnson, Joseph McCleary and Don LEGION POST TO ATTEND BINGHAM MEET ; .iing like - SO THE J Turkey Winners Named to the foxes themselves, with their we suspect mat :on of cleverness, xle beasts must have become overly about their winning prizes at the Show in Salt Lake. No doubt they quite disappointed about the whole j when bucksnot Degan nying ana irjy's Grove and Murray Park offer--,- o adequate protection, in all it was a great show while are ONE DOLLAR A YE: j; j f curious. ports 24. 1938 I All registered voters from dis342 are entitled to vote. Residents of other city districts do not vote. The polling place is the Murray city hall and will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election judges are Mrs. J. Leo Jensen, Mrs. A. B. Caldwell, and Mrs. Thomas Martin. DORAN NOVEMBER 7 trict V c t ber occurence. Erekson jr.ber of i. pry- Only one candidate, George Doran, had filed intention by Tuesday to run for Murray school board member of district 342 in the election December 7, said Dr. James Clove, board clerk. T. Ray Kingston, present board member for the district, will not seek Final date for candidates to file intentions in order to have their names on the ballot was Novem- ,only 'is p,P7A THEY WENT HUNTING SATURDAY George Doran Is Only Candidate For Election Dec. un- -' a decade, 0 news- ,.. v.-hnifp - . vk?53pH MURRAY CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY. cnance of the one 13 Candidate idered it "hot Daee 49-- No. No Competition In School Board Election city editors :e'tropolitan dailies nr In Vca ii unting State Bank was ,v the Murray a period of over tlbea annually ..;. o wh le back. Murray ffpage publicity. Not since that :fu.Pver. has the ran' i event created import-"a- t h major l JJ rides down 73 rt- West-ove- r, 1 S MEETING AGAIN ON SCHOOL BUILDING PLANS BrrMoti on the whool build-In- ? plans authorized at the September election, will probably be made when the Murray Board of Education merK the merlin will probably be held Friday, November 25. school. 8 p. m.: Murray City Firen, i meeting at fire hall. ThurMlay, December 1: 7:30 p. t ; ( i English and literature clas i at Liberty school. 8 p. m.: Murray Eagles nut ing in Fraternal hall to in! i ate new memuerss. 2: December 7:15 Friday, p. II American region rlclry at liingham. Earty Senior Hop ray High school. |