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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE AROUND jg THE HOUSE ASK ME ANOTHER r OUR COMIC SECTION Toast Animals. Cut animal shapes out of bread with animal cookie cutters. Spread with but ter and toast a light golden brown under the broiler. Serve these to the children to eat with their soup. ing causes much waste because of the rounding surface of the apples. I I The Questions What does the phrase "by AO. The letters and large" mean? 2. Who are the Jukes? merely for their uo not represent 3. What is a consanguineous words 1. i Snoooie Strainers. Never Cleaning; wash a tea strainer or a fine sieve in soapy water. Rinse in clear water always, then there can be no unpleasant flavor when next used. Keeping Apples Whole. Core apples before paring. They are less likely to break. A broad par i s wa,.. i 0. 'Syi I . Vt 1 JK- - , --t raj-- 'ttr - .,.,,,, " 1 (i - a i . A,VLJ smmi iif 7 i ,,,. ' ' . Economy Note. Save all celery tops, wash and dry them and place In the oven, turning them now and then. Store the leaves in an airtight tin. Use them for flavoring soups, salads, etc. oMhe West writing the international distress call signal SOS, are pe riods used after the letters? 5. Which country is known as the "Pearl of the Antilles"? 6. Why is a book called a vol ume? 7. What are the Houyhnhnms? 8. What is the longest serial story ever published? 9. What did Theodore Roosevelt say about there being room for but one language in the United States? 4. In if . 5. marriage? n, r J L L-- "7 A) i vit uV '!l r w"aii t II w ( HI i ' ' i i xjf..'fmi r-, '" 1 f """' ..' i I in 1,1 " twv V .4 i ri 'I 'M i i i I I 1 nil Hl fJ I ( if. rux W X m ir.i i v lit a S I !.,. I I U)en rolled ,;7' V;' ."a dtcounts for ume, which comes frl0rd U5 word meaning to roll. -- Swift's SPSS nw k GJinvWSS? v. . BOlfllnaB horse. 8 Tt . i. wiI i.. Tn. Helen" and 9- - :JmMW M fmWmXm -- Cra ' read,, roooH on Comprehensive,,, , IndSSa intT, which has iT running for over 20 vear, In a letter American festive v",,1 said: "We have the language here, and 5? English lanyuaqe.forTetS to see that the crucible people out as A,nericans,?dS Colorful Salad. When using ap ples in snlad leave the skins on to add a touch of color to the salad. rtL i iS dp0iy10tbo house." use a nanay i lomespin. clothespin to untangle a fringe mop. It takes little time and mop will be os fluffy as when new. Our Presidents Grant was christened Hiram Ulysses, but through an error on me muster roll at West Point it wus changed to Ulysses Simpson. John Tyler was a member of tno confederate congress. Martin Van Buren was shrewd in political intrigue and campaign manipulation, and Rained many nicknames. He was ariously known as the "Little "Little Magician," Van," and "King Martin the I u.c i"','"wwT" 1 1 1 p I First." Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were awarded the Nobel peace prize. CHECK YOURSELF I FOR THESE COMMON SIGNS OF ACID INDIGESTION Sour Stomach Heartburn U Q M2us 1 i 1 Headache HoRppetlwD"" Tired Feettniln j fvWvpj P II I SALT LAKE'S TABLET NEWEST TU S5ty'?aT. 'til II 1 VjiulVum V X AftitKiUAN features. Y (1) I MEALS w weeualloy a mm tougher metal. (3) Patented Lever-Loc- v. TWE cross Bar-reinforc- anus, fktL C PtU Smdlfilt DOES ME KICK ABOUT P You can stop that skid before it starts. WEED AMERICANS provide extra traction and Jouhle mileage, as proved by official tests. This notable performance is made possible by 4 great WEED I I Jtk ES. MO ? WVU - End k Hooks-posi- tive fastening. (4) Side Chains welded and hardened to resist wear, Strvtf . j Atkfor I WEED AMERICANS A by name of ak I 5v M,0Gtro" coNNicncuT ""7. Intu - ONLY ff ABOUT HAVING to o&t TMcM ii'i' ? i HOSTELRY Our lobby U delightfully ulr cooled daring the summer monlhs Kmdlm tor tvty Room tOO Room 200 Btlht '' ' rrM Matiutarturliia C'uffl(aji al CuuUa. 'jf ; Uu.iti-- Mark Is an Honor Newspaper Advertising the Sentinel Substitutes today are the illeslllmale children rf lu inrs. Tbff ' are fatherless and nnknowa and they come to the "Just an 8ood" label on them which Indicates . learly thinking- - buyer that she Is buying nomethinc win. h is nly s rood." The unknown product, the aubslilute lr,,'',,' reputation at stake. It is merely advertised for fair on P basis and If the consumer does not tlko the qu.ililv. Ihc wB' faclurer has suffered no Injury because he is ui.knov.fl because he rarely links his name with a product a a Mai"'" os qualily and a measuring stick or buying. It merely t ompeW "tako a chance" basis. f Tho manufaelurer of n qualify mrrclundi-place their names upon it and advertise It a the l e t ,luy n offer to the consumer. The name of a manufacturer Used product I Is this: This says the best produ.t make. It li pure, good and of your purchase. I l'"n . worthy well or it that I place my name it as a gnar.ml.-- lo ) ls goodness. If it does not fulfillupon your wanls I 'U K,'ulljr nui-uin- By J. Millar Watt Badge and yXSS mrvi If HumIm,,,!!,! (.,mp..,y; iHmlnlnn Chain A Trade 1 slafions AMERICAN CHAIN CAM COMPANY. INC T p FORM better accessory sforej, garages, servc o PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA IN LIQUID OR I'll V I I C'NU of These and Symptoms Suspect Acid Indigestion as the You Have Any Now there is a wnv to relieve "arul with almost incrediindigestion" ble spcrd. Yon siniplv take - tea Fpoonfiils of l'hillins' Klilk of Maij-nes- ia 151) minutes nflor nic:i!'. Oil take 2 rhillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets, the exact equivalent." Results are nmaring. Oflcn you get relief in n few minutes. K.msea and upset distress disappear. It produces no pas to embarrass you and odctid others. Try it Get liquid riiilllps Milk of Nlaijnesin for home use ml i bn of l'lnllips' Milk of Magnesia LIs to carry with you. A.1 1 . C. M. Poyne See your Doctor, f o By Cause "Alkalize" the Quick, Easy "Phillips'" Way If the Trouble Persists 7 THAT V UV More than Double Mileage More Traction 4 Great Features CM TP O KIT V To cr well-know- HOTEL SMART llt'HBY Temple Square Ptn $1.50 to $3.00 Thtt Votrl TrmpU Snnar htm m I mohinhlf drfmlilf, friemjly bm)M vltl mlntfl II Imtnar- IWnrouhff nsmitkln. ran Ihrra-fnlml4 hf lbl hlrl Ui - ti HIGHLY KKUS1MIM)M Ton ran alan appraplala mhfi mark ef diitiinrllon ( t(o I (All bmmlHitl hotelrr or if fRNTST C ROSSITtR. Mtr. . NcccmMj Two elderly members met at the club after many years. Said one to the other, who was slightly deaf: "I'm Rorry to hear of the death of your wife." "Eh? Whafe that?" "I'm sorry to hear your wife Is AITROPRIATE good Its failure. '!, dead." "I feel certain it that itupid fius-anmine married me tor my noncy." "Then fchj call him stupid?" "Speak up, man. 1 can't hear youl" "I'm sorry you burled your wife!" 'Dut 1 had to. She died." There is no good reason I!"1 why yoa should arrcpl instead of the known; the untried instead of the tested; " '"T rul instead or tho sure. To refuse unknown subsidies is l antee to yourself or positive saUsractlon In buying. If r"rT.' rhaser will confine his or her purchases to known. quality merchandise there will be little rause for Trade mark products tell their own story. It pays Jon buy. Reading the advertisements In the nrwP". ,nlcr trade marks, labels and names on products has pur h''Lt "Lets everybody walk over him, you know." w.r.,orIM I |