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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE WStitch Design Star k jf For Knitted Things t rCTU WYETH SPEARS wFRE is an amusing story llut he miUenS flnd. EuCarl DDusi DOORN'S EXILE A: iDEH IS MELLOWED Glamorous, the Order Twenty year$ ago thia month the broken, hated Kaiser Wilhelm fled hit decaying German empire, never to return. The World war was over and he had been Opera Cycle in Movies They were not hand k Radio's Grand Old Man They were purchased 'hurriedly and sent to a By Virginia Vale miss who was away at had wanted something Za She Vou ... vanquished. On November o hit tnrcien !ook- tirt Ruj a 28, 1918, at his castle in Spa, her studio and these agents press for skating fto wear I and crettv ..tiv nlain no end of trouble. They've Belgium, he signed abdication papers ending the her take disapdidn't 5 She tried to make her a 'in here. fd?. 1 HOTELS HOTEL 4th 8o. A ClIItT But orders were that she must be glamorous and that she must take on some weight in order to do it In "The Last Frontier," in which she captivates Gary Cooper. She gave In, and then stumbled while playing badminton and broke a bone in her right foot. That meant being in bed with her foot in a plaster cast for three weeks, she Ctment lying down, but decided was told. But she wont nieht club bing, plaster cast and all if a girl's -- FLOWER FACE BRICK -S- EWER PI PE and WALL I'OI'INU POTS ALL CLAY PRODUCTS !- 8 : liTAH KIUK (LAY CO. - OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND I'BED dfk and chatra, (Ilea, aafea. typewriter, ailrfint 363mrh'a. 8. Stale. Sail I aaa. 8. L. DESK EX.. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1. Take 1 Bayer Anplrln TableU with full f laaa of water the moment yoa ieet beadacha coming on. uioi make it speak a forfound te language as well! She design Swedish cross-stitcin all its town here and copied it scarf of the ends the on colors 3 backs of the mittens. (Band knitted mittens and other Wed things in plain colors may ko be decorated with this pert Wer pattern. Start at the upper flower fcht corner of the large as stitches cross the make jd i A ana d. Aiua jiuwci ia a Wi'Jiant red, the small flowers feht blue and the stems jade ibrignien A set and HAMPSHIRE RAMS. Choir Stuff YearllaCT $1'7. and lambs fl t )Iltn'k$ Ranrh. Lchl. litah. or ilf. 743. Salt Ijike Cur. ... STL AMOUNT OF BREEDING fmm rjrlie winning flocWa. A new fur field with a proven rant, protitabl present, and a aecure future, t (;nlPI'" . , trnted booklet on reiii(i. ubiimi KUL Fl'R B11KEP CU.. Twin rails, maim. LIMITED RtwW f.ie aale h yk The above hole in the ground has considerable significance. It was the entrance to a subterranean passage, leading from the Kaiser's castle at Spa to a point some miles Jittnnt in n mnA. Thrmioh this tunnel Red the once croud ruler of Germany, completely beaten. Mrs. Spears' Sewing r in LASSIE, IT COSTS LESS BE CAUSE IT BURNS AFTTFIl AMD LASTS LONGER? Should Be Taught be taught to expect i.t things that are bound to hapocn. I to have an opera cycle pictures. The San Francisco M. Southard, htiiKrrJ Sunt, Stu In 1918, Hohenzollerns were hated throughout the world. The above picture was printed on Armistice day of that year with the following description: "This photo was taken of the Hohenzollern tribe before it was necessary for them to scan the want ads. It is useless at this early date to venture in rmtrmif. hut it is cenerallv.t ine occupations mej' uc uuwiv " most solicitous f.'r i understood that the French are itielfaT and have Ot- - f their ' fered them positions with the government, most ot tnework will be done in overonce. alls on the roads of that stricken country. This gang Tom Itrowns supposed to nrcait for .LrJl f. his neck in "The Duke of Wvi wdl soon leave roint." and had to wear one of those frontier under guara. braces around his neck for eight Kaiser Wilhelm Went hours. (Eric von Strohrlm wears in If Doom, where one In "Grand Illusion," a foreipn regarding . LUDEW'S MENTHOL COUOH DROPS US, first Wife having Lf Ao Prin. J J ... IIC KIUIIICU lOv UllU" cess Hermine von Reuss (right). Though not of blue blooded stock, she has a long lint! of noble ancestry. She had five children by a previous marriage. AT' 1922-- hiS goeS down as one of "X, ' .A W ifi i w .Vi'T purcias fi's. Mi h.,' tale, lli.UMUy. , tl CARRY ,J la fccUiltf box u O'l'jhiM. rctuiu lit nm lL..n.i)L-l- i ... u win swis QUICK RELIEF rno firin UY7lajraT teJINDIGESTION 47-- 33 i 4 f Vf - ,M I - AF May XTarn of Diaordcred Kidney Action Modem lifa arlth Ita hurry nit orry. wrreular habita. Improper eatlnj a d'mkint Ma risk ot roeur and Inlec tinn inmara heavy attain on 0a work the kidneya. They re apt to bwofna ow-taie- d art4 and lad to fllter "i other Impunlut Irora tha Ide-jiv- tra ki'-'- d. backache, tim tip mcht. feel conatantly t"H. aeroa, ail worn out. Other aiC kHlney or bladder diaordef ma bo kuminf aranty or too frequent urination. Vo may aufler ditiineaa, ndarh, rellin pama, nafritu t . toaa a Pi. Jo hP t rid of ncwat poieoamia "xlr oaato. They r antiarptit to tho rlhary tract and tend to reiievt linta-'"'- a and the pain It cauaea Manxf-ate-recommend Poaa a. They penpl "av had mora than fort yeari ot puWi jHoeya to N approval. At kvar ifMr' lt inrf .Mfi urll . . . almiil d'irlot "1h ClM.rf," Head f lant'i-C Wriirrn Nipapr vntm PHOTO-KRAF- from common colds , T ECONOMY FILM SERVICE Any Roll Developed with . . 25c 8 Quality Prints 3c Extra Prints VVrjp coin and film carefully PHOTO KRAFT Boi 749 Utah Hall Lake That Hang On medicines No mutter how many you have tried for your common Irricough, chest cold, or bronchial tation, you may get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which poes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranesen and to loosca and expel germ-Lidphlegm. Even if other remedies nave iailed, dont be discouraged, try Creomulsion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money If you are not thoroughly satisfied with the benefits obtained. Creomulsion la one word, aslc for It plainly, see that tha name on the bottle 13 Creomulsion, And vou'U get the genuine product and iho relief you want. (Adv.) 'tt. DRUGS SCHRAMM-JOHNSO- HEARING AIDS LOU r. . Utrtimr ACOtTSTT. COM . . . Acceptnl bv tha Amrfiran Mr1i.-a-l Ataociauoo (Council on lby-IcTherapy). ACOUSTICON So. 8taU. Kail Uka CMf ii K. E. MOUKliL Wwk WNtT Na. Manarrr I.A.KB LT Iajr--BA- ' - and FtiU be entertaining;." Can Attract Men . i tni arlvlr Hnrr'a fnr a woman durlo hi lra ho frnm 8S to hi). rhanpi (uaually hn worrira r (tn'U aip'al to , rrn-n- ln-- i A Famous Coffee llnufe Across tho squaro from the e.v thcdrid in Kxeter, Kni;laml, atanda ;i..l's coffee house, favorite myelins gay ndvenlurrra place of tho time Drake, Llimhoth's Queen i Hawkins, Cilbt rt and lialeigh. of p. t.. dixijr apWla, alniut hot lljh.-- , ! and moody upx't lira. al.p and If yoa 8 air. frrah mora iirt tunic tko Lytlia l nw a f h1 fn-rm- VC-Ulaytm ( nmiKiun.i. n.ada E. riivkham a Saturn bu.14 or It Mix a.nfn.il thm Mi riv. mra up plivrl ri.tanc, calrain and III" wnt vivari'iy to anjny m.tom. t hat and diturt.in Jiltsry oftrn arrornimnv rnam v. "' i First Settlement at Kb de Janeir l The first settlement at Eio d Janeiro was made by the French in i Fir-- t I'm of Rait First rieasureSalt has brn used a a atiaiaws Looking forward to a plcasuro for food for si lon that historians also a pleasure. Lessing. cannot trace its f!mt si -- .w - ara to alttfrUd tny 'My bowtli atootach ao bar! I va )ol murabl. Soma ro d ftUUl crowd, bloatad It 0 ttnaa raliof. baari. I triad AdUrika, Ob, Ta flnt dma ork4 lib tanafle. 4dlr'. maiwr and my rmov,d tha faa and atamach fall to jood." Mra. I. A. McAmia. awl bawia tUai4 If taa in your atomach "! fur Lrih, Uka a ton up until yiu UlWtoMil'il at Aill.nka atd Bono bow tha ni (3 t r. a tton.a-l- i Adlanka The Kaiser today, a proud, peaceful old man who whiles away his days at Doom, emerging infrequently to comment on world affairs. RIGHT But in Berlin one sees his son, Prince August Wilhelm, wearing the Nazi swastika and assuming an important role in Adolf Hitler's German government. Are the Hohenzollerns returning? ,7 bl iLv olUti tnovna tha (IA.1 It lrn. hol at cinoa. in ln than taa nnur. AdUrka It L'l'l II rarminativ andanotha amlralhart(o,rariuoativa6arrn to tha atoma.h an4 aiM tiAH, eatharlii rva rvliavt howvia Inlitinal tha ajid tW nrmura, lt"mo)mndl br rrany d'-- t ira lut M yaart. Gat fanutna Ad)nka UxLij, &M at ait a"rvt lUrru A1BVKKTMSIX 12 . i-v'- :. 1 --- iL. jr s- - i IV No Change in I'ii rrt 'a Cahinet Fierce was the onf term htf compleleJ Fre.sklcnt i without a chans in hi eahim t. Franklin Cohra Spit "ut ri-o- n A apittinir cubrA cat praet aoa far beyond ill f trikini: , H dite. India Many f.aBKee! Fsi'd laa Two hundrnd and twrnty-fit- e exchi lit India, are ipoken fuai;rt tive of dialeot.i. I i "rriii-civUUe- u rain to growing crop. It is the in the The uj War Sl.iiijtMrr a. many men were killed in the World war a lo all the wars from 1790 to 1313. ardi of ahow you how to appiy it to your AYerld Almo't twice tuocrs&iul tnerclundiiirg. Let in rrenure and AlmtK-p'terFrom Uio standpoint of metearol- -' most fumla-tut-nt- al cfry, prf'Mira is the the f.f Atmosphere. property to buainfii at Ityitone 4 I uKe. ! Maie FyneopBtrd Khylhra i Synrnpated rhythm U fiunJ aaras of the mue nearly every Ration. d or Is U essential tnr Jnmrt Catncy't rnnlnhution la hud cyrlt it "Oklnhnm hid," and hri mvAiy ui In learn In tWl lik r. Biirr. Beware Coughs CROWDS HEART ! pr 4nJ I" "" .im" . . . Alt ihr m.t . m.ikmt Urtlrrnt lhr,r diy hrni . . . ) ..tin in LA. Hospital Inatrumcnta. a. Manufacturera ot Abilomlaai Elastic Siorkinire Tha Phriiciana Bupplr Caoipanr 4. W. 2nd South St - Salt Uka Cur. Btafc GAS SO BAD f' r",",m, o I'J SaM KiirRlral Trussea. FOR 12TABLETS FULL DOZEN 25c i3 . U cm Vollvballa. Athletic shoes, etc. IDAHO SCHOOL KL'PPLY CO. Cannot Trar "rlnrrt J" nu cMiiMy mul trr MrSirri M) ;love, llaaeballa. BofthalU. - OIU'S Al F.l$ . . . hmmy V'ufarr, rxmaynr o iVrw JorA, r ...mrjfiina uUrn hi uniK-lir.wri.ml.. r.irj iht ttrrkly lht f,,n hit many Inrnut in y't ho'i'il'd; ihr tnlrrlmnmrnt field ilnmnt In him nnlhiif, hr urt li . irk nr. ATHLETIC WESTERN Lnilorma. Hat. WyUTU 1'ilYlNGJ .. . w m.me tal his Tommy Rices appreciate ents. First they made him wnai ne ts today with his "Dolly Lu" voice, nnd now they've been writing to him ttf praise his very pleasant baritone voice and ui'He him to do mure singing as himself on his program fin CREAT nit. present low. and still Is far below the funis paid for some similar prcerams which are tmldistanccd oy his in ine popularity ratings. tho lisieiiers-- ATHLETIC GOODS How Women in Their Ws thy. Dut you may not have known that he Is responsible for the modernllortype of guest program. Irene donl was his llrsl guesi si.ir. in io-hi nrocr.nn developed into its form. The salary list was tt takes A e CONSTIPATED? H.H.t FOt'NTAINS ICS CREAM COVS-TECream eabinela FREEZERS and ! Steaai Har Fixturea. Stool". Carhnnatora. trreaa. Also reconditioned eouipmenl Tallies Mnnufnrtareca AN CO. ARTM MOSER-Salt Lake VUf S3 I'ost tlffire Place poll Mad Lover Tcllinj? the Truth man of sense may love like a "Do not imagine,' said Hi Ho, th madman, but not as a fool. sage of Chinatown, "that yu ahow Rochefoucauld. inHie-enehv lieintr dereitful. One of the most difficult things in th world is to tell nothing- but the truth 11 f It. Itudy Vallee would probably Ret Vot that he a old. but ne a onne so A Sermon much to develop Rood programs and Ko man is rocked to Godliness hai discovered ao much lairni mat la a hammock. T. L. Cuylcr. he deserves the title. If you heard his tenth anniversary prouram you've already checked up on that. If you didn't, you can probof peoably remember that the list Her la Amailng Ballet fof of the ple he's developed ns stars Conditiont Du to Sluggish Bowll folk, of famous lot a includes air fn.m Alice Fayc to Charlie McCar- ttr.irt.r I.lil...tM tTtirlllL liml 'Wt ',pl mantilMTI' It, Without Risk SaT.V.',V FREEZERS ICE CREAM A W7 if anvone were to offer a medal for "The Grand Old Man of Uadio" 5 It; j Willi.im Towell is Coins back to work in January, under a new con tract recently signed witn Metro. His first picture will be "The Re turn of the Thin Man." wun iwyrna Man" Loy, of course. That "Thin series threatens to oecome as lengthy as the Charlie Chan otic. Yort For a tVllrlims rireakfitst Serve (iKAINH OF ;OLI wllli Nut-Lik- e Flavora. at all i inert Toasted That PHOTOGRAPHY the best of the year.) Afterward Brown's neck was so stiff that he thought he'd never be able to move it naturally again. contribute to your tliline rcscne whea job have a cold." HOT CEREAL TRUSSES we're .irture that "Indtm's are a natural choice, because they To ease a headache with amazing speed, simply follow the easy Bayer "BaverAspirin"by iU full name not fnr"asnirin" alone. j What Youth You'.h should Hereford bulls, ready ftij use wall Krown wui. iuw mirrkul O'd ahaiw. 217 Bot HWk.. Wua. 4H73. 40 REGISTERED ask for genuine Grand Opera company has been selling out at all performances, so the motion picture companies got an insDiration and leaned richt in. Metro starts the ball rolling with 'Madame Pomrjadour. with a Eu ropean importation, Meliza Korjus, starred. Two other studios will fol low suit. Probablv the best one of the lot will be Walt Disney's "Farmyard Symphony." which will be kneeof anas; in operatic deep burlesques it's being released practically at AYE i 2. Voo Bhould feel relief Terr quickly. If accuru-In-g pain la onuauallr aercre, repeal to dlrectiona. going to be glamorous she has to be sepn about town. And her rarncst effort to acquire the reputation the studio had ordered got her nothing but a scolding. Now i LIVESTOCK ANDREA LELDS 111. ::cago, M if ,rs v a Aspirin way shown above. Relief often comes within a few minutes. If this way should fail see your doctor. He will find the cause and correct it. While there, ask him about taking Bayer Aspirin to relieve headache and rheumatic pains. We believe he w ill tell you there is no mora effective, more dependable w ay normal persons may use. When you buy, Gifts, Novelties and helped thousands of Wmen to use odds and ends of fcaierials and their spare time to ke things to sell and to use for If church bazaars. Wfa and our home is your hobby you will for fro want Book Order by jbe Home Decorator. ember enclosing 25 cents for Bch book. If you order both on crazypatch a leaflet Pjks, Its with 36 authentic stitches Address r.l be included free. fcrs. Spears, 210 S. Desplaines St., r i Wen. 2 th PRODUCTS CLAY V b! (NOTE " It . I I.B.lr With 11.1 h $1.2S t 11.71 Clean Convenient KrpuUbl - 6- ABI l E. K.t 75c - 11.60. Brings Relief in Few Minutes "I'd rather get married," says she. "It lasts longer." LA KB SALT Rt lir" Rit uu gkor(;k hotku 3rd Huulh Stmt 40 ST. Simple Method Shown Here be one. KKSfKl I In "IK NO NfcV ADA flop at HOTKL GOt.DKN Kno' most popular hotel Whn QUICKLV glamour Hohenzollern reign. girl, and she doesn t want to VI PLANOOMK. Suit 8t. busines. I rinrh of Snuff aa Treat In early day many of the new fathers set up the boys to a finch of inufT. J |