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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1933 Tunnel for Sale Cheap Ordinance No. fAr 7 THE ADVENTURES OF OZZ1E Er,FIFTY-ON- E THOU-RnMmLAR- "4 : BONDS OF MUR-?CITY UTAH, DATED 1 1937, BEARING AT THE RATE OF 5r; PER ANNUM FROM DATE TO OCTOBER 1, 1939, AND 4 THEREAFTER TO MATURITY fAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED THE PURPOSE OF REDEEMING A LIKE AMOUNT OF MURRAY CITY UTAH. WATERWORKS BONDS DATED OCTOBER 1, 1919. WHEREAS, pursuant to ordinance heretofore adopted, made and entered by the Board of Commissioners of Murray City Salt Lake county, State of Utah" on the 15th day of October, A.D 1519, said City duly issued and sold the following described t: bonds, One Hundred and Twenty-fiv- e f) M J ) DOWN, BOY, LOOK AT HIM 7I6-2AG IN-ES- T r ' His Bluff ti Called S ($51,000.00) M j providing 5Fa,nce NUANCE AND Ia?v - Pal!, WCY THf S A RaA?' Wout! kK yf 4 ' ii r to-wi- Thousand and no100 0 Waterworks Bonds consisting of one hundred ) and twenty-fiv- e the hope of finding another. Surface deposits of base and precious metals have been well worked over and It is necessary to delve Into the bowels of the earth to find commercial ore. Despite the fact that Its productive area is comparatively small the Silver King Coalition mine at Park City has more than 200 miles of underground workings. This is one of the reasons why Silver King has been able to remain In almost steady production for over 60 years. Under the town of Eureka and extending eastward to the Tlntlc Standard area there Is a vast of underground tunnels Bingham is a labyrinth of underground workings and the same holds true In Alta, Beaver county and other sections of the state. thing that costs thousands and has jnd thousands of dollars Is a miniabsolutely no resale value to a blank ng tunnel that leads all There are hundreds of miles miniof such tunnels in the various and ng districts throughout Utah, be nice one could undoubtedly cheap. very very, purchased Millions of dollars are spent yearby prospects and by producing Some nines in driving tunnels. meet with a high degree of success when commercial ore Is discovered, miles and miles are but miles, driven which lead to nothing. Such Rumbles are necessary In the development of a mine. New in this mines mu3t set aside a fair percentage of its earnings from one ore body In Stake Board Members with Murray Second rr.eet Relief Society at I has fol- reported to be is citis. He ing well. IRIS THEATER MURRAY PHONE t McMillan their meeting at lowing an operation for appendi- o'clock Tuesday afternoon. officers and teachers are requested to be present. or.e All Young Bobbie will ward returned from the hospital do- S 0) First Show Thursday at 2 p. m. ! JANET GAYNOR - FRANCHOT TONE ROBERT MONTGOMERY i in "THREE LOVES HAS NANCY" j ; J semi-annual- Flame" News and "Flying Feathers" J FRI.-SA- NOV. T. WHEREAS, 25-- 26 CARLISLE and JOHN HOWARD Wild Bill Hickok and Crime Does Not Pay Series. "They're Always Caught" j MARY A i COME IN AND I HFinFl RRRP, 1 Opposite - - Cilv . . , RF.F.R . . . PARLOR I Murray A ll.ll Seventy-fou- r 5' $125,000.00 5Cr Waterworks l'.onds are now and are due and 1. 1939, October 1 MEET YOUR FRIENDS (4) ly Thousand Dollars ($74,000.00) Waterworks Bonds of the above described $125,000.00 5ri Waterworks Bonds have heretofore bien redeemed, cancelled and paid, and ThouFifty-on- e WHEREAS, ($51,000.00) 5 sand Dollars Waterworks Bonds of the above TOUCHDOWN ARMY" ! and four per centum 193:. per annum thereafter to maturon the ity, payable first days of April and October in each year, which bonds were issued for the purpose of refunding the issue of the above de5Tr Waterscribed $125,000.00 works Bonds, dated October 1, A. D. 1919, and Also Our Gang in "The Little Ranger" and Disney Cartoon, "The Moth and the T W SPVv VT A J Mile USE 932 OLDSMOBILE 6 Sedan. 0 w. w. . 3 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Clean . 935 DODCE Sedan. Onlv 934 STUDEBAKER Coupe 931 OLDSMOBlLE-6-SedaTrunk 934 CHEVROLET Si.le intuits. Coupe. 936 DODGE 937 Trunk Sedan TERRAPLANE Sedan. Special PLYMOUTH Trunk Sedan. Ka-l- . . Wj lit .... J" n. "7 . . . . J75 J fjf . Iltr. . . 595 outstanding payable on and there are no funds in the treasury of s;ud City available for the payment of said bonds or any 4.f 'them at maturity, and it will be necessary, therefore, to provide for the issuance of refund- ing bonds, and WHLKAS, it is deemed advisable and for the best interests of the City and the taxpayers thereof that" such refunding bonds be ,srued at this time for the purpose of providing funds for the Thouiuivtmnt of said Fifty-on- e sand Dollars ($51,000.00) 5r' Waterworks Bonds, BE IT NOW. THEREFORE. ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MUR-Y CITY. SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH: Section 1. That for the purpose,. of paving and redeeming Fifty-,,;-- . ($51,-'Thousand Dollars Mo 00) Murray City, Utah,Waterworks Bonds, dated Octo1919, numbered one (1) 1, r ten 10. Inclusive, thirty-fou- r i (55), inclusive, (4) to fifty-fiv- e 106) to seventy (70). inoxty-sie (91) to nine-tvsi- x clusive, ninety-onU'tii, inclusive, and oner. hun-ihundred one (101) to one ,1 eitht (108), inclusive, in deof One Thousand nomination Dollars ($1,000,00) each, bearing nt. rest at the rate of five per nnum, due centum (5't) rT STATE and VINE MOTOR CO,PLYMOUTH E MURRAY 1 ,,) javable October 1. 1939, ..hull be issued Murray Bonds, (Yv Utah. Refunding of October I. 1937. dated n. tobcr 1. 1937. in the amount of Kifiv one Thousand Dollars at the out) bin. bearing interest 0f five rpr centum to Octo- tate J VJfMM WHERE YOU'RE GQN&, THE OTHER FELLOW 5 P-t&-R) OOhfT Di SSuSil AN 5 t ber 1, 1939 and 4 thereafter to maturity, payable on April 1 and October 1 in each year, in denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, numbered five (5) to ten (10), inclusive, fifteen 15) to twenty (20), inclusive, twenty-fou- r (24) to thirty (30), inclusive, thirty-fiv- e (35) to forty (40), ine clusive, fifty (50), (59), sixty (60), sixty-nin- e (6;), sev(78) to enty (70). seventy-eigh- t eighty (80), inclusive, eighty-eig(88) to ninety-fiv- e (95), inclusive, one hundred and six (106) to one hundred and ten (110), inclusive, one hundred and twenty-on- e (121) to one hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125), inclusive, payable $6,000.00 on October 1, 1940. $6,000.00 on October 1, 1941, $7,000.00 on October 1, 1942, on October l 1943. $1, OiMK) on October 1, 1944, on October 1, 1945, ori October 1, 1946, on October 1. 1947, on October 1, 1948, on October 1, 1949, $5, K)o.00 on October 1. 195, principal and interest of said bonds to be due and payable at the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, New York City, New York. Section 2. That said $51,000.00 Refunding Bonds shall be issued pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of Ordinance No. 4. duly adopted, made and entered by this Board of Commissioners on November 26, A.D. 1937. entitled "An Ordinance providing for the issuance and exchange of Refunding Bonds of Murray City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, in the amount of $125,000.ii, dated the first day cf October, 1937, for the purpose of refunding an equal and like amount of outstanding bonds of said City, dated as of the first day of October. A. D. 1919, and repealing Ordinance No. 3, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Mur semi-annual- ly fifty-nin- ht ray City, Salt Lake County, State mediately upon the day of i,ts September 24, A.D. passage, approval and publication. PASSED by the Board of ComSection 3. The sale of said missioners of Murray City, Salt Refunding Bonds to F. T. Lake County, State of Utah, and Boise and Gordon Snow is here- approved by the Mayor, this 23rd by ratified and confirmed, and day of November, A.D., 1938. the City Treasurer is hereby auG. R. BERGER thorized and instructed to deliver said bonds to the purchasers upMayor on receipt of the purchase price ATTEST: therefor, and thereupon to de- R. R. RASMUSSEN City Recorder. posit with the Harris Trust & Savings Bank, in the City of (SEAL) Chicago, Illinois, in an irevocable Published November 24, 1938. trust account the sum of $51.- 000. 00 to pay the principal of said outstanding waterworks bonds, SCHOOL NEWS and the sum of $2,55uK) to pay the interest in full on said bonds (Continued from Page 2) from October 1, l'.38 to October 1, 1939, inclusive, with instruc- LIBERTY SCHOOL NEWS tions that said Bank shall pay the par value of the bonds plus Thankspivins; the accrued interest in full to Programs Featured maturity for any bonds with couThe First Grade for Thankspons attached presented for payment at any time prior to ma- giving, decorated their room with turkeys and other Thanksturity. giving pictures. They have learnSection 4. That all Ordinances ed two poems this week entitled Orof or Resolutions and parts Oh Mv." and "Our Baby." "Mv. condinance and Resolutions In The Third Grade honored flict with the provisions hereof, Abraham Lincoln, George Washbe and the same are hereby reand the Flag on their ington, pealed, and after said bonds are Thanksgiving program. They sang issued this Ordinance shall be a about Abraham Lincoln until andsong and remain irrepealable danced the minuet the interest bonds and the said in the fid-e- n dance did Washington thereon shall have been fully days. In honor of the Flag, paid, satisfied and discharged as thev did a flag dance. herein provided. The 'Sixth Gr.tde for their Section 5. In the opinion of the Thanksgiving prncram. brought Board of Commissioners of Mur- bnrk the "Bill of Rihts." ray City, it is necessary for the The Second Grade composed a immediate preservation of the snng which they sang for the peace, health and safety of said parents on visiting day. The name Murray City and of the residents was. "Ill Stand Up for My Flng.M therein that this ordinance take On ThanksRivlnif effect and be in force at once; On Thanksgiving day when the that an emergency Is hereby deturkey's done. clared, and that this Ordinance We sit around the table and have shall be published in one issue of the most fun. the MURRAY EAGLE, a weekly Our cousins, aunts, and uncles come from far away. newspaper printed and publish-- d in Murray City, Salt Lake They have come to celebrate County, State of Utah, and shall Thanksgiving day! lie in force and take affect im Bv Gav Krann. of Utah, 1937." $51,-itoo.O- O r ! i ' J M urray Business Directory Call Business Houses Below for Goods and Services in their Special Lines. Prompt Service and Big Values Are Given by These Alert Institutions. CAR REPAIRING PAPER HANGING PAINTING PLASTERING REPAIRING Try Me on Your Household Repairing Needs Prices Rexsonable 4629 CHERRY STREET H CARSJ" WELL. H0W WAS TO 6UESS HE I 4! $2.-000- .u One Hundred and Twenty-fiv- e Thousand and no100 ($125,-000.0Dollars Refunding Bonds, consisting of one hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125) bonds, numbered from one (1) to one hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125), both inclusive, denomination $1,000.00 each, dated October 1, A. D. 1937, due and payable $10,000.00 on October 1 in each of the years 1940 to 1947, inclusive, and $15,- 000. 00 on October 1 in each of the years 1948 to 1950, inclusive, with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (57.) per annum from date to October 1, 23-- 34 ' (5) ly to-wi- t: 366 NOV. WED.-THU- RS. bonds, Hun-Dolla- net-wor- prospects are developed manner and the producing (125) numbered from one (1) to one hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125), both inclusive, denomination each, dated October 1, A. D. 1919, payable twenty (20) years from date of issue, with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum Der annum. on the payable first days of April and October in each year, which bonds were issued for the purpose of raising funds for increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present water supply and waterworks system in said City, and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners of Murray City knows it to be a fact and hereby certifies that all of said One ($125,000.00) Waterworks dred and Twenty-fiv- e Thousand Bonds were duly and lawfully issued and sold; that all acts and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of said bonds were lawfully done; that the full purchase price of not less than par and accrued interest was received by Murray City; that each installment of interest on said bonds has always been paid promtly when due; and that there has never been nor is there now any litigation pending or threatened affecting in any way the legality or validity of said bonds or any of them or the right of said Murray City to issue the same, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance heretofore adopted, made and entered by the Board of Commissioners of Murray City. Salt Lake County, State of Utah, on the 26th day of November, A. D. 1937, said City duly provided for the issuance and exchange of the following described bonds, semi-annual- One ($125-000.0- Dollars SOREN R. NEILSON Experienced Reliable SERVICE . . IS OUR MOTTO! you the best In motor and battery rebuilding, body and fender work, and ignition parts. Also servicing, washing, polishing and complete lubrication. MURRAY SERVICE GARAGE Phono Murrnv 20 We give SHOE STORE MACHINISTS Something New! Mechanical -- Shirts --Ties -- and Socks Up to the Minute in Style HECKEL'S SHOE STORE Between Tost OfTicc and City Hall, Murray . Saw Filing S. A. ANDERSEN PKiriSK WORK QUICK SKRVICK Hv. "014-- J Salt Lake 2305 So. Main Citv.Utah TAILOR MUCH LOWER PRICE! . . . For Short Time ONLY AH Yo! Suits with cx-t.- pair of Pants Onm in and select any nf the I'a1rics. MURRAY 1 ir $9a sca-nn- 's ' latest CLEANERS AND TAILORS !nrr o fif ?ri theatre !i i! i ! WATCH MAKER TOR MODERN OPTOMETRIC SI RVICE sir J. P. O'BRIEN Jeweler and Optometrist MURRAY. UTAH t t |