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Show Pag THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 193S crowd attended and a good time was had by all. The gym was trimmed in blue and white crepe paper and the stands were very attractive. The merry makers threw balls at s to win coconuts. ""''"" By who helped make The officers . " n DUGITfTRtM. the dance a big success are: James Freeze, president; June school vice president; Lamar Litzell, High Murray got under way Hansen, secretary and treasurer; November 16. The una Calvin Zabnsky, reporter. 'Ul two from each class, were class managers of JORDAN HOOP ''hosen bv Observes i. 4 Haw n Date Bureau Set Up at High School .T ten-pin- '?i4v SCHEDULE grade. DRAWN night's schedule was: The basketball schedule for the vs. Senior A' Fwshnn-district was recently Jordan A B vs. Junior drawn up by coaches of the eight J, A B Sophomore schools in the district. Smiore B vs. Faculty- Teams will beein action Fri second the night of xS pairing day, January 6, and will com pro! schedules, plete their A vs. Faculty March 3. B vs. Junior frUnv.vn The district will be divided inA Senior A vs. Junior to two divisions, northern and B vs. Sophomore or B Granite. Jordan. Bing southern. encounter. of . n Piictcs winner on ham, and Murray will be in the be will played tf The southern group, and Davis, CyNovember 23 with the following prus, Tooele and Grantsville will h.ittlo it out for northern honors. ?apyr8fii'st and second places-Fac- ulty Teams in each group will play vs. Junior A. each member team on a home fourth and home arrangement and will places and For third A. play one game with each of the senior A vs. Sophomore teams in the opposite division. champiomshp For consolation Tho srhpdule: B. Senior Frihman vs. Mur to January 6 Bingham aturams-wiiibe will given cup t. A loving Jordan at uranite; ray; team. the winning nt Pvnrus: Tooele at Davis. Tnnnarv 13Bineham at Jor mi rmrilS dan;. Murray at Granite; Cyprus pROVtS SUCCESS at Davis; Tooele at orantsvine. at held at The Soph Circus was January 20 Grantsville DaHigh school gym, Bingham; at Tooele; Granite gLmber18at9:. A large vis at Murray; Cyprus at Jordan.January 27 Uranite at uinRCyham; Davis at Grantsville; at Tooele; Jordan at Mur prus Look Your Best . . ray. at February 3nt Bingham Granite: Murray It Pays to at Grantsville; Tooele at Jordan. Look February 7 Murray at uing-ha-at X Davis at Tooele; Cyprus LIKE t -- YOU WILL Grantsville; Granite at Jordan. I OIK SERVICE February 10 Tooele at Bing-at I ham; Jordan at Davis; Cyprus t Murray; Grantsville at Granite. MILT ANDERSON at February 17 Grantsville GraTooele; Jordan at Bingham; nite at Murray; Davis at Cyprus. FRANK NELSON February 24 Jrodan at Grantst ville; Bingham at Davis; Granite at Hall Cyprus; Murray at Tooele. Opposite City 3 Bingham at Granite; March 4 MURRAY at Murray at Jordan; Grantsville Davis; Tooele at Cyprus. The first Ir ri I Well-Groom- ed EVER FOR SEVERAL MONTHS? DOES ONE DREAM like continued with chapter each and the sponsors guarantee sat- night for weeks or months. Sometimes they run for years. Dr. L. isfaction. The success of this plan will Gahagan recently reported in the mean that it will be used in Journal of Abnormal Psychology future. the case of a gSrl who had a dream which continued uninterrupted from LUTHERAN CHURCH the age of eleven till in the nineteenth year. The dream started M.E. Chapel. 171 E. 48th South with the reproduction of an actual Allen Schuldheiss, Fastor The regular Sunday morning event in the life of this girl, and preaching services at 11:K) a. m., continued nightly thereafter till the with Sunday School and the end. In the dream situation, the Bible Class at 10:h o ciock. girl was the victim of a strong inThis coming Sunday marks the feriority complex in the early stages first Sunday in the new church of the dream series, but as the year. It ushers us into the so- - dream extended the inferiority dicalled Advent season, wnicn preminished, and finally, near the end, pares us for the first coming of was replaced by definite superiority Bethlehem. at his birth Christ, Zacha-ria- s, feelings. This change may h&va Our text is Luke 1, Old Testament, something to do with the terminapriest of the tion of the dream. ana a ot nope song rejoic sings Crpyrisht. WNU Servtc. oi over the cnrisi, coming ing . .fl of the New the High-PrieMr. and Mrs. J. II. McOmie On this Sunday we also plan entertained Thursday at a family in start work on our annual tit-o- Cy-rw- by DR. GEORGE D.GREER sible. Mr. Barnett and Miss Sperger of the faculty have charge of this new movement and will notify students of their dates. Everything is strictly private , I KNOW THYSELF In order to have all the seniors attend the annual Murray High Senior Hop, a date bureau has been formed. Each senior is giv en a slip upon which they are to write their first five choices for partners at the dance December 2nd. Couples will then be matched according to the individual choices or as near as pos- bas-1,- 1 ach A new informal portrait of the "first lady of the screen," Norma Shearer, whose return to pictures v ill be heralded by with the production "Marie Antoinette," in which she ii with Tyrone rower. er DREAMS often run a .. Diptheria More Common Than Many Realize st dinner. Christmas program. We ask all our Sunday scnooi cnnaren iu Diptheria is a more common reported to the Utah State Board be present. FEED GRAIN HAY cause of illness in Utah than of Health, with only six fataliCHURCH realize, according ties. These were again largely BAPTIST COAL many peoole FLOUR to Dr. William" M. McKay, Di- older people. 48th South 62 East M rector of the Division of ComAeain there is reason to believe James P. Payne, Pastor municable Disease Control, Utah that most of those who die had QnnHau Kprvirps: Bible school X State Board of Health. This is an important observa- not received anti diptheria in and morning service at lo o'clock. fnr all aces for the dis rinps tion, according to Dr. J. L. Jones, oculations. of the lesson on Honesty. since remarkable cussion record, rather The State Health Commissioner, M of six there Dr. The pastor s sermon will oe on McKay says only many people believe that the of Words no 305 is. frnm "Great Huathc rasps, the topic: is little danger rf rom this disease, because of modern public health doubt, due to the fact that many Bible: Repentance and Faith." Junior and senior young peomeasures. It is true, he says, that of those who contracted the dis6:30, with the there is little need for the normal ease under favorable conditions ple's meetings atservice following of exposure had received, earlier evening church individual to contract this sercommunicable disease if in their lives, one inoculation at 7:30 p. m. In the latter muof service in informal one This an the disease. aciinst vice nave tanen he and his family measures noulation. although not enough sic will occupy the entire time. proper preventative cirin many instances to provide Old favorite hymns will be featunfortunate The it. against with complete immuniza- ured. You are invited to name them cumstances in this connection, sercon did tion, produce resistance that a favorite to be used in the to hnu'mw nrp that it reauires Opposite City Hall dismake your request enabled them, in most instances, vice Just stant vigilance to keep the bethe service Phone Murray 422 ease in control, and many people, to overcome the disease without the pastor before gins. not understanding this thorough- serious results. TVip irlnal. of course, is to have ly, are inclined to permit their of children to go on from season to every child receive two or more season without the protection doses of toxoid eariy in me. u Be On provided by proper immuniza is preferable to immunize these Artists of first the children year during tion. . U of U life. All children under ten years Display In 1936 there were in utan, which of so five of age should be protected. cases of diptheria, TV, fifth annual exhibition of of these fataliDeaths from diptheria most of! were fatal. Most work of Utah artists, sponsor the children. ten, under children older in occur ten ties were among University oi uian, While positive records are noi and particularly in those under ed by theNnvcmhcr 27 and ex nnr,n is reason to be- five years of age. We have been there available, num- tend through December 17. One plus tax district health of in partifortunate these, that lieve many Lloyd M. hundred thirteen uian anisis cularly in the older age groups, ber four, stateswe Dr. had very few have received invitation to subhad never received immunizing Farncr, in that submitted, X inoculations. cases of diptheria in either 1936 mit work. From that For BEST results this Season, USE the pieces to select will a valthree 1937, however, In 1937. is inoculation jury or The fact that be hung in me union uuimms in rare in- of the six fatalities irom : uable, even though occurred in this district; on the university campus during stances it may not provide com. Salt Lake and the exhibit. . PRO- - J plete protection against contract- namely, two in ue open to me will fact exhibit The The AND SEND YOUR EGGS TO DRAPER EGG Utah in one shown County. by ing the disease, is ouorv H.iv at no charce. f these deaths occurred in Utah's experience with diptheria thatfKiiMrnn rec our as and indicates, special days will be arranged in the 1937 epidemic in Carbon when a high schools, women's or majori cases that 233 larger ords of show, I and Emery Counties, and otner groups wui cnuoren nae W of ganizations the younger and not one death. During the ty be shown through with a lecture ........ ..n.lmn nprrmhor 31.' 193 . been immunized against and guide. Phone Murray 535-i?q Fa.t SQth South there were 305 cases of diptheria Besides oils, waiercoiors, sluif-turetchings, and prints of resident Utah artists, work of Utahns will be featured. Former Utah artists wliose worn will be on display are: Elaine Brockband Evans and Avard iMrhnnU nf Michigan: Cyrus L. Dallin, Hal Barrows, W. G.CrawPalford, John Held Jr.. Herman and Delos Blackmarr, mer, Young, of New York; J. Leo Fairbanks, Corvallis, Oregon; Mrs. Marie Clark Miller, Glen-dalCalifornia; and Edith Monterey, California. t I reeds j CarbcH & Co. once-dread- Utah To Work .... 2 f Draper Quality BARBERSHOP t : 7 At A Mash Draper Quality Chick oip-iher- ia oia-r,- j 4 E. CAIN & SON ut ru e, m m mu i r0 Ma-hon- ri e, Ma-guir- e, f w vrriSeJjCJTjr f IT I Murray Military Student Honored nainrsvillo. Sti-iru-- i?if-h;.r- r Cadet Geoiuia of Murray, has just been designated for special honors by tne auuionues ui mc Kivcrside Military Acauemy oi this city. Cadet Stciner. who is a Sergeant assigned to "F" Com pany in the Academy s mimaiy firn.inizntiori. is listed on the cur- tent Honor Roll of Riverside for having made a general average of 100 per cent for the week just closed. 1 - Rye Whiskey - QUART-CoJeNoQUART-CoJeNo.VPlNT-CodcN- 150 GAL-Co- TEAR OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT and use de No. 47 GUIDE TO GOOD Llgt oRS. jivr f3 j MANY YOU CAN 8V OOVtRlNO DISMf S WITH MOISTURE P&OOPSUK. 58 GAL-CoJ- No. lNo.17 CRAB it as a reminder to buy TOWN TAVERN, ' etuoPHANfc eovifts. or THESE eOVERS.WHlG GOST No.il V.riNT-Co- Je No. 48 Cup,-k- VOIR oS3 TOOOS No. 50 -No. 4 CoJ QUART PINT-C- ode .46 Ys PINT-Co- de o.m C5 mm PINT-C- ode No. 152 PIKT-C- ode , MM pS 53 ORCHARD, WINDSOR Wt. N'i"."ul t.'.H. l'",J'"" Cm ' N,w Yutk VEBY LITTLE. WILL ALSO PREVENT TmI SPREAD OP Fl AVOftS TO The Murray Eagle CffHER FOO0S Phone Murray 35 |