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Show STORY OF THE STARS. NEW INSTRUMENT FOR ING IT. READ- Peum-jWaola'- N-- x to tlie Ytrke. Leuer.) (Special . ,V "l j mm e ft spectros.-or:- j t with prisms, grai!Eg3. I: photographic atiarhments, etc. stands t;a a pit-- of solid m.isonry, sis- teen fret in height, seven feet of wliich u underground; thr whole rests on a sit'.iil hf of rone a ?on and ii totally imcuitneered with the liuiMing Vkhieh surro:iuil and shelters it. Near by the ham-- of th eiviutori.i is the trans:! lni:hiin. containing she In one nia!hijniari'dl insti innrnts. en.J of this is a n;h trie- scope tif superior finish and design, which the director uses in carrying on his observations for the determination of the variations of the position c the north pole. The hitter does not remain fixed at one definite spot on the surface of the earth, but moves slightly according to a somewhat complicated lu.v. Its whole ranire of motion, however, can be included within a circle of sixty feet in radius, and. therefore, to determine its path accurately, a long series of most accurate observations, pxtmded over a Ions' period of time, is necessary. Such a series has been carried on by Prof. Doolittle with most accurate results at his former observatory at Lehigh university, and such a series he is now carrying on with the beautiful new instruments of his present charge. In the same building are also a h meridian circle and a three-incuniversal transit, both mounted so that their telescopes swing in a north and south vertical plane. For use in observations made with these latter there is a sidereal clock and a ehromograph. The clock was on exhibition at the World's Fair. One of its most distinguished features is that by means of a little electric motor, operated by a battery of six Gordon cells, it winds itself once every hour, and hence is independent of the forgetfulness of man. requiring no attention but that necessary to keep the battery in running order. The principal requirement placed on a clock for astrono mical purpose is that it shall keep ac- four-itu- 11 K I'aivprsitv of Pennsylvania has dedicated to cause of science its '.. . ! ' ! 1fV iUIMnni,,!., .1 T h e observatory. latter is very suit- - j Mi summit of one ,,f the hills inmiedi- ately west of the city limits of l'hii- adelphia, beyond the influence of the smoke and soot of the factories and the vibrations of the steam and elec-- ! trie railroads. The ground on which it stands was presented to the university some years ago for the purpose for which it is now used, by the late Reese Wail Flower, from whom the observatory derives Its name. The original intentions of the donor were not carried Tint, how- ever, until two years ago when the president director. Prof. Charles S. Doolittle, then professor of mathemai-- ! ics and astronomy at Lehigh univers- ity, was called to the similar chair at Philadelphia. Under his direction has been added to the possession of the University of Pennsylvania one of the finest and best equipped institutions for astronomical research in existence. First and foremost in this equipment is the big equatorial telescope, with its eighteen-inc- h lens, mounted d on a separate building of its own. All of these instruments are from the makers of the big Lick and Yerkes telescopes, and in this, their dome-cappe- j j ! Te readers of this !'! to leal ii that tneff is a ' r v !!l i h has 'V'"y, disease nut science at.u catarrh, in all as stages, Care i lia'.l's m y. the t. n:eu,ii now known caie r- irins h const i; m on.-t tt ut ioiai tia!;1:: dmres a noe'i ;.:iy. a, Catarrli Cure is taken riirecttv uimn the tiiiK1 "' lliereiy. yu of the system, tiiseasi-u;,, mv, of the . ttie foundationSUetlKth :.!!! ;.e the patlelli H'l'l HSSiStltiS mVlif !:, OllSt it lit 1011 wi,j s h.i ;, h lU w ork. The pt epi iclei ltar tiiaf :, v powers faith in its curat i c lel:ar- ...... , ,,,,, ft r One Handle, Ht Uc t,f it fails i" cure. .that .1.. .Civ. CO, V. J. C1IKNKY iu, O. T.'C. Snl.l liv U are t. fills llaU's"f amity Uj " l"n profitable. Your company Lady of the House Insurance Agent -- Why is no good. Lady of the House do you say that? has been paying in husband Well, my years and isn't three for premiums !nie '''; I ('(mute. He remarkfe) j. t. of Of course .Mohammed went to the moutuain, Tite Stnnimr u r! I say. ici.e he was tired of the s..a shore. 1 .lrni.-i!isls- . dead yet. for every yellow ticket every package of Schilling i Best tea. Don't send coupons save them for something Rules of content published in larp;r advertisement about the hrst and middle of each month. aiS m. Tk G. W. SHORES, OUel SptclolUt In th We. OT ONE U To MOTHERS. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of DOLLAR fJEED BE PAID UTIL YOU liyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator tf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same on every that has borne and docs now the nature bear facsimile of jrjjffit&j&J wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," ichich has been, used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought ynp $" IaJZlT 011 vfif and has the signature of wrap- has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of ivhich Chas. II. Fletcher is . . President. &&4-March S, 1S071 tJ , per. ; else. ASSERTING IX THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE WE AR-EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OCR l hade 'mark. four-inc- Vo one-- t Qjudt Do Not Be Deceived. Kind BEARS You THE 1 1 CURED DR. Q. W. SHORES. fclway ieeklns to help nufTerirg mtinklind, always tryins vaJu to convlnc he trat glvea popla tar tvrry dollar paid him, htta decided to giva tiuackrry, fraud and Imposition lt death blow, and protect tha aufferlng claisos from tha deatilcaila fd methols of quacks and utterir from Have Always Bought" SIGNATURE OF FAC-SIMI- on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. WRITE Insist I Twenty-fiv- e Every Seminal Wnakt.eas, Varlcxwele, Hydrooela. amalt Goiiorrtiioea, Syptitlia, Strlotura. or shrunken otgana, prematura old axa and ail other pnvU diaoje, whethr cauaad by ignorance., noet or oonta-irw- i, no matter how vere, you can consult DTI. O. W. SHORES, tha ohvl-cia- n who ha r'van hl Ufa to curin chronlo dlste, and ba examlnad, aa-vtreated and cured without paying him ona dollar until th cura Is effected. Tha doctor reserves tha ri"ht, however, to refuse any inourabl. caseIf h can'l cure you he don't want your .loney. liuch an offer was never before made by a responsible phvuieian, and Dr. Q. W. Khoiea Is only able ti mtltt It berauaa ke positively cure these disease. Don't waste another cent on Questionable doctors, but consult the "Old Doctor" and be cured. BUBLNKSB SACREDLY t Use Giant Baking PoiJsr, charU-tana- . ii, Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients ef which even lie does not know. "The . in OPEM LETTER A n One Guess sat-fac- . I, L - tita-v.- ; h f l!rae.l ''vinl " ' nir ' 1 The University of 1 lue Telescope It Is I'ronoum-eOne f the Mont Perfect Vet 1'ruUui ed t XtHnleit it J rroneter for c!o?e raeasuremeuti, ounces for 25 Cents. If. A iliii f Dr. G. W. SHORES, Lock Box 1586, Salt Lake City, Utah. MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. Hi'MKtTKK. Ito.k HII.K. 1K. J. (. 1IIIKH1, l.tMIHldg.lt:ilU'I.U, 1LU Best on Earth for the Money. $ it 8 su it it o w u :! liirp? fin !i o A i! o TJ a D u I o !i n ..I OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. :t; : : latest production, they have introduced every convenience which mechanical ingenuity could devise for the assistance and comfort of the observer. The lens, which is the largest one in the country east of Washington, was made toy Rrashear in Allegheny, and formed part of hi3 exhifiit at the World's Fair in 1S93. Mr. Brashear is the only man in the "orld who has developed the art of grinding glass to such a perfection that he can produce an absolutely fiat surface. He can grind glass correct to any given outline within one millionth of an inch. It would be natural to 6uppose that a lens of his make would curate time under all conditions of temperature and weather. At present this clock is running at a uniform h of a secgain of less than ond per day. To start in a fitting manner the isstitution thus equipped on the career of scientific usefulness, the officers and friends of the university gathered on the observatory grounds a few days ago. The provost of ths university, C. C. Harrison, introduced the orator for the occasion, Prof. Simon Newcomb, late superintendent of the Nautical almanac office in Washington, and the leading mathematical astronomer of this country. Dr. b spoke very appropriately on the "Problems of Astronomy," many of which will be investigated by the institution for which the address was delivered. The observatory so equipped and directed, and started so well, can not fail in its great purpose of increasing thi useful knowledge of mankind. HENRY P. EVANS. r -- . sK Awr 1 v i SCI MV : wir i U ti ii ll fell Ai New-com- Tumi nhlf. The longest turntable in the world was completed recently at East Albany for the New York Central. It is intended not only for locomotives, but for sleeping and long private cars. It is CSVj feet in length and its construction required 431 yards of concrete in the center of the table. As evidence of how nicely it is adjusted a boy of 14 years of age turned one of the company's heaviest locomotives on it with br.t little effort, so pr;fct ia its mechanical adjustment. THE NEW TELESCOPE. seems to be really taking be of a high standard of excellence. bold Universmade for the again England. They are play-la- :; The one he has the been has game more this season than of proPennsylvania ity nounced by experts to have no supe- t'l'.iy did last, and Important matches announced to take place almost rior. The telescope is provided with h ordinary eyepieces, a screw rafl- - fr.Vlj for the next two months. a-- is J ii o u o -- T3 G H o u oo rr n o nn ou H It iy J o n B 3 f! ft o ii ii rtJ T tn t 1$ C I td ow oC V) O r rr to o o T3 ! ! ! H 1 G o it Jili' s t o O 3 O u P ! D o u ou Ok CO ii o C3 n o u J? n to G H ijA tn a. O W tn it u ET rt ;. t - o u o u it e, 3 IU i! o o u n it CO u o a one-tent- A I.oni; t O O !i NEW OBSERVATORY u o o a, u to o e..: tz 1 1 t tr c t u I ! " ! ?t . J '-- I i! i$ i ii t L I " - s 2 Use Three Crowa Baking Powder. HEWLETT BKO.'S CO.. 'Sole ft Manufacturers, Salt Lake City, 4 '),,i,'H,i"i,,,i"!"H"l"i Chew Tulu Lulu, the New Pepsin Chewing Gum. It is delicious, try it |