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Show twice by Dr. Jones without' C..1VW! !! the , f n,.. Walla- Ihrd of Murray and Mar-V;,who merchant ami backs' f I'mon weregrautr- 77 'garet Han-v- a Trj rz ' lieli-t!ie that ed a inrrri c license vt tcrdav. juphis be e.mutry yeo-- j Miller wa? mun-- 1 reached otherwi-- e than pie can 1ioih audi Darning. itching, skin lisass through the local weekly. 'h." wiih a vicious oil". iiisiuulv-'itl'l,v Do Witt'--- . ot Jii linger nearly bit of dollars hic ineai tl rown for Witch Hael unequalled : I '.' ; away tryii.g to accompli.,!, the in-- ! r Victor IJ...;n has skit pod the Cms, cS. mini. ocai; li yj i follow the'.X.iiuph..' of the town, and left a private family tu without a in- - a -- car. Murray successHil aiiverliser. Phar-maev- , Dr. W. li. Ferreboe ii; urn the iovi (.fa hoard I, p "j .j . Ex-- , We tiller the San Erara hath-loaded t.i-l,('p. At dozen v.'iiifor..s .i .Mv;:cnsixr; t and the Ami:!:i; .v Eaoli; v with melons. fruiL an.l stftim no show jamiuer !i0n r;;,:''ti!;r, y 0l.,., for '2.)i). Eacii yearly-l'v.-j with the hid" element in wre on our streets tins week. u TZTTf tl H h to these two papers will 41. iu t. .. ,, 1 . bfl ki'i'ttl 111 nil' r1 t ill choice receive their of either the ,.,.,, ,.r .t.e tmu , , des rnv , her -n Made s -tin ':ort v. Portfolio of wneroMoe n.i from Park Photographic views of, Do property OWUcr U'cd piOiOc- - the Corbett-Eitzsim'fw:1:rcr,"''4n;::;;;rii,iuM,.ue fLt .Tnbihe. ,.a iis light at; i.'.'.ntli. r.mv , ; , .. ,,, I"';,,:,,,, line rT m mrcc , lnr,.r- MMUHS l"tuuD l'o-'iuiu.uiSaivu 1 .1 vral rfi'K't.tm agaiUM Carson, or a copy of the splendid! iim-Licut.lVarv" haslcit Washington hssncss. picture entitled "On the Plains." ,onld fur hirf trip to the Artie seas. May , : Absolutely Pure. the to for Kali HuhEcribe today aVr'Ti.i.. w...-- 'y There is a time for rove t0 be a fools errand ? Ciilebraetl for Us grp;rt leavening and en a vear's buhscrintion to the and the time to attand everything; to a cold is nod lteaUhfnluer.8. AR6uros thu For when it starts. Don't wait 'till Ktreujjth ja(j,v, iioine Ideal'' free wi.- TTrhtM-- h the latest ''Heat- food iiiTiiinst ilium and all forms of adulM'i's. ".ii .:., i.r.iml liill. i 41... awl ...4 lii.i Un.iMfiv PH.teration common to the cheap brands. 1111. I"""" 'f r 10 oral you have consumption but prevent l:0"". UAK1NU POWDKR thus vietiio a domestic the Ideal.'' CO., SEW VOUK. Home Anderson heing' it by using One Minute Cough Cure it! of think one year, magazine, the great remedy for coughs, colds, :!IT()f:.tlul('Jones and lien Birch got hata cut 111 literature! M. A. V'lUA M'KN', 0. II. croup, bronchitis and all throat intoHugh . Murray's Inuranee Avnt, on the Oth, and an altercation Vim, vigor and victory: these and lung troubles. Murray Phar- Jones received an Atwood, 'will list your property in ugly knife cut in 'suiue of the.hest eompauics in the are the characteristics of DeWitt's macy, W. E Eerrebee, Prop. th e net a. The case was brought Ward iiouh.'. Little Early Kisers.the famous lit'i!iiioiMl wm hh ' before be thieves must There school Justice Hunilu petty Tipton. Piich was ., ..t ii in tle pills for constipation, bilious- around this to that an-l.o0 in neighborhood permitted go on his own recogname (iive us ibvMOTii. 'iii,, ness and all stomach and liver need o A number to put in ai' apafter. nizance, but failed Ti!- -. home looking '""""""""Icashaudnreiv. paper trouble?. your j W. Murray Pharmacy orted been h.! nti!. i' t'l' f,iiis....n;iii The have for one olheersare .....n-re; pearance. already things looking t "' ' i E. Forrebee, Prop. stolen. The night before last Mrs for him. par. Hi nee it has been decided that Dr. Jones lost her but tor from Don't nauseate your stomach named Goovoe Green lead a into the system under the cooling box under the with teas and bitter herbs, but regpoison gets 'mCKK W P'iT OKi- K'K. Hotel o 'Mi- .II. 111! Ill llow of the artesian well, that a. .... t" through the pores of the skin the ; 0.,i.,fr;;m t ((fa Illonth hoard hill smeller serves as a refregerator. which she ulate your liver and sick headaeh establish should companies by using those famous little pills He is now non est. the men be re- happened to leave unlocked a little known and bathhouses, h mi 'oioi Lit.'.' as DeWitt's Little Early M iT'lor li'iuii late. l.u'sii,,.,; 1'nmi '.in. That Montana Miner wdio sheds quired to bath at least once a day, Ilisers, Murray Pharmacy, W. E. his shin every year is looming up wheti coming off shift. Eerrebee, Prop. John (JriHin of Zanesviile, 0., ''I'r'- - " as a couui-- r attraction to. ecretary Arrive ...1.. i' Xever in any thickly settled Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Sherman's Cuban views. says; "I never lived a day for thirty community was there any more thc"tiu"anniversary of their unyears, without sutfering agony, government til A great many people come to need of a municipal Some II a zel wedding Tuesday night. a box of DeWitt's YVTie!; The i their niore.of friends twenty-tMurray via. the Ihip'id transit ear then ri.'dit here in Murray. ve,or tactics by the moss- - Salve, cured my piles." For piles t:. lalvi- the stage for Wasatch, the obstructive and retal diseases, cuts, burns, gave them a "tin pan" seri'iiade, back opposition are simply without resort. mountain popular bruises, sprains, eczema, and all the instuments used being all useful reason whatever. any tflii -skin troubles De. Witt's Witch new articles of tinware. The sur0.. ?a.rui. F r .ii.-J- iily )th, on State and led by Rev. Mr. rnd Mrs double-breasteMurray prise was People who come to Murray and Hazel Salve is unequalled dri iiinltiir.' S)lh South Streets a lady's tlitwhose church, th.e M. ...o.a Hartshorn.of fl..r. E. W. Dr. Who,,,Ki,o,l Eerrebee, I'd milly tan eloi h jacket. Can be tavn little while, and beat their Pharmacy, (.mi Mrs is a choir member. Miller " E., :i r and ;o t.s beard, barber, livery, whiskey tiiui- pro Prop. laid by calling at this ollice. tlit-be at. .. I'.ift t.tmks every other bill should brought ,; unifrv w.) must, fur Iiiisl. , Don't throw away the Ea;u: back and treated to a coat of tar Saltair Beach 'Ism.? Table. UTAH COALS. it cmlaii.s some and feathers. A lew examples of !!a' u'V7;; ;.i V.1...UI in tfin:pi.sul,,,.ment, In Fll'cct tine I. js.17. Oifva Yar('. """i1 Hi.' choice and valuahic matter selectit. to a this hon.uor would kind lht. stop put u in U l'I li 4.00 34.00 Castle Gate L imp, Trains leave 11. (1. W. Depot. foil," ed with great tare for the literary $4.25 Fare for Pound TripfiO Cents. 'Thev don't make much fuss Castle (late Nut, palate. Send us your job printing. about it." We are speaking of De- - W'int'rQ'arl'rsLunip 3'k7.) 64.25 The Christ en sen Orchestra is in wanted. KiSL-rs84.25 .Steady N'ut agents Witt's the lathe. $:;,7o Canvassing attendance every Afternoon and YViuterQuarters Early Head our advertisements. for Very famous Is. W. Ci.aytom, guaranteed. & little employment constipation, J. P. C.uioox Bko. Evening. pills Call at this billioasness. and all stomach aim offered, liberal terms have Gen. Mgr. storm-clouds passed. Hie of U) a. in. liviir. S I.T A IB bonis AK the ollice between I. urine. never SALT Thev . . 1:4 loavo is on urn s:e,v nnlvo i.nek llan.-o:t ive !fiv Mur-raand 1 p. m. Pharmacy, W. K. Eer- ie,l"ia m l.oo p m 1 13 a m ll!.:!n p Ui 2.1") V m tn 0,(10 A line new bicycle for sa'e cheap. Travelers these hot, dusty days rebec, Prop. 4 45 u,;;5 4,15 0,c Tan oliiee. find a cool retn at and the very Men workincr in lead and eoppcr 3.3(1 C15 8,15 5,45 on "tap" at ores should be careful about putting 7,45 best 7,15 lo,15 foi lo,15 beverages cooling of them hots lots! T.nH. lots, y h err, the l'mruix Saloon, corner of State their lingers in a haoy's mouth mi,Vvu .sai1" cheap. ltd 1: rf;i V S! reis of dust ll; every particle ' NOTICE FOR IT: PLICATION. down. Two I'urmo'es have cio-emoved. The Jaiiuie in this respect I on stand Xo. :;i2i. rtnt to t'.e (io Kagle ..,1,lie ,.,.,...,,., caused the severe illness of a baby and ol State Murray Land Oaice at Salt Lai-.- Citv, jtbe coiner its father rubbing the little o!Vtr lor your (s r(. 'Zr Vuits of all kinds. hy Call at the Eac.i Ammet, 7. IH'JT. with his linger. Notice is I: erf by kivwi that iht follow-,tst Uionary. Also Miniiiirr drinks and refresh- - gums hiiK lilec! notice f Ins mimed Fe!,t.l on ice served, The iUiiKmncement of the en- '?7)Vi?V5;; v.'ih go to ii,,, liients kept iic.t'ut inn to maku iiaiil Tcof in supi to of Erank and Lizzy is 'J1 port, of his elairn, ami that said proof TTie P- ck i'amily of .1 ubilce Sing- gagement kageeu 011 Ike Kh. vv.ll tu ii.::uie lief. ire the Uptfisier mil f!.. next ijomiui: sensation, or, per iiitf . r.i of the Salvation Ariav.will a,: ht Lalt Enke City, on S .t. 25, kuk. no c We have .(, will cards prethe A sewn:;; hmviiiih wedding old plantation and Jubilee haps llo'..t?sted Jsp;, getuiine ii: J 'lia forM.thrtM'oeo, for. though the. engagement, This olbee , "iIp E. C S. H. '.; To provide against :,o useless! Ihti.rv No. Murray yed is, iil's at the M h. ( ImiIIi will be Olds, they are still an V. itS. :. ex-- j S. W. .o,,! S. E. help !o pay, at the customer's William McM:lla; is 011 crutches ;m., next Wednesday night. 15, r. 1 S, K: 2. W. "Oh, couple. young we of what , pease. Every with a trained ankle. lb n nt.t-- the fi.;i..;ving witttf.i;js to I he butei er smo;- ran !v the w hat, will the harve-- t be?" sell you represents your money's tOivo !i's ctita I'sider.-i.-ucon .'.:.! of and' b.utle M". I'.li 1'ierce has iust recovered Murray Mea a"d Live Slooh Co. win. each waiil of rub n,(i, v,': Wii'.iant worth, a ". o1, iiiii! o: I ad. deserves the co;isiiiei'athn of the It heals everything except a violent si. Sin'ili.CcOr(;.. w:r;''' Ki!'a;'l'e liquor or beer you buy is pried as; lie a; of '!' broken heart, may Utah inn I Albert Y.'ot. ef ivloisvii!.', re stami tie hole realiv ey lt'iolic. can truiy honest low as goods cf Mtoi-avL'tah. Witch Haze! Salve. Piles Curtis i:. 'I iu.'dey w ill ahn of!' leil titer go. ids at uiuileale prices for. sold iJvi:oN Croo, ly 1'J. t:'u:b.--burns. diseases. eutc. lvrtnl Sc. .,.,,1 m !heir tr.mh A. K.CAHOON', Prop, O. F. ilivis, .tty. for c!;o!nan!. Ma.-ii'eli from a t:kiu Marriott and all eczema Harry bruises, letter, Lets for s.ue in the T.am'u rger horse in ,ir the post oHic. Sunday, trouh'es may be cured by it quickly adiliiiou. C:M1 at Cms olhce. and broko his ria'iit arm ! above and permanently. Murray Phar s. t the ,,,;v. W. E. Eerrebec, Prop. P i; Sorlev isc!e:-kingathe, i'he ii!,t. l!uDr. Kaiisel.cr ,1;i'v is Z V M. 1. Drug Store. Salt Lake. t d. A Subscriber said the oilier day: jotute Ik-: is EaoI.k of ike ue School rv nt Tim Murra Sand iv ''flic last week's '.LJ-' ms.-- IV nvi I v caiit.uned more good, am! original cursion v.- -t. rd.v wr.; a stv.v:-s:ivc saiiiry jaiot. u riu- or eail on ,I):ltter than any other local weekly ' left at K't; : '.tichari'son. i hoc se.vieju t Co , 'V, 1 The people of tins ;n the State. cheap-ly..!..i .. .; ;i S.'t, s hd very this oniee.can oi feel should proud (viiiuaui'v ve,i Manaut'iIonno time and i a !ich his journal, .lack Clarihw carrying t ih. iurrav, in gi.Kig it 'heir support. re? ult of a burn. arm in a siia-.tis the 1, ;.!: AVhat ick!.a !!, ...... ft K.A.Slout. who is holding fo-- !' u t .,,,a ., ,i,i.i.i-i!V ,..;th his caravan, o! ihe- luiggies , aim d. ?.i mug V. editing ami !ccpTh.e ticn cart!.t local jiarties this week. 'ad 0.0 cao'.io,1. Lie! a company hi.ds Cos a in e.i y coat u r an our ' w.i v, vii ad jj!i:deb:'.kef Two line homes ,or c, .1,1 ii. "V iii oeike lle.'W ...... ,...-(il)OII II' in d to the m hi? ,.: ( of Murray. Call or write on "tir Their vehicles are .1.: .'.cr.,... : a, "I 'i. V !PH street.-- every day and their good t .V!M fcj It fit i'.li' .1.1 if ;.i..:( n ft a ' W 1 hut, talked not V stir.' up to band only vrm be a will 'rMTinlly i(itaiities There I,. a rrrAkii - il Jul. 1 x j s j - I f -- ! ' T!-ai- -1 3 - t, po.-.-ibl- y o 1 j i J i.-- co i.,-- r'-'- - ' joai-yeai- i eu-hiu-- niibs-faabe- , . . 1 : . i ,.- . . , j I 1 : -- i . "o ; 4 . j - 1 .. j 1 '. tg iv..,ti-..i-t.- - t . I 1 4 i.-j- v .iJii-.i'iv.i- - . - " .,- ;,t.-f- ...J "'rr . r I I I I c5 I I ' t W M I1- - iut-- - iii.!-tp- cele-brate-- AGLETS. E - d - . in-- - I , , .1 ';,,, . . A F, 1 1 ji.-m- . "a TV d . ISA i". e -s-- j r Wo.-dnu- - j . - i ha-iei- J , Sr-.-- d.-o- ; s - j j iv'ti-io- De-Witt- -- 's j , 1 j Uegi-ite- er in-- t 11 w-'- 0.-;in,- : A- i - - 1 1 1 i i : . b-- - - If he : . i . . . . r 1 -- ...... J 1 i'-- ' 1 , la-ll- , i v f, . - V....1-W- . Oi-- i ' Builders. - I 1 1 1 , t - A V- -- ? . hull Line c : - b-u- ss .;,iid"d to lv called, the "Vood-- j lal'ut th h po nn men's I. ami." Mr. Vincent failed to s.rme 1.1V !lu S aio'Mi, .i;uue tuiu - : " f ,o,i!i will o'len it. me.,;, , a,, ei-h- ts. rrv-makui- U.,t':. the m . , c: eai .1 . . .u- - and si!u o .1 j 'i m) ! . ( j.u irantoiak & i SVood-Worki- a iii C. P. Duiand can now .ii. as auv cyco;; (b(, seen as proud i,,.,i1;m" the record. She, b.Ke all W a 'icings is on w het Is" ,,or!lin;,i (!, S. t . . i.sou . one of Minra's ta'etvl. mt fa keep li'an with l!i, "'"'el that ... Crown reiumou ... w ,, Mr. Edwin .'.. ... V . P cm. : v..,-,wl.de .rem a.rv.ew. ho, .,, a, whi, -- oX'. rides one of ,he. best vc.erday v lvu M'!nt' tH- r" would end his li,;. ih sUirt'tl.j(.r.i;uakt,s the Carlisle, sold by Stude- - 1 ri ?t .' 1 . ire.-da- y i -l nr it- -C'' e i 1 . - . 1 1 ! The boy Mho drivis brcruelty toan.taa.s. e 1 th;M I'm. , r-- va ' 'l l eak, m;1l'y;!i; v. is now cmvaleM-ing- . rrie P.rf.riisS. - 1. , years ohl. :l 1- j 3 FT baker Pres. id'Hoi-- Virrh 01m v, is not in Lomhm merchaht to () p" 3 ij Im . ongli cure is . , l 1 - 'I , .'1 ?. 1 it '! '1 t T , tfl 4 . ) ai ui iu l ' t j Doons, MOEL DINGS, J '1 .J 1 1 Sliiir Building SASH. uiillionairo d the poor ,,t At tut mH of One the Queen' jubthv. as the poor us rrocoed- Lake Jubilee n :. .iiro in.- ricu iiti ' .M niiu1 . .. . .t fr thrtK- for pom "tlnn r to cai, ami u.c vei.omeal a very them rl).,r (1.ri inrfi p;,, for that price. gave-i:.ou- Si 51 - m h:oub!e-.-Jiih's morning,' August -' from W . hi. l riTh-o, eat 'touhlc. Sic was operated! lll;l,,y, ! I and r:uhikvvoiW: ,""k ' . hr. Mi:-:- . "-'- . ,,' aneslcdi may pull tnroug "I cra c u; t bcem Mr Kebt. Nevius '.Mcklist dure- - thopusl week. iV1 u- f"-'- ,' Vt 7'," S.J V3 r;, .... 1 w ''"'KJiw Illst Wed Of Dl:jnt j ,;' I- - "T Au.b.t! |