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Show SPERl! the sun r.ses ot the usual hour upuu au tion has btvo Mifrovd through foreclosures, but this is on city property which was mortgaged iu the days of inflation. There l:te been very lew fuiccWauies fSWDTSlE EP would no? harr been coi.sidered during the depivissed times. The liLBhcitii reports now thow that money cau be secured for any reasonable enterprise at rates tank still tnrn.ug uu its axis. I'ayinir Oil the Mortgage. farm An iinh.cible and positive proof that It is estimated that in 1 the product local affairs are becoming more encouragfrom the South Dakota farms, including and that Williams County, at least, is the live stuck and creamery industries, ing the dawn of better times, is furseeing will aggttgate jl(iO,iKl,HM. This, dis- nished in the following figures, piveu out tributed among ;i,'itl.(Hl people, is enough bv Mr. l'wnn, the recorder of this county: to give a Comfortable living and, in addi- Since Jan. 1 hist the number of mort tion, to make a great inroad uu their is It 'id, gages tiled for record in this county number released is '270, so that the while St. Paul. Mian. The mortgage and there are 1K5 fewer mortgages on loan business on farm lauds in Minnesota Wiiliuiv.s Conutv land than there were on lias fallii: off more than 50 per cent durJan. 1, J .'". The record by months is ing the last three years, principally iu the as follows: last year and a half. Of nil the loans that Released. Recorded. were in existence in Minnesota ou farm- "0 iVJ ..January .. :i con. . ing lands three years ago the various Kehruary til ,, 47 ..March cerns differ slightly on the pore entage that r..i ...April has been paid. The lowest estimate places 42 ..May it at 10 per edit and the highest at 25 per 14 ..Juue CD-- . cent, while the average seems to be 10 to 'JO per cent. This is held by the mort- nr. This shows beyond dispute that gage and loan concerns to be a wonderful are paying their , ... i:.: .:... showiiiT, when it is taken into considera- bams County ..,.t.l no coutiiiioii oi unuia o'uii tion that a vast amount of money was de ts ami Ohio this. thau more just promising be loaned in Minnesota during the boom tunes. It means that that much has been State Journal. paid back over and above what has been borrowed. There have becu practically Fonth as Well a North. no foreclosures. The truth is, our Southern States are That the Slate has felt the pinch o in condition. All their products of hard times was one of tlio cront factor tht good soil cie in touch with markets. Manthat kept the- farmers from going further ufacturers are advancing steadily. Busiinto debt. When the bottom fell out of ness in lumber is grow ing at a rapid rate, the Loon, the farmer xvu the first man to timber is immense. J be mridy fofHfil'U'lllturr, take to the woods. ne immediately cut tudf&the with t?Ottoil !e (ifli' his expenses and practiced the ciosest head, have the world for their "j.hoir economy. 'Jue farmer incurred no uew market; and the lesser products, coming tiebts. much earber than those of the Northern Alflumg!, diversified farming- hR a States, and distant but a single day from pone great way toward relieving the Minnesota tilt. Northern cities, get the best of the farmer o? his debt, by far the market every year, and are mostly confactor has been the dairy interest.greatest There sumed before the Northern crops come in. are hundreds of creameries and half as At Southern industrial centers trade in many cheese factories in Minnesota, and all lines shows marked uctivity, Portthe majority of them have been estab- land Oiegoniau. lished since 1S92. The effect of the establishment of these creameries has been New York Times Admits It. almost electrical. It has been the prin The New York Times (Democratic) cipal cause of the large payments of view of the business outmortgage loans. At the end of the month takes i hopeful believes that the tide has turnand look the farmers get returns from the creameries. A great many of them, in fact al ed for the better. While the Times is most all the larger creameries, nre co opposed to the Kepuhliean tariff policy, on from ptr cet down, showing that confidence Las it tu rued and that capitalists desire to have their money bringiug in even small tates rather than Laving it lie idle St. Ixuiis Star. ', Whole Country is on the High Road to Good Times. , "I Great Democratic Journal Produces Indisputable Evidence of This Fact. , Wil-debto- rs .. Newspaper Press Everywhere Continues to Testify to the Business Improvement. The testimony of returning tiuslness activity which has been presumed by tliis paper in the past two months, through a collection of statements of the press of the country, irrespective of party, has attracted much attention and been received with much satisfaction. So gratifying has this presentation been, and so rapidly do the evidences of prosperity accumulate from every direction, that another series of statements of very recent date are herewith presented. These statements are all remarkable and striking, but none of them is more so that the lengthy one from the New York Sun, which has gathered from all parts of the country information about the condition of the farmers and the rapidity with which they are paying off their mortgages under the better prices for crops, and the lessons of the past four years, which have taught them the Importance of taking the first opportunity of paying off their debts, whenever possible. The article, it will be seen, covers all sections of the country, and shows remarkable prosperity and prompt application thereof to reduction of indebtedness, a double condition on which the farmers of the country are to be congratulated. Here is the collection of convincing dispatches appearing in the Sun: Seattle, Wash. For the first time in several years there is much idle money in Washington. This state of affairs is due In a .croat measure to the excellent crops of lS'JG find to the prospects of still better All the wheat belts of the crops in State, including the P.ig Bend of the Columbia, the Palouse country, the southwestern part of the State, and Skagit and Whatcom counties, will produce, it is estimated, at lenst more than ever before, and the first step of the farmers will be to raise the mortgages of their farms. "The debt of the farmers of Washington," said C. E. Vilas of the Washington Rational Building, Loan and Investment Association of Washington, "will he decreased at least 25 per cent by this year's not yet bad nu application for a loan from uuy farmer. Helena, Mont. information obtained 1 rrom lonri Hgents and county is to the efTect oliioials of this that the mortgage II indebtedness is honor v rerlnee,! and that this process has been going on for some time. Farming settlements are so sumd ,'inj widely separated that it is difficult to give their condition, although it is believed to be improving slowly. In FALSE CHARGES DENOUNCED BY SECRETARY WARNER. United Mine AYorVerV Fecretary Saj the Ohio Senator lias 1 in pro ved tb Condition of His Men False Circulated About Hi m. Secretary Claire Confident. "At the end of this fiscal jear," resumed Secretary Cage, looking over the statements wh'ch had just been plac1'ntera a l'rnteett. ed upon his desk, "the condition of the Williaiu Warner, Secielary of the UnitGovernment is all that could be desired. Workers of the Fittsbury There is no trouble with the gold reserve. ed Mine has entered u earnest protest at busithat barometer of eontidenee. The miners' ness men, tnpitalists and investors, not the man ii r in which the names of in otticials are used btatetneuis concerning world, the of but only of cur own country, are content with our situation and pros- the treatment of miners by Senator Murk a. l launa. lie says: All the nervousness which forpects. All these stories publishd nhont the attimerly held us iu its toils has disappeared. tude of Mark lis una oa labor are false. In its place we have confidence in the Kvery time you bee the name of myself or iu Government, the confidence I'atrick i ti. President of Hie ilislrict, future, of coupled wall iliese stories, It Is done withconfidence iu ourselves. The boarding out our have denied tlicni knowledge. gold has stopped and much of the yellow but what cau I Uu tu slop their tir- dethe metal that was put away during Cllhllloll ? y Unprecedented Showing of Mortgage: Cleared Off by American Farmers. STANDS BYMIUIAXXA 1 . cirpression has come out and gone into the day turn to tide The culation. began President MeKinley was elected and it has been running the right way ever since." Chicago Times Herald. The Last of the llnnl Time. We have c.hout seen the last of the hard times and the movement has begun so Joiltf that Hotnua the iroHerf.v toward .. . , I, lilllllin,, 4.. IO ,li. nit- - ..a. It PAt . . t t -i COIIH..'..II g. 11 be rapii, because the American market is crowdel with foreign importations, which must be consumed before our own manufaci riors can enjoy that which they have been cheated out of by a low tariff, and our own wage workers receive the earnings that are going into the pockets of European producers. Wheeling Intelli- - I I I rt- The true of Mr. Italian's attitude to Ms workmenstory and toward union lalxir. us far as his mining interests la Western Pennsylvania are concerned, Is that he is the best uiaa hi the whole district to work fur. I ib) nut know Senator ttaniui never saw him In my life. Mr Dolan and myself voted the free silver ticket last fall, and will do so again If we etui get a chance. We have no interest In Mr. Manna's candidacy for l' nited iStates Senator In Ohio, hat the fact tli;.t we are opposed to him In politics seems to have given some writers the Idea that , iutl .. .. , . O ....... i . th&jr mr ahsoltite r.'ilseiioods nho'iir him. Mr. llaniia never to UnnwIciK'fj took uf nini nn active Interest u, the torn. 11 general maunder. Tliomas K. moi, has rtone more than tinv other man to bring nhont a better condition of the miners. He Im worked night n'"l duv eonferenceu and couiinittces. pleaded with operators, walked over the euine district, spent his own money, and bus been u veritable slae trying to" do some good, neglecting Ids own business, and now his employer Ik rewarded with abuse and lies after having lost thousands of dollars In seeking to maintain the mining price. I have written the miners In Ohio Hint such proceedings nri disgraceful. I have advised them to defeat Mr. llnnna on a straight silver issue if possible, hut If they want a friend to miners every miner In tho Cnlted States should be for iilin. The work done by Mr. Voting nnd the I'lin Handle Conl Company, In which Mr. Ibinna Is a stockholder, and Daniel llaniia, his son, Is ninnnger, does not (lute from the time Mr. llnnna entered actively Into politics. Lotift before ho was thought of in this connection he took the stand to pnv Ihe highest wages in the district. If Mr. Ibiniia has done this for political effect It has cost him several fortunes. I d oimt believe this, however. he Is paving the highest price paid In the Pittsburg district. He has a contract with his men whereby he enniint reduce the all his price even If he ib'slres Ir. while n cents nmpptltors arp paving their homen Ih fairer in ess per ton. Not only that, his dealings with his workmen than of the operators, ami this Is one of the greatest boons to suffering miners, who Invariably are robbed of most of their earnings. Whllo I cannot conscientiously support Mr. llnnna la his political views, yet noth ing would give me greater pleasure than to disabuse the minds of the people of (ihli that Senator Mark llnnna Is tyrannical, Ids inenn, or pays Ids workmen less than numcompetitors. If there were a greater desber of Mark Ilannas there would be less titution and complaint uuiuiig the coal miners. .,,,. Imiw-eve- r, the regions where stock growing is the chief industry ihe improvement is degencer. cidedly noticeable. Three years of plenty have put the sheep and cattle men in Nature In Helping:. prime lir.ancial condition. The advance Nature is preparing bountiful harvests in wool this year has been particularly that will greatly facilitite the recovery of helpful for the sheep men, who have had business during the coming fall season. two years of favorable conditions on the Indication!) point to continued nctivity in ranges. the export trade, the volume of which The copper, gold and coal mining camps exceeded all previous records in the fiscal of the fstnte are working to their limit, and indebtedness will be gradually lessening in these camps. On the whole, the conditions of the State are improved. Denver, Colo. Colorado has paid off debts approximating $2,000,000 since the first of the year, and hankers report more money in their vaults than they can posTHc sibly find any use for.. The First National Bank of Denver on the first of the W,L"month had .10.000.000 in deposits, the op(y greatest in the history of the institution, IMMEDIATE L Y which is the oldest in the State. The managers say that they find less demand for money than at any time since they embarked in business, and that the bank has simpiy become a place of deposit, owing to the prosperous condition of the city and State, which precludes a ready market for loans. Never has there been so much loose money in the Western country, owing mainly to the introduction of feeding, which has superseded the Dollar. Mr. Ilryan's range pystem in live stock raising. ColoMr. lSrvan'6 speech, ns reported in a rado farmers have embarked heavily in Democratic paper, fills about half a colfeeding of both beef and sheep, and have umn. It is ii calamity wail. "People who taken the place and the profits-tha- t forwere afraid of a CiOc dollar six months merly accrued to the corn growers. In ago," he said, "would be glad to get a 25c r r the city there is a great deal of building 4V it' dollar now." The speaker might have to 1 a nVA going on through a desire to employ funds added that his Populist supporters would i" 1v rv t that would otherwise be idle. This takes vj srf vi J he best pleased with a dollar, and away from the banks one of the most lu he voted for that himself when he gave crative sources of loans, for building has his ballot in 1802 to Weaver ns a presi always been carried on here ou borrowed Mr. I'ryan read a dential candidate. funds. ' arguing that the declipping newspaper crop." Fruit growers who have scored one of preciation of farm lands in England is due It. P. Latimer of Dexter, ITorton & Co. the most successful years in their historv Pa r i to the gold standard and the plotting ot nys that a reduction of 23 per cent on say that they do not want money, ns the money changers, P.ut he made no referiieuia ror wie last tliree years is a buyers ore nil too eager to get their crops ence to the comfortable financial condU 4 The estimates are that the farm- to wait for the holders to move it New tion of England generally rtu Us treasury ers will gain $10,000,000 from the crops iont, dncngo nnu St. Jouis commission men nre making advances that properly surplus, nor to the fact thnt many Uritish of 1S97. farmers contend that free trade is the Jacob Furth, president of the Seattle oeiong to the uoiorndo banks. Thev are The Nebras-knn'- s source of their troubles. National Bunk, says a great number of tak ing the fruit on the ground, and as is des this thnt assertion country the of that value alone is on crop farms have been paid off, estimated mortgages UNCLE SAMGOT IT AT LAST I and he has advices from the Big Bend at $0,000,000, the fate of the introduction perately sick seemed particularly grateful to his audience, uhe remedy, in his lan to the e fleet that this year's crop is of the of outside capital, it may he seen, is a is ty no means a supporter of the VP.'IT and n .,4nl the owned Tli - eilllllll I'iut Ittlllltll by concerns, is to turn over tne auatrs or tne ' entirely serious for the local operative " guage, A best holders lie like condition exists iix'tiiu. i ..'j.x. handicap iinii .uuiir very of quality. farmers, who share the profits among present administration, it is not a calam of the men hnndise exports 'for the fiscal nation to one man and let him think nnd in the Falouse country. money. The mining world is not taking ny themselves. In this manner they have al ity howler, but is crying down the ineuu year was $1,051, !..S7,01: the largest pre act for us. While the name of the man Levi Ankeny, banker of Walla Walla, sensationalism of most of the Democratic vious total was I,0.:o,27S,14S, in 1X02, was not mentioned, it is easy to guess who in a was Seattle few days ago and said money, and the bank rate, which has usu- ways enough money to buy their groceries, which is retarding prosperity. In ihe imports for the fiscal year were $704,- - he is in the opinion of the orator. commodities press such and in ueccsary Denver at from 10 to clothing, that Walla Walla had too much idle ally been held the financial articles of the Times the uij.ju. ; and in spite of the on produce the farm while they of The statement that the American people 12 G to life, has fallen 5 big increase and cent, per money. per cent and meats. hopeful eigns for future business pros- under the tariff stimulus in recent months would now be glad to get a Hoc dollar E. Cardin of J. Adams & Co. says the with money begging for employment nt their own flour, vegetables sale of their perity are pointed out. In Saturday's pa- the yecrs aggregate was smaller than shows the glihness of Mr. Urynn's tongue The result is that from the wheat crop will be the largest ever pro- those figures, beef they per one of the best known stock exchange that of ,!)(; n nI has been five times ex and the light caliber of his mind. Having and corn, pork oats, Des wheat, la. in Moines, duced Investigations made Washington, amounting conserand it is this money men in the country, the head of the firm ceeded since net Kecord started out to cut the dollar in two, he is vatively to about 18,000,000 bushels. The here through local agencies and financial realize a beeu profit, to used pay off the mort of Charles Head & Co., is quoted ns de- (Dciu.). ready to bisect it again, nnd would doubtfarmer will probably get 55 cents in east- institutions reveal the fact that lovva that has claring that the tide has turned in the less drop Ihe remainder without the ern Washington and 70 cents at this port. farmers have been paying off rather than gages. direction. In accounting for the is this fantastic It the crops right ceremony. slightest Little Bock, Seatt'e. owing to the opening of the adding to their mortgages. Ownrr Howlers Calamity f niocotirncrtl. . , ,,if thort by strength which the stock market is showreadiness to jump into any wildly radical m-- voi. Testimony which Oriental trade, will handle sis times ns unimproved lots are the principal borrow in part Ot AlKausas ing and the wonderful advances that have that makes Sir. P.ryan a fav economy ter of experiment much grain as ever before. Mr. Cardin ers, finance, trade ltie tanners of lowa had a hard drought last year, the people by and commerce in the occurred, Mr. Head explains that Wall look with every revolutionary element orite The debt. is people of it out not time last country, of to calculated due to nfford much winter, the softness nre get'ing pays there will be better times this fall m street foiesces great improvement in the encouragement to the in the country. fct Louis than in five years. Last year an east of the corn crop mid the death of 'St 000 forward to an era of railroad building business of the country and believes in professional calam ity nowier mid the croaking I5ryan folWashington farmer went to the North- 000 worth of hogs of hog cholera. If the near future unparaiiciou in me u.siv. j the near approach of good times. lowers. They had hoped that the those hogs had been fed to sell the sur- of the State, from which they confidently western Bank in Spokane. '-depresThe Populist Ilevolt. sion would continue until lifter tho full ucoi ctaie ihe be would corn results, much of good plus he smaller "I expect said. cannot lake my farm," bulk The Nashville Populist convention elections. Hut the tide of illHiroreiiwmf Grain Trices Show It. now, and prices would probably rule high- not larye and will be considerably reduced pay the mortgage." to have pi rfonned the work laid seems of the session in Here marnre results the the the has in set special and it will not be staved .! grain The bank not only declined to do so, but er. During the last few weeks corn in bv the acts of it with neatness and dispatch. out for little kets, the prices being those emoted iu the command of the demagogues who Gov. Jones thinks very gave him seed wheat. This year he will local stations has been quoted as high ns I prey Called together by Mr. Thomas H. Watadminhis of end t'v? Chicago: at It upon adversity and hope to gain political son and oilier irreconcilahles of the same dear himself of debt and have a snug 22 and 23 cents, this being in the pao,,s of will temaiu isnn, 107. advantage from the miseries of where farmirs feed rather than sell their istration. The loan companies are doing fl'hpnt, No. 2 balance. the peoit reflected from first to last the 70'4 iu the State. Many Corn, No. 2 the dawning of nrosoeritr type, of very littio business 27Ti Portland, Ore. The farmers of Oregon, corn. 2Ti ple. Willi The motto of spirit recently. is which nt hand, will come the last blow 17 Oats, No. 2 There are few farmers who are behind of them have withdrawn Washington and IdaJio. owing to the alliwas "no conontion the entangling No. 2 "2 at to IJrynnism and financial heresy and report or me ou.,e Rvo, Lincoln. Nch.-T- he good price of wheat, have been enabled on interest payments on mortgages. No. 3 ances. " The 70 delegates who attended it Barley. yu'i contain issuea to pay off most of their mortgages, and Money wps "never more plentiful in Iowa Banking Board just uuy. These quotations show that everything Intelligencer. put themselves on record iu the most v this year will get almost entirely out of than it is now for loaniug purposes. The encouragement for nus.ucss mc... is a eon: and than except positive manner against all future deals. higher year ago, State and debt. or agreements or fusion ruling prices for money are now (i'nnd 7 shows the condition of theot nus.n. pri the decline in corn (only 3 cents! is due compromises Fcreamor in Tronble. Tntntnity In Washington loan agents find their per cent, randy 8 iter cent, which is the vate banks at the close old parties. These men the of either to with .... the was the fact that last There is year's crop nothing iu this world that will business greatly restricted on account of legal rate. Some money in large qtmnti-tie- s Mav "(! 1SU7. as cotupareu wuu um' ' and the considerable number of Southern while the crop of Mart the I'.ryanite to ctrr greatest known, ' yelling calamity! and tm h ng time has been loaned on the close on Fee oi. Populist legislation. The late Legislature the year nnd Western voters they represent pro efore was almost n failure. Calamity! Calamity! more e 400 banks, as compared vith quickly than in the middle of the passed nn net increasing ,1110 amount of real estate security for 5 per cent, which there is it so Moreover, true from far being the word prosperity. If he sees it or pose to beep strictly :U. During the interval hereafter. property oeuipt from execution, and abol- was unheard of until recently. There is 414 on Icc. is now selling "lower than ever hears it I.olieving m that highway cor.i Populist he nt once have reorgnnimi anywhere proceeds to the suincicncy of Populislic doctrines for ishing the personal judgment clause in all a scramble among money lenders to pick banks havclosod.:5 before," it is shown that even com is hightear his hair and to rush around ns aimopencu. of all the evils of the body polimortgages, so that only the property mort- up good loans. That lowa mortgages are I new banks havethere is a general la li er now than t ii many occasions in former lessly as Hies in midsummer. His eyes the cnie will follow no leaders and liabiliti.s of head held now for than udop money loaned. In fewer gaged tan le they were a few years and it was than last higher tic, Sepyears, tlcy a start from their sockets, he foams nt the ihh.io,..the amounts, witn Oregon man ngonis are not nuiiJered in ago is admitted by all money lenders. The ing on m in the item of deposits, w uu u tember, which was "before the last elec- mouth rnd has all the symptoms of vio- no pla forms save their own. this manner, hut they report a very slack hard times have caused some people to go execution 'J'he stand they have taken is most dis cue Cii" In' tion." So the Becisier demands with lent hysteria. !n.l fit M nit.' Dubuque Times. demand lor money at the present time. to Mr. P.ryan and Mr. Jones of into (lent, hut more lias lieen greater econ- ..i... ii n increase i conven-tietdid pome this tressing !i.,,-12:'..4pertinency: "Why is nn increase of The conventions assertion Bismarck, X. Inquiry among lead- omy practiced and there has been a desire resources there latter two lie even about corn?" rkansns. resources items, These with do not believe that the question ing agents of loan companies develops the to settle up and begin e ven with the good "we tiie Hut Kepublicnns. docs that not, with comparison as stop especially and dep"s't..-i- are regarded fact that few applicants for farm loans times that nre felt all over Iowa It will be a great disappointment to the of free sUcr is itself a broad enough prnin. Here is an exhibit of prices of exist in comparison to former years, mid Sioux Falls, S. D. The loan agents of encouraging by business men. livestock nt Chicago now nnd one year people who had hoped that the tariff issue pint form for n national party, is espt?hundreds of farm mortgages have been Sioux Fulls all agree that the last four nihil tne to would ter the harrow caleulined iceuugs Democrats like gold both iu staled cially ago, grades being paid recently. The exnrt reduction of (lie years have been year of woiuletTuI lelt VI11 Sllrnrc tltc Cronker.s. against the ltepubHcnns to find members of the late PopoernUc candidate. I'orinort Hatred ilclit of the State won), lie m. paying. I. I,. Mr Kinney Kind that yrnrs: will it i'Ie T.ilie III iIkihk iiOoiit liiMt wi.olil cover the In n.ctTtn wll limit IttvcMtiifnf Ion i.t of that partj b1) the with the He- - without the issue of free coinage, Uryantf,iltlc r the i coord of pit eh gnte of the ilehf Ihpiiilated In that tunc the ill'" ticoss lino cnanuci in once; ntm comity, (nil the mi 4 for the egq defeat of s:i the silver tsui must inevitably collapse. publienns decrease will he large, 'j his im- When the hard times Mruck South so. many tnaj feel skt ptical about it. a. r.o 4 ns J letiiocva M every where this full t'Mip. hot il !j n m r has come no , about through more kottt foiu" jtars ago people sloppe, goin-I I' nun all of w hich it provement M'fO special dilleieiue with ','M " " "I this will make that caappears tiie election of Jtrynn last fall scientific fanning, greater attention to into debt, because they could find no one the 'J'he New Voik l'aily JIoikI itu.ver li.u except to retard it. The more lamity bowling for politics may easily opposed be will as ei.inestly against the silver candiversification of products, and the ex- of wh iiii to borrow. Then catue tin era hope a u confidence the tpn'okor and more overshoot the mark. nn itrlicle going lo nJiow tin improvement didate this year. In the business situation. It takes ns its tension of the stock industry. 'J J1(, Pitte-lin- s of close economy, followed by Hiperlui-tuaunlet. the icvivtil. It wi'! not be long text the quotations of muni, ipal bonds, assumed larger proportions among effort to get out. of debt. For the before 'liis confidence will be general. .which ere not so subject to the speculaTntrrput Utile nnd I'rnnficrity. small fanners in the last few years thnii last two years crop hate been good, tuu Uusino will be luisl,cr. .iert nants will "Mving Wagesindication of heller prosreturning Jo The purchasing ability of the great tive irregularities as many other securi ever before. Applications for hundred for the lat year have sold for n 'good feel it 1'inl begin to solicit trade and to be found than in the decrease masse s is what decides good limes or bad ties. he I'l P' r suites tuat wiiniii inree of new bmi'ds have been filed with )0 price. 1'he.creamery industry has M'ou ht advertise of oro. Trailic and travel perity is to the defeat of free silver shows It not weeks rates. following that interest in only comes that and of and of "living State. The raising and more, manufacability lines, into the Stale Mi.o.H.MHio a year, rind live will increase. Mere Secretary ."..'!. 7' i.",71 November last ot in hij,. of an abundance is the the nt pells money Ib.stoli. Mass. wages siock ?2".oiM i.otio. ping of stock is the most profitable, occuturers v ;d inereipe their purchases and ,nic were which had securities the sold, mitnicioal is that but money seeking come fiiutilry, real and and the will of not And estate wages'' are "living here until Loan fii'etits fanners, unable to place proline's. Building only pation recently been he'd up awaiting that result. The Las it h.'en taken advantage of here. Once 'oiicii ss nd- - inn sUi'.eut. When times are hard, inmiey der a tariff. one Innf the amount they are w illing to show ngiis of has proceeded l estorai ion of confidence is liltle interthere anil confidence, The fii.'vanco in the price of wool Vis ban, even at a tedueid rate of interest. joili-liW'ih the tariff settled iu fa or of n'areP since tint tu':e with gratifying (fleet on go up. Capitalists will iudtis-tirfi'"s nlwajs est American and been worth hundred of thousand of dol Mark whoso ennmanr (a indii'trv. America1! Iow.i. (lido nnd Indiana farmers nre these iuvcsUtients. Since .Ian. 1 of tint unless given an ill lis i lars to the State, and nearly every farmer loan in Souih Dakota, fays th:it over "0 tainly take advantage of it net rix'i theiror money rnr municipals of the value of tH't going to be a "c'l'.y meal" for tin"1 present a and security promised lias a dock of sheep and receive part or percent iTopajhig up in full at maturity as morning follow s n r Ii t Beiore the eleclion lers this jenr a they were iS l,.M"..l..';7!! have been s ld, an average tnhiuiitv Hut he miiiiiie of intei est. ill fa the ben- lit. The new law all i s the State of t'lie loans and tuost of the rest are tions in .November t!n ic is etcry reason of t l l.l-- I.S'.'.'t per month, n against a t. owimf to the fact that lliey are rejin to improve every iaess c ilii ions Board of S( hool Lund, which ban the making artial pat ment. to l.eli"' c that the croaking of ihe calammore dollars million trillo of toinl of S."2.71.",7l.'7 and a monthly aver,t the hc 1' ii even ii ig an though invest, eve Figures Iron! set et a i on n! inn how t hnf ity IoiuIcm and the nostrum' of the custody of ,l.unn,i(Ki of the permanent fui the same period ut ,7.'."),2-- 3 this f.f than rn r age they p year 'l,eat school fnnd, to make lonns on f irm land where t lie mortgage ha been recorded will h em as ridiculous as do the investment u ill bring but Hiin1! n 1MKJ. l .'i. w Inch i;i li.u is I into w nad a nt very lew rule of interest, urol it has live ha.e ten paid. Some of the liijnida- - plcdietions of the last, day prophets hen money put cntcipr.ses one-thir- To-da- v c - nine-tent- 25-O- nt d Mr Hf no-ce- iv mi i.'."V 'is - - my-- . " f Ark.-Altho- .1 ugh Globe-Democra- t. -- v ultra-Populis- disho- nesty.-Wheeling - I - r-- uni - -- .1 0. - to-da- I iij;-fr- ri e ....... 1 w r M fa-'- t 1 n 1 a- 1 1 s Ilif-sii- v l. e l i . I - bus-bo- ;, t I c I'.ry-nnit- |