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Show to 1. it w.Ul'i,.i:'-by .'lvt- notice that fools, that we, thought this tim: we are ready to i.chat.ge for all orders if by a quautity of p.M which is valued at ?! would reverse it and 11!'' a foal we could turn him into iu emy civil.- d country for a quant:?..'. ... til IltS ill h'llv Test tv (,f r re, a w niai.. market r,f the world aboat a cent. v.:.. I 'I Iu a V". rt tin:,, all told wordd - The O . ... . -- l fAi I t'Ci Owik -1 -- S i i -- -- -- O V Lm&il2m ery Saturday, by , ! Tub. Co. but thatu another i:ii roil L rpSi'PH'TloN; j:s. ' of ' ci'iil-i- . Iik, one torn into day eamu thin city, in Advaiee. AI! sadscriialon lliht week and in response to tins to hvv he A:)Vi:uTH:N(i ltvn-'.'inquiry of a friend ..ottin:-'aloiiir. slid: "Mum 5 nU jcr line Loral. ia vremCbro-sbcridsure, vas here mlumu la cents la a;:U in.rshe make zow iirt iaci rtioii. mine for yhl now, tiOM. leeth; big-.- , all,(1 lho mur-- t !.o icttlia for at wu'iiUtii All l the t il of every uemtli. Any rm uhinu' v, hole beeziue.-- s is alive.'' Ex. Thre tl.W); X:x Oac Hi: man farmer living A t ea-- tti-kt'.- fr bsi-in- Ni-- y - t n-iit- th.lt in' iiii '.it (lieoiitiiiiieil want 'lf. tlieir rnlvel otimrwUe. it will appear notiee ! Unit isu-- a of ti e pajuT, unci be in the for urcorJaigty. charged i.t fiiliK-'iae- at KnUac-- 1 io iiiii-cla- Murray I'oM Mutter. (Continued from first page.) Otliee H8 is MATTERS. y.D TORAL 1 1 t Ai.d is pn pared to fur: fish a full r;e of s CASKIlTS.We'or! anuCloth c :Vlld I::e .' !!;, . ( tioi vont ho far as to call him vile nannis and with much dogmatic oonip hooted him as tlic'apobtate." Mr. Why not turn the tables? Thalchcr would have a very good conduct" cas those to have brought against lancers who took such libhis name and nought with erty to oiitrightly crush him. How would those fellows have liked to take a dose of their own medicine, farvrt their own music and endangered their standing in the church by answering to the con- ehar:i; of t ( Was not. his tin 'In istian Oll.'t? What right had anyone ooiHiuet? i'i "authority" or out of authority t.) do the lnisii evil by prejudicing or trying publicly to pn unco me rnmmon dooihh oiiu mini could n: t approach his chart he acter even under the eloak of p lesthood ? The ellortri had the r.ppearance of a conspiracy and were a. slander on the man and the community. .Mr. Thatcher had the right and has the right to try his accusers on the same charge they ire tvvinir him on. If they succeed :u cutting hint off, of course he loses free-thro- jurisdiction. While yet in the possession of the name, the honor and dignity of his exal.ed ecclesiastical position Mr. Thatcher wa:i public!) rdandcred by his peers tho-- who held like positions with him, and v.ho should have been tho last to have don anything but their e st. to shield their brother from all dishonor. the Mr. Thatcher est , most proniinent, inlluential and honorable men that has ever been in the Church: ho is is ot.o of Currenry but it vet has sufficient talent to do good service with the required mould practice practie. The choir id before renis learn music until it not try to and dering it in public, without music" to sing "special will choir The rehearsal. proper" until themselves justice never do they take time to practice, (uoi.-- r.:isN. rich- to prices C'p.. s WW O dtlakeCit' any in Ml' III: Alt. UTAH Wilaams Corner. fram lla.-- t Ivck Inter-Mountai- n Comoariy.:.' PP.OPHI.BTOB.S OF AA J J ti- in i r. r i W' "l'a ajJ THE Wliller's Holler iqjr Pioneer s f it. "W by So" . i Milliner v Probable .Tl.: . 11 -- ((ontinuod from jiage one.) been abusod, and his porsecutorx m in KLONDYKE. f i, A- , should tie dtate to place Sooiethij tho nrn-iicof ttie country n u in.i- of the furai tiasis. The constant itiv.-;ugreenbatks as often as received by the treasury department is an anomaly in finance. Vick&btirji (Miss.) Post. lb-it- !.: . : ndvTti-THi-n.- An l":ii:fe M!'ie c C! ejied an La.-i- s. adj-Q.-- - i to announce to me disappear. It would l.e hoarded o await to rouurr"; a preMluta .r A:ii where it is iacv appreciated. 0:i;y ver wnu'; tur cireclutiiig cieoi-- j Onr urn. Wo wonli; t'.' en silver Kantian woul'l " j dollar werti. iittlo nioro than 50 i:ts in every ccui.try tnt our own. All values would quickly to this ilei'i'i.'Ciatid dollar ar.d would f. actuate with its changing vaiu in iuteruatioiail exebaace. , -- V.", A l: Kale lie Aintri ic tn a . ,..,..H,-fto..i.rrH- Pahhehed '1 . v,-- Holler h'asatcli Holler 'Alills, and Salt Lake 2&iU 2ills, Holler 2Kdh Faleut and HI era lor ARB jSBYER UNDEBSOLD. Many jeople in Murray are mourning noL on accouut of the disappearance of George Smuin, TO GET A DRINK BEFORE but for the many debts he conGOING TO SALT LAKE. tracted and left unsettled. to Not long ago he was engaged ft bonny young belle of the town, R llio wfd liiig cards were out, the furniture biught and stowed away in a choice house located on a hilt-tooverlooking beautiftl . nature below, when h! the sympathetic t hor.l of love, too lightly strung on Cupid's harp, broke, and the words that, followed were any tiling but 'notes iu harmony." They twain O. S. OLSEN, Proprielo' . that snould have been "one Hash," never spoke again. Now the young State St'rekt, - MURRAY, UTAH man has played off on the whole CHANCE. Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Paid lux Wiieat- TELEPHONE 12S. V p Taylor suiHe Boiler WWls, Tills - . r.w.Bnviip Wines, Ijiquors & Oigers js U'&'f t Hil-a '?f"J i II mr. MANGLE A. An ordinary fa.nilv ironlnu' can lie done oa the "K.'.CiXL'" or tuel. p Maii',!e ia cnny lainutc's. vvitlmut l.-aKO SGOZWIUU. KO HEAT. FtJtlL. II I'riceH witlibi t !. ir.,ins of cvry fae.ii'y. ?.::elf in six s. yl.- a ;ej .1,. ,r. li.it,.: r,.H fcr.i rta up f&r nsw itliii'.riiteJ E'.orv Catalostic, 7H2 tSACSrE fiRANCLE CD., if?u Custea'i. vv.lli picj. Jino, Vila. Cvimmunity. OwmI a Hoar'l HI'l. Hoard bill beating seems to be a common method of beating in Murray. A preat many people are get ting a'dieating unexpectedly. The Deseret News has this item on the subject; "John Herbert is is wanted, and bv Christian N. Andersen is wanted very bad. The latter swore to a complaint today charoing Herbert with taking a trunk to avoid the payment of 3 lb The parties are residents of Mur- rav. Herbert was emploved at the smelters. The warrant was placed in the hands of Depty. Sheriff Hurt this afternoon, but, it is feared, too late to be of any service, as it is thought Herbert, bag and baggave, took this afternoon's train for the north. Murray Pharmacy Dr, W. E II If Prop. Ferrebas, Saloon & Billiard Hal! Drugs and fsfi Medicines stock: cj? i i s, i: ;r Liquor BT Cigars, on Hand." 7 Given to A KT iCl.h, TillLET Vf.S, ,1' AN the most forcible, eloquent and lugieal speaker in the Church; ho C'AUEITl.l.V ft e, Always ( anson & mwn. CoMPOCXDED I'lIAHMAta-iT- ! i Family" Trade C 1 Soaps, Combs, 1'i:ui t m ea:v, IiUfSilKS, Sl'OXdCS, Ktc. 'KrSfltll'TlONS Br A FlKST-Cl.A- Y t--H" Toilat Articles, Etc. Careful Alien Hon t'Ht-M- SEI.rtTi:B CAKI'.IUL enj'j.i.K.. . ltuiiloiig lor rarmrrN. ! L'lie AineTican Agriculturist of April has done a much, if indeed not L "er.tira the discusses r ;:ain editorially o more, good, than any of his peurs fcaihiiitv of bankir." y tlie Church, and to sacrifice him nmon; fanned. " "Tliis can bo done, " would bo giving the people some- It ?)s, "by slight niodificatioii.s of the aiive savings fund and thing to mount over. It would be pystei'i of afvoeiations or an the building Churdi irreparable doing bank'', which has proved so remarkably hijurv and lay it open to world fHioervsful in American cities. These inwide ci itieim. The Church should stitutions now held over .rn0,00O,O00 hardly want to lose its Oesl ami of deposits and urea thoroughly demou-fdrnteheaviest gun by leaving it on the practical success. Tho Saxon bnttlclield for the enemy because of Land Credit association (a report upeu a little s;uuke that hasn't cleared which can be obtained by writing to lias Constantly on Hand tho secretary of state, Washington) is a awav siif 11 ie last engagement. How often a great cause has been niodi'Ication of the KaiflViscn system, Prussia and Germany litis which impid'd, and even lost, by a single achievedin the same success among tho i When the i. .'op f the general of those eountrit s that farmers wanking c war hauls hang low and the fie d the banks have achieved in Lard and is h' Utliug with arms, tactics and our American cities, T:te people's hanks Of all kinds Sausage, Bacon , jM:,i.tegy in military evolutions are of Italy and ncightierinrrroiintrii's. based les-s and no matte! of upon much the same plan, have had v j only will be taken o she peace policy of neighbors. marvelous, saice-- . An port giving fur-th- t r p:a liei.has upon the Saxon Rami ! hut all meats will be sold at A. , as-- , viati"t: has i hn d:t fit pt;blis!i. -Tie e I liel. k' I'O'm'os. tiMVlIOLKSALK PRICKS. Sa ef stat- - for free ty t! e .!..:. On the wall of ScuatorChandler'y m chi. h Consular Agenr p. . committee room hangs a little sheet teas ;. with a tnit'i that cm of pa pi r with some epigramie e.ues! ieiieil: ' . f?T !3 YyfT3.V Stock Company, s Live eo-op- I A RICE d Fresh and Cured! M ' life-impor- EATS An sis 1 t, i&m&jm tii&zsml . I hi t!-e- -;t i:a!"r's own handThrV giiotl writing. dpeu'-ativice to warrant their, aiees in tlie s, t e Irau.sier. I al! t!;o philosophy iu life. a foul to t". to no ' A on lu r. w ," was; !h r.'Mi 1 one CvMigrov-','- " ofa Smtii uuCi t o iiuiv-sir.a- such ean-s'il".e- .t ' w .' ii. I c '1 i nv ' e I -. ti aa r a. : .a! pia.-- .s Tits nn i . Mu. ; ,e ; i !;.-!- ,, . ; .. i e ! U'ii of the iiv-- ' li'M: It;' i.v, .,.,.,,!. i.f ft u,,, nr. !.;.!! ! c;.-the ; VI,;. ic T'l" rr;, w n , . i y t'i. ici i ! 'Ih-.- l c;. r.,','..n. '.. On f. a '..!' w!i - :v f:: fpae had ev ;i v .a !.. ' f !. hlad !; Tlii i;i:N'i:iiAL MERCHANDISE. u.- ..! v.- State Street, bvli- pi ,. ; I . .'1,C,', a;,l, :v : . cn l.ini't i)'iratitA . . - ; i it. i AoA.-:- f: V. t' I . i? t, - - '- - -- . Itic mint Jtkinu''Atffyn (g i Murray. Johnson, l'rop. xTsX " '. 11 t seniiia ' m untv v. i e nu n ipjiipi ii.fi cnuuu v a ini i ttttna a id tlry all (urucJ V t ty be Mich ftoo cciuro ef silver at tla ratio cf l i u CM Vic. i., i, f r ;v7. ' '' ' . corner BarberShop. l.i.-a- : - w. n- )r.G t ' li v it -, - Nn' r ay ,ei ! ;ei ,K 3 : - Carries a full line of ei i i til., rvrv -r- :MEERX Groceries, (HI Provisions, :'S:iDry Goods. ! i: i'i.- :. m ! E. Cahoon A. !t!) PI lutep- i' v. rep'v. f it ' iu i - ,i j t. im-ai- t ra at f u ' ;t t i, in..- -. ; ! ; ) ou n iivicr y 1... a;-- iheirs." Jleftr yoitr own burdens first; afier that trv to hell) earrv those of: i r people." in the.--i Senator Chandler id u;i i;e;!r!v tine" set,!' vo r;i "How did t!a i ,....,---- strata l " tir i .i ' H U. l It ..i;'ing new ones." "Pav your own debt before b 'f' owiag money to enable od.ers to (., iw "Fulfdl existing promises be fori s i wiu.-- u y arc: Here a A'e. Wl. e re-- haflf-- J o d.tr.fs, tlivK ,.lm,tPVoiir ,.,.i 1 "!' i,, j o, ll1:- - 1 v. X, Mi", . a Cam. N UMIi (.;! ei lo.-v- T entcrtn. forcicr. rc f ui.U iiiimcy. l vuu r. h- -. V SKGIKE ACilENaturalCASnr Maaufa ti.n s, L'si s V'.ro .'.tt.l j3 Are 'I I - ."i f.'M r . Oa-.- . iliac, vsitti i:- ,1 -. :;;-- s Pu-;-..- . i Met Tu'-r- t f., I'l.ri.t tn.f '.V- nnrt t-f- . :. t'a- - ... liicia.-, i!,V!ri noMin(,;.,,,', ;;:,.v,uo.':ii.'' ' ii.. ;;, tin! . r : l i RACINE HARDWARE ... . iMiu .s.i:i. CO., I , i . .. f ......."f- ! rii.l ciic. .u.ii . l r.it:r:. 'l it HacidO. ov Wic. |