OCR Text |
Show C'r.as, F. DL'HAND u s'.iK'o ilo'.t )ni'i',i 1. I! .viun'nv, - !.fi C?!' eao I L. .r--; I tru- a- Insure i: Fhcsmx, Har'j'ord or Tito Home of Utah. !. C. :l Ii m :n Wi Vv . Li ! !! bv ilt (Us rves tiiiir.or aiuv. ; asa.vsoiu-ll- nit- iit. in- at niy' , GRANTER & i. n-i- Clod - VV !!4oa.iiil ra. u. o p n. LAGOCN and pii'n' admis-i"- I ai'i K- F . Ineiud-i- I) n' lnhlron of t0 the r ii I. "J mm a . m. hi. IVti o.";.".0 a.m. Salt (i. I', H.M. l'l-.- r Ccei '''"'l .1".' .II , nl- V .t iMl !.i i.' I.. .Iri-.'- it !"-- in 3 T.ar "'l- - f. '. - I I wt- .e.-i- . o.:.. ta-i- . Time To rpiil lolweo in tic. lull or life, the rtnei;;. vv.iri-er- in-.- : , ami liooUlel c Viiv Can!; ('. lv- Co . i mid VIimT. Freeh To-lin- Sniil'ie free. Addri"-Ciiicaifa or New Yoifc , S . i V. ai iiirtv. Itli ou fl.' j;:. ;rtrc; '.: : , t .: ' i frw.rv , t- -x "i i r. r, o w i r ;v cJr tM ,"J "7 f loSis-voPv, Mt'twi'ctfv'.i In.M-- u 8 .riti.l'.tv. I'lri.n.. I'"', i r.i',tn"i .i'.- - 6 U ',t lia' -. t ! ,i ni." !itf ''! i."r.'lf:lc mul. Ai.kms '.'M' A v'v ..t M, M.'.iClil.ML CO., Cl.U.iCC J !'n.ui. f I - I I t. 9Vnr Cr.iml .iiirrtinn. Po'.ivor ii . No. No. 1 3- and nil pnitBi-iii-- T t a hin.-liii- . ji... all inteniiwl and For UfUtuaiid " , - ait ninuliiftlimtn-'- Ileiiver ate points 7 I'ts west..'!' " 11 i rs t lie Wants VVy 1 the pi, f,..r wedding, i.iniid.ivi.. i:io. A ,f V Hi Hi vh re ;a-- -- p., A it-- nGJJSED WflCD'tVORK. ITS BEASmri'LLY t; 0 An.t!l.ST!FM. ' I '" Attach- coupJsd it!i Ifis Hncot Setcf Sftel me , times ft DURABLE CONSTRKCTtON, rr'F i; .1 i . fJiTMiVtfA! "" in.;.vii w j rncr-f-s- 1 'n MOST CtS!RA3LC M4CKIKE IN THE MARKET. ', Dcsicrs Wanted wl:er3 we ore not rrpresei:led f; Of While Sewing Macliine Co., w vl.' r,,r V fefniitiful ,f hfi!f-tc- C CMLAND, cataJscae. s: X CliEO. wi-- h FOR SALE BY v,ce-tili- s - ; E.HALL, SALT LAKE CITY. L.. p jg.fcl3 PATENTS, PATENTS. . .. j.i;i;..c ....-a.i. . School Furniture tw ,,,., , ,ti j OF SCHOOL Tin, can fit 1'ur-a- u cs are tau LAW. THOMAS CA'E o CO., ci, n-- f. facino, VV:s. oar 10 me ft in two years. I V- -u V X,T. tl.' i J - tkj kJwi n n ii M l. w i.-t '- iV m Send for particulars, NATIONAL INFORM riON P.LREAU. A. v... M Ave . "i i. . 1 MiJabit ' 1 ' mm ,wmimi m it. i f I KABiT'raVK'H i$ ij) W MfGBACCQ IT Wi-l-- V s. j iJ.r. Batrkctie.r.,. . JT" courts. bcior.t'''- - .' s- S...,s. l'a:-,-'.ia- 1 3 vvA Supplies e ll lire t.:,eriai:v adatlted for Tlio "Vli'TiMt" Fold'tv.; ln'iudii" l Our line ( i -l and Adjii-iaoift... ts'.utioary PesLs. Outtlil,. iKUf, PunonAr.'no. cirone Pxicrs and Ctf ouk Catalogue AB'ir.lc Vcnted Every a here. Pl-li- This Bureau has the nr ' . 1. Cite. .1 ln.ll ,r ir.tr'U T'",r,0 A;.tll.,t..M j 11 " '"".' :,s iihao I He'''";?;,' pVer.. CM,'. 'Pi u im" f.-.-- 8 a i 52.1:0; 0RS ASSISTANT QfI O Arsr- O A I,r. - r, -. for I'lfty Ct uts. loba.'i'o liuidt ( i fe. I iai.er, wcait rtt;uT.loeoi" , tiK i. s oiii.-- biood jnire, .W.sl. AUurnj- -' i and INVENT ...-r- r ::.:'".. ':;. ptXj::. M : 4't p ra 2 p m P ra T'r-o- If you posit'ons s TTIJ. f:q?. S'l;8 t. ti' 50 a. m Ful'man I'alaoo ainl S in Franolseo x- catch- - Three duors South .. of Post OT.ee . 4 a - i"''" ' Etc., Cally-- j Bun, LUNCH ST AMD. Hot find Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake loot Lunches put up for traveler. Can - l '.V Only line Pleepinjrcars to HenViT "Haunt enaiiffe. air' I."S iiono.y sn-Anire, s Denver ra neisco. ... i ItORIon ..nil V, in- - chair earn. A 11 curs lie html with l'uu.sob U11?." A i P W. I'V. F A Wadlelrh. '(ivnMfU Oon, 1'. & T. A i.eii. Mir' f Cr-ik- r ALL Futtrc Comfert far present seeming Economy, but BUY tie ScAei) Machine vIih a?i cstabf:s5:tJ reputation that end satisfactory service : rvastDCs yo j FOSIHONS one of the ir.0,000 w "e covcrnmeni scr- 11 B'jre;,u can advise you Jrrrkrnrncccd to sernri. it 3r;..wtr, t i,,..., ' .' nnd ... fit .v.,- mim irt is ' vou forBSs"i the renuircd Civil bpVS'Mft examination therefor. i t...t-11-;JjMAh"' j. ncro',tict iin(' a common school educations al1 requirements iiiLtyiJurs neeeu. Cr2wc!. 1 f ...... i8'!7 GOVERNMENT Y. RANDALL. Prop Pio, OJRICQS'STSPATiOM 2J T :' i l,u. Murray Bakery,,; f n ever. In u. ru- lake No thai ma'r.os imik ii,!-.'(ii: or f I. Cure v laruii-te.- t"etv( -, ::' ircct' ii.? V.J All driu.'tfiM.K, Pemcdy Sti-rltii- i. easily and lies ' .w.w wiAViVj fi;.-- I.axa-- i tnoure rny niKeof runs! i put ion. fawarotR nrt PTTS'WTrCri Sam-iiiitiiral Jfta.li-.lLIjresults. flDOVlj'olLiLll U tirr. newr srrip or erinclnit rap eiis) nn..orN''U lork. tll.l Die nrnl Imnl let free A1. STFM.T0 ItK'IKIIY CO.. fliirmrn. .tlinrcid. c 5 12 p ni Sa t Lsike No. 1'ot Salt l.aKf t'lly. Oiideu No and iiiti ruiHlinlt points.. 9 a in No. 6 For Smtpi-ic- , M'vier and all -' pnlr.ts p m int "niK-dim-e x S For Vrovn. l'ayson. ; s 5 III .in pm and all iiitjimcdiau p. LAKE SALT CITY, LEAVE i i.va C. -- s JAN'. IVtli, 5- -or 'I I.ilV A'tny. ' KDC"T ETL'T V LEAVE MCKEAY: . ur - Card No. IN EFFECT fishing . V Laii. frxrr;iisn C' ti-n.L- VA livf V CATHARTIC Hag is now A number of parlies are out for iug sj ort iu the canyons. o:n-.iiii- Spil innl SinnUe T. 1'. Aircnt. bA Kovins. Oon, Ajront V. f f I . ' I Cnsiiin. .. K trrvbody Say 'So. Cr.srnj ,s Caivh' Oiiiiiiiriu. t.iio nmst won , di'rriil l.iedie.il ili eo, eiv of tie' llL'i'. r"i;t.:.v and vefi-- hhnnr t the tintl ImwelR. jiiuI io"i!iveiy n kMii"t'. Pi' ctiiirt svr.t'-.'titiir.poi ooids. lia'aitiial onstiji;.! in:: euro lieii'laflie, iit.d hi 'io'istn--'l'lciivt l.uy :i:nl try a hex t)i;ld;.tid oi' tk tk (!. to dav; in, :.'". Mi ci.'; juurailci'J to ciiiv bv all ore .ii'.h. i'.( i iMSJto Ksas sofrightentHl that she crawled I nt le Mill s m.Ul mlo on'. iuucIh's. ' ,'.'" .1 ' Mi. .i.A'li lo.ii!-- Pi U'l To! h fft inil w. The wilbfuntetl. the postmistress ...bJ.U.m,... C.rvii-i.- a 3- -- v,. Tlio electric storm yesterday, followed by profuse showers, was an aquatic somethirjg that could be both heard and felt. The lightning struck down in a number of places in Murray, but no serious damage was reported, An ice hour-- was struck, but the ice remained iee; the Jiorn Silver stuck was struck but still stands: Julius Anderson's To ( tiro Constipation I'orover. .r!aC. Take C:isea Hi s ( 'am!'.' C.aha'-'.lfC. C 1.1. i to ouie. i!n:;visl:-- fi tiiuu ria.i,. V. It . rrallicMiinasor T. A Penver. Colora.' (t Salt LakoCity. e !J . . flying over Hawaii, and if one can believe the Associated press report it may be, it is because Minister Sewall believed it to be necessary to interrupt some Ja panes plot to seize the islands, and not because of fear that tho Hawaiian could not stand alone until the annexation treaty was ratified. Minister Sewalls instructions gave him wide discretion. Washington officials do not believe that he has found it necessary to raise the stars and stripes, unless he has information that lias not yet reached Washington showing the necessity of such action. Company's Space. Thc-Singe- r ''-''! 4 :. those who have carefully followed the testimony taken that the firm will certainly be disbarred from practice before the Patent Office; and it will necessarily follow that their paper the National Recorder, will bo shut out of the mails, I TAIL I aKi-I'.- s r Atlas Block. 305-- 6 Lakk t'HY, argeYariety to Select From ami With Pric. s ll.iual to Any. ( against John Wedderburu t Co., bv the U. S. Patent Otlkv, in the Xo. SI 2 4. disbarment proeedings now going THE 'ANCIENT ORDER OF on against that lirm, has been disFOPJvSTERS and FRIENDLY proved, and it is the opinion of Rooms in Murray.ean be found in Great Quantity, and of the Highest tirade Quality at our store. R. P. DAYTON, Managei. I CH-- Law. Any article of Merchandise for sale ou are sure to find Them in Stock and where You Can Have a T alio. 7 ;."(.) a m. Arrive y.oit u m Colo, lido Spi inirs, ijl-- a. in, Train No 4 -- Leaves (J;:fii-- U.i p. in. Salt. 5:15 p m. take7:4up. in. Airiveat, .t'nlili Mvei p m p. Cn'oriui" Siriii-J. Coiiin'Otions m-- .nade at, IVhlo. Colorado Eh S'pr npsa;;d Denver with all bus l'a;-- t ua.nl day fnaeie.K. ' imir -.-h :inl I'nlliaan 'I D. li. (i. on all andh ve a eoini'ortabh' t r p aid on j y the . Your Supplies where s Attorney-at- - Steam Heat and Electric Lights. GENERAL for Salt (Jo 0'1i!!- Train No. i'.- If the United States I Tucorporatod, 'i rains ii, . EAILNEST KDUNON. u . Amiui'i.Mf.i., meets every Wednesday night in Foresters Hall.State Street. Murray Utah. D.Y.Randall, - Chief Ranger. Jiimes Arnold, Financial Secretary. j SOHIC LINE v"-- COI.!E.-ia?- j RY. AISLE 1 s COURT j i c "p pr1 - day. -- SljJr. Crandall. our correnondent Twslast and widely known through- Th- Only Lino Hnnnintr Pally to out the United States a loader LEADVil.I.K, v I, v everywbero and a gentleman of priruT n M'V much ability. SPKINfiS ( ULOKAIH) COR RES PON DEN CE. ! j If I (foK rin. j OPERA ;ls. (Continued from first page.) Prices to suit the People and the Times. and he is a hard fighter. Mr.Railey knows that the task he has set bet Men orWomru fore himself is no TAXTKI'-Seve- ral Faitli'iil picnic. I est a Id t hod to travel fori- - Kixmsililc tme-t on ilieeo'itite'r!. ' .vcek-iy payuhle t 5 house in full. Snl '!' 4 Mrrrs. iUif- ('oiorado's Sli.rtist !!ii t: f'ripiil' ex;ieiises. 1'i.sifi ii per :m nent. i ose-'Croat jrol'i einn:). Train No. i ieavmfr laden reii'-etiamp' Not a single one of the eha'-g-vnext Vi ninrif a.m. at 'l'ln Siilioiml. Star idiildii.u. ' ipiilt arrives (it? a' i';.Vi tif fraud and deception brought hilt lliihen. S. K. nooper. 111 . This is the handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside 'fOgdon vV Salt Lake and Is seev.ud to none is point of convenience & comfort, k- -. t i ' '" smi' to )jtuU..dij. KWER and RIOG. AsiM-:x- H.ii'-lo-- V iiC3 in irroi;n Suadu . O 2TJ j soi'6 Col. U well . 'jj f arts, n en' IU" eenls Kre Ihe i.'lit. s ilroary ami lu and Ion.', hull thai t: to ions uiornlhi: lriii. When ' Ver the World the ' ietol's son' nine shuli vi ninety And i oho afar rout ?. n At 7, no ioriuhor trull have its own''' Accomodations unsurjassch Pub-li- e Service at all hours, night and g & i i .top' U Livery and Fee(fr'UiJ!e. v:h 'ilfi ' V C " 4op. ai. J000 1' lt' idA !! ' Ei om Oudi I) 10 ii-- I ' ;: I.. op vo p in. 4. .11 . in. p in. !. - It das viaO. iiiuiod nsi' a'!iiii: ( uii ' : Arrive .) a Srcic-ties- Shall q'iiel;cu iu him life? ne empty Ii nils that toil fr nitiirlli An in a band that spans ihe earth lie AT WOOD. ' T 1"?;: in. 8. Co The ideal repoit Uound trip ir.c.diiiK' - Ik.w (iier will tiieir wrongs be dnml;? I ' i ? L1 ! How Inn i.' tli" li peles-- (Strife Kitin; heaiis 'li.ii. riie aLd the Buichtr blioj), j. c. we sx, :.r- -r Q O . sign.--; : y Special raffs lo Ktf iii(i eiti'S Willi lotty hails; trip to Pci'k'8 Hot fjinriKS, Ami th" one nwiis oil ifs Mill lioiiics ami 'lli'imd baili-'i- ci nis. Unit's. S. 1". Mi5EK0F.i:.(iin , And tlio i i y ami nine havn empty . l'a-Bw Ajru . Early II, hands. of a better (ti;i!ity of beef. See my eyes, nose Dear anil ear, then blow my born for W in. in f i 7..o i I 1 I,v. l SMoa.in. i :4 - I in p in. ;..!n n. v.. l.1 iiinilu-i-earili- bumps are ;': in rfre,'t Ma; a. ie, U'oa.ni. Tliey loi' in lli- Self's, tlio ninety suit) uin., F r i lit l. ui'8 of mir Tin'.v fiiu' i'imI tlvo in li t- (ins y inin u i mi linnfrhor liii'di n 'J l;0 h ;is il li tin irs iii dy Mows 'f'i ill", Iiiii:fl8 (4 dim forever j:ir-h- . Tho a. T..-- - K "- ' Wbw' Tal-l- .v. I.eavi S. 0. i ii-- l r ut of liip lirow tint lilnoni Trotn !lio 'J lie fur' st liffure tin-ila Is. Tin- r iiil i). li is hiiilsic.'l hii'i'liie liomt s .J i -- r KJ! imi y Tinio i wi-iii- i 11 n ff C J. IjO. i v ,. 111 ... I .' --'- .. vi 1.' t lenv.r, A.. 2 . TIipiv tire tcni'K 8ini iim- win) 'Ive :inl l'o w.mt ami u iiuit :m,i i M ' hi't cm ii :i.V n s'i i u i v en fn'.ii; Aiuiiu. i u i cil ii in- ii in- 10, y mid n in in I In in mr! 'Ihci no in ilie ikiI.ilo wiiu l irlit eh.iit-- . I 'i i Li:: Ckam.aix Look ' " ; - thttt -- ii Airl ii. V.:uU-y- , ". 1". !., which 1 tin. ui. ,. - .' l ii'.ni ii ,,ra,Vi:.(;.W. e V.'U Mrs. S. M I .i- ' rv . an;". j ATWOJih A-e- .. Takot:i.;l-.':"r:i'lo.MiJ:-- ,.i ' IIIU '.u I;..:t. t V . on ;0'"i-r- : n ,.i .i,mV V. lli'H tnitl " M(T earlier l.':iu. au. .Mrtri!.-'..N . i r u r!:::.jv-- i Opportune Theme. n:Si i .'-- !: Him r:f .V i: - re !'' Yeia'. is:;; sepei iluous aair :ru:n i he .'"...Vs f men. O IT. i..-- . jliiu-i;- , Mitliaim II. ! Two Throuc.h Tiain-- i C?;,y k.u, I'tlvieen fait Lake it t r:j pie I Krk, v.r:a ' E v.u f)u;i.! ;t his Old r 1. Ti e Colnra I 3 Tn - r,,.,,,.'I e'e !' .'lu'a " ....... I r " t"!1-'!'- C.o.ilV-''"'"'1"- to cu: .','.:" 's,,-i""- - nt'.-a- :! tci 7:a ' 2.1! 'r l'VlTC'C ;:: i ! ' . ' YOUR f',' , .',',' 1,1.-- ...iV v Vhrrr;.:'. i.r.n. :tVi; ,Vf.,',.:,,Ini"-- - 1 m : 'VVt-iv.'t.- rt'Htl. Ih; - .'.i.:' i ;,, V ii - ... WKlUM-- . . llU r j I iv I, Armv. I V .V!.."'... It ... ,. . i V nnPlJ' u u ! t ll-i- , f,.- l.ntli i. -- M-- IMJ,. - II. I. I I ' I 1 . 3 .i rilvv c 1 . WW r' TIViSERVii-E I 115 i fULC! ;tlilc. Tell ... v"w ri ePiTAiii TJTty hi n .ru- av .in nr(l uiiiwuvi t'tw yuv .oivj .t ,,.,.-L AlAUT ,M..itii!ir P;.v V i.i. ..' t uv.- " n- , !j ..I. |