OCR Text |
Show is n by a Shptl-kt 1. I uau-uue- r M . - r- t i.i .nr. ana; nc.oiui fc, wjc, pe- paralyzed a da; 3 a tart-fu- l '. making upon and aero, unv.V.ati.m it was found that a shee-ti-- k had becti causing the. trouble. Tilt; of the tick had buried itself in the ba-by the na r child's neck and was Sin'-tin1 tirk has Lev u of the improve!. removed the ihiU !i The Mi'S 1). K' c8n7o j.ariuV.y Tj ; f.-- fna;! with hut Slut. ' via inn hid-D- ! hii'! It !:. ". , I;. -! - "i! - to w! i'dl what stat.d-- j INTEREST IX THE KLOXDYKE EX A HATED. l uillM't K- ,,.;iS crops, e'jia o an .1- .- r lor :, a t '"iU la sr.UKs will enjoy this pub! icatii;ii much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisement; thev will afford a most interesting study and will put you in the way of getting home excellent bargains. Our .send advertisers are reliable, tl hat they advertise. A ter ci eo; MINING NOTES. contract f r the erection of a smelat Cerrillos. New Mexico, for Cup--! taia Dalue has been let. in tue Tany A pock. t discovered mine, near Soinmi, California, a few days ago, is reported to have yielded SSO.IHIIl, at -- h,-a- t MINING DEPARTMEN1 ,Mi.-.V- t;.'r-. ,.MV ,,f duel-- I r .'lliei;il pi O Yuu V ''I i' If j o.tt-- i- .'.h"vr s t.',;il v, Ailwrtl-x-iiHiiH- . I..- l i.! Ul-fr- l.!:i-;.- Jii.'il: 1 Ii.ri-- I - :a I! !fl' !!.,. Hi i h ..;, i j ii . r.-- i CENERAL v. r :' ! lilliicl-- M'i 1141 ki.imn hi.-- i,, tic uii. t. t:,,. s i I''"'-- 1 rr"' M'-i- eii'l tuthe very i. ciKt. - com : .x-- Ite.nl the i ear Ne! jaliU - a Lit- ra-k- a j Tho Alaska Placers and How to Reach Them Comparison of Colorado and Alaska-Ot- her Interesting News. From the Juneau mine. In Silver Dow Ah;-i.SIC.imm) in gold w as tak-- ; ii out iu the lirst twenty days of the A basin, j -- a. season. Exports of copper in June amounted tons and from January 1st, "ii'.L"j:! tons, airainsf ,"S,1i;i tons of the same ime last year. At the Golden Gate mill at Mereur, Utah, which is to have a capacity of MM) tens daily, me Kendall d;oXide cyanide process will be Used. Thomas Kearns, representing the Sil-- . ver King, has secured an option on the Union mine at Dark City, Utah, for eighteen months at .,.iO.(mkj. The N'ovvell G. M. Co. writes that good rock miners can find employment in and around Juneau, Alaska. The Khuidyke excitement is making miliars scarce there. I'hil. Armour and other capitalists a large of Chicago have purchased tract of placer land on the Snake river, Idaho, and it is said will operate it by means of a dry process. The silver yield in Mexico last year was estimated at .oboUU.uoO, and it is claimed that there is a larger output being made this year, which promises to increase the total to $i;o,0uo,000. A company has taken up, under the placer law, the islands in Great Salt Lake, for their guano deposits. The first shipment will be made to California for sugar beet Holds. There has been an unavoidable delay In getting the pumps started at, Leadville, since necessary eastings had to be secured in Denver. It is now expected that all t ho pumps will be working to l."..l'".t 1 values. f..r the mineral formation below the stn-etof he ciiy is nude simin the "f interest The obj.-.ilar to that found in the upper work. .un tninnitf world at tae ireeui ings of the Fryer hill bonanzas in the it O.IKI flm liew tv'liiii.U l.i. lihleers of Alaska. early day. A conservative estimate ,,f 7 iji rich Ik .'ieiioineiially ui. an That the production .of this group of mines ml ;hi, .. 1VX.11 there is HO (liniiit whatever, siliee the would place- it at Mhi tons l'i,',h '"1J i ;.r.::i a day, which M I'l.'MI, Utories of their urreal value are would swell the total output of the id.i; e lar-amounts liorted by thu arrival of j' in; 0 camp to L'.(kh) tons, or more than dou0 ArLMi-4"..".''; of (.'old (Jtisst and nuL'zeis in tue ble the tonnage of the 3., ii n iiii H..1 days of the u 4 a the United States. Ihit so far t boom. This achievement, however, is J, are s ;,n vl counts of the likely to be postponed for a number of Nf.nil.t-2 1(14.11 i tl what vairue. Tliev have been ... Spssial AnnoiincGniont months, since the mines will alous the Kl'mdvke river. which is a be completely drained before scarcely 'o s:i;' I.;iKii ut ami wii't "i'1' ' I'r.t jii the liiV w v :.!li,! .luOi m. IfH) Maiiip u., "i W. i;:..i itr tributary of tlu Yukon, in Canadian of December. w;ifl Int. xir h ml K'' rutilMT HUiinp uf the from l imt far in- tt.'. In the meantime progress is beitii territory, thmi nil mill vti"I eiii hi '" cumin'" u.;j.i.J "i American fromier. Order is preserved made in pushing the great Yak tunnel u.M.i - nt;iiiiif in the region by a detachment of the to a connection with the lich auriferous CUr.E YOURSELF! ( oiiHiiieralile. Canadian mounted police, but other- properties belonging to Gie Ibex Minuniiilunil liii; i playing wise, the mining is carried on as if on ing piano Iim h.ilt:Amy Tioes her Company, which it will drain. That I.', la io a i, li.iU:imi't g are obtained it will an. un T.lainie- Oh, yes. American ur soil. Mails much? to l.'jlUie'4 Y iniuti.'ii-nniniint tap yet uncovered bodies of ore Illl llll.l.llHl. l l' un injiufc. 1X)1 a day. from Circle City, which is near by, in its northeastward course is confi uii'l ii"! J'tou- l.iJ'rev.Dti She's at it f,,r eighteen hours liii.ni. whither the I'ni'ied States postotlice dently expected, and a confirmation 'of nl hi In- .luiiilee. makes a dismteh once a month, and the theories of its projectors will tend ur p. nt in j.i.iNi nr.i!'!-r- , Salt into ts visit supplies are sent in from .luneaii, or to greatly stimulate development withlur KruiiE-hty fxi.ri'", tl oiwinds id II m. Hi's Zi. up the Yukon river. There being no in the area defined on later maps as ia Savings h' iks t v. Luke 'it tin lil.ir lit uU li Canadian customs cilices in the region the- "Leadville gold belt" extending at llio '.utile, near tiie iiidiiiiin ut eree.teil these have thus far gone in duty-frenorth and south of the Little Johnnie of in K'ham h.eior head Of Main street, Is already an outcry in l'.rit-ismine for a long distance. There is althere but Vouiilt and Pioneers, have b. c kept, busy Columbia against this, and doubt- ready considerable activity to the north you wonM K'' t he humlro U oiienin- - new a.vouuH less ere long collectors of customs will across the Dig Evans Gulch, with the for the hank. The- amount be stationed there. Most of the min-- j most hopeful indications, and the who have l't'oltipt. Iv'lilie4. I., HA ,t nave OiiU k Helurim. 1.1. 4,V'sH. Uf. jui. ers on the ground are Americans, and Times is advised (hat before the sea,W oil ileoosit IS thus far ex- son's work is interrupted by the heavy a Saviii'-- aeeia.ut; Jf not, open one now. probably all the gold FRED A. SEARS, to the United snowfalls of winter there will be a rebeen has is tracted brought paid interest .... iner. n il) uer annu'Ji loth. .SALT LAKE CITY newal of work along the southern exM( oriilck lSUnk. f.a.r tiling a year Write for States. Recent of discoveries of tension the is belt in of Iowa Yukon gold the country climate The Gulch, UMVERSllV"rNOHU; l)AME, any information des'n e 1. wild and severe. The winter is long, where all activity ended when the Ilex quartz at Hall City, in Trinity county, WOODKUK. President. and the time when work can be car- proposition was abandoned, the cause California, near the Harrison gulch Notre Dame, Indiana. OKOIMIHM. CANNON, Cashier. for it having been generally misunder- mines, have caused considerable exried on to advantage is correspondliil, Mr itk. Si(.i--l rl:li-.- I stood. Moffat, Drown and many other citement and many people have gone be to rliHiiuiil un,! to is said lliceoushs. The snowfall short. A Martyr ingly iiicrchil iiliii y niiii Inn oui; Ii la to prospect and locate. ?Iis.i Lucy Marshall, of Ccntralia, comparatively light; but the cold is wealthy men, it will bo remembered, ul uui'iiIh ill Cui ll--('utll'lM . a of sum in to US spent KuolllH Fri'e, u nior r .Senior A copper ledge is reported to have that large of money of hiccoughs great, temperatures degrees nn.jei t.;. Mo., has been a victim hi. I'tlvviinrxi!l Hall. and besinkwhen property been below discovered on the shore 400 miles zero Fahrenheit they stopped 70 7th. baa She 07 t ti i'rrui degrees "f"ceoMjitfiiilier In Kineo last Christmas day. lHill. CiilitloKiin the brief sum- ing work upon a score of prospects In west of Sitka, which is said to be registered. During ing uaiUviil. C. S. l'l skeleton. Mrrt-.emere ('., A. become a mer the weather is sultry and the my- the vicinity was at once suspended, eighty feet wide and HOO feet in be maJe working for us. CI? TH M.ti of t 'lull. riads of mosquitoes tire a pest. After since it was erroneously assumed that length. It lias been located for L. C. lii, in linn- In tinSiirtii, 15th the tinea n route is they were discouraged with the indica- Dillnian of Spokane and associates. lliV The Passensrei' Department, of the Uio September prnlitHlilv tioiu; PfT W FFk li""'. on account of the tierce tions in the bottom of their shaft. ,tp.4it iiiiini i,j,i.iitnh'ii I'nr Iuimi and impassable Grande railway has .just issued an This was by no means the case, as Up to July 101 h for 1Q!7. the value set in at that time and which storms lili hmond, V. UU 4; llu J. I (.1 datotnap showing all iiiinmi,' districts ot make the crossing of Cliiikoot pass the record of the diamond drill, driven nf ore and matte exported from the to considerable depth below the deep- Kootenay mines in I'.ritish Columbia, no ii i i; i uosi: record, together witli an (mtune siceuai oi very hazardous. atu.uiil On' iiiioiiiiii'-ilcnllinu: and est level, had previously proved the ex- was oo,fnd,2S;.sn. of this 27."7S tons special older districts, the .. I. It II ,1.11. (.1 The new diggings are very diuicult istence l I ' reof good values, and in a way was in ore valued at $l,P.'!:!.'M."i.70 and iiii.l riit.'-iAU'y. U in. Li.i.a tention to several partially developed of access. At present lliore are two iiiii,iut naily $l,i)S3,040.10 in produce of smelters. H., W.iKiuiiKiiiu. n i'..ili- will whieii recently have snow it nnport- - routes thither, one from St. Michael's. confirmed the theories of the ablest ex .... in . ,,,, verin-'sthe ore Some of the best gold properties of DibtOVLHt:'wf perts that the now camp eoi, and copjier, Jonny 'OHnear the mouth of the Yukon river, chutes extend U!.M10 "from Cripple Creek are said to be in French southwestward St. From of fwni investors Juneau. II.H.K other in "i and the 1'rospecU.rs, rtl'1. Sfl'il li'l (ttractim; notice ll ii lo Vs Ml!, oiuiiia. tin. ....i steam- Dreeee hill across California. Emnire hands. Foreign stockholders are even Michael's there are ami others. ind Iowa gulches, to the Arkansas riv reported to have displaced a recent river er. asrend Yukon the No. JM, law which, W. N. U.. Salt Lake boats res; aud Cor copies (if thi", v lluabh: map Nothing has ever been riovoloiiPil president of the Victor mine of that or .T.iUii to Dawson City, a distance Vi'hett ABHwcrins Adsertisemetits Kindly F. A. It Lake City to disprove that theory and it is as te camp. Waoi.kioK, G. l: Mfiitiiirt i Hi 13 per. miles, the entire journey from Seattle as it was The number of silver dollars .coined: naciously hold occupying thirty or forty days, the when a score of shafts wore going at the United States mints during the easier costing $1n This is the down in Iowa gulch to confirm ir. It is last iiscal 33 r. ff on othur is from Juneau, The m m 4 r.ie. bv liver and not at all likely that so promising a which the year was or 21.'jo:i.701, to the seigniorage profits partly by foot, a field will long 3 li H partlv remain undeveloped. It amounted to .su,ooii,0-idistance" of 050 wtts jo the is a big money proposition to be sure, government y 3u rente is exceedingly This A cut in wages at Park City, Utah, . but money is going to be more plentihave several times na many vacancies as member-!Send for list of 4.0H) rough. The rivers are rapid andi ful for such reasonably assured enter- in the Ontario and Daly mines, has ne plini GUAKAN-TKKMnit tutvei more ineintwrs. Several plan-,- , two plans Klvo free registration; ever.y-over the portages hook, eoitta.niiig plans uml a $vii".u) love siory of Collego rockv,' and in the next fc-- years than it has been announced to go into effect Augponitums. 10 cenIR nuvs forNo lit ii " most be packed on their backs prises to emplovers tor reeenimi'n.tintr t earners Iroo. rtnvs' IlluntiH aiiit chaw since been the panic t f 1S03 struck such ust 1st, which is under discussion by SUITON TEACH tHS' BUREAU, I REV, DR. 0. M.SUTTOM, A. M in- - the travelers themselves, or by In SOUTHERN UACHERS' BUREAU. Mt nU Mitlliwr. il St., CliirK"'. Ill l'l a cruel to Leadville. No effort the men as to whether they will submit blow S W Cur llmiiitj M St ,l.,,lilviH,..Kv.l aiUren. dian carriers, if they can be secured. has ir.i f.iiiumH'li! Oficf. Oti he s.,uOio-I'tonem riiiiiiii-i'AorOii-rbeen made to enlist eastern or not. yet No food Is proline1'! in (lie country, in the undertaking. As a matNevada and Colorado are no longer and the immigrant is obliged to carry capital ter of fact, Leadville litis relied very "silver states," the gold yield in 1S98 SPORTSMAN'S HEADQUARTERS. a huge supply with him, because the little upon outside assistance during exceeding that of silver in each comclimate of the country is sucn mat the past twelve years, and Colorado, monwealth. Montana is now the "silin the is ogress from it possible only summer, and even with plenty of capital will before long, as we firmlj ver state," though cither Nevada or undertake to solve the Colorado stands ready to dispute the tuoiiev it is not easy to buy there all believe, again title should conditions warrant the exthat is needed. The Alaska Commer problem. With the labor question settled and traction of the white metal. cial Company, which scuds steamboats from St. Michaels un the iukoii river the water problem solved, Leadville is The value of the found during l',su llitll, l'ootb.tll Biol a I till Mno of Athletic GooiU. declares its inability to transport to destined soon to enter upon a new era ISlHi on the coast ofpearls the Gulf of Lowof of ati supply the region adequate prosperity, eclipsing the magnificent er California amounted to Jf.'ioO.ODO. If jiui don't know ftliat you want, semi for our new catal-aogoods for next winter if there is such performances of the past. Resides, there were also exported tlio askiiirf. for free a rush thither as there promises to be .",000 tons of mussel shells, the value of be will surely If this happens there Colorado vs. Alaska, which was estimated at l,2."0.00r. Now and Soi ond Hand r.ioyt los at KeniarkaMy Low rriccs. much siilhi'ing and loss ot me. unThe pearl fishing, with appurtenance?, From the a matter is and Review. Mining it LrtK.lv Industry circumstances der lliese of the naforms the mi tire comrtNU OGDl-N- . a for congratulaiinii that only The daily papers all over the country tives, and La Paz,coohpation the capital for this of number persons small paratively are still full of news regarding the trade in the peninsula, exists exclusivecan find transportation thither before great wealth of Alaska aud the im- ly upon this industry. Until a few ana the present season closes. mense amount of money alroudv and to years ago only native divers had been Our advice to cold seekers is to :,e maue there. Roth sides of the ques- - employed, and the greatest depth to well the (litliculties to be encounlion seem to no represented, more is which they could dive was thirty-fivtered before selling out, and we ad- no question but that there is gold in feet. Upon the introduction of tin" l'.CMMliNTS and HE.VDSrO.SSS dress tiiis especially to persons in the Aiasua, nut me great quesiien is, is modern diving apparatus a depth Of .... ..,.,,.!, .... ...... '...,... .is eastern and central states who have llieie lion ii ;.oiu tiieit-- il'I 11IO r.- - jS loot Was accomplished, while forhad no experit'iice in rough countries. peuses ami unidsnips one nas to under-- ' hm-.in. the best divers could not remain and therefore can have Utile idea oi go to obtain it as there is in Colorado. longer than two minutes under water In In1 borne the hardships which must Facts so far presented show that Coh-- , u modern diver thinks nothing of lini-' fl'"i:i Alaska. To those wro far exceeds Alaska, not only in the! for two hours at a. depth of lot the l'aciiie slope we suggest that they quantity of the mineral, but iu regard tVt t, although at a still greater depth take a reserve supply of food in the lo the cost of obtaining it and the com-- xht s,av is ,,,.(.,.s..arilv Vh.irtene.i lN oil exhas to one to the has forts army obtain it. account of the volume of water above forego compressed form that 111,(1 Colorado is full of mineral, and The perimented wiili so Mioeessfully do not limit themselves 1c of the past live years has made many mil- the divers - ll provide their.silves with ovsters. but whenever thev pearl T I"11 a''ove all. lionaires out of absolutely poor people, (.ome across a rare hulling and blankedpiece of coral or a no I'lin siiniihl start for the Klondyke aud the next, live years will make many OPI'tWITS TUB kind of mussel, they pocket these with money. more. Gold mining m Colorado is sun ,!(,r ho is not amnlv Salt Lake likewise, , , .,.,tt ., f ,. v ii'Vessai'V lor us t" i. in .ii rounded with comforts in comparison! It mine at Marys-w'ciHi.iii to the historical experience ot with going to Alaska, as In most cases! .Tll lM'nni WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS. Mman.i. was a year ago :he-.are in close touch with the big rich goM discoveries that where W0I'k,'( "utthe force of the United states, and if one! 'here are a fow who make fortunes 'Wed have by the Molilalia Mining a in all strike !h"i'o l'ice this countrv they good 11. ;ii. many who S. Kl'Mt'lKLT). C.f.KXniSN'tXi. JAS. M. SCOTT, gi:o. is plenty of capital to help ft l'any, the owners, is as large as It eve! e ll their lives. Un'1 there are l'rcsid-i.t- . itiJ Ttva vivury in :l tl:,vs when the six"VUuml to he in and they do not have to wait a'j Av;,s' Aiasu.i along, dlsapimintments mill will he crushing ore in California. Colo- - vear or two to get people interested. .is ti ,., aiul A person can take Sd.mio to again, the number cf men in thj' comadand Dakota. to pany's employ will be larger iha'n ever S'J.otio and Colorado and by ciime .b.tirnai i:i;i!ig There are imw industrious and using good judg- before in its men mi iln pay roll of the ment, can make it the foundation for about 1 oi.cl O rt Until hist yea'r the Drum n very snug forlune. In fact most of company. l.nohihVi, llriil't rntnr I--i the Denver Timthe fortunes' made here have been mad Luiuiiion mine was a steady producer In ! almost, from the time the English coin.? aV!i!l;i(H.npon a largely the from less than 10, as that is about the once pnny b"iight the property from Thorn-star- t the amount has to general prospector output at leadville. with. Colorado this year will add ;1S, Cruse. Less than a year ago, both !"wii iiihies fire again in opera-"lu'"s were dosed down, as it was ?L'd.FOi: -Anot based ui,,,n conjecture as to the wealth of (he worid at at will I.',, found in the drifts h,ooi in gold, and fully as much in found ihey were keeping ahead of Co., Stove Detroit '.u (Tain Scale Company, 'I he metals. Rut Colorado's output is duction. Since the development work pes noW (Hied with, water. John Van v Hone. Atlas Engine W orks, - 'i before the public every year; 1IMS suown up large ore bodies and .';d'c put of extensive 1,,ai4's; being Coles' Air Tight Heater Dudge W ooden Pulleys. h'v "otieraliod. was uemonst .t icu it is not hoarded find sprang on the pnl-li- within a short time l'jo stamps will be I'm sdoiim cos, W'orthiogtoii California Powder Works. all at once. If if should be for one dropping again. In the nieaniiine a fore niVox'tKCiifics of tl'.b labor Celebrated Anchor Praod Cylinder and Revere llnbber Co., Strike ind tiv iivinrccinent as to the year, it would create the greatest cyanide plant has been put up to work Injector-.( )il, Dodge comEngine over an immense quantity of old tailever had. We world the have on of mi expenses Lou.' Leviathan ie Dotting. Howe, Drown A Co., Drill Tool Steel, !"'!;. I tlndr mv''!,s 't suspend opera- objivtions whatever In anyone going ings. All this means much for other tions. P.wyiblr r0 per cent, of the to Alaska that desire, but want to say mines all over the West, for the hisMiners' Tools. Stoves, Tinware, etc., touting,, of the district, prior to the lo them that they should not overlook tory of the Drum Lunnnon is the of other mines iu Nevada, Colo, Mill trouble, cam from these properties. the good things here for the greener Findings. And a General Assortment of of the fields far away. :id more tLia rado, California, Idaho und Arizona. proportion tint n'. a o 'i "i i 4ii ii o 4.' irH.i.l H u ii 4 a-- rim-en- . i i I'.-- D tli-.-s- 11! ( . - . i 7 SEE The Kl..ii'il4f ,J . . - ().--'. (1 Kl II 4 MKI ) : I':-.- (J . .1 i.r:i-i'- e- tfj .l . (I - I..1K1- -- I i;i;-t' V KIM i Ah- v I . I'lH-i-- 1 v4" 1 - in- t III J'aiiiU-M.- . II H I 111 cwtii.i-.B- i ( - 1 ni- , m ' '1 ijUl-i- 1 e, Live Stock Commission. h 1 f.-- liifiinii.-iU'iii- wi-ii- vi-it- I s , gold-bcarin- ft AVUd-'OKl- , , imim-enni;- . I I . Hi 1 i ,1 I'm- I niilii-atiui- K, . n ?-a- .1 In- - ti in-- up-to- - . ill I eiaiins ' .11 111 . DROPSY! . of ! light-draf- t -- mm to.-da- y Klon-dyk- e. . '. I I . Lao tf&m iiu-ai.- i nfi.-i-- III, i II I, BROWNING BROS., Elias Morris Sons Company,:: con-shie- r e 1.1 1. .1.-- . . . - IVIarble stav-rad- :n-- and Granite, Mantles, etc. Grates, I I ig -,- I 1 ' - Cit, . e V1-1- o report-center- s (' - I Tti-da- s Com-ther- e - Qeo0 M. 1 o np Denlors Bcir Scott arc! w ore Steel Si Co and Sheet Iron, dllNTS to-da- I'u:-iuooril1 be-in- g liist-.i.y- - In-i- Ripe - ! - pro-othe- r -- i e fu-ror- , ... Wm HUH SI. : ' CTM 125 V SECOND S3JTH - his-tor- y SAL1 IAKE Ciff. UIAB |