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Show WILSON AMERICAN EAGLE. Ioiiilmrit Kf M. X. VILLIA1IMX. Sirt-t-- t HETUFiN-j- POPULISTS VX Vi . Him Out of M..irks hi d eon. IW-a- I i.si.,iii-- :', H A I)re---- .l ROW ami A n; x u,j,,uiI t 'I.tsh la the Ohio Male oinW!;"u- - I Columbus. ).. Ai,.r, is. In 'toe pop-Benjamin Ida., Aug. from ulist state convention here a row was Poise returned has Wilson of UTAH. MURRAY, London, after an absence in the precipitated betw,.n t'n- factions faHe is of two voring fusion w ith tlt. dfUiocrat-- an. I years. metropolis UTAH NEWS. accompanied by .1. (. k'enipvau'"'. the the middle of the ri,;i, jvpulists which widely known English mining pro- required the presence of lb5 police to is w to assist Mr. Wilson restore order. Peter Witt of Cleveland The farmers in Cache valleyare br.j moter, ho here in tin ravcliig the tangled skein tliat charged that the committee on rules fathering- the second cuttiu (if hay, busiut-N- , haiheen bought envelopes the hitter's exten d ve mining and order of which is the largest crop for years. the as known Boise waving at the in by money, republican basin, property Roland Bates, the son of l'iouei-rvillsame time a cheek which he claimed placers. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bates of Park City, A fccore of Mr. WiUon fell among thieves in substantiated the chargewho was so frightfully scalded by o in valmen surrounded and the Witt, London and came near losing resisting a tub of boiling water, died on uable property. As it is the London an attempt to pull him off tLe floor he the 7th. A general crowd that he dealt w ith have, control struck at one of the w melee ensued them hich retain will of the placers, and The l'ark City baseball club, on wasstopped by the A Mr. vote, test showed the courts. the of the mines closing, have dispolice. until dispossessed by to lie in a majority of 5li.1 to Wilson is very reticent about the Lonbanded and each was paid his shar of the money in the treasury, which don operations, but it is stated lie lost 170. The following ticket was nomiwas quite an amount. .; ). 000 in cold cash through the base nated: For governor, Jacob S. Coxey; ness of the men with whom he was lieutenant governor, Morris John C. LiH'an, a mining man, died to save the lie supreme judge, p. C, Pomeroy; at Salt Lake City under rather sus- dealing. from managed tied attorney completely general, F. M.Morris. being property picious circumstances. Logan was up, however, and those in a position to An investigation of bribery charges a formerly .superintendent of the know, say he will have but little trouble was held at which testimony w as givmine and came to Salt Lake in remaining in possession. The amount en that Major Charles Dick had promfrom Bingham, lie had recently hold he is said to have been beaten out of ised to furnish money for literature to a mine for 810,000 and had been drinkby the London society sharks is but a run the campaign if .afl independent ing heavily. drop in the bucket as compared with ticket were nominated. Two checks of 82.1 each, for individual expenses of The boy j who recently discovered she value of his placers. what they believe to be a valuable copdelegates, signed by Dick, were offered HANNA'S EXPERIENCE. in evidence. near Iron Iron per property Springs. count y.have sent their locations notices His aclit Went Aground I" Mplon Strait CANADA DKTFRM1NCI. to the county recorder, The new anil Slin k Flint In tin- Ito. ki. find is creating considerable exciteTack fish, (Hit., Aug. lb Senator M. A I.arjre I oroe of Mounted I'ollre and Two Mil vim (inns Sent to klmiilj'Ke. ment and has given quite a number A. Banna and the party of pleasure the mining fever. The lucky locaters seekers accompanying him on a cruise Toronto, Ont.. Aug. 1:.'. A good deal are John II. Walker, William I'ryor, of the great lakes had a thrilling ex- of interest is being taken in Canada Thomas 1 :c and ''Cud'' Leigh. perience on the wild northern coast of in the manner in which the American Fire hns destroyed the W. II. Lyon Lake Superior. Their yacht, the Co- press and people receive the new minstore at Marysvale. The building and manche, a staunch vessel, went ing laws passed by the government for Mock of general merchandise, valued aground in Nipigoa straits, and stuck the Klondyke district. is hardly necessary," says the at SH.OOO, had been heavily insured, fast in the rocks that abound in that accifor sixteen hours. The TorontoWorhl; "to reply to the threats but the policy expired only a few day region, occurred dent the when at of Americans in the matter. The govmidnight, ago ami the loss is complete. The comfortasenator his and were of Canada has already made ernment guests property belonged to the widow of the in There stowed their births. bly away its lato, W. If. Lyon, owner of the Lyon reply, and that reply is based on was considerable confusion fora time, action, not on words. A large force block, Salt Luke. City. The fire is sup but soon the saw the that mounted police and twoMaxim guns captain of posed to have been of incendiary oriin was tin now on the way to the Klondyke are position, easy yacht caught gin, for no one was in the building at n to wait for tugs, and sat. dow all the time. country, and if the miners whom the which were ordered from Nipigon, ten 1'nited States journals are inciting to The crops in Springviiie and vicinity miles distant. revolt only make the attempt they will are very good this year, with the exThe Comanche was afterward hauled perhaps meet with a reception warmer ception of the sugar-bee- t crop. Jtis into deep water and resumed her jour- than they anticipated. bought, the tonnage will not bo more ney, with all on no:o'; well. The mis- "Surely it is time that the people of than hair what it was last year, witi hap was caused by the pilot yetting this country, and especially tin? party the same acreage as last veur. The the in pow er, began to consider the relayacht out of the channel. fru't crop Is t he largest ever grown. tions of Canada with the I'm i ted States lloint-slc- . ulcrs Win it !Vnit, The potato crop, while biuall in acrean entirely new standpoint. from Washington, Aug. 14. Assistant At H age, willyield a good crop. William the Liberal party has regarditherto Roylanee of Springville shipped 7:.', Olio torney-- ( .lencrul Yandevanter of the in ed this people as a friendly neighbor quarts of .strawberries and raspberries terior department has prepared and from whom Canadians might expect has approved Acting Secretary Ryan this season the least, while our be of eoiisid- - fair treatment at over The Ontario mine at Park City will of a decision which will Uu.Ut- - Uu Wti to yicM. , 4wwr iwm v twwM.- men wtio such to and much rather supplicate Section li of the act of March. Iss'j, hail been doing dead work w ere laid them than demand it from treatment exhad who those partially oil' last w eek. Superintendent Chamb- authorized as of right. ers says the mine can he run only at a ercised their homestead privilege to A l!oy Falls Intuit Well. loss with silver below (it) cents, anil a make an additional entry of public of as lilu full to land so a make quota Pocatello. Ida., Aug 13. Report oi' is preferable to working Heretofore this section has a serious accident at S.da Springs wi.s with the existing outlook. The dis- acres. been construed as applying only to received here today. Lnanuel Wilson, charged miners are leaving Park City those who hud partially exercised their the t.Vyear-olson of George Wilson, for more inviting' fields. homestead privileges before the pasw ith his together younjer brother, w as John W. Priti hett, who is the ow nof decision act. The the that sage says near an old dy well on their er of some real estate south of Fair-vie- it was the evident intention of con- playing father's ranch, four miles from Soda was ou his way to his land, ami gress to provide a means by which Springs. Attempting to lower a ladpassed through a Held belonging to a every homesteader might acquire title der into the well, Liuinuel stumbled Mr. Miner win) lives at l'airvicw, by to Pin acres of land, notwithstanding and fell headlong into it, striking the t'n long ued road to and from his a pri r partial exercise of the homerocky bottom, fourteen feet below, field. Evidently he bad been ordered stead right. with terrible force: His younger befoi e not to drive through this Held brother hastened to give the alarm to BLOCKADE AT DYEA. and the ordt r w as emphasized with the neighbors, w ho came and took the epithets, a club and finally a gun. Tin Thoitmit Is of lYojilc Cnuipcil Aloui; lift unfortunate boy from the well insengun was cocked for use when Mr. Sli ire I iiulilc to Croi vl. sible, lie was taken to Soda Springs Pritchett brought out a pistol. Tho Seattle, Wash.. Aug. It. The ex- and received medical attendance. The constable who wns fortunately neat blockade of KlondyKe passen- lad is terribly bruised and injured inthen interfered, taking the gun from pectedat Uvea, has resulted. Thougers ternally, but it is not thought the acMr. M'tDev and quelling the disturbsands are camped out along the rocky cident will prove fatal. ance. Matters shores, unable to proceed. CATCHING A CATTLE THIEF. Charles W. Carter, a Salt Lake Oitt could scarcely be worse. There are v photographer, bus just reproduced u fv.w horses or puck animals at hand Inserleil Coins I uilcr a Calf's Sklu to It. It is n,i there is practically no chance for very intci est uig daguerreotype. A picture of tha Pee Hive, Liou Hons these people to get over the pass. One I'kiah. Cal.. Aug. lit. A new trick nud church unices, and was taken by of the 1'nited States commissioners, by was turned here whenbeorge K.White, Mr. I'hafnn. the pioneer photographer, using his oilieial influence and paying known as the llotnul Valley cattle in ls.1.1. At that time there was nc full in coin, managed to get the In king, had Henry Carder arrested on a F.agle Cute, and a board fence sur dians to pack his outfit over the of cattle stealing. A sensationcharsre the buildings. The lion had koot pass to the lakes. al trial is expected. Carder is accused not hern placed in front of the Lion' of having stolen the cow fromS. hi :'l Out a ( hieUen. House. Over the smaller buildings Coins were inserted iu the Cripple Creek. Colo., Aug. P.". the signs "Coventor's Ouiee," "Tithini' of the calf by emvbovs. and they rt l ieil Myers, proprietor of the legs ortice" and "President's oft ice." Halt Co il Hill now be felt in the cow. Lodging house, and owner of may a dozen small trees are shown in th considerable property, was fatally shot ISr.ian'H Vaccina Over. photograph, and on the hill at lust niijht by speek'l officer J. N. Crarear of the Kec Hive is seen the old Spencer, Ida.. A air. '. W. J. Hryan nia . The trouble occurred ov cr a (''' his arrival herefrom Hie Yellowupon cent cbi- ken which Mrs. Iani Selix acstone l'ark w as met by Coventor Smith '1 In1 llobber's lloo-- t gang is at work cased Myers of having stolen from her. and Hartnnm of MonCongressman "train and on the iUh insl. every stock Myers resisted arrest, and the otV.eer, tana. escorted him tl l'u,to They man in Sabnu had to put a guard over who was in citizens clothes, shot him w here he addresses the tomorJus stock on tue mountains. Ten horses A distressing feature of the triigc.lv i Later row. he a will general make were taken from one coiiall, but thev that Mrs. Myers was at the point of tour of the state. Prvan nppt''irs tl' ov were recaptured. Three of the best death when her husband was shot. refreshed and invigorated hv his three saddle horses in Salina were taken 10'iile. TwHtt--l. rr-Oweeks stay in the park. later. The lloost, which consists oi 11- .- Ilrncst t'ross Mo,. Mexico., Aug. two almost inaccessible caves Is u ret. AlaiU- llrre. 1. tlczvous for murderers and thieves of white ran off with the lnd.. Llwood, Aug. nThe first of Thomas Picherson, and Wyoming, Colorado and I" tali. Tom daughter manufactured in America to be went to llalliday and were marMd'arty has been seen in there and they sent to is, F.urope according to 'ol'a' Identified. The gang not daring tc ried. The father of the young girl manufacturers, that started today by in pursuit and secured the Venture onni !y U yond their retreat, started the American Plate company of w ill try to bold her are supplied with ammunition, necessa- young bride and for It was Italy. a carload conis ries and uews by women. Only a few until of age. Mrs. Crosswhite prob- sisting of :.u; boxes of the most ex pen the youngest bride iu this Mate if days ago soo pounds of cartridges w ent ably i sive made her not iu the 1'nited States. the lloost. Ln-glis- h - - - e - fall-int- mt-n- . t anti-fusionis- ts W'hit-I'onil- i; Wirme-muee- - I 'It 1 1 i - fchut-dovr- n d I Iilon-tlr.- ("nil-round- j Uohr-boug- Al-h- i th' - - - ; Tln-Plnt- e - tin-plat- tin-plat- e e j i Ki. l'r.m I i. CUBANS Kansas City, Aug. Jo. The wholesale price cf dressed by ail the big packers has been raised. The lowest price on dressed beef now is C cents, whereas, ou Saturday, fair to good western beef could be bought for 4,'!4 to 5,1 cents. Letter gaades were raised in proportion. The Wst grades of bacon were also raised lb; cents per pound. Tiie dealers claim that the big combine about which so much has been heard lately, is thus proven to be a fact, and that it has begun the expected squeezing process. They declare that they will go into' a combine of their own, and butcher their own meat. The packers deny that there is any combine. Spanish Forces Jtuulfii in Matanzas by I nun refills. Havana. Aug. 11. A decisive battle lias occurred in Matanzas province in which the Spanish troops were routed after a hard battle, with heavy losses. This news caused a veritable sensation in Havana, as it is generally l known that W'eyler is is a belief now in Matanzas and there that the Spanish troops directly under him were those which suffered defeat at the hands of the rebels. The Spanish othcials are taking great pains to suppress the facts. The excitement was increased by a later report that General W'eyler had ordered the Marquis di Ahumada, the to send as acting governor-general- , could be as of force a troops large near of Guines, to the vicinity spared the border of Havana and Matanzas Additional artillery was provinces. last night to Guines. shipped The present situation of General W'eyler is similar to that of Martinez CamDos when he tried in December, 18!)."., to cheek the famous raid of Gomez and Maeeo and was compelled to fall back successively at Joyeltanos and Closeo and Colon before the Cubans. Captain-Genera- To Avenge the ISarceloua Anarchists Madrid, Aug. 10. Colli, the anar- chist who killed Senor Canovas has confessed that he did the deed to avenge the Barcelona anarchists and the insurgent leader, I)oi Jose Rizal, who was executed at Manila, Philippine islands, on December 30th last, as the instigator of the Philippine revolution. Dr. Rizal denied that he was a rebel leader, but he admitted that he had drawn up the statutes of the Philippine league. In Golli's room the police found a large It appistol. pears that when he left the house yesterday he carried a parcel which is believed to have been a bomb. The theory is that he hid this somewhere in double-barrelle- DEFEAT WEYLER. August Crop Conditions. Washington, Aug. 12. The report of the statistician of August the department of agriculture shows the fol- d the fields. A I5i Swindler Caught. Omaha, Aug. 10. By the arrest of E. J. Davis the local police think they have discovered a big swindle under the guise of Washington and Alaska Gold Mining company." Davis has a stack of contracts in his possession from which it is believed he was engaged in a questionable scheme whereby he offered to engage laborers to go to Alaska and work in the mines at a salary of 5100 per month. They were to receive free transportation and all that was necessary for the applicants to do was to pay Davis 5 to insure good faith. It has developed that Davis has several names. He lias been working in Iowa and Missouri and his receipt hook shows hundreds of victims. l'neumatic Infant, Pittsburg, Pa., August 10. Mrs George Kuthmanof Beaver Falls heard a peculiar noise on the porch of her residence. She found her two boys, one a.fgi 7 iUo ottier n year old, in a corner. The baby was on his back. The elder brother had inserted the tube of a bicycle pump in the baby 'a mouth and was filling him with wind as fast as he could work the handle. The infant was unconscious and his little stomach was inflated like a balloon. The mother pulled the tube out of the child's mouth and the air escaped with a sound like the airbrake on a train. The baby recovered consciousness. A Church Troubles. Dodgeville, Wis., Aug. 10. As the result of a church war betw een two factions of the Primitive Methodis; church over the change of name to the Congregational church, four arrests have beeu made in the persons of T. II. Arthur, Frank P. Hocking, George The p.untin and William Prideaux. trouble, which has been brewing in the church for some time, culminated whe u one of the factions took possession of the church and prevented services from being held. lowing average conditions on August 1: Corn, S4.2; spring wheat, 80.7; spring rye, 89.8: oats, SG; barley, 87.5, buckwheat, 04.9; tobacco, 78.7; Irish potatoes, 77.4. The condition of spring wheat, 8G.7 is 4.5 points lower than it was last month, but 7.8 higher than on August 1, 1S90, and 4.5 higher than the August average for the past ten years. There is a decline of 8 points in Minnesota, 11 in South Dakota, 5 in North Dakota and 1 in Nebraska. The Assassin a Compositor. Barcelona, Aug. 11 Colli, the assassin was known here under the name of Achil-lolllie formerly worked as a compositor, and was also known under the alias of Jose Santo, lie was classed as a militant anarchist, and was an friend of Ascheri, the perpetrator of the outrage in the Calle de Cambros. Gcli lied from P.areelona after that of Senor Canovas del Castillo, i. inti-nat- e outrage. Instantly Killed in a Shaft. Central City, Colo., Aug. 11. Henry Kemper, a young German, fell down the shaft of the Puell mine today and was instantly killed, lie was on his way down in the bucket with two when a large rock fell, striking the bucket in such a way as to throw Kemper out. The same rock struck Richard Harvey on the head, inflicting a serious wound. tim-berme- n, Story Comes True. Malaga, Aug. 11. Old inhabitants of A CJypsy'g this city relate that when Canovas del Castillo was a young assistant master at a school here, a gypsy woman told his fortune. She predicted that he would become great, and would meet with a violent death. Colored Jtirjelist Killed. Salina, Kan., Aug. 11. Two colored A bicyclists were struck by a passenger train east of here this morning. One of them, named Maddox, is from The other, an unknown, from Emporia, was killed outright. Maddox has both legs broken and is in a precarious condition. They went to sleep on the track. To-pek- a. Schlatter Wants a Wife. Canton, ()., Aug. 12. The man who says he is Schlatter, the healer, has A Kleh I'oi ket. taken out a license to marry Mrs. MaW'eavcrville, Cal., Aug. 10. Grea rgaret Ferris, widow of the man who excitement prevails at Trinity Center invented the Ferris wheel. Mrs. Ferand vicinity over a rich strike made by ris says she has no thought of marrythe Graves brothers and Henry Carter him. She calls him a freak. ing in the drift claim on Coffee creek. In Silver's I.ouct Trice. four days they took out three full of gold, of SOS, 000. The New York, August 13. The price of largest piece weighed $12,000. They bar silver fell to 5.1 cents today, the to between take S150.000 and lowest point yet reached. At this figexpect 8200,000 out of the pocket. The gold ure the silver dollar is worth 42;' is course and lies betweon walls of cents. porphyry and resembles melted gold Dashes I rointhu Wires. poured in the seams. Five thousand miners were fed at Prazil, lnd., in one day. Rich tiold Strike In Idaho. There arc 107.1 men now employed in Poise, Ida., Aug. 10 A 6trcak of ore Mare Island navy yard. the twelve inches thick, of very high grade, A boxing match at Cincinnati recenthas beeu struck at Willow Creek, iu one of Colonel Dewey's properties. ly netted Stioo for the strikers' fund. Thomas R. Raymond, a first cousin Assays of the ore indicate that it will average S100 in gold per ton, SHOO being of Abraham Lincolu.is daed at Detroit, named as the minimum figure. aged SI. The gunboat Wheeling will go intc Third Attempt to Iturn a Town. commission, and w ill probably be sent Fort Scott, Kan., Aug. 10. A third to Honolulu. attempt by incendiaries to burn Moron fnf avorable crop prospects in a town of 1,000 people in Allen county, have caused a rapid rise almost proved successful. Light busi- in the price of cereals. ness houses were destroyed and the Armenian agitators have invader1 loss is estimated at from 82.1,000 to Great loss of life is reported, Turkey. $30,000, and ptopcrty damage is large. water-bucke- ts |