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Show been done for malice or mischief, makes no difwho can find ference, the wrt-tcin defacing satisfaction pleasure or ornament of the halvlect He the peered tiri.lv nctv inttnunev.tsand now makes him lowed finite resting place of the al appliance which U ofy j most tli finest and complete dead, should be hung up by the office his Visit West. heels and left there 'till the day fice in the denof in need not even if you are that Gabriel sounds his horn. AM'SUTISING to be shown ask and tal work, 50 OUpUr-f- n" through. It' worth a trip to the r inch. W. B. Johnson, Xewark, Oiiio Two h.s M!i.n. 7i iDW is electrical. to see, everything city Minute Cough Cure says,' Una etch In- cents ai Don't iniss calling. Office 228 saved my only child from dying 3o 'lL'oaV--!o A this Block. rewti per line rach issue. luontb. by croup. It has saved thousands CMnia per line each liiBue Want ColiiirS-5c- Di moniti. of others suffering from croup, line 1i L.t'lrul re.iuct.wii ou largo space or long a dose of strychnine, in Salt Lake, pneumonia, bronchitis and other tlujo, Thursday. The reason given was serious throat and lung troubles. bo In not invatuation for Mifes Neff, should r.dvKrtiw'niontf for proprie- Murray Pharmacy, W. E. Ferreropv ntmr than Wednesday afternoon to lusuro tor of hotel. the bee, Prop. Isfue. iurtiuu In The Eagle office was presented SILVER. LEAD. A friend to incorporation said to a very fine sample of rhubarb with Leid-SU. Silver-- 0'. inby Mr. I). B. Jones, the other day. a reporter: "Very recently an a car on was 3G dividual inches long and going to were Editor. The stalks M. A.WlLLUMSEN, in asked was and Salt sweet. regard Lake, very tender and ' .-.' ., r-'-j f j I Dr. A. C. Humelbaugh has spent the i a st winter in Chicago study. in, liiod. rn and painless dentistry and ItaH brought back with him en- -' Whetter Ibis ha Lvn h C A LDE R'S 'PA - L-.- ii , O. S. L. Team vs. The Mascots, ir ut-Jt- t TOMORROW, SUNDAY. A lsd High Dive and Other Attractions. The Best Band and Orchestra to the proposed incorporation of of t he Teacher Faust, Murray. In a loud and gushing CUURCn DIRECTORY. or iveierences: rroi. organ, piano way and in thunderous tones which Cottonwood Ward House. and Young Bros, Salt Lake startled the bull frogs in a neighat School Quay 2 rn at Sunday p Ward meetings City. Leave word with L. B. boring jool, exclaimed: 'Ah its ildo Sunday School lo a rn. Vt SctnoinavUn vunim! at tl;e Sorley, druggist, Murray. Tuesday only a few disgruntled politicians -in the State in Attendance All the Time t MetHlnKHou8o.y.M.M.r;A.MijnsTi.sii(p who want office.' This individual, House in Ball the The Opera 2 P MftliodlRt Olmprl Suuday school dollast evening was a grand success I understand, doesn't own a Sunday night at 7 3o. A. W. HurtHhorn, Minister lars worth of property in Murray. financially and socially, all parte of the county were represented and Now where does his kick come in With Dramatic and Vaudeville Entertainments. Clowns MURRAY POST OFFICE. and Every I would like to know?'" m. to 6:00 8:00 m. ft. themselves. p. Officii hour from enjoyed everybody m. and a. "0:00 thing Funny Pleasing for the Children. Sunday from 0:00 to Mail closus every day ut 6:00 p. in. to leave decided Having Murray, Mon'v Order hours and hours for register "They are dandies" said Thomas I will sell all my household goods, bualueM from y a. in. to 4 p. in. of the Crocket, Texas, EnBowers Arrlvul and Departure of mails. furniture, etc., cheap. Tho furni 's while writing about Mall arrives 8.15 a.m., depart 9.30., HIO.N1 ture is nearly new and all in good terprise, f Arrive 5.15 p.m., departs 3.:$0. Little Early Risers, the famorder. Apply Fnenk Decker. ous little pills for sick headach and SVJob printingandof every description disorders of the stomach and liver. which use who To all those executed.. flour, promptly Beatly, accurately is the entire communit, we call Murray Pharmacy, W. E. Ferretheir special attention to the Inter- - bee, Prop. j. X JJ XI Miss E. A, . Two Theatres TreiK-liiii- REDU De-Witt- WorKfNC E&CLETS. See music teacher's card below. Shoes Mountain Muling Cos. advertisement. See it in another column. CORRESPONDENCE, If you want to buy anything in Thursday was Jeff Davis' birth- the general mercantile line and TaylorgvlHe Twitters. Taylorsville, June 3, 1897 want to know where to find it, see day. The threatened showers havn't how this index finger points. Frof.'.Quay dropped in to see us Co. the farmers much good: lets done Mercantile 83rThe Germania Friday. have a good rain. Sick headache can be quickly and ordleave Cheap hay, any crop, Air. A. bpencer who was sp- completely overcome by using those ers at this office. pointed deputy to Recorder Dunfamous little pills known as How will the thermometer stand Little Early Risers, Mur- bar, commenced work June 1. Ah, Mr. Eagle, but the "wave" in July aud August? ray Pharmacy, W. E. Ferrebee, has come, and let us all hope that Lots for sale in the Bamberger Prop. we won't be stranded on the shores ail at this omce. addition, Yesterday was a gala day for of bankruptcy. Our beautiful Opera Murray. The wool men are fueling pretty Call on A. E. Cahoon for men's House witnessed tho greatest audi- blue just now.especiallv some who shirts aud smelter hands supplies. ence it has ever enjoyed and the refused llcts. and now can't get Wanted 20 or SO acres of farm town itself, beheld tho grandest more than seven. land ia Murray. Call or address turnout it has ever seen. Tho 38th District pupils fell this office. In placing orders for building short of expectations and are much discouraged in consequece. Only Frank Decker has sold his black material or coal call on W. n. of full two out of ten passed. He a carries of Dau to supply smith shop Campbell varIs lumber, oils, shingles, pair The Alpha Club was victorious bait Lake Uity. nishes, and the various grades of in the debate with the Y. M. C. A. Misses Lily Holmes ami Ifihna coal in the Utah market. by a unanimous vote of the judges. Johnson are visiting in Cache New Comer "Say, Bill, are they Aftor the debate the participants county this week. therein took lunch while the j'oung going to incorporate Ikrgertown?" Amoner cur callers Friday were Bill '"I believe so. Uncle 'Dickey' people ''tripped the light fantastic nest morniHon W. W. Wilson anil Mr. Claud wants to be mayor." Xew Comer toe" until 2 o'clock-thWhite of Sandy. "'Well, I believe he can hold on ng. In securing the program for to it as long as any of 'em." Over 125 vehicles lined both the commencemtnt exercises one sides of State St reet,uear the Opera Some for some for twenty observes that not a school west of aud some for thirty years have suf- the Jordan is House, yesterday forenoon. represented, but still fered from piles aud then have the candidates for office are Miss Faust wants pupils for the always been quieklj' and permanently vote from to a the The or gives accept willing lady organ. piano cured by using DeWitt's Witch side of this Jordau. below. on See card references. people They good Hazel Salve. Murray Pharmacy. may feel a deficiency in that diOur Taylorsvillo correspondent W. E. Ferrebee, Prop. rection some time too. says "Let's have a good rain.'' To those Mho contemplate using Friondjthou bo welcome to get it. building stone this season wo direct Don't thin year blood with sassa Busiuess pushing means advertis- their attention to the advertise- fras or poison it with ing. We are specialists in the art ment of John lleynorson in an- but aid nature by using DeWitt's of advertising and wo can help other column. H has funished a Little Early Risers the famous OU. considerable amount of buildin" for constipation, biliows- stomach and liver and Mr. J. E. RollinV, Agent for the sloue already to parties in this are purely vegct- and fairin troubles. is, They runty consequence, Dcrcit t News, dropped in to see us t ttr i T ..1,1. urruy l aanuacy u . xj. unit;. the. ether day. Ho reports busi- ly well known here. 1'crrebe'.' Trop. ness IV, ir. The great hearted, genial and For. Sale. A 20 horse power only Warran Foster, Zion's famous 8 Insure Engine mid a 00 horse power boil- Populistic journalist and political er. F.nquire of J. F. Cahoon & Co. lender dropped in to see the Eagle Your the other day nod shake its fraterMurray l"tnh. Business nal talon. Mr. Foster will give a Do you want printing? Wo print "l ive I bought lecture ia the n Tr.e and do good printing, and do it upcra House, a week Irom tomorPhccnix, just us cheap ad it is good. Little row night (Sunday, Juno 12) and Hartford or we guarantee our readers an int.T- jobs, bigjobs, let us estimate. Tho Home of Utah. There is an increasing demand esting talk, even those who ean-- i endorse the not ideas. gentleman's for cottages to rent. Is there not II. C. AT WOOD, one enterprising man in Murray The Salt Lake No. 0f; Agent. able and willing to build rome de- the Woodmen ofLodjo the World, are' r cent houses. coming lo Murray, 100 Btiong, toj For the latest additions to the morrow morning to march to" the' green 'grocer's stalls, call at the 'cemetery where they will hold services at the grave of one ''American Eagle" Fruit Stand. The of order. Special cars will their Hub in of the fruits, very latest, brin."r tb.n Sr!t. T.rVr i1i'viVa etc. vegetables, "xi 'wu iu terminus here at 10 o'clock a. m Everv parent in Murray should where the local division will moot subscribe for the Eagle for the them in uniform and fil0 iu and The local pa- line. Tho march will b north, on U Still in Running Order, next tli roo mouths. per is the best educator any person State Street, to At wood Avenue We are doing our best to which ean have in their homo. street the burial ground by Accommodate Our Many Cus are reached. name of A man going by the tomers. Seme mean, contemptable, felloe Allen who has been working ou ut has aud the been smelter the boarding guilty of destroying Hotel Murray, suicided by taking of the tomb stones in the cemetery De-Wit- James Gilbert's t's Efpi SEE. Si Bicycles and $330 Izzer Buggies mni!iac!i IP fpCha t T 3ts e t-- buie-mr.?- Conlraciors and ft t At-woo- t Build ers. mm lilfflF Wood-Workin- g Scroll sawing. Turning, Stair Building I . 14 u T7: 9 1 DM sash, little-- 1 , Full Line of A 3; Dills 3 v J U rs v. a DOORS, MOULDINGS, ETC. iW? CK Tho GOTJ17T Just West of Devot, .LHi n ! me-mori- I .111 Carries a Full Line of The Harness Shop A. White fTTOi W'mV V-r- f" lH W V rm f U VJ." . Li I. It IvA if P J, I 4 STaTEST.jRHURRAY. |