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Show Eugene AMERICAN EAGLE. V. s Comraonwead Van. SHRfoEP 1N MYSTERY. PLAN TO ESCAPE. Inspector Hampton Maltreated. Denver, Colo., June 3. Three men Washington, June 2 The secrctan of ,Rac noBmaia rhe out from Denver shortly in a of the treasury has received a telegrasi I n Francisco. fatal from Special Inspector Hampton, at wagon on which are painted the words: June Tbe snn iJLeo. rjkr Commonweal Van," to .1 aac Hoffman, a member Fort Lauderdal, Fla., stating that he mooting UTAH. preach radical socialism in every part it the fir I Hoffman, Alexander & boarded the steamer Biscayne whil MURRAY. for the - she was transferring arms.ammunitio;: and Coiorado of way prepare Co., clotli manufacturers, is shroudV. Debs' of the inauguration Eugene There are conflicting and coal to the Dauntless, and that hi ed in mys CoThe commonwealth. UTAH NEWS. theories r jrder and suicide and the was knocked down, disarmed and lorado missionaries are James Hogan, know nothing except driven off. This telegram was referre-- ' police, American of the railway that IIofT l3is dying in the receiving to the attorney general for such actior Lagoon, the Farmington rewrt, was N. L. driest of Denver, and as the gravity of the occurence maj union; ;j two bullet wounds in opened May 21. William Holmes of Chicago. It is said hospital, warrant. office his head. ftwas found in his Victor, Colo., will have a float in the that the experiment proposed by Mr. This is the only information yet re ratchman who discovered Pioneer Jubilee parado. Debs will be made in a large western t ceived at the treasury department in rlrwni 1atched. entered and Ephraim business men are moving state, which has a scacoa&t and a stumbled v his employer's body. corroboration of the report telegraphfor telephone connection with Salt variety of resources, which, it is exNoreas-niapparent for suicide ed from Fort Lauderdale, detailing Lake. pected, will enable its population to be and there at first no seeming prob- this assault and the subsequent capGreen river is higher than it has been ture of the Dauntless by the cruiser comability that murder had been mafor fifteen years and is inundating the as subsequently report- Marblehead. The persons who mitted. course. lowlands along1 its in ROBBED AND MURDERED. ed, howe. r.;hat in the early evening ltreated Inspector Hampton while United as his the of a A stake tabernacle is to be erected at had been discharge man duty another Hoffman a j The Vlrtlra U Then Cremated In the Propofficer will be rigorously Richfield to cost $25,000. It is to be a seen, in ea st conversation, entering States erty ho was Guarding, one of firm. building. Only office thoroughly the the Sterling, 111., June 3. George Kauff- observed to come out, Mrs, Lou Hamilton's physical condimann was last night robbed, murdered these men Cheyenne Indian Trouble. exit on the stretcher ma and he ;eis tion again prevented her from being and cremated. He stood guard over June 2. Secretary Washington, arraigned in the Third district co"urt his father's granery to protect it from of the pati jWagon. Bliss has wired instructions to Indian on the 29th. Mill Robbed. thieves, who killed him at his post and Agent Stouch, whose reservation is of evidence the out to wipe sought Nevada, i June 2. Two masked the seat of the The placing of Ferron in telephonic Cheyenne Indian troumen bounJ 'eter Seith, who was in communication with other parts of the their fiendish cruelty with Are. him to immediately noAll that now remains of him is a charge of tL mill at the Providence bles, directing country was fittingly celebrated by a the tify department of the situation corpse with its throat cut, its skull mine, and! roke open the safe and and to use free ball by Wyatt Bryan. every effort to deliver the a stole a I t quantity of amalgam. crushed and its head to the civil officers showing attacked fugitives Apostle Ileber J. Grant was charred lump of flesh. Seith, the tollman, was alone in the credentials. The report, and Decoration day by appendicitis, There is no clue to the murderers, mill at miifcht. and was about to eat satisfactory which Stouch mailed on May 25, was Capt. condition & dispaired but an attempt is being made to track lunch for time his wheij le was covered by a pistol and which has reached an here, was read, He underwent ot operation. them with bloodhounds. in the handsof a masked man and or to the presiwith dispatches together A. M. Howard, claim agent for the dered to up his hands. Another dent and Senator Carter. The officials Canes Thirteen Dismissed. Rio Grande Western, has paid 8225 to man also covered him with a rifle. are awaiting with considerable uneasiCheyenne, Wyo., June 3. Thirteen Seith was blindfolded, and seated in a the mother of James Johnson, who was ness the report from the agent, which which have cases been contest pending chair was bound to the concentrator. killed May 10th, by a switch engine at he was peremptorily directed to telein the United States land office here The robbers then burst open the safe Murray. at once. graph which involved thou months, with hammers and secured several At Castle Pale, in Emery county, many The northern Cheyennes are known of in of acres Silver Crown land sands Charles C. Clauson got a year for adulbags of amalgam. here as a warlike band, easily inflam-mnear this place, were district, mining was Superintendent McKinlay will not given tery and Lars Thompson whose actions cannot be too closedismissed today. The land lies within three yearn for stealing a calf. Don't divulge theaaount of loss, but it is ly guarded. the original Union Pacific grant and believed to bt from $2500 to $5000, repsteal. the contests were brought to determine the scrapings from the plates The Latest In Photography, The state la nd board has taken at the mineral character of said land. resenting since the gemral clean-ulast month. New No. school district 1, It was shown the lands were not grazYork, June 2. William A. par the bonds of be has will in Well Hnowmnd Liked Grand county, and the money Georgia. Eddy just taken the first double ing, consequently miners could file buildin school central that has ever used erecting a thereon. It is thought many other Atlanta, Georgia, June 2. Indian photograph in mid-ai- r ne been did this with special secured, similar cases along the Union Pacific Agent Olive, reported to have committing. a after ed in suicide Utah, is well known apparatus year's study. By his The Roberts hotel and the property will now be settled up. will be possible to take .nvention it on which it stands at Frovo, has been through Georga, having been promiCase of Malicious Prosecution. mid-ai- r a from in nent state perfect photograph of sold by the county sheriff on an execupolitics before his ap3. The examina June Dubois, Ida., line. With such an horizon the entire to aoosition in the Indian pointment tion in favor of Delmont Roberts and tion of Charles Forden, the brakesman service claims that a photoHe Hoke Smith. apparatus Eddy W. D. Roberts, jr., for ?8,900. by Secretary who was arrested at the instance of can be sea which will taken at in the graph represented Oglethorpe county Salt Lake county's board of commis- the tramps on the charge of causing the general assembly, and became show a ship approaching when it is sioners have been enjoined from issu- the death of a tramp at China Point, widely known as the author of the ten miles beyond the horizon line, as ing bonds to the amount of 8200,000 to was held today and resulted in his dis- "Olive" bill, which was intended to seen from a ship's deck. ' The inventor fund floating indebtedness and placing charge, on motion of the county attor prevent the cotsolidation of competing is confident his apparatus can be used the county on a cash basis. ney on account of insufficient evidence lines of railway, and which provoked to great advantage during war. The to support the charge, and, in fact, if a bitter "Max Rohrlias returned from Mon the legislature several photographs were taken with two the crime as alleged was committed it years ago. lr. Olive been was highly tameras, but it is proposed to arrange roe, Sanpete county, where he has Mr. Forden was not defendant, by sight, so that they will photograph for the purpofie of making a shipment from all stands discharged honorably he entire horizon at once. Mr. of mineral paint Shor brought A Horrible Accident. a case of maliwas It appearance. of this to Salt Lake city some samples Is Legally Dead, but Lives. cious prosecution on the tramps' part. Ckyenne, Wyo., June 8. George commodity. 6i, an employee of the UnMilai, aged Detroit, Mich., June 1. Charles R. Five Dead and Another Dying. David McCune of Nephi has been ion Pacific shops here, met with a hor- 3mith has returned to this country, St. Louis, Mo., June 3. A constable convicted of assault with intent tc rible accident which will result in tn May, 1890, Mr. Smith, then a prom-nebeof the Bert Crowley family commit rape on a his death. Milan lived alone in a girl at ejected business man of Detroit, mysteri-usl- y cause the rent was not paid, and of Fanguitcb last September. McCune, the six children who were down with shanty in Soath Cheyenne. He was disappeared. His estate was who is a married man, testified that drunk during the night and in the June 19, 1890, and he was the measles, five have died and the the girl consented. to smoke his morning attempted pipe legally dead. Six months ago other will die. A relapse followed on bed. The bed clothing caught lis closest friend, James while in Southern Vernon, heard The town of Stockton in account of exposure, and whooping before Milan could escape the !rom him. and and fire, it more than yesterday Mr. Vernon active Utah seems to be cough, pneumonia and tubeculosis at- back of his lead and shoulders were returned from New York, where he in the time been has for a long past. tacked the children. City Physician burned to a crisp. The shack was des- aad met him. Financial reverses, it is are in mines all the David did all he could for the sufferers operation Nearly and Man now lies at the point said, drove Mr. Smith away and he producing a little ore, and there are a and even called to his aid other doc- troyed of death. lays he will never come back to Detroit. tors but all they could do was unagreat nrnny of them being worked. Qe left Detroit one night on a sailing Jndge Stomw'i Successor Nominated. Burglar Harvey who made a bold at- vailing. vessel. He had visited South America San from Francisco, June 2. John J. to while taken esca being tempt pe Hn. Hamilton Arraigned. and China and until today his family who was nominated by Presithe city and county building' to jail in was kept in ignorance of his whereSalt Lake City, May 3 The third atdent as a successor to Judge Rait Lake city, was shot by Sheriff McKinky to Lou Mrs. Hamilton abouts. tempt arraign Morrow tipon the bench of the United Burt in the right thigh and then con court successful. she In preproved States district court, has held a numThe sented a veved safely to the bastile. Wants Big Damages. worn, haggard look, and ber of prominent positions and is popwound is not fatal. San Francisco, June 2 Claus Spreek-le- s feebly said "not guilty," when asked of conferees his not ular, only among has commenced suit to recover A tramp was prowling around the to Immediately afterward plead. Ho 81,000,000 the bar, but in other circles also. damages from the Examiner residence of Chrales Win ward at Payson she fainted and was taken back to jail was born in St Louis, Mo., on March forlibeL The libelous matter comand during the night he thought he in an unconscious condition. Two and came to California with plained of was contained in an article heard some one trying to enter vthe former attempts failed because the 12, 1845, his parents five years later. commenting on the recent visit of house. Seizing a club, he went out ond prisoner fainted before the arraignJohn E. Searles to this city and the Ambassador to he Queen's Jubilee. slipped up to the window where the ment could take place. deal by which the Salinas and Watson-vill- e New York, June 2. Among the pasnoise was hoard, and seeing a dark ob ilohbs Discharged. sugar factories passed into the booked to sail on the liner ject Mr. Win ward hit the supposed Lake City, May 3. Will nobbs, sengers Salt of a combine. hands The blow bnrsrlar with all his force. from this port is Whitelaw Reid, to blackmail with charged attempting to came near kiling a calf. the ambassador represent One Year for Urand Larceny. lion. Thomas Kearns of Park City, in the special United States at the queen's jubilAttorney-GonerBishop has render connection with the Eula Wray case, ee. Cheyenne, Wyo., June 2. Charles He will be accompanied by Mrs. ed an opinion addressed to the county has been discharged, the prosecution Koppler was sentenced to one year in Reid, Miss Jean Reid and Ogden Mills attorney of Rich county in reply to a failing to introduce evidence sufficient the penitentiary for grand larceny. Reid. query from the latter asking if the to convict. Letters demanding money Koppler is a young man who played Th Allen Labor Bill Considered. the deaf mute racket here and elsecounty commissioners had power to re nnder penalty of exposure were introbate or refund the license paid on duced, but held to be insufficient. where so successfully while enroute to Ottawa, Ont., June 2. The commitconn residents of the owned tee to consider the alien his home in Salt Lake from Quebec. eheep by appointed A Lit tle Boy Killed. holds that labor bill have passed it It applies ty. The attorney-genera- l Rock Springs, Wyo., June 3 Walter only to such countries as have similar the commissioners have no such power. Mast Promise to Obey. Murphy, 7 years old, son of Dennis laws other in words Dublin, Ind., June 2. The United agiinst Canada, or, Miss llattie Epperson, aged 15, of Murphy, engineer on the Union Pa- to the United States. The act can only Brethren conference was the scene of in at now the is hospital lying Midway, cific, was run over here by a of a sharp debate over the be enforced by the attorney-genera- l of the Salt Lake city. The younglady issuf- train, from the effects of which passing changes he died The word Canada, or by some one appointed by discipline. in the in the wound a from "obey" gun-shfering In an hour after the accident. Just him. The bill has yet to pass the marriage ceremony was discussed, but head. Miss Julia Provost, also 15 year? how it happened nobody knows, as the house of commons and the senate. it was not stricken out, although a of age, picked up a rifle accident was not seen by any one. large number of women had requested which was lying on the bed in which Th Boundary Treaty. In Gold Production Snath Dakota. the young ladies were making flowers Alaskan that this be done. June The .Washington. 3. Mr. Preston, Washington, June Intending to remove the gun to an Killed by a caloon Keeper. treaty was reported in execother room. In some way the weapon the director of the mint, has com- boundary The utive session by Senator Turpie. Middlesboro, Hon. Ky., June 2. was discharged, the ball striking Miss pleted his est imate of the gold producrecommends the ratification of John C. Colson, Republican nominee report Epperson just above the right ear, en- tion in South Dakota during the cab toe amendment maki- for county judge in Bell treaty with an connty, brothtering the skull on an angle and com- endar year 18SH1, and finds it to have ng it clear that the United States con- er of Congressman Colson, eleventh ing out of the right eye. It is feared been 235,413 fine ounces. This is a cedes none of its seacoast rights by ac- Kentucky district, was shot and killed that the young lady will lose the use para over 1805 of 4S,21'6 ounces and Mount St Elias as the initial by John Dugan, a saloon keeper, about cepting f the eye. No blame is attached to places South Dakota third in the list Point for making the 141st meridian 8 o'clock at night Dugan fled but waa ef gold producing states. the young lady who held the gun. after a skirmish. itart 2.-- vice-preside- , s 1 up-to-da- te bullet-pierce- d, thj-o- d p n .Jtro Released Prisoners Tell a Horrib Story. Sa,n Francisco, June 1. 'Shoot tha first man who breaks out of his cell" That was the order to the guards at San Quentin prison last night The prisoners were shrieking like maniacs and ratting and pounding on the iron doors of their cells. The guards were doubled and each carried a shotgun loaded with buckshot. Two men who were released, their terms having expired, told what the desperate convicts are planning. According to this story, it has been agreed among the ringleaders that when they are permitted to return to work in the jute mill they will make a sudden rush, kill Engineer Young, if necessary, overpower the guards and completely wreck the magnificent plant, on which an enormous amount of money, said . pro-Dat- ed De-have- 1 Ma-joct- ic s! ot 2.-- boundary eapbyed 81,000,000, Over half of them are in open revolt. Many of the others sympathize with the violent ones. THE CASE OF DR. ANGELL. The Doctor's Expressed Sympathy Stands Against Him. Ann Arbor, Mich., June 1. Dr. Jas. B. Angell says Turkey is now discussing his acceptability as American Minister. He arrived at his home in this city recently from Washington. Dr. Angell has 'for years been chairman of the American Hoard of Foreign Missions, whose work in Turkey has been carried on to the great dissatisfaction His sympathy with of the Sultan. mission work and a reported interview with him, in which he was made to say he hoped the Turks would meet their match in the Greeks, caused the talk about his appointment to Constantinople. "In view of the muddle of matters," said Dr. Angell, "I cannot say when I shall leave for Turkey. The presumption is, I may tell you candidly, that I shaU go, when I cannot definitely say. Of course it may be that the Sultan may refuse to be appeased and will continue to consider me too good a man, or too bad a man, as you please, to have about" Schrader res-pecU- nt to be nearly has been spent. The machinery is of such a nature that it could very soon be demolished and practically destroyed, and the convicts are worked up to snch a high pitch that they would stop at nothing. There are 1,364 prisoners within the walls at San Quentin. St Louis, June 1. Stoned. "Divine Healer" Schrader was stoned out of Clayton, a suburb of St. Louis, by a crowd of men and boys. As Schrader was preparing to take a bicycle ride at his hotel he greeted on the corner by a large and noisy crowd. He attempted to address the assemblage, and finally exclaimed, 'tThose of you who are opposing me are rejecting God." As soon as he had made this remark the crowd closed in on him in a threatening manner. Hastening to his room he gathered what few belongings he had with him into a small bundle, and mounting his wheel, turned south from the court house 6teps, amid show-er- a of stones. He was struck or the back of the neck by one of the missiles, but it apparently inflicted no injury. Will Die Like a Mas. San Quentin, Cal., June 1. Theodore Durrant has made the declaration that if he must meet his fate on the gallows, he will die like a man. The mere suggestion of suicide is repulsive to him, he says. He also declares that he will die in the presence of his parents, who will insist on attending the execution as his invited guests. The elder Durrant says that his wife is a woman of determination and she will press her legal rights to the limit Under the law Warden Hale cannot deny her admission if she presents at the prison an invitation of her son requesting her presence at the hanging. The law gives him the right to invito five relatives, the Death of Dr. Bala. Havana, June 1. W. J. Calhoun, th United States Commissioner who is Investigating the death in the prison at Guanabaeoa oi Dr. Ruiz, was inter viewed today with reference to in the Dlario de laMarina.making an indirect, attack upon the commission by criticising articles which have appeared in a Washington newspaper over the signature of Mr. Pepper, who accompanied Mr. Calhoun to Cuba. Mr. Calhoun said: "Mr. Pepper is in no way connected with the commission. On the contrary, he came to Havanaon Investigating the-articl- e Ms own account, as other correspondents might have come. No secrets of. the commission have been divulged, nor has any special information been supplied to him which is not obtainable by other correspondent." |