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Show Thru TIME SEED 4"5- - IS Woods or Champion Mower, Tiger, Granger or Minnie Bale, Champion, Woods or Minnie Binder, Red Iron lag A THINGS Striking Decrease ing COLD MINING. IN I tit in the " ' lett- .Met1- - A quarter of a century has roughi a complete revolution in gold niming says the Boston Globe. Not only bat placer mining largely given way tc lode mining but in the latter t6e methods in vogue bear little resemblance tc those of no farther back tnan, say, 1870. Two signal items in the hue of protest have beeu the introduction of high explosives and improved diil!s- In 1S7C dynamite was unknown. So was th drill. At that time ii compressed-ai- r DRINK lOlt TWENTY YEARS. cost A something like $14 or $15, in this was drunk correspondent writes: on anil off for over twenty years, drunk country at least, to drift a foot in orwhen 1 had money, sober when bad none. dinary rock and ore. Today It costs 1 PAST- - Get Yourself a U Case NEW More. Charles Goode, a veteran of the Biaes Hawk war, died recently at Belmont, Wis. He recently celebrated the 103d anniversary of his birU. Mr. Good came from Yorkshire, Bgland. Mrs. WHliam Caynor, of Stafford, Mo., died a few days ago at the age of 100.' She wan the mother of thirteen children. Her descendants are very numerous, numbering over 400. Miss Maria Benson has celebrated her 100th birthday at Windsor, Conn. She is the daughter of a Revolutionary soldier, of whom there are few. sides Agitator Thjcsher, Plymouth Twine, - 1 l Buggy, Surrey. Harness Many dear friends lot, and numbers pave me pood advice to no purpose; but, thank God, au anei hand enme at lat-- t in the form of my poor wife, who administered your marvelous remedy, "Aiiti-Jat?,to ih without uiy knowledge or consent. I am now sfived nnd completely transformed from a worthless fellow to a sober or 1 Bain Wagon from us, years age: less than $5. Twenty-hv- e the average expense of "fctoptng" thai is, of getting out the ore after it had been reached by a tunnel or shaft-w- as about $2.50 a foot. Today it is in the neighborhood of 65 cents. The manand citizen." of a gold mine in this day U If "Anti-Jag'- " cannot be bad at your agement little short of an exact science applied druggist, it will be mailed in plain wrappei W lth the olj with rigid economy. with full direct how to give tecretjy methods it is asteful and expensive on receipt of On lollur, by the Reuova Chemical Co., W Broadway, New York, or safe to say that half the mines now in operation would not be in existence, thoy will gladly mail full particulars free. Along with the improved methods ha A Social I, r. come a steady fall in the price of everyYabsley "There comes Mudge. loot's thing that enters into the working of a run." WIekwire "What's the matter mine. There are very few great pro with Mudge that we should flee?" ducers at the present lime which dc 'Haven't you heard? He has not have ready access to the railroads Yabsley got so that every time he has eight or with cheap transportation charges and ten drinks he wants to give recitations cheap supplies. In the good old days in the Scotch dialect." Indianapolis teaming was wont to bring $16 a day, Journal. now it will not bring over $4. Candles, D.eatut'KH (!...!.. which used to cost $20 a box, now cost urd less than $5. Giant powder, which by local applications, an they cannot rearr the diseased portion of the ear. There is used to sell at $1 a pound, now bringa one cure to only way deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is only 12 and 14 cents. The prices oi caused by an inflamed condition of the fuses has dropped feet thousand mucous linitiK of, ihe Eustachian Tube. per When this tube is inflamed you have a from $30 to $6, iron from 20 cents a rumbling sound, or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed deafness is the pound to 3 cents, steel from 40 cents result, and unless the inflammation can to 9 cents, shovels and picks from $2.50 be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, heartiiK will be de- and $3.75 to $1 each. And smelting stroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are charges have been reduced from $50 caused by catarrh, which is nothing- but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur- and $65 to from $10 to $14. In Colorado faces. oil is now largely used for this pur We will pive one Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) pose, and where it once cost $3 a gallon that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh it now brings only 15 or 20 cents. The Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, opening of the coal fields of Colorado, Bold by druggists, 75c. Wyoming and other western states has Hall's Family Pills are the best. cheapened the price of coal in almost equal degree. Averaging this striking A Disagreeable Consequence. "You say you hate to visit your rich fall in prices, a western mining authorrelatives? Why? Don't they treat you ity computes that $2 will buy the same well?" mining supplies which cost $100 in "Oh, yes, they always do everything 1870. Meanwhile, an ounce of eold is they can to make it pleasant for us, worth in coin $20.67, just as it was but my wife never gets through com' twenty-fiv- e years ago. and for that plaining until about two weeks after matter, just as it was more than half each visit because we are not so well a century ago. off as they." Cleveland Leader. Cyanide, clorination, bromination and other similar processes have taken the . Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company of the old and extravaeantlv f 'os- L 8 am ,r Main street, Salt Lake place City, is the oldest and largest Savings wasieiui devices, and orss that yielded or $10 a ton by amalgamation now .Bank in tne state, interest, as o per cent ter annum is paid ou deposits in an return double the amount, while the amount from $1 up. Start an account NOW. Children and married women have the expense of treatment is far less. risrht to open accounts in their own names, subject to their own order. The officers Why Mntormn War Rubber. and directors of the Bank are: Wilford "Doesn't that wear out your shoe?" : Geo. Q. Cannon, President Woodruff, M. asked the Caunon, Cashier; George inquisitive passenger, Joseph F. Smith, T. G. Webber, James He was standing on the platform of Jack. Ansrus M. Cannon. H. B. Clawson a trolley car watching the motorman Lorenzo Snow. Heber J. Grant, Francis M kick the striker of the gong which pro L. John Nuttall. Lyman, George Reynolds, jected a few inches above the floor of the platform. The tattoo the motor- DlfTereaee. X Commendable "I see the jueen of England has lxty man kept up was almost constant and his heavy foot arose and fell with great pianos and doesn't play any of them." womregularity as wagons, small boys and I a know a "That's good girl. an who has only one piano, but she pedestrians scurried out of the way of the flying car. plays like sixty 1" Cincinnati Commer He did not reply at once to the ques cial Tribune. tion of the inquisitive passenger, as a MQVOK II KIT POSinrKLY ( TRKD, woman was waiting at the next corner Homo Trentment Written Rtiarantoe given no imre no nav. Senrt Sc. 8tami for lmtise. Neurotioo and he had to shut off the current and . V. Meuuon Una papet. ktedicine Co., Hornelisville, put on the brakes considerably, and thus had other things to think of. But A Uaefnl Woman. "What a tiny woman that Mrs. Van when the car had started up again he raised his right foot and placed it on Dyke is." the rail of tha dashboard so that the . "Isn't sher "It's their honeymoon, you know, sole of the heavy arctic overshoe could and she sits on his desk all the tlmti be seen. "See that rubber?" he asked. "Well, he's writing." "What a bother she mast be!" I've worn it all winter. Do you see "Oh, no, she isn't He utilins hei any holes ia it?" for a paper-weigh- t" Cleveland Plain The inquisitive passenger admitted Dealer. that it was practically as sound as th6 day it came out of the factory. said the mo Ranch and Grazing Land. "Well, there you are," The shrewdest stockmen are now buying railroad since had put his long Innrt and leuRlnt; I Uih Male lands. Cnion Pacific torman, who and was gectiniiH in Summit countr. Utah, and Uintah on platform the back foot count t, Wyoming, for sale at one dollar tier acre, U. ti. W AM LAMI. caan. energetically pounding away at the General Agent, bait Lake City. don't wear out gong with it. "This bell a rubber sole at all, but a leather on-eRnv. It don't last no time. I dm t know rmally ire That Kind. "I read here In the paper that Ham- why it is, but she goes through a heavy mers has retired temporarily from the leather sole in a few weeKs. uuu a rub stage to devote himself to literary ber will last all winter." And he bell M though work. What kind of writing does he banged away at the in bis shoe- .do?" hole a make striving to "Epistolary prose. He spendi his Chicago Chronicle " are READY for the TRADE. You get ready for the HARVEST that is COMING. PE WACOX I MACHINE COMPANY. Salt Lake City, Ogdm, Logan, I'tah Idaho Falls and Slotitptlier, Idaho. GEORGE T. ODELL, Gen, Mgr. Wben In Salt Lake City Don't Fail to Visit LABDDN. Holt Beautiful 1'icnic Plenty of Dancing, FUti-i- n I and Pleasure Kesort Hunting aud Utah. lng. Danee and Concert Music FurI nished by our $5,000.00 Electric Orchestrion equal to twenty Instruments. for Bound Fare admission Trip, in- to grounds only a eluding ne. J SALT LAKH & QGDEX Office 161 11' Y. South Main Street. H. W. EARLY, Passenger Agt S. RAMBKRGKR, Genl. jMgr Beck's Hot Springs, SALT LAKE CiTY. I'T.UI. Rheumatism, Aro mv Jeirvousne You Troubled 8 IiiROUinla? Indigestion, Loss of Appetite? C 'roiiic Constipation? hat T red Feeling? a Or H ood Inapuritiea? If so, go to Beck's Hot Springs, where you will find everything clean, new and throughout, Largest swimming pool under roof in the west. Plenty of bathing suits and private first-clas- s pools. Ian. $100 To Any WILL PAY $lOO FOR ANY CAP Of Weakness In Men They Treat and Fall to Cure. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Treatment for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous nd Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Lfe Force in old and young men. No wohi-ou- t French remedy: contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a Wonserfct. TuEATMEjtrT magical in its effects positive in its cure. All readers, who are suffering from a weakness that blights theit Lfe, causing that mental and physical suoVing peculiar to Lost Manhood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will tend you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on these distases, and positive proofs of their truly MagigalTbeatmkkt. Thousands of men, who have lost all hope of a euro, are being restored by them to a perfect condition. This Magicai, Trkatmeut may be taken at home under their directions, or tbev will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, If they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable; have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have 250,000 capital, and guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar; or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a lure is effected. Write them today. Live Stock Commission. If you would keep posted, write for Information. Prompt Replies. Quick Returns. FRED A. SEARS, McCornkk Block. SALT LAKE CITY ERN a BICYCLE All t)OV MHII1 UH HIMII, MaKtt. Good is hi w. 4toll4. MW illKO tirade T)8 model. lull.T iruwanteed, f 13 to fii. Siwcial Clrarina bale. a. fi. Snip anywhere on appro Yal, We will Ht a tMnonalM. M.ft to u mt on .f umpl vbnl t IntreHoo. thra. Our rtimtkitoo ta wu Knew urmabout at ma.trr. Writ. Mt Him tnm rtmw ar.l . I . MEAD & PRENTISS, Chicago, 111. JOHN A. HAMILTON. MANrrACTUREB Of - Vice-Preside- I98ta8treet, - itor eo9 acquaintance with practical surgery. In an emergency he has been known to perform operations himself. But with all his acquired scienci "Billy" is still superstitious. In the operating room the other day he was engaged in removing from pine coffins some "new material" that had just been received from the morgue. As he was opening the lid & sepulchral voice seemed to come from the interior of the coffin and say: "Let me out. Let me out" The janitor dropped his hammer and ran in terror from the room. He said he had seen an eye move as the words were uttered. It was only after "Billy" had deliberately considered the number of students in the apartment and the slim chance any ordinary ghost would have in the presence of so many living men that he would consent to return. 'Sure.I never thought that a corpse so cold as IF tT' DR. G. W. SHORES, Tae Oldest SpeHalUt ! th We. DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU CURED that would be talking so manlike. I should suppose he would R be dead." said the janitor. "Billy" does not know that Student ekint? Q. W. HHORK8, alwaye Hall and his chum were ventriloquists. toDR. hntp auffering mankind, alwaya trytn : he value ftivea to convince people that New York World. for every dollar paid him, hae Vim Cycle ('oiniiaiiT. Chicnsro.Ill.. are decided to quarkary, fraud and Im lta blow, and protect the offering rare bargains in bicycles. It will position a uttering; cJaaaes from the desptcUle pay you to send for their large catalogue. method ot quacks and eharla.ta.no. Every dih A aufferer from Heavy Contract. LOST MAN- HOOD Seminal Weakness, Varicocele. Hydrocele. SyphUlav Gonorrhoea, Btrroture, am all or ahmnkeo onane, premature eld axe and all other private dlaeasea, wheuhor caused by Ignorance, txoees or oonta-tno matter how aevtrra, you oaa consult DR. G. W. 8HOKE6. tho olwal-cia- n who haa glvta, his life to curing diaeaae, and be examined, treated and cured without paying him one dollar until the cure 1 effected. The doctor reaerves thu right, however, to refuse any incurable caia If he caiVk cure you he don't want your .toner. Koch aa offer was never before made by a responsible phvt0ian. and Dr. O. W. Bhorw is only able to make tt because he positively euro then diseases. Don't waste another cent on Questionable doc tors, but consult the "Old Doctor" aiu be cured. BUSINESS SACREDLY CON"Mamma, do fat people become FIDENTIAL. Dr. Q. W.8HORE8. angels?" Lock Box 1585, "Why, yes, my dear." Lake City, Utah. Salt "Well, won't God have lots of fun teaching Aunt Snan to fly?" n. clu-onl- aa-vi- d, WRITE cube rouRSEtn ImportMt Notice to tne Traveling Public. Kffeotive February 15th the Rio Grande Western railway will, on application, endorse ita Commercial Mileage Books good for paisaije over the lines of the Denver A Rio Grande railroad, Colorfcdo Midland railroad, Rio Grande Southern railway, Florcnea 4. Cripple Crek railway and Midland Terminal railway, thus gK g- holders of R. G. W. Mileage tU privilege of taking the Colorado trip without requiring pr-chaof additional mileero over the different roads i that iUU. Call on any agent of the JL C. W. for particulars. T. k. WADLEIGH, General Paweagtjr A genl in I tJJ)l cot wld.TiA u iuiiw.. 1 nnnatural iiitlamnmliinn, or uiucratKma irritation, of mucoua niambrauoi. rintsa. and not aatrin- Via I 4J for old by Drnacl!, in plain wrapper, mi. 7 r orhy stntiprfM, prapaid, for V0INCIMTI.0.n v v if or poiaonoua. ,THtEvH8CHtMIGlCo. V 11 diw'h&rgoa, II .00, or a bntUia, Circular aDt ou rqrifist. CjTEEL STAMP B,D!ES. - ISflaOTiSj a NmtmwKi, e02!So.St - SALT LAKE C1TY.UTAH addi-Moa- HDODCV J J 1 V Salt Lake Business College. The rfiilar summer wwalon of tJe Bait take While Buitlncaa t'ollrtie will commence June 7th. Ida (nmnier con me comprlN!i, in the main, the rama atudleB aa the regular course, special work haa been prorided for teahera and atnoenta who mar wish 10 aliirtjr duriiis vacation. Full information mar be had br artdrtslng Halt Lake Bualovaa CoUege. Box 7H1. fall Lake City, Utah. NEW DISCOVERY; 1 qul.-l- i k'f nfl mm ort Nnd fnr book of twtiinontaii. and lOdava' Dr. u.Ii.ukkicvkminr, niuu, u. CIROESC'HNKR & OARTMAKN Marhinista. BIcTOlea built and rrpuired. Worts, 111 West, Kirst South Btretst, halt Lake City, Utah. route. treatment Free. W. No. 23, 1807 Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. NU., Salt Lake Wtaett Elias Morris ana Sons Company,j K0NUMEHTS and HEADSTQSES .IN... Marble and Granite, Mantles, G rates, etc. inn n u1 r't.. OPPOSITE tkmplb . . . aaii LarE 1 riemy l'orkef engagement" Judge, enpclmens Salt Lake City of the WRITE GEO. M. FOR AND PRICES SCOTT, JAS. President RUMFIELD. H. S. GLENDINNIXO. and Trcaa Secretarj nt (INCORPORATED.) emallest Hardware Steel Importers Dealers In Claims DESIGNS. Geo. M. Scott & Co The editor of this paper .drisea hit DOW fi quar cand readers that a free package of Peruviana, Vnnn finPclPS Of hOgS zoological Ooreniment will gardens. on and cure liver London the best nt earth, the iprprf kidney will wrtle to 'ittbna PlrkTord. Pmiatnn and Patent AUV B14 F be delivered FREE to any eufferer, if writ- They came from the desert regions of ten for promptly. Peruviana Rimbdt Co., Waaaunton, D.C., ther wul receive a prompt repl "the pigmy Australia and are known as 2X6 6th 6t, Cincinnati, Ohio. are well They hogs of the antipodes." the formed, frisky Utile porkers,lot very (which heaviest in the Mr. Grockrtman: Don't forget to are all full grown) not being larger Buffalo Scale Company, zoological cu- Atlas Engine Works, send the groceries ordered at once, and than a muskrat. These should not be Dodfre Wooden Pulleys, rei.1 hogs, and California Powder Works, please add to order one can of Hew- rios are Guinea ih the thosk nno nYB acalnat the f.C'zj one-tent- h Tents, Awningrs, AVagon Covers, Camping and Canvas Goods time writing applications for another ef all detcTiptlons. The house In the cheapest tate, Mall orden promptly attended to. The Corpwe Spoke Vp. One of the most useful functionaries cf the Long Island college hospital in Brooklyn is "Billy," the janitor. Attendance at clinics and operations for many years has given the ancient serv- Iron, Bar and Sheet AGENTS FOR lett's TnREE Crown Baking Powder, one bottle Tritple Vanilla and Lkm-o- n extracts, also one pound of their pcre assorted Shces, and please don't pend any substitutes, for these goods have been tested and found to.be pork and strong. Signed, Housiwiym. fnj pigs," which areaspecios T..h Kather Than cf rodent t1 Pipe -- Detroit Stove. Co., John Van A: Home Steel Ranges, Coles' Air Tight Her'ers, Worthinpton Steam Pumps, Celebrated Anchor Brand Cylinder and Revere Rubber Co., Dtxlcre Injectors, Engine Oil, Howe, Brown L Co., Drill A, Tool Steel, Leviathan P.cltiug. up While accountants were checking EIHb. an express T. of Irby the accounts .at.Liv- or spima.' Ala.. Ellis committed A shortage waa Bulcide with polsoa Miners' Tools, Stoves, Tinware, etc., . . . And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. tound. ra ih urn si. 125 1 SECOND SOIIie : - SHU UKE CUT. Dill |