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Show V mi T r i m s. rt i ' (,,1'P Catwio smile.! ltU aa air of Inert- - lime j0ti 6hn had heard expressed? What rerc&inwl of worldly ambition in FOR WOMAN AND HOME leg the peaker. The man or wotnaa who hints evil or says half-wa- y fiI4 be, indifferent- - the fa,f of the divine fire lit in the "As you iokint be if assured that ore w any things that start evil thoughts in the hearts ol beings so cruelly used by ITEMS (Translated frcm the French of "Andre iy. "Only OF INTEREST TO MAIDS minds of others ia unfit for decsnt does consent, it will tura out to her fate? (It !eiiini nt.") AND MATRONS. n confusion." people to associate with. They should mmm ' cuert given o A movement was produced among "Ixive, bat is it? Must one be blind be banished from the society of their to know it?" hy the Blind aylun fellows and punished as they deserve And y she saw Prince Gozia coming Th of Rome ;inl pa- - ; the girls at the response of the artist. Eil Effects of Idle i04ip and with the loss of all ri.l one of them stepped forward cont."Diii;:.-toward her she smiled bitterly. ) by the I1J- Slander Sever Ceane Summer Para-o- sideration of those respect and if will with will you, .et about "I them. you The play bility was about to Veritable Huruhea of Florid of falsehoods is her voice trembling said circulator she, me," insinuating had begin; they AMERICAN CHILD AND PARENT. Bloom- - Household Uinta. the blackest of criminals and deserves lust placed the last slightly. a hangman's rope. Society is poweri her Oaetano Filial voice, recognized Almost lu uknowo ThU l the Jwy chairs in row of Hut Anita! have less, and law, as it now stands, seems lost you you! The I.aat I.iuk Arc ttrokru. Country. churfh of Saint ""n. .5 unable to mete out suitable punishment We censes. before are a It ws a Li public the and pretty little letter that Alexis (Published by request.) fceaut'iful Hung ctang wrote to a little Brooklyn HE last links are to these offenders. Roman j audience." broken jsut i Know I can uo it; I am sure girl a few weeks ago, in which be comwomen, who wore That bound me of the with more myself," girl, replied to such with mend! especially her the religion Floral San Shadeg. their velvet and diamonds to thee! as in firmness but he her tone, turned of his country reverence and respect The words thou new parasols follow the hat The Incomparable grace, crowded, whisper- his sightless eyes toward her, as for her parents virtues which in this hast spoken in being very fully trimmed with ing, arounl the entrance. Aa is cus1 Have render'd vogue conscious of his disdain, her country sre sadly though circumflowers. neglected, says the One, for example, is caught tomary at Home under these me free. New York Tribune. The American stances the church had own trans- cheeks flushed hotly. with bunches of daisies, with great "All right, then; we'll begin," said child judges his formed In.o a concert hall; draperies parent with youthful Thy sweet glance their clusters of silvered leaves. Thl? at he last, visibly displeased with the severity, not unmixed with prejudice, misleading; of red gilk covered the walla, the alparasol cannot be entirely closed. On others no use drawmay Inasmuch as he is directly affected by tars had en removed and under a arrangement. "There ia not a flowered one, has puffs Another, shine ing attention by delay. I am much bis father's or mother's shortcomings. Those eyes beam'd of chiffon running around it, the puffi large canopy, supported by columns of afraid the whole thing will be a com- To feel respect tv . I VU' n!:itfnrm was nlaced. ' ontinua unheeding simply because a cerbeing separated by tiny bands of black riifiJ' Vlj uv in. if i , tha " When tears burst from mine 'fiasco.' tain iudifidual stands to him in loco velvet ribbon. A big chiffon ruffle falls upon whirl t'orty musicians, all blind plete Anita seemed uot to have heard. At sever enters his mind. If his The chain that enthrall'd me from birih, had just taken their places. over the edge. A very new way of usparentis first chords from the piano which In sa'Tjeas was worn; In the hall a certain restlessness still the to be loved, accordparent is ing flowers is to make floral handles. The ookusess that grall'd me them she raised her violin ing to the worthy accompanied were A bunch of violets made of some past conducting the ushers child's he loves reigned; standards, In silence was borne. and inclining her head sweetly waited and carefully covered, formed the Invitrd guests to their sats; in blm; If tut, he dislikes him and calmlv material, the handle of a gold and white parasol, the first row only two seats remained while Gaetano attacked the romance discussc$his faults as if he were a Though sorrow subdued me, with his customary virtuosity; he finit aia not appear; and there are many carved wood sticks, strange What is known as filial piety unoccupied. ished Though thy scorn hath pursued me, his melodious phrase and waitusas Is almost anknown in America. A cer "The Princess Gozia is late, painted like flowers. Some of these an Long, long wert thou dear. ed. It was now Anita's turn. The tain sense of small and fine; others make a singl ual." rem irked one of the pretty duty is undoubtedly felt. Ikjw crossed the strings and there was An old fcd indigent parent would be Ifmmy ,ove waa dm'd boldness, big red rose of an Easter lily. Gold guests, looking toward the empty a sound of wings and a murmur which eheerfuilv That error is o'er; over white satin is very much tinsel places. without supported. For, I have witnessed thy coldness Old white satin parasols may b u'd. 01). well, do not reproach her for passed. The notes, soft, very sweet, having my I love thee no more! particular reverence, fell like drops of pearl in an adorable Americans sucli a trifling fault." brought out and treated to a dress oj are kind to old people, and. I have not loved lightly; gold at small expense. Dresden rib- "What indulgence, my dear count! preludd. She was playing timidly, al- even tolcant to the foibles and weakI'll think of thee yet It is evidently useless to argue the most regretfully, when suddenly, rais- nesses o; a grandparent, being only I Will pray for thee nightly, her head, inspired by an intense severe Till life's sun has set! question with you. Hap the delicious ing ia their criticisms of their imlittle French woman staying with the emotion, Anita, transfigured, com mediate progenitors. The chief trouble And the form my heart cherish'd in this country is that there is no princess turned your head, too? If she menced the song. In it shall dwell! Still regwas It with truth strange, trembling has you had better look quickly, for ular standard common to every honsp- - But affection hath perlsh'd and passion; the notes came plaintive here she comes," And, love fare thee well. hold that all young people should con V. Steera A movement more pronounced waa ly in long, vibrating accents; it was as form to as a matter of course. Some though a sigh of sadness came from the families are made In the crowd at the door and sevstrict, others are lax, but eral ushers hurried there. An old lady little nervous fingers, while the violin in one and all children rank with their a dissong of love unrequited, came bustling in, bowing and smiling. sung elders. "Family rule is hydra-heade- d with its dained, its jealoussufferings, She was without doubt one of the great in America," says one of our patrons of the Institution. Jlehind her, ies, its hopes. At times the melody foreign critics with some reason,many but came back, fcjt broken up and almost leaning on the arm of a dlstlnguished-lookln- g how they do love to criticise us! No In lost the a bitter of weepcomplaint man, walked the prettiest of other country is so constantly Parisians. Her nationality was evi- ing heart, vibrating with the expresand pulled to pieces. "Children, From the first dent, from the blonde hair, prettily sion of its Borrows. wives and servants, all but the legti-ma- te curled, to the tip of her small, highly Oaetana listened with bowed head to this song of revelation. This mysteri- voice head uf the house, with an equal polished shoes. in the management, and each ous love, what was it, and on whom had "My friend, the Countess Cennaine wun a veto over his personal wills and It fallen? The complaint, growing aldo Prefallle," said the old lady, prewants. . "Ti senting her to two or three authorities ways more sad, struck him full in the must not De supposed," this heart, and a great fear poized him. Who present. writer says In another part of his book. There was a murmur of voices, the was it she loved so? He must know. irom tne social and domestic nromi Bound of scraping chairs, then the He raised his violin ready to speak in nence of the women and children, his turn when the sweet notes should that voices were lowered as the players bemen are a supine lot: American cease to tluiil. Anita stopped;' before thv gan to tune their Instruments; the conthe audience could express their ap- are subordinate to their families cert was about to begin. are not to be bullied by other men. It "I am so sorry to tell you," said plause Gaetano had begun. He comis Prince Gozia, who had been talking menced with an imperious rhythm; the an bimpiy the habit of the rmmt Jndmn warrior of undoubted to the leader of the orchestra, "Gaetano phrases were hoard, arrogant. One felt whose tepee is hung with the master who was determined to will not be able to play his variations scalps. oe oeaten oy his favorite who intended know, the of Hubensteln'a romance. The young squaw penetrating " blind girl who plays it with him was secret of the heart which palpitated be- nuuoui loss of disrnitv i"t, continues our latent fHHo ik this morning and no one fore him. But suddenly, as though taken UU .wv,, w, our institutions atrocious, our so uuuh overcome with he sorrow, else plays the violin well enough to paused, wish . ins to tell of the sadness of his life ciety crude and vuhrar. vPr take her place." a has dently kindly Xn feeling for Amer "Oh, what a Shame! The concert without light, without warmth. soft, minor tones he told of his child- ican men and women despite their plus terrible of all hood, a sad childhood, where he heard others talk of the bright days, of the the enfant terrible, is the American enCOSTUMES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE. beautiful flowers, of the trees and green fant, -i- him he finds nothing to fields, while he stretched his hands to A Victorian Dregs. ward unknown things, trying to solve bons are much used. An immense bow A Jaguar's MUcalcnlat Wilt. are trying to say that we to match the heart of the daisies was by touch their mystery. Always alone. They While a native of Central America shall all dress this June as Vic placed upon a parasol trimmed separated by his infirmity from otr wit!) was ... V. .1 1. boiling sugar in a bush, a jaguar toria dressed lie uau uwonie sau ana loamua sixty years ago when bunches of these flowers. mm imm ,i visit, with disastrous she was crowned. his soul In waves of despondence. Then It must ba the jaguar, it made a confessed that a figured summer creDnn one day his life had changed : he was slight miscalculation in leaping for ths recently seen on a Keeping I'p Appearances. admitted to the hospital of Saint-Ale- x sunny morning was anu ianiea with one leg in thn made How many women realize that it is is, where, among unfortunates like uuve, remarkably like the old aowna sugar kettle. The pain enraged the The skirt wa,s full and round and fin- - really a sound business himself,' he had been less miserable brute policy in every still more, and in revehga It walk of life to appear prosperous? The come had Art to his aid; music trans Auwirea over w. kettle. woman who begs in dirty, squalid This uade j ported him to higher regions, where all matters rags worse, as all four feet were receives a halfpenny, which you would was bright and clear and he had given in the hot syrup, and be ashamed to offer to the then, cat-likIt a part of his heart, but for the other it comparatively another god had been waiting, who had uuuu over ana over on the ground mendicant. The prowith the that it was snnr, fessional man whose wife and daughjust shown himself in his power, his ered from result head to foot with the ters are fashionably attired gets on betsticky strength, his unconquerableness. "MY FRIEND, THE COUNTESS." ter than the one whose family do not He had never dared listen before, oiuu, even its eyes Deing gummed up. In this condition it thrashed arm. n, I r keep will be spoiled. Gaetano is on the up appearances, for, whether the but now he must know all. Anita principle is right or wrong, the fact reand every one had come to hear ia it true this happiness is "it real a full hour, howling and snarling and mains that people judge one another winging against trees until completely him." ? Then more solitude, more sad by the outward and visible signs. "I know It; it Is most annoying. But ness, and then Anita, who Is it that num oui. men tne nat ve whn They been watching these antics argue that a clever man should be sucwhat can be done?" ? from love a you cessful, and if successful he should be "Go and speak to him yourself. Tell The phrase ended in this supreme orancn of a tree, cautlouslv. aimmi.. ed, Wm that I counted on him and that ho with and, his making money, and if he Is knocked axe, out the question and Gaetano paused, leaning money he should be able to keep up apluimt not disappoint the audience. It toward the young girl, breathless, wait last vestige of life. Then he removed pearances, and then, reasoning backla Impossible that among all these ing. There was a moment's silence, and me Hide from the carcass and exhib ited as wards, they say that if he does not it of his Is not a single one then a note full of hope, full of joy, proof prowess. young artists there up appearances It is because he i3 not able to play the piece with him. You full of love, made Itself heard. Anita ciever. have no Jdea of Ckietano's talent," con- had confessed all her secret. An Adventurous Hush. There was noticed one summer in tinued the princess, turning toward The two now played together a duet, Mme. de Prefallle; "his variations are In which their hearts vibrated deliri concord, N. H., an odd appearance In The Legg of a Fowl simply exquisite. That is he, a little ously. The plaintive melody anneared the topmost branches of a tree beii he economy that many housekeer, to the left on the platform, turning this constantly, but transformed into a song to be a hundred and twenty-fiv- e years are unaware of or disdain Is that of the way." of triumph. The world did not exist old, and the observers could hardly be use or me legs of a fowl. Miss Parloa The Countess Germalua since her ar- for thom; the past, full of agony, was neve their eyes. Hut when an adven Ished with two plain ruffles. The waist adverted to this latelv in a rival had regarded pityingly the strange drowned In the new sentiment which turous marine climbed up the old giant was also round and belted with a satin French cooking, stating that so prized group before her; all these eyes with- possessed them. As the last chord died he found that the sight had not been The shoulder seams wer cut are they In the French cuisine that In some out sight; wide open in the fixed away they remembered where deceived; a currant bush was errowinir girdle. they and the shoulders flat and round Paris five sous a nair la ih stare of the dead; others seeming to were and took their places among the contentedly up there, and clusters of low, while the sleeves were little more price for them. A practical demonstraed, a reddish light, looking straight others. There was an instant's silence "I'e iruit were nanging irom tne sterna man two big rufllea of white needle. tion of their treatment was unconscious before them, of the. terri- before the applause broke out, and with as if it were the natural thing: for rnr given. A imu- cut. on at the usual work. was ble effect; still others, deep and empty, It came cries of "encore"; they did not rant bushes to grow in the tops of ccn joint Plunged for a minute perhaps In boilgiving u:i aspect or ghosts to understand that such a scene could not uiry-ol- d trees. It Is supposed that ing water, then taken out and, with a these youa, people full of life. And be played twice. Injurious OMlp. earth collected, by the winds of years. kitchen knife, quickly skinned sharp as they played, absorbed by their Two girls ask these questions: What the The Countess Germaine had risen la the little clefts, and that the seeds tough cuticle Is off the most Injurious sort of gossip and almost like wrinkled music, thoy moved their heads softly, and, using the heat of the room as an or the currant had been brought by a glove. The toe peeling nails were Is and who cheeks their the reddened excuse, had gone out on the mcst smilingly, to danin objectionable home and birds, their the find then cut off and the feet thus porch gath with pleasure, while Gaetano, h.s large, overlooking the garden of the church. entirely gerous person In a community? An- clean were ered aoil. ready for use. They should fixed before him, moved his At her feet spread the city of seven swer: All unkind and untruthful gos- be boiled six blank eyes or eight hours in a bow dreamily across his violin. pint sip Is dangerous to somebody's peace of water to a hills; the Tiber rolled silently along-Of Coome. pair. are ve They of mind. cloud It not do hovered over "They say that you must play," whisthe may any very great light Said in Knelleh officer at Canea th city, and mtter and the stock pered Prince Gozia, coming close to him la the distance stretched the green other rig m a Russian officer: "I harm, but It makes Its victim very unan Intermission. comfortable all and But fields. this escaped the eyes of should iir t sink this island and oftentimes very during base for soups, "But It U impossible; the variations the counter. She felt saddened, humThere is, however, one sort of auce. of paries wash crowd, kinds. In Franc, th.J off the whole ttIou. Cretans, so malicious that It deserves are are difficult, and no one could play bled, by the scene she had just wit- Turk gossip sometimes roasted crlip after md Greeks." "Yes," replied the execration and beln. them without much practice." nessed, which the alone, perhaps, had the F.usjian, "od wne contempt of all de- cleaned, and .erred with teland bl of tent "I bare been authorized to ask if understood and followed with a' pas- came and is the people, that nlsh a. n esteemed courae. Inalnuatlng would like to plant ort of malice that aayt Just enough eet and calves' there Is not one among all the young sionate eurloalty. What became of the the up agala TuOQ feet are act top,M No British fiaf to tagsest and not enough to furnlah la will consent te try it. tier life before the aub-affscUtioM gdr cookln." Mis "wCZ Tlk . i . i)!-ii- ?,' j ' i j ; U J"r WaV, - dis-secte- .d w suoii-comings-- n . V. www $ p y e, well-dress- pro-gra- in tn fn, re-fle- et a lJ!l2:a u dll.! Tubus any chance for confronting or puats. should Myt Um bar rarloa- T |