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Show lrx . Ml VOL. II. fFp tea ...... 9t . Ml . MURRAY, SALT LAKE COUNTS, UTAH, JUNE 5, 1S97 NO. 13. $1.50 A YEAR. A O IT WJ AM ERICA'S Rl of Bearskin, he thought this an exL. pared to fill honorable positions. El E. H. L. cellent opportunity to replenish his wardrobe at the expense cf our rilles. at the Little EE. Chapel The Races. New Navy and Tta Equipments, ,, dis- Services The Regions of the Frozen North which it Reaching was a gala day at Cald-er'- a Monday Decoration Pay laces. as Written Up by miles from Annitant seventy-fiv- e Park. Over 2000 people enA Personal Experience we a into ran heavy versary lodge, joyed the pleasures of that popular enow storm, and deemed it best to resort, and among the vast throng o or JUBILEE REFLECTIONS Murray was in a deserted shelter take very well represented. THE EAGLES SPEOIAL IN THE ARCTIC SEAS, hut, until the weather should be The most notable feature of the more favorable. day was the horse races under the Nur-ki- e of the 'What will the Harvest be?" Will the season this at of the County Driving Club, Correspondent at Washington. ACUar and From tao pen of Dr. Edward Vincent foithe Working charge since Prosperity is Bring deserted, and the generally Concise History of the New Navy from IU boys are to be congratuto tho Peary Arctic year f Class Commencement Exercises of the various for reasons, the on lated Uuder the Administration of the natives, success of and Present their at first of lucipioncy 18!34 Expedition County Schools at the Cim House In- meet of the to to the Present Time more find Init spend in Chandler, of Secretary the season. advantageous Charge, Keeley Physician corporation Meeting A Cklienge. the wiuter farther up in Ingelfield stitute in Salt Luke City. The horses entered in the three The Great Ships, Their Armaments, Etc, Gulf. After a long and tiresome minute class were Gainper, Minnie The Written for the EaqlK. B., Nixie and Billie Bryan. through a blinding snow storm the THOUGHTS. JUBILEE even was CONTINUED. little hut race was wo a by Pierce's horse, decidedly cozy, Salt Lake City, we and in these off who carried the squalid quarters, Gainper, purse (Commenced March 20th.) May 31, 1897 of 850. spent the ensuing night. Communicated. Editor Eagle: In your com- here i My-ou- k was up and abroad long The 2:35 class race aud $30 purse P. ia a fitting and proper that munication of some days ago to mornnext awake we were before won by Winder's horse Bobby were The largest of these machines Utah should grandly celebrate the Judge Arnold, you stated that an stated natives The five B. in This was heats. the younger ing. the cost entrance on of fiftieth article touching $93,000, is 128 feet in my experiences ho had gone without arousing into' anniversary honor should closest contested race of the day. and is made of the finest length, that acbe would this in the Arctict regions valley, ill grade of seemed to be as other horses were: The there-fer- e them, and they Lady bandl This There steel. am noble will lathe bore to be to tho forged paid ceptable you readers,I much perplexed by his absence as arotbut Bird and Emma D. Angus, Boy a fifty-on- e few in which feet a an article few In survives. gun length, and enclosing you and myself. How2.25 race for a $100 purse turn one of In the to seven have feet in too will I hope will be acceptable. Jndge were Entriken passed fifty they toward the middle of the af- years for Billy D. almost a wralk-ovo bar is But sixty-twIts the the Arnold and myself are anticipating ever, queslength. boring ternoon he returned, and it seemed tion great beyond. who made one heat in 2:24i. Rex feet and eleven inches "Will be it di ia asked, tho pleasure of addressing the Murlong may he bad gone far euough beyond Mambrino was t he only horse of ameter, one of the novel features is Our to of the future. benefit near the ites in prove lasting ray to verify what he k the other six which approached the classes? i'jWill ,.jt, brin idea is to cover both, the Keeley working boring bar has an independent that had namely, winner. The other horses enexpected, the already here the capitalist who wi work and some of my experiences movement, so that boring rotary the sea ice was broken up m invest his hoarded waalih to build tered were: Erma D. A., Freddie E. and in the Polar Regions. can both be carried turning Smith's Sound by the action of the and Jo Jo on Yours Gayetin. same and tim to the best at the help develope Very Truly up industries Nimbus, Squirrel, Nancy and advantage. Edward Vincent fierce storm of the day tobefore. He Utah's vast resources? If so, wha the norlh a stated that a journey blessing it will be for Utah. In Grayhound were entered for the J The, total number of machines of over the sea ice was out of the our own little borough (Murray mile dash and Niinbua won the all kinds in the various shops ia Our disappointment, Written for tho Eaale: question. for people to do? Aad purse, $30, in four heats. is over 5oo of which 2oo are lathes of not of long duration, what there was however, The races were a decided success all sizes and kinds. In accordance with my promise can they ind remuner: where There are to furnith your readers with some for after a few minutes of earnest tive employment? "Echo answers and the judges, J. W. Cahoon & B. twenty-on- e machines aggregating articles touching my exf erience as conversation with the younger na where?" For men taere ia simply F. Redman, starter, Jacob Moritz a member of the last Peary Arctic tives, Kes shu explained to us that nothms but the smelter where and time keepers, A. J. Pendleton The are all lighted by by way to reach h from 51. 30 to $2 per & I. J. Starbuek, made a record in electric buildings Expedition, I shall tell you of a there was a of earn may they the "ice foot," the lamps. pleasured?) trip made with Entii- - making use day. For boys and girls there is their good and wise judgements and Those of us who used to shoot He land a and glazier. explained in in second action. was command kiu, who is a jitiful state of their promptness It nothing. the that it would be no child's play, ordinary shotguns when we to Peary, as my companion. Th thousands of dol and affairs, yet were boys, and as the writer reis but one of the many incidents I but that he was willing to lead if lars are Ivingr idlo ia the banks from personal experience, members Memorial Hrvl.e8. might relate that serve to demon we would follow. Accordingly we Surely there is somrtluug wrong kicked over, while shooting On Sunday Evening there was being strate how uncertain are the ele hastily packed the sledges for the and how can it be righted? How will Kes-sh- u wonder why, when a at one was of rabbit, the M. journey. ments above th Arctic Circle. we become a prosperous com a very fair congregation at the can these of the i natives great guns are discharged, E. Church on Murray street. The tribe, lite rations issued us lor sucn a most intelligent tner( is jaoor sup. until munity concussion or kick does that the associated with us been journey were somewhat meagre and having for all classes. Honest toil is Speekers were Mr. Herbert of Salt not plied winthe destroy the ship. This it would long We expected to be absent two bo intimately during honorabk. Every dsy men almost Lake, Hon. Harry Haynes, A. C. do were it not for the contrivances so selected his words he that C. F. Durand and J. T. weeks, or more, and had 21b of ter, beg for employment it our smelters Stateu, He understood him. we was Jakeman. The remarks were all made purposely to counteract this readily lib of of bread, sugbacon, Sib, are constantly turned away ow yet The contrivance ia concussion. as a and had at born boy bearing on the theme of Decoration of ar, a pinch of salt and peper,pleuty to existing condaons. ing an of nature, and is smalhydraulic over reminiscences and patriotground, every part of tea aud coffee but no milk. You tramped tha me coming Day,war us breech of the gun, but Let ler the than hope for miles and or rather ice, were fre around, will readily seo that we were prac ' will begin new era for ism, and the gentlemen is the fact that the con"Jubilee wonderful our familiar was with proposed applauded. ticaliy thrown on ou? own resourcUtah. Great wonders have been quently Miss Minnie Noble recited an al- - cussion from the largest gun on ship es, and depended largely on the route. accomplished in the past fifty ye:j rs ligory ou the Rebellion. The board is hardly felt more than (To be continued.) came we must shoot as we went The desert has been made to bios' would bo the firing of a Bhotgun, clear in alonsr. which we cooked over a young lady recites a strong som as ttie rose." immense explosion is greater e and tier stately appearance except as the with moss and native be wrought by en voice, mav wonders in and bearing all tended to make her felt the air. DEAD LETTER LIST. blubber for fuel. These hydraulic machines are terprisins: capitalists Jn the next number the most interesting On May 3, 1894, Entrikcn and ten or fifteen years. There ia room on the among always fixed in the gun carriage evening's program. Murray, Utah, June 1, 1897. for plenty of them, rites for mills, myself started from Anniversary are always made at the rear acd The musical part of the program The following list of letters re- factories and worksnopj ot every Lodge, our winter headquarters, of the breech of the gun. The end and with Rensselaer Harbor, Dr.K?.ne's main uncalled for in this office, description, aud thousands of men was fair, the National Anthem is hydraulic and it controls power 1852-5as if not taken Out in thirty days they and women waiting lor employ other congregational numbers being the concussion. In placing one of winter sung with a good deal of spirit. these our objective point. We had two will be sent to the dead letter office. iuent. large guns in position on tho Mrs. Austin has a sweet soprano objects in view; first, to visit the Anderson, Neal in this gun carriage, there is There will always oe rich and voice and sang her sweetest, aud ship, historic spot, and if possible, re- Casson. Odino ii ever us. which is placed directly machine a been it poor anions the male quartette by Messrs. cover scientific instruments left Johnson, Mr John Em the uuder so. How well tbe Scottish poet, by which its posigun. illis. Olds. .Takemau aad Staten there by Kane upon hisretreat,aud Kloborg, Erick Hanson Haitian is changed necesnature. direction or understood tion was creditable. CTeterson Burns, second, to enjoy a polar bear hunt. Larsen, Miss Annie-ca- re to the o'er laired proper sighting of the wlgLt, "See yonder porr, Rev. Mr. Hartshorn had charge sary Mansieur, A care Olivier Gervais So it bl jcs. mciin and!1 o rifle. In all of our journeys by a broilmr of i"; earth Who of the meeting and Mrs. Hartshorn liiwi Icitvete"''" Another independent set of mawe found a native Eskimos Mecks, Mr. High To worm presided at the organ. And to his lord!:,' feiw driver almost indispensible. They Olson, Charly chinery is for ammunition hoists, The poor pclltioi. P1"? wife S. T. thou'l. Olson, Unmindful exso the gun being loaded entirely by little with the f manage dogs And hPlplesSi'lttprl'", "''."rn-Ih1;ivo mechanical power. The turret is ertion since dog driving is a part of Willson, Mr. Bob I'm dei(r'(l.V"tiw"iiS Incorporation Moetlne. liy nature' law wiiU their lives from early childhood. Webster. Mr. L. The meeting of theMurray incor trained by another steam or hyWhy was an i:Vr plauiedlnmy niwif M. T. M. A. Willumsex, We should also "Wo therefore selected two young 10 porators last Tuesday evening was draulic power. if not. Wh vnin stfCt all these guns have that mention . success. a Hli ortflty or ""' men, from among tho number at quiet B"opowor Or why has man th and our winter The necessary committees were telescopic sights, by means of which To make Ins follow inouru and a good deal of busi- the target is greatly magnified so events developed before our return "Not only piles of the very worst is true that all the poor men appointed It that very accurate firing can be which demonstrated how wise our kind can be cured by DeWilt's transacted. are not worthy poor. Saloons are ness chosen was done. selections were. M. A. Willumsen Eutriken had "Witch Hazel Salvo, but eczema, hr the laboring and James Sec, Sanders, as driver for his eight scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers mainly patronized chairman l fast ap(Continued next week.) but tho tie was at once business with an equal and all other skin troubles can be classes, dogs, while Ks-shu- , woman will whereupon when step to into. A committee to cir number of dogs, acted in a like ca- instantly relieved by the same rem proaching the front and unworthy men will lunged relocate Buitaoie pacity for me. At Don't neglect a cough because Pharmacy, Dr. W. bo crowded out of maQy avocations cumscribe and discussed and final-- y edyMurray was ii ie we were joined by oundaries Cue E. Ferrebce, the weather is pleasant; before the Prop. they occupy today. of the oldest and most influential appointed. next storm rolls around it may Let women and gi'!s take advan- men of tho tribe. ON HOUNDAIUKS COMMITTEE Myouk was develope into a serious difficulty ot ad- Geo. Orson Hanson has purchased a tajie of every oppormty James Gibert, Orson badly in need of a new pair of Sanders, beyond repair. Ono Minute Cough .aucement and progress that may Isaac trousers, aud f inco this very neces- half acre of land just south of MurUadley. and Gianter Cure. Murray Pharmacy, W. E. itsolf to them, that in the sary article of clothing, especially ray, and will begin at once the Ferrebee, Prop. they may bo pre (Continued on page four.) good time coming necessary in the Arctics, is made erection of a brick cottago. EXPLORING M jSTur-kie- ig-lo- Jn-bile- e Suryeou-in-Chie- -- er Peter-ah-wic- . E-ta- L. .... ii E-ta- h, ; lire-ston- head-quarter- s 3 dog-sledg- . H n inflop-nJei)- 1 head-quarter- Oug-ad-lo- s, o My-ou- k, t |