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Show JIaud May Bab-corentitled "Pen II ur." Presentation of Certificates, Supt. Oscar Van Cott. Doullo Duet, Pupil of District No. 30, Mill Creek. Valedictory, MLsa E. Driggs, Grad uate of District No. 27, East Recitation by J.OVJ, k, 70TW ft SZ r -- r 111 Song, Pupils of District Xo. 20, TO Gg! A DRINK BEFORE j Begs to announce to the people of Salt Lakt county that ho Las opentnl an J Ai.d is prepared to furnish a full line of 4 CASKETS.Wood atnlCloth covered ."COFFINS. InijwntLed and Home - A GOOCTO SALT LAKE. THE, Quotes prices eoualtoanv in SaltLakeCitv1', ' ? V fcOll. ft America, by Orchestra and Audi AOS i ence. ti - A CHAhJCB JIurrav. Address to Graduates, Dr. James E. Talinage, President of Lni versify of Utah.-SasDrill, Pupila of District Xo A.T 25, Murray, led by Miss SteCen Celebrated for Its great leavening There were fitrength nd heHlthfulneea. Aeaurea the food against alum and all forma of iidul in the county, ttration common to the cheap brands from Murray. R) AUL Clk- - m mum w ast -- PdWEil Absolute! Pure. Jr m THE- - h ROY. aS Jordan. 'i K Mi.Ng fit va fcaK)ne Block East from William's Corner, u m Wines, Liquors & cf Cigers graduates fifty-on- e four of whom were li BAKING I'OWDKR CO., KKW l'OEK. The Butcher's Haae Ball Challenge. O. S. OLSEN, Proprietor. We, the butchers of Murray, challenge tho merchants of Murray, State Street, . MURRAY. UTAII toa friendly game of base ball at such a time as will be most con Published every Saturday, by venient for said merchants to play. Cuas. Caldvvkll, Jr., The American Eade Tub. Co. Capt. Butcher's Xiue SUBSCRIPTION; Jane 1, 1897. Dr. W. e Ferrebee, Murray, Prop. One rear, $1.50; 8ljr Mouths, f 1.00; Three 75 cunts. Months, Terrible Accident. It is a ter All Subscription strictly In Advance. rible accident to be burned or fe, ADVKRTISLN'G KATES scalded; but the paiu and agony and frightful disfigurements can be Locals In business column cents per line aili Insertion. lu News column 15 cunts quickly overcome without leaving tlrst Insertion, 5 cents each subsequent inser- a scar by using De Witt's Witoh tion. All mlvertisteiiients niUBt be settled for at Hazel Salve,. Murray Pharmacy, the end of every month. Any person winning Dr. W. E. Ferrebee, Prop, ft their advertisement discontinued must American Eagle. MurrayPharmacy Winter-Mountain- - MiHin? ComDany.C' FEOPEIETORS OF ULiller's Boiler Taylorsville Boiler Mills, Tills Wasatch Boiler "Mills. (oj.a's Boiler Mills,'2&Uls Pioneer Patent Boiler and Salt Laliv 2Ul and Elevator ARB IS EVER UNDERSOLD. i Drugs and rcilot Articles, Eto. jrive notice to that e ITuet, otherwise It will appear Jo the subsequent issues of the paper, and bo National Educational Association Meeting, charged for accordingly. of the National For the MEMORIAL (Concluded from page one) COMMITTEE 0 CKNsrs. A. C. Btaten, James Sanders and .Robert Xivcna. COMMITTEE O.V FLAT AND MAT. J. If. Tipton, James Gilbert and BagJoy Bros. Com mittkk ot I'PKSKiiTATion. (To wait upon the County Court) Willumseu. E. C. Waren-bk- i and Albert Shaw. These eominitttees were a1! left open so that when the ladies meet to organize, they may appoint some ol their numbers to add to tho com mitt ecu. A Committee on Challenge, con sLstiug of James Gilbert, Albert Shaw, Chas. Durand and Dr. Mar riott, to make arrangements with tho opposition for a public debate was chosen. A Committee) on Resolutions, to denounce tho action of the op position iu breaking up a former meeting of the incorporators was chosen as follows: Chas. Durand M. A. Willumscn and Jan Gilbert. A Murray Incorporation Club was organized with A. C. St.iten, Chainnui, and Jameb Sanders Secretary and Treasurer. The committees will at onco get to work and report progress to thi Committee on Presentation, and in duo time another meeting will b called to discuss proposed bound aries, iVC. M. A. l'otuinen cement Uxerel.-es- Toilet Aktici.es, Fa.nct Conns, Fkrstmbry, Chemicals, Soaps, Fiust-Clas- s factory at Murray, Saloon & Billiard Hail l stock: Stags meeting. For illustrated matter, folders, etc., call on your nearest agent or E. L. LOMAX, address Cen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Omaha.Neb Atwood Careful Attention VASA Prop-Fres- Par E3 a -- has Ann E. Boyce All Kimta of Fashionable - Agents Sitmnles First Dress. Wanted: IirconroHt Making Door South of xi"" lenrned ber trado in England V'llck Sale; Sanger's 8tor. Sluio S:ieet,Miirijr 4 CASHSffl r PRI7E OFFER ASSISTANT i. itciaanwit. Kes.T3:is,t37!, fir's tl Adi!rs4 with Ftamu. cia Fttpitesa wealth ca ysua. will you "Jti-i-iaiymm FSUFl'MK CO.. Unnesio, Ku, to tht WiiS.,5rit ' W 'in LU:.7i:;3 rSirncM B"JSSA7. - Wisilsetsa, t. 0. for rifty Cuta. EdurnteTonr Howels Wth C'ascnrots. . . . ti'vvM tyiwu urtuu. liiiL', uiu'i win 1 I'nrrli. .1 m.. "oiiiriio. run' ioii-- 'UiiLim forcve: ,,,n.. i.l.uwl (.u .1.4 r.d fwi) ... ... , h -- 1.1 money. RENDERED. Tsv A V j Ail i i uSmw4 rzoaau -- VX'. tJ-i$M- Carfson & Birch. Willard Jarf.ell public patronage. Mrs. Knowhlen 1 DRESS-MAKER- fash- 'UIMURRAYM' at 10.30 a. m. Family Trade " Wdxf Miss Mrs. Knuwlde-nr, ' Always on Hand. Leaves Murray at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at destination 10:30 a. m. Leaves Wasatch 4:30 p. m, and arrives at Murray at G:30 p. m. Three doors South of Post Office ionable Dress-makelocated in 4 0 DAILY SERVICE: Catf rs to the Wants of tho Public for ties, Wed dings. Birthdays, Etc. Practical Cutter and Liquors, Cigars, Fare For Round Trip $1.50 h aw Eraati, Buns, Pie, Cake, Etc., Dally. LUNCH STAND. Hot and Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake ioct. Lunches put up for travelers. Mrs. Louisa have estab Wines. S 4 lished a Stage Line between Murray and Wasatch Murray Bakery, B.Y. RANDALL. G ranter tSj fl Given to cor.inieiK'ing MANGLES ' vm' KE0UI5ITE fl fieri V V i 4 OK "iBtl m 8 AND HOTEL USE. FAMILY ,ronIn done on the " Racine" tw'tty minuU's. rrithoa heat or fuel. HO FUEL. NO HEAT. NO SCORCH!? " ' " ,''ns r evul7 family, idi in six stylos ami r , ' Hotels etc Every Mangle Guaranteed. a,:ll"'. 2c stamp for new lllusirai-Cslalogue. itith orices. THERACINC MAKCWCO.t Racine, VVis. ... Tfis:jr 17 W-'4- jr y d core. Salutatory, llnldn Holmes, Graduate of District No. 40, Farmer' Ward. Elotjuout Address, by Senator D. 0. Rideout, Jr.lVust'o District Xo. 22, Draper. Chalk Talk, Florence Dow, Graduate, DLtriet No. 2',), Sugar. Song, Pupils of District No. 40, Farmers' Ward. Wand Drill, Pupils tf District No. ::'.), I.Iill Creek. Tipnr, by Lovel Rideoui, Graduate District No. 22, Drapi r. INEGAR S;. W, H. Atwood.i County Public Schools, was held in the Murray U, era House yesterday Grand Overture, by Taylorsville Orchestra. Invocation, Charles Holm. Song, by pupils of District Xo. 41, Sandy, file led by little Blanch Baguley, who King two parts alone and responded to an en- Salt Lako ifisaegar factory. TYour Annual Commence of the Salt Lake L flSAte TELEPHONE 128. V . The Program was one of great interest and during the three and a half hours of its duration none got weary, not even the smallest children showing ign4 of being tired, and hardly a single person left tho crowded room from eommemVnieut to fin h. lor Wheat. meeting Manufactureres of nigh Grade . Brushes, Sroxocs, Etc. ducational Association at ButTalo, in 1890, the excellent service given bv tho Union Pacific, was com PRESCUIPTtONS CAKEI'l'LLr COWPOUXDED mented on by all those who had Br A Use nothing but Utah Products Pharmacist. the pleasure of using that lino. This Strictly a Ilome Concern Patronage Solicited year our educational friends meet in Milwakee, Wis., July 6th to 9th, aud members of the Association h cj and others from points west of the Missouri River,should by all means Dea!er irs take tho Union Pacific. The service on the Union Pacific Coal, Lumber, Doors. Sash, Mould via Omaha or Kansas City is the ings, Lath, Shingles, Builder's very best. The" equipment consists of handsome Day coaches, Chair nardware,Paiats, Oil,Varnish-es- , cars, Pullman Buffet and Drawing Brushes, Plaster Ha ir, Pa Room Sleepers, Dining cars, Buffet, cO per, Etc., Combination Fence. A Smoking and Library cars. Fewer 1 than other line. via Lake changes any Co., 4 CAREFUL selected- Murray Salt Utah One fare, plus S2,5o for the round of- trip will be the rate from all points west of the Missouri River for this to and Tlain Sowing (fj; neatly and promptly done. in the rooms between Sand-er- s store and butcher shop The Latsst Modas at our Parlors and respectfully solicits the Tho Fourth ment exercises Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Paid Medicines, .1 Eutered at the Murniy Post Ollico as Matter. HURRAH, UTjtT i f ?r.!l V ATHA THE VffflE 5&Y1W MWflL 5Tir i ljCta7 VriCiCasoUao. -- HriMtT.,Tf .nin.-.,,,.,- 0. . w --.- yV .w s. Sam- SIT. v CitfrtrltdtK 1 Natu.-a- l !i4h ll.. ur - i I'urrwiVf,; Gas or .. ;o..r;.in RACIHa HARDWARE CO., TunuEa.-ii.rt'- . l.i.- - . . ! . . . C'i;. ... -, !..u.M.-.--M-:-o Rac!;2, V.'.'s. |