OCR Text |
Show 7onsa?bl Artist IT j (5.J"J' ;' Chas . r. D Is still to be Opera Horn e Block, Murray, aair removing lrom the lact-- of men. O o Call urd V.CQ i',,m MXIO LINE of the supe-rnuou- i s j a ilunn.iiir Two Cast. 'int'i L'atly to Line ..! Am! 1'KN Vili. Tr;i!:i No. 2. LfttvosOii-P-. r.iio-aat- it-- 'I'Ms'n Xo 4 y. i"- "One in. Cult a;-J- (Tuld rump. Train jrret Ht a.m.. arrives at No. 2. leaving '.'lipplet'rcek A-- cli.'-d.-f- . !ovo. two I love, tin-eHvs lovj all 1 C f- Li w Well. I'll count my choose, And if 1 love you best, you wont refuH waiuio, Of course while Vw little, I do-- Butcher Shop, Q w J. C. marry, count my brother Harry. So I'll WEST, Mgr IAKE No. 6 N ir No 3 No. 4 Livery and FeedStable. 1S0T day. Prices to suit the People and the Times. m and intermediate points.. 0 43 a to For Snnpue, Sevier and all 13 43 p m intermediate point For Ftovo, Payson, Lurtilci, and all intei mediaie points 5 13 p m LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. For Grand Junction, Denver 7 50 a w and all poitseagt For Grand Junction' Denver r.nd nil intermediate points 7 40 p m Otrdouandall pts wst..'2 5p iu " " " " " 11 45 p m ,' No. No. 5 Only line running through Puliinnn Palace fainlly I'm nfjsco, Los Arijiel. 8 Denver. Freereclin-ivi- : Roston. and Yorst Ciiioaso. New chair cars. 11 oars lighted with Pimseh slcop-erstjf-- Gas. D. 0. lindrre, Gen. Mr. A. E. W1)jy, S.L & 1"'"""L---4 Hot, Spiut's Sanitarium Swimmis'ie Pool, 52 West Third South Street, Salt Lake City. The waters of theee Springs are a sure cure for catarrh, rheumatism neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervouBuese, hys Ogden Railway teria and kidnev diseases. Daily Time Table In Effect May 3oth,H0T; Leave At. Farm- - Lv. Farm- - Arrive S. L. 8. L. inztoti. innton. B.Oo s. m. 8.40 a, m 7.o0a. m. 7.40 a. in, 9.Uo a. m. 0 4o, tn. lo.oo a m. 11.4o a.m lll,4--ooa.tn. ' 11.4o ain. 12,oo m 12.4o p. tu p.m. 2.2o p.m.." 34op.m. 88opm 3.4o u. m. 4.20 i), in. 4.4o p. m. 5.2o p, m 6 4 p.m. 6.2op. nt, 6 4o p, m. 7.2o p. ni 7.io p in. 8.2o p. m, 8.4o p m. 9.20 p. m Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the ace, pleasaut and refreshmcr to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. (J. C. 10, 25, 50 cents. Boldand guaranteed to cure by all druggists. to-da- LAQOCN and The Ideal resort pienio ground. Kouud trip lnclding' admission 5 ctSi Glieclal rates to Societies, Sunday Schools. Etc. Kound trip 25 ing bath to Beck's Het cents. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Atfrt. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take that makes weak men the wonder-workestrong. All druggists, 60c or $1. Cureguaran' teed. Booklet, and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. SprinjfS, Includ- r, S. BAMBERGER. Gen. Mgr. H, V. Early Pass. A(;t x From Ogden to and return on 8un-d- as ren 35 viaO. 8. L. K B, 75 cents including adniiseiou logrouuds. Lag-no- cents-Child- Rars Mi For NOVELTY P. & iLlyaBoy CO., Geueseo. Kansas CQURTCOMIEnilAlV No. 8124. YOUR THE ANCIEOT ORDEE OF FOEESTERS and FRIENDLY LOUR, 3 s. cirL-- i' P. A Wadlelgta, Gen. P. & T. A Gea.Supt. r SOCIETY, meets every Wednesday night in Foresters IIall,State Street. Murray vjrnuUiLKlilb ;AT THEf- - Utah. Eegle Cash Store J, T. State Street, Murray. Arnold, - Chief Ranger. Financial Secretary EARNEST R0GN0N. Attorn MUSlC LESSON ey-a- t- Salt Lake iss Lizzie BelL Teacher of Law. Atlas Block. Rooms 305-- 6 Utau. City, Corner Barber Shop. Piano and Orjan- tf rms apply at office dio, E B Vic. Johnson, Prop. & Stu SVxst Cl'zss Sorley's Music Store, MURRAY, Work. Give me a Call Miss Bell will give lessons in Mur To Cure C'oiiHllpatiun lurevt'r. Talte Ctscarcts Candy Catbartia 10c or25o. If C. C. C. fail to cure, urmrt'ists refund mniv y. ray every MnMf J , -- ,kv4i"--- i.i f V- - ' fl J; ess -- This is the handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside of Ogden & Salt Lake and is second to none is point of convenience & comfort. for ;ou apple-see- ds Ta PTTRk fS't u Letter. O an Steam Heat and Electric Lights. 1 f'E. S. SQRLKS", Mgr. inriil Mr. Calhoun return from Cuba, which will probably be within two wseks. Some of the Democrats who are now claiming that the Democrats are the only friends of Cuba, may Are so simple that the youngest can understand them. wish they had not committed themSo easy that the oldest can work them. selves qrr'e so far when they learn Ski. the pcl.'.y that President McKin-le- y intends putting in force. They tomy then do as they have done wards the proposed increase in the internal revenue tax on beer, toVhen bacco cigars and cigaretts. the amended tariff bill was reported to the Senate, the Democrats asserted that the insertion of these internal revenue features in the bill was au attempt to steal Democratic thunder. But, lo and behold, when the Democratic Senators met in caucus they voted unanimously in favor of attempt ing to have all the proposed internal revenue amendments struck out of the bill. Consistency never c did cut unv figure with the 5 years 106 years c!d. (Taken from Life.) party, and nobody need be greatly surprised in the near fu 4 Such easy terms that anybody can purchase one. ture to see the Democrats who are now abusing President McKinley for being unfriendly to Cuba abuse OFFICES IN EVERY CITY IN THE WORLD. him still more for being too friendly 14,000,000 SINGER SEWING MACHINFS Made and Sold. to uba. 1,000,000 Sold Annually, This proves the old old saying that the best is the cheapest and always the most Satisfactory. 43 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. KEELEY INSTITUTE. Singer Sewing Machines Demo-crati- The Singer Iamufacturinc Co. t Much has been said and written about the Keeley Institute, whose for good fame is now world,-wid-e in these less and no men, among much to still is there but regions, be said and done along these lines for which this institution seems to have been created. The "graduates of the Keeley Institute," which now numbers over 300,000, all pronounce the cure boon of the "the one Nineteenth Century." Members of the "Keeley league" number over 30,000, and bids fair to supercede all temperence organizations in the course of time. Those who investigate th result of the treatment are generally satisfied that this is truly Christian work for the salvation of fal'.enman It may cost a few dollars, but what man's relative or friend would regret to spend a few cola dollars when every other method of reform Las failed? For tdvice and literature address in confidence, The Keeley Institute, 160 V. Second North, or Lock Box 480, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cod-give- n so-call- "8 0k ::::soat 'nJ WANTED Several Faithful MeuorWome.. to travel for rf Fpousiulo eitabblhed :i t.k-- house in a ,d l." tab, Salary IT., payable permanent, Position expenses. eolf-adKncloso velop.'. il ThNaiioual. POOI Fr emant&Satta r billiard liquors FINE vvines, " on. i p iiHiii!iinii'.'"rTiii-iw--...II HMl Circulars UK. ' Hajit l ISC Your Supplies whero You Auy article of Merchandise for sale are sure to lind Thnn in Stock in Murniy.can be found in Great and whore You Can Have a Quantity, and of the Highest Gnulo Quality at The large Variety to Select From and With Prices Equal to Any. It. P. DAYTON, Manager. Specialty. A - jfe; o e - Futare Cor.;fcrt far presort Eccrrg Cc&ncmy, but CCY tfto Sev.xg N'achiiio v.ilh on established rcpttaticn tSict 7i I gtrarG.n.tecs you Seng y nv, pgCl. U.L. M 4JiH a B 11 U S boioolr""f-P).!r-- arJ sctkLctor ssrvlcs: Tulnero 1"tl,,Tobacc. . u Send for cur bcculIfuS 1 Harmless the OriRiral C!labit Cure. A birhox cnts only I xy drug sUre.eri-- mail. Circulw j LVvni MiTrMFTTF COWPSNY. CH'CSRBJr-- KdnoateTonr l;owel Willi t W'W , ' "e Candy Ca!urtfe. enr- - o r k ra t i '.mens:'.-.-'-- j.r 1 p- - E&UfiPilLY FSGIRED WOODWORK, disable !th tt.? nr,c-- t Get of Stec! Attach U Q c:sr.ts, makes it Ito c5;j?1cJ MOST OCSScACLI Deaiers Wonted fty.CffiXE .N TME nURKET. nl.tta ere not represented. feeir-ton-s L- -. ..T w CLEMLAkD, GHS0. cctatogac. E. HALL, SALT lAK?-- C i TY. School Furniture f'J'f ! 6TS White Sewing Machine Co., FOR SALE BY M.itchette'i Indian bllr. J Guaranteed G.IlU, ;;;;coGiAC,a;j: .;B.B.Bran(3ie8: u- A HrOBACCOH G- grape.- -- ' R. H. Winder,Prop- mti.tte'b Lr MATOikrit, Cure. "ANGELICA"" ly mail. Aomii aKT,;',. or L'U. MATCUETTE CO., Chicago, Illwuts. K3 : I'nuucro A II druinri'Ut cigars ZiPORT.C.'.': '.'PeicMHoncy.; ' theortfinaU-uaranttedlur- Ira & zotry,;;:;:; fll MUfelf " .A r' en- ftPiYCor,lli53I)-- jmmm ur mum U7TI, I. ANn ."."NiliweF parity XUK '. Star UuiIUmkaMohso TOBACCO HABIT SDr. Matchcttc's Indian Lu.ccrporatsd, Co for & By&n CreamPare Hye, To tiue couui.ipalion I orc"r. Take C carets Cand Cyfiartia I'w orKe. If V. C. C. fail to cure, iiru?t;ists refutJ mocuy. 1 575f, 1 . S. A. Ahlberg, RED WACH, MG'R. For X.'( 'J ptf hair-trigger- cars to itenver oa 8n Fritnchco gl'i)ing ch:iKi-', and Pullr. an A.it.iont ' "J expected Accomodations unsurpassed. Public Service at all hours, night and 5 12 p fvvv ? 'KH "v Washinston. May ."1,1S)7, There are no new Cuban c elopements this week, and noiu-ar- LEAVE MDEKAY: Ea t Lake City For Salt Lake City. Orideu - CORRESPONDENCE. EiCA"?vCin-.i'-.- 7 N.O" BWs,.-.'".-;- just it I s apple-seed- Washing! No you brother's friend. ' GEANTEli & ATW00D. ??o. ' J,u Iter brother laushed merrily, "Pear Me sis. That is not what they mean. Give ma. kiss. lou When Klrls count their m.iv depend 1 's for somo other girl's brother, or Wat The bumps are signs of a better quality of beef. See my eyes, nose and ear, then biow my horn for Oirdnn H. V. Kevins, H.t!. ruplilnir. T. 1 A?ent. Gen.Asent suit .bako Uly, L la a, For r a;)pIo-seod- s, Hughes. TruacMauufft'r Time Card No. 23, IN EFFECT JAN. 17th, ho loros,f-.-vi- Both love each other well that's me. Denver, Colorado pTSAlT also I cat eiffM 1 eei-- . Sul! p. in. p. m CrmnccMntH ars lnadu at Pueblo. Colorado pr lis.- mid Dphvit with all linns Kant i:iy Cimrlics, i'linir cars ni PiiHiiihu a all i rrins 'i Hue tli 1). V it c.mfort.;i.t)lo trip nud enjoy tho mid line-- t weuurv on the cuntinunt. Shortest line to cripple Creefc, Colorado's ar (:5a. S.'K. niii'pcr. U. 1', a T. A t", I V3 - p. m, Ivrjver . S H: L. UFB LOVEU. ) 8.35 A G c - -- - d;i9 p. i, i o'(.i-;k1- Leaves iHAva Arrive at f--- !L ' . :Us ( 0;5 a. a-- P ' I a .1 a? liitl-- ar.rl by t'no flrsidii brla'j Was atinif an kpp;e i.nc winte;- nai A i,u : tiesiV'i' .'oii.w 'icn Riie vi'.slliru1 J. da. !!ic ounteli vt.r B I' Arrive j;..0 a.ui. !!. 'J;.V'.!t. Spring, 7;M b. m. Dinvor 9;'.t0 a m "i- rI 'o. w ri:;: !.:. C()I.!i.'.!0 SPKIXGS r rttfir'tV'iv w to v. Pe!.Mtd. I L 'A i 'J RAND Supplies DphUs are cfperlully ndiipted for un la The "VrrrOK" ToMlns Pehivils. Our lire ih complrt", iuciudiog District D( Panx-Mu- l Stationary Dt.sks. l'oublu DcsUh, Aljustable iKtiks, etc. CtT OUR CATALOCtIS AND PICfS 6CFCHC PURCMASIUQ. Agniua Waited Evn riero. KA?- - 5i CO., KacSno, vs. |