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Show :9 FKOM YALU. LESSONS draws conclusions aHan M FIGHT. FROM Sl.-SWP- and Moat Important Better Than. Crulsers-li- gbt . Tonnage a Factor. CURRENT HE Century considerable devotes atten- tion to the battle of the Yalu. This en-gagem- ent is iau V iat ' . between n? tit ;ougW ant century Th oT.m of 1m-port- ac-the first authoritative the battle that has yet written by. rnuo puftnsnea the brave American 0f prints aA 11 Tit been cuiiii-""'- officer WHO Thin , . uB Mm0T,t- actual 1a iiis. taken during as bvto tlie the damage done with photographs uBWU fhi " showing - no well second paper, by Capt. A. rMaiian, the greatest authority on v naval taCtlCS, UlSUUBOcro mo Sels A SL th Yalu Fight." The following article: .in extract from his McGif-narrati- vl . ; Tec-25- ve c. I ! a little-shi- p, m. 3 f . I : well-aime- : ! ' l'-- ti- d , 2 v : . 1 " j great-grandfath- er ; 0 : ac--nsna- lly, -- j of -- i one-arm- ed e . r 3 - -- p, effi--caen- . .. se . ,;- ei : -'I- 'c-Vf'' full-grow- ZZ -- .:. 7;: 'at,is '.'d One Destroys Blight and Anot&cr 1 to Mosquitoes. Death A TREASURY CLERK DETECTED The lady bird, so quaintly Heretofore it has seemed wonderful MONEY. BROCKWAY'S mat 11 is uixiu to uaa two or tnern just enough that we should be able to al- -; alike, is one of the gardener' best most instantaneously 1 transmit mes- a Priie 'Beauty friends, jTet hundreds of them are kills & sages over unlimited distances bv thel Ills IOO Bill Was ' Was the Dip because people in their ignorance den't.. The Only Flaw Found use of wires; but in England a method! In the Picture of a know what a helper they have in of a Crosstre has been successfully employed which little Insect A few days ag makes it possible to dispense with the Ship. the writer visited a friend who has a. transmitting wire. Messages are now of all sorts of flowers, acl full garden sent daily over a lake between two NCE A COUNTER,-feiter-, back of these there is the kitchen points which have no . wire connection a den with always rows of currants and raep one sevwitn another, and which are is an counterfeiter, theaa-shrubbushes The leaves eral miles apart. The process is ataxiom of the Unit- berry were covered with of bothor licfr blight tracting widespread attention, and the ed States Secret thai were as as the leaves oa regreen English operators of the line are Service. Never, was which lived and thrived. , Huntthey ceiving much credit for their ingenuity this more thorough- ing about were a number 1" bushes the in devising it. It is not,' however, an illustrated than ly woman birds.. The in her Ignorwas one in lady which born English ideaj but case1 of Wilthe in ance was these killing the brain of an American scientist and right and left. E. Brockway, liam they were doing all the dam-ag- ej inventor, Professor John. Trowbridge of 2? head conspirator in thinking! and when told they were her best Harvard. Some years ago he stated recent counter- friends the was Incredulous. A few minthat, theoretically. It would be possible feiting schemes detected. entire His utes' careful however to send telegraphic messages across the life has been spent in the attempt to showed the "small watching, Atlantic without a cable. His plan was amass busy eating th bug a million dollars at the govern- smaller ' Small at to have powerful dynamos placed green pest. yellow pyrament's expense.; Now, at seventy-thre- e, mids showed had she where laid her some point in Nova Scotia for the genwith a long penitentiary term eggs, which in a two or would, eration of the electricity. One end of In the face, he has not hatch. The woman day him staring saw. believed and the wire receiving the fluid thus generup hope. Should' he live and get and! In future-thated would be grounded; hear the dy- given lady bird has a to his nefarireturn will he out, likely arid a welcome in her patch of namos, and the other end would be ous I No counterfeiter was occupation. flowers and fruit. Another insect that in earth the completgrounded Florida, ever known to reform. Punishment in of is be forever being killed, owing to ing the circuit. The wire would does .no tj make them good, joor prison incf the general public, is the great conductibility and carefully can they break away from the jfempta-tlo- n also known as the needlo at the sulated from the earth fly," except dragon to a few thousand: dollars case: is two points of contact. ' After grounding and floatinvest He; one of the most useful insa in dollars million queer the ends of the wire, the next step ects of this climate. In his larval an was accident stat money. .It he subsists almost entirely on. would be to find on the; coast of France, which prevented Brockway from those small squirming threads whiclJ or some other convenient place, two 1880. a in millionaire becoming points of land of a different potentiality He had got out a counterfeit can be seen dartingr about in any still, from this country, that is, not charged bill on the and. which hatch out into the Pittsfield (Mass.) National water, sweet with the same amount of electricity. singing mosquito. As soon as "Secret of In the Bank. the language electric earth The fluid sent into the the dragon fly leaves his watery nurswas a and it it Service, "beauty," from the wire on this side of the ocean ing ground, and, climbing some friend-- . de without hands many passed through throws away the old shell and would, under- the laws, of electrical acof J Iv reed, was tection. This before the days hA ia TiAln'Ti? man artrav at fHfq the points Jn silk fibre tivity, manifest 'itself fine and paper, engraving France, and telegraph signals could be only was required. The scheme came His guarry is now the house fly. Not transferred to the ear by means of a to long ago the writer saw one of these-insect- s a woman. time This grief through low resistance telephone whose wires knocked down in a veranda,, A woman the was a clerk. treasury run at into the earth the woman detects would be where he had been doing yeoman's sera counterfeit quicker points there. By this method the earth than a man. She looks at it and de- vice, and the children and womeri Seemed delighted, although they" shrank.. plays the part of the wire used in oris a counterfeit!" Very back! from "That, clares, alis The the poor wounded dragoa plan dinary telegraphing. flaws which most identical with that employed in often she can't pick out the all fly. They thought he had an, awful to be bad, but! a sense of it proclaim of Its of his long body, a at end course,, th is, advantage! England. sting touch call It instinct if you will that it obviates the necessity of laying leads cruel When the writer tookc injustice. her to believe the bill is bogus, the ihsect cables under great bodies of water. was up there general wonderand she Is right. was increased when a cap In 1880 the Brockway $100 bill eama ment, which was A Looker-O- n ln Gotham. offered him, and ne at, tured ny to York the a New from bank treasury Mrs. Meadow I don't wonder there it greedily.! The boys of that household is so much poverty in the city. I seen for redemption. The woman! clerk will never harm a dragon fly again. caught it, Investigation followed, and the cause of it all the other day when I the only imperfection found was a was there. SHREDS AND PATCHES. slight dip in the angle of a crosstree What did you notice? , Neighbor Mrs. Meadow Idleness. Never saw In the picture of a ship. Otherwise tho The people Holmes did not kill will was as perfect as any turned put such idleness. 'Bout half the people bill Uncle '' please stand up and be counted. Pitts Sam. was loafin' on the corners lookin' at. the by burg; Chronicle-TelegrapNew was to York be the found 'city A womari may not be absent-mindethermometers, and the other half was headquarters of the gang that was to an in rushin' around huntin' for standin' but she looks it when placing the Pittsfield counterfeit, and fant. Adams Freeman.talking room near some other thermometer. the large denomination of! the bill You are tried alone; alone you pass caused suspicion to fall on Brockway, into the desert; aloneyou are sifted b A Chance for Argument. who has always delighted in putting Robertson. world. Don't you think out Pastor Toogood was found to the bills. big Brockway that the great number of Sunday fatal- be in close acquaintance with Charles Evidently if Chicago exceeds New York in population it wasn't Holmes's-fault- , ities is a judgment on the American H. Smith, an for the American engraver Philadelphia Times. people for abandoning the Sabbath of Bank Note company. James B. Doyle of us only believe in a just God Most the Puritans? was also spotted as a confederate. All see him punish the other felwe when Deacon Hardhead Well, I don't were watched. One day Doyle bought low. Florida Times-Unioknow. The Puritans had a good many a ticket to Secret Service Chicago. Of course, the farmers will have a Sunday fatalities themselves whenever men went with him. They arrested crop of oats, with nothing to feed the Indians got up an excursion. him in Chicago, opened his valise, and large to bicycles. Omaha Bee. found therein, not the Pittsfield notes, themall butj the stories concerning his vicIt but $300,000 in United States bonds, tims Fatally Injured in a Queer Accident are true, Mr. Holmes must hava While Martin O'Day and his wife counterfeited almost beyond detection. fool killer. Washinga veritable been were walking by the side of the Boston This was a new and unexpected dis- ton Post, and Maine railroad tracks at Lynn, closure, which resulted in the arrest People glory in all, sorts of bravery Mass., the woman's dress was caught and conviction of the three. So good by the steps of a car on a passenger were the bonds that a microscopical test except the bravery they might show 00 train. Her husband tried to save her, was necessary to distinguish them from behalf of their nearest neighbor.but both were thrown under the train. the genuine.. In another week the gang George & not. hullabaloc Between the Horr-HarvO'Day died from his injuries and his would have been worth a million dolthe Holmes horror, it has--, wife is in a precarious condition. lars in good money, and, in fact, sev- and a Hj H. summer for the h's. Phileral big banks in the country had been been great V Record. adelphia CONNUBIALITIES. taken in on the bogus securities. to Is It better be threatened by hidMarried life is simple. If the hus- : When an old counterfeiter like Brock- eous sea serpents in the east than to band will praise his wife's dress, and way comes out of prison he is continuby cloudbursts in the wesL she feeds him well, there will be no ally watched by Secret Service; men. New York Evening Sun. Such. rogues may" change their names, bother. Adams Freeman. An Alabama judge has decided that and appear to be lost forever, buttbjey NOTES OF THE DAY. is not a day that some if a man puts his arm i around the are not. There man Secret Service cannot trace them The Rhine river carries 145,980 cubic-waist of a marriageable woman it is to , their hiding place, or unmask their feet of solid matter to the sea each day. prima facie evidence that he has proidentity. So long as they do right they A Cape Elizabeth (Me.) man was fined posed to her. are holr the fascination but molested, treat$2 the other day; for swearing on the In Corea an unmarried man is too a is of the much for t profession street.' ed as a boy, no matter how old he is. A 'counterfeiter at age. any The weather bureau is to have a paryoung married man of 20 is by Corean A man who has given the service ticularly fine exhibit at the Atlanta custom entitled to be treated as a sumore trouble and expense than any exposition. perior by old bachelors of 60. The waters of the ocean contain every Seven cases are reported in England other one offender ise Nelson Driggs. He now about eighty-fivis and old, years the element where the that can be distilled from th present century during near. . a roadhouse O, keeps Dayton, man to human the best bride has been married body. 'was eighty he kept a score of he When ininto French is in prepA translation mistake. the The paper giving by formation does not state how matters becret Service men busy, and only for aration of the historical and critical es lack of witnesses would now be, wher says of John Morley. were remedied. The bottom of a 2,927 foot coal bore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manuel, of he has been before, in the penitentiary. was an but not with engraver; Driggs at Cremorne, Australia, has a temperKennebunkport, Me., celebrated their his was an wife handler young expert ature of 107 degrees. diamond wedding on Tuesday, having and of shover the Jim queer. Guyon, as There are ,70,000 bee keepers in thf the been married seventy-fiv- e years, town records show. Mr. Manuel is 98 the chief confederate of Driggs, has uniteja states, and they own z,yuu,uua. only great counterfeiting stands or hites of bees. years of age; and his wife is two. years been the the criminal government has so far The female of the common mosquito his junior. to failed catch; He is supposed to have lays 350 eggs, which hatch in ' a period A writer in Paris says with startling . .. 1 frankness: "I cannot conceive why been mixed up in this latest conspiracy, pi irom seven to nine days. f is described as the most dangerous Mulhall is authority for the stateany one should, get married; divorce and a reman of because his is he class, ment that there are 6,003 pieces in thf here has made the matrimonial tie so locomotive. lax." And we thought that sort of markably shrewd in covering up his modern high-grad- e conOld has been tracks. under Driggs was The dome to of the eapitbl building at confined Chicago! thing for stant surveillance his years, despite "And you said Dodkins is married?" Washington is the largest Iron dome Iir Sesome because the day the world, It weighs 8,000,000 pounds "Yes." "Why, I thought he hadn't a age, mainly cent of money." "He hadn't.. But he's cret Service men expect to find Guyon Sappy, the great physiologist, say old confederate. his now. has through The young lady that the human stomach contains 5, all right any rto 000,00p glands which are used in s quantity of cash. All he will have Beaten by Moonshiners. do now is to clip the coupons off the j It is reported at Richmond, Va., that creting gastric juice. bonds of matrimony." In the high schools of Japan the Washington John Dern, a German, who recently setStar. tled In Lunenberg county, came to English language is placed on the same of The Rev. Robert Collyer, formerly Richmond the other day and made a footing as the Japanese, and its study, a at officiated other the day Chlcagb, formal complaint to the German and is compulsory. from New in York, A proposition to hold a great exposl. ls wedding ceremony, that he and his Austrian was omitted word the which by jvife had been badly beaten by moon-Shine- rs tion of the northwest at Seattle, Wash, "obey" aftercommon consent. He .explained and $2,000 worth of his proper in 1897, Is being discussed in the Puget ward by saying women never did obey, ty destroyed. He brought a certificate' Sound region. "The very from a Lunenbergdespite their promises. Reindeer; as a rule, are nut. vi-or , certifymagistrate best woman In the world promised to, ing to the facts as stated. The' revenue strong. They can carry only forty obey me," he said, "but she never has." department has sent officers there to fifty "pounds on their backs, and dra'w. Here's a story going the rounds of the and the state authorities from 250 to' 300 pounds. inyestigate, bashA hotels: (New that the project 0 York) Broadway It Is! hardly likely wiii iook Into the matter. a monument told clerk before the benedict to build ful reg$100,000 raising newly-marria man istering be was in Boston to the author of "America He Slight Steal One. amount to anything. and a stranger, and didn't know how A. There Is one good thing in not will to. announce the fact of his arrival in India rubber tips on lead pencils daU town with his bride.. The clerk told having money, from the year 1752.' They were fiisf that? is B. What to as man down wife. and him put it suggested by; Carlos Magellan, a de. A. You are not compelled to buy a ecendant H did no, and registered as "Man and of !the great navigator. pocketbook. Wife, Baaver Falls.. Pa." , . Even the Sultan Disobeyed Turkish Husbands, Top, Not Averse to a Release' front the Burden of Too ManyDependent Wives. this-buxo- - III mm .OMAN'S EMANCI-patio- n ; is a new Issue, even In the most secret depths iVlAXM of : : s ; the harems of ConStan tlnople, wom- The Turkish en are in revolt. The agitation for e n f rl a nchisement and independence which has taken ; . '. - such firm root in the United States and Europe has caused not simply a ripple 'but a turbulent whirlwind in. the Turk's hitherto submissive household.-Iis even said that the men are siding with the women, and enfranchisement , seems to be as anxiously demanded by them as it is by their wives. In this connection, Richard Davey, in an article on the "Present Condition of Women in Turkey," presents some interesting phases on the life of Turkish women of "A Turkish lady, who speaks English perfectly and who is, besides, an excellent musician, recently said that her condijtion and that of other women of her race was daily becoming more intolerable. 'Is it not terrible to think, she said, 'that I, who am so passionately fond of music and whom my husband woulc. only be too happy. to please in everything, should be forbidden at the risk of my life to go to a theater or concert; that I am forever forbidden to go outside of the Ottoman Empire and that any , interchange of ideas is an im Dossibility to me with the women among whom I am condemned to pass my life? The more education a Mussulman woman acquires the more unendurable her fate becomes, and it will grow daily worse, until the day upon which we shall ob- tain our complete emancipation '"But believe me when say that the day is not far distant wh6n my dream will be realized. Turkish women are very intelligent in fact, more so than their husbands and a spirjit is growing up among us which is getting stronger daily. Only a short time ago the Sultan ordered us to wear a veil which is t to-da- y. . 4 j out of fashion the yashmak, during Ramadan. We obeyed him for three days, but on the foiurth day all the women of Constantinople without a single exception refused to wear the yashmak, and since then His Majesty "has desisted in interfering in any de tails of our toilets. " 'It Is noteworthy that since the Turkish men have mingled so freely with Europeans the desire for a new regime has grown steadily. It touches their vanity that they are forbidden to to-da- y, . show off their wives, who, it is are possessed! of the most beautiful eyes and are owhers of more precious jewelry than any of the most fashionable women of th 3 diplomatic corps. One of the ridiculous laws of the land is that which forbids a husband to go Into a shop witfr his wife om his arm, but obliges him to walk twelve steps behind her.' " K There! Is a law which forbids a Turkwoman to divorce herself without ish her husband's consent. But the authorities affirm that this law does not prevent divorces from being even more frequent In Turkey than in the United States.-.:"- : Perhaps the reason why the mer of Turkey are not relucaht that their wives should complain of the matrimonial rulr laid down for ithem by thel Prophet Is asily explained by the fact that no matter how agreeable the possession of four legitimate wives may be, they impose cares 'and expenses on the husband which are often beyond his means of gratification. Tile Koran exacts that the husband shall treat his four wives with absolute equality; and the Turkish husband is obliged to offer vto all his wives the presents which one among them has demanded. ;' Again, he cannot obtain a divorce without giying back to the repudiated wife her dot to the last piastre, and is not at liberty to deduct the money which the maintenance of the harem and an enormous number of slaves and servants has cost him. So that It is quite apparent why the Mahometan husbands tnemselves are willing to be deposed of their rights of polygamy and will do all they can to secure the eman cipation of their women. ' ; . : : ' Up to Date. A Scottish paper says the natives Skye now use L uves to spread their butter, but that one old. lady declines to go to parties where she is not allowed, according to the old habit, to spread her butter with her. thumb. Another inhabitant of the island was heard declaring to a friend the other day that having sold his horse he must now get a wife to do the; spring til lage. ; Birds That Like Wine. John Burroughs, the essayist and naturalist, says that the gojlden orioles bother him a great deal. These birds are regular topers in their love for grape juice. They stick their beaks into the grapes, suck up the juice, and three or four birds are able to ruin several tons of grapes In a short time. As seventeen of Mr. Burroughs' twenty acres are devoted to grape culture, this is a serious matter. : , n ' e The bookings of passengers between New York and London at the present time show an increase of 50 per cent compared with. those of the same period a yar ago. e sure-refug- , the-ignorance- s - ne-ai- - ' 1 j ' h. , d, n. v . - ey bt-deluge- d ; , : ; . ; ; . . ; , . . . ' - . j ' 1 ' 1 -t' , - , . vice-consu- : i ed One Kind of Business Barometer. m . , , . ; other-hand- j INSECTS FRIENDLY TO MAIL SPOTTED BY A WOMAN. TELEGRAPHING WITHOUT WIREOi Such a Thing Will Be Possible by the! Aid of a New Invention. LAWS AND CUSTOMS TO BE DISCARDED. I i I HAREM , Commander that both Chinese anj were in the vicinity. Wese were led, by design or acci-dent, to accumulate ymjwuiw .English News for Wheelwomeru in advance of Im ,nnition on deck You may remember; that a lady bicya practice greatly mediate demands was "stopped by a policeman in clist precated. But is tne aeprecaj-iuOffense is better, than Holloway who wanted to take her name wholly sound? some risk is and address. That lady cyclist has lit defense. Rapid fire with a candle In England that will take a f letter 'than slower ere wim no nait lot of out, says the New Budgthat is1, from this particular et, forputting she has brought an action I'checause the slower fire yields against the constable and won it. The i"?aeenemy an advantage greater than bench have decided that the !.. avoided. On board a foreign Highgate of action the constable in stopping the not long ago, the Captain was an arrest, and that an arrest 'id to me that in providing for action lady Is an assault, and that, therefore, the Key accumulated a certain number of must be fined a shilling and constable X think jinid3-t- en, near each rapid-sjfegiseems to imean that it is which costs, "DOn't you consider that a for constables to arrest people. Illegal risk?" i asked. "Undoubtedly," Is This news. strange ::e replied; ."tjut not so great a risk as the enemy should fire f aster than ' iat THEATRICAL. NOTES. . i I think, he was right. . Colllngwood "Marie Stuart," an opera by Levallo, to tell his crew that if they could will be at Rouen. broadsides in as - Sibyl produced d three will sing in "Thais" Sanderson See nay minutes, no enemy could resist at the Paris Opera in October. ' Farragut noted with emphatic ted a; Patti has been on the concert and emmendationi na when the in 1839, years, v. ll operatic stage for forty-fiv-e 'Fnch: attacked the castle of San "The Silver King" is being played mer-s- s that at Vera de Ulua Jan Cruz, In the Deutsches Volks Theater in art roat, jiey habitual y kept a great hum- ;v' i;'.:-- 4 '; ; :f Berlin; rs 0:. in racks :sr of :shot accumulated Arthur Nikisch has been; appointed SO naval deck a ractice many conductor Of the Berlin Philharmonic bsti The in- concerts for the next season. for s still remember. m .lway: hysi unction of shells explosive projec-Buenos Ayres has thirteen theaters cond, is gave paulse to this habit, for dire- - where music has a prominent part. led 01 CO a experiences; had taught that a shot, They are all In active operation. I.;... j slid or hollowj, striking one would ex- - Minnie Palmer, will' arrive In this Me many near by. Nevertheless, the country In October, beginning her sea' Zcalty of insuring rapid supply at son Thanksgiving week in Philaest time, even the quietest, and the delphia, r of severance the to root' sadM; liability William Farron accompanies Ofga Mn'of supply by the casualties of Nethersole to America next fall. His .r-stile; suggest jthe imperative necessity was in paternal 13 i aa accumulation. This should be so David Garrick's company. T, to :'2ed and 'so proportioned the I Louis Harrison's first appearance on J) te of fire possible to the gun as to ln-r- e the stage was made in tragedy. In the mininjium of risk that must be 1875 he was a, call boy at the Walnut ien if the full efficiency of the battery Street Theater In Philadelphia. to be maintained. Mme. Calve Is to sing in "La Navar-- r Especially is this cessary for the beginning of an raise" at the Paris Opera Comique after wateT at least as regards the all; the performance will be In October, S'e ship, the most at,8r pregnant of the just before she sails for America. Don result ;As regards systems, the Iln8trs dt of this episode is a drawn battle. NOTIJS OF THE DAY. :h may be summed up broadly as is successful resistance cf two ships, ' Salt water "is slightly heavier than piored, withia joint displacement of fresh wscer. i,M0 tons, A copperhead snake four feet long tq five ships, partly pro-was killed in Brooklyn the other day. 19,000 tons. This, as far as In China, if a man loses his temper lloes, favors the view that a given "ount of tonnage in one , or in a few in public he Is liable to five days' imI ships possesses a decided advantage prisonment. "3 the same, or even In Peru and Bolivia wheat is cultia greater -- oant, divided among several. This vated 11,000 feet above the isea; In tha f Is also in strict accord with the Alps, 3,600 teL "sral teachings of man in Georgia There is a warfare, that force iceatrated under one command Is who can plow, jerk and goad a mule, efBclent than that disseminated swear. and smoke a pipe all at once. J2g several. This conclusion must V Immigration to this country; for the of 7t course be pressed to absurdity, fiscal year, ending with June, was only tempered, as all practical !conclu-- : 276,136, or less by 35,476 than last year. are, hy moderation and discretion. London has decided to convert Into aa may cohsider one 10,000-to- n ship and playgrounds for children the an two of 6,000 without want-s- e parks 173 disused graveyards in that city. of 20J0OO tons, at for suffi--- ;t all, The estimated age of the dragon tree reasons. Our forerunners found authentic, like the revraa ship absolutely superior to of Oratava (notthe Soma tree) 13 5,000" corded age of t:gates-ff- or the to latter attack ' 3 . considered iolly yet the 74 was years. A hotel is to be built on High Knob, f.orm fcr the battle-shiand only a mountain in Virginia. From Its balPJcnally was exceeded in size. , this episode wa3 conies guests will be able to see into fiSht,! because 45 (more or less) five states. Ohio has the greatest number of pen;as gss got the better of C e.Ech Sns unsupported by any sioners 99,837; New York is second, nng guns at all. They did so, with 89,642, and Pennsylvania third, end, because they destroyed with 89.387. jof the shipeither direct-- V The amount' paid in the form of InMattering its power of terest to shareholders in public comMen, however brave, In England annually Is some-sd panies jup against fire of a cr-- a thing like $1,100,000,000. ;;; cnsity and when sueirf a condl-- p ore.105 the Hotel de In the famous cellars ofwere preached and sustained, they are a dozen a3 desd for Ville, at Bremen, there the time being. been have cases' of holy wine, which preserved for 250 years. ber of Forc-. the "I Indiana's corn crop for this. year is many amusing incidents estimated at 150,000,000 bushels, which ,la ;ur .first examination of bushels grater than says Col. John W. Ela, the is about 15,000,000 year. Civil service reform. "I the highest previous n giraffe, For the hide of a' l!;cident which struck me ; re CrT" Africa in after is greatly sought which funn7We r iai were rrrticularly the Patrolmen through, for whip and sandSl making, the native lA.e ?elIw fumed and fretted hunter gets from $15 to $25. I Low a3 if he were : An Armenian recently died at actually bos. At last I asked him ell Mass., and his friends, having no JB0 a corner stood him up-ia felony V photograph, eIJow looked stunned for and had his picture taken, in that way. The longest game of chess on record sion of returnintr rpasnn tbok between five and six years to finin a triumphant" tone ish One player was in Englaad and4 ease JM'A t'Ing on tfce't'umbr " one in Australia, and the ..garM ;wwj played ly mail. appears from It NEW WOMAN IN EAST. k , not only for its decisive bearing upon the contest between China and japan, but because it was the firstP.I one mnlarn i rftTI Hf S k Al Cumming had an encounter with a at Santa.' Cruz Sunday, says the San Francisco Examiner. V Cumming had engaged a. boat and was out for salmon. Suddenly there was a at his line that almost capsized jerk the .boat. The fish came to the surface and his fins showed that he was a big shark. Cumming toyed with him for a while, and as the shark felt the; sharp prong of the hooks forced ' into his mouth he made a plunge,? going down fully one hundred feet, and reeling out about five hundred feet of line. Cum mjng had only one hundred feet more on the reel, and if the shark had accomplished that distance he would have But he was exhausted and escaped. came to the surface again. Then, with the skill of an experienced angler, Cumming played the j line ,f carefully, and, after great effort, got the shark alongside of his boat, j Both the shark and his captor were winded.-Thboatman killed the shark With! one blow of his boatbook. Mr. Cumming caught the shark with a twelve-ounc- e salmon rod and, a linen salmon line; The fish was more than five feet in length and .weighed fully one hundred and fifty pounefs. It is the largest;; shark ever landed there with a hook and line, and its capture "was due! to the perfect knowledge of fishing that Mr. CumThe contest .lasted ming possesses. one hour, and exciting as it was for just Mr. Cumming; . in was .also as much so for the onlookers. Fujly twenty boats huge-shar- jjetter than Defense J9 Offense BIO FISH, SMALL ROD. Extraordinary Catch Made by a Sportive Resident of Santa Cruz. , ,' j t . |