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Show . - ' - V - f ' : ' : . -- . . . N .n m .. Country People Read Absolutely Independent On all questions whether Political, Social or Keligious, Is the Blade. Truth Without Fear or Favor." on Motto:-"T- he Terms; $2.00 per year, in advance, Six months, f 1.00. , r i x V : RDtiblican conventioq (senatorial) to-fl- ay next Democratic senatorial convention Monday. Honey for s3le by reduced prices. Thomas Belle3ton at tf. E. Candlaid and Alfred Qadd went V with-frnit- . t0 gcipio Tuesday I Utah Sugar, 18 "s. for Jars95ct3 aud fl.20 doz. Mer. Co. Fruit fl.00. Excelsior at; The celebrated Nephi orchestra played r0r a dance at Spanish Fork last evening, a week. Aadrcvs and Co, received about a half car of bides and pelts from Sanpete C. Tuesday. For the hands and face use Qilead "Fra- of McNally & grant Bilm Lunt, Drue-gist- s, Ne phi. Fanny Candland Miss Chester and ia visiting Victor Cindland. is with Mr. and Mrs. Eureka Crawley was over from R- thUweelv visiting her Mr-Trios. Crawley. from oyer parents, Mr. and ;. of Jiuei E. Clintorij president was association, growers' j! fro n Wo the down the first of the week. Salt Lite vver CommerTi! ra-ithe pa. wees. homes inn c oe doing a -- numerous in business "heap 'o busi- - J1333." Mirsh ratarnes to her home n a most ja Pays Monday, after with her Nephi saioy.ibl-sojourn Mi33 E'3.3 j rierjds. Lims Marble came in from Nine Mile, Carooa County, Monday, and on the following day boarded the IT. P. train northern points. A"hius3 on wheels"" was he'aded down Depot street Monday and caused he usual comrneuta and remarks to he exchanged by passera by. Teams left Wednesday morriing for loaded with Fdlmore, freight Jor fdr the for , Who said Nephi was Peopits' Store. direct shipping point. Doa't thi oeodle of SodthernUtati know fhey caa save money and time by sending Iheir mail orders to MdNAlXY & LtflTT? tot -- a . Druggists Nephi. wasown from the Foui iwne the first of the as elated as ever present week, i?er prospects. Work on the road is Cbas. Abbott llile Credk coal amd-feel- a iuns i u erg fc; . Sea Fry, re pre33 n t i a ??.ft'&$ . Louis Iraolesals lanap hou'-- e was in Nephi this tsek rusthaz up trade. 4iBen" is well and, as we under-iUaChas. Abbott. Tae jary in tiie Nephi water case i?pea!ed from thi9 city to ,,the 1st district cjart, last Saturday brought in 1 verdict o; not guilty and Mr! Chase has been justly relieved from the odium. To the conveition in ' this city today, h aooii.Tate a Candidate for the state Senate foliawirfg are the delegates; B. M. W. Sparks, Miller, John Bllisvm, Piuiaforth, Sobt. Ord J. A. Booth. i we?atei? to the Democratic, senator-s- i coaveatioa H this city aett! Monday, r3 ChM. Hynes, John C. Ostler, Mrs. S.J.- McCaa-T. II. Q. farkes f and ilrs. iL F. McCaoe. The county ccn-- . reation will also b held here o a the ' ItioTa in taase pirts is a relaUv of d, -- 9 - , day.- , - i jAiZte Whitnofore and Ltjnfnie Hyde left' tjMday for p; V. Junction. From that poiatttiey will conduct a train load of 5tU!fU iha pork and beef packing aad at courae during their brief wili take in ihe rtghts and ' 0esof Greater Chicago. C me-trap- oli, ;.?au ; rh 1 Blad&'s expert meteorofoffiH, the typot? that that ' iis'ing norther and brj hlsck Clouds' lDt a snow storo suref. The edition half out. but we the press long to teU: the stop b hereabout people nat the prediction, has been fulfiled. Harry xmas to all oar readers. Tha Blade sanctum "steve.iing uAd .'yti Upoa-qterin- ' g Monday morning, a large and elegant Ja'ermerod confronted; uh and iipn iCqi,ry ll was lear"ed chat A. Van vol- burg; had thougtufully re membered fo f nnieriag for this esoecia'I fruitand 'ii daring our absence, left it in the y.tor's ch Ur. Tne meloa is ' fins spee- a "l lt9 ''genas cacu tills, ' measur- tui t inches in circumference around oval thap. Brother, please accept J3r "most warmest' thanks. . taa Juab' delegates to the er -- . B-av- -- u.5 returai were ho-n- r mentioned' con-eati- The Monday. ini oa Cue BLADR The Pirtrvferfl fiiffiins1 in the con-I0- 3 tie result, of the 'stav-"ibana one said, e f we'd all rt W: Cb.pperiJ would have came but 0niQee; as it wa-Tb- e best, but we've no "kick on Mr. F- - Z!3 ' The delegation was none for wear and a hard trip, but oe readily seen that much wind Ua i'3dd q3t had been inr! F-3- ha3 aI,"eady made i ia(!a .eeveral f3 encountered. ' for Q OI,d m- iu anpear-- j localities. North' Nephi inhabitants' say there need fr foar to ere the rcadS' fi,er 'sta!3le ia the 8ix w'eeks yet. dustier or more thosl general Verdict from ftora0 travei far nowadays. A rain oe a mo3t wercomo visitor. ,, i;ftra " a . ; .iaa auove was in Kf,, typo inepni nas IV1L11 a sbower. and Th C20 ... l - v eipert's serological lair received- has predic-2.1I(sl- a ia 'rib- - Ereckson was a Salt Lake visitor this week. Sulphur at Excelsior- Mercantile Co. at the lowest prices. ' Leave orders for choice potatoes at Thomas Bellis ton's. tf. J. AIlyde made a flying trip to Pay-so- n this week." Fears, peaches and plums of the choices kinds for saleat Mrs. 11. A. Gadd's. Mrs. Caroline Bigler has moved into her old home where she will hereafter reside. d men can obtain sure relief by purchasing McNally & Lunt's hair vigor. Nephi. Louis Henroid took a spin down from Eureka the first of the week. He returned Wednesday. Chas. Morgaa is erecting an artistic enclosure to his premises in the southwest part of town. Supt. H. S. Kerr of the S. P. V. R'y, came over from Manti last Sunday and proceeded on to Salt Lake. U. S. Commissioner, Geo. C. V eile of Fillmore, was a north-boun- d passenger last Sanday to Provo. J . P. Driscol, the EureUa nominee for State Senator, came over last Thursday and will remain until after the convention today. J. R. Hick nan was in tawn Wednesday. His visit was brief, arriving in the foruoon and departing on the 1:20 train for Salt Lake. G. H, Feonemore of Beaver this vreek passed tnrough Nephi en route to Salt LakeCity, on business. Mr. Fennemore is an of The Blaie. L Holbrook of Provo was a passenger last Thursday en route to Deseret. Mr. Holbrook will very likely go on to Detroit district on business connected with the Ibex. Chas. L. Hyde has returned from his Nevada sheep camp and reports his flocks in good condition. The Summer range has been dry but the winter range is unusually good. Men were at work this week grubbing sage brush from around the school house, and getting the ground ready preparatory to the opening of the fall term. A, c' very neat appearance will be made. Geo.Littley wae -driving a horse attach-e- a to a hay rake,- last Thursday after-aoon- , when the shafts came down and the norse tore down main street and brougnt up against a telegraph pole near Hardy's shoe shop. Mr. Littley was knocked senseless and injured quite seriously. Mr3. Bessie, wife of Ben Cragon, the acting U. Pi agent, at this point, stopped over in Nephi one day this week on her return trip to her home in Provo. Mrs. Cragon had been on a teu-davisit to relatives in Beaver county and Southern Utah, and upon the lady's arrival at tb atatiou, Mrs. A. W. Palmer met Her and pursuaded her to stop-ove- r, with whom, during the period j she was the guest. Last Saturday an elegant party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews in. honor of their daughter Nellie's birthday. Invitations had been issued and over 20 coupln were in attendance, and partook of one of the richest repast ever served in Juab Co. The presents were handsome and numerous including a iare purse of money, Mr. Andrews, bad just returned from Salt Lake where be nad purchased a large stock of floral decorations which, woen arrrnged, were superb. John BarroWtnan was over, irom Sanpete ibis week' on official buaiuess. Mr. Barrow man is tue City Marshal of Ephraim. The 'officer was Uetalued in Nephi one5 day looger than be anticipated ; be midsed connection wiin the Si P. V. ii'y j not knowing tneir trains had cuauged time." Tne excuse is accepted, owing to tne .geutlemea not living on the, line oi the Miltord expressi The iact 18 however that' someone had hid Mr; Borrowman's little girl for tbe pur, pose ol detaining him. 'Hi L. Goidsbrougn is once- more ag the xope ol the' curfew bell, but so far: aa a continuation; of rustling the 'kids'' nonsre, there isn't much to do, as the boya of Nephi have graduated to be goo'd. Tae Marshal returned fro tii trie raucb of J.H; Mynders.inCarbon coefnty , Tuesday, aud reports. a fine outing, for ' wuicn he mostly went. L He reports1 cattle doing well; and a numt er of owuerst a.re disand posing of their beefers Omana markets Feed is scarce; ad as to sheep, many herds are headed for", the western deserts. Several flocks have already crossed the Saup'ete valley. : The writer' was comings from the depot Tuesday; when a bite" rider overtook him. ' The bell was rung add we turned neariy escaped out the wrong way-a- nd over: Wo afterwards run thought being of the story to never dodge 'bicycle rider, either male or female; Stand still, and the rider will gtt along all right. Posts', 'trees.: ston'esi etcijnever dodge; aud only beginners everruh - into them; straight at If you ee a bike" coming' you, don't dodge; if yotf doi you will couf use the rider. If you stand still "in the middle of the road," or wherever yOtf care to happen to be, the rider willbuttake If you go give you plenty of room.', the of the way, oat to get dodging a be will collision, chancer are there mill va thf worse hurt oi tne t ed ordiances. . at-Elac- k Bald-heade- non-Subscribe- . ! ys : 4 - of Nephi, will, on Friday and Saturday, the 27th and 28th of September, (one week from date of this issue) give a ' ' ' 1 !' i . rs - - -- ; !''' V :v ' , AX er l I r V XI f . ; !1 i .3 1 Those wishing Cloaks .this "w inter should call at the Excelstor next Friday and Saturday aud select one) froma large line on display by eastern tuauu- fecturfrs. Chas. A. Hyde of this city and L. C. Olm stead of Shosone Valley, Nevada, were pleasant callers on The Rlade yesterday. Mr. Olmstead is looking over Nephi' with a view of moving his family to this city. The gentleman may search the Territory over and fail to find a finer residence town than Nephi. Share-holder- s of the Nephi Savings Bank met last Monday and voted to disincorporate. After settlement re-of all accounts the shareholders will ceive less than fifty pr cent, of! their investments. The cause of the loss is found, principally, in the shrinkage of real estate values induced by the general stagnation. The Excelsior Mercantile Co., are to have a grand fall opening and souvenir day on Friday and Saturday next, it will be worth the while of all to visit them at this time, as it will be something new in Nephi in merchandising. Their stores will be open in the evenings also for the occasion. The attention of the reader is called to their new Ad. in this issue. The genial faces of conductor Wen. Adams and Engineer Thomas HiR of Juab, were seen n the street yesterday. Both gentlemen are on the Express division and while Mr. Hill rests aud rubs down his iron horse at the Oasis Station, Mr. Adams! continues to mount the roof of the depot building to se if there are any belated passengers on the Deseret foad From C S- Graham. Supt. of the; Copper Mountain Mine in the Beaver; dist r.ct, and who wd iu town yesterday, it is learned that the claims down there are developing finely. The shaft now being sunk by Mr. Graham is down 100 feet in copper and iron ore flf i 1 NjJ ! 1 I, ,",J f 1 L.,, J r i fl ft. I s At their Elegant at which they will make A Mammoth Display of sales-room- n i i i n f nr f in this City, i Mil-lor- d - ( ' -- of pay value, and improving with every The Rocky mine is working leu aiso on copper ore. Cy. Warren and othsrs are also developing a good f iot. me property fV""1 nTnr"rriiii i t'mimfKKBnKmti,itri)wawrimKtm,Tixtm lEW SOM ET H1NG T. B. Allred, Jr., and Edward Webb, Sr.. of Deseret and Oasis, arrived yesterday to be present at the Republican A State Senatorial convention littte later, Daniel Thompson of Sjcipio and Claret.ee Merrill of Fillmore came in a buggy; When about a half mile this side of Juab their horse became frightened at the train and as a result of his antics the buggv was upset! and both delegates were pitched out! out escaped unhurt. The J nab . delegates believe the accident to be an unfavorable augury for Millard's chances in the Convention; A:N'D to-da- y. To make the event more attractive ami pleas-before seen. in Nephi. ant to our callers, we will give away 300 beautiful, most exquisite antl " la ese presents wilr be handsome and will fill you with dd- Ooihh .early and make yourself the possessor of one of' them' light. Xtx a i. T3l gi; these two days only, September 27th. and 28tii;' these 8(uvenifs will be given a w&y, and our stores will be open in the' eveniiigs for the accommodation of those who can ri tit e;et out ih the' Doh't iricet the dates. Come out and see the grandest daviime. evei witnessed5 in Nephij and at subh priceff1 display of Mrbha-idis1C The directors of the First National Mr.-Arm-itrou- The semiannual Conference ' as .will gt efttly please yoii;- Xxiiv 1 The, Alunlctpal Primaries.' Last. Saturday evening primaries were held !irj the North and Sd uth wards to nominate delegates to att end the lrjuilicipal cfonvention to h he.d one week from 'today with the fol lovv- ing result: Vv audV WmJ Barrowiiian, NcuTii Wni: b perry, . uarsen." vv a,. Wri Oliver Wilson, Geo. Sp'erry, T. Fdote, Wm. Bailey. SdUTn VVakC Wmi. Stout, D. M Mil- Ier. Oscor Booth; R. Parks. Geo. Goid-eJ ; S. Cooper, John Cowan, A. hazier, .tames Schofield.: , . l , coiiiieifi t i oil with the Grand Opening we will haftf a large litie Ladto' and Ghildfeds' Cloaks and Capes in all tH latest styies. These will be exhibited by Special arrangerdents, By the Cloak MaiitifHoturHrs nftlie East, and orders can be given thrdugli1 The garments "will ' tis for jdst wliijt yoii! Mtit arid at Eastern prices. Be marked in plain figures aiid this will afford an excellent opportunity' for those wishing Cloaks td niake their selections. Dori't fail'td corxi1 Don't forget the and see1 thenu Yoti' will certainly be rJleased. 1 dates as the Salesman can' duly terriaim' for two days Priddy AUd Saturday September 27th afa'd 28tli, evenings included. " interspersed' with testations The Missess Pratt and Pike and Charley Pike of Salt. Lake City, Prof; tijund, the pianist,: or I rovo, and a quart CttM from Eureka and local tail en t wi le present, ind insure a eraost enjoy able . We cordially invite one and all toseall and seus:- o - Notice to Creditors. Territory of Utah, uounty of Jtiab. j S3 the hereby by underslue administrator of the estate of Charles P. INor-td- n deceased," to the creditors' of, and all persons having claims apralnst the .said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers,' within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at Salt" Lake City, Utah Territory. 1S95.' Dated at Nephi City, Utah, September 3, A. S. KRni.t,. of the estate ' of Charles Pi' Administrators . .1 ... ' - W.'AVCriJfyanrartorneff' - o n, . ffiven - of the Y. M. I. A. of the Juab Stake will co.i- vene this evening with a lecture y President Joseph F. Slriithl To- - uor- row afternoon Apostle He ier J. G! raut will be preseut and address the co ifer- ence. In the evening there will be a tlhe program of sacred songs and m usic Notice is N ov E 'X'liiLjsi will be Sometbirjg New arid Novel something nevir Bank of Nephi met last Monday. The business transacted that is of rnobt interest to the people, was the resignation of Cashier W. W. Armstrong which was accepted. resignation Was purely volunas coune'Ction with tne Bank his tary, L'he has been entirely satisfactory. Blade regrets Mr. Armstrong's dewhich his parture from Nephias and hQ is a gentleresignation means, man of intelligence and of broad and liberal views; and is a valued citizen in uny community.1 . ' Sdl3ir?caxa.ibile 0ov Blade. en-rou- te -- 15. lExcelsior That the Walter James was a South-boun- d passenger, yesterday, from Salt Lake to his home Rbqk. The Young Ladles' Improvement Association conference of the Juab Stake will convene this afternoon. The Relief Societies held their semiannual conference yesterday. A rush of work and matter prevents us from giving the details. in Juab Many County will receive this copy of The Rlade with the Compliments of the Excelsior Mercantile Company. E. H. Pulver, The Blade's foreman Is in Payson for a few days on business. in the meantime, All. Orme nas a case and will very likely continue with The . . NUMBER The Milford Express loo7;3 ..it her deserted after passing Nephi. During the past week the cityi Fathers have been labdrrng with the revis- - i " NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21, 1895. VOLUME III. J. II. LOtAL INKLINGS. The BLADE The advertisements' in the Country Papers, and as has the Largest Circulation of any i Paper la Central and Southern Utah , It offers the beat possible medium for Advertisements. II |