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Show Lt ' . . "i. "' - j.HI i - - ,t '.. "T VETERANS' THE BLADE. i m j published . NEPHI, Delegate Saturday at Evei--y , THIS DEPARTMENT BELONGS TO THE OLD SOLDIERS. I - UTAH. - THE DIRECTORY. to Congress. . . .Frank J. Cannon. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. ... Caleb W.. West .Lor ... M. feSry. ..M.. .. Some Good " Short Stories of Bivouac and Strife Valorous Deeds Done Upon the Field of ISattle When the Republic Was Threatened. 0. 0. Blchardi. DIED LORINDA this day last year:. And yet once more the sweet flow ers Maw, As if In truth they did not know How all that made . Wm. H. .Kta. Justices..- -. W. Judd. Prosecuting Attorney---- Nat.. M. Brlgham. S Marshal ..Bryon Groo. Rpeistrar Land Offic- e-. . Harris. Office .Frank Land vplver T. B. Lewis. Commissioner of Schools UTAH COMMISSION. .... . . Thatcher. Logan. George . Salt Lake City. a 0 Norrel... their v beauty . Salt Lake City. 2 R iLetcher . . . Lake .Salt dear City, Hoyt Sherman . .. . Salt Lake .City. w. Tatlock With her lies dark down below. JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. , Fred W. Uhappell Prnhate Judge ling down below Otiarles Foofce Hugo Selectmen . A. L. Deprezin Jackman Have they forgotten then, how well T. J. Sulllvtm Sheriff Clorinda loved to; keep in spring Assessor and Collector. . . . ..D. W. Cazler of their blossoming, Calendar Clerk ana uecoruer rom the first primrose of the dell William Burton, Thomas Wfhn i ..-.J- ,f ... j Attorney Surveyor Treasurer Coroner Supt. Schools. Edward Pare Sf.JS-1- 1 Ocfeey .' . . ... ............ .JohnEug&ce FWBe ' MILLARD COUNTY DIBECTOBY. n Joshua Greenwood. Probate Judge ' , Selectmen. . lAndreas Peterson. John Styler. fJames Gardner. I . . C. Holbrook. . .. . Alma Greenwood. Assessor . A. A. Collector Callister. .Thos. O. Hinckley Clerk and Recorder,-- . . . . Jno. M. Hanson. Attorney. . Wlllard Rogers. . . Surveyor. ... .. D. Smith Treasurer. . .Joseph . . SldneyTeeples. . . Coroner.- - ...... .i-.O- ... ........ D. gupt Schools Ck Callister A Bird in tne hand is worth two the bush, especially when that bird jne of Uncle Sam's golden eagles. In is The man who is continually allowing to him of another is remind story bores of American the of; great ne . standing. : , j - ' him. That one night in the blinding snowstorm was the last that they spent toand the memory of it brings a gether, shudder of horror to the veteran even to this day. The pathos of such a story as this may was rose in June help the younger generation to reUntil' the king? alize how heartrending and barbarous Have they forgotten how she'd place war invariably is. Youth's Companion. Great pansies in her garden plot, With curious tulips in a knot. The Other L.ee. And bid the daffodils do grace The visit of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee has In many a shady spot? started a story which he told about himself several years ago, and which Yes, they forgot and thou, O Earth, is a good illustration of the love the An irresponsible mistress art, Confederate soldiers bore toward Gen. That never for a breaKing heart Robert E. Lee. As is well known, Gen. Stills the mad music of thy mirth, Fitzhugh Lee was at the head of the Nor in our tears hast any part. cavalry, and these were mjuch envied by the infantry men, who had to walk "ril Storm Hen If You Plan It." through the mud and dust.) After Gen. Robert E. Lee had surJuly 16,1779, "Mad Anthony" ofWayne arms rendered Gen. Fitzhugh Leei rode away a feat captured Stony Point by from most the able While riding Appomattox. pronounced by judges brilliant in history up to that time. Te through a lane he met an old North position was a bluff or a promontory, Carolina soldier. "Ho, there!" cried Gen. Lee, "where surrounded by water at times and with the mainland by a cause- are you going?" "I've been off on a furlough, and am way across the swamp. The garrison Gold-Crown- ed eon-nect- ed of 600 men should have been able to cope with 3,000 assailants on level, and in such la fortress was all that could be brought against It. Being weak in numbers Washington determined to count on boldness and make the Instead of Campos in Cuba sticking as a forlorn hope. ..He. chose like a hot plaster on the flanks of the Wayne as the boldest of th.e bold to Insurgents, it's they who afe making lead, and when, the hero of Monmouth and the Brandywine heard that he was tiie Spanish fly. , ordered against the strongest fortressj In he declared to his chief,1 How would it do to drop the murder "I'llAmerica, storm hell if you will only plan it!" on the cases and proseciite Holmes The column was formed in two wingsj ehargel of having conducted a World's each preceded by a body of picked men Fair restaurant? carrying l unloaded muskets and fixed bayonets The vanguard of each wing ' 20 men. Under cover of of consisted Graeco-iTurkiMrs. jBarnum gave her new the little army 1,200 was the night husband her heart and hand numbercrossed the morass, reaching but not her fortune. He can only count base of the hill at 11:30 p. m. of the on regular meals, therefore, during the 15th. As the assailants climbed, the good behavior. wings entirely separated and on opposite sides of the ascent, some British took alarm and opened fire. "To sentries leave New should Yorkers Suppose To arms! arms!" sounded in the fort, the question to New Ybrk wives ifew in a and seconds a volley of muswhether they should have Sunday ket balls and swept down the in:losinxi and sober husbands, who cline. Only a grape rush could win the day. iloubts the decision? The troops quickly passed the abatis, which the, advance guard had partly cut "When it comes to the missionary away, and mounted the parapets, bayobusiness," remarked Asbury Peppers, net in hand. Wayne was struck down by a bullet in the head. Believing the "I don'; see that it makes much differewound mortal,, ht cried: "March on! nce whether a fellow runs against the me! into the fort, tor I will die at Carry Vegetarians or cannibals." the head of my men." - Two aids raised him up and carried him inside jut as To think that a woman who once bore the two columns, which had movea up ; the name of Barnum should - be going with remarkable unanimity, met on the to keep house in that very Greek isle parade. Wayne's men had not fired a where Sappho loved and sung! Queer ehot, yet they fought; their way in. One of the advance parties of 20 lost 17 killed world, and full of curiosities. and wounded. Altogether the American loss footed up 15 killed and 83 wounded. The summer girl, who carries her vial of "rose water and carbolic acid" in McFIierson, Brilliant and Bold. her pocket doesn't propose to end the army comJuly 22, S1864, the only leasonl with an assortment of "ml- - mander killed in battle on the Union JrobesMs the "carbonized kiss", com side fell at Bald Hill in front of. Atlanta. That day two corps of Hood's .ng? army made a sortie from the trenches, to turn and destroy McPherson's There must be some, mistake in the aiming near Decatur. In a heroic effort line, Btory of a pretty postmistress who. was to . save his command, an effort hia&ly arrested for opening others' love bettsuccessful, McPherson died as simply ers, f she were pretty she ought to and as obscurely as the commonest solhave been able to get all she wanted of dier who went down that day. While Hardee's Confederates moved silently her own. to confront Mcpherson's right wing . up . . under Blair, Cheatham's corps passed The jbest way to' buy anything on to take up the battle against beyond installment plan is to put your - spare Union; forces, thrown in on Blair's any money by in instalments of a dollar or left. ThatJ morning McPherson had oro a week, until you have enough saved dered Dodge's Sixteenth corps to form up to buy what you want at the lowest on Blair's flank, and at .noon it was on the grounds preparing to deploy price for ;ash. its lines. Suddenly there was an outBlair's Governor Bullock's remark that the burst of musketry away beyond on confusion was, swift There left. Atlanbi. wm ho an entering both sides. The Confederates pushed j .edge.)toward completing the bond of their way through a blinding thicket uaiiy between the north and tne soutn only to run upon Sweeny's division, unwaiting for nothing in j'M worthy of Sir 'Boyle Roche, in, the der arms and hence way of a figure of speech. waiting for a chance particular, fight." 4 Sweeny met the attack, which McPherson; saw was no accidental colThe Chicago nark commissioners lision.7 The latter; again ordered Dodge aave decided that bloomers are not to j place his divisions under Sweeny and j bathing ; suits. In other words, if Fuller, upon Blair's flank. But a swift bloomers are to be laundered they must glance told him that, after Dodge should , be lauiidered in the usual style, and have formed his line to match the enemy confronting him, there would be a liung on a line instead of limbs. Galloping gap between the two corps. directed a brigade sent he to off Blair., A min but at Downer's Groye, Hi., to the gap. Returning after a time down claims to have a bottle containing a the line with two or three aids and an ciysterious mixture which will locate orderly, he rode on along; the unoccu& gold (nine. It has beep found that a pied ground toward the Confederate pobottle-holdthen a brigade of finds his way sition. Just generally: happened to march past, and Booner pr later to the gold cure. eome of them, seeing the blue coats', let fly a volley. McPherson fell from the One thing the $35,000,000 paper trust saddle and was dead when his orderly ill ha re to do when it begins to cut reached him. Bfcines and show its teeth will be to The Open Stockade, feet the newspapers of the United of the civil war btes. In such a fight the paper trust During the last year, who had entered the officer, ?oa't know whether "it Is a foot of a a Virginianarmy and fought at sixteen, Southern , The American in his the all people in campaigns e against "trusts gallantly In a was taken and the paper trust native prisoner state, Mfc the "featlier t0 break the Bkirmishi was to conducted the He h7 " cf all such near General of Meade, monopolies. headquarters ; Court House, and then temCulpeper confined in what was known "s- Joseph Faulkner, of Ogdens-- 1 porarily was an open stockThis a bull-peDg, N. Y., thoughtlessly omitted to' as of split pines, twenty feet uncer her bed before she retired, ade made set upright in the ground. she had closed her eyes in slum i long, than This stockade was notthemore cr, however, she homestead miles from heard an unusual twenty-fiv- e had lived before the over ins where his motheritself tquiuuug Hcnjr had been abanof the bed she "beheld a man's foot war The farm had occupied the doned but the family of the picking) out. She immediately rushed house' skirmish. time the about; cf the house screaming, while Mr. old of his home , The officer thought hastened out through a side win-J- when he but stockade, the entered he taking eash and all. Mrs. p, ia. was not prepared to meet one of his th&t eh a will never be eo a place of confinecareless own family in such t ment. Yet that was his sad fortune. a boy His youngest brother was there, car- been had in delicate health, who long ried away from the old homestead by soldiers for some reasonj and lodged in this open-a- ir prison, with nothing to him from the weather but an protect old shawl which r his mother had wrapped around him. It was a strange meeting for the brothers, who had been separated for a long time. Both were prisoners, one by the fortunes of war, and' the other in consequence of suspicion or of wan. v ton barbarity. The night was bitterly cold, and there was a snowfall. The stockade was was forty feet in diameter, and there overno fire. The officer wrapped his coat around the sick boy, and muffling him in the shawl, held him through the r long night in his arms. When daylight came they were separated. The officer was taken to Washington and put into the Old Capitol Prison, where he remained until the end of the war.- The sick boy was conveyed to Alexandria, where he died in the common jail without a friend near . A8Sockate one telegraphing' V ncli a Tiling i ' Sheriff... flp ' ' CORNEE. at-.te.m- pt m : now going back to join Gen.i Bob Lee," replied the old soldier. "You needn't go back, but! can throw your gun away and return, home, for Lee's surrendered." "Lee's surrendered?" "That's what I said," said Gen. Lee. "It must have been Fitz Lee, then. Bob Lee would never surrender," and the soldier put on a look of contempt and walked on. Louisville Courier-Journa- l. . . sh . This Dog: Was a Militia Veteran. "Military Jack," the pride of Company Fourth Regiment, Illinois National Guards, died in this city of old age, says an Aurora, 111., special. He was bout 15 years old, and had been a member of the company since 1882. "Military Jack" has a reputation in military circles A, . ; ; j -- - ; . i ' i , Ten-nesseea- er itter-back- ." , ns -' ' Mexico,! recently En-senad- ' , - n. re ' , y. MMM m. in all Choice Fresh Meats, where all the evidence secured by the Ensenada court was sent for review. Nothing has been learned of the expected release of Pratt' and Garrett, who are imprisoned with Riveroll, though in their case also the officials have failed to find anything to show guilt. An amusing instance of the misdirected zeal of the Ensenada authorities came to light. Some week3 ago a letter was received at the jail from Mrs. Pratt, directed to her husband. The official court interpreter was sent for and he proceeded to decipher the letter. He got through it Very well with occasional wild guesses, until he. came to the end, and there, in a postscript, he saw the words: "Baby is quite well," This nonplussed him, until he remembered that "well" meant a hole In the ground for providing water. In a second the whole thing flashed through his mind, and he trembled with excitement as he ran to the judge and told him he had captured a letter which gave the whole thing away. "The gold brick is in the well at Pratt's-house,he told the Judge. That official, overjoyed with the news, gave orders that Pratt, Garrett and Riveroll should be placed in solitary confinement, and that visitors should not be allowed to see them under any circumstances. Then a force of soldiers were sent to Pratt's house with orders to pump the well dry and get the brick. The greatest haste was employed and within a few hours the well was pumped dry, and the search began for the bar. Nothing was found, and then the lieutenant in charge of the squad procured shovels and made the soldiers dig at the bottom of the well for three or four hours. But still nothing came to light, and after inspect ing walls and ransacking the bouse the facts were reported to headquar ters. The officials did not know what to make of it. They called for the let ter again and sent for another inter preter. This man happened to understand English, and he soon explained the. situation. He told them that it meant the baby was in good health. The judge discharged the old interpreter on the spot and engaged the new one. He released the prisoners from solitary confinement, and did his utmost to prevent the facts from becoming known. -- " - PARI veal Your patronage solicited.' If PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully you are going to CHICAGO compounded. ! Mail or express orders promptly attened to. Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. SOUTHERN TRADE M'NALLY & LUNT, - NEPHI, i - J KANSAS CITY, SOLICITED. UTAH. ST. OR LOUIS, Be sure and ask for a ticket that result VTA. The First National Bank, UTAH. NEPHI, CAPITAL SURPLUS - 350,000 837,500 ... GENERAL RAILWAY. No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots. In All Its Branches. i Gbo. C. Whitmore, J. H. Ebickson, President. W. W. Armstrong, Cashier. Vice-Preslden- J. 11 ri Pacffl i BANKING And positively the quickest rout V Rroiiri TUtett To the Great Rivers and Atlantit Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly M. 0. OSTLER, modern Equipment, and Manufacturer and Repairer of BOOTS AND SHOES, j . and Bologna. LUNT, DBiGM'S, Muttonj Veal, Chipped Beef f ; All kinds of shoes made to order. Workmanship second to none. First door south of Tabernaole, ' Ghair Gars Reclining In which the seats are free to holders of regular train tickets. ; i NEPHI. MAIN STREET, Call on or address S. V. DARRAH, GENERAL MERCHANDISE COMMERCIAL FREIGHT AND - PASSENGER AIM PRODUCE Room 21 Morlan Block, AT THE DESERET CASH Goods Salt Lake City, STORE at bottom prices for spot cash. -- " Cast Main Street, - - Utah, OR- H. C. TOWNSEND; General Passenger JIIO. DEWSIIUP, filCR. - & Ticket-Agen- t St. Louis, Mb. DE3ERET. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. BROTHERS' GRACE i Lurrtrr i j i i ,! JSJN1D -- Butter, Lard, Sausage Wanteo to Die "Like a Gentleman. As I strolled into Bryant jpark the other afternoon a man rose up off a bench and accosted me with: "Sir! Can you give me one moment of your valuable time?" NEPHI CITY, UTAH, I sat down and told him hp cmilrl to tell his story, and he thirty minutes of a cigar and said: Free delivery to any part of the city. iigntea the stub-en- d "If you lived a hundred miles im thA state if you had come to this town with the intention to climb up if you had determined to win a nia PA for' vnrool R. E. L. COLLIEK, C.E. by honesty and integrity?' f'l understand," I said as he pauawl. "If you had come herp sfr imdov EDgmeering in all its "Branches; those circumstances, but had lost $20 on . the street, and had your pocket picked of several dollars more, and somebody Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty had stolen your clothes, and you had Engiceer for Central Lard and IrrlgatloB failed to strike a job" Clear I Vp Land aDd Irrigation Co., Co., "Yes go on." Fillmore Lot, n d Irrigation Co. end "Wh'H "And you were dead broke broke and .Mountain Lfci . j nd Irrigation Co. ; satisfied that failure stared you in the Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utah. face, and you feli ashamed toW to your friends, would you commithna oui- v ciaev" "I certainly would." THE DESERET DAIRY GO. "Where and how?" "I'd go right down to the foot of the street and take a header vff th. a HAS FOR SALE It's an elegant place to jump from." FULL CREAH CBEEJSE. mow iar is it? v '.'Not over half a mile." "Will you give me street carifarel" DeseTet is noted for the fine quality "No. You can walk it in fifteen minof its Milk, Butter; and Cheese. Give utes. No use paying out Just as you are going to commit sui- o ur products a trial. cide." , in. "You won't give me a nickel?" Dionvr-- OSTLElT&r 0CEEY, j Mill Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . . . . Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Mixed Paints, Coal, Hardware, Coffins, Pickets, Caskets, Combination Wire Fence, etc. Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to thi point. j I - ' BrotLerB, - NEPHI CITY, - UTAH. ' , OSTLER & ALLEN ' : Dealers in and Manufacturers of 1 , L "No, sir." f. v;. SUPl. j "Then I don't commit no snlniriAi rm a gentleman, I am, though I'm down. If I can't ride to my death in a decent way, then I don't go at all. A man anxious to see another gentleman depart this life1 ought to be willing to st. give him a decent send-ofare not what I took you for. When you entered this park I sized you up for a perfect gentlemam I madA a mtcfai I beg your pardon, I am the only gen reet of this bench!" tleman witnm rorty : v.;.Ex.:..'' , o. - 'C:.:-:- V;-- v? : ..a-.- ; THE DESERET I HOUS E. 'i , Heaiiparters' for uniffiS imi. ; . : Boot announcing Bute tiers, CURED ss a, A. V. HAGUE, perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing that Manuel Riveroll, who has been In ItsA branches. Special attention called to ma jail some months charged with the, his new style. Universal feed sewing snoe. tne oi Its worK Inside does all chine theft of a $13,000 gold bar from his office on the night of March 20, would Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL be liberated. Orders have been received to that effect from the City of Mexico, MoNALLT & OSTLER & 00KEY, eye-witne- GEORGE HARDY, A WOMAN'S POSTSCRIPT. Caused a Sensation In a Mexican Community When Freely Translated. A telegram was received from ' . . , equal to the famous express route dog, and is known by nearly every member Of the Second Brigade. In the fall of 1881 Jack came to this city a professional tramp. He was taken in and given a nome Dy the of Company A, who carea ror and boys took as much interest in him as thouerh he was in realitv onfi of their number. He has attended every encampment at Springfield, 111., for the Wholesale and Retail past ten or twelve years. During the railroad trouble at East St. Louis in April, 1886, when Company A was ordered to the front, Jack could not be induced to stay at home, and was among the first to be in readiness for war. He was an and passed the hardships with Company through A at the great Chicago Strike in Julv. BEEF 1894. This trip, however, practically enaea his military career. He was at the height of his glory during the MUTTON progress of a sham battle, and seemed to enjoy the excitement with! as much ALSOenthusiasm as a veteran. ' ' , V . . , A .. To Attract the Bees, C5ty and oounty Newspapers from ill parti If you want the bees to visit your war cfUUh. , , den, and if you know anything of plant Ore from' Detroit col elselife, you are aware that they are a where. specimen necessity, invite them by having plants Ererj thing RE3PECTABLE. which Dear blue Diossoms. Sir John a. BOawing well of Lubbock says they manifest a decided color. for that preference THE PUItEST WATER ON EARTH. .mm. wsj injuues. 'lUKirVftWI IS VtVMJ Wanted to Make Sure. ANTEED OUBX3 for til Mr. Nuwed (on honeymoon tour) My darling, we shall have to get out at once. Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder The two front cars are telescoped and the whole train is on fire. Come dear, Tes&ae&Ulg op Ap ' 1 come, before it is too late. MRS. J. J Prop. Mrs. Nuwed (determinedly) No. deaf. Not until you hav e told me once more DESERET, UTAH. that you love me. Brooklyn Life. ... AID BRIDLES, SAB HARNESS, HOPPLES, NOSE SACKS, ETC. We also carry a full line of " I Horse Furnishing Goods Sheep Men's and Cowboys' Outfits. , WE GUApE: Perfect Satisfaction, mmm bestoded "CUPIDEfJE" This PrPftt.VofroKI Vitalizer.thonroo.rin physician, will qnicMy cure you of all ner tion ot a. famons iYeECh lost VOU3 or diseases of the generative organs, pea Emissions, Nervon8biSty; Bkeminai Insomnia.lains in the to Unfitness Exhansting Marry, Drains, Varicocele aitd Pimples, stops aH loes by day or night. PreventsJ?.0!015: It Constipaaon. if leads which not .It checked tr Hisnharffe. 0 iTh7fhorrors of Impotencr. C v" ui BEFORE amd AFTER the urinary oreansolaU imnnrifioa orgrana.-..weak restores -gmali nirthfinand rrnrnitivi! Slond , Addiess DAYOli MBIICISi COR CX Box78,SanFrancl3CHJ,Cal. FOR SALE BY McNAI, LY & LUNT, DUG jsaiebjf GISTS, NEPHI. T |