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Show r k ' ' J - i t. :"' - i :. .. - You Pa y Your Money and Take Your Choice Republican State. Ticket Democratic State Ticket. Populist State Ticket. Governor, Governor, HENRY W. LAWRENCE. Congressman, Congressman, JAMES HOGGAN. Governor, JOHN T. CAINE. WEBER M. WELLS. Congressman , , B. H. ROBERTS, . ' CLARENCE E. ALLEN. Secretary of State, JAMES T- - HAMMQND, CAPTAIN T. C. BAILEY. MORGAN RICHARDS. A. A. C. BISHOP. Superintendent of Public Instruction, JOHN R. .PARK. Judges of Supreme Court, CHARLES S. ZANE, O. W. BARTCli, JAMES A. MINER, B. l, ble and Single Entry Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, Book-keepin- jj. l, Judges af Supreme Court, SAMUEL R. THURM AN, , . THOMAS MALONEY. RICHARD W. YOUNG, ' r in all Trade-winn- ers lTY WOLLEGE 116 West Sixth Street. ' v Departments.-Com- e and see us. COMMERCIAL CAPITAL Goods,, consisting of j S. WEAVER. IRVIN T. ALVORD. Judges of Supreme Court,' No nominations. ' "j;v"J:-- j- This to a limited number of persons. course will be completed in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas. Address, Superintendent of Public .Instruction, Superintendent of Public Instruction, KARL G. MAESER, at and One Fourth Regular Pric 8 Auditor, O. YOUNG. iAttorney-Gcnera- J. WEBER. - K : Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney-Genera- l, . Rive To advertise otir ColUgre vre will Douin a thorough course of instruction g THOMAS L. JAMES. GUY C. WILSON. Auditor, With a Full and Complete Line of Fall Secretary of jState, ALMA GREENWOOD. . COURSE ', Treasurer, JAMES CH1PMAN. Attorney-Genera- "I Secretary of State, FISHER S. HARRIS. Treasurer, SECURE THIS I - - - TOPEKA, ETA.NSAS. United States Senators, JOSEPH L. RAWLINS, HTDfe&WHITMOEE: THE MOSES THATCHER. tanWGaue the Progress some time since, of import VT ESTER M: gent development, it will become a good ance to of the this county. "The people camp. Nevertheless, from what we know had to publish Blade RAILWAYI of the learned have enough jcourtesy of the formation and so as we could find but far to the McArthur no man D. it, advises out, rs Mnss Allnlno District district, The Blade We refer to a little in Men nve go there, nor do we advise them to stay Progress did not. Rccordr-Twenty-THROUGH y conscien-ciouslNow as to what school matter Sunday away. We cannot, at present, show well. Camp-Ass- ays boom the district. wedon'tknqw. We don't know what went who claim the Progress, outside of.; Fillmore MflHMTAIMC From Capt. Huf?o Depr?zin last nas on the! news of the county. Creek early We TiUU out to Little Salt HOLDER HAPPENINGS. we sedon't know! what moral claim the editor week and returned on Saturday, tne to can have upon the good will of the peo cured some information relative the a did Holden here attending graceful While ple, nor we don't believe in drinking in Friday evening Ch3!ce of Three Distinct Routes, hew district. A. O.i Mr. Capt. of Bates, inspiration from his brain. in honor recent session of the County Court, thing AXD THE of ore from District School Teacher . GEUfiS. Deprezio secured a sample his home 10 who has been the seven MOST UAGH1RCEHT RAILROAD SCENES here for the past years. It might Hnlden Millard Co. fr the new district, took it to follow' f Sept. 14,jl895. Eureka and had it tested With the silver almost be called a banquet, and was IIS WORLD. directhe under Hall cent, Relief in the 50i per spread ing results 4 o'clock tion of President Maria Ashby.. She bad The lbej 120 oz. and ft trace in gold. By his on was of ladles a the assistants young for corps her Capt. the next morning It is learned pretty definitely that Mr. Two Fast Express Trains Daily . 3 K.Toima RorlTfll rT hp I. Eldorado. new seieuteu uy ricamou, 4cv.v. return to the underwood ,yho first brought the Ibex ' EACH V?AX BETWBBH tables were spread tne lull lengin or me , mine into pi0:riinence in connection with The country rock is a coarse and fine zone lies be- hall; they were most gratiiying to oo the Leamington smelter, will again, in conglomerate; the mineral OQDEN, SALT LAKE AND DErWER. dikor walls were xnere and eve meaw, and granite taste, the tween quartzite es about one mila apart' The minerals fish and fowls served in various WAST TO SEE YOff'- uu I COMPETIONi DEFT ' ! Anrmvi J Tf11if GARS1 n CHAIR TTDffQ. lafl GANT RECUNIN6 developas nWn present are found, (as far 'ower tunnel on and into the ore. It is ments indicate in blanket veins ivithout tables and fruits to please all. It was a learned tbatrMessrs. Campbell, Holbrook FreA of Ohnrgo. walls or any definite line of demarcation. grand display of good things to eat and and Mount, jthe present owners, are will minerals,'' said Capt. Cirect Connections made in Union Depots. 'It looks as if thecome happy faces) all blessed by President D. ing ior Mr. underwood to have the fisa on through his left chance of getting back the large amount 'E3 K03T THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY R. Stevens, with his lady up DspFezin, "had sure and then spread out," following hand and A. Y. Stephenson, the Bishop, that was squandered in the mine, and of IN TEE WEST. Jinea of least resistance. Of course that on his right. Near him satMr.Daum, the which Mr. jUnderwood was mercilessly fact S. ii. BABCOCK, . theory awaits demonstration.of The gentleman who just lately arrived from robbed by those whom he trusted so im D. O. DODGE, Traftic Manager. General Mangaer. a kind form precious Air. minerals Bates succeed will and who that the Indiana, The has Blade all contended plicitly.. Gen'l. F.A. Pass. Agent. WADLEIGH, tement that holds the smooth cobble as principal of the Holden school. Next along that ithe Ibex muddle would be nones and pebbles together, and that the to him sat Mr. Bates and wife, the eventually straightened out to the satis itones are identical in value with the rest honored guests of the evening. After the faction of Wd have not been af the country rock, shows at a glanoe feast, all retired to the school house and unmindfuleverybody. of the Inconvenience, loss anJ that the mineral has been deposited in engaged in dancing and speech-makineven distress to which many persons sneof two ways. If Capt. Deprezin's Bishop Stephenson while making honor- were put through the unfortunate col- Jheory of fissure origin is not correct, the able mention of Mr Bate's life and serv- lapse of the) enterprise. Nor have we ices in Holden, also gave some kind and bean unmindful of the presence of the metals can be accounted fact, that the Ibex lor only on the theory of deposition by in- fatherly council to the young people, wis an that for Company incorporation filtration, and no regularity can be hoped reminding them of their duties to parents Mr. UnderWjOOd to have settled all acTIME TABLE NO. 14. tor, as there is but little or no regularity and of tbeir honor to the aged whose counts at th time of the collapse would to conglomerate formations except those faith and toil had wrung from the desert have meant )to continue tne life of the Effective Thursday, August 1st, 1095. lines formed by a cessation and recom- land the bounties of lif&, and who iwith all its entangling allimencement of the activity of those forces built schqols, and set the feet of their corporation South. ances a and with those North that laidthe conglomerate diwn in its pres-sn- t children in the ways of honor, peace and that were Dist. No. 2 robbing him. To escape all No. 1 Dist. bed, and those lines of seperation, Bates may feel proud of his those thing3, the Stations.! from from 'Mr. plenty. corporation necessarily Daily Manti metal bearing sandstones of Silver send off, and Nephi will acquire a citizen Nephi Daily be to had killed. The is end legally 10:10a 10.55a 43.0 1v. Nehpi Ar. Reef, are g ne rally: far apart. There may, In whom are many points of excellence 9.56a 5.0 11.20a 38.0 near coroner and Salt the soon will drawing Springs 9.42a 10.0 however, be exceptions and not apparent on the surface. We all have finished his Work., Then from the 11.50a 33.0 Holloway 9.23a 29.0 Fountain Green 14.0 12.05p blanket Veins be found, as was the case wish him well, and trust that in a new ruins will arise a, Can't be bought, 9.00a 19.5 23.2 en15J.23p and robust Draper strong iiv Coyote Creek, about 153 miles south of and wider 8.40a 23.5 19.5 Moroni But that which breaks tlie least, ve have to Sell, 12.40p he with renewed will, one that will be a blessing- to 12.50p 16.0 sphere 8.25a 27.0 terprise, Chester in was Ask' your storekeeper for' found where 3Tephi, antimony enerzv buiJd additional honor3 to shis Millard county and to Mr. Underwood. 1.23p 8.0 35.0 7.57a Bphraini coni a same of kind, 7.30a 43.0 Ar. Manti hv pretty much the . 1.45p name. The no Blade special authority to glomerate. The antimony was bedded .Le Roy Stevens left yesterday for Logan assert the jhas foregoing, it is done purely on Trains leave Manti for Sterling Funk'a Lake and capped by deposits of blue clay varyowu our and is the essence and Morrison at 2 :20 p. m., will he this where winter. responsibility study of information collected at .various times ing from a few inches to Beveral feet in Next friday the usual missionary dance and places, arid Friday's. Returning arrive at r thickness. There are surprises yet in be held here. will and We further believe Mr. Underwood Manti at 5:25 p. m: picnic store for geologists and no. one can do will Dfrect connections at Nephi with Union pay every doilar 'Uue the employes. Elders Harry Hugrhe3 and Rodney more than speculate on probabilities, that met The Mr. writer hjas and Padiflc Railway from and to Salt Lake Citj-- , Underwood, fields whila we Atodl take no other... , no have. past discoveries for their warrant, Ashby will shortly leave for their claim to being a sec- Ogden, Butte'and intermediate points, and all lay to the first labor' of latter the Europe, Lava ond never more misof that old See that each BALL. BEAliS A tlED TAG. and the terj, prospectors saying pointef 'East and West. if taken In to face intervals the the of States. the ifnderwood Southern Mr. is " where This 1 wipe will operate successfully "silver lies in veins, and gold is Stop on signal. will visit Manti In company with not that of an honest man. Harry d In everybody's binder, in be the find may you TffiEODOEiE BKXfBACS, it,'' in the Mos'i district. Miss Pauline Poulsoa andi enter into But better ia the best, & Pres. Gen'l Managery developments all for sacred May Lake obligations The eternity. Salt City, Geyser. When we gor back In time, and ia imagThe H. S. Kerb, Charley Howard has resigned' his posi ination r watch the operation' of the for- their- path along the' whole line- be & Manti. GiF.& Agent, Supt. tion as Mgr. of ther Qeyser mine, Mer- ces that laid down that enormous mass of I ' Phim.- - cur, and Saea in of fall of late tho is the subject iy conglomerate, Ed.j Stewart, Ibex, now in charge of that valuable property. terest. In-- the first place. t be rock had to Mr. Howard in the interest of H. B. Be formed. Much of 16 ris composed of ' Tubular Steel Cyclone Mowers and Pokes , , Jfoy and othjr Detroit capitalists, is nelime FROA1 HOLDEN AGAINJ VV". quartzite;- some of the pebbles aA. of are from W,6od the Manufactory unexcelled; gotiating foij- the purchase of the Geyser and othe- rocks. After their formation so also are all the lines we represent ia Utah and Idaho'. and other valuable Mereu'r property. they were broken up and then on the Editor Blade:intrudWe tieach of an ocean or the shore of a vast Ambhgst whifeh are found Baia tVagons. ' pardon for 'again' Deere alnd Oliver Plows, Russell Threshing Machific;($ in' just inland sea, those jagged fragments were ing oh" your time and space-buTiger Hake's and Hay Lpaderjs, rolled atout agaiast eacjh other uritil, ice to ourseif, And the people of Holden, ' Columbjus, Lindsay and Fowler BicyC'ies. Address, smoothed by attrition. we have a word to say iri regaFd let the they wer Fillmore Progress ,, Another condition,. that of atrradual LOCAL TIME CARD; The editor of that paper Calls the' statewa3 necessary' in order to ac MACHINE CO, ' In effeet,Dec. f6, 1894. Count for th9 enormous thickness of the ment thai appeared in 7 The Blade from and depart at various stations arrive Train' ' I ami brands the tfed which forms the larger portion of the HoJden "a roasting, oaily as. follows: . North as Stations.' not bound. in Holden of ignorant iiiuntain range ea3fc of Nephif and that people Idaho. Ogdeh and Logan; Utah; Idaho Falia.and MontpeUer. Arr Arr. Leave ' Leaye newsa of the llvides-JuabSalt Lake county As Offices, 8.00 5.45 sphere from knowing General; City,' 8.30 ani 2.00am;.y, OprJen Talley pm pin Sanpete. 9.317 anr 3.10 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.W pm .4.45 pxn fast as the rock fragments were smoothed paper. JLiV f LaKe Ar 7.lf am pm We do pload ignorance ' im sbaie ted- GEO; IV QQELL, General Managsr. "nd roundsdi the mass gradually sank , 7.41 am 4.05pm Sandy...,. . Fairfield . . 2.25 pm . . 9.12 am we some are Kno"w. ad the process of conglomerate forming pects.- TUere tninga 11.05 am '. . . Eureka. . 12.45 pm a Went elowlv on and must have consumed t however. 8.15 amULehi Junt.. 30 pat ' 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 3.20 pm we know: In The first the that' placed Four of Mile lijUlibns years.- Taking the Will oon be niovifig their" '8.32 am Pleas't Grove pnt fittal veins as a guide, tha bulk of the Blade wa3 the papeir of this o'onnty be8.55am". ;..Provo.... 2.50pm ' tor Fiocks theWinter range 9.14 am Spanish Fork 2.32 pm conglomerate was laid down during the fore the Progress was thought of, and am ... Payson... 2.17 pm iv w believe it no has a much larger 'circular tlie' Western' pftrf of1 10.35 am At 14J5pm u'pper Silurian ' and Devonian ages. Nephi;...Lvl2.45 pm the clcse of the latter age; there ' was a tion in most of tha town3 of Millard. U.lSamxVrj Millak County. ; JuaD 12.30 11.35 am Lv" ': pm fAr down-" of ia the 'rest The has for editor Blabs comparative period 1.05 pm Le am lington 10)5 aiit," a' reputation 3.05 pm ....Oasis....; vfrarti movement of th5 Jttth,3 crust, and morality and veracity, and his papers WALTER JAMES, of Black Roek. am Good. Sample Rooms for Com'mercialTraf 37 am5 4.50 pm" Clear! Lake to be "carbonifafdda strata laid have been eagerly sought because of their, permitted Mil7.10 am Arj Lv r pm HacfeMe'ets all Has just' Laid in a Large"5 i 7.50 am Lv ford y Ar 5.15 pm Trains, Free to Patrol ;jrivh as also bed. of cai forming vegete--tioai- - high moral tone. to arid am 9.40 from ik Frisco".7, i. the LEADING ' station. HOTEL pm of the NEPHJ Then another period of subsidence The Progress (not reflecting on the SuppI of GENERAL, Leave Arrive ctdurred 'and5 conglomerate' wa3 again share owners) was born in sin and has Trains souH of Juab run daily fiiCBPT Suii MERCHANDISE And1 PATS. ?4rmed as is proved by its position along been cradled in iniquity.- Its first II. G OLDSBROTJGfi ",. A Hack Meets All Trains; ,T wo through trains daily from Salt editor's character is well' known-- ' and : the apex of the mountain.' tiake to to all East. Free Patrons. II points ' Proprietor. Its ' present Two Sample Booms. Through Pullman Palace. Sle'epef s from Salt CaptI Deprezin secured fouT claicis. A need not be mentioned. Lake to Chicago vnthout change Nearest to Business Centre; distrlctWas organised, with1 D. McA- editor seem"3 to be "making a name' ' . Improved Tourist Sleepers. ' be at resorts"' hereafter will In certain and ; Salt Lake City rthur as recordsr, Free Reclining Chair cars. ' MRS. C. R. FOOTE. L TCD of honor X in S5 These-factdistrict 5 day coaches. dlninV 'a'" Moss Elegant y )Cp (Vand hangs" as tale.' thereby the kiown service. car oneratiMw The line onlv ' vrere the . ' first to have something to do with'- our Proprietor." The Shortest aEd fastest linej to aU points. Ihe Mos brothers who THDRMa-For cast. WEDGWOOl?,"' the Season." to About The in Blade the Coming camp. writing attract interest toward explanation of E. ' Nephi. D.'WICKINS, Ageht; in the e ' men are in the camp.: leed Holden,- but Pelt3 courj proceedings twenty-fivHot;:and-ColE. Bwrjey, Gen'l Agt Passgr. Dept., wilij be Bought and Meals D:City ?6r animals is very scarce and the point our rnain reasons were first; The stateAttorneys i at Ticket Oflice, 261 Main- at., Salt Lake. 13i;L. Loraax. Gen'i Passgr.' and Ticket Agt. ' of supplies is Leva d ' some 'eight or ten ment first appearing in the Progress as" iJsuaL Furnished, . .Er Dickinsoni Gen'l Mngr;, Omaha "one-side- d J trial" came out ' isiiles distant. S. II. H.Clark, Prospectors gbinsr in about that 4 ForW. ,' Oliver we Mink, could I! Kiust be prepared to encounter a rough as editorial matter, otherwise E. EUery Anderson, "" ' the ' 'roasted' have not second. editor; Ilrat National Bank BvulamgJohn. W. Doane, Suntry. Biac We sent Ffecrlck ittto m a tter to T he BLiM&E-a n d i SCORE ANOTHER FOR JUAB. THE Hew Goods Arriving Daily. Prices Lower than Cooper n..;nf v .WE OTE VJUIW ver. . San Pete Valley "i g. 4 , well-define- - . . ..9. 5 un-Sket- SiapeiinterLcientv Railway he d " r - . -- l ' Monday's,-.Wednesday'- MMOUTH Sisa Binding Twin Sheaf of Wheat Brand s j " we-wer- . . e i - over-turne- , , . - - , ; m MINNIE BINDER '- - - " . - 5 - : ask-you- r . t : - , sub-sideac- ei ; : &, CO-OPElHTIM- llGOil - St i Souta-bound- I . - - k - ; , ioui 3 - , . t : - ; 2 ! I - ; ; 5 -- J i- . 1 - 5-- 35 ' 0 - i ' - Biieep Men's- - - - - - - ; , s - .. i - d ! . - ' ' WALTER JAMES a-- 1 -- La." , -- M - .' |