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Show x X X :(. - V- . , 'Oh, I have one or two ittle plans. I'll have some: news "for th;6 boy. Why, 00 a storyA 3S vcv... ft - ; hang it, Walker man. I may be a bit stiff in the joints, but you'll be my witness that I can do iy twelve miles under the three hours?- What then? My eyes are as good' as ever except just for cry the newspaper. My head is clear. I'm but. I'm as good a man as ever I was too good a man to lie up for another ten 'years. I'd be the better for a smack of the salt water 5 -V again, and a whiff of the breeze. Tut, mother, it's not a four years' cruise this1 time. I'HTb'e back every month or two. It's no more than if I went for a visit in the country." He was talking ts boisterously, and heaping his and sextants back into His chest. What; turn can take? I have "And you really think, my dear no means of raising they the money." of hoisting friend, your pennant "Let us have a few days." again?" "Oh, we should have that in the or"My pennant, Walker? No, no. Her dinary course of business The legal majesty, God bless her, has too many formalities would take them some littmen toineed an old hulk like me. le- time. But I must go, Clara, I must young I be should plain Mr. Hay Denver of not seem to shirk. My place now must the service. I daresay that I merchant be at my offices." find some owner who would give might "Yes, dear, you are right.. God bless a chance as second or third officer. JblTERNATWNAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. you and guard you! I shall be here in me will be strange to me to feel the rails CHAPTER XL (Coxtinued h The Wilderness, but all day I shall be It ' of the bridge- under my fingers once "What an honest man should do. I by your office, table at Throgmorton more." street in spirit, and if ever you ishould will write to all our clients and credit"Tut! tut! this will never do, this will matwhole the assemble be them, sad you will hear my little whisper never lay ors, do, admiral!" The doctor sat ter beforethem, read them the letter in your ear, and know that there is one down by Mrs. Hay Denver and patted and put myself absolutely in their client whom you will never be able to her hand token of friendly sympathy. hands." get rid of never as long as we both "We mustIn wait until your son has it to "That's it, boy yardarm yardarm live, dear." out all these with people, and then we and have it over." shall know on what Js done, and his He damage at once," "I must go put CHAPTER XII. how best to set it right. It will be time and his hat. "But I have ten enough then to begin to muster our reminutes yet before I can catch the FRIENDS IN NEED. sources to meet it." train. There is one littl thing which "Our resources!" The admiral OW, PAPA". SAID I must do before I start." the "There's pension. I'm Clara that morn- laughed. He had caught sight through the long resources our won't a that of Walker, ing, wrinkling her afraid, glass folding door of the gleam need much the a in straw brows and putting hat mustering." white blouse and "Oh, come, there are some which you toher finger-tip- s Clara used often to tennis ground. of. For exammeet him chere of a morning to say a gether with the air may not have I thought have always intended of an experienced ple, admiral, few words before he hurried away into should have five thousand that my girl of the city. He walked out now with the person business, from me Of course, when she married. taka man a of who to want firm has "I have step quick, is trouble her trouble, and talk to you about your boy's en a momentous resolution, but his face the be cannot money spent better than was haggard and his lips pale. money matters." In to set it came as toward helping she right. She has a lit"Yes, my dear." "Clara," said he, own of tle sorwhich her she wished to conam "I of He laid down his him with words greeting, I but to a and tribute, to news ill looked thought it best to work you, but things paper question. ry bring this it Will me way. you take the check, and in tell how and the have gone wrong "Kindly city, again, papa, I think I ought to release you from your much money I have in my very own Mrs. Denver, and I think it would be right. You have often told me before, best if you said nothing asto Harold about engagement." the occasion it, and just used it Clara stared at him with her great but I always forget figures." 6erved?" be"You have two hundred and fifty questioning dark eyes, and her face "God bless you, Walker, you are a came as .pale as his. pounds a year, under your aunt's will." true friend. I won't forget this, Walk"And can "How Ida?" the city affect you and me, er." The admiral sat down on his sea one "Ida has Harold?" hundred and fifty." chest and mopped his brow with his red can live I I well "It is dishonor. I cannot ask you to think "Now, very t on fifty pounds a year, papa. I am not handkerchief. share it." to me is "What whether you have it "Dishonor! The loss of some miservery extravagant, and I could make my it now or then? It may be more useful own dresses if I had able gold and silver coins!" now. There's only one stipulation. If "Oh, Clara, if it were only that! We "Very likely, dear." litcould be far happier, together in a "In that case I have two hundred a things should come to the worst, and if the business should prove so bad that tle cottage in the country than with all year which I could do without." the riches of the city. Poverty could "If It were necessary." nothing can set it right, then hold back not cut me to the heart, as I have been "But it is necessary. Oh, do help me, this check, for there is no use in pourcut this morning. Why, it is but twenty like a good, dear, kind papa, in this ing water into a broken basin, and if minutes since I had the letter, Clara, matter, for my whole heart is set upon the lad should fall, he will want someand it seems to me to be some old, old it. Harold is in sore need of money, thing to pick himself up again with." "He shall not fall, Walker, and you thing which happened far away in my and through no fault of his own." With not have occasion to be ashamed shall some a woman's tact and eloquence, she told horrid black cloud past life, which shut out all the freshness and the whole story. "Put yourself in my of the family into which your daughter the peace from it." place, papa. What is the money to me? is about to marry. I have my own plan. "But what is it, then? What do you I never think of It from year's end to But we shall hold your money, my it will strengthen us to feel fear worse than poverty?" year's end. But now I know how pre- friend, and is there." "To have debts that I cannot meet. cious It Is. I could not have thought that it To be hammered down upon 'change that rnoney could be so valuable. See "Well, that is all right," said Docand declared a bankrupt. To know that What I can do with It. It may help to tor Walker rising. "And if a little more should be needed, we must not let him others have a just claim - on me and save him. I must have it by to feel that I dare nofc meec their eyes. to as me do go wrong for the want of a thousand what advise Oh, do, Is not that worse than poverty?" I should do, and how I should get the or two. And now, admiral, I'm off for "Yes, Harold, a thousand fold worse! money." my morning walk. Won't you come But all this may be got over. Is there The doctor smiled at her eagerness. too?" "No, I am going into town." "You are as anxious to get rid of money nothing more?" I hope to have betas others are to gain it," said he. "In "Well, good-by"My partner has fled and left me renews ter will come right. and all that sponsible for heavy debts, and In such another case I might think It rash, but a position that I may be required by I believe In your Harold, and I can see Good-by- e, Mrs. Denver. I feel as if the the law to produce some at least of that he has had villainous treatment. boy were my own, and I shall not be this missing money. It has been confYou will let me deal with the matter." easy until all is right with him." ided to me to invest, and he has em"You, papa?" (TO be continued.) bezzled it. I, as his partner, am liable "It can be done best between men. for it. I tiave brought misery on all Your capital, Clara, is some five thouwhom I love my father, my mother. sand pounds, but it is out on a mortLightning's Power. "But you at least shall not be under the gage and you could not call It in." Professor Hoppe reports In the shadow. Tou are free, Clara. There "Oh, dear! oh, dear!" "Archiv fur Post und Telegraphie" a Is no tie between us.""But we can still manage. I have new example of the mechanical power "It .takes two to make, suchr a tie, as much at my bank. I will advance it a storm a of In discharge. lightning Harold," safd she, smiling and putting to the Delivers as coming from ycu, and In at Hartz the that 3ier hand inside his arm. "It takes two or Klausthal, the interest raged you can repay it to me, to make it, dear, and also two to break of It, when your money becomes due." mountains, a bolt entering a house it. Is that the way they do business "Oh, that is beautiful! How sweet struck a wooden post on whose top two in the city, sir, that a man can always and kind of you!" of an inch, in metallic nails one-sixone obstacle: I do not diameter were melted. No forge could his own sweet will tear up his enis there "But ' . think that you would ever induce Har- have effected this; to bring it about, an gagement?" "You hold me to it, Clara?" old to take this money." current of 200 amperes intens. "No creditor so remorseless as I, Clara's face fell. "Don't you think electric and 20,000 volts tension must have ity Harold. Never, never, shall 'you get so, really ?" . the nails. Supposing Irom that bond." throuigh passed "I am! sure that he would not." of to "But I am ruined. My whole life Is do? the the lightning lasted What action that "Then what are you ' ar. to "blasted." are matters a second, the dynamic power thus dehorrid things money "And so you wish to ruin me, and range!"! V veloped was equal to 5,000 horse power, "blast my life also. No, indeed, sir, you shall see his father. We can man- but if, as is more brobable, the dis"I shall not get away so lightly. But age it all between us." of a seclasted only one-tenseriously now, Harold, you would htirt do, do, papa! And you will do charge "On, ond, we get a rate of work' that does not me if it were not so absurd. Do you it soon?" short of 0,000 horge power. fall think a woman's love Is like this sun"There is no time like the present. I shade which I carry in my hand, a thing will go! in at onceV'. He scribbled a only fitted for the sunshine, and of no put on A New Bronze. cheque, put it in ah envelope, use when the winds blow and the cloud3 In strolled his "broad straw hat,' and Lemon juice appliedto cast iron artir to pay his morning cles gather?" through! the" garden gives an excellent finish to the ' "I would not 4rag you down, Clara." call. lv V.. of thp metal. It turns the porsurface "Should I not' be dragged down Inwhich met his a waa sight singular It of deed if I left your side at such a time? polished cast iron to which It of tion as he entered the sitting-rooeyes Is It only now that I. can be of use to the admiral. A great sea chest stood is applied toja bronze black, and when you, help you, sustain you. You have open In the center, and all round upon touched overj with shellac varnish will Always been so strone. so above me. the carpet were little piles of jerseys, absorb a sufficient amount of varnish Tou are strong still, but then two will. s, books, sextant boxes, instruto preserve jt. To many lemon juice be stronger. Besides, sir, you have no ments and sea boots. The old seaman would seem to be a weak and ineffectidea what a woman of business I am. sat turnamidst this, lumber, gravely .acid for metal, but every one Papa says so, and he knows." v and examining it Intently, ive it goyer, ing how quickly a knife blade of knows Harold tried to but his heart while "his wife, with the tears running was too full. He speak, blacken when used to cut a will steel could only press the down her ruddy cheeks, sat upwhite hand which curled round; his quietly on the sofa, her elbows upon her knees lemon, and the darkening of polished sleeve. She Walked up and down by his rocking iron by the acid Is very beautiful. I and her- chin upon ,her hands, f&rward. side, prattling merrily, and sending litand backward herself slowly tle gleams, of cheeriness the through "HulloV. doctor," said the admiral, Dies oni a Bed of Diamonds, floom which girt him in. To listen to foul "there's f but his hand, holding ner he might have Carrie Pomeroy was found dead in a it was Ida, .weather set in upon us, as vy'ou may hovel and not her staid thought in New York. Detectives found and demure sister, have heard, but I have ridden but many, who was and please God, we over $2,500 .worth of diamonds and fine chatting to him. will soon be cleared up," she said. a worse squall, of us weather this one Jewelry concealed in the pile of rags ('1t shall all three ; 'and then we shall feel quite dull.; Of more which servedjtor a. bed. The room was a are little us of two also, though course all business men have these litwere." we filled with rare theatrical wardrobes. than, tle ups and downs. of cranky dear I to tell suppose came in I Why, friends, She was known in western aU the men "My you meet upon 'change, you we sympathize with you camps as Carrie Lipsis, and mining how deeply is not there Is not one who has not some such all. My girl has ,only Just told me to to story known hae any relatives.' tell. K' everything was always mooth, you know, then of course every about It," come so suddenly upon us, one would "It has turn stockbroker, and you doctor,"; Mary Ellei Wears Fine Clothes. sobbed Mrs. Hay Denver. "I would have to hold in g the for your meetings to wom"Who Is that myself yae Park. How much is It that you thoughts had John that knows Heaven bur to?" lives of asked an an Atchirest spdke you just teed?" seen very much of each son woman. When informed that the not we have ."More than I can ever get. Not lass other but now he talks of goinr to woman was JIrs. Lease she' was much 7;? rteen thousand pounds." an& raved T'lara's face fell as she heard the sea again." considerably about the only surprised, that's Walker, aye, do"Aye, bonnet and fashionable What do her lovely you propose inj"nt' I was thrown up in the way out of it. aback. Mrs. has always dressed pease I give you my gown. 6ha11 So to the j now, and I shall wind with I air combut somehow. city more people well, expect to see aU our creditors to meet me td-- I word that lost my bearings f vf a of woman a I since appearance. ever strapped ridiculous sorrow. X shall read them Pearson's pletely than You see, 'belt. to dirk my and ' "Jr I I put myself into their hands." middy'sI know something of shipwreck friend t ..f1 they, what will they do?" Need Something Stimulating. can they do? Tney w111 serve or battle or whatever may comeupon "Mariar, I want ter tell yer one thing shoals in, the city of the f but or the waters, their will and firm the h";s money, i which my poor, boy has I kin never imarry a girl wot chews declared London upon ; bankrupt." gum." struck are clear beyond me. Pearson the hieeting will be Vr now.l thereand "Well, why don't you give up yer pilot.; say. will you take my advice?" had been my a takI've cigaroots?" Is it, Clara?" know him to be rogue. JutI see my horrid Jfhat ' "With us men It's different; we needs To ask them now, a en bearings fsw days of for my a stimulant." knows what new turn mat-- r course right before me."T may take?" "What then, admiral - three-and-sixt- y, T 1 Kl WOMAN- sea-boo- . 3 - top-co- eeive ami with., aper. trtha a the ?eavu . ' S3 AtV i at liar i. i -- -- to-morr- -- e. , 3 - Of! th . ie tries . : th . or s ; . m ley ; oil-skin- t no. I - i ' , i . stylish-appearin- ; j ! i . I 1 ' ' J w, : de-W- ho NOT ALL KILLED BY SHOT. Splinters Were More Destructive Than' Missiles in the Eafem War. The recent war between Japan and China has taught the officers of the American navy at least one new thing in the construction of vessels. There will be scarcely any woodwork in the Oregon, that is rapidly nearing completion at the Union Iron works. This is due to the fact that there were more people killed and injured' In the naval battles in the orient by flying wooden splinters than by the bullets or exploding shells. Most of the cruisers and battle ships that took part in the war were constructed with steel hulls, and all of them were ijiore or less protected with heavy armor, plates, The interior fittings and furnishings of the quarters and the deck coverings, however, were of wood, When a shot pierced the hull of a vessel and tore through the wood in the interior of the ship splinters were sent flying in all directions. In most cases the shot passed through the vessel without injuring any of the crew, but the shower of wooden splinters filled the sick bay and kept the sailmaker sewing up the dead in canvas sacks' for burial. On the battleship Oregon practically no wood will be. used. All the bulkheads and partitions dividing the rooms in the officers' quarters are to be ' Highest of all ihiLeaveninglrowec. Latest U.S. Gov't Report . , j of iron. No wood will be used on the' decks, but instead linoleum will be cemented to the iron deck to prevent slipping. All the doors will be of iron, and all those leading to the decks will be made watertight. What Makes a Man Do This? What makes a man of 30 or 40 take a sailboat when he can't sail it, put in his friends or family for ballast, and go right out to capsizing and tragedy? You can't answer that any more than you can explain how such a fool has made out to survive to his present age. Why didn't he reach his deserved fate long before? No one can say. Enough that it does overtake him and he gets from ten lines to a column in the paper, according to how big a fool he was. At the shore we see sailboats run away out into the sound, until they can hardly be seen, and when the clouds come up and it begins to thunder the venturesome amateur who is away out there is the last to start for shelter. He doesn't know enough to know his danger. So it goes each summer, and each sujmmer has its long string of drowning tragedies for a part of its history. But, as we said before, no one summer does it up completely, so as to give civilization a fresh chance. A lot of people are drowned for their folly this year who lived through last year, which was just as good a year for drowning, and a lot will live through this year and go out and drown in 1896 as readily as if they were led. Ex. . ' 0 Q These Are Not New WomenJ How grand that statue standing, there. with torch aloft in freedom's air, ' Whose woman's lines, in shapeliness,-Thebeaxity of our laws confess, As from her throne of granite to us sweet liberty; But not to tis alone; a all people everywhere; And we, admiring, lift our hands To her. the coddess of all lands But how would she look In tijousers? Cha.ste Dian, like a wheeling- star, Above the madding crowd, afar, Swings regnant In her radiant arc, A thing of beauty, and a mark at. Poising there, For art to aim The genius of the upper air, She stands tiptoe, a beauteous sight, For earth to eraze at. dav and nieht-But how would' she look In.troueers? Upon that: wondrous dome of steel, Which all the roads to Rome reveal At Washington, a goddess stands The proudest In a thousand lands, And with a firm, unchanging-gazKeeps watch and ward upon the ways-vvnerem tne nation sne reels The danger that eachwalks; law conceals, And waits, enamored, for the fight That dares maintain the DeoDle's rightinstrrcmsers? But how would: In gilded, glorious Paris, there Js found a woman's figure fair; A poet's dream In marble-whitThe passage of ah flight In. oold, hard stone;angel's a Venus mold Eternity cannot make old; she Armless, but armed by Has conquered Art and beauty, Poesy; Unwrinkled by the passing years. Untouched by joy, unstained by tears nair ciaa, she stands, the only one, jh. passion ana a oenison But how would' she look in trousers . - at him. "Hanson's Corn Salve." Warranted to. our Kaglc or refunded. AsIc fling' she-Proclaim- s share-Await- - ; . e - she-loo- . New Yor Sun. Here are the names of the abominable trio that compose it, hated and abhorred by man and woman bilousness and constipation. What Is the moist successful way to attacfc and squelch these united monsters?- Take Hostetters Sjtomach stakjes and Bitters, and they will nnknown. make tracks for narts pull up leavine no trace behind. also exterminates rheumatic and kidney trouble and malaria, nervous ailment. klndw-dyspepsi- a, The-Bitter- A s Sharp JL.'-wver- . A" gentleman once asked a lawyer what he would do provided he had loaned la man $500 and the man had left the couutrtr without sending any acknowledgments. write jhlm to 'Why, that's simple; send an .acknowledgment just you of the $5,000 statlent him, and he will doubtless reply it was only $500. That will suffice for ing a receipt and you can proceed against him if necessary." Harper's Round Table, A CENT A MILE TO ALBUQUER QUE. For Territorial Etir and Irrlgatlojn . j money druggist for it. Price . j V A printer being asked if he- - was- yoaf hewas a a setter. I.t the Baby is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and remedy, Mrs. WdtsloWs Soothing Stpp for Children Teethingeaid:, no,., West-point- er - weU-tried - A stag party would be twice if a few dears were invited. as' en joyabl The reviving: powers of Parker1 Gin ger Tonic render it in every home. Stoma eh troubles, indispensable colds and every form- ot distress yield to it. i ...... The military makea: his escap' In an unguarded prisoner moment. Get liiodercofn mil Use it ; to realize the comfort of without at druggist It takes them out perfectly. 15c.being A fewallow not make a summer, but a spring, v a frog makes may PITS All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Jverve Kestorer. NoFiCsaftertbeiirstday'suse. S2 free ta Marvelous cures. . it yon want corns. fit cases Con- - He I am very unfortunate; it seems can I please nobody. She Come, cheer up; I have no one to admire me, either. He :Tell you what let's found a society for mutual admiration; I, for Instance, admire your beautiful eyes; and what do you admire in me? She Your good taste. Brooklyn Life. NEWSY MORSELS. Emily Soldene has been appearing with success in "La Fille de Mme. Angot" at Sydney, Australia. The latest information from the moon is that 132,856 craters have been counted on its surf ace, al: uead. Oregon has just passed a law against fishing in the Columbia river on Sunday. It is Intended to give the salmon a rest. . There is a warm controversy in Utah over the right of women to vote in that territory next November, when the constitution wili be presented for ratification. After an existence of twenty-tw- o years, the English Palaeographical soKNOWLEDGE ciety has come to an end. During its existence it published 550 fac similies Brings comfort and improvement and of manuscripts and Inscriptions. to personal enjoyment when tends The butchers of Bridgeport, Conn., rightly used. The many, who live bethave decided to revive an old custom ter than Others and enjoy life more, with among members of their trade. They xess expenditure, by more promptly wilt, this year, hold a barbecue .,and adapting the world's best products to roast a lot of oxen and sheep. the needs of physical being, will attest A thief In New 'York set himself to the value to health of; the pure liquid chase and catch a thief. He. succeeded laxative principles embraced in the and made off with the booty, while the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting victimized pilferer, of the first part was in the form most acceptable and pleasarrested and locked up. to the taste, the refreshing and! trujly ant On the! day of the feast of St. Theobeneficial properties of a perfect laxdore, observed annually at Helmagen, ative ; effectually cleansing the system, Roumania, all the young married wo- dispelling colds, headaches and fevers men go about the town kissing the men ana constipatiob. permanently curing and offering them a, drink of wine. has given satisfaction to millions and It Japanese postmen whose routes carry met with the approval of the medical s, them into the country use bicycles. profession, because it acts on the Liver and Bowels without weakTheir wheels are made by local manuappropriated Im- ening them and it 13 perfectly free from facturers, who have, ' British and every objectionable substance. both provements from Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drugAmerican patents. a In the Danish budget curious tax gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is! manby the California Fig Syrup entitled the "rank tax" is calculated to ufactured Co. whose name is printed on every only, produce J3,261. Social rank is highly ' also the, name, Syrup of Figs, package, prized In Denmark, and everybne of any and well informed, you will not being consideration has his clearly defined po- accept cr.v substitute if offered, sition in 'the social hierarchy. A valuable Greek inscription has reSURE CURE FQR cently been added to the Louvre. It Piles known by moisture hko perspiration, can?e Itching the neighborhood ot intense iteiunfrvrhtm comes from warm. This torm and Blind, at once to Potraiag Djerach, in Syria, and contains portionf PILE REMEDY, DR. e of an ancient law concerning the which acts directly on parts affwtad, abwbs tmnortji permanent fer itnhine, effecVng fir of vineyards and their pn tectlon against thieves. , i fcend tal)r.Kline,931. Arch jSt.,J?hila.Pa. . The language of a deaf mute is a thlnj. v without saying. that goes We have several excellent newspapers foi sale at reasonable prices. Western. News paper Union, Denver, Colorado.:. The counterfeiter is always on the side w free coinage. 1 ; , When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Bufialo' N. Y., published the first edition of his work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, lie announced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.50 pex copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor, and money expended in producing it, he would distribute the next half million free. As this number of copies has already been sold, ho is now distributing, absolutely free, 500,00c most com copies of this plete, mterest-uabl- e COUPON ing and val sense med common No.lll oublished icalwork ever the recipient only being required to mail to him, at the above address, this little (21) cents in one-cecoupon with twenty-on- e to for stamps pay postage and pack book be sent by mail. and will the ing only, It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than 300 illustrations. The Fret Edition is precisely the same as those sold at 11.50 except oniy mat me dooks aro bound in strong manilla paper covers instead of cloth. Send now before all are nt They are going off rapidly. given away. Denver Directory. ?sN t'ZL ? HARNESS The best $30 dou- - . ble Concord Har- UC99 111 uviuiauu for $18. With $20. breeching, $25 double team harness with $16. $23 breeching steel horn stock saddle for $15. $11 single buggy harness for $8.50. Do not be deceived by worthless imitations but orde direct, from us and get the towest wholesals prices. Catalogue free. All goods stamped. FRED MUELLER, 1413 Larimer Street, Denver, Colorado. Goods sent for examination. SKS TEIIT & AWI1IHG Leather and Shoe Findings. Manufacturers 6t Boot aidShot- TJppf tt. Illustrated 1 The lunn ft Blaes leather Co. 1748 ataiogneFree. Lawrence St. - of MINING, PRINTING MACHINIST Kepairs etc Pipe threading and cutting. Ireight elevators. Nock A Garside, 1415-1- 7 18th st. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. C. .i.NOS, Mack Block, ltith and California. AMERICAN HOUSE DS; Denver's old Keliabie Hotel T HAIR RENEWER Positively TTTT? X l.lliUA. kj grows hair tn bald heads and cures scalp diseases. Dr. J. H. Phelps, Denver. & Co. J. For sale by J. file thru an and Buerger Bros. 4 PC' LIVE STOCK COMMISSION, C.L.AY ROBINSON CO, & Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Consign your sloe k to Ihem. ou can rely on. the highest market Markets furnished by wire or Let n s hear from you. letter free. price. POTATO CENTAL SACKS Grain and Seamless Sacks. We are headquarters for Sacks. Write for prices. LA. Watiin-- Mflse. Co., 1527 Wazse St. i DENVER. COLORADO. E. E. BURLINGAME'S ASSAY ' Ana ClietuicafOFFICE Laboratory. iEstab.isheU 1S66. JEWELERS PHOTOGRAPHERS, send your sweeps and waste containing gold and silver for treatment. Prompt return and highest cash price paid for gold and sil-. ver bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Law-rence Street. Denver. Colorado. AND EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW "VVe use nothing but pur soap and water ; gives a finer finish, more pliable, holds to shape better and Stays Clean Much Longer when we wash them, wnat I the fellow? Oh! No! His shirts, cuffs and collars. send us $5.00 Young Fellows, club together; and we pay express worth of laundry at one time charges both ways., if within 1,009 miles, and charge you only Denver prices. Agents wanted in all outside towns. Write for price lists and particulars. Queen City Laundry, 1248-5- 0 Curtis St to look nice and clean. THE DAViS Safety Brake Horse Hoister . Kid-'nev- i ; f PlfiS Bleed-fekg- Piles-yiel- O'S main-tenanc- : trial bottle Treatise anil GREAT BOOK FREE. A Syndicate of Monsters. HALL'S CATARRH CURE is a liquid and Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Write for testimonials, free. Manufactured by i F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. The author of "Five Years with a! Congo Cannibal," must have given the poor heathen a terrible case of indigestion, We Wnt to Kuf. State, County, City and School district BONDS, and WARRANTS. Correspondence MORRIS & WHITEHEAD. solicited. Cooper Building.Com.Denver, Colorado. Branch: Chamber of BJdg, Portland, Or A "pull" Is a good thing to have In New York, except In the case of a razor. A Mutual Service. Men of strength have always- beea ofi jeers from feebler men. Gothe subjectgreat liath didn't escape even David had hi . The Irrigation Congress (in session September 16 to 18) will ably discuss the various questions connected with artificially The Territorial Fair (held watering the17 soil. to 21) will be an object, lesson September of the practical results of irrigation j You can hear some, of the brightest speakcan ers in the country at the Congress; tou see horse races, bicycle races and other attractions at the Fair. The chance of a lifeVentilate at Night. time for knowledge and fun, recreation and combined. Though contrary to the usual prac- business Route will place tickets on sale Fe Santa tice, night air will ventilate a cellar September 15 to 19 inclusive, wlth fiijial of September 30 returning. more thoroughly and cause less humid- limit see nearest Santa Fe ticket, For or write to J. P. Hall, General Agent ity than the hot air of midday. Open agent, particulars the cellar windows at sunset and "Santa Fe Route," Denver, Colorado. When the pastor likened a certain Methleave them open until 6 in the morning, to a bee hive, there church on and the air will be cooler and drier odist was a loud hum Sunday from the pews. than If the cellar Is closed at night Plso's Cure is the medicine to bi(eak up and open during the day. The screens children's Coughs and Colds. Mrs. M. G. or gratings should be so arranged that Blunt, Sprague, Wash., March 8, 1894. the windows can be opened and closed The high price of ice provokes so many you will nnd an Ice wag-o- n joKes nearly without moving them. New York every that paper. Post. Evening ri' or of iron and holster is built entirely This anr ii nrovlrled with a patent A r;rrrv MA'frG S.FKTY BRAKE holding the load at any lmji l. auu Not Posse sed by any other norm Hoist j. Feature AAwi.-iv v u i v uiau iu live sizes ut?&r j. No. 1, with one horse an4 pacity of machine single line, 800 pounds. 75 feet per minuta BESS FOB CATk7;oStfB. ' 4 Tic F. II. Dayis Iran WorteCo., Dc.ns ; |