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Show . THE BLADE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES : Per year. (Payable in advance). 12.00 j J. F. liberty portions. The plea for personalreform. of the in path has stood right have no governments that is It urged right to prevent a man from drinking himself to death. Perhaps not, but the law has an undoubted right to prevent and mis-erEditor. that man from entailing want on his family, and from the com. v GIBBS e mission of crime. Application has'Tjeen made at the Nephi post-fHcmails as tor the transmission through It often happens Second-clas- s mail. matter. Saturday morn., sept. 21, 1895 BLiA.DE AGENTS: Below Is a list o? our agents, who will receive subscriptions and receipt for Payments: Wni. Chastaia, Ibapah, Tooele Co. MlkLAHD COUKTY. j Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City. Chi"istian Anderson. Fillmore. ThOs. Meaimott, Seipio. O. A. Rates, Holden.' Chris. Overson, Leamington. Geo. Crane, Kanosb. James Hatton, Petersburg. Virgil Kelly, Burbank. Hvrura Adams. Meadow. James S. Blake, Hinckley. AN IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE. We secured the items relative to the renewed effort to start the Leaming ton canal project too late, last week, to be available for the last edition of The Blade. We received tbe items from Messrs. G. W. Cropper and J. C. Haw-le- y and Oasis, to the effect of that meetings were recently held iu the interest of the enterprise in every town in Millard County. From the date or The Oladk's first call for the De-er- et Initial meeting our interast has never flagged, because it is the most important enterprise ever undertaken in Millard County. Those that have lived for years on Ihe Sevier river, below Leamington, know that not rive par cant of the water is utilized. Those' that have seen Ihe Sevier lake know whac the utilizawater means tion of that large body-o- f for Millard countv, if it can only be done. That it can be done by the residents of the County is unquestioned, provided they will to do it. Every stream in Millard, except the Sevier, and a small creek in the northwestern part of the county, is utilized to almost their entire capacity. There are thousands of young men and youths tn Millard county merging into manhood that need homes, and unless they an be secured in the Pahvant valley, they wll be compelled to swarm, and so far as obtaiaiu new farm3 in Utah $S cuacerned, every one knows that the opportunities are baing narrowed down with each passing year. In addition flo the unpleasantness of having your sons and daughters migrate, it is bad policy to have the flower of Millard ountygoto build up other states posWe speak advisedly sibly when we say the "flower," because the hustlers will hunti new fields, while 6he drones will stay at home, and it tvould . only be, one or two generations lieforeMi Hard County,as a whole, would fte cursed with about the e aoie (per haps mbre)Joafers that now infest Des-- , eret. To avoid such a cilamity, the people ough t to build that canal. Another reason is found in the fact Dhat Millard will h ive to maintain a (Sountv; organization, and the more and the more property population there is in the Cou.uy, the less will the taxation be per capita. Under the route of the proposed canal are ithousands ot acres of as choice laud as can be found in the, West. The land will also be convenient to fJitnber fencing and fuel. The irrigated areja of the County will be more than doubled and i.he population will' be trebled. The surpuls water could be turned on the bottom- lands during the win-teseason, or when not in use, and: thousands of acres of fine y pasture land Wuld ba thus obtai tied. Another fact that ought to be considered,- is "that tlie couutry under the canal is one a f co mpa ra t i v eiy 1 i g h t s no vv- - fa 1, t a n d would,' therefore, be a more pleasant lo cality than, those nearer the moun-thins.' c Toe principal 'part of the out-la- y will tie labor ofwjiich, during the fall and winter month 3," there is a in Millard- County, aud if the rjsoplejpermit the greatest and most Xiromising enterprise ever projected, in that region to lapse into the hands' of strangers and under the control of outside capital, tueir posterity: wilt not rise up and call their parents "bless ed:" . Old-Mexic- o. ; i . I - - 1 super-abund-a'ue- e; j - - GOVERNMENT . CONTROL SALOONS.- OP - that barbarians teach useful moral lessons and that our boasted civilization can learn useful lessous from those that are regarded as being only half civilized. In tne matter of liberating her serfs, Russia set a good example to the people of the United States that, if it had been followed, would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of treasure. And now Russia is furnishing the more civilized governments with an object ksson in the matter of dealing with the liquor traffic. To quote from a Russian journal: 'The object of government monopoly of the sale of liquor is principally to do away with the abusesof of liquor dealers the disposition to who take advantage and to make f sadrunkenness, to the people. loon a necessity influence of Equally important fs'tbe imgovernmentof monopoly ofupon themanuthe liquor provement quality factured. " The law will become effective in eight 1st, provinces on July 1896. and in seven other provinces on July 1st, 1897, and by January . -- The Attorney Genera of California has'decided that the'street railways of that State cannot carry freight without special authority given n their ohart- ers. L-- sweet-soente- d sub-committe- e R. fuses to be an organ, on a page just as far from its editorial columns as it can Perhap3 the most heartily despised and Had Charley Crane detested man (7) in Jaab County at the posssbly get it. Ne is of Andrews Chas. writingon been present the ticket, the Tr'bune would, phi. By his course at Beaver last Tues very likely, have published the ticket day he proved himself tbe foulest of foul liars, as well as a bitter enemy to the in a supplementary form and in a fum most important interests of Juab County. condition. The above is clipped from the Tintic igated Miner and formed part of an attack on The Provo Enquirer is damning C Mr. Andrews because of the alleged E. Allen with faint and rather inde.fiinfluence he exercised against the nite piaise when it says that a Vote for candidacy of a certain gentleman of mm "tor uongressmati will mean a Nephi for Judge of the Seventh. This is not- The Blade's political vote in favor of a return of prosperity." fight, but in justice to Chas. Andrews, C. E. Allen and prosperity are believed who does not own and run a newspaper, by our gullible friend, thb Enquirer, to we will, in the interest of fairness, state be synomomous and interchangeable terms. Rats. a few facts as we understand them. Relative to Mr. Andrew's career in j Juab County, so far as we know and Chicago has 217 public school build- .1 ' jtb'o law of God It that man must has ever ;been the laws of the land to tendency of the pini5b, ior crime. The trouble with the latter laws has" been that it has merelyf prunned tbe top of the tree of evil, and has not attempted to destroy its'roots. The law has taken' cognizance ot effects and has' paid- - but little ot no attention to causes.'' It has long been ed needed that the traffic : in spirituous liquors is the cause of an ' enormous proportion of the 'crimes that act almost as a dead-loc- k on ' the progress ot the people. There have ' been many weak ejforts on the part of' civilized nations to control the traffic but it 'steadily- - grown- - to enormous pro-rfo't 'commit sin;- - : : 1 3 Until Further .Notice we will Sejll at the Fcilowing Prices 1 for CASH ONLY: Those who know C. E. Allen best, are trembling in their boots, lest the whilom, Republican and Populist; go back on the party now running him, and blossom into a Pop. before the campaign is over. Anyhow, there is hardly a doubt in the minds of those that know him intimately, that he will train with the Popu'lists before his term in Congress is complet full-giow- - Fruit Jars, 2 Q,uart n - T dimUll.t A TT T Tri i JT1.XX U OU . 95cts dos $120 doz Is the Sweetest and the Best. A We have reduced this to :. Sack, IS l"bs. In one breath the Tribune accuses Moses Thatcher of being a "decoy" a kind of political stool piegeon for his : for : $1.00. cash- : - Patronize Home Industry and be sure you get J Utah Sugar. party. The Tribune Bays he has consented to allow his name to go before the people, allowing the voters to be- For sale only by iXCBLSIOR ME R CANTILB CO, Lieaders in Low Prices. lieve if successful, he will accept, while at the same time he does not intend to do anything of the kind. In the next breath the Tribune asserts it has said nothing disrespectful of Moses Thatcher The Tribune editor has been the willing puppet of Pat Lannon so long that his moral nature seems to have died a natural but premature death. Dr.G.S.Hosmer jPyisician and Surgeon, AT COOPER, P1TPBR & GO'S OF COOK STOVES A CAR LOAD AND RANGES. OFFICE : At the Goldsbrough Hotel HOURS: 2 to 4 p. m. , - Nephi, - - - CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. NEPHI. Utah. - can learn, it has been one of strict business integrity, and we believe he has done as much as any other man, according to his means, to advance the interests of Juab County generally and Nephi especially. Mr. Andrews did not go down to Beaver as a delegate, he wenton private business. While he wa offered a proxy provided be would vot3 for a certain-- gentlenmen for district Judge, and which he emphatically declined to do. As we understand it,1 Mr. Andrews made no promises and for that reason could. not have broken any; and for that reason the Miner's en-rout- ings, nearly everyone of which will ac- ' commodate from 1000 to 15000 pupils, and the Inter-Oceasaysj the board of education have rented 13 additional rooms for school purpose and that is not sumcient; ana adds tbat tbe crop of school children comes only second to the corn crop: n e, Tbe Blade reiterates its assertion week to last relative the S, P. V. R'y buying the old Utjah Southern road. That there is a ''Ifen on," and that negotiations are in progress that, when made public, will be a surprise, and that Nephi especially and south-epithet of Jia.was entirely and is indefensible. It looks as if eru Utah generally, wi be greatly a pet combine had been rent assu nder, benefitted, there is not the slightest and in' the Miner's disappointment doubt. thereat it gave vent tobadhlood and said things we do not believe it would There is uot the slightest natural obto Millard County's becoming stacle more a in when "reasonable and repeat one of the greatest m Utah. We have judicial frame of mind; We are inclined to believe the mo- faith that the people will build and tive for the attack on Mr, Andrews Can own the canal, and not permit their be partially accounted for in the fact children to become the "hewers of of another combination for the State wood and drawers of waier" for alien Senatorship" for the Seventh, and to. Capital which will be the case unless i n j ure that gentleman's chances for they now ''strike while the iron is hot." nomination, but as it is not our bull that is beit.g gored, we will leave the All that the political enemies ofJohn balance o f the tight to Mr; And rews, T. Caine can say tiim is, that and will merely add as a ' warning to the people ofUtahagainst have voted forhim the Millard delegation to; fight shy of for office so many times theyought the influence a certain itinerant mis- not to do so any more If we rememchief making; discord breeding htiman ber correctly, Mr. Caine has twice en parodox of this town may try to wield joyed the franchise of the people, in the lobby of convention; The gentleman was built on the broad- guage mental line and hi years have not dimmed his intellect hor narrowed A' PUN CI L-- S 1IO VI NO CHUMP.' down his liberal views "of ijnen and' po litical principled and policies. A' contemporary that dishes' up political pablum in a kind of disjointThe worst that'ean be said of; Heber ed, is, style, reproaches M. Wells by his political bponents The Blade with publishing articles that from the time he was "khee-hiff- h on social and psychlogical subjects: to a grasshopper," he Has occunied some position where.. be has' drawn a It is doubtful if the would-be- , critic Salary; and being so accustomed to de realy Knows the, definition of , psychol- riving his' living from some irjubbc ogy and still less of the Hlimitable trust. if he once gets hold! of a State office, he will hang on: like! grim death. scope of sociology and Mts vital influ; The says there' are tvio good once on the progress and destiny of the men Blaixe ud for the office of governor and human familv. whichever. way the pohticarscaies may A person who imagines' that politics turn, Utah "will have' an honest gover is the: object and end of man's" exist- nor. ence is an "object, or at least should be; of profound pity;- and when he is so I h securing the 'services of Orlando densely ah d w il f ul ly ig n ora n t of th e W. Powers for State chairinan. tho forces that are unconsciously urging Demosrats havp sCore.d a; ten et rok. mankind forward to a higher destiny, Powers "is one of the most astute and United campaigners" in is worthy only of preffoundest. contem-- 1 cyclone and has begun hisljthe labors in a States, pt, and his writings wiil prove' him to systematic and energetic manner. In g to CJ E. Allen, be a chump. Powers has not rushed to! the' front, Politics is all right in ii& tfwri pecul and claimed One of the highest offices iar sphere, but it is merely one of the within the gift of the people as a for1 his recent ilanhel-mouthe- d many social factors or forces that' is oratory against those who are now askmpelling man upward to higber'social ed by A tie u to kiss the rod- - that emote ihStruc2 lucin- ;d if awould-bt- i i conditions;-ti' of "P wmbm aj.M..p y -.u naa mswtmssa ksSsbrsssJ Is all It takes for a Year's jtifiiiiaM. easn If you are going to range sheep west of Deseret Write immediately to the yodr HINCKLEY For prices on grain. Bottom Figures." CO-O- P bupphes a Specialty. fcneep-men- s' y mrmttt Subscription to bm mm Superintendent, Pour miles from Oasis Station. 1 un-called-f- or Ws' I will not only Warrant your Watch to run, but vill guarantee it to keep time, ot will refund your money; A full Supply of Watches, Clocks and Jevvelrv at Close Figures. Orders from the country solicited: Organs and Pianos Tuned and Repaired. MRS.M.A. MM. 7 ' : ; - semi-hysteric- " EXPERT WATCHni4KEK and JEWELER. t to-da- 1 W NEPHI, ' : Will prbmptly fill all orders for y's and Pacific-R'- y Kansas City$ ; IjaquaCious St; LouiSj : ChicagOj . Overly New York, Or any other point East see that your ticket reads via -- h Tlie.:fflissoi!fi Pacifiif R'y - Coachea, Quick ,TIme and Superb Elegrant Koad-be- d FaY-orit- e line make this Route. ... dly SagaoibuSj Liberally If you are going to ' al reezily Brilliant. Witty Vegetables. The Missouri Main Street, Nepni " Fresh Fruits - It i - g whelming defeat. His political friends already concede Roberts' election, The Police Com miss ion ers of New York City have issued an order declar ing that women who ride a horse as in the public park's shall not be tride 1st, 1898, the entire liquor traffic will interfered with. If thi be true, fe be under the government monopoly. male bicycle rider's are safe. By the gradual elimination of private saloons, no tyrannical ana oppressive Geddes the and godly policy can be justly charged against the government. The policy will be to Salt Lake selectman, has resigned one permit saloon keepers to adjust them of his duties, and got mentioned. 30 minutes,. to of Russia bv his doom selves the dates ahead is celebrated for a rigid enforcement of The great reformer has 'proven himself her laws, and the results of the new de to be the most gigantie fraud and po parture will be watched for with inter litical liar in existence. est. ' t xs noticea tnat tne J rioune runs the ticket of the party oft which it reENTIRELY Mmmw sucker-hunter- s. C. E. Allen has limbered up his jaws and is now telling the people how ed if he should be elected, which he much he has done for Utah, and how, will not be. There are murmerings in in the exhuberance of th eir gratitude, the air that plainly presage his over- they should send him tc Congress. ' . . .i. T" J sens.a-Uiw04.,v-- . m 1 Ml d doings of conventions, aud saying who had "lead pipe cinches" and who have not, oh certain offices, his criticisms of higher lines of thought become; childish in the extreme, and it require a lot of independent, non-p- a rtisan patience to keep from giving the possessor of so cramped an intellect a isound political Assylm. spanking. EDITORIAL NOTES , iii'm. Vi of Theodore Durrant is be- and more interesting in icisco courts, anu wm Mhe most .r T '. The charge of libel against The Blade editor for telling that thumb sucking concern down in Fillmore called the "Progress" (?) what it and ignored its editors were and are, was ' week. Provo this at the grand jury by lantern-jaweIt was noticed that the nondescript that preferred the charge, had hjs papa along wit bim lest he fall ana into the hands ot tne prize-nathree card mohte Several were heard to ask if the editor in chief of the Progress were not a Millard County candidate for thePrpvo tor of the people, as every newspaper man is, or assumes to be, only understood political 'questions sufficiently to write intelligently a aout them, he would be deserving of respect, but when his ability extends to the routine, machine-lik- e work of "recording the .1 ginal fTHE :' .' : : tliePeople's f - . - . contra-distinctio- n pencil-shovin- : re-Wa- : Leave Ogden . i .. i. , 6:35 p. nii Leave Pueblo...;...... 7 :00 p. to. Arrive Kansas City. ... . 5:45 p. tri. Arrive St. Louis....... . . a. ui. Arrive Chlcagd...:;;. .. Will' Pall upon the nearest ticket ageni or a'ddreks , rd Coinriiercial Freight & Pass. Agt. '' . : , " I (HOME PAPER) H, B, KOOSEfti .. I Si It. SINSON, .v Traveling Pass. Agt.'" Salt Lake City, Utah. TOWXSEND, OrlT.q. OeneYdr PassTafia Ticket,; Agent, ' Sc.XKJuisVMoV" , . ' Advertising Patrons Solicited MiDscri ptiqn $2. a year. |