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Show orchard 'to procure a dozen sweet llm Jipneg8 I U exhaustion. UTIES. ber sTNER OF and the goat would bu't the chief Justice of the snprem y The twigs, tied. Now keep :you tr'pfl until iust twelve nice ripe apples Japan, ia appoints by the emperor f ' Thr iu ability and other srerU! ' jpewspaper ment." would fall. Then the goat would pickl learning, flcaticms. The remaining seatw LJt'fl frSuJiP-dera He had stopped in SOME QUEER AND CURIOUS up the apples and put them into bas down to the lowest- grade examinations and nw' ket and bring them to the nouse. ne- by competitive Rest as he uttered, these words. LIFE. OF PHASES one or a hun- Every year a acommission, compofW-chiefor could send the goat was on feet. loafer his there Every representa tive ot Rn If ' was In evervthlnsf. ment Justice, rtmri anniea of justice, two or three the rrT: ' "Hooray fer Bold Billy!"; cried one. the to feed sent schools The" law be the and from would such of goat mef' .Stories and Some Startling Strange "Derned ef he ain't, done it, though I t be higher Judiciary as may be dTsy horses and told to let them eat just ten eits Iiecorded-Read-able for the examination of candidn. ' Adventure ever he succeeded!" Recently how dunno of irreen corn in the field. The the bench. stalks and butt "Wall, I kinder reckon we'll hev ter Scraps of Anecdote and Incident goat would perform the service All Judges are. appointed for life 1111 and are removable only afrP(.E ' nun behavior, Oar eieventn the from horse the Exchanges. away by keep our part of the contract, eh Reported before a court 'of tw by impeachment and field If the goat was in a muddy Their salaries are amazinjr), pards?" said Bolly Briggs, as he came Rt.rtArt tn err to another he would climb The chief justice receives 8,000 yen down the steps. ?4,000. His assooia ' SLENDER to the top of the fence and wipe the mud Is equivalent to HE "That's rights shouted the crowd In supreme court receive but 5 ook .? ' lilies nod their off hs feet. In this way he did not ab the Th nftTt l.wer cradft. which unison. ' our federal-circuistract the soil from either Ben judges,r are nay heads Three minutes later Hank Bloodgood, onto the others and yen, farm 's or Parker's proportionatelv from On either side the Tr tfmf the sroat down to the lowest trade, whprp tha. J., the "killer was swinging from the .. or ere only 700 yen, $350 a year. the garden-wayused Sevier Mr. limb of a tree. so that became valuable And all along to sit on his porch and direct the goat Bold Billy watched the work completBecause He Stared At IJer, the flower-bed- s rvu wipp1s turning:.- At last the to irer out his he then hands, ed, swayed, put Tall "Wilson, Lady Frances of t was one day daughter digest an empty whisky Aylesbury, informed t and fell in a senseless heap. stand In fair ar- goat could not man wno naa recently died in a t bottle, and It died; So, arter tnejsau The men hastily bent over him. ray; to lodging had left her a valuable esta'J his farm sold Mr. Sevier occurrence, Hants. Incredulous, she went r The throstle in the "Great snakes!" shouted Bolly Briggs. ana Tennessee: Land Company the East there the remains of a and e pear-trenear, shoultwo bullets in ther left "He's got now re wno recognized he to moved liati where it the Harriman. veiy tniueuuy annoyedBant as Still carols, her at at opera. The In are J staring der! Hank done some shootin', but sides. goats that He insists still also had 4,000 to the sr)S!5 we f oame, bequeathed first when ' r this yere boy took him all the same!" Commons iand 1 000 w1 the House of telligent. The same old song he sung last year, chancellor of the exchequer, neitw "Whar's Doc. Seldon?" same. more the An we weLre.no ' AiSiet ? Prevented from Leaving the Church. "! The doctor was on hand, full to the Temple Bar. pr an in The minister of a congregation chin with bad liquor, but still able to How strong: the lilies smell! How nea co an was greatly row on rowlj extract a bullet. agricultural district The ordered rose-bed- s, unr lie the Sunday-afteSunday by The job was done, Bold Billy's It's still the scene that seemed so sweet noyed u of conduct the A A junior members of ruly ago ago. year year wounds were bathed and bandaged, 5 his flock. When any one of the younger We noticed how that apple-boug- h and he was taken to a nearby hut. got of Good Health is Stood out so green against the skyj reDresentatives of the grentler sex And there he lay for weeks, nursed It's would she service of the weary ever evening as as now; if fair just A moment by the ruffians pf Satan's Camp nursed invariably rise and go out.seize But we are altered you and J. In his hat later her admirer would with all the cape and tenderness possiIn an such To ble from mascliline hands. The days have come between us two and sheepishly follow her. action preVe extent would this course of Doc. Seldon attended the bay, and the And moved us .evermore apart; T. vail that by the time the discourse was And the surest, best way to miners and roughs fixed it so the doc- We cannot, as we used to do, remained finished old the people only Tell to each other all our heart. tor could not get a sup of liquor in purify your blood is to take Mr. service. of the for the conclusion we a since last met; Only year the camp during the entire time. Jones concealed his chagrin for several !s But: In that year what things hav From a street row or saloon brawl in weeks but at last he' firmly resolved to .V:j.; ; been! which he hadi killed a man, a citizen We walk, we talk act. A youth grew drowsy one Sunday yet together, 5i Would of the place hat, evening,- and, picking! up his go to his bedside We cannot bridge the gulf between. Ja minisof; Bold Billy and play the solicitous stepped into .the aisle. But the ter's keen eye was upon him, and, to je nurse. All looks unchanged j save we alone; the culprit's dismay, he stopped short '.31' We've drifted into other ways. And they pulled the boy through. in. his sermon: "Young man," said he. & ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR j. When it was all over, with Bold Billy Time turns the page, the past is gone. "the who went out last is not the And naught restores the vanished one girlwish restored to health, they were air happy to walk home with. Please you that he discovered Old Grim's secret The days. hours new scenes reveal; f down. After this when a young sit flying woman goes out I will call on the proper found the hermit's cabin was built J never fancied, you and I, We a of over the mouth rich lead a paying The day could come when we should young man to take care of her." The minister rresumed his discourse. vein. T was much tittering and consider There No longer sad to say good-bSatan's Camp was proud of him. able but his sermons were not in anger, IT IS 4i The rough and tough citizens stood terrupted again, In Came Came the Bear. by him through thick and thin, and dewhen Bold Billy sold his mine and At the hotel which was located at the Violent Commotion in Lake Michigan. all loss. his Upper Geyser Basin, but burned . las regretted parted, Glen' E. assistant engineer of "He had sand in his craw," Bolly winter, there was last summer a big the UnitedBalch, States Lake Survey; reblack bear who slept under the house. turned a few roi Briggs was wont to say "wall he did! and days ago from Batche-wan- a so tame that the guests fed became his I saw it in eyes when I let him hev him, and one evening the porters en Island, isolated and uninhabited, e: my gun. Do I know what became o ticed him into the hotel office with on the north shore of Lake Superior, .e miles west of this city, says a him? Wall, I heard as how he went sugar. He came in, walked thr ougn tne sixty JOHN CARLE & SONS. New York, i Ste. Marie Sault special. He reports in ter 'Frisco, got inter business, married, big lobby, sniffed at the telegraph on that island such an upheaval settled down1, an' has some leetle Billies strument as though he understood that finding as might have been caused by an earth it was clicking messages back to the his own now." He says that; the disturbance great cities of America, and then quake. on was the south side of the Island and walked to the front door, where he Late Mrs. Oeorge Putnam. stood for some time gazing out at Old affected a strip from 200 to 300 feet wide A RDCI A I TV Prta"irr, "The circumstances attending the Faithful, and hesitating about his re and about 1,200 feet long. It also extiary BLOOD JfOISON permaneiit' cured in 16 to 35 days. You can be treated death of Mrs. George Ha.ven Putnam, turn to the pine woods beyond. This tended several hundred feet Into the borne for same price tinder same goara wife of the senior member of the well-kno- playful prank of the porters was, how- lake, the. rocky bottom of which was to come here wewillccs If you ty. out On of elevated water. shore the the railroad f areand hotelbillti-- ' Fn tract to payprefer enjoyed more after bruin had. gone the publishing house, are," says the ever If we fail to cure. If yon have taken meearth was thrown up into a series nocharge. while he was in the hotel. The ;ui and still have ache iodide rcury, Critic, "particularly sad. Her husband than of were trees torn out no of him had who up great ridgesf fear guests by pains. Mucous potash, TPatches In mouth, Sore Throa. ;he and two daughters were abroad whea at or around the the roots and. broken to pieces, while JPimples, Copper Colored the Earbaere-bo- x Spots, Ulcen falliEf of the oody, Hair or EyebrowsPOISOS she was taken ill. The former was grounds of the hotel were somewhat everything visible showed the effects of any part ts ti this Secondary BLOOD it out, some conwere nervous when he took possession of the we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obti about to leave for home, the latter mighty force. Mr. Balch is fori S cases and challenge the world to remain abroad to finish their studies, big lobby, where they were sitting about fident that It was of recent occurrence, nate This disease has cure. cannot we case the of at the broken the rocks wood open appearance, fire, talking about eminent phys ro baffled the skill of the most having just been graduated with honor whatbigthey behind our tncondi ;0e the a water's clans. should do if capital this would 8500,000 bear edge warranting! Mr. arrived Mawr. Putnam from Bryn tional guaranty. Absolute proofs Bent se&ledoe walk into the sat hotel. like stat CO. They application. Address COOK REMEDY ;ui aftin New Yorjk Saturday last, the day &01 MaBonio Temple,: CHICAGO, ILL ues, and Manager; Howe, who had fed sol: er his wife's death, the news of which bruin from his hand outside, felt that ... and 8ud tills aavertUwuiV. I Both Equal to the Occasion. he was entirely unprepared for, her ill this was a closer acquaintance than he o A gentleman of middle age ness from typhoid fever having been desired to cultivate. He thought the said to me several days ago:! ;"Do you next move on the dining-roo- know that I had rather m.ui shell green peas very short as well as very severe. Mrs. bear might and in of the bull the play part than do almost anything else? My wife Putnam was most active In all reform the Yifiiitiiliiy, shop, Mr. Haynes, the offi- says that it demoralizes ha the servants to and philanthropic movements, and her cial china bf near the sat photographer Coat park, me have do it; but I am .not living for 'at influence and practical interest will b enough to the door to lay his hand on the servants. the in 'ii sadly missed by all her associates. She bruin, but he did not attempt to get Ms "The other day I sat down on our was a healthy-minde- d WORLD woman, and un picture, though he had been waiting back porch with a pan of my favorite toif a come for or bear and years sit best the up she illness last til her enjoyed in my lap, and was enjoying photograph. The kodak enthusiasts vegetables of physical health) too, if one may judge his in myself great shape, far from the were too nervous to even press the j woman a of was for my wife had some She crowd, madding appearance. by a snap shot. They all swell callers. button and get !' f 1 sound common sense and cheerful dis felt more comfortable when the bear a ft "All of a sudden I woman's heard position, and her gracious presence walked out thefront door, across the voice say: "WOT'S YER NAME, KID?" ipi.. rreo rmivm OTTrtripn la warrantl Wit' 01 made many a dull occasion bright. Mr veranda, and out across the lawn to " 'Oh, I must see your cute back yard; proof, and will keep yoa dry in the hartest stonn. of a large the pine woods. Manager Howe told I've heard so much of it. new POMMEL SLICKER Is a perfect riding m m If ever a boy was frightened it was They told him they were not fools. Putnam has the sympathy the porters that while he wanted to na the entire saddle. Beware of imitations, "Then the window flew open and but buy a coat the one in the clutch of Red Hutch. Bloodgood was a "killer," and there circle of friends in his severe bereave keep on friendly terms with the bear, If the."Jfisli Brand" is noioa u Kj Boton, TOWER. ?si Vted A. J. free. Catalogne 'Wot's yer name, kid ?" demanded was no one who cared to follow him up. ment." he did not want him to infringe the popped two pretty bonneted heads. Jill "I turned mine wife and away, would a not my lad as he found When he go, savage the ruffian, rules against dogs being allowed in the was gave the they to he the occasion. equal the boy literally screamed: shake. "Speak: up lively!" and a bear, genparlor or dining-rooCollege for Housewives. " reshe "m ?youj must 'Patrick,' said, DR. GUNNl "You are all cowards cowards There is a college for housewives at tle and friendly as he hiight be, could member x to mow that grass before Mr 3,0 not be allowed not to privileges given "was the reply .that came through the cowards! Give me a gun! I will fol Walthanstan, England, where young IMPROVED comes home.' the set bear The still haunts the dogs. Up women may learn all the branches of . chattering teeth ' .of the unfortunate low and capture him!" TIs, ma'am,' I replied Iri my best the hotel which sheltered but per Basin, re V 7: he at the but domestic and all was well." ' Ex. LIVER Pill cookery, work, Including They laughed boy, brogue, him has been burned, and Mr. Howe ' r a nice that's would over he and house and over that needlework, laundry work, peated Billy Boiden, eh? Wall, has only a lunch station there now, but A MILD PHYSItl riiame for a kid like you to wear around! follow the assassin if he had a weapon, hold superintendence. ' The name of he finds him out at the garbage box Tabby Swam Back to the Kittens. ei Vtm. A DOSE. At length somebody shoved a revol the college is, appropriately, St. Mir- Just as before. Albert Stetson, who has been superin (NKof TTT.T. 'Billy Boiden Bold Billy. How is that A morement the bowols each day is necewMJ 'm the unloadirisr ver Into his hand, saying: of rlor a handle, pards?" are at ten received Wash the tha's. Only health. These pills supply what the system Jf''i tending pupils it regular. They cure Headache, bnghta An Unpopular Measure. tenaw, is telling cat stories along the make "It's great!" shouted Red Hutch's "Here, ye hev it, kid; now see what a time, In order that each may serve and clear the Complexion better than cosmi Eyes, water front, says the San Franr.lsoo They neither gripe' nor sicken. To convince "Rold Billy!" rianfa "Wnorav" n? w Among the amusing discussions WW v fAr ye kin do. If you bring Hank Blood- her turn as housekeeper, chambermaid, WrUWUWMy will mail sample free, or a full box for 26c. SolaJJ g, On Chronicle. the steamer the session at Saturn PhiladelDhi Tallahas was Juiown there legislative, CO.. where. BOSANKO MED. From that hour the boy As the course of in see was good here with his hands tied behind laundress, etc. on a' bill of Sullivan's of was for- - a long time a black cat that that In Satan's Camp as Bold Billy. includes household him, we'll agree to lynch him. Eh, struction every PAYS THE FRElCKj Escambia, providing for the prompt was the pet of the seamen. When the THE COMPANY Before he escaped from Murphy's he pards?" common-sens- e from building fires and clean slaughter of rabid dogs, says Florida new steel horse whim, j was last In port she. went every On their function, Saturn 25 tons of rock 300 feet each shift Is 3a hoist t. vwas nearly frightened out of his wits "You bet!" cried the crowd. "Go fer ing lamps to giving dinner parties, the Times-UnioThe reading clerk had day- to the dock,' whpro " Ko viqi and reliable as aa engine. It can be pacnea Ail uu tune the to to ut can was dance a go. made for he jaca: ".r him, Bold 'Billy, an' make yerself fa graduate is equally fitted for a house Just read the title when an old gentle stalled a Utter of kittens among "the 90 clutches to break. "r6 while the ..ruffians mous." 'Of pistol-shot- s, iron and steei and j man, a representative from one of the treignt. xne) tsaturn left the dock a few maid or a house mistress. wrought before breaking.6 Over.fcOu; interior counties, arose and with great days ago on the way to Liverpool, the roared with laughter. Not another word did the boy say. some running jears wUJOM rai on suc-- ; mother board. INK. PRINTERS' dollar's expanse. o The and were said: kittens "Mr. a he leaf like dignity gravity finally Speak With the loaded revolver clutched in Shaking " noisvis at prices, wharf. the The am jl steamer am er, 200 io mat mil. i opposea about got op ceeded in getting out of the saloon, and his hand, he hurried out of the camp I i too can Is B none best ad The you get posed to it because f don't see why rab yards away from the pier when the then ran as fast and as far as he on the trail of Hank Bloodgood. bit dogs should bt killed any quicker mother realized that a parting was tak good. could. "Thet's.the last we'll ever see oVBold does not improve than any other kind of dogs.' I've g6t a ing piace, ana that her, kittens would advertisement An De leit to starve ir sbe did not do somA Finally, overcome with terror and- Billy," some one declared. "He'd be with age. He rabbit on ain't much looks. dog. So she sprang into the cold waexhaustion, he fell In a fainting, quiv- skeered ter death ter . see Bloodgood. will not injure the finest but". I tell you, when that dog gets on a thing. Advertising on tip. Send for an illustrated circular 'i ' of ters the the swam back to the wharf. She and limits hot the and in broom trail rihg heap beyond You've lost your gun, Bolly." sedge and a little WHIIV1 CO.. 1ZZ Curtis St Denver, voio. fabric. in a climbed up a pile, dripping wet, and later "you hear his voice town, and there Old Grim found him. "Mebbe," returned the man who had Ads, like bread, are easily spoiled inj high key and the yelps dashed for her babies. The fre-frOld Grim was a grouty hermit who loaned faihter gettin the revolver. the boy the making. and clerks took her and her Kittens to the till and can Jes' fainter, you by by 'lived beyond the limits of Satan's At sunset a crowd of loafers were some must ad have An In order down 'em hear in the where they have quarters and Washtenaw, push holler, you go . Camp. of Saint's Rest, the to have any pull. in front m bench-legge- d see there and tne the little gathered you cabin... captain's He was something of a mystery. hotel in Satan's Camp. rascal yener be should eyes only An ad barkin', his, the concentrated bright He had been there when the first ana his forehead wrinkled with excite y is Queer Legislation by the essence of sense. Suddenly one of them exclaimed: I prospector "struck yaller" at the spot a under sartin ment,' tree, jes' get you One of the most remarkable bills of thar, pards! Who's them corn- Vlt is more important to watch your a long pole and meat is where the camp stood, but the dis- - in "Look dinfor your'n wn dd ?" tne session wmcn became law was l one ther trail "ads" than your clerk. - covery of gold had not seemed to afner.: xnere was breathless silence which made it unlawful for' imbecile one o' "Two critters, head t'other,1 United they stand, divided they fall during this eloquent appeal on behalf of fect the queer old man in any way. feeble-minde- d or insane persons, or ruffian. "Hands the rabbit dog. When It had been icon- - those who or business and advertising. He lived on in his secluded fashion, said a or blind, to assume are deaf Gahitched eluded rose behind thunder! , others to business When ,by up and paid glowing or maintain marital relations savs slacken, let begins " and the people that came to the mush- - loot in front is him, i.ilmy.jijiiiuMii to triDutes the of See tied! ther to rabbit ads string qualities flogs your begin lengthen. to know Times. him by s'ht, Hartford After room camp grew a the exempting tney owned, until, one would have1 be blind, deaf and dumb from that runs ter t'other one? Holy Smoke If you have anything to tell the pub lieved ffiEniLBsfor,ocatinp,?o,dosr tout no other way.; the opera or hidden treasures. FjrPcs So that a thing! necessary to a man's tion or tne law,- tne Dili was " uureas ja4 JJ. jj owuta. Box 877. lie, do it in a telling manner. and He would have nothing to da with It's it's why, it is passed for the soirnuiBj candidacy in the legislature 325 "Hank of became so the ad will Make Bloodgood!" Chapter your public acts. pointed; that it state of Florida is a first-clathem." rabbit i looking it over later, it wks discov "ShQre's yer born !" pierce through the eye into the mind. uugv xne Din oy the way, was killed by In Old Grim's clothes were in rags, and ered that It would apply to persons al 'X "Who's t'other critter?". Youi must have interest in' your ad a large majority. he appeared like a wreck of better married, fai provided became ready they "I kinder reckon it's Bold Billy bring vertising if you want to make capita 3yra i n last.war, 15 adj uuicatiagcloinis ."'times. afflicted with any of the troubles enum in back said This 3.P my of out Goat it. revolver," Could Count. Bolly He spoke, kindly to the boy. erated In the bill. On the last day of PARKER'S) with In the satisfaction. "Who Briggs, before RAPf the days past! tne session a supplementary bill was Advertising is like medcine. Very of the- land At first BiJlr was too frightened to said I woudn'tgrim fain ft A ever see in thet speculation the Cleanse the belief often cure to gun that will yar it succeeded. so this sod,lnxuriaiit you he building but blunder, remedy finally that tell his stdrr, a of this city Charles. B. Sevier was the passed Promote Pc. he not ag'in?" to will law does work. the half the to to persons and the Fails apply al end, Never Old Grim listened possessor of as fine a speci- ready legally married. ' Bold Billy it was. Hair to its ?uthM t, It is easier to fill space than to pay fortunate Cure. :alp Af?. nSSiJ men of 'then he said: the as Angora could goat be He had taken the "killer", captive. for it. Waste no words, but weight asked, says the Harriman Press. "It W like those human beasts down ' In town Association of Ideas. into marched the Straight boy them all with meaning. fact, its pedigree was longer than! that there. Come with me; I will care for and n't his prisoner. Blue-grayou think of me1 occasionracer. When Mr. Sevier Silence is not golden In business. of a; . you. was while I was was a younger man he obtained this ally away? Billy's face deathly pale. Talk, and talk loudly and. often, if you tUKtS WHtKt ALL UM Sa he took the boy to his cabin, ' and, & whenever I felt She bored Yes; . valuable I xieiis which hand al had been he goat, vxiugn eyrup. want to Bloodgood's trained in right make trade. -i many "trom that day, Bold Billy was Old aruKBKoid 07 time. in of you.; Then each year the fine wool the ways thought rBusiness may be done without adver- ways. Grim's shadowwhere one went ' the shattered by a bullet; goat a produced revenue yielded man who that Old tising, so will grain grow without fer was the -- "Heretheis the friend I killed other might be found. of his fortune Mr. fourtion Tery Fresh. said the had," tilizers. Grim, But only feai what will the harvest While Old Grim lived, the bov never Stvler made the goat a regular mathethis fish fresh? Is Customer Printer's Ink 3L;aia visited Old Satan's camp alone. boy, his voice weak, as If from gxea matical, table; and so trained was the When writing to adTertisers, tifff i Dealer Fish Certainly; it's beta rsd ttxt fffat that he would send him Into th lor to last week yoa saw the adTartisemnt or so. did not dare. . STOEY OF BOLD BILLY. He Somehow, for all of their general ugliness, the toughs of Satan's Camp to leave Old Grim unmolestHERE HE CAME had come ' from and how he ed. They regarded him as a harmless old. happened to wan- hermit who somehow managed to live, der into Satan's and they would have regarded it as a Camp no one' ' could disgrace to pick a. quarrel with him. tell. V But they made sport of Bold Billy He was a boy of in " the the appeared boy whenever fourteen, about freckle faced, wild-eye- place. One day Hank Bloodgood came Into and so very Camp. timid that he would Satan's started in for a rackHe straightway if snoken to et. "Suddenly in a loud tone of voice. to be obtained in Satan's The In fact, to confess the whole truth, Camp liquor was rank, and Bloodgood was He was none too well supplied with an soon fighting drunk. 'gray matter," although he was not, He had a record, and a long one, too. fool. outright More than one good man, as well as town Satan's Camp was the wickedest more than one ruffian, had fallen bewas the its size in the territory. Itmore men fore Bloodgood's guns. boast of its Inhabitants that He was not destined to get out of the than killed in Satan's Camp liad been town without shedding blood. . tTTTTi of Us asre west Of The quarrel occurred in Murphy's, the Rockies.' Bloodgood shot Red Hutch dead. Not a very "healthy" place for a and Then he started out to run the town, d lad to stray into.; timid, ran it for awhile. And it happened that the first build- and he Satan's Camp was not a place one the town ing he entered after strikingmost run long, however, and could man diswas "Murphy's Hole," the soon obliged to get out was ll Bloodgood reputable gambling den and gin-mior lose his scalp. in Satan's Camp. He got out, but on his way out of A tough gang always loafed around to shoot town he Murphy's, and it was on hand when the Old Grim.stopped long enough boy appeared. Then he went on his drunken course, "Whoop!" cried Red Hutch, as his hesileaving a terrified boy weeping and yes rested on the lad, who was this I wailing over the body of the man who tating near the door. "What's derned had been so kind to him. see? Is it a kid? Wall, I'm An hour later Bold Billy came rushf a kid hain't come in hyer!" Then he pounced on the unoffending ing into Satan's Camp. In the greatest excitement he told boy and dragged him forward into the them what had happened, and then he middle of the room. There the boy was quickly surround- entreated them to pursue the murderer ed by the ruffianly crew, who began and bring him to justice. They laughed at him. to make sport of him. Jad. 0 -- mlV'-benc- - - -- L I ! . ! ' . .tt . j t. . It fw.'' d, W & , , . .Mare-rave- t j - ' ,9--' ; i - fox-glov- es ; . , J j j 1 half-witte- j i ; ' i Puro, JilieSi - j foundation iao ! BIoql , i Hood's - - Sarsapsriii: 1 j - ; . Hood's Pills ; 1 wpmilimit y. j THE BEST j ; EQoPD InvaLids EnMgDjHH80E wn i- ; . - oi .well-to-d- j m . 7i w no - 1 - : ; - In A in " ; . f coaU-cover- s , . m, "Bub-bub-bil- ly Bub-bub-bolde- n," ; I -4 : j - j . : - w . n. , - T r -- l, j -- . , -- , ft AT - ii . ' , ing j . - . . ; red-whisker- tf Shad-Eater- s, m ed -- Mini : - I i ss :. . . . bee-innin- - beaut-fie- -- ; , Ert .. ' t . , . . t " He-Did- ss : - ''-:;- .; " I . r. ' |