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Show Old Sol" Indicted Is 101 USIHESS MEN'S Jan. 29. Edwardsville, The members of the Madisor county grand jury for the January term of the Circuit court havt returned the following" indictment in open court : ' "Edwards ville. 111.. January 111.. Indiana and Illinois are considering the enactment of bills making bachelors pay taxes on their bachelorhood. The revenue from this source will be turned into the school fund. In other words, the bachelors will have to help pay for the education of some other man's children. - Clothing, Winter and Rubber Goods. W belie veing ith Prices riffht, Trade always please our is ru A 'IN '1 IN Vours. THE GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT EVER STEARNS C& LOHRo. ATTEMPTED IN THESE PARTS. Utah. Tremonton, o4.ll Winter Goods must go. No matter what Notice. Church Directory, y giviog it cent c you want in seasonable merchandise, you get it at Methodist. them such but a Bargain Price during the remaining days of this " out our stock Shirts Preaching every alternate winter Underwear at cost, month. Sunday ('oats Overcoats, Preaching Vours, heavy j. Kvicxtxd Services Lohr Don't miss this Great Bargain Event. at We (ire not (Jttf gooils to close are do not msil e out III. ill o COtt. profit, of winter first close Sbeep-line- oil mi No, ill we and also an(j alj 50 d A KTKKNOOX SKRVICF.S. SihuImv School .( 0 p. in ra 2:00 good Stearns ami FARM FOR BALE OR RENT. Nim ty acres Irrigated. Port) acres pasture. adjoining Tremonton. A ilesirabie location. Will sill all or part on easy terms. Call on or address, Orion Bryan, 16 rremonton, LTtah. 7:90 p. in. Ml services ut the Mt'tlio.l'st church. New bargains are thrown on the table every clay, so yon will not he disappointed, no matter what day yon call. If von are in need of anything, or think you will In- within the next sixty or y0ii an: invited. R. E. GILPIN, Pastor. school teacher out in InBaptist. Yoitx.xi; Skuvici s: diana is so pretty that she has 11 :00 A Sunday S, bool I'r aching been discharged from her 12:00 A ESTRAY NOTICE. Evening Services; because everybody fell 7:80 P Preaching OF UTAH, ss in love with her. lit re is the TSTATE Meeting Prayer Wednesday night wa of Tremonton. r mo. fatal gift of beauty. have in my possession the following A January CLEARANCE SALE Still Continues. Call and see as and ge our j rices, which ivill a low as ;uiv in tin- cii, especially on seeing O ur 0 Feb. 5th. 1907. 18. 1907. "We, the members of the grand jury, on the above date, find a true bill against 'Old Sol,' as he had not been seen for sixty days, having only shown himself two or three times in that length of time. We have every reason to believe that he has left his accustomed place in our system and has been spending time flirting with Venus and other stars. "A. E. Benbow, Foreman. "George Link, Secretary." DAY. - ninety days, now is the the time to my, and this is surely the place, as nowhere else in the County will vour dollar have such purchasing power. 2-- M .M M I 4s at 'is 1 How She Evaded the Law. An Interesting statement was made before the committee on public health of the senate yesterday afternoon when Dr. A. Windsell appeared in defense of her and to practice of induce the committee to recommend no legislature that would make her a violator of the law by following Hie profession she had taken Op, Jr Windsell is n graduate of a reputable college and she insisted that the legislature should allow any graduate of any reputable college to practice in Utah. She lias been practicing for several years in Utah and other states, but, uu der the existing law regulating t lie practice of medicine, she has been violating the law. If she accepts remuneration for practice under her theory, she violates the law, and she wanted this feature removed from the statute books. "How have you been practicing and evading the law 1" asked one of the senators. "1 have told apples and given my services free." answered Dr. indsell. She said an apple at a price far above (he market and "donated" net services. eleelro-thenipeutic- Any family one of the she visited apple. always DO d scribed animal lawfully ImromdcJ, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the estroy pound in this town, on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 1907. at the hour of i! p. m. Evangelical Congregation. in hold ANltt.W.. mm u FISHBURN'S ALWAYS BEST AT CAN YOU DO n est H oo OO oo Will handle all kinds of horses, draft, roadsters and saddle animals.' All horses sold or exchanged guaranteed as represented, (jive nie a call at tin' Proctor barn. HODE WOOD, Right Now Our Store Is Filled with Choice Goods That Are Needed by Every Housekeeper. ALL BARGAIN SEEKERS who wish to get more than their money worth should pay lis a visit and look over our stock. IT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK, and if you buy you are sure to get a bargain. When it conies to Tin Ware, Enameled Ware, QueeOS Ware, Stone Ware and Galvanized Ware, a good Sewing Machine, the BEST Washing Machine or Wash Board, those "GOOD BREAD MAKERS," Table Cutlery, or, in fact, anything in the Hardware line. Paint line, (dass line or STOVE line. s OO Mr m OO No. l Wil- mi (ffi G. L. SILVER'S Big New York Minstrels Wilsons Hall, Feb. 5. 20 Novelty Street Parade. ARTISTS -- . . r - UF11C1AJN ii ... !S ALL IT WILL COST YOU 1 DO MOT BUY A RIHYfit ti or on any kind mm F - W WW Iff .- -. at any pruf, 77 until you have received our complete Free Catalogue illustrating and describing every kind of and bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkahic I.OW I'KICUS and wonderful new ofl'erg made possible by selling from factor direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent Pay the Freight and allow 10 Dais Free Trial and make other lilieral terms which no other house in the world wil' do. You will learn everything and get much valuable information by simply writing us a postal. We need a ffii'er Agmnt in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. $8.50 Regular .,: co art ,.,rPrico WWW o , terms, 1 TIRES PUNCTURE-PROO- F t V Introduce mm Will Soil You a Sample Pair for Only (CASH WITH ORDER To Wo NO MORE TROUBLE L WHITE 20Band and Orchestra. m high-grad- e UTAH. 181 a write lor our Dig I ki.k IilCitl.K catalotriie sliowiiifr the ir.ost complete line of e HELOW any other mauufucturer or dealer in the world. Wilson Lumber Co. ione mr tiv, jvcin i nu l SHORT ORDER HOUSE. CENT 3XA J9S m a Meals 25c. Served From (1 A. M. to 10 P. M. (rood Meals and Good Rooms. Satisfaction Guarateed. Telephone Connection With Both Lines. A. KENT, Prop. Tremonton, Utah. E Don't fail to call and get one of our beautiful Calendars, the Climax for 1907. TREMONTON, Tremonton. Will lie in Tremonton on or near January 15th 1907. son's. OO t LrrLKlvlAJN w THIS inn We are "IT." Building Material in any quantity and for any Headlight Kerosene is the best. Buy it at Proprietor, )r. William Mack purpose. I Wanted A smart active jrirl to learn typesetting. Small wages to begin with but a paying business when proficient. The Times. Tremonton. STABLES. ! , i AND THAT LOWEST. PRICE THE FEED, SALE 0 EXCHANGE vtvr ATT TION Bargain Seekers. R, K. The Salt Lake Semi Weekly Tribune ll attention to the BBpei mining SOWS of Utah , Nevada and Idaho, and contains in every issue the latent quotation on all mining stocks of interest to the people of this region. Write for a sample copy. ONE Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. m 8 EI N e , German . light Gilpin, called at his home in Corinne ami made themselves quits at esse for several hours. They were well supplied with provisions and served an exctlleOt luneh to whieh they invited the pastor and his family. When questioned n to the reason for their visit, they informed Mr. (iilpin that Saturday was the anniversary of his liirtli. and that they heard he was nut to he at home that day, N they had taken time by the forelock, so to speak, and COSH in to help him celebrate the event and to show I heir 'respect and give emphasis to their good wishes, they gave him a nice part of ruin of t he realm. The dominie was a very much surprised man. but retrain lug lib composure he thanked ills fi lends for the kindly interest they ha ken in hi welfare and hoped he would always IBM it tin If irs ect and esteetu and hop ed the Giver Of all good would reward t hem for their many ads of SllldntSS to himself and family. After a pleasant evening the good people departed for their homes after wishing Mr. Gilpin many happy returns of the day. Shattick. Pastor. - I.s.st Friday evening a party of thirty-livor forty people, parishioners of the Ret, OK Notice the 25c table of Underwear. . A. II. We will services the Baplit Church the coming Sunday at 2 I M. One black horse colt, two years old, A II arc invited to attend. star In forehead, two whin- bind feet. Theodore Wobd., Pastor. one fore foot partly white, branded 21 on left hip. The ( ache Fish Company have plant Said animal was impounded in said ed 800,000 trout fry in its ponds arid town on the- 5th day of February, 1907. K F. Meldbum they will have some fishing up there af Town Poundkcepcr. ter a while. DESCRIPTION Inter-Mounta- Surprise Party at Corinne. All Services are held in the Baptist, You art; cordially invited Church. 4 w L ' NAILS. TACKS OR li. e ? " hi al'laMiffcs PER PAIil GLASS WON'T LET THE AIR OUT 14.59) FROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC- TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. NntlM the thick rubber trean "A"mnd paoetare anil "D," also rim strips strip "11" tn prevent rim rutting. This tire will outlast suit other Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over make SILASTIC .SOFT, onrl Seventy-fiv- e Thousand pairs sold last year. : AsV RIDINU. sizes. in Made is all It lively snd easy riding, very durable and lined instds DF8ORIPTION1 with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customerspunctures slatine thai tli or tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. no more than weigh o? thin, specially an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several They layers prepared fanricon the tread. That "Holding Hack" sensation common! v felt when riding on asphalt or Ml roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which' prevents all air from being squeezed out bStWMB the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tire- is JH ap per pair, but for advertising purposes we arc making a special factory price to the ndrr of onlv 4 So per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO I) on ou do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. approval We will allow a eash dlseount of s per cent (thereby making the price ft t.ftn per pair) if vou sent' FULL CASH Wi l li OKIJKR and enclose this advertisement. Wc will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal punctnra closers to be used In case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at III II expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and notify sent to us is as safe as In a bank. Ask yonr Postmaster Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Kditor of this paper alx.ut us. If you order a air of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any lire you have ever uaed or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will jive us your order. We want vou to send ua a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire ofler. saddler, pedal, parts and repairs, and DA aV STS? everything In the bicycle Of Is IS Ms? a lint are sold by us at bait the usual prices chatged by dealers aud repair men. Write for our big M'MIKY catalogue " posset odv. IK MOT THINK OF Bl'TI.M, " WW fwVr WAIT bsqaeot a pair of tires from anyone until you know the Ret wonderful oOers we are making It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it MIIV rnA CrrO ft nft MIT fill aV bullt-op-irhrl- a. cn-onnnc- MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. 'ML' CHICAGO, ill, |