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Show I WITH UTAH'S the works, and. perhaps have a posiRAISED TBEASON IS CM time?" a tion as foreman therj after The usury bill introduced by Jensen Hke where I am, ami "No, 6ir. A robber stole a box containing makes it ui.lawtul to take more than would rather stay here." I12 per cent interest $6,500 in gold bullion bound for the "Very well, remain where you are; felgood an from my me caution mint express House bill No. 1. by Jensen, makes you, Francisco Swi let but taxes upon real estate a lien upon Bv MARY R. P. HATCH low, never to be seen watching my truck at Barstow, Cal. property alter January 1 of each year. house as you did before my return." The Alabama senate has passed the Author of ' The Bank Trasedy " "I will remember." replied Edes. in Prominent Sheepmen Charged With House bill No. 4. by Dean, author bouse resolution calling for an inves- izes boards of commissioners to emhis dazed, hopeless fashion, though Having Been Silenced by Governn Sb.yarU Booker of the Coprrlfht. 189. tj methods his the of tigation to perni- exterminate his sallow cheek reddened and Promises ploy agents ment Agents With moment. a school. T. for weeds. rious Washington eyes gleamed fiercely of Special Privileges. Mr. Hamilton turned to his desk and A stove in the home of the ChilWesley K. Walton is the oldest to CHAPTER XIII. Continued. that the interests of the bank called took up his pen, and Edes returned 1!. member in point of seivice In tlie at Vancouver, Aid dren's society, for the "resignation" of Sim' "Very well, 1 will." Ijw. his work. Mr. Wulton is the senator senate. of rooms two the Salt Lake City. A sensation was C. exploded, wrecking Kneeling down by his side, clasping Therefore he resigned, but Rich But as soon as Mr. Hamilton was from county. to the the building and injuring six children. her hands and closing her eves. "Dear united expression of gixnl will and left with Mr. Carter, who had been sprung on the delegates of Bingham, has intro Robinson, Jesus," sue said, "bless my papa and respect from the officers, who felt present during the interview, a silent tort third annual convention of the Fred Elenbrock, who on December duced a bill apropnating 7,auo to resaid: and and of his perfect honesty mamma, Judge Lafayette Cidester for injuries rePerley and me, and assured but watchful listener, the latter National Woolgrowers' association in 21 attempted to assassinate make us all happy together as we liability. "That man is chock full of mystery. session in this city last week, Charles S. Cutting of the probate ceived in discharge of his duty as an used to be. And forgive us all our On the other hand, Tony Osborn, He was lying when he gave his par most start- court, of Chicago, has been adjudged officer. the into that may develop sins. Amen." withdrawn, was ents' names, and answered so guoiy. who had himself The senate passed the first bill of ever been made insane. have that ling charges "And forgive us all our sins," he asked to resume his place in the "Do you think so?" session on the 15th, it being Sen the naoba Prof Matteuccl. director of the against influential members of repeated so low that only Clare heard Grovedale bank, which he did. much "I do." ate Bill No. 1. making an appropriation re comthis in confidence tional livestock organization him. If I thought so," said his gratified by the renewed of $35,000 for the contingent expenses servatory at Mount Vesuvius, If there had been panion, seemingly startled, "I but. country. increased agitation of this vol of the session. Perley was in his mother's arms, thus manifested. ports He half asleep, and Clare approached any feeling of suspicion in regard to pshaw! you must be mistaken. It is charged that half a dozen of cano coincident with the Kingston The Democratic members of the them and kissed them both. a complicity between the cashier, is stupid and harmless." most influential western 6heepmen earthquake. showed their mettle by naming house the Mr. "Good-nighmy darling," said her when supposed to have absconded, Yes, it was very evident, as of nominees for practkally all a list in were bitter until adniiuistra recently, The chief of the rural mother. "Get into bed, and I will and Tony, it had disappeared. Indeed Carter said, and also as evident that who, The Democrats of the the offices. reserve forest of Bmo denunciations at killed M their was now Hon. Brollau. come and tuck you up after I help the bank officials saw plainly house number 8. he was very unhappy, not to say hopeconfederal beb a school boy name regulations and proposed lens). ftu.-ia-. less. Perley to undress. He is too sleepy to that there was little friendship Frederick Rasband is the hold-ove- r tween the two; for, though Mr. Ham undress himself." Mrs. Fry pitied him more than ever. trol uf western ura.ine lands, have Boriokoff. as tin chief was leaving a senator from Summit county, and for Mr. Hamilton looked at the group ilton was affable when they chanced She petted him, and fixed up bitter been silenced by the government concert hall. the last twenty years a resident of to meet, Tony had little to say to him doses for his liver, as she said, and agents with promises of special graz with misty eyes and a strange, yearnPark City. Senator Rasband is a naTorts of Several hundref families HowUtahn. having been 1,)rn in Pro' tive cooked tempting dishes till her sons ing privileges for their stock during ing gaze. Then putting on his hat he and never went near the house. ever mouth Ohio, have been forced from vo in 1858. suddenly left the house, and walked ever, he was as respectful as began to joke her for her preference; the coming year The their houses by the rising river. down the street, encountering a man toward Mrs. Hamilton. but this made no difference. Senator Smith has introduced n bill were eiven UP to All this time her attitude toward nv iivvji KnlMlnM who stopped to speak to him. But ii ....... n IT. "I do like him a sight better'n the LIKE DON'T MEN for the revision, annotation, SHEEP providing Mr. Hamilton brushed him one side, Mr. Hamilton did not swerve from its rest of the boarders. I feel sorter flood sufferers. and printing of the laws of Utah, coldness and reserve. She palpably tender to'ards 'im, he's sech a poor Gifford Pinchot Presents President commission, unceremoniously, as he said: The chiefs of the Ben M'Sur tribe and creating a compilation commissions and of "If you must see me, come to the shrank from being alone with him. creetur, somehow, so kinder harmless appointments Roosevelt's Ultimatum Regarding. refuge Ralsull sought with which or having any private conversation. office Not making an apropriatlon therefor an' sufferin', jest as if the world had Forest Reserves. are negotiating with the Moroccan au 'Are you sick?" asked the man And he never seemed to resent her been rough on 'im alwuz. 'Tis on Speaker Joseph announced at the Salt Lake City. One thousand thorities to obtain pardon for them attitude. Instead, he grew to love her some." peering into his face. op. ning of the house session on Tuesbetter and more tenderly every day. of last wek. that each member She did not explain her meaning sheep men representing the immense selves and Raisuli. "Yes, sick of living." day WOUld & He was often conscious that Con- fully to Dan, but she did to Mr. Ham-merl- sheep industry of the western states, be expected to be in Ills seat The man shrank back without rea of Philadelphia boiler The him to tests, the at was at roll c ill as promptness locked stance on submitting until calling strode promptly Hamilton that and very day, at assembled, in convention plying, Reading freight engine exploded Ham-merlwould be one of the rules ot the he met Mr. Carter, who asked him as if she still doubted that he was parsonage for the purpose. Mr. States governUnited the trainmen with live horns Bridgeport, Pa., ami house indeed her husband, and one day he a little more pallid, but gentle ment in the where he was going. person of Clifford Pinchot, were killed. A portion of the holler said to her: I will walk back with and kind in speech as ever, soon came "Nowhere Upon motion of Mr. Marks, Demo dewas hurled 150 yards. Look at me. Constance; my hands out of his study to speak to her, and chief forester of the United States members of the last house who cratic you who is here re members of the present body That's right. Oh, by the way, who my height, features, gait; consder me She immediately broached her errand. partment of agriculture, The second lava flow from the volgovernment was that man who called to se, you at in every way. no I differ m any re "It's about a poor man that boards at the head of twenty-fivcano of Mauna Loa on the island of were allowed nrsi cnoiee oi caio, spect, taking into account the trifling with me," she said. "Primus Edes, forest reserve agents, over the propo Hawaii is now only two miles from the and Republican members of the last the mill choice, the remaining changes my mental disturbance pro- his name is. He's a poor creetur, an' sition advanced by President Roose- sea and is half a mile wide. It is house second "A business acquaintance." to have choice by lot. members a few of on husband heart set his the from he's 'fraid I drefful duced, don't like his looks. Vane, I'm "Well, velt in his last message to congress, at the rate of thirty feet an F. Tolton, the Democratic leader and I fancied you were not over and months ago? Tel! me, Constance, and Mis' Hamilton, 'cause he was well of the national government assuming moving came of hour. husband the tell me truly." house, discussing the goverher before above pleased to see him." enough -control of the lour hundred million at nor's message, said he found many per whv do von ouestion me?" she back." "You were right; but I have known A dispatch has been received west. in the were tinent suggestions in it. The gover"You don't mean to say," and the acres of grazing lands him off and or. for years, and in his asked. "I have never said you Hamburg announcing that the Lucie nor, he thought, had made his message Mr. Pinread as he by "that not husband. That message, a me face flushed, my near minister's done he has good many way Woermann had been wrecked nf too great length and bad incorporat"No, Constance, and in your heart would be so wicked and foolish as chot at the convention, is as follows: turn, I suppose he thinks." of German Togo-land- . ed in L much unnecessary matter. chief the port Lome, ' affect I you know that am, though you that!" "What's his name?" That in the judgment of the presiHer passengers and mail were Nurserymen want the legislature to "Yes, I do; but it wouldn't be dent, government control of the puba bill making It necessary for nact saved. wicked' an' foolish in him, for he is lic and range is eventually coming, to secure licenses before minor rwr who is said to have Iree growers different from some don't seem to coming soon. can sell their wares in the state. come. they should You mustn't it coun that would. is some it as That realize right Introduced stenography into this it is believed such a bill would greatThat the president believes it is for be hard in your judgment on him, Mr. first short hand re ly benefit the nursery industry of the the was and dotry the of public the best interests in Hamraerly." men, porter in the United States senate state, especially if a clause were obmain, including the livestock a state "No, I won't be hard on him," anserted inspection 83 making soon orwi that it should come died in Boston on the ltth, aged swered Mr. Hammerly, in a low tone. ligatory for all nurseries. Thnt as eovernment control of the years. heard "I am sorry for him. I think fixed of the policies one Neither the house nor the senalo is range Mrs. J. C. Holman, mother of Evyln were in session to exceed thirty minsomething about this long ago. Have public he would be administration, of his of this associa-f- i Nesbit Thaw, denies a report that she utes on the 16th. The adoption of the you spoken of this to any one?" glad to getn.f the advice q ii h the American Livestock was going to Europe to avoid testify report of the rules of commit tee and "No, I hain't, not one word about her, not even to Dan, an' I sha'n't." association as to the form it shouldK. Thaw. She the first reading of a bill establishing ing at the trial of Harry depart ment, ,amd "That is right. It would not do to take for the best interests oi an would ap a state insurance she whether to say refused providing for the appointment of an mix a lady's name up in a matter like cerned. consumed commissioner, Insurance pear at the trial that. I will try to find an opportunity SINKING. of the senate. time the of most as marine SHORES OF HARBOR merchant a of to speak to Mr. Edes." need The And with this assurance, and conThe time for introducing bills has Wrecked a means to the greater commercial Fear of Kingston was been limited to the first thirty days States United siderably lightened in her mind, the People the of development Town Will Slip Into Sea. Heretofore bills could 5f the session. woman took her way d by Secretary of the Treasury be introduced up to the last day, mak urged har of the homeward. New York. The shores stuHarvard Shaw, in an address to ing the work tit the close of the sesMr. Hammerly called to see Pribor of Kingsfcm are sinking ami uuwre dents on "Evolution of The only sion exceedingly hurried. his after one day's the Edes mus night " a bill can now be intro is terror lest the city slip into which in ment. way him softly work was ended, and found limit expires lined alter the thirty-daea according to a dispatch received From the eruption of Maunaloa, Ha is upon recommendation of a complaying the violin in his own room, house here mercantile a dresswestern in by large the a down like gentleman sitting quite mittee. ine waii, lava is flowing Mrs. from Port Au Prince, Haytl. rate of seven miles an ing gown and slippers, thought at the side sinkbe to said Secretary of State Tingey has sent One Fry, as she conducted the minister bed of the harbor isin is hour and in three streams. to the senate a communication accom places many water the and ing into the apartment. panted by three reports made by the Every wharf not stream has crossed the government "I will remember," replied Edes, in his dazed fashion. What was said at the interview no now 100 feet deep.is said the sea, thirty miles commission appointed by the last leg sunk reached to and have road fire came destroved by to ignore my claims and to act as if one knew, but Mr. Hammerly rendered from its source. Islature to investigate and report up "Solomon Marks." and into the sea, or to have been thoughtful, forth exceedingly do on the question of the proposed mereven doubted me, you on the Well goodyou though in Odessa Marks, "Solomon worthless. The gardens public Edes played far into the night, but not say so to me." ger of the Agricultural college with night." 17th were the scene of a tripple exe- the University of Utah. Three reports He had never spoken to her so with closed windows. "Good-night.- " London Professor says moc Three Terrorists were hanged were made, one majority and two mincution. (To be continued.) plainly and sternly before, and she State of Unrest in Earth. row after having been condemned ority reports. a in trembled as she looked into his face. CHAPTER XIV. London. That there is a general to death for the robbery of a shop. REV. MOORE'S HARD LUCK. "Tell me," she said in a low, clear It is said that Representative Kuch-ler- , in the earth, of which Their trial took place before a drumunrest of state of Ogden, will at an early date inof it with interest, every particle tone, Solomon Marks. Be was oniy head l. disturbance If Ever Strona Lanquaae Could troduce a measure that will require was natu.-- e Jamaica the of her which about seen was appeared, Marks Solomon of malfeasance Justifiable. Why-R- ev. one instance, is the belief of Professor The American Sheet and Tin Plate that when a complaint Grovedale and vicinity for several capable, concentrated upon her quesor other in office, beloved or our misfeasance and Samuel au Moore, I announces laid me where "tell always company of Pittsburg, Belar, the famous sesimologist shall be nature criminal a days. He called to see Mr. Hamilton tion, of charge an experience had excruciating pastor observatory, advance of two per cent in wages to of the official of the istronomer at the mill, and was closeted with my head when I went to sleep." any against brought He looked at her a moment before one night recently which disfigured His instruments registered tie Jamai- all hot mill tonnage employes in tin state, before it shall be considered by him an hour or more. Afterwards he he that extent an to such face It his of the bed. was seen chatting with Primus Edes replying, "At the foot can disturbance, but give other proofs mills. It is said that sheet tin mill a court, shall be signed by at least scarcely looks natural. of terrestial phenomena in the shape men will receive an advance of 2.G twenty citizens. in an affable manner, and later, the was a fancy of yours." m. a. 2 that It must of been about 1. "No, it was a habit, but no matter," of Shocks elsewhere. fianstoims same day, he called at Mrs. Fry's per cent about March For the avowed purpose of bringing Mrs. Moore woke up her husband and rock falls. to moved the she and piano, house. W. J. Bailey burgu-larSenator is I there States United about an equalization of the tax as think said. "Sing to me, will you not, ConThat lady was not glad to see him, or addressed the Texas house of reprein thi state and lor the ;essnient for Investigation Samuel!" Asks down stairs, Lgeislature and she showed her feelings plainly stance?" the owners of of Of compelling to purpose invitation on for was sleep 17th Moore Rev. going Senator Bailey. "Yes. Shall it be your favorite?" In her sentatives on the and creat corpor the smelting by being very glum and stiff milling in cent a Senator Bailey's speech ations in Utah to bear their just bur that body. "Yes, if you have not forgotten it." again. He said there wasn't manner. She did not like his looks, Tex The lower bouse in the welAustin, was , and the I,,,-burgulars I house the Find it of never forget. anything den of the expense of maintaining the "Oh, no. uie rvcu- was an impassioned denial nor his ernnd, which she felt sure come to all they could find. Mrs. Texas legislature adopted for me, please." resorelations With the government of the state, a Joint rev his in was to learn what he could concernDuncan to the improper so at nedy substitute Moore, however, was nervous, was For a moment he gazed at her earnenue committee will be appointed by Oil company. of Waters-Piercing Primus Edes. Indeed, she the last the pastor arose and started down lution looking to an investigation the senate and house of the present he Then own mind through that glanced in her estly. man convinced fully Edward has headeU the He was in his Senator Bailey and bis connection and King to to "Annie came stairs Investigate. till he music of legislature. feller." detective pile he was "another Waters-Piercsion house Kingston relief fund with and durn near broke his toe association with the Solomon Marks got no friends In Laurie," which he placed before her. hare feet Representative Orvll Thompson, of The resolution was a subscription of $5,000, the corpora on the stair case, but he said nolhing Oil company. She sang the song In a sweet, thrillGrovedale. It was plain to Mr. Car... Millard county, who litis served in two a to dark. ot ha in the tenand proceeded down si airs lion of Ixindon immediately adding adopted by a vote of ter that even Vane did not like him, ing tone that brought out all its prior to this, says he will friends legislatures the by The principal amount. few bills to offer during derness to the waiting ears of her When he entered the kitchen with his elaimed as a vietory similar nave for made and was relieved when he left town. is probably . hands before him he straddled the Senator Bailey. Provision Mr. Thompson special perfor- the present session are organizing any Mr. Hamilton was engrossed now. listener. investigate to a committee "1 wish I could prove to my Annie door which was standing half open was a member Of the first legislature, In behalf of the fund. mances his help for made mill, the be at against after day, may day I would do for her," he and the edge of it struck him fair and charges that but went down with other Republicans was seriously needed. Moments of Laurie what President Roosevelt has written a in the Brygfl landslide which swept Bailey. sam on the nose, smashing he as a in tone, square low, breathing over said, steal to seemed form! fulness letter to Chairman Foss of the Naval Utah in 189G. He was a member of i lo lay aside me niiisu: an sue against his face and almost breaking tWiTnt names am stooped Battle of Featherweights. to aim. raiiMi fi him "u then Affairs committee, urging that an ap- the last house and was The parson it. as you might say. finished Att. l knocked be details, but a word recalled them toAngeles.-ALos nose must should be made at once the present assembly. his He a thinks tone lit full a in You she unpropriation lamp. said, on have, no would he .i Francisco A bill is said to be in the process of battleships ot ine bled a quart and It pained hiro n.,t TTarrv Baker, of San tor two first-clasaided perhaps, for days. His aptitude of meaning; and she left the pianoa have M . Mrs. , niglii, ieround which Friday in noise the eighth and took up terrible. The and speed and with preparation by a member of the legis the crossed had apartment remarkable, for business, always guns. lature providing that sheriffs who are champion. pr)mary batteries, all of heard was made by the cat, which had lalnlug the featherweight not lessened in the least, and he was book. a ... made defendants In civil suits rising asked Mr. Hamilton shoved the cover off the milk jar in next The that day his told partners, he oonfldent, and was helping herself to tell Primus :ut of the performance of their duty cellar mill the the at workman all recover Moroccan the fast u,,i.ii rf Melilla where very soon he should fully shall be Indemnified for their attorcal outen th to nnisn. iu- the start kicked with Moore to wished he Uev. V I" that Edes speak camp, indicate too siroiiK ii'.iu iircienuei imn his remembrance of the past. ttuu nini U but one, ney's fees by the state. The bill will not had he bandaged stood man and appear-useater As the waiting, house, tot the San Francis-- i that his followers, since the "If so," he said, "I shall know what him. c erv be favored by all sheriffs In the state standpoint bed. to his nose and returned venturing to speak himself, Mr. Ham blow In the ance of El Cuebas and the Bui at.'s- who nave in the past been compelled I did, whether I presented those notes every sre growing hike- to In speaking of the matter later Ile said: StKateior?: hta footwork was light- - troops a, rangier, . -- Al.nlllnn Olll after altering them myself, at theI ilton pay for their defense, regardless of Moore savs he always endeavors to uing name is Edes, I believe." "... Uflf.tl-- whether ine "Your tnai and warm, Baker's ducking innuu before time I the although they win or lose tne suns fast, bank, where spent of lea.l a ( hristian life, but if he could be ended. u "Yes, sir." uu saved nun filed against them and covering went to 8eattle, and how existed up in our mill cut loose and swore when he run Into "Have you worked K.unds the fight lasted. The suit of the state of Illinois to that time." The discovery has been made that door he thinks it would have beei that long?" Illinois Central railroad the senate is not to have a reading circles produced the Like the widening .igainst No doubt a creat comfort to him. "About eight months." Young Dyer Acquitted. for the collection of several million rlerk this session The rotund vole by a stone thrown into a mienm. would son lollars which the state alleges has did you work before you Bugle" items In "Where "Bingville bank P. Jr., Louts.--Da- v the id Dyer, TnfMl(millH Viotkin has been removed St. surrounding the mystery share l he Boston Post. of came here? withheld from the state's to Mauritius, where It Is di ing dot) affa ir at Orovedale was prolific of the United States district attorney, been In Alabama." ,f tbe gross earnings or the railroad had for Uncle Sam In a consular position, Full particulars local the In rv,npmicnccs. and a teller Ambition. successor no was filed in thp state supreme court and Theodoslus has there?" born "Were and you country the :,een wired through Uncle Horace (who Is something of was Friday night acquitted by a Jury last week I was born In Vermont." there. "No, worked up had enterprising reporters My boy, it Is a sage and philosopher) on the in the United States district court on "Who were your parents?" by Smith, is an Addressing the senate Senate bill No. columns about it for the newspapers serious think to to an for was time Bdes. you begin a charge of having embassies' Jfil.500 and Mary of the prac "Thomas Cartnack reculaUoa xot Senator the for Brownsville affray, which they represented. to funds. The jury was ,nnounc-f government ly of the kind of future you intend that he heartily supported tlce of medicine and surgery in the only child, and they are both dead." On of the widening circles caused was It in verdict m up out five hours, and the map out for yourself. To sum "Were you ever married?" extended to the president In his action In dig state of Utah, and for the appointor In by the local disturbance received with cheers the courtroom ibargiBg a word, what epitaph are you amhi soldiers. The of a board Of medical exaatlners the negro sir." was Low "No, Simon the bank of which with friends of the of the legislature In his state the matter of said regulation and pro "You are said to be a good, natural tlous to have engraved upon your being nearlv filled cashier. The directors, awakening to and federal employes. ,ction the same position met his per- riding for the repeal of title U Dver family be to tombstone. like Would you machinist. books taklug views. the fact that deposits were being vised Statutes of Utah, VX98. Dyer's defense was that, his Nephew (just beginning ij- career) he had no knowl- gonal with nlurniine rapidity, called transferred to our other mill, where short a showed -- He 0t hi' share to study lea 'are occuir. and unanimously decided you can have an opportunity a meeting edge of how tin LAW-MAKER- NEWS SUMMARY 1 THE MISSING MAN - !- t, y y e 1 kind-hearte- Self-Gover- n y . court-martia- "S-h-- s A.I e e the-uter- s s . as I ir 1 1 wlth-irniu- n I |