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Show HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. NORTHWEST Nert year's convention of the Pc-ru-- na for Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Grip. h fi mm: On Na- tional Wool Growers' association will be held in Helena, Mont Fred Greenback, a white man, was badly stabbed by George Johnson, a negro, in a quarrel about a card game In a saloon in Laramie, Wyo. Johnson is in the county jail. The senate has passed a house bill extending the lime for homestead on lands embraced in the Shoshone Indian reservation' in Wyoming to establish residence. The Spokane Rod and Gun club has accepted the offer of the Interstate Sportsmen's association to hold the Pacific coast handicap championship meet in Spokane, September 10, and 12. Senator F. E. Warren was president of the National Wool Growers' association at the Salt Lake con venlion, while George S. Walker, the Cheyenne newspaper man, was reelected secretary. L. D. Thomas, a prominent farmer of Plains, Mont., blew his brains out in the presence of his fourteen year-olson. The boy claims his father was removing cartridges from a revol ver when one exploded. Mrs. Jennie Cobe, formerly of Rawlins, Wyoming, was found dead in bed in Salt Lake City, at a private residence where she had begged to be allowed to sleep. Over Indulgence in morphine led to her death. The Oregon legislature met on the 14th and effected temporary organizacontion. When the legislature vened Frank Davey was elected speaker of the house and E. W. Haines, of Washington, president of the senate. Congressman Josepn M. Dixen republican, of Missoula, was formally elected United States senator from Montana, on the lGth, for the term, beginning March 4, next, succeeding Senator W. A. Clark, of Butte. Nathan Jacobs, arrested in Portland, Or., and taken to Los Angeles on a charge of forgery of the names of several United States district custom officials and others, pleaded guilty in the superior court and was sentenced to serve five years in the state prison. With a terrible gash in his forehead, where he had apparently been struck by an ax, and lying in a pool of blood, W. Zimmerman, a jeweler citizen of Penticton, and B. C, was found lying dead in the rear of his store. He had been murdered and afterward the store had been robbed. The senate has passed the Warren bill increasing the military corps of the army. The total increase, which is to reach its maximum in five years, is 6,197 officers and men, which, with the increase in certain salaries of men in separate grades, such as electricians, machinists, etc, will cost $243,324 annually. The latest report of San Francisco bank clearings, as announced by the California committees, promotion snows a continuation of the heavy increase manifest for some time past over corresponding periods during the preceding year. This would show that San Francisco is prospering, despite the terribie losses sustained by the earthquake and fire. Burglars entered the residence of J. N. Grover of Seattle, choked Mrs. Grover into unconsciousness, and then dragged her to a bathroom, locking her inside. Later they ransacked the house and stole $31 in money and a Mrs. large quantity of silverware. Srover was a prisoner for two hours, when she was released by a member of the family arriving home. The funeral of the late George Terry, who was murdered by an unknown assassin on the Wind River reservation, Wyoming, an the nighi of January 10, took place from his former home at Draper, Utah, on the 19th. Terry was a Indian, his father being a white man, Joshua Terry, now an aged resident of Draper, and his mother a Shoshone Indian. Terry was born at Smith's Fork, Wyo. W. J. Bryan, introduced by Lieutenant Governor Coon as the "most distinguished private citizen In the world," addressed the state legislature of Washington for over an hour on the 18th. Not a member was absent from his seat and the galleries wero crowded. Mr. Bryan spoke generally of legislative matters and made an appeal for a big appropriation for the Alaska Yukon-Pacifi- c exposition, saying that he favored educational exhibitions of that kind, but was op which posed to appropriations persons and , corporations. Fire Sunday afternoon in the Berlin block, Tacoma, Wash.. ( aused a loss of $16,000, mostly covered by Insurance. A. L. JackHon, who had a photographic studio on the sixth floor, lost a valuable collection of negatives which had takin twenty years to gather. Frank Carpenter, aged 16, has confessed the murder of George Johnson, a ranch hand aged It, In the DM Carpenter Lodge valley. Montana. Implicates John Berberlch, aged 19. Johnson cauglil Hi" boys robbing the safe In the Parrot t randi. and tbey 1 'IDNEYS 1- - s.- (LADDER :m& tfv. Peruna is a household friend i more t an a million homes. This number is increasing every day. Peruna has become a household word all over the English speaking world. It is an old tried remedy for all catarrhal diseases oj the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidtuys, bladder and female organs. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1907. Woman Is Adventurous. In proof of the assertion made by tie German authorities that all is well well in Morocco, an officer of the recent German expedition to Fez tells how, in the heart of Morocco, he had met an English woman touring alone. This fearless woman is Mrs. Frances V. Campbell. She is reported to have traveled all the way across Morocco on horseback, with no other escort than a few servants. Keeps Young by Outdoor Exercise. Although James Bryce, the new British ambassador to this country. Is 68 years old, he has not by any means exhausted his physical energies or his fondness for exercise in the open. His favorite recreation is mountain climbing, and he is president of the English Alpine club. TO CUBE A COLD IN OHE AY Take LAXAT1V K UllOMO Quin.ne Tao ets. Drnir-g- t b refund moiie ir it falls to cure. K. W UUOVKiS signature Is on eacu box. l!5c. Every time a man accepts a gift it costs him a dollar. Mrs. WinaIowH Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens tbo gums, reduces In flammatlou, allays pain, cures wind colli;. 25c a bottle. Love your enemies Demijohn. but not John RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA i I 1 six-ye- ar well-know- n SURELY WINS NOTES Mean Man Who OutJoea OIL The Proved Remedy For Over 30 Years. Price 25c and 50c SICK HEADACHE iCARTTRsl TITTLE curfil by Positirrly thr-sPills. Little Tlicr also reliere Dis tress from. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty . A perfect remEating-- edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste la tho Mouth, Coated Tonfrae. I'aln tn the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels, purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. PILLS. CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Signature iTTlE 1 IVER tilled pills. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES him mot twit-.- cost you Soma Others. a Um FIHT.K.S DYFS color aj. much as anv ,,ttl(,t. dve anJ 10c nine. per package. If you want to see & man act silly hunt up one who is jealous of Many stories have been told mean men- su(h M he wno U8ed a wart lor a conar-uu- i ton and ne wnose birthday gift to his son consisted in washing the windows so that the lad might watch the cars go by. This man, however, seems to have won the palm: There was an extremely mean man In New Hampshire, who was the proprietor of a hotel. By his direction rules were posted In the hostelry forbidding almost every conceivable prir-llegto those not guests of the place. There was absolutely no chance for the casual loafer to get newspaper, pen, ink, stationery, etc. There were not even free seats in the office One day, relates the Success Magazine, he chanced to observe a chronic loafer gazing at the old clock that hung on the wall. The next day a It sign was placed over the clock 'ead: "This clock is for the use of the guests of the hotel only." PI1.SN Dill. BCD I TO 14 PAZO OINTMK.s i. nuaraniMHl lorara anj aa of ltrninc. Blind. H.retiiug or Hfol ruaiug l'i . id CU Is days or money refunded. Ma, The Kind You Have Always Bought AN'cgctalJe rrcparalioiifiir As similaliiifi itieFtHxlantlHcgula Ung the Stomachs and Dowels of poor man's chances for reaching the age of three score and ten are far better than a rich man's, because the doctors waste less on him. Bears the Promotes Digeslioit.ChevTrul-nes- s Not X am c otic. We offer Oat Hundred lr.'iiars Heward fur any bo cured by Hall's 3ae of Catarrh that cannot Vkiarrb Signature of AAV J and Resi .Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. How's This? (Jun F. .1. cnKSKY 4 CO., Toledo. O We. the nmlf r.lKneit. bare known K. J. i uenry fur tile lt.nl yc,r end bellrtr hllu perfectly honorable id all biiatneaa and financially able to carry out any ..hilgaii. m mad. by hi. firm. W W.'ONQ. Ki.wan k Makvin. i Developing the Sudan. There is talk in England of the proposed development of the natural re sources of the Sudan through scientific exploration. Immense forests line the banks of the Blue Nile along Its upper reaches, extending to the Abyssinian frontier. The ebony tree Is met with along that river and also near the Sobaf. Along the White Nile the india rubber creeper, a valuable source of rubber, abounds. There are large forests in the province and gold has been mined in some of the mountains. Search will be made for fuel. For Infants and Children. A VVhi.ie.ale Dlltaajlata, ''Our little girl, one year and a half old, was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor called it We called in the family doctor, and he gave some tablets and said she would be all right in a few days. The eczema grew worse and we called in doctor No. 2. He said she was teething, as soon as the teeth were through she would be all right But she still grew worse. Doctor No. 3 said it was eczema. By this time she was nothing but a yellow, greenish sore. Well, he said he could help her, so we let him try it about a week. One morning we discovered a little yellow pimple on one of her eyes. Of course we 'phoned for doctor No. 3. He came over and looked her over, and said that he could not do anything more for her, that we had better take her to some eye specialist, since it was an ulcer. So we went to Oswego to doctor No. 4, and he said the eyesight was gone, hut that he could help it. We thought we would try doctor No. 5. Well, that proved the same, only he charged $10 more than doctor No. 4. We were nearly disI saw one of the Cutl-cur- a couraged. advertisements In the paper and thought we would try the Cuticura Treatment, so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies, which cost me $1, and in three days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, showed great improvement, and in one week all sores had Of course it could not disappeared. restore the eyesight, but If we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye. We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impurity of the blood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott. R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton, Oswego Co., N. Y., August 17, 1906." i WEE8EB Garfield Tea ftha IWh mnuutu liiMi la Guarantee! under the Pure Pood mid lw tukrn to rejml.i tiDrugs Law the Liver K dneya, stomach and bewels, and to parity the blood. AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. Covered with Yellow Sores Grew Worse Parents Discouraged Cuticura Drove Sores Away. GASTORIA There is no cure for the indigestion caused by being compelled to eat your own words e srrr aM VrSAMl J ' AmyJciK See ant .ieuta A'otA.O .Um jinitf .Wef Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Iniernally. directly np..u tbe b:"od and mucoii. aurfacc or iho system. Testimonials' scbi frea, I'rloe 73 sects pel aor.ua. iiH,i ry t iii ugvuir. Take Ball' Pills fur cousiipa;!. tfunmvrt ELPrnjOiR - . -- In -- t (uriintitrSeia a if. 'f,.i .wary. MM runw. Life of Horses and Dogi. Use Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Ron , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .('onvulsionsTevcnsh-nes- s find Loss SLEEP. The statement has been made that horses average from 20 to 30 years of life, and dogs from 12 to 14 years. A French encyclopedist credits the horse with 30 to 40 years, the dog with 20 to 24. There Is a sufficient range of uncertainty in these figures to cause doubt whether detailed study has been made of the subject For Over of Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years NEW YORK. KTf sBasBsaTsaHBVBBB Thoroughly Reliable. If ever there was a reliable and safe remedy it is that old and famous porous plaster Allcock's. It has been in use for sixty years, and is as popular as ever, and we doubt if there Is a civilized community on the face of the globe where this wonderful pain reliever cannot be found. In the selection of the ingredients and in their manufacture the greatest care is taken to keep each plaster up to the highest standard of excellence, and so pure and simple are the ingredients that even a child can use them. Allcock's are tho original and genuine porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world. GASTORIA EXACT COPV OF WRAPPHR. thc osarraua to-da- y For Cougk Cold, Croup, Japanese Hot Baths. hot baths are used at a temperature of 104 degress. Fahrenheit. Immediately they leave this the bathers plunge into perfectly cold water. A European doctor who has spent many years in Tokio declares that, after a bath of this heat and the subsequent douche, he used to feel warm all day in the coldest winter weather, while in cummer the bath had the exactly contrary effect, and was most cooling and refreshing. oore lhroat,omtINeck. Rheumatism and Neuralgia At all Dealers Price 25c 50o 6 HOO Sent Free Sloan's Book on Horses Cattle. Hogs O Poultry . Wash ington a Shingle State. The state of Washington produced 10,500,000,000 shingles in 1906 fiscal year, or 68 per cent of the total output of the United Slates. Washington has 45 mills, with a daily output of 47,940,0C0, or 18 per cent more than in 1905." In no other other state does the yearly output approximate III nMasassaassssaMsssaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaMiaM. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloar. 615 Albany St. Boston. Mass m samima.n crav. Sloaivs Liiineivt In Japan - atw raaw coaisaaiT. " BWW3 . UaW Sr. JT laW ' n UL. W Ml Bahr-el-Ghaz- Then They Went Off. "It strikes me that you are loaded," paid the pistol to the double-barre- l shotgun. "Oh, not quite," rejoined the latter. "I'm only Whereupon they both exploded with laughter. Chicago Daily News. half-shot.- " It afflltiort with sore eyes, utc f Thompson's Eye Water 1 BHgW "- 1Hb'':J - WOMEN SUFFER Many women suffer in silence and Ii-,TnrisTniisaWisWi- drift along from had to knowing well that they ought to have um-.se- , half-bree- ST JACOBS PUTNAM THE PALM. MISS JULIE FLORENCE WALSH r immediate assistance. How many women do yon know who are perfectly well and Strong? 'I hecause may he easily traced to some feminine derangement which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go uiywberc or do anything, backache, dragging sensations, flatulency, nervousness, and sleeplessness. These symptoms are hut warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless heeded, a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. '1ft e best remedy for all .ncse symptoms is PILES A tXTtRNAL RITANT. COUNTER-I- OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT OUtCK. SURE. TILL THE PAIN CUMIS KtEP A TUBt HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, ai d will not blister the most de.icate skin. The pain-allayiand curative qualities ol the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known, also as an external remedy (or pains In the chest and stomach and ail Kheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be Invaluatle in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "It Is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. VAS&-LIN- CHESHBROtJGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET. HOWARD E. BURTON, NEW YORK CITY oKtsf!$!"0 Hi lTtr. Ija(i. I ; Uuid, Htl-vZ'noor Copper. II. Csaniito lasts. .?!, full pries list sent o applicaMailing snreleprs and tion. Con r.. sod I iii,r' worfe sollolUMl VIII. Colo. KsfaVaaoa, carhunaw National Load KSm HimvIiih'" MtgMi '.out. Mk-- ; .il. - send FPE t and postpaid s 16? psc trcst. on PILES, FISTULA and DISEASES Or THE RFCTIIII' sun ill t ira pd trfltn A nn DISEASES OF WOMEN. Of the thousands of prominent immoI cursd kr our mild method. NONE PAID A CENT TILL CURD-- e furnish their and utter, on soolicatinn. MINOR. MODERN SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRI- CE E TUBES AT ALL DRUGCI3TS AND TEAl.fc.RS. Oh BY MAIL ON RE'.EIPT OF 15c IN POSTACE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT u i AND VASELINE EXTRACT 1 29 mn E.QTIII r 10 1 ULULmBLiiiit DRS. THORNTON . CAPISICUM . . up n saaasanar MUSTARD RI ASTHRS TO BLISTER. THE SCIEN11FIC Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pink ham. at Lynn. Mas. Her advice is fi " ' NO MOR! made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country has received such widespread anil unqualified endorsement. No other medi-cin- e has such a record of cures of female ills. i .1. Miss Walsh, of x's v. 30th st New' York writes: "Lydis B I'nikharn's Vegetable Compound has been of City, Inestimable ralnc in restoring n,v health. I suffered from female illness which caused dreadful headaches, dizziness, and dull pains in my back, but vour medicine soon brought about a change in my general condition, built me up and made me perfectly well.'' Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, such as Backache, Falling and Displacements. Inflammation and Ulceration, and organic diseases. It is invaluable in prepiiring for child-birtand during the Change of Life. It General Debility, and invigorates Uie whole system. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women fnit'" .timi, ; ' WUfvZZrR HO MONEY 'n, TILL READERS siring to buy any saaiasa thing advertise' Its columns should Insist upon havint-wha- t thoy risk lor. refuting all subslt tutos or imitations. CURED W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 4, 190. |