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Show At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. tad Win. H.( apwril. Editor Kutcretl as Pwrt :n Ike I MM, I'tali, under ff - "f congreai of Uw )7i March 3rd, To Ee Sold Now On 1 .i-- in advance i n.M A society writer in a Sunda) journal finds that then- arc "countless American girlf And t worth millions." nger they remain countless and dukeless the richer they will be. - In-- The only thing heard chairman of Board. J A Fishburn. EM WytHL Member " " 44 J c Gates. 44 " D c Roush. 44 " SBVVatland. clerk George Shuman. LOTS 35 TOWN Bahwriptioa rates. One year in advance Six BMMnMn in adraace one real aot TREMONTON Cheap April TrerooWon, t CHEAP! CHEAP! Manager. natter , clas-- ill O Treasurer John Shuman. Marshall R F Meldrum ivionioiy State Senator Best Opportunity TO get a lot for a Start great many psaple think the towards a home. choice. A dollar sent to a mail order house is lost to this community juit as much as if it was thrown the fire. The profit on the goods bought has gone to one who has no interest in our town or community, and who never does a thing for our place, but it goes to help build up some other town and swell the riches of some other community. Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. Dist Atty Chairman County Com. A W Valentine, M B Hart Co Commissioners D E Adams "1 B. C. Call Mel v in Nebekei Assessor Justice of Peace Elias Jensen A E Jensen Andrew Funk Constable Charles Cheal r. vl. Home" to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions llotin-stands atthe crthttrade. The "Xi-family sowing machines head of all HI holrt by authorized dewier ouly . roft T. B, SALS SIV BRENKMANN, MACINLS At $5. and up .supply nf the best Oil and MN4BM a! way:, yu baud. A CONFIDENCE Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. Secretary B. Hart and D, E. Adams, Breed to the Best. NO. MOINEAU. 44324. An Imported Preach Percheon weight 9160, will be at ('has. BchmnU's Farm, 2V miles west of Tremonton for Season of lilOfi. Terms of service 120.00 live foal, For further particulars apply or write to Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association. I Anv old thine will do But if you want the "best11 work done on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, goto Practical W. LEWIS, nooTllK'H stoiik, J. L ! Junction Members; Watch Maker. Oari.anb, Utah, S. Babbit t T. II Blackburn . Grouse Creek Jr. II. C. Yates Phil Paskett C. C. Tovne or any cause that depresses n illlk A I )V KRTIKI XG. Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. . Job Frinting for Every body. CORINNE NURSERY Blacksmith Shop Changed Hands I have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall ami Drake. I will run a first class shop and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. Place Your orders now f,,r u1"' mm CORINNE, Oebions . need. D. S. LOHR, O. S. L. 5JTAH MALAD XO 18. CoPvniOHTS Ac. a sketch snd deerrlnllnn my Anyone sending onr opinloti free whether sn niilrSly aeeertatn Is InTentlon nrohahly puteniahle. HANDBOOK on I'alents seeuritia patents. sent free, oldent aveiiry fnrMonti A Co. rtcelT thronah laSen Talents tarrMl no(k. wit hnui charge. In the Scientific American. han1me!y lllnralel werklr. I nnest dr. riilallun "f nnr ertentlOe tmirnal. 'l ernis. i a year: four mnntbe, L Hold by all newmleeler. A lUNN & Co.38""inch OW-- e. --' (35 F BU New York Wahlnton. D. f TIME TABLE. V ALLEY BRANCH. DEPAR1 No. at No. 32. I ? 9:80 10:10 10:29 in 91 10:81 10 87 10:53 11 :.' P. II. r.;io 9 M 18 8 83 ll;89 T710 7 88 100 p.m. Ootwm Wttltfu Kvans 88 88 11 42 12 0 it A. M. BrifiutB) 6:90 8:98 I 34 20 :H 8:80 The mixed train on thi? Pranch Malad is daily except Sunday 4;io 9M f.M Uarlantl Hiversitlc Fielding Plymouth Washakie 4:.V 9:90 !t:(ll Honita 4:13 4:0.. 8J8 IM B:48 1 W to h.23 8:98 8:88 N:2l 1 99 2:4." N . P. M. fl:40 IK7 Central THKMONToN 7 7 No is I A. K. P, op UTAH ARRIVE 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 Specialty. TREMONTON, Die-er- Here, but good healthy stock. per 101), two years old Apple trees and five feet tall. None better. A ROBE RT BURGE, Why not have some letter beads and envelopes printed with youi Damo, bus! j bmc and address on them for the use of yourself and family ? We can furnish tbein at very little more than the blank . ones would cost and tbey look mm h Call in when in town mid let 01! show you samples ami tell you the cost. Tiir. Times, Tremonton, Utah. PHONES, AND INDEPENDENT Horse Shoeing Agent. Tremonton, t'tah. SEWING 111 . No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash regard- A. K. Kielt, PRECINCT JUSTICE CONSTABLE Rox Elder James Knudson C. F. Nelson Three Mile Alma Iverson ii u. Nelson Mantua IS C. Jeppeson C. A. Andeison W. W. Lasley E. Hunsaker Calls Fort Deweyvillc It. N. Gardner B. J. Record Cnllinston Hyrttm Jensen J. R. Standing Beaver Dam C. J. Elmer Wm. F. Bowen Hear River A. E. Holmgren II PThorsen Manila E. R. Sherman Chas Kroksh Sunset II. C. Vanausdeln T. E. Secrist Riverside L. H. Kcnnard Jas.O. Smith T. P. Coombs Job Welling Fielding E. R. Had ley Sylvester Owens Malad E. II. Rudd J. Nisi) Plymouth Gibbs E. Hans Knudson J. Portage R. W Adams T. W. Sandal Rawlins Promontory Geo. N. House Chas Stokes C. W. Robbing A. L. Peterson Curlew Park Valley D. Birschi J. A. Eckenley F. Hyland Terrace John Nilsson D O. C. L. Kempton Mclntire Clear Creek COMPANY Is made digestion, PRECINCT OFFICERS the west bank of Bear Located River In ( orinne. 40,000 Fruit Trees. Mini Hoses. Come to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sum of money and gel Trees that GROW, to sell over-exertio- n, Chairman W. Valentine, . OH " Supt beat, intense mental effort, colds, inexcites or So sensitive arc they that the agitates the nerves. sootli-Wif- r, least pressure or strain causes suffering. By the nerves, Or. strengthening and quieting Pills relieve the pain. MlVs' Anti-Paidruggists, 25c a box, nnder a They are sold bv'first boxvi" benefit, or money the that guarantee refunded. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL ;0.. Elkhart. Ind j COUNTY HOARD OF HEALTH. U Msny Sewing Machines are made w less of quality, but the Nerve Pain fain is sure to follow any strain or weakening influence upon the nerves. It may be caused by Christena Madson Nephi J Valentine, Attorney surveyor 1 All Pain is S N Cole1 Clerk School non-advertis- er oniNsi, naas. F Joseph Josephson Recorder UTAH - non-advertis- er THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE District Peter Clegg. rreasurer h Who pavs for the advertising of merchants and other business? Not the advertiser, for the cost is returned to him four fold in increased profits. Not the purchaser, for he buys cheaper there and has a better assortment and fresher goods to select from. Who, then, really pays for the advertising bills? The of course. A just proof the money he loses by portion his lack of in itiative or ent erprise finds its way to the printer, to advance the cause of education and the interests of the community. If you have never looked at it in that light, it is worth thinking about. If $10 worth of advetising would bring $20 additional profits, you would have your advertising free and be $10 ahead of the game besides. The who lost the trade and profits which you gained would then be bearing your advertising expense as well as adding to your profits. 1 sheriff SAMUEL SCHRENK r Scipain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Ague atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Bearing-dow- n from injury, Pains Pains, pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. Judge 1st Judical District Call before the rush and get ycur They are only retailers and their P'icesare retail prices, and when a merchant here offers to duplicate their prices he knows what TREMONTON, h.2 is talking about, and also about what profit he can make on the order. 'Almost instantly, effects. They also relieve every other Cutler. C W S Hansen Representative BOX ELDER COUNTY landslide. mail order houses are wholesale s:ores and get the goods at whole de prices, but this is not true. John Pills Anti-Pai- n Cure Headache and leave no bad Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. Atty. General J A Edwards. Auditor James Christiansen Treasurer Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. Some of the best Locations in Tremonton can be had on terms that will please you all. hp Dr. Miles' STATE Instalments.L from Bryan these days is in connec-t'o- n with railway wrecks and s'eighing mishaps. He has thus far escaped injury. Let us see whether he succeeds in scram-lin- g on the ri ght side of that 1908 A DRt MILES' Official Directory. THE TRE MONT TIMES. 8.15 7:fl3 9J9 7:15 MB) |