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Show TERRIBLE TO RECALL. Weeks in Bed With Intensely Painful Kidney Trouble. Five Why There Are No Mail Mrs. Mary Wagner, of 1367 Kossuth Order Catalogues in avenue, Bridgeport, Conn., says: "I was so weak One Home. ened and gener ally run down with kidney dis- FARMER LESSON WILLIArViS' ease that for a long time I could In Time of Adversity He Got to UnT ' isL and was five derstand Who Were His Real weeks in bed. Friends Prosperity in StandThere was con A. ing Together. tinual bearing down pain, ter(Copyright. 1906. by Alfred C. Clark.) rm ... . . . "What jr got there, Sis? Inquired nble backaches. VJK'V headaches and Farmer Williams, as he kicked off his at times dizzy spells when everything felt boots and set them carefully bewas a blur before me. The passages hind the stove to dry. "That's what I thought it looked like, om- of them ot the kidney secretions were irregular and painful, and there was con there Chicago catylogs, though I hain't Iderable sediment and odor. I don't seen one clost fer quite a few years know what I would have done but back. Me an' your ma ust to buy for Doan's Kidney Pills. I could see mighty nigh evertliing we used out an improvement from the first box, of them catylogs when we first come to Kansas. Land sakes, I have to and five boxes brought a final cure." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. laugh now sometimes when I think of the way we would git ketched onct in Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. awhile. They's some cheap things lit them catylogs, an' then agin they's a Makes Plea for Dance. It seems a very great pity that some lot 't ain't so cheap. V never kir determined effort cannot be made to tell till they come, an' then it's too late to send 'em back. But a,s I was make dancing more popular. Nowadays, when exercise Is a kind of re- a sayin', we hain't bought nothln' out ligion to men and women alike II is of a catylog fer a right smart o' years now, an' the way it come about I had odd that one recommended by all doctors and recognized all the world over as well tell y', cause I don't think and in all ages as an attractive pas y' really remember much about it, "When we come to Kansas long In time, into which the art of fascination largely enters, should be more and the first of the 'SO's we got along right more neglected among us Lady's Pic- well. We was able to pay cash fer what we got, and we got the money torial fer everything we sold. We was pay A Big Bargain for i2 Cents Postpaid. in' out on the place right along; crops The year of 1906 was one of prodigal was purty good an' we was a feelin' before Never seed farms. on our Slenty and farm seeds return such like the Lord was a smilin' on our efforts, and the happy home we mormons yield. Now we 200,000 new cusdreamed about when we first got mariu toamigainhence oiler for 12c ried was in tomers this year sight. postpaid 10c But they come a change In Kansas 1 Garden Citv Beet. pkg. 5 10c I Earliest Ripe Cabbage long in the last half of the '80's. I " Earliest Emerald Cucumber.... 15c Times got hard and kep a gittin' 15c " Croace Lettuce I Market La 10c tighter. Four straight years it was I " 13 Uav liadish 15c " Blue Blood Tomato 1 so dry y' had to soak the hogs afore " Juicy Turnip 10c 1 they'd hold swill though I will say 1000 kernels gloriously beautiful (lowthey was some extry reason on ac15c er seeds count of the swill bein' so thin wheat Total jest died in the ground fer want of All for 12c postpaid in order to introrain, and the hot winds biled the ever-lastiif and warranted duce our you seeds, sap out of the corn. They will send 10c we will add one package of wasn't no pasture, no nothing. You Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, can know we was a feelin' purty blue vegetable and (arm seed and tool catalog. about that time, but we was young This catalog is mailed free to all in and strong, and thought with the tending purchasers. Write today. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La chickens an' hogs we could git through Crosse, Wis. anyway. "Then one day you got to complain-in- ' Rich Men Work for Pleasure. and lookin' so thin it worried us. Theodore Gill, the world's greatest Your ma is a middlin' good doctor, authority on fishes, works for the take it all around, but nothing she United States government, receiving could think of done you any good. ne dollar a month for his services. Ha Well, you kep' a gittin' pindlier and is a rich man on whom many univer plndller, till you got so'st y' wouldn't sitles have conferred titles and de- do nothin' but set in a chair by the Dr. Harrison (i. Dyer, another Kitchen stove, grees. wrapped in your ma's wealthy man, who knows more about old shawl, an' you looked so pitiful than mosquitoes any othjrr living per that we made up our minds to have son. devotes much of his time to gov the doctor, even if it took th' last eminent, receiving $25 a month. 0 if chicken on the place. Well, he come, ford T'inchort. a millionaire, is head of and after he'd looked at you awhile the United Slates forestry aaryle, but an' felt your pulse, he shet his watch he is comparatively well paid, his salup with a snap, an' says, quiet like: $15 ary being Several Better fix per annum. a warm place fer her ither rich men are on the government in the front up room, don't have too much pay roll at nominal figures, working nor drafts to strike her. for the pleasure of "doing tilings." as light we any Then knowed it wan't no small President Roosevelt puts it sickness we had to fight, an' when we got you fixed up in bed I foilered Doc. Judges on Their Dignity. out on the porch an' I says: 'Well, The ceremony of the United States Doc..' sez I, what's the matter with supreme court judges marching from our little girl?' 'heir robing room across the corridor " 1 don't want to skeer ye, Mr. Wil- '.o take their seats on the bench, lie. 'but I'm afraid she's liaius,' Bays oc vhich curs at high noon every week in for a siege of typhoid fever.' lay while the court Is holding session, "Well, after he was gone I went out ts always a matter of interest to the in the kitchen an' told your ma, but iverage visitor at the capltol. Every she says, brave as kin be: 'Well, Ezra, lay there is a small crowd waiting to see the stately procession. The other if the Lord has seen fit to put that tBUCk more on our load we must bear lay Justice Moody, as the youngest an' fight it out dola' our duty the member of the august body, brought up we kin, leavin' the rest to him.' beat ip the rear. A flicker of u smile apkit' I thought so too. So we jest kep' peared on his face as he noted the our hearts brave an' done what Mack-robe- d figures ahead of him. but seemed right t' do. It passed away instantly and he be- "The hardest thing was to figure out same as .solemn and grave as the where C git the medicine, an' fruit. Uier8. an' dainty things your sickness called WHITE BREAD lSfJr r V ' - n I ' Makes Trouble for People with Weak Intestinal Digestion. lady in a Wis. town employed a physician who Instructed her not to at white bread for two years. She 'ells the details of her sickness and itie certainly was a sick woman. In the year 1887 1 gave out from iveiwork. and until 1901 I remained in Invalid in bed a great part of the Had different doctors but noth-DJinie set i, a hi help. I suffered from serebro-sptncongestion, female troo-anil rious itOBaCll and bowel '.rouble My husband called a new loetOT and after having gone without IS) food for 10 days the doctor or lered Crape-Nut- s for me. I could eat '.he new food from the very first mouthful. The doctor kept me on lapeNuts and the only medicine was a little glycerine to heal the alimentary canal. "When I was up ngain doctor told me to eat GrapeNtits twice 11 day and o white bread for two years. I got ll In good time and have gained n itrength so I can do my own work iguln. My hrain has been helped so nim h, ad I know that the Orape-Nutfood lid this, too. I found 1 bad been nade ill because I was net fed right, .hat is I did not properly digest White iread and some other food tried to bve on. "I have never been without Gi food slnco and eat it every day. Vou may publlah this letter If you like o II will help someone else." Name Mven by fostum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Oet the little book, "Th Road to Wellville," m pkgs. J . aj u 1 ape-Nut- s In the end. I have faith in th' conn-tran' in the people that live here, an' nobody's sick baby is a goin' to suffer if 1 kin help any.' "Well, It was the same thing at y, HIS EYES OPEN Harlow's grocery, an' th' coal yard, everywhere in th' town. 'Cert'nlee Mr. Williams, we'll see jr through on this.' It made me feel mean an' small some way, though I don't know why An' often when they'd put in a few oranges or somethin' like that, savin' in a 'pologizin' sort of way, 'little somethin' fer th' sick baby, Williams,' why somehow it made a hard lump come up in my throat, an' I had a queer feelin' in my eyes, kinder achy like, y' know. "Well, to be short about it, fer eight weeks you kep' a gittin' weaker an' weaker, an' we kep' a feelin' more 'n' more hopeless. It was a sad Christmas in our home that year. Your ma was Jest wore out with watchln' an' try In' to do her work between times, an' I was so nigh sick with trouble an' discouragement 't I ust to go around by the barn an' jest cry like a baby Hut I never let on to your ma though, ner she t' me. We tried t' encourage each other though we knowed In our Mearts 't all our cheerful words was lies, an' each one knowed the other knowed It too. "Well, jest th' night before New Years Doc. called us outside your EXTOLLED VIRTUES OF LEE. BALM OF SCRIPTURE President Roosevelt Eulogizes Leader of the Confederate Army. PROPERTIES OF PINE HEALING Washington. The one hundredth KNOWN TO ANCIENTS. anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. Iee was commemorate Saturday night under the auspices of Oil of the White Pine Tree Used Sucthe Uciti Confederate and Southern cessfully by Physicians in Treatof the District of Columbia, society ing Consumptive Patients. The ballroom of the New Willard ho-- j The Oil of the Pine Tree is sup- tel was filled to overflowing. A spe- posed to be the balm of Scripture. It contains great medicinal properties fedarate veterans, who marched to and was regarded witn the utmost the hall escorted by Spanish war vetesteem by the ancients, and to the erans Although unable to attend, present day is peculiarly prized by President Roosevelt sent a letter, in the people of the East. he extolled the virtues of the A noted authority on diseases of the whlh His Confederacy's great general. who a established throat and lungs, camp for consumptives In the Pine suggestion that the centennial anniWoods of Maine, says that his entire versary be celebrated by the estab consisted of fresh air, listment of a pe rmanent Lee memortreatment nourishing food and the Pure Virgin ial with some great representative Oil of the White Pine Trees, mixed educational institution of the south with Whisky and Glycerine in the fol- met with favor. The exercises were lowing proportions: over by Hillary A. Herbert, prended Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) . ,i2oz. " former of the navy. 2 secretary Glycerine 8 " Good Whisky Lusses Caused by Car Shortage. Used in teaspoonful doses every four hours. Tt.coma, Wash. Investigations Into It is claimed the above mixture will he lumber car shortage by Interstate heal and strengthen the lungs, break hours, and up a cold In twenty-fou- r cure any cough that is curable. 0 The ingredients can be secured from anygood prescription druggist at small cost, and can be easily mixed in your own home. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) Is put up vials for dispensing. only in Each vial Is securely sealed in a round wooden case with engraved wrapper with the name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed thereon. There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), which are put out Map of Kingston and Vicinity, under various names, such as Concentrated Oil of Pine, Pine Bal- Commerce Commissioner Franklin K. sam, etc. Never accept these as a has developed facts showing the substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of N'orthern Uacific equipment to be enPine, as they will invariably produce to handle the lumnausea and never effect the desired tirely inadequate ber products of western Washington. result. Sawmill owners told how small mill BOY WAS SOMEWHAT MIXED. concerns are gradually being forced s into bankruptcy, how the larger Had Wrong Idea of the Sound to Be have will losses which sustained Removed. reach into hundreds of thousands of Deacon Allen Sheldon, who recently dollars and how thousands of mechanpassed away, was universally respect- ics have been thrown out of employed by all who knew him, and hi3 ment by failure of the Northern Pastories were listened to with much de cific railway to furnish cars enough to light, says a writer in the Boston enable the 750 working plants on their Herald. He used to tell the following line to market their product with a great deal of interest: WILL CHECK RELIEF. When a very small boy he asked his father to let him go with him to the town meeting. He went, with the amps Laden With Supplies for Sufferers to be Stopped. promise that when he returned he Now York. The gathering of would tell the folks what happened. In those days the church was suphere for the Kingston earthquake ported by a tax on every property sufferers by the New holder. Whatever of interest came up relief committee, it is expected, will for the church had to be voted on at be discontinued lor the time being at the town meeting. in view of the. refusal on The pastor being feebie and his least, and the of Governor SweetteBham of part voice not strong, an article in the town warrant called for the removal iamaica to accept aid from Americ? of the sounding board from over the war vessels, it is probable that .tie pastor's head, since it acted as an ex- supplies now on the way' to Kingsto' n the steamers Allegheny and Prhiz and not as originally tinguisher, he Joachim will never reach the port. planned. When Allen returned told his mother about the sounding Both steamers have been ordered to "all at Port Antonio ami there await board, and said: Uirther instructions. "Mr. Flagg got up and said, in his squeaky voice: 'Mr. Moderator, I Whole Family Perished. make a motion that we remove the A tragedy. me ualgary. Alberta sound from under the board.'" 'till details of which probably never trill be known, has wiped out the Shakespeare as Novel Hero. William Shakespeare Is the hero of family of Edward Ferdinand, proa new and striking novel by the Danprietor of a tannery here. The ish woman writer Sophus Banditz. on breaking into the house. Moreover, British and American readFerdinand dead in bed, the ers will probably soon have a chance infant at to read this tale, for Queen Alexandra, lead body of a new-borwho recently read it in the original, 11 nis sine, wnue me ueati nouy or was so much impressed by it that she Mrs. Ferdinand lay on the floor near to have It trie bed. In another bed were two advised the authoress translated into English. This transla- young boys, still alive, but so badly tion is now proceeding and the Eng- rozen that they died while being taken lish version is to be dedicated to the to the hospital. The supposition Is nueen, who is herself a Dane. that the family was overcome by coal iff THE BEST TEA GROWN I TRY .,IT.. BW FROM VOVR GROCER 0 j half-ounc- e con-rern- Sz: Les Burn It. room. Oh, how my heart sunk then! 'I don't want to hold out any false hopes to you people,' he says, 'but I think with proper care from now on, your little girl is goin' t' git well.' Elsie, it seemed jest like a ton of hay had been lifted oft my chest right there. As fer your ma, why she jest busted down an' cried a3 hard as she could. After Doc. was gone we went out to the kitchen an' kneeled down tight there an' thanked God fer the most glorious New Year's gift he ever give t' anybody in th' world the health of our baby girl. You know your pa ain't no ranter er shouter; yer ma bein' a Baptist has furnished most of th' r'ligion fer our house, but jest then I seen how it was that they comes times in people's lives when they've jest got to have somethin' bigger an' greater than anything hit man t' turn to with a great joy er great sorrer. "Well, it was a long time yet before you was strong enough f play out doors, an' it was a hard winter. I burned every post of the fence around the south eighty fer firewood afore But it seemed like we it was over. had so much t' be thankful fer that we was strong t' care fer any any of th' smaller troubles that we come acrost. "It really hain't so bad to look back at it now after th' trouble is over, but 'hem hard years In Kansas drove nearly all our neighbors t' give tii their land an' move away, broke in hopes an' pocketbook. Them of us as stayed is purty well fixed now, but we fit fer everything we got, an' fit h ud, too. An', O, yes, about th' catyWell after you was well an' logs. tilings begun t' take a turn fer th' better, one night ma brought out that Chicago book an' laid tt on the kitchen table an' says: 'Ezry, what do you want t' do with this?' An' I sez: 'Les burn It." An' your ma sez: 'Jest what I was thinkin', too.' An' so we did burn it, an' what's more, we ain't never had one In th' house since, an' we never send away fer anything we can git at any of the stores in Huston, 'cause wo want to deal with them as lias an int'rest in the country we live in, an' in us people that live clost by "Why. you needn't of put yours in didn't mean-y- es, th' stove, too, Elsie. I don't know but what it's Jost as well y' done It after all." sup-olic-- s York-Kingsto- en-Ur- e n fc'te. BRING GOOD HEALTH Dr. William' Pink Pills. Used After the Grip, Arrest Fatal Decline and Rebuild the System. Any bodily weakness caused by a deficiency In the blood can be cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because these pills actually make new blood. After attacks of the grip the blood is generally run down and the patient continues to decline. "About three years ago." says Mrs. Jennie Cowan, of 718 N. Henry Street. West Bay City, Mich., "I caught a severe cold, which ran Into Folk Denounces Mailorder Idea. the grip. I was confined to my bed Addressl: g a meet in;; of retail for two weeks. At the end of that in Jefferson city recently, Govtime I was able to be about, but was ernor Folk, of Missouri, said! run down. I was so weak "We are proud of our splendid completely I could hardly stand, my cheeks had cities, and we want in Increase wealth no color and I felt faint. My heart tad population, and we also want our would flutter and it was difficult for country towns to grow. We tilth the me to breathe at times. Neuralgia city merchants to build up, but wc settled In the hack of my head and also desire the country merchants to stomach and I suffered from rheumaprosper. I do not believe In the mail- tism In my shoulders. "I had the care of the best doctor If a place Is good order citizen. "Why Cert'nlee, Mr. Williams, Jest enough for a man to live In and to in town but became no better until a Let Ua Know What You Want." make his money in, its good enough friend told me one day how she had Pink been cured by Dr. Williams' for him to spend Ills money In. Pills and I decided to try them. I for. We hadn't been trad in' much "No merchant can succeed without soon felt better and continued using with the stores in Huston, bnyln' advertising 111 one way or another until I was entirely cured. They mostly from the catylog folks f' know, Patronise your town papers, uuim them built me up again to perfect, health an' so we didn't have any credit there them up. and they will build the town and I use them now whenever I feel to speak of. But I went t' Foster, th' up In Increased trade and greater op at all sick and they always help me." told him how things druggist, an' IK) not be afraid Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are that portunltles was. I didn't have no money t' pay business is In such cases, as well as In going to be hurt by the re fer th' medicine an' things, an' the ccnt or wiong-dolnin th' other blood diseases, because they not exposures prospects fer the next year was as commercial world." only drive off the germs of the disease hut build up the system. The pills poor er poorer than th' last have cured anaemia, rheumatism, Mixture of Many Nations. why cert'nlee, Mr Williams.' he of fevers, neuralgia and 1Oiiis N. Parker, the dramatist, was says, jest let us know what you want other severe disorders. in' well carry you along till times born in Friince: bis father was an manv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold come better fer you We're all in a American, his mother an Nngllati by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on r we now. if but his was (list Innuunge hang t'goth-- woman, tight pistil Italian receipt of price, CO cents per box, things !s all goin' to COIM out right and he was SdnC ted in Ccimaa. six boxes I2T.0, by the Dt Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady. N. T. 1 nicr-chast- I lnval-unabl- after-- effects e Townsend's Enamel Cream Makes attract ve to lace powder. Imii otl nt s Its tico For sale very where. b j. Superior not le e Metf. Price 50 cents You should remember All the time that the best place in set Watches or Jewely ia Utah to m ESTABtlStlEtV 1862 r 170 MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH We carry the largest reliable lines in the west Best Trolley Wheels. now been settled without question, says the Brass World, that the best trolley wheels are those which contain no lead. The constant arching of the wheel and wire burns out the lead and causes the wheel to wear rapidly. If a trolley wheel is found which contains lead it is certain that it will wear out rapidly. It is very difficult to obtain scrap metals on the market which do not contain lead. For this reason trolley wheels from new must be manufactured metals. It has Use for the Humble Potato. Many persons will be surprised to learn that the potato is used in France in the manufacture of imita- tion meerschaum pipes and "marble" billiard balls. After the potatoes are peeled they are kept for 26 hours in an eight per cent, solution of sulphuric acid. They are then dried and pressed hard enough for use in making pipes. Under strong pressure they uecome solid enough to be turned into billiard balls. The Coster and the Fishwife. "Any one who swears," says the Bishop of Carlisle, "manifests the beggarliness of his vocabulary " The greatest indignation is felt in Billingsgate and Covent Oarden at this unwarranted slur on the poweis of men who seldom, if ever, repeat themselves In a ten minutes' speech. London Globe. Reward of Duty. At the end of life's brief day we shall be rewarded, not according to the work we have done, but to the faithfulness with which we have been endeavoring to do our duty in whatever sphere. Rev. F. B. Meyer. Shah Crowned With All Pomp. Seeking the Good. It Is only by thinking about great Teheran. The coronation of Mohammed AM Mirza as Shah of Persia and good things that we come to love them, and it is only by loving took place Saturday afternoon with them that we come to long for them, impressive ceremonies and a Brilliant and It is only by longing for them j 'splay of Oriental The that we are Impelled to seek after grandeur. scene as the shah ascended the fam-cu- them, and It Is only by seeking after peacock throne of gold set with them that they become ours, and we no-- I Jewels, surrounded by princes, enter into vital experience of their '.es and mullahs, was of rare magnifl-:ence- . beauty and blessedness. Henry Van The ceremony began shortly-it'te- r Dyke. DOOD. There were popular rejoicings at night in the city, which Fidelity of Heart. was brilliantly illuminated The date Little faithfulnesses are not only i lie funeral of the late shah has the preparation for great ones, but litnot yet been determined tle faithfulnesses are in themselves the great ones. The essential fidelity Land Grafters in Colorado. of the heart Is the same whether it be Pueblo, Colo I'nder the direction exercised in the mites or In a royal of M. C. Bnrch, assistant United treasury; the genuine faithfulness of States attorney, and S. I). Church, the life Is equally beautiful whether it of be displayed in governing an empire special agent of the department or in an exercise. F. W. Far iustice, an Investigation Into alleged rar. writing public land frauds will lie prosecuted from Pueblo dttriSg the next two Temperamental Differences. A man will months. Messrs. Iing and Church spend a lifetime quarrel-InUTived in the city on Wednesday, with his own heart, whereas a ifter spending several months col- woman can never believe that her in evidence the southwestern heart might be In the lecting wrong JohD part of the state. Oliver Hobbes s (Mrs. Renew Talk of New State. Hoise. Idahn So iw individual In the northern part uf the state is again agitating the question of state diIt is PTC po ted to add the five vision northern counties to the eastern half of Washington, creating a new ttati and making LewittOS or Spokane the capital. The report afloat says bills innking to this end are to be Introduced In the Idaho, Montana and Washington legislature this winter This report is believed by most pen-pito be a biennial Installment of hot air.' Oalgle). The Weapona of War. Benevolent Old Ijidy (to tramp she has just fetched In for a feed) "Win don't you go to work, tny poor man" Tramr "1 would If I had the tools mum " n. O. L. "What tools do you want, then"" Tramp "A knife and fork, mum, please." ' Uncle Eben'a Witdom. man dat has actually done nmpin'." said I'ncte Khen, "hab a right to brag a little bit. But I aln" got no patience at all wif de man dat bragn 'bout what he's gwlnter do." "De I |