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Show The Tremont Times. TREMOKTON, Town Locals. The director of the Hear River Valley Telephone Co. at their last meeting declared an annual dividend of eight and a half percent. Owing to the fact that the net earnings of the company , amount ing to 34.j9, had lieen used in extending the system, this dividend is payable in Mails Close For the South at 8:30 3:10 PERSONAL MENTION. Dividend Declared. Iremcnton I'ostoffLe. a m. i. m. For the North at 10 30 a. m. Slails Arrive From the South at 10:50 a. m. 6:48 p. m. Flora the North at 3:40 p. m. BOX ELDEB COUNTY, stock. The officers lu re had so satisfactorily managed the business during the past See those ranges at the Hardware Store, year that the stockholder! voted u webad the January thaw this uin them for another year, week. sure. Representative Cassidy of the Hell TelDon t forget the Spelling Skule nttbaPPhoDa Co- WM ,,(oliatin.s: Telephone Co. for Fraternal Hall tomorrow (Fridav) night. lHfar Rivcr Vall,-I distance connect ions, and his propo- long Stohl Tiros, are selling all kinds of ... gttions were so broHn aud generous that carpets, tugs and linoleum this season ; t.,c directors closed an agn incut for their stock is always new and connect ions for a five year period to take ect w ttlllo thirty days. Good appl. s at To cents per box at t) e Hardware Sto.'e. Don't forget the Minstrel at the Opeta Odd FellOWS Spend 3 House. February ."tii. Pleasant Evening. Who said lumber was high? Why the Wilson Lumber Company sell three doz-- 1 Grand Master Stringer of Park City, en cloths pins for five cents. They are and Orand Representative J. J. Thomas wood pins and could be used for kindlirg of Salt Lake City, visited the Odd Fel-icftec of need and would be about r.s lows' Lodge in Tremonton at a special i heap as coal these days. meeting last Friday evening. The even- L. 1'. Jensen is giving tickets with in8 ws spent in instructions, speeches be every Collar purchase at his store. These audsccret work, the initiatory degree Garfrom candidates four tickets give a chance on some valuable Ing several were visitors land. other There article to be seen in his show window. Lo )k at them. present and all enjoyed a pleasant and GL Lots' Silver's Big Jew York M!n profitable evening. Fruit and cigars s'rels, White Company , of 20 reople at ware served and all felt they were well t c Opera House Tuesday, February 5. pai,i fc. tne tjme spent and the late drive Do you want a ,rood Sewing Machine? home. If you do there is just one left at the Hardware Store. The price will be very Watch for the street parade on Tues low on February 5th. day, February 5. Get a Cole's Hot Blast Heater of stdii Bros., it is the ociy stove that Ladles Aid Envoys I se t. burns mine run. or slacked coal without - - . I TAIL Till ItSDA V. JAM AliV 81, 1901 Portage Pointers. iun N . We witnessed the arrival of a draft Thursday afternoon. January 28nd, for 200O the other day for the widow of Ladies Aid Meeling The Ladies Aid the Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church J. E. Campbell The amount was the of the Baptist church will meet at the Aid of the M. E. Ladies' the bv assisted home of Mrs. Godfrey Anger on Thurs value of a life insurance policy held by day at her husband i.i the Modern Woodmen of day, February Tib. A cordial iavitatkn Church, spent a very enjoyal-lis extended to all. the home of Mrs. M. B. Hart. After America. The amount was very accept S fit in and values Hceut goods Big partakinc of a royal dinner the afternoon able to Mr. Cunpbvll ao will do much the was spent by thelalies in tying qu to help her bear the burdens of life s6 The Lamp that give SKflrBest light and makill!: sunbonnets. etc., for th suddenly thrown upon her. (til to burn, at the Iiai: vare Store. benefit of the church. The folio ii g Jacob Jloerr, one of the prosperous Next Tuesday will lie a good day to la lies aud were prevent; Mrs. gentlemen or subscribe for farmers of the Valley, made a pleasant py your subscription Hill and daughThe Times if you are not already taking Wit land, Dunn, Yoder, call at our office the other day. Mr. it. All money paid us will couut on ter Bessie, Reese, Wardrop, Anger, Hoerr used to be superintendent of an your driver's chance for the $10 prize Swerdfeger, BInkley. Carlton and daugh- 839 in Illinois at a good salary, acre farm just the same us if paid to a merchant ter, Bryan, Hanna, Tulman and Talman, had work to but every day iu the year for his goods. Kneifel, Shatt uck, Bennett. Cook. Hart and could get but little ahead. He came Stock Food and Liniment; the Best and Hazel and Helen; Messrs. daughters. w est four at the Hardware Store. years ago, bought a farm and Mart, Yoder. Bryan, Kneifel and Talman A friend at Grouse Creek writes that became his own boss. He works about wild cats, mountain lions and other big eight months iu the year, does his chores WANTED 5C0 young kens. game is being driven down from the i i the winter, and saves more money Henry Scager. mountains by the deep snow, and that 13-4. e ich year than he used to get in wages Elwood, 'Phone four or live wildcats have been killed in back east. His success is not attributthat vicinity in the last week. Manka- a J'onnS mnn able to blind luck, but to good le H(llr-Ammunition and etc,1 judgment Cutlery, Gnus, who works for Liveryman Hudson, was and a desire to have things of his own. at the Hardware Store. A number of our people are thinking driving to Fielding Tuesday afternoon Sue h men are nearly always successful. team and cutter, a bolt in to some take up of going to Idaho cheap with a spirit Hy rum Adams of Lay to a came to Tie government land this spring. There is the whiffb trees broke and frightened the monton this week to attend to the thresh I that they began to run. Before just as good land in this vicinity, and hjrses-sing of the wheat he raised on Li) larm probably nearly as cheap, considering he c mid get them under control another some three miles south of town. He was everything, but the owners do not c re bjlt broke, which loosened them from unable to get it threshed during the fall, to wait as long for the pay as I nek the cutter, and he was dragged out and but expects to have about 4000 bushels his face came in contact with some ob S mi is willing to do. of good grain, as it was carefully stacked. Morse Blankets; Good but Cheap at jeet that cut a hole through his lower The crop was raised without irrigation. the Hardware Store. lip, which will take some days to heal. Don't forget the Times office when Mr. Fullmer Byers, who is employed Xj ether damage resulted except tin w lUiing job w ork. on the Central Farm near here, was mar- m ishing of a grip sack owned by the Three dozen cloths pins for Scents! ried last Sunday morning to Miss Eessie drummer who was with him. At the Hardware Store. Where? Den of Chicago. The wedding took w You ill be iii Tremonton on Februai y . . . Coal is scarce now is the time to buy place at St. Joseph s parish house in Oc w a Majestic Range of Stohl Bros, as u Sib; call at the Maid are Store. Good den and was celebrated by Rev. Father doM the work wUu (.ss tue, than values at the right piite. RDy Egan. The happy couple are stopping other range. for the present at Hotel Kent. The YOUNG LADY . The editor, accompanied by Esquire ,r.lines wishes them much happiness in BREAKS A LIMB. E. R. Sherman, 'took a sleigbride to Ev their matrimonial voyage. ," ans Tuesday afternoon to see some High in Qnility, low in Price, Miss Mattie Strong, a young lailv from e'tv which he Purchased four years ago at the Hardware Store. Utah county w ho is stopping at Garland, Tuesday evening the Misses Sherman b lt had ncver 8Cen- Afu'r Ending the nut with an accident last Friday eveentertained a party of young people al p ace and viewing its miigniticent crop in will house for her that tbe keep ning their home on First North Street. The of sa?c bntth they called at the line farm s I ime time. She aud a loa of compM time was spent in playing "Block", music of Mr. A. S. Yoder and sampled nil ap i fiom tbc sugar factory boarding ins and singing. Refreshments were served, Ple9 BDd cider- Mr- - Yoder is bouse were out for a ride in a large livr Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel tint and conducts his farm on Her veil blew off and as she wagon. ery of Evans, Miss Minnie Robinson tiflc principles. He uses all the manure reached lo lake it finni some one who Of Logan and Messrs. B. F. Wiu.eler P S9iLlj and litui good crops as a result. bad picked it up, her foot slipped 11 ",al '"' Mllc,res "mt apple or through ft hole 1n the bottom of tbe ves and Fcrd Smith of Tremonton. about the Four good sets of Team Harness at the cbardl will pay better tb'in anything hicle. The hoiscs ftinte Hardw are Store. else in this valley as soon as they get in same time and she whs thrown over tbe side of the Wagon and her leg was badly When 0. H . Cole of ( orinne was here bearing condition, lie has a pretty good f leturcd, both boneibeiug broken Telow s few days ago be completed the pur sized orchard just eomfef into besting the knee. She was taken to the board . hase of a building lot on Main Street on aQd ., ,,robul)lv p,BI)t more, Th(ty ,. ing ho isc and Dr. Dunn of TremOOtM hii b be will soon bcL'iu the erection of si culled at the well ki p! farm of II. h. called, who aided hyt Dr. Fn'iicke of a building for tbe Cole Hanking Co., Garland, set the broken bones and made whose business will be transferred from BjldrtoM, but h had pone to the mill At last her as comfortable as t'orinnc lo Tremonton as soou as the aid was not seen. Mrs. Berchtold kind a "counts she was doing as well as could building is completed. Tbc plans for y tbem to tbe place they were be exjectcd under the circumstances. fM tbt M w bsnk are not yet completed, edlU)J W0,jU, hunling for and 11 ,u l,clu" Clear up hi, patch, build a kOOM and There Is something for every little boy we MMNM that it will be a Hue buildbecome a neighbor. and girl that calls at tbe Hardware StON ing aud a worthy addition to our grow Ice Saws and Tongs at Hardware Store. on February "itb. a. I . Handsome Picture Frames Free FREE to those who purchase $10.00 of worth merchandise at bur store during the coming week One Handsome Picture Frame worth 2.00. c - o - ,' prop-Dishe- - Sd scien-Yode- ' sa-v- 1 j dlr-;cte- w ill give THIS GREAT BARGAIN, Come early before they all go. -- To AL SO the one making- the Largest Purchase during the week Waidron & Wbcre you gat the llest At the itigbt Price. km Bros Tremonton. NKYKK DAY ILes FOR" a Robert John and family of Thatcher, Ari.ona, have been visiting his mother and relatives for some time past. ,jA number of young people of LaytOU are Visiting menus in our town. Iillz, ct; bp wi ewsi 5. w Everybody and all his friends are invited to eome to monton on the above date, enjoy the music and buy such goods as they may need. aihakis Whisperings. but haven't written for several r I'MtKlfSMi E. Mall. I gj we will give one grand BUSY BEE DISK TALKING MACHINE FREE. mmi Toe weeks, drop you a few lines today. We are having a good lot of snow this winter. It has been about 18 inches deep, but the warm weather today is ssttling it quite fast. The people are rejoicing over so much snow this year and having good sleigh rides. No one sick here since Mr. Wren died. Will iilitaiv Ink oAnd Another Good Band their best music. Will be here all day and will furnish cyin Entertainment for the Children, with Candy, Peanuts and Music for Dancing, all free, will be given ;t"t Wilson's Hall from two to three o'clock in the after noon, and there w'll also he a Free Dance in the evening. girl baby wa s born a few days ago to Moroni aBtl Phoebe Timpimboo, wl o rerc married last summer. .Mother and A o A baby are doing splendid. Besides all the above, the Tremont Commercial Club has pretty high this year. It sells arranged to give a prize to the driver who shall bring to Tremont f jr 85.00 a ton, We did not raise good on that day the load of people that spend the most money buying hay like it used to be. it was mixed goods of Tremont business men. The prize will be with with June grass Some people may think I am not a good correspondent but I want Lelp to which will be awarded under the following conditions : make The 'Times a good paper. The names of those in competing load must be registered Willie Ottocary. by the driver at 'The Times' office when he first comes into town ; at 6 o'clock in the evening he must bring the receipted bills from the merchants his people have traded with to the same place and Paid. Subscriptions The Dushore Review says that a re- the Committee will figure up the amounts, and to the driver whose load has made the largest purchases the Ten Dollars in Gold will ceipt for .1 subscription to the local Is a certificate of good character. be awarded and paid. Only the bills of those registered by the We have Issued the following "certi- drivers will be counted for them, but money paid to any business ficates" since our last report: in Tremonton will count. Jacob Hoerr to March, 190H. Oco. L. t'ailton to September, i0T. Hay is $10.00 tahIN GOLD, Everybody Will Be Here. FOR SALE- - Good sweet cider Saturday Sale. and cider vinegar. Call on L. H. Getz Point Lookout, Utah. It is n our store means inoney-favin- g day1. &ds We believe in thai so man l'iiirT just an expression the to of "Banks the people alone the we have demonstrated Malad" that we DO SAVE THEM MONEY on Saturday Sale "lavs, and that it pays to shop here. 'Just a glance through what we offer fou, Saturday. February --'ml. Saturday It Is No Wonder - j w Jjgf DON'T MIS something good. Success to them. Jesse Scotford is spending a few days with old fi iends in our town. We are working for a rural delivery in this section of our valley with Pol'tage as the distributing point. N. L. Nelson is build ing a barn for G. 1 i El in I w iste. )'. advertising b to attract new trade t Oar customers know u. That's w hy Let us they conic hack. get your trade this season niil yon will always buy here. , Hariiman Parkman, the farmer who lirst brought alfalfa seed from South America aud introduced it into the Uuit-- j t:d States, died at Topeka, Kansas, a few days ago, aged 73 years. To him more than to any one else is Utah iudebted for that which has made her valleys to bios-- : sum and added millions (o her wealth. j Ma U Our object our store1, ltd-ani- ,,..,, tfo 8 We Want The weather has moderated some, p;- - l mng and old arc taking advantage of t iis ideal w al her and ents. sleighi iding. I week A. Fred the Goss and two cars of grain Gnss. During George Manka went to Malad on Monday to file were shipped from here. On Jfea.ttad the stork left a ten pound on laud at Curlew. Jess F. Bean, special representative of. boy at the hOSM of J. Edward Gibbs. The Iuter Mounta'n Repuclican, M do- Mother aud little one are doing nicely. Friday BtOTving about ten sleighs, ing business in Tremonton Wednesday. manned by good te amslers, pulled up in Messrs. F. Alan E. Roche, 1. E. Louis Getz aud S. N.Cole were a from of our school house. Iu a sh ut committee who went before the law mak- time Professor Y. S. Hall and Students ers i.t Salt Lake City this week in the Wire tucked cosily in the sleighs, and then they were off for a merry ride. interest of a new drainage law. and of Lake Salt Thomas J.J. City, They went to Plymouth , a little tow n ten Thomas Stringer of 1 ark City were Tre miles to the south. I'pou arriving al They t'lal school, they sang a number of songs in mum visitors Friday night. e tine up to aid the local Odd Fellow in whereupon Professor Charles Wright t aching several candidate t) "rule the and students of Plymouth re ponded !gat." They it'tu rued Saturday morn-M and sang a number of songs. Professor i , IF fight saw that all the visitors bad ing. and Thomas Lynch spent Friday night lunch, after which they assembled at Saturday in town. Fridav evening he the dancing hall and had a two hours dance. All had a most enjoyable tine. attended the initiation exercise at t H. C. Harris made a business trip to Odd Fellows' Lodge and on Saturday t which in of Malad loth Farmers' meeting, City during the week. :.. L i, C. W. Hall has been to Logan on busi S pelling School. Come one and all to fless. The Malad Valley Copper King Min the Fraternal Hall, Friday evening Feb. 1st. and spend a social evening. An old ing Co. are making heavy developments fashioned spelling school for cnterttin of their claim-- . 'They have si x to ten raeut and a lunch served by the Baptist men working all the time. 'Their min-inLadies Aid Society. Lunch 15 cents. expert is very confident of finding Mr. and Mrs. Heber Stohl S c it day in Honey villc withMis. Stohl ' Vol. That men smoke when they see our line of smoker's supplies. Anybody would. The tobaccos are of the finest variety and of the most expensive cure. The pipes give solid comfort to the old and young smoker. We won't mention our cigars especially, but smoke one of our leading brands and you will smoke no other. Riter Bros Drug Twenty DoHfl pairs of the 'Cracker .lack' Celebrated brand of Overalls, something that gives the wearer satisfac-jtionFor 10 days, beginning Saturday, Januarj 38, wo sell these goods al . Tallies' Furs We have a Also Lndici' Waists, skirls 'The few-left- I'nderwear. Ktc. give tbem a chnnec. day they w ill go at We wntit to On Sati big lot of delicious dandy assorted Chocolates just receiv-efresh from the factory. If you haven't bought any yet. you I hev an have inlssi il a treat. us anv so d at :.) cts per pound. ,l ry hem Saturdav at Co. I W e have a Shumale" is a Hollow Razor, Electrically tempered, and is xtrpcriot to any "2.()0 blade on the market. We guarantee these Razors and will excbanire WithOM tjuestion if not entirely sa'isfariory. Tbe 'Shumate' llonitur Strop Either le's no superior. Cpl.UU itpaid mi in eipt of Special lot Men's Tine Wool Kihbed I'nderwear, tine, soft quality. Keeps the ImuIv warm. Our price t&AO smurdav per Qrouod ""'COSt Logan & (iarland. Utafc. Franklin, Preston & Montpclicr, Idaho. at f( Cost . 9Sr Conklin Qloret. None better market We have a com plete line at a reduction fw 2 QQ in the OA rei iii p, ie. myCt. s , Sat urdny only Complete line of per Tablet, Paper, Envelope, Peat, Ink. Mucilage, Toilet Sets, Candy. I'oeket Cutlery, TobaCCO and I Tremont Mercantile Citrar.-- . Co. |