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Show iccnU TEMPERANCE DEPT. Edited y Uy Mrs. F. A. Conk. P. JENSEN, I Kentucky. about live counties the entire state do iu n it have Keu prohibition. Evidently t ickians have grown tired of having t leir state referred to as the one "where t le corn is full of kernels and the colo-u:lfull of corn." "The Lord Shut Him In." sometimes shuts the door and shuts us iu, Thit He may speak perchance through grief or paiu . And softly, heart to heart, above the din May tell some precious thought to us again. Cf d sometimes bhuts the dour and keeps us still, That so our feverish haste, our deep unrest, Beneath His gentle touch may quiet, till He whispers what our weary heaits love best. Q id , shuts the door, and though shut in. If 'tis His hand, shall we not wail and see? If worry lies without, aud toil and sin, (Jou s word may wait within for you and me. Auony mo us. Got! sometimes -- human MawN and Cold Feet. "Human nature is a very curious mixture." This is a favorite expression with those editorial writers who are the principal apologists for saloons. Another favorite is the following "Yi u cannot make people good by legi.lative enactment ' That siunds very plausible and yet whenever the stock of coal runs low in the editorial bin, these same editorial writers arise and begin calling for a rail- ' Successor to J Corinnc' L'tah, is 1 . Account and 111 -- For Hats, Caps-- , AY tiich will be sold at Live-sn- Solicited. prompt IV R. COLE. President S. N QRBISOK. ( , D CALL AT D grx eries The II Prices. Let-Liv- d " Interest paid on time deposits. D Will also carry ;i complete line of statu: iiilespoiidcn and earefull attention. Shoes and Rubber Goods, am fancy ( All business with us will receive and GcittS1 Kui'iiihii)Lrs. nunc activity iu land circles in I'tah than, it is safe to say, at any time in the State's previous , history. There are vast tracts of Slate lands being bought by individuals aud companies, not for i he purpose of keeping it from b'ing settled upon, improved and made i ito productive farma, but. on the con trary. for that very p u p sc. The Idea is to bring these lands under irrigation si as to make them eligiile for settlt on nr. To bring large areas of land under water supply is a big undertaking anil costs a great deal of money. It is too big an undertaking for individual effort, l.encc the necessity for the taking over of reclamati ,u projects by combined capital so as to put the hind in condition to cultivate. Within the last few mintlis two of th'-slarge reclamation projects, upon w hich much local capital a id a vast amount of labor had been ex panded, have been bought by companie who-ar- e financially able to complete tin enterprise and who are now bringing the lands under these reservoirs into a readj market. One of these projects is tin l'tah Irrigation Land Company in Oar bon county, near Price. One is the Abis Personal Responsibility, tM.MHi Paid up Capital of 10,000. HEADQUARTERS Thousands of Acres Being Taken Up By Settlers There o MAIN STREET, TItEM NTOX, COIIC FAST Ah eastern paper recently purchased a map showing thfi prohibition and high license ptrtl of the state of Kentucky. TiM startling dis overv is made that only COLE BANKING CO. Reliable Shop Old For Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing. Then- vou can get the besl work done in the State, and you don't have to stay , over night to get it. The FIRST, BEST and only FIRST CLASS SHOP in town. - Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition o for cash. R. n Buying Seeds and Nursery Stock. TREMONTON Tremonton, Utah, EXPERIENCED MARKETS i wheat per bu. MELDRUM, I .55 1.10 .90 At t Ids season of the year the farmer Oats per 100 lbs. should know what seeds and nursery Feed barley per 100 lbs stock of all kinds and varieties he will Brewers .95 barley need ill the spring. Beef lb. cattle .21-2 per Make out a list of nursery block, inPork dressed .071-- 2 cluding small fruit, ornamentals, etc Pork alive .051-- 2 that you wish to plant. and send to some reliable dealer for an estimate of cost. Butter per lb. 2C&.25 is small, try and club with I EggS PT doz. If lut your .30 raiiam irrigation (anal Company, in w ay consider I this in your neigobors; Millard county, and another is die Green QhickenS .071-- 2 can Liver Irrigation Company in Emery able can be saved. Oftentimes stock Potatoes per 100 .90 be had in this way much less than cata county. The amount of land which can! logue prices; and the same with farm I 1)3 reclaimed, and which has been bough; TO ORDER SUITS and garden seeds. It is a food plan to MADE I' r these several irrigation companies is, of several leading seeds- j i i round numbers, 50,000 acres, of get catalogues I Will Bell Much information can! valuable men. thi anions ( 'hi which is being disposed of to actual set i I h f.il neruca of Ulnar. .,;,i,.rl Uv n n.,.,,.1 :r lei tiers. Rock, Brick, and Cement-bloc- k WORKMAN. All work guaranteed Cisterns a specialty Richard Schwab Utah Tremonton, . I - ,. road commission. If the land business in Utah keeps up, Men and bretbern, don't you know as it undoubtedly will, it U safe to asthat, you cannot make railroads good by sume that there will be an increase in the kind. Tue farmers of this country are legislation? f inning communities in Utah of at least fleeced out of thousands :f dollars every of S. coal Will famines I ),000 people within the next twelve year In thi; way. For example, the I'. prohibition a well dressed man appeared with really prohibit? months. Another great project which afgucs a horse and carriage of the latest pattern, Man-killiFor Gain. well for the expansion of farming in and wanted to sell a hundred straw berry establishments of L'tah is the Government reclamation plants. These plants were a wonderful The, liquor-sellindo was to bore the land are killing men for gain as ccr- - work being done for the reclamation of variety. All you had to fill the barrel with this 10(1 holes in a barrel, tiinly and steadily as if they were abso- arid lands in Utah county. Wh-in each hole, water fre set earth, plant is lute retailers of the plgue, or of pesti project completed, it is estimated that ntial desease. They know they are about 70,000 acres of ne v land will be queotly and in berry season you would killing men. Every glance at the results brought under water for crop producing be rewarded with over a bariel of berof their traffic demonstrates, terribly, purposes, and a needed reinforcement of ries, and all he asked for these 100 com-m strawberry plants was the modest the destruction they are making of their the water supply for other lands w ill le sum of 10. They could be bought, exis Ac murder? For what had. neighbors. press author to eminent paid, of any reliable grower for $1. Blackstonc, cording During the past year Fitzgerald Broth man found enough farmers ig Yet this ity.it is "the sacrifice of a human life ers have expended over SoOO.OOO in tin n rant enough to support him in the best from mere sordid love of gain, supreme purchase and reclamation of arid lands f si v le. New York "Tribune." selfishness, recklessness, or any wicked in this State. These lauds are being set state of the heart." Think you, does tied upon by people from the othci not the drunkard-maker'- s occupation States, each one of which constitutes a The oldest girl on the farm. come within the compass of that deflni distinct gain to l'tah. Friday there was The following lines were Written by tion? Let the graves of the victims and purchased by Fitzgerald Brothers fc fie i ldest girl on a farm, and we aic the sad faces of the living survivors ans Landretb 4500 acres from the State. Thi, sure the readers of the American Farmer wer. National Temperance Advocate. tract lies under t.ie Abraham irrigation will find in them a home lesson: "I read much about the boy leaving project iu Millard county and will hi "l is estimated that there are about the farm, thinking he had loo much to improved upon this year. This Is the do, and that he can make a fortune in 50,000 different secret propreitary com sort of work that counts in the perma tie city without work. If he had as pounds, medicines, "foods" liquor cures, nent upbuilding of Utah. Salt Lake much to do as the oldest girl lathe famicomplexion dopes, and so forth, upon ly w here there are no boys older than her Tribune. the American market. How many will silf, he would not complain. She has to there be when the new law comjels the b; her mother's help and her father's WHY PATRONIZE errand boy. I am the oldest girl on the manufacturers to put on the label the farm and speak from experience, but 1 MAIL ORDER HOUSES; amount of alcohol or dangerous dri gs f ( L for Choice Headquarters and Cigars. H K.YH N T Wines, Liquors )N. City Tayloring Suits, cheaper than von an buy elsewhere. i catalogues. Do not depend Upon some wandering agent for your stock of any I. STAHL, J. j M. T. RICHARDS DeweyviHc, l'tah. LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLE oth-erila- g B. C. CALL, Lawyer, Main Street, Tremonton. County Attorney. P ictiees in all all the Courts. Office Court House, Brtgham Huh. : Both hones. I'. (). liox 972. Good Riga and C'trefti Drivers furnished nt any time Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Driving or at reasonable rates. Your Work Horses. All sfo 3k guaranteed as reprtsen ted, W. T. solicited. IH'DSON, Proprietor. patronage S. F. CHRISTENSEN 1 e Scientific Optician With Choice WINES, Liquors and Cigars EYES TESTED FREE L.C Christensen and Sons Urigham City, Utah. EPH. COOMBS. Proprietor. l'tah Garland, Hart Nebeker Cf$b PEARL SALOON Lawyers Suite o and Choice Wine-- . 0 Commeici Logan l'tah. -- BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN A. B. Manausa Proprietor. V0EMAN Bear River Valley Homestead No 999 meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday evening of each month at 9 p. tu., in the Fraternal Hall, Tremonton. M. 1!. Hart ( F. P. Burns Correspondent. Is now located at Tremonton to B H JONES, DEALERS KINDS 01' HARNKSS .ALL Harnesses Saddles Collars Whips Blankets s is papers. A free sample ropy will be sent you by askiug Tho Tribune, Salt Lake City , l'tah. Ol not ntrnptly OMfttil obtained In Oils -f drink i, h,. !,,, suggested that lie do h not trol the whisky trusl con- ;xiieanrmK - The r.'monton. OOODS GENERA M A I' ND L"TC. REASONABLE PRICES. L 1 DOOR TO OATUN' BTORM. EPA MlKM. SR()J TA N'I' Ft N 1 1 PATENTS Get Your Sevonth Property Insured Strnot, WASHINGTON, D. C. B03-SO- S P, "U3" TtMES 'i IN Shoes Resoled and Repaired. Uii.ruugl.ly, at our THAT PAY,'""1 " " espenne, and mtp JTOS to MflMft to s.n'1 rn r 2" yinm' prart !.. on iMtouiUMIitjr. SURFor fw Ouldo PASSING REFERENCES. ll'.ck n ITonuw.. I'nirnti wrlto to From the maimer in which Wanted A smart active girl Mr. Rockefeller conn- - down to learn typesetting. Small wages .- Work. Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awnings Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Tin Ware Repaired. Semi-Weekl- S Dental arness Company, - J'remonton RD0-h,,- Md TRADE-MARKtH SOUMtflW, ! HIS WORK IS API. GUARANTEED. l the best piper for int. rue urt iin readers for several reasons, one important one being that it reaches them from one to four iluys earlier than Eastern or coa-- l ELD Di ft. A. CAN Carpet Weaver give him a list of the articles they needed and the price charged by the mail order house, he would duplicate the order both in price and quality. This is a fair proposition, and he will fulfil h:s promise. l'tah. larland, Foreman '' the face of every day's ex)rience and observation to tbts contrary." For once, the enemy, "divide Iglil lUelf ," is a it is But boaost' strange compelling to 'be truth. The FdIod SigMl. Liquor and Cigars. and Billards P.M.I P?0. Bx ,i Phone 70. would not give up mv wild free life for Attornep and Ccanftlor-at-Lacontained in each preparation? The Practices in all State and Federal a home iu the city, although i might be In talking with a merchant of rich and live in American people will surely get their Courts and before the United luxury and ease. The town a few days ago, he Kill on the farm can our have evils that ride the horses bare eyes open to the great Slates Land office spoke of the tendency of some hick, drive them anywhere, and does been hiding behind some innocent look-inOffice over Roncnliaum's Stirr people to send away to Chicago, n it have to wait for anyone to harneis remedies! UTAH BRIQHAM CITY, St. Louis or Kansas City for goods them. She can cook, wash and iron, dig, hoe and plow as she is needed Beer An Intoxicant. that they could purchase here, "Her hands arc not soft and w hite like he said he thought the home those of her and disThe quarrel between brewing and city cousins, hut she earns merchant should have the first her living and is independent. Her rough, tilling interests is growing so familar I have a new loom and am prechance to furnish any goods want hard hands would not look well on a pi that comment upon it has practical can do mMcn t0 beP pco t rel,lc' We here. the ed people by pared toido the best of weaving. ceased. However, on? caunot help a has many pets, the nurses SJie pic. marked that the buyers thought Brins in your work. Any work to her as she passes them, the di g gleam of interest iu a recent editorial in neigh left at the Tremont Times office they could get goods cheaper wags his tail and runs to meet her; she Mida's Criterion, in which the beer-iwill be promptly attended to, It than the home merchants could ll glad to Know they all love her." assertion is bitterly attacked mailt-thiis only thii he sell of MRS THOMAS LAWS, Thatcher, Ltah. The above writer the them, whereupon seems that the brewing interests of thi offer, and said all the mer teeu years old, but she has the true farm state of Oregon have formed an organ! meriean Fanner. in Tremonton would do L'r s,"m' chants z&tion "to induce the voters to free beer the same: If the buyer would y The Salt Lake Tribune from the ban of prohibition." The Criteriou laughs at the arguments of the brewers for their "tcinperam e bread." calling them "arguments that have become stale and exploded in the Last ' ' This whisky journal says further that "they allege with ludicrous audacity and this iu that beer is CLUB GARLAND Advertise with us. It pays. theUest Insunuici Company doing btnintU in the can save von money "it your insurance. Shile. ( P.P. Shent mi API. and BE CONVINCED Times Office, Treinonton, Ut I |