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Show TORTURED WITH GRAVEL. THE ince Using Doan's Kidney Pills Not a Single Stone Has Formed. Capt. S. L. Crute, Adjt. Wm. Watts Camp, U. C. V., Roanoke, Va., says: "I suffered a long, long time with my back, and felt draggy and listless and tired all the time. I lost from my usual to weight, 225, 170. Urinary passages were too and I frequent have had to get up often at night. I had headaches and dizzy spells also, but my worst suffering was from renal colic. After I began using Doan's Kidney Pills I passed a gravel stone as big as a bean. Since then I have never had an attack of gravel, and have picked up to my former health and weight. I am a well man, and give Doan's Kidney Pills credit for it." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. CLOSING MOST YEAR NEW8 WIS REMARKABLE ONE Bradstreets Review Points Out Great Growth in Circles of Business and Commerce. Du-ran- -- c rea-son- I poor. Will Help Settle Congo Trouble. "After using Post urn a while, soon and me left served the headache Washlngt.- - It was stated at the the belching of sour fluid stopped (wa state department on Friday that the feel de ter braRh from dyspepsia). government had pledged its support cldedly different now. and I am con in any steps taken by the British govvlnced that it Is because I stopped concoffee and began to use Postum. I n ernment toward ameliorating the In the This affairs of Congo see better now. my eyes are stronger. dition "A friend of mine did not like Is the first time that any official anPostum but when I told her to make it nouncement has been made, and sets like It said on the package, she liked at rest all questions as to the stand it all right." Nam given ' Pottua the United States would take In ease Co., Hattle Creek. Mich. Always Ml It brcame necessary for one or more Postnni well and it will surprise yon powers signatory to the Merlin troaty Read the little book. The Road to to Intervene Th era's a rea Wellvllle" In pkga, sou." I ob- 1 M M A ODELL Hi" Five merchants of Altoa, 111., 'ere fined $5 and costs each for violating the child labor law. Tie- Iowa state teachers' convention has adopted resolutions favoring simplification of Knglish spelling. The naval authorities at Tou-lpnFrance, received urgent orders to prepare the transport Lanive to proceed for Morocco. The Fiench chamber of deputies has decided that the latest election of Count Boni de Castellaue to the chain-be- New York Reviewing the wonderful prosperity, the great growth of industrial lines, the vast bxpausion of trade and commerce and the general developments of the year now closing, Bradstreets says: "Nineteen hundred nd six was a very remarkable year. And yet this characterization appears incomplete in view of the fact that old records were retired, and new ones set up, In the disproving of old proverbs, and the predictions that 1905 was so favorable that better results were hardly to be expected the following year. Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo. N. Y. "Concisely stated. 190G saw verv favorable crop yields.; a record output Prominent on Lecture Platform. of cereals; close to highest yields and Senator Tillman probably earns record values of other farm products; more money every year on the lecture unprecedented activity in all kinds of platform than any other American mining except coal; enormous outwho talks to the public for pay. From puts of precious, metals; land speculation assumed enormous propof-tfons- , an authoritative source the statement building activity surpassing the comes that the South Carolinian's net wonderful record ot 1905; an ungaral-le- i thus this far year from his proceeds immigration; surpassing totals of lecture tour are $25,000. Senator Tillclearings and railway earnings; emman is paid from $250 to $500 a lec- ployment active and labor scarce as ture and he is constantly in demand. never before; a record volume of the His season is not confined to the sum- circulating medium--mon- ey proving mery Chautauqua course and he fills altogether inadequate for business nearly as many dates in the winter purpose, and finally, and what is, as at any other time of the year. In perhaps, the most remarkable develof all, the reaching in a time the last four years it is said that he opment of world's peace, of a warhas laid aside over $60,000 from his timeprofound level of prices of commodities lecture receipts. Henry Watterson without the slightest apparent effect perhaps comes next in the matter of upon demand, which, throughout the arnings on the platform. Champ year, pressed hotly upon supply and Clark, of Missouri, ranks high as a caused from the beginning of the year popular favorite and makes about to its close general complaints of the twice as much as a lecturer as his con- backward deliveries of goods. After even a cursory rtview otf the regressional salary. sults, indeed, one Is impressed with the inadequacy of adjectives to give Rothschilds Never Prosecute. While the Hank of England makes full expression to the wonderful deof the year now drawing to It a point never under any circum- velopment a close." stances to relinquish the prosecution of those who have defrauded it in the FALL DUE TO WOMAN. slightest degree, being willing, if need be, to spend thousands of pounds to Lady Townley Said to be at Bottom capture and prosecute people who of Durand's Withdrawal. have robbed it of even a few shillings, Careful Washington. inquiries the Rothsohilds make it a rule never embassies show that it is the among to to appeal the courts or to the police In such matters. Of course, they are, common belief there that the humilid like every other banker, occasionally ating withdrawal of Embassador the victims of dishonesty, but neither is unquestionably due to the the police nor the public ever hear spiteful work of Uady Townley, the about the matter. This has always clever wife of the former counselor been a principle of the heads of the of the British embassay, the Hon. house, who take the ground that it is better to bear the loss in silence than Walter Townley. The feud between Lady Townley to disturb popular confidence in the and the Durands was a matter of gensafety of the concern by allowing it eral knowledge in the diplomatic body to be seen that its treasures are not during the whole of the brief period adequately safeguarded. of service of the counselor. Members of the diplomatic corps Master of Many Languages. here believe it quite possible for Gen. Picquart, French minister of Lady Susan, through her high connecwar. is a sort of Admiral Crichton, tions with the royal family, to have for, besides a wide general cultivation, so poisoned the mind of the King he reads, writes and speaks Russian, against Sir Henry as to bring about German and English and Italian. Such his recall. knowledge of language is not common CAR SHORTAGE SERIOUS. with Frenchmen, even those of education, but Gen. Plcquart'a facility is ex- A Blow to Commerce, According to plained, perhaps, by the fact thaat he Bureau of Statistics. Is an Alsatian. The Alsatians have car shortage long been noted in France for the Washington. The readiness with which they acquire problem has had its influence on the languages. movement of internal commerce during the past month, according to a Strangely Mounted. The strangest military body in the statement issued by the Bureau of world is a band of cavalry at Saint de Statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Moorvay. a province on the east coast While the statement declares it is of rule the is under of Africa which to determine to what eximpossible Madathe French governor general at tent inadequate transportation faciligascar. These soldiers go about their ties affected the movement of grain, military operations on oxen. The ani- livestock, meat products and in some mals are lean creatures, and it is said localities lumber and coal, in November, it says it can undoubtedly be they move with surprising rapidity. affirmed that they would have been much heavier had the railroads been Reward for American Sailor. fully able to cope with the situation. A few months ago Capt. Matthew Turner, of San Francisco, owner of a CANAL ZONE HEALTHY. schooner, rescued the crews of two been had that Norwegian vessels Decline in Death Rate r'oted wrecked in the South Pacific. He has Steady Chief Sanitary Officer. coffee by silver handsome a Just received OffChief Sanitary set from the Norwegian government Washington In acknowledgment. icer Gorgas, in a report to the Isthmian Canal commission on the health CRIED EASILY. conditions in the Canal Zone during the month of November, notes a Nervous Woman Stopped Coffee and steady decline in the death rate, Quit Other Things. both among the employes and the popoutside of the employes. In No better practical proof that coffee ulation the employes, there were among July, note is a drug can be required than to !."! deaths; in November, 06. how the nerves become unstrung in women who habitually drink it. BIG CAR CONTRACTS. The stomach, too, rebels at being continually drugged with coffee and Eastern Roads Spending Many Millions tea they both contain the drug for New Equipment. caffeine. Ask your doctor. contracts are New York. Large tor An la. woman tells the old for some of here now being placed thus: The "I had used coffer for six years ami the leading eastern railroads. was troubled with headaches, nervous Pennsylvania has ordered 2,000 box ness and dizziness. In the morning ars to cost about $2,000,000 and the upon rising I used to belch up a sour Erie is about to close orders for 7.000 fluid regularly. cars, 4,000 of the steel hopper type "Often I got so nervous and miser- and 3,000 box cars. The Krie orders , able 1 would cry without the least an outlay of nearly will entail noticed my eyesight was $7,000,000. and getting s , r was valid. Holder, a Presbyteriim at Trey, minister, was assassinated Tenn. His body was found near the railroad tracks. The Spanish fishing steamer has foundered in a storm o!f All her crew were loal Corunnas with the exception of one. One negro was killed, one fatally others severely wounded and two wounded in a drunken brawl at Top-ka- , Kansas, on Christmas day. The Cudahy Packing company of Chicago, certified to the secretary of state last week to an increase of cap Ital stock from $7,000,000 to $12,000,-000Rev. B. L. Prf-mer- The Moroccan war minister has several small forts, each gar risoned by 150 men. around Tangier, and has sent orders to Haisuli to ceas4 governing. Thirty-sevethousand of New York In the distribushared poor City's tion of Christmas dinners by the Salvation Army, Timothy D. Sullivan and the Bowery mission. Sailors from the United States cruiser Cleveland caused a panic in a public park at Cienfuegoes, where a eon-cer- t was going on, by engaging in a light and firing many shots. A quarrel betv.en Al Davidson and his landlady, Mrs. Frieda Weigel, of in Davidson St. Louis, terminated shooting Mrs. Weigel in the head and killing himself by a bullet through his brain. Governor-GeneraKaulbars has beeni l removed from Odessa to another dis rict because of his close connection! with the union of Russian people and! his failure to prevent Uie recent dock! st rike. Carson Staley and Earl Melrose, aged 7 and 15 years, respectively, were drowned in a pond near Gray-ville- , Illinois. Both boys were skating on the pond, when they broke t through the ice. of Three children Stanley Singleton, aged 13, 11 and S years respectively, were cremated in a fire at Heater station, W. Va., that destroyed the Singleton home. The fire started from an explosion of natural gas. David ArmFollowing a quarrel of Dowagiac, Mich., strong, formerly stabbed and killed Miss Carrie Vincent of Ijawton, Mich., at South Bend. Ind. He then plunged the knife Into his own breast and is not expected to live. The Ylenna newspapers are discussing a report that Archduke Leopold of Austria, who abandoned his title and became Herr Woefling in order to marry an actress, intends to secure f divorce on account of his wife's eccentricities. farmei Elias .lobe, a living near Maple Grove, Minn., was shot and killed Chiistmas day and hif. brother-in-law- , Clyde King, is accused of having slain Jobe after the two had quarreled for most of the afternoon King was captured. hours preceding The forty-eigh- t Christmas were unusually fruitful of tragedies In Pirmingham, Ala., and vl The list includes seven murcinHy. ders, two suicides, one assault which may result fatally, one deatu by train and one accidental shooting. According to the best informal lor. obtainable Kalsuli has refused to re sign his governorship and has sent hi: men to the mountains under the protection of a detachment of Kabyles, and is preparing t meet the forces of War Minister Gabbas at Zinat. The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad company has purchased the Chicago. Kalamazoo & Saginaw railroad. The consideration is in the neighborhood of a million The railroad extends from dollars. Hastings to Woodbury,, 100 miles. Three men were drowned in the Missouri river, north of Norfolk, Neb-o- n the state line. Herbert Cushman. aged 60; EM Slate, aged 28. and Daniel Slate, aged 22. Thfy were driving across the river and dropped Into an airhole. Their team was also lost. Taking advantage of the Increasing famine in Russia, the government is trying to stimulate Immigration to Siberia on a scale hitherto never atMinister of Finance Kukov-softained. has decided to place $3,000,000 at the disposal of the colonization office. The wife and child of Samuel Pyner and the wife and child of William burned to death Crimsteail were Morat It instead house at the ris Neck. Va l'yner and Grimstead. the who slept In another part of house, awoke hardy In time to escape i well-know- f OBEYED Keep Your Blood Pure. No one can be happy, light hearted and healthy with a body full of blood that cannot do its duty to every part HIS FATHER. Emphatic Message That Broke Conference of Politicians. Four years ago when Up Peife ilv dyeing DYE.S. Some men get as tired of being married as some women do of not heme because of its impurity; therefore, the first and most important work in hand is to purify the blood so that every organ will get the full benefit of a healthy circulation. There is no remedy so good as that old family remedy, Brandreth s i'ills. Each pill contains one grain of the solid extract of sarsaparilla blended with two grains of a combination of pure and mild vegetable products, making It a blood purifier unexcelled in character. One or two taken every night for awhile will produce surprising results. Brandreth's Pilll have been In use for over a century, and are for sale . everywhere, plain or Odell, of New York, was coming up for a at the convention In Saratoga, there was a plan to put a man on the ticket with him for lieutenant governor to whom Odell objected strongly. The governor's father. SS years old, a deacon in the shard and very strict in religious matters, was in Saratoga. There was a conference at one of the hotel cottages that lasted until late in the morning. The other leaders were trying to force Odell to take the obnoxious man. About two o'clock Odell's father, who had heard what was going on, stalked angrily over to the cottage and Father's Good Advice. rapped on the door. Frank Piatt, son A young man from of Senator Piatt, came to the door. Pittsburg went to New York to "make good" in his "Well?" said Piatt sharply. chosen profession, says a New York "1 want to see my son," demanded letter. The other night he stood In Odell. the lobby of a hotel and a friend asked The governor came to the door. him what he thought of New York. "What is it, father"" he asked. have only been here two days," he "Ben," said the old deacon, "tell !" them to go to replied, "so I have not seen the city "Yes, father." replied the governor very thoroughly, My father's parting left home were: obediently, and he went back and did words to me when My son, you are going to a great city. just that. Saturday Evening Post. There is much good and much evil to ELEVEN YEARS OF ECZEMA. be found in New York. Keep to the straight and narrow path as closely Hands Cracked and Bleeding Nail as possible, avoid Wall street and, Came Off of Finger Cuticura Remabove all, beware of the monkey house.' " edies Brought Prompt Relief. No Advance in Wisdom. "I had eczema on my hands for Mark Twain tells how four years crack-aabout eleven years. The hands ago he was invited by the University open in many places and bled One of Missouri to go out there and receive ot my fingers was so bad that the the degree of LL D. At the same time Ball came off. 1 had often heard of he visited Hannibal, his boyhood cures by the Cuticura Remedies, but home. Just as he was about to leave, had no confidence in them as I had being accompanied to the station by a tried so many remedies, and they all crowd of citizens, Tm Nash, a school- had failed to cure me. I had seen fellow, came up white headed, but three doctors, but got no relief. Final still a boy. He shook hands with his ly ray husband said that we would friend of many a year and nodding try the Cuticura Remedies, so we got toward the crowd said: "People of a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of this town are the same blamed fools Cuticura Ointment, and two bottles they always were, ain't they, Sam?" of Cuticura Resolvent Pills. Of course I keep Cuticura Soap all the lime for Water on a Battleship. As many as 8,000 gallons of fresh my hands, but the one cake of Soap and half a box of Cuticura Ointment water are used in a large battleship s cured them. It is surely a blessing daily. About of this Is for me to have my hands well, and I taken up by the boilers, and the ream very proud of having tried Cutimainder is used for drinking, washing, cura Remedies, and recommend them rooking, etc. When the store which to all suffering with eczema. Mrs. she has taken out with her from port Eliza A. Wiley. R. F. D. No. 2, lias been used up, a vessel has to depend upon her condensers for further Iowa, Oct. 18, 1906." supplies. Every modern warship is Monarchs as Linguists. fitted with evaporating machinery to Monarchs must know more than one distil the salt language. King Kdward, who traveled so much, speaks French better Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CAKTCVR1A, than some Frenchmen, and also Gertor infants and children, man. The czar of Russia speaks a naff and pure and sec that it French as well as his native tongue dialects. and knows the numerous Beam the Kinperor William of Germany speaks Signature French and English correctly, and is Jn Use For Over 30 Years. also well versed in Latin. The king Xlie Kind You Have Alwae Bought of Spain, the youngest of all, speaks Known as Memory Bells. German with ease and also French and English. Because of his marriage Memory bells are toys given by the he now practices the latter. The king Japanese youths to their sweethearts. of Portugal speaks French, English. They are constructed of slips of glass The king of so delicately poised that the least viGerman and Spanish. Italy is a master of French and Ger- bration sets them jingling. The deliman and is also well versed in the va- cate tinkling serves to rere'nd their owner of the giver; hence the pretty, rious Italian dialects. fanciful name. Horses Still in Demand. Happily the horse has a faculty for upsetting the gloomy predictions that he is fated to be put out of business by the automobile. The hcrrse business has kept right on developing in spite You of the fact that the automobile indusunin similar try has been engaged dertaking. The demand for horses Is The supply of some still great. The classes of them is inadequate. nrices are high. The automobile may scare the horse into the ditch, but it isn't likely to crowd him to the wall. There will always be a field for the horse, as there will always be a field Hartford Times. for the automobile. staph; perfect nsplfPI and with ISAM 'KXDKI.WW per package. 10c to otraa a rati m ob oat Take l.AXA IIVK BUOMn Quinine I'aocu refund mmtev il U fait to cm if-UUOVK'S .iiutut i oa cacli lx Iimr-ftli- t W World's Larcjest Pin Factory boasts the Birmingham, Eng. largest pin factory in the world where 37,000.000 pint are manufactured every working day. Somewhat Embarrassing Gift Dr. W. G. Grace, the famous Engi'nh cricketer, has been the recipient et many gifts from lovers of cricket a tangible proofs of their admiration of his prowess. Some of them have been remarkable in character, but perhaps the most embarrassing gift he ereir received was one of three young plge which a Worcestershire farmer sent to hhn in recognition of a great bat ting feat which he had witnessed sugar-coated- Chinese Superior to Japs. Discussing the little rumpus wit x Japan, Senator William A. Chirk presses the opinion the Chines In this country are superior to the Jap anese. "1 have loaned thousands ot dollars to Chinamen," said the sena tor, "and never have I known on t fail to meet his obligations." He phasized his opinion as to the superior ity of the Chinamen by calling atteri tion to the fact that the Japanese In their banking institutions employ Chinamen In positions of trust is preference to their own countrymen 1 ' two-third- Lis-com- sea-wate- SICK HEADACHE Positively cured b these Little Pills, car They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem- PILLS. regulate the Bowels. SMALL PILL. edy for Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Bad, Tast In the Mouth, Coat.riol Tongue, Pain In the side, TORPID TJVEK. They Purely Vepeoable. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Signature iTTLE YlVER PILLS. REFUSE W. N. U., SUBSTITUTES, Salt Lake City, No. 1, 1907 save money and avoid failures in your baking if you use r BAKING f fVU POWDER $100 25 ounces lor 25 cents Reward, $100. The reader Of tills paper will he plcaned to learn that there lat lean mj dreaded disease that acteneo anle tu eure lu all IM taue. and thai l Ml Catarrh Cure 11 the only puMtlve .itarrh. Hall uru uov loi'iwi to the medical fraternity. Catarrh .'Chi a stHUlttUtlunal dleaae. requires a eiiiltu-UjO! takttn trcunieni. Haifa Catarrh Cure and niucoua actlutc directly upon the blond .arftoM of The system, thereby destroying the r Miudatlou of the disease, and Klvlnx the patient creuKth by bulldlOg ii p the constitution and aastst-:.-nature In dolux ta Work. The proprietor haec u tie h faith lu Its curative powera that they offer one Hundred Doliari for any case that It Tali, to cure. Send tor ll- -t of te!tinonlala. Addresa r. .1. t'lIKSKV A CO., Toledo, O. Here is true economy. You cannot be sure every time or have your . . . i i J rood dainty, rasiy anu wnoit;- some if you pay less or accept a substitute. J- sold bv all DrugKl'M, 7SC Hallo family Pllh f r constipation. Tm Art in Hand Made Articles. Oscar S. Straus, the new secretary of commerce and labor, is a connois seur of pottery and porcelains. "Machinery," he said, "has robbed us of our useful arts to a great extent. In machine-madthings there can be no artistic quality, no individual expression. In hand made things, even the tn'mblest, there is always an oppor ti.nlty for art to show itself." JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago - e - Those things on which philosophy has set its seal are beyond the reach of Injury: no age will discard them or lessen their force, each succeeding century will add somewhat to the respect In which they are held; for we look upon what is near us with jealous eyes, but we admire what Is farther off with less prejudice. Sen eca. TO 14 OATS. riXM DIMMED PAZO OINTMKNT .s guaranteed to curl any cae "f renin-- . Biln.l. Bleed! ur oi Protruding Tilt in li lo 14 daya or money refunded .Suc Many a widow's heart has warmed over by an old flame. been liarfield Tea i ironic el herbs ,, grent point in its favor! Take it for cntmtipii-tion- , indifWtktn ami liver tliiiturbiinccp. Villains invariahh get what Is comon the stage. bJ Mr. W Ml,m . BoOtlllaa Syrup. ing to them PoreMMrm teethinir. anfteoa the ffBtaa, reduce iv jmm Hn .iiajiap!a.turB wlwlcotfci MaaMMMi N'olhltiK Is more displeasing vauit)- - In otheia. BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizef, 23c, 50c and $1. i Sold by all Druggiatf. |