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Show Lightning Struck Twic. Dr. J. G. Keith, formerly of St who was struck by lightning several years ago, went to Leadville, Ool.. for hi- - health, and was again hit by a bolt. About 11 years ago the or, while walking on the street, a& struck by a thunder bolt. Hit THE MISSING MAN By MARY R. P HATCH Author of " The Bank Tragedy " left side was partially paralyzed He Nil to Colorado for his health and last spring while on the street he wag Again hit by lightning. This second bolt practically rendered Dr. Keith helpless as far as his left side Is CHAPTER XI Continued. Several matters connected with the affair were touched upon, all of which interesteil Mr. Hamilton deeply. In r ACTS ABOUT FIGURE NINE. no way did he endeavor to evade or or so it seemed event conceal Professor of the Occult Has Added a or circumstance. Indeed, it was a New Wrinkle. wonder, they all thought, that his Mathematicians have Juggled with equanimity was so little disturbed by rhe mystic figures 3. 7 and 9 for ages, what must have been a trying ordeal. Wd now comes a foreign "professor" He looked iu better health than when Of the occult science to tell fortune he went away, they thought younger ami brighter, and more alert, and they by "the force iu a simple numeral" tho 9 He reminds his victims that If told him so. think so myself," he said. 'It tbey multiply any number, short of a iecimal, by 9 the two figures of the mils! have been my relief from wearI went product added together will make 9. ing (bought and work. When connerves were in a my away shaky 8 Thus: Nine times 2 are 18, and and '. are 9; 9 times 3 are 27, and 7 and 2 dition At limes I could no hold my are 9; 9 times 5 are 45, and 5 and 4 hand still. Now see," and he stretchare 9; 9 times 6 are 54, and 4 and 6 ed out a firm, muscular hand that comare 9; 9 times 7 are G3, and :i and 6 pelled their admiration. A handsome, ring adorned it that they are &; 9 times 8 are 72, and 2 and 7 ire 9; 9 time 9 are 81. and and S are had occasionally seen before he went He might have added that any away. I "May see it?" asked Mr. Taylor. number in the hundreds of thousands A hesitation manifested itself multiplied by 9 will give a product for a slight moment. Then he took it off and the sum of whose digits is a niuliiple it to him. Ot 9. Take at random -- 9 times 545 handed "In trust," was marked legibly on are 4,905, the sum of which is 18. and the inside. J into 2 times. Take 7.353 "A fine, old fashioned ring." said Mr. multiplied by 9 equals 66,168; the sura it back. "I think you of the digits is 27; 9 into 27 goes Taylor, handing me once i( wag ; your motrier's (old i times, un, mere is an immense ring. amount of fun in 9. .f . "Did I?" said he. "1 don't recollect." At that point Justice ftailey and DeMADE THEM ALL LAUGH. tective Bruce arrived, and in the presence of the assembled bank officers bjok Must Have Been Funny, but Nq the warrant was served for the arrest One Knew What Is Was. of Vane Hamilton, on the charge of It must have been a very funny forgery and embezzlement. "Now." said Hamilton, seating him story! The type looked funny from "I want this examination over as across the aisle of the car, the pic self, soon as possible. I suppose I could ttires looked funny, and the young call for one before nightfall if I lady who was reading it doubled up chose." In fits of stifled laughter every few "You could," said Justice Bailey, minutes. The young man in the seal "but I should advise you to waive exwith her could not help stealing amination for the present, until news glance at the pages of the hook which arrives from Seattle. Doubtless you was evidently so funny, but whose will find no difficulty in securing bail cover was carefully doubled back out for your appearance." 01 sight, and soon he began to laugh "I hope not," said Hamilton, "and s he unblushingly followed the story perhaps you are right. But in any page after page, shaking with sup pressed merriment. The woman in the .seat at right an and looked fjlel became interested over the girl's shoulder. Presently her face broadened into a grin and O00 she was convulsively mm x shaking ir I he man in the across smiled at A boy a few seats down ceiie. the aisle grinned sympathetically. A larky still further down showed all 'tis white teeth. The contagion spread until the car was nearly on (he verge of hysterics, when the fair reader got in to leave the train, yet no one but the girl herself had any idea as to what the book was. I I 1 VAST WEALTH r Natural tM by "As near as and Hhepard can learn, the very I day Hamilton disappeared." "As long ago as that?" "Ves; you see, the excitement, though Intense in Goodwill, was hushed up purposely to aid the arrest. Then after he was arrested Ashley was found to be insane and sent to an asylum in Nebraska, from which he escaped and was drowned. I thought at one time that this Ashley was certainly Hamilton." "Did they arrest him in the place where Hamilton disappeared?" ' Within a few miles of Portland, and that is near enough. I learned Bboul (he Nebraska affair six weeks I was sick, and I sent word to ago. Swan. He came to Grovedale, I believe." "Yes." ' That was his own notion. I didn't send him. Got some notion about a workman up here." ' Yes; Primus Kdes. Mrs. Fry (he iwiards at her house! told me she sent him a letter she found In Edes' pocket. Did yon see it?" "Yes. it was from his wife apparently, nothing of importance." "Was her name or address given?" "No address, I believe, but a name like Rose or Violet some flower I name. don't recollect it. Swan seemed to be puzzled, because he said Edes denied having ever been married." "Is that so?" "Yes; but as I told Swan, it was of no earthly consequence to us, for my man was dead and buried, and so endI went to the ed the Ashley matter. jail where he was first taken, and saw the entry, and a description of the prisoner. I also saw the entry at the asylum." "How did they tally with the appearance of Ashley?" "Well, that's the strangest part about it," and Bruce hesitated a moment. "How so?" "At the jail he was entered as and at the asylum as dark." "But disguises of (hat sort would be light-haire- a --i a i in!" (To be continued.) SPOKE AS No Thought of Arousing Cupid. Prof. Jones of the Mathematics department of Cornell university is well Resour-- s That Section Is Supreme. "It's the most mysterious case case I wish fur-pish- Keeord. ,mwn hjrd .Any ,.e , POSTI M Cl KKAL CO.. I,TD. C. W. Post, Chairman, Battle Creek. Mich. Dec. 12. 190fi Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 15th day of December, 1906. K. Kud. H K.l mi Notary Public expires July 1. 1907. My enmmis-io- n Our goods are pure, they always have bee and always will be, they an We lave always not slnee (he he4Mi dag of .or trSwifttl statement (i. printed packiges of the Ingredtenti nonta net) lUted uack of e.ci) therein aud i bus-r.of- i ll m yMto Q0 , , The Thp Jaor strangelv when .K. w ,, , sh(. Rave a , swmw .nvth, . ..uj sM,.,,. f e known among the students, first for his goodness of heart, thinking no evil, and second for his unmitigated ugliness, which latter has won for him the nickname of "Piute." In one of his classes there was recently a certain Miss Peters, whose physical charms were below even the She was extremely average. awkward, and so ungainly as to suggest deformity. In accordance with the professor's usual custom several members of the class had been sent to the blackboard one morning each with an assignment to work out some problem. It happened on this particular occasion that Miss I'eters' diagram was rather better than any of the others. Desiring to compliment her, and at the same time to rouse the emulation of the rest of the class, Prof. Jones remarked in a loud tone: "Miss Peters. I greatly admire your figure." The point was not lost upon the young men present, whose appreciation, indeed, found such audible expression that the good protessor was obliged to ask them to 'cave the room (New York Tinies t co-e- New Extensien Is Completed. Northern exThe Burlingtou-Grea- t tension to Ashland, Wis., has been completed, and a mixed service is now Full operations being maintainid. will not be started for at least a month. This extension opens the Burlington's connection with Lake Superior, and opens a new route for Nebraska grain to the Atlantic seaboard On if The Idea. "Pop ." When the Damage Happens. "Y'es. my son." If a cut bleeds profusely it should be held under a stream of cold water, "V'hen a fellow goes to a circus and gets red lemonade and peanuts, doesn't he have to give money for 'em?" "Certainly he does, my boy." "Well, this paper says here that metvv won't buy happiness." compress the wound and apply clean lint. If an artery has been severed tie the lint tight above the cut and by Introducing a stick under the handkerchief and- - twisting it round check the bleeding until surgical assistance can be obtained. Significant Facts. There remain the facts, however, Agreed. that more passengers are killed in "Father," cried the stage-struccollisions and derailments than in any youth; "you must let muh choose me other way, and that about own course. I feel that was bora of the collisions occur on railroads for the boards." aot block signaled and by reason of "Well, gosh all hemlock!" answered rrors which do not occur in the father, "ain't I tryin' ter make a N. Y. Press. carpenter of ye?" History of the Dime. Quieted Him. That neat and lovable little coin, She was going away for the sumthe dime, has had a most useful his- mer and of course she wanted a new tory. As tar as we are aware it is parasol. the world's coins, havunique among "And as to the Handle." she mused, ing no nearer equivalent than the "I want something nobby. Do you English six pence, which is worth two think the head of a bird would suit cents more. It is one of the handiest me?" of coins, being about as small as a silThe big husband looked up from ver piece can conveniently be. Be- his paper and grinned. ing less in size and weight than the "Most assuredly, he my dear," nickel, which is worth only half as chuckled, "if the bird is a parrot." much, it is vastly more convenient to She flushed deeply. keep and hoard, and that is one rea"Is that so?" she setorted, sharplson why it is becoming extraordinary. "Well, sir, I am going to get ily scarce in spite of the fact that you a cane for a birthday present and more dimes are now turned out of I shall make sure that the handle the mints than ever before In the suits you in every particular." There is a large country's history. "Ah, indeed! What kind of a bird rage for "dime banks," and some of or beast will it represent?" these mechanical contrivances are "Neither bird nor beast. It will so pretty, so Ingenious and so allurrepresent a lobster." ing that they force people to save dimes who have no earthly occasion Insisted on Being "Boss." to do so. A new "Mark Twain" story is going the rounds. The humorist takes long Singular Austrian Law. rides in the country in his auto, and A few days ago the murderer of Mr. one day the mud was so deep that Reid, the Paisley man who mysterithe machine stuck in it. On a railfrom ously disappeared Heidelberg last July, having been arrested In road neara by anof Irishman was seen Italians. "I called gang bossing Austria, was tried at Feldkirch and to him," said Mark, "and he brought was convicted and sentenced to 20 the whole hunch over to lift the ma years imprisonment. The case illustrates a singularity of chine out. We clashed right away. the Austrian criminal law. Generally The Irishman insisted on bossing the and I wouldn't stand for it. 'All speaking, a premeditated murder is job said the Irishman, and he took right,' punishable by death in Austria, but in his men back to the railroad. There eases where between the time of the for me to do but give in. murder and the arrest the prisoner was nothing I sat in the car for about an hour and has been punished for some other then called for the Irishman to come a "unish-menof sentence t crime capital 'Am I to be boss?' he asked. back. cannot be passed upon him. 'Y'ou are,' I said. And he was." In this case the murderer had a week s Imprisonment served for Bird in the Hand. petty th(.ft about janllary of this year On a cabbage patch owned by a neand to this circumstance alone he is gro in a southern community oil was indebted for his life. found. Speculators offered the negro $20,000, which was accepted without waiting to consider another proposition, said to be worth f 40,000. "What is this about your cabbage patch?" inquired a neighbor of the negro. "I understand you have sold it two-third- s 1 block-signalin- for $20,000. "Yas, that's true, boss." replied the negro. "You see, men come picking round my place, an' dey say dar's oil heah. Dey say: 'We gib yo' $20,000.' I say: All right.' " "I am told if you had waited a day or two you might have sold it for $40,000." "Yas, dat mebbe so: but a bird in the han's th' nobles' wok of God!" Woman Loyal to the End. striking case of forgiveness extended to a murderer to the extent of shielding him from justice occurred A recently in I'aris. handsomely dressed young woman, Mdlle. M. Gou-viewas found in the street dying from the effect of a stab In the breast, and later in the day she expired in a hospital. But not a word could be extracted from her as to the identity of her murderer, "lie did it in a fit of Jealousy," she said, ' and because he loved me." The last words to pass from her lips were: "I pardon him." She gave up her life, but not her murderer's name. Townsend's Enamel Cream A attractive fares immediately. Superior ie tare powders, lis use is not detected. UakpR For sale every where. Price 50 cents Your Orders will be promptly tilled for Watches, Diamonds or Jewelry, as our stock is inexhaustible. I - - ' 1 "' 1 1 i ". 1 '" I m-a- r that." Tact. Chancellor James R. Day was once of advising a young undergraduatet Syracuse university to cultivate tact. "But, alas." he said, "I fear thai advice on such a subject must always On tact the last word be wasted. was spoken by Barbey d'Aubreville when he said: " Tf'tact could be bought, only those already possessed of it would want " to huy r, Waste. .. For a time we stood without utter,. ., ,N ..ii. in ing a single word, stunned to silence , ...v ..., u hvi aim l " the incomparable majesu of the thm sh, tesjan to talk excitedly to cataract. The American was mighty lh(, .,rjS(u,,. to speak. ... first the , SUIIU.se lilt '.t "rt'Ullv atrit at.,. a waste?" he exclaimed, with " "What . wo- '"' W14sn " was apathetlr. profound emotion. nrt""' "le hoi'' ""'" He made a few hasty figures on a interview; and. strangest of all, dc scrap of paper which he had in his WHtl h'8 wlrp- She hand. clarel and " J "w 'Do you know." ho said, looking up awav '" " wi,s Wiler after a moment, with flushed face and asli,1,l V mbf ' M '"''"n'- and she said. brightening eye. "there's power here, ' un' l"ww' """ ' know- He Is if It were to be converted Into elecm huhohihi. tricity and applied lo Industrial uses Had ""' w,,man be hair? to earn money enough to force ten "pvo yo" SH"' s1"' families of three daughters each, or "Yes. she had green hnlr. or as fifteen families of two daughters each, " ,na' r,,'nr a. mi Into Now York Society?" "When he came to trial he wns Dnder tho spoil of that vast mass of rund lo be ,nsal"'- vo "tMf falling water, we could believe him "Yes: and that explains, perhaps, Anything seemed possible Puck. the prisoner's denial. He was doubtless Insane then A State of Mind. Well, he was sen to the asylum to be treated, and he "Two Irishmen, fll'od with (he Joy of countless escaped In n few weeks anrl was living by supplemented drowned. straight whiskies, were standing ii. "Is there no possibility of mlstnki front of the uncompleted Knlckerbock abesil thai part of the BjMMft?M er hotel the oilier day." said Maclyn "None whatever. Tfce body was re- - Arbtickle. "whop the following diacovered In a few days after his dlsai logue P90a nlace: ' ' 'TIs n MM pesrt'oe. and was easily Identified h building. Mike.' said 'he officials, for ihe clothes Were the one. saying unsteadily Oi thi' k Ol'l! same he wore from the asylum Ho buy If 'vs drowned not three miles distant " "BtpoTrah, If were b? drunk s "Did you talk with (hose who Identl e air, I'll sell Ii n retorted the fled the bc.lyf oilier " v For answer, the president followed him Into the hotel and to Bruee's prlvale room. You see." said Bruce, as soon as they were seated. "I losl all track ol ho seem bin. for s long lime. In.) to have disappeared about the time Hamilton did. and that was one thing nuta .... n,., Ihlmb ,i,. n,,.i ......n ., ll ,i ii... .iii. t.i.i out ........ be one and the same person-t- hat and because of the green haired woman. thought thc must he in Canada to- - Mr. Maaterson Answered. The New Sun Pudtflng. Rev Mr. Masterson, a summer resA new and attractive mold for gelident of Marblehead Neck, for rea- atin or any dessert of the consistency sons best known to himself, wears in of cornstarch is in the shape of a the hottest weather a long coat aad circular sun. with the genial feahandkerchief around his neck. Thus tures of old Sol on the surface. dressed he frequently takes long runs Teeth and eyes cut from the meats about town, but has decided objec- of nuts and pressed into the pudding tions to being stared at. One day Just before serving complete the efrecently he was running along, and, fect. noticing a small boy gazing at him. ho A Certainty. asked querulously: stopped and You cannot conquer the world fog "What are you looking at?" The boy promptly replied: "I'm looking at a good by winning over its wickedness. CaaseU'S Journal. d n tuol." j Bll i ' ' "And were they'" "No; they wen In Nebraska." "Are yon sure?" asked the presl dent. "Yes They had been at their old business. Ashley and his friends, and had started a deposit bank It was in Goodwill, a smart little village of mushroom growth They forged the charter, for aught I know But, any way. the bank burst up in a few Weeks; for the three. Ashley, BcOYtlle, and Brown, prosumnblj gave Ihe Utile sits low ihe !!? and look the with tneiu. The othets got Into bid !ng. a the alwavs ma l age to do: bill Ashley got nabbed." "V ion was that?" ,, shmvnU jt .. .. ,, Mm th,. l. ,.i , "Yes, without a doubt. Come In. if w II tell vou vou have time, and about it." said Bruce. . hn(, wfe came arrts,e( as h(, " yMUjn ( ,,,,,,,, ked th(, . We warrant and guarantee that all packages of Poatutn Cereal, Grape Nuts and Kiijah's Manna hereafter sold ly any Jobber or retailer, comply with the provisions of the National Pure Food Law, and ate not anil shall not be adulterated or mis branded within the meaning t said Act of Congress approved June 80, 190t. and entitled, "An net for preventing the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or mis branded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, liquors, and for regulating traflic (herein for other purposes." Qa,r w,u,n h), WM hy . Guarantee On Their Products. I Ash-lanc- 1 ever-runnin- g CEREAL CO.. LTD. ever was concerned in!" nothing. suppose, for a man like lev. would it?" "Why. yes Just consider a moment, f it had been the other way, entered ihe first time dark and next light, it would Imply simply colored hair, of course, and il would come out the nat- ural color. But to turn from light to dark without the aid of dye, that is Impossible, for, of course, there could have been none in his cell." "Then what do vou think?" .., think u,r( mus , 1ljnk n to be placed under. surveil- until the examination takes will not otherwise accept place. hail." As may be supposed, Mr. Bruce was greatly interested in the proceedings, having been engaged to ferret out the mystery which Huis far had eluded his grasp Now to find his man ready and waiting, so to speak, for arrest and examination, all in his own house and through his own will, put a different phase upon the matter than he had hitherto conceived possible. He listened. therefore, with great interest to the accounts of Hamilton s allege, loss ot personal identity as he walked to the hotel with Mr. Hartwell. ami. lo the latter s surprise, was rather in- dined (o give l( credence. ' said Mr. Hart ell. "I ox- "Why pected 10 hear a very different state- men. trout the tone Ol one or wo of your letters. Indeed. I purposely sus- ponded my own judgment until I could see and talk with you." "Well, the aspect of affairs has hanged. The man is dead." $2"0,-100,00- POSTUM A PEDAGOGUE. Professor Had OF THE SOUTH. To its coal supply, more than twice es great as the combined coal area t Kreat Britain, Germany and Penn sylvinia; to its vast stores of oil and natural gas as supplementary sources tiower of water powers for utilization if power and heat and light the South idds at least 3,000.000 available horse (tower of water powers for utilization for electrical transmission, also foi power, heat and light. The develop Deal of this vast water power poten Uality will eventually employ to $300,000,000 and be equal In workinu capacity to 0,000.00(1 men. It will make possible construction ol thousands of miles of interurban eleo tric roads, it will furnish cheap power ind light for mines and factories, and as in Switzerland, the highest forms of skilled mechanical work in the mountains of the South, where climatic conditions are unsurpassed by any Other section of (he world. In counting up (he riches of the South always bear it. mind its wealth of streams, where nature the power without price except for the co--- ' of development. Manu- facturers' IK!, opTrlghl. "I did I questioned closely into the matter. There is no doubt whatever that the 'nan was drowned." "No doubt it is as you sav." said the back pr dent. "Well, that removes Ashley. What do you think about Hamilton's story?" "I am inclined to believe it. This Ashley affair was a false light, and blinded me for a time. It isn't to be wondered at, perhaps, when the green haired woman's connection with the matter is taken into account. No doubt she was on her way to Canada to join Ashley when she saw Hamil ton. and thought she recognized her husband. His many disguises probably it: sled her for a time So she followed him for a short distance, and then, learning her mistake, did not go through to Portland, but took a train north of Mechanic Falls." "Yes." said Mr. Hartwell, thoughtfully, "that would explain the matter, and also how you were misled. But it is the most astounding thing about Hamilton's loss of memory! I could not believe it at first, but the idea seems mbre feasible as think about it longer. We supposed him to be so thoroughly reliable in every way. it seemed impossible thai he could be a rogue after all." "If he could only remember what he did while he was away," said Bruce, thoughtfully, "the mystery would clarify, but I see he fears he may have done strange things." "Mr. Bruce," said the president, sud denly, "Tony Osborn had a curious no tion in regard to this matter." and he mentioned the hypnotic idea as set forth by Tony, and related the strange performances of Dr. Major, which he himself remembered witnessing. The detective was much interested in all new or unusual workings of science. "Well," said he, afier the subject had been discussed at soma length, "Osborn may be right, and it might have been Ashley who received the money and altered the notes; but he is dead, and, in any event, it would be difficult to have proved the matter. If I were allowed to state my opinion of what is right, I should say, let Hamilton repay the loss sustained by the bank: for this hypnotic theory, though very ingenious and not too unreasonable for the belief of men like myself, would only cover the affair with ridicule, and imbue the minds of the poor people with a feeling of insecurity." "I think you are right. Mr. Bruce." said the president. "At least, that is the way the matter looks now. Of course the examination may bring out new facts, so it is as well not to maka up our minds to any great extent." "It is an irksome condition of things for Hamilton," said Bruce, "but unavoidable." "Yes; but unavoidable, as you say. must confess, he bears it with re Looks like inmarkable equanimity. nocence, hey?" "Yes; if it's a spurious article it is well imitated. By Jove," said the detective emphatically, "it is the most mysterious case I ever was concerned MEW esBeesr 170 ii rlTTMir MAIN ST. "It's All Right in the" The waves broke In the summer night with a mournful sound, and the moonlight on the sea made a highway as of shimmering silver. "Darling!" The voice of the youth vibrated with deep feeling r SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Union Assay Office j. a MANAuae.. i. V. ItDtK p. o. aoi Salt iakb un cit. utam - i 'p For Irrigation or Pumping nae leaftt of kind al the any Fairbanks-Mors- Gasoline Lngines and Pumps to 200 H. 2 Operate alio on Kerosene Gas or Oil. H. P 128 P. FAIRBANKS. MORSE CO. 220 S. West Teiuple St . Salt Lake City. Utah I'leaaeaend me Illustrated Catalnttue No. I fl Nm nMa want a . iJtf Street No I I M" e HUH Knuiiie le run X Wfj, |