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Show i. T TKEMONT TIMES MESSAGE THANKFUL FOR CREW FROM I STRUGGLE LONG BY C. E. SHERMAN. REIGN Of HE FATED HUROHIAH YREMONTON UTAH. IS INEVITABLE Bott'e Washec Ashore in North of Ireland Brings Last Tidings of the Shipwrecked Sailors. Uncle Sam's Granaries Are Full and the Treasury is Bursting With Gold London There has been washed on the beach at Castle Rock in the north of Ireland, a bottle containing a message from several members ot the crew of the ship Hiironian, which $54,111,429. The Salt Lake newsboys had a big In the form of a Christmas dinner given by Samuel Newhouse. treat AIL CHEAT RICHES UTAH STATE NEWS The poultry products of utah amount to about $l,5uu,000 a yeir. The total assessed valuation of Salt Lake county for the year 19U6 was Situation as Siztd Up by Secretary 6haw Would thoW That the People of the United States Havs Enjoyed a Mctt Prosperous Year. NORTHWEST Of TERROR the spring of 1902, to the effect that she was sinking fast. The message, however, gives no lo-- ! cation. This is the second time the Huronian has been heard from since she sailed from Glasgow on February 11, 1902, for St. Johns. N. S. The Huronian belonged to the Allan line. She was first reported overdue early in March, 1902, and when noth- ing had been heard from her by the first of April, all hope for her was given up In spite of this, however, the British admiralty, at the request of the owners, ordered the cruiser Thames to search for the missing Steamer, and In the latter part of April the cruiser Bellow was ordered to the norta Atlantic to help the Thames in this work. The search was kept up by these two cruisers until well into May, but no trace of the Huronian was ever found. A report from Mont eal dated June 17. said that on June 2 a bottle was picked up 45 miles east of Halifax, containing the following note, written on a scran of paper: "Steamer Huronian turned over Sunday night in Atlantic. In small boat, fourteen or us." in disappeared A Former French Premier's Opinion Concerning the Law of Separation Smflle Olliver Declares That th French Government Would Like to Social Agitators and Workmen Clash, Workmen Being Forced Into Idleness and Riots Follow. The situation here Is rapidly becoming acute. Sanguinary encounters are frequent, six persons having been killed and twelve wounded In one day. The authorities, at first supine, are now more active and are preparIt is ing to meet all emergencies. workthe that generally anticipated men will eventually secure the upper hand over the Socialists, drive out the agitators and resume work within a few days. The principal Polish banks say they do not fear any financial difficulties among the firms, which have been forced to close down their works. Owners of seven of the largest factories here, employing 100,000 persons, have announced their intention of closing their establishments because of the system of terroism begun by the extreme Socialists. The announcement caused great ex-- : citement among the inhabitants and the factory employees tear that when the great army of unemployed begins to feel the want of bread, rioting will occur. The factory employes as a rule are without means of support of themselves and their families during the hard winter. A mill owner said the employers were compelled to close down because the Socialists and militia control the entire city and are murdering all those who do not accept their demands, which makes the continuance of business impossible. The Socialists have murdered no less than a score of Nationalist workmen in this city and vicinity and they threaten to organize street riots and compel citizens at the points of revolvers to feed and lodge the Lodz. NOTES Montana leads all states In the number of sheep it contains, statistics placing the number over five millions. The coal production of Wyoming of 5,500,000 tons during 1906 was an of 300,000 tons over the production of 1905. Hnry Headlund. the steam shovel engineer who lost a foot in the cogs of the shovel at Laramie, was unable to withstand the shock and is dead. During 1906 the principal six producing industries of Wyoming produced a revenue of $55.21 S. 000, an increase over their revenue of 1905 of Go Back, But It Does Not Two trains collided at Park City $4,379,200. Know How. and were smashed to kindling wood, The Wyoming 1906 woo, clip was but fortunately no one was hurt. 32.849.759 pounds, valued at $7,253,225. Utah mines paid $5,150,490 in divRome. Emille Olliver, who was 1906 clip outweighed that of 1905 The idends during the year just closed, a Washington. "There is no occapremier in France under Napoleon by 1,049,300 pounds, and outvalued it gain over the previous year of $927,-49- sion for alarm. Our anxiety need be III, has written a letter to the Glor-nal- e by $893,225. lest we fail in facilities properly to d'ltalia, saying it is too soon to The cattle industry in Montana has There were 1,683 births in Salt Lake garner, store, transport and meet our pass serious judgment on the Franco-Vaticabeen especially prosperous dining the during the first eleven months of 1900, multiplied blessings. Let every man conflict. "We must await," present year as a result of abundant of which 875 were male and 808 were be of good cheer and try to be conM. Olliver says, "the instructions the and rains consequent good range and thankin servative females. everything except pope will give after the application of of water in both stream and plenty fulness." the law now before the French senDuring the year 1906, the mines of pool. Secretary Shaw thus concludes a ate. Utah produced $10,080,682.97 worth of of resume the financial Last year the state of Montana had record, year's "It is evident that the French goi precious metals, an increase of which he says has been prepare'd In 150,000 acretj in spring wheat alone, ernment would like to go back, but it over the previous year. and the average of this area was a response to multiplied requests. In does not know how. The logical and Judge Diehl, of the Salt Lake po- round numbers, he places the of twenty-sevemeasure would have been to bushels receipts yield per strong lice court, handed down an opinion for the calendar close the churches when the Catholics year of 1906 at and all other crops yield in proacre, last week, permitting slot machines refused to found cultural associations, and the expenditures at portion. but th8 government feared a popular which pay in trade only, to be or an excess of receipts $566,000,000, There are now over 15,006 miners The pope knows exactly what rising. operated. over expenditures of $59,000,000. As he wants, and with his inflexible will at work in the mines of Montana, and Myron Kardley, son of James W. there lias been no change in the tariff he will win. If a referendum Vote ot the past year there have been during the French people were possible the Eardley, formerly of Salt Lake City, taws or the laws relating to internal l 52 fatal and 43 but not would of accidents, the was accidentally shot and killed on revenue, Secretary Shaw government policy says the find three million supporters." making a record of safe mining that is Christmas day while hunting near his large increase in receipts is due soleM. Olliver says he foresees that the hard to beat. home at Baker City, Ore. ly to the extraordinary trade activity. struggle will be long. A meeting will be held at Rawlins, There were 868 deaths in Salt Lake The total expenditures, however, for AGED RECLUSE MURDERED. DRY FARMING CONGRESS. Jnauary 26, between stockmen and A. during the first eleven months of 1906, 1906, as compared with 1905, he says, F. Potter of the forest service to dls- and the average monthly death rate shows a decrease of only $5,000,000. Convention to be Held in Denver Head of Victim Horribly Hacked cuss and form plans for the proper He maintains of that, the existing per 1,000 population, based upon an With Hatchet Which Will Benefit Western division of the range and allotment ol in its estimated population ot 75,000, was money stringency, world-widFarmers. Kansas City. Thomas Fanning, grazing permits in the future. 1.05. extent, is traceable in no respect and 80 yeai-sa Colo. The Denver. property first, convention wealthy aged no in A wealthy to rancher of Montana, the independent treasdegree Over 300 children were fitted out of those vitally interested in the re- owner, who lived alone, was mur of the ury "We United system States. speaking of his state, says: with clothing and supplied with toys He says the manifest and admitted clamation of lie semi-ari- d regions of dered some time Sunday at bis home, have never had such a prosperous year on Christmas day by the Salvation TAFT IS WILLING. the United States by systems of scien- 1818 Olive street, in this city. The in our state, and there is hardly a army of Salt Lake, while a dozen or shortage has been caused by the an-- tific been bead hacked bad with has been meet to called horribly farming, person who is not better off today mure families sat down to big dinners precedented prosperity in this couna hatchet. The crime was reported Makes Statement Regarding Candithan he was a year ago this time." try and reasonable prosperity every- - in Denver, on January 21th and 25th, to furnished by this organization, William the for by Fanning, police dacy the Presidency. 1907, call Goverwnere. 'ihe people of the United being signed by The number of horses in Wyoming ' the murdered man's young nephew. Lester Earl Moreton, son of City nor Jesse F. McDonald and Secretary Washington. Secretary Taft made is approximately 111,399, valued at he States, consume is who declares, dead the capYoung per Fanning, Recorder J. B. Moreton, of Salt Lake man's only heir, was held for inves- the following statement Saturday conita more food, more clothing, more Arthur Williams. the number of mules and City, has been recommended for ap- of The raiiid tigation, but later was released. cerning his presidential aspirations: development of practical asses is approximately 1,493 valued at. than any other people everything pointment to a West Point cadetship in the Robbery was not the motive of the "For the purpose of relieving the $70,609; the number of swine is apworld, and, when prosperous, farming and profitable crop production as $2,100 was found by the po- burden imposed by recent publicacrime, which examined by the committee under improved agricultural methods, they import, very largely. lice in a chest in the room where the tions upon my friends among the proximately 8,628, valued at $44,214. This, he and the unmistakable three applicants for the position. of the pos- body was found lying. In the old asserts, naturally encourages indus sibility of reclaiming proof The cattle shipments from Montana newspaper correspondents a great portion assert were a gold watch, $13 Washington The total approximate value of the try everywhere, and unusual business pockets I to of further 1906 are not yet available, bnt they for me, inquiries putting ui me semi-arwestin acreage the dairy products (butter, cheese and activity calls for an unusual amount ern states, have led to increased ac- in money and a deposit slip, showing wish to say that my ambition is not amounted to 267,966 in 1905. 258,417 loa in he had that of $18,000 actual money and of credits based tivity in both official ami deposited condensed milk) in Utah is nearly political, that 1 am not seeking the private ex- cal bank on Dec. 5. 800 west, and 1,541 being on actual money. work. It is believed that nomination; that I do not going east, perimental presidential In the state there are 2,000,OfD. The effect of the present car short the time for united taction and official to In 1905 there Canada. to be the Repuhlicrn candidate, shipped expect Terrible catastrophe. ninety creameries and cheese facto- age on the money market Is also al encouragement has been if for no other reason, because of what were in the mutton department, and reached, luded io. The secretary says: ries, and two milk condensories. that there should be inaugurated a seems to me to be objection to my "A Twenty-eigh- t Persons Killed and Sixty availability, which does not appear to crop of cotton than usual practical and active general moveThe body of the man found on the and larger It is reported that the Northern Pan ol ment, unprecedented under yield lessen with the continued discharge proper organization, Injured. banks of the Weber cific will soon begin the grading of river at cereals, fruits and every other agri through which the I own official am reof but that great natural duty, Washington. An appalling disaster not my been as. cultural product has filled granaries has sources of the identified Ogden which will leave the main line foolish enough to say that, in the cut-of- f districts Baltion the and occurred warehouses to night Sunday and the Andrew that of overflowing and a possibilities of extending the at or near Miles City, Mont, and folAnderson, improbable event that the opportucongested every important railway. A agricultural areas of our western more & Ohio at Terra Cotta, about nity to run for the great office of presrailroad section employe. It ia be- few years ago the freight cars of the states may be brought to the atten- three miles from this city, in which ident were to come to me, I should lowing a course directly westward will lieved that Anderson was murdered. strike the present road not far from tion of the world at large. country averaged forty miles a day .hirty-eigh- t were decline it, for this would not be true." Helena. persons The program for the convention will about The shep industry in Utah has been but owing to the present congested condition and Insufficient terminal be in the hands of a committee select- killed and sixty others injured, some Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lavier, of PortIncreasing from year to year and now facilities and Pay Too Small for Clerks. so seriously that they will die. factory they ed particularly with regard to its abil- of them were struck by an inward bound land, colfigures largely in the wealth of the now move only twenty-fiv- sidings, was Failure this at caused the time The accident to by Washington. miles a ity guarantee to delegates two Waverly-Richmon60. due here at 6:25 street car neat No. of lision train 6tate. At the spring shearing of 190G day. This delayed freight is owned of active, practical work, and it isdays to increase materially the compensathe there were 1,275,144 sheep sheared, ac- by some one, and some one's money belief of the originators of the idea p. m., from Frederick, Md known as tion of postoffice employes, thus keep their home. Mrs. Lavier was killed Is thus tied up." that no more important inter-statthe Frederick special, with a deadconand her husband Is at the cording to reports made to tho state ference has been proposed since the head passenger equipment special of ing place with the advancing wages in outright Good Samaritan hospital, board probably organization ot the National Irrigation eight cars. More than 200 passen- other lines of employment, will seriMay Deport Japs. fatally injured. were Martin E. Mulvey, American Counthe train. aboard the of congress. the gers ously jeopardize efficiency San Francisco. Acting under orT. E. Brady, a Great prominent cilman from the Fifth ward of Salt ders service. This statement is taken from from Washington. Secret Agent Killed. Five GREATEST Falls, has indictbeen Mont., BIRTH lawyer, Tramps RATE. Lake, will tender his resignation as Moffat t is the annual report of First Assistant engaged in an investigation Sacramento, Cal. Five men, all un- Postmaster General Hitchcock, made ed by the federal grand jury in Helena councilman, declaring that his reason of the Statistics Show New York is Opposing on the charge of having Japanese Socialistic Illegally known, were killed Sunday in a public Sunday. The need of new legfor the action is that he is not in ac Race Suicide. organization, whose organ is the "lie fenced 13,167 acres of public land ia Floriston wreck a at station, freight to cord with the policy of the adminis the islation make service postal volt," published at Berkeley. ComNew York. The birth, marriage and short distance Valley county. Brady gave bonds for A tration. beyond Truckee. more active in order to retain pre his appearance. missioner of Immigration North is death statistics of New York City for broken truck on one of the box cars sent employes and as an inducement Edmund (i Mines was slightly also giving his attention to the mat 1900 were made public Allan Thompson, aged 28 years, was Tuesday with caused the wreck and four cars went for good men to enter the service is wounded in the right arm by a ball ter. It is stated thrt the comment that it was a prosperous into the ditch. The track was torn treated extensively by Mr. Hitchcock, shot and instantly killed by bis father-in-law- , under the deflni from a Flobert rifle Christmas morning tion of the immigration law, the Jap- twelve up for fifty feet, and it required the who presents a plan for the considera- month. During 1900 there services Riley Paton, a of the wrecker from Truckee while standing on the porch in front anese of Herkeley who issued the were tion of congress. Resignations from rancher living near Colburn in the 111,177 births, an inreported to line the was road before clear the revolutionary a crease over 1905 of paper of his home in Salt Lake, as the recontaining the service have increased at an X,000; 48,355 marveiled threat open for traffic. The five men who rate and the standard of Plateau valley, east of Grand Junction, sult of a boy experimenting with a are anarchists against as the president riages, an increase of 5,700; 76.200 were killed were beating their way alarming and, such, subject deaths, an Increase of men going into the service has greatly Colo. Thompson was drunk and had Christmas present. 2,492. The birth on the train from Nevada. to importation. first threatened to kill Paton. in the last fiscal year. deteriorated record is the greatest ever reported. Fifteen new banks were formed durMrs. Sarah Ayres was Emergency Brake Failed. Machine Broke Down. mysteriously ing the year, one new life Insurance COMSTOCK ALL RIGHT. Gans Wins in Eight Rounds. niuidered on her farm near Warren, At least Cincinnati. perthirty Oakland. Oil With a roar that company began business, one building Tonopah, Nevada After playing sons were injured, one of whom has Oregon. She was shot dead while she He Will and loan company and three loan and could be heard for miles around a with Herman tor eight rounds, Joe since died, in the wreck of a runaway Conelyou Officially Says was sewing tn her kitchen, and the Stand by the Inspector. trust companies entered the field, ac dynamite explosion at Stege, Contra Gans, the colored champion, landed a electric car on the Warsaw avenue weapon with which the crime was Costa county, resulted In the death full cordisi to the annual report of A. c General Washington. Postmaster right swing on the point of Her hill in this city Sunday. The enter-genccommitted, a affair, was of two men. Han Coleman, aged 35, Glazier, the bank examiner. man's jaw, and Chicago's favorite found on the floor near the body. brake failed to work, and the Cortelyou says: ... .1... . lii.l.f... .,..., i The jurors i mpannelled to investi- and a Chinaman. The explosion took ....... "Statements that have been pubui mm- nK1 ;l neaten man. car. after running a distance of five A terrible tragedy was enacted In s gate the accident at the Grass Creek place in the California Cap company's It was apparent from the start that blocks, struck a telegraph pole and lished that Inspector Anthony the kitchen of the little home of Fred Herman no bad works. Coleman were The turtle. chance. turned passengers Cans blocked and the Chinaman coal mines, wherein James R. Robin-rocommission has been his blows with the greatest, ease, and thrown in a heap in the mud beside a ftnd that, he was were loading camps with dvnamite Hignami in Portland, when Giacomo to sever his compelled sustained injuries resulting in his when the machine broke, the at no time was dans worried in the hank. Hiram Leister, a passenger, by connection with the postoffice de- - Savignana. an Italian, stabbed and death, returned a verdict to the effect explosion. As the work causing least. Lew Powell of San Francisco operating the brake on the rear plat was bein-doare killed Julia Uignami and probably fa partment entirely without fouuda and dani Ryan fought ten rounds to form, probably prevented in a shed far from the main a much that the fatality was purely accidental nun. inspector v omsioch nas oeen tally stabbed Mrs. Ilignami's a draw as a preliminary. aged worse accident, as his action reduced recommended and not blaming the company. buildings, no other deaths resulted for the year 1907. as he mother-in-la- , Mrs. Aunina Vismora. the speed of the car materially. lias been for every year since 1878." At a joint meeting held In Salt Lake Killed Man With Hi Cassatt's Wish Respected. Ralph Blalsdell, assistant to GenFist. City by the Manufacturers and MerVoliva Roasted by Dowieites. eral Aditor Frastus Young of the fllRSt -St. Louis. With a single Makes Offer to Transport Free SupWith Philadelphia services as chants' association, the Utah State Clenn Union Pacific and Southern Voliva. uiow ot nis list Charles Smith killed as the rites of tho Proteslam Chicago. Wilbur plies for Starving Chinese. Fair association and the Real Estate simple has been appointed auditor Episcopal church would permit, the D. F. Myers on the street near the via general overseer of Zion City, was Washington. A dispatch to (he association, it was decided to have remains of as "Judas of the Oregon Railroad and denounced ... ,.. and duct, Iscariot," i then, Alexander what J. realizing he had Navigation was Cassatt, j presreceiveu Saturday troni the opening of the Chamber of Comand "robber" by followers of Brremim ident of the Pennsylvania a H. Harrlman. statine company lines in Oregon and WashMrs. "Devil" Railroad none. Smith mad.- his escape. merce on January 14, 15 and 16. that ha 11 J .mini rtiexaiiuiT ington, with headquarters !n Portland. uuiiug a meeti company, were laid at rest in the Smith told her husband tbsd would transport free of chnrge all suping attended by 2.500 persons in Zion Judge O. W. Powers Is now the local grave had ntiompted to flirt with her Authority has been given Forester yard of the suburban church of tM(. The plies for Chinese famine sufferers. The tabernacle here Sunday night. representative of Mrs. Anna Bradley, the Redeemer al street. This so angered Smith that he first interruption, which almost pre- free Pinchot to allow grazing for the comBrjm Ifawr on Koa is to transportation begin at San charged with killing Aryear on the newly created Sierra out the desire of the accosted If en and struck day. hfin ;, cipitated a panic in the audience, ocFrancisco and end at Wu Hung, which ing thur Brown. John A. Bagley of tho great Following Madre curred when Voliva made a sarcastic Is reserve, railroad president and of his swinging blow on the jaw. of all the for Myers port Shanghai and Hong horses, cattle and Wyoming, firm of Batten and allusion to Dowle. "Shut up." ordered which have sheep Baglev hav-l- l widow, only a small number of relalike a log and never moved This dropped information kong. was sent to been a Dowlelto In the audience; "You're ni' il their withdrawal from tives and friends were present at the Ills neck bavins been limluii grazed for the past three years tlie state . and the v. department Ameri iv case on in a nnii the in.' favnr of Judge Powers. only dog." I grave. There were no pallbearers range now Included in trie re can Red Cross. years old and h,M-- was 40. serve. Th.' mw pipe organ for the Lehl Awarded $100,000 Damages. Favor Boosting Salaries. Towns Buried in Snowdrifts and Busi tabernacle watt tinned over to the City Marshal Horace Good Chance for Bright Young Mer. Fribuy was Cal. The jury In the case Fresno, The Washington ness Suspended. subcommittee ,,f shot and killed at Lamar. Colo . by two committee last week by the builders in the Philippines. of the stilt of Willard Zibbcll against strangers, who subseq x ntly escaped St. Petersburg and was dedicated by a concert. Over the senate committee on appinpria The storm that The Rureati of InsuWashington There were no witnesses to the killwhich has been considering the passed over Creat Britain at Christ the Southern Pacific company gave a lar affairs has made $300 was realized. The big organ Is lions, ing, but Shertif (ieorge Thomas heard known the fact the railroad for a practical duplicate of the one In legislative, executive and Judicial apmas time has reached western Rus judgment against the shots and arrived at the scene In more that are stenographers needed St. Paul's cathcdial Salt I.ake City. propriation bin. bas considered This Is said to be the larg the sla. whore enormous rails of snow $100,000. time to see the two men making their In the service. Philippine 1'nlt-eAnother of ever in rendered est verdict the Increasing lbs salaries of are reported ami railroad As a result of the efforts made to question escape. conimunlca States for personal Injuries, In examination will be held Januarj 26. ascertain Just how many teachers senators and representatives, and tion is paralyzed. Many of the lines The secretary of the Interior has civil service commission Manv would attend the convention of the nou it seems probable that the sub July, IMS, Zibbell, who is u tare horse by the are entirely Intem.p a contract with Jesse W. executed State I eacners association to be held committee will recommend an ad- from Orsha and Borrlsoi Disrates ' ! driver, was struck b a box ear mov voung men originally appointed after of Cowley. Wyo.. for tho Jr., Crosbey, sv vance ,h of in Ogdi-in a .uds 'he without fifty 3 on 2, freight por oral January and 4. It is tow.ls passing tho stenographer examination nmjim literally buried In drifts and lug construction and completion of the lOCt estimated that between 1,200 ami i god Slonal salaries The sub committee he 'eft and light, all business Is suspended, aim. his who have demonstrated their Is s abllitv Corbet! tunnel settling basin, dam and will be present from all prac tieally unanimous in the nnlnlnn left at his leg the hand, and of the have right hip snow' have worked their WSJ up. The peat spillway, Shoshone Irrigating project prts perished in ,he , that such an Increase should be made Hoblley. the State. kit riant font snowstorm eunile. 'ton at first pnyi $1 L'hn The work is located ten Wyoming. a.m-jimiles east of Codv. , n e , non-fata- i e d e well-know- n . n.-ii- Com-stock'- cnn.-olln- l ne Pacific-systems- I .1 irie T -- i per-son- jr , |