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Show 1 rti he 1 re TREMONTON Town Locals. Sunday night was a stormy one in the valley. It was not cold but the snow came down in flukes as big as goose Don't forget the Times office when feathers, and was mixed with a rain which the wiud drove into every crevice. waiting job work. There was nearly a foot of the white Cfos, Kroksh is reported on the sick blanket on the earth in the morning and list, before noon the sleighbells made merry The youngest son of F. F, Olsen is re- jingling on our streets. It was a real ported 3U the sick list. old fashioned snow storm and was glad The chime of the sleigh bells briogs ly welcomed by the f inners. especially those whose laud lie3 above the can!, as to mind our boyhood days. it assures tliem an abundance of moisture Dr. Puno hit.- - a new pair of drivers But for the coming season's crops. en J they are high steppers, too. who some were didn't enjoy it, there Good Cider Apples At 20c. a bushel and they were those whose coal bins A dress C. G. Adney. Corinne, Utah. were nearly or quite empty. Something Meldrum is ought to be done lo compel the railroads to ship coal and other necessities to the people instead of using all their cars for The suow st orm is a great relief t afer iron and other goods of like character, the warm rainy weather. tho what that something shall be we are Head Light Kerosene Oil always not able to suggest. We can only adon band at the Hardware Store. vise everybody to keep hammering away The little son of George reported much' better. Dr. Pitt has been on the sick list for a at the railroads and perhaps son. e day the managers will heed the warning. few days. Our schooh opened Monday after two weeks vacation . David and Joseph Stohl caine up from 3ngham Tuesday. Fred Manka came iu Friday from Nebraska. Mr. Manka is a brother to Henry Mauka and a son in law of U, 0 Iioush. MUs Ruby Cook has been on the sick There was mourning in the Kent Holist, but is now improving. tel last week. Papa Kent sold the pony DisJs? Well, yes, they are at the and the entire family were very much Hardware Stor in any quantity. broken up over it At Wilson' Sleigh Bells: Jinglel JinglIf yon are looking for wedding pree!! Also Carriage Heaters. sents or any other presents go to the Conrad Kelly left Thursday for Lo- Stohl Bros. Furn. Store; they have just gan, where he will attend the Agricul what you want. tural College until spring. Now is the time the young people will . The baby of W. C. Wyatt is reported much better after ft week's serious ill- enjoy themselves. Let them get out and have a sleigh ride while the snow ness. lasts. Have you seen the latest in Ranges? Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition , Gun CovBlasi Hot ers and Hunting Coats; at the Hardware 8tohl Bros have them. The a coal saver. Store, J. C, Gates is now out of the mercanThe Utalt Press Association will hold its annual meeting at Logan on the 21st tile business in Tremonton. Mr, Gates will slay in Tremonton until spring, and and 32nd of this month. then go to Buhl, Idaho, where he has JtjptiittX jfmdul A new line, pf all landed interests, and build a new home. sizes and prices. Call while there is an We wish them success iu their new venassortment, at the Stohl Bros. Furn. Co ture. A. N. FUbburn and wife weut to Stohl Bros, are selling all kinds of Tuesdoy to attend the funeral of the rugs and linoleum this season; )ile son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bush carpets, their stock is always new and who are friends of the Fishburns. Og-de- a Cole's Hot Blast Heater of The Tribune is now occupying its Stohl Bros., it is the otly stove that commodious and elegant new home at burns mine run, or slacked coal without 145 Main Street. Salt Lake City, where waste. it has the finest newspaper plant in the On Monday of this week the newly West. Git, I elected officers put on their official cloaks Good Cider Apples At 20c. a bushel and took charge of their many duties. Addess C. G. Adney Corinne. Utah. We wish them all success. The peculiar weather of the past week Mr. Philip Getz of Point Lookout was has had a depressing effect on trade a caller at our office Monday. Mr. Getz which somewhat sympathizes with the ias some fine apples he is selliug at uine-lconditiou of the roads. A foot of suow, cents a bushel. or sufficient to make sleighing, will liven is to the time Coal is scarce now buy things up and make our merchants bust a Majestic Range of Stohl Bros, as it le. does the work with less luel than am Commercial travelers and other tranother range. sients have filled every spare room in flood Cider Apples At 20c. a bushel. town lately. While this month is usual ly considered a dull one, business seems Address C. G. Adney Corinne, Utah. to be booming in Tremonton. Let it for The are Most postmasters agents y S.tjt Lake Semi-Weekl- Tribune. yjur postmaster 11.50 and have :nd you the Tribune for one year. Give come. him Dr. R. H. Dunn returned from Oakland, Cal., Thursday evening with his bride. They have commenced housebeen have Some beautiful calendars of the keeping in a new home which the doctor received at this office. Those Wilson Lumber Co. and R. F. Meldrum had prepared for their reception. The the blacksmith, oi Tremont.are especial- Times extends congratulations and best wishes for their success. ly worthy of notice. Have you seen the new and handsome David Holmgren was up from Bear assortment of dishes just opened at Stohl River City Monday and informs us that Bros. Furn. Store? he is having fine success iu selling stock Mrs. A. P. BUhop of Evans has been in the company that has purchased the elected to teach tho school at Grouse C. W. & M. Cos. warehouse. Creek, this county, and began her duties This is cold weather! Why not buy a last week. Mrs. Bishop is an experiencpair of those good Horse Blankets; they ed teacher, having for some years been can be had at the Hardware Store. the principal of a young ladies' semiA Dry Farming Congress is to be held nary in New Jersey . and the people of in Denver on January 24th and 2.rjth, to Grouse Creek are very fortunate in sewhich the entire arid region is invited to her which will undoubtservices, curing send delegates. The railroads will give well. them edly pay the round trip for a single fare. ('all at the (Wilson) Hardware Store, The 0. S. Line R has a band of sur and get one of the most beautiful Cal veyors out looking over the route for thi- enilars of the season (1907). ne w road which is to leave Preston and A party of young people enjoyed a continue to the main line. It is reported sleighride to Garland Tuesday night be that work will commence on this new project. in early spring hind a four horse team. Their merry siuging broke the settled silence of that Good Music and a good Are! Come city and made their young people wish in and enjoy them both theso cold days they had ambition to get up a ileighridc. too. at Wiln'e Hardware Store. . BOX KLDEK COUJffy J County Court ft tit UTAH THURSDAY. , 4? JANUARY 10, 1907. Washakie, Utah. j V 1' i w mm Board of County Commiss. January 7th, 1907, at 10 a. m.,Bill bqfrd Jan. 7th. 1907. Tremont Times: present. We are all well jiving up here to this The Recorder's repot' of feescollwsird sinall town and no one sL-1 ecember was There was presented and op during a death, a inau from Pocatello, Idaho, on motion accepted. Boar I adjourned at 12 m. about two weeks last Friday and uobo ly Hoard otcounty Commissioners me:al sick but Mr Socquitch Timpunboo is 2 p. m., present A. W. Valentin, ll&B kin I sick oi Hart and D. E. Adams. We had VY. M. B. A. motion of big rabbit hunt last Friday Hart, Upon Valentine was electetl chairman of the and iu evening the ba.ll was given by the Board of Comity Commissioners hunler-- . We bad very enjoyable time T. !!. Thomas appeared and fhanl ed beard we have an itbef hunt next week the Board lor the position he has held as t:me- jm janitor of the court house and askedthat (ill lovely SUOW. we hue had Ions he be re appointed; action deferred, for one session. time It snowed about one foot and u The following appoint uents were con- half. firmed: Lorenzo W. Anderson as chief Our day school start up this morning. principal 's deputy clerk at Mr. William Hoolchsw and wife been salary, Louise Ingram as Deputy Clerk at 140 per mouth, Mary Hoist, Deputy up Rose Fork, Idaho, returned home Treasurer at ;?iS5 per mouth, Harry Zeu-o- r last Friday. as assistant in treasurer's office when I an ! wife bee i up to Blackfoot v sitDeeded without salary, Isabella Daltou ing friends and telatives on Cinistmas, as Deputy Recorder at $11 per month, too. We leturued home New Year's Ada Johnson and Hilda Hansen as assistday. But we had good time up there, ants iu Recorder's office at S0 per n.outh too. each, Chas. Wight, Jr. as Deputy Shciiil Willie Ottogary. at $00 per month, the Misses Lola JSicho) and Christine Stratford as assistants in Assessor's oilke at vl per dayj C.air Additional Town News. steCiiristensen was nographer. Myron Richards of Riverside was a The bond of David Ilirschi as Justice visitor here on Wednesday. of Peace of Park Valley was apprintd. John Holmgren of Bear River City The following were appointed deputy Was doing businesi hereon Wednesday. assessors: James M. Dalton and John John Owen, IT. C. Vanausdela, Harry L, Edwards fdr Willard district, Nels C. and Oscar Harris of Garland were Boyd C. A. for Mantua district, Jeppeson Kaiser ar.d Lorenzo Lett for Brighum transacting business here on Wednesday. Jacob Hoerr phones iu that on Wed district, Kobeit Huusaker for Honey villc district, James Wood worth ffr Co- neadnythe Japanese colony were engag rinne district, C. G Andersou for Bear ed in plowing under nature's coat of River district , and H. M. Holler for Gar- manure the snow. The Japs know what is good for their laud and take advantage land district. Messrs. C. E. Foxley and J. D. Call ap of it. E. R. Sherman lias received his com peared and stated that Wm. Jones against whom suit had been iustitutad fW the mission as Justice of the Peace and Is collection of taxes on cattle grazing in now prepared to settle legal squabbles of this county was willing to pay taxes for his neighbors and is who entit led to be ranging 400 hei.d of cattle and 25 head addressed as " Your Honor," or "Squire" of horses in this county; nnitex ,vi;s for short. His office is in the Times discussed and decided thai taxes tie col building. lecttd on said cattle and holies and the Mr. John Sommer, Superintendent of remainder of the taxej be marled er the Independent .Telephone Co., has been roueously assessed. t ;r 5' engagea ror tne past lew nays putting Upon motion of chairman Valentine, the ii leS iu order where they were the attorney and sheriff were instructed knocked out by the storm. Though the to collect the amount of back license due damage was slight, the troubles were so from L. W. Standing, Farmers' Coinmer far apart that it, took a good deal of travciul Manufacturing & Produce Co., and el to fix thera up L.H., Keunard, and to commence suit Hon. W. S. Hansen of Fielding spent forthwith uuless the same be paid at Wednesday and Wednesday night in once. been attending tnvn. He has An ordinance changing the titne of farmers' instituteslately in the central and holding meeting from Tuesday to the southern part of the State and giving the first and third Monday of each mouth farmers the benefit of his experience in was read and passed. agriculture. Ha will go to Salt Lake Board adjourned until Jan. 21, 1907. City next week to attend the legislature and look after the interests of his constitu ents. To Correspondents. Professors Th(' mas and Larson of the Agricultural College staff will be speak We have this week mailed to some of ers at Hie farmers' meeting held at Tie our correspondents stamped envelopes inonton on the 12th. Professor Thomas in which to send us news items, and we will discuss the various kinds of grain and vegetables and their better cultiva would be much oblige if they will try tion and Improvement by proper pollen! to favor us with letter at least onco evzation. Professor Larson will speak on ery two or three weeks. Jot down the the subject of dairying, including prop happenings in your community as best er feed and care of cows, breeding, etc. A missiom service was held at the you can and send them to us and we church Sunday morning by Mrs. Baptist will fix them up fir the printer. And Shattuck. The attend incfl was not large dou't forget to SIGN YOUR NAM IS. but Ibe service whs interesting and We will not print your name, but we want instructive. On account of the fearful to know who sends the items. And we storm no service was held in the evefor any ning. With the beautiful chinch and its will give a liberal commission nice organ there ought to be a larger atnew subscribers you may send us. tendance. When your stamps are gone please notify J.C.Gates has sold his mercantile us and we will send more. business to L. P. Jensen, who will continue tho business at the old stand. Mr. sweet cider Jensen is well known to the people of FOR SALE-Go- od and cider vinegar. Call on L. H. this vicinity, is a good business man and we hope to see him get his share of the Getz Point Lookout, Utah. trade. He is represented in Tho Times advertising columns and will do what he can to boost the town. Our vil'age blacksmith, Mr. Meldrum, uses Pennsylvania soft coal for which he pays twenty dollars a ton. This coal costs at the mine perhaps 11.33 ot $iM That men smoke when they a ton, the remainder being freight and see our line of smoker's supprofits to the transportation companies. plies. Anybody would. That may not be too much, but it looks The tobaccos are of the finest as if a forty-tocar could be brought variety and of the most ex- - f bate for less than five hundred dolls) pensive cure. aud give the railroads a pretty good profit at that. The pipes give solid comfort to Chsrlie Mitcheil of the Mitchell Van smoker. the old and young and Storage Co. of Salt Lako City, is in We won't mention our cigars town buyiug heavy horses for their use especially, but smoke one of in the city. Mr. Mitchell purchased the our leading brands and you largo team of Christ Wiess for which he will smoke no other. paid $380.. and after the deal was closed the team ran away. It is Supposed they were !n a hurry to get home and get on & Utah. their city clothes, but Mr. Mitobell being (iariand, Logan one of Salt Lake's best IpfUtert, caught Franklin, Preston & Montpclicr, them before they were over a mile from Idaho. town. . 1 two-third- s -- . It Is No Wonder i Riter Bros Drug Co. "UlaJt y Vol. number of funny accidents have happened since the snow came. Livery man Hudson started for Garland with a drummer the other day. Wheu about n mile from town the double-trebroke and Mr Hudson went over the dashboard, plo w ing the suow with hi3 nose for some distance. Luckily he was not hurt and the drummer had a good laugh when the team stopped. They walked hick to town to repair damages and get a new start. Another drummer was upset in the suow in front of the Kent Ho tel. lie was something of a crank and probably didn't enjoy the laughter of (he onlookers. There are just a few who have permitted their subscriptions to lag behind. Don'tdoit. You will die one of these nue nays and vour lamiiy will want a column obituary published free, and tJeu your daughter is soon to he married aad you will expect your home paper to give her au Alice Roosevelt write-up- , ami all free, it always pays to be iu paying your subscription to prompt the local paper. A 3 No 46 Church Directory; Methodist. - Afternoon Services. Preaching every alternate Sunday 1 (6 Sunday School j. m. 2:10 p. Preaching Services Evening at 7.30 p m. All services at the Methodist church. You arc invited. Pastor. R.E.GILPIN, Baptist. Morning Services: Sunday School 11:00 Preaching 12:00 A M AM Evening Bkrvicks: 7:30 P Preaching Prayer Meeting K Wednesday night at 7:30. All Services are held in tho Baptist You am cordially invited. Church. A, II. BHATTCOI, Pastor. Chicago Markets. ADVENTS DIRECTORY. Receipts of grain at Chicago for 1906 wore iu round numbers 19,500,000 bu. The Seven Day Advents hold regular less than for 1905; of seeds including Sabbath School at the M. E. Church, a broom tora, 19,000,000 lbs less; of meats 8 o'clock every Saturday. Everybody 6,800,000 lbs. less; of lard, butter and invited. cheese 43,500.000 lbs less; of hides lbs. lest and of live , stocks de- cease of 430.000 head. The only articles of which the receipts show an impor tant increase were wool which gained 13,- COO.OOO lbs. aud potatoes rrf which there was an increase of 1,000,000 bu. In view of the enormously decreased ton nage and the addition during 1900 to the rolling stock of the railroads of something like 300.000 cars, it is pertinent to ask what excuse for all the "rot" one hears about a car famine? The lack of cars is given by the rail roads as the reason for not being able to bring the people coal. We don't believe it. The figures of the grain crops of 1905 and 1900 do not warrant It . A very few articles show an increase in 1806 over 1905, and If all reports are true the railroads hove ordered and received plenty of cars to carry the increased traffic. The great trouble Is that the transportation of other articles pay bet ter than coal, and they allow their cars to be used by the big shippers and the coal dealer in a little town like Tremonton has to wait their pleasure before he can get his orders tilled. flood Cider Apples Address C. G. Adney At 20c. a bushel Corinne, Utah. LEGAL NOTICES. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bear River Valley Telephone Company will be held In the Fraternal Hall ia Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday, January 24th., 1907. at. 2 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and the transaction of any other business . 4km luv rrimn hjfnri thum . flro. L. Carlton, VrkuAK E-- . Boots . Secty . I '''..-- - Hi NOTICE OF PETITION FOR STRICTION OF CORPORATE r' " RE- LIMITS':'. ' In the District Court of trie First Judicial District of the State of U'tJah, in and for the County of Box Elder. T. D. Holdiway, J. M Haws. K. H. Fridal, L. D. Haws and J. W. Haws, on behalf of themselves aud the real property owners of Tremonton, plaintiffs, vs. Tremonton. a municipal corporation, defendant. , The Tribune Leads. , ... r, Notice of petition for restriction of The Salt Lake Tribune is the acknowl- corporate limits. edged leader in the newspaper field of Thk Statk of Utah to the said Dk the interior West. As a newspaper, and fkndant and to ant person inter KSTED in standing, influence and popularity, it You are hereby summoned to appear has no equal between Denver and the Pacific coast. It gives all the news all within twenty days after service of this the time, in clean and readable shape aud Summons upon you, if served within the without fear or favor. county in which this action is brought, To keep In c'ose touch with the prog otherwise, within thirty days after this ressofthe West, and at the same time service, and defend the above entitled fully informed astotlic news of the coun- a 'tion, and in case of your failure to do try and the world you will find it in so, judgment will be rendered against porta nt that you read The Tribune. Tl e you according to the demand of the com price of the Daily (including Sunday) is plaint, of which a copy is herewith $1 per month; of the Sunday only t2 served upou you. g . J D. CALL. 1.50 er year, and of the First Nat 'I Bank B'ld'g, P. O, Address per year. Brigham City. Utah. Sample copy free. Address THE TRIBUNE. Salt Lake Citv, Utah. Date of first publication, Jan. 10, 1907. i : , Semi-Weekl- : Saturday Sale. BSSaSSMBBSHBSasBSSSSlHSSESSfSlMSaSSHBSSSS)BSlBlllHHBBSS Every Saturday b it Sale Day in our Store. Remember that you can always get tooxething fit a big Having in price at Cook's on Saturday. It may be exactly the thing you have come to town to buy. Next Saturday, January 12th, we offer: Conklin Gloves. None Industrial Tar Soap, a better in the market. refreshing soap for the We have a complete 20 Toilet, Bath and Shamat a reduction from line 5c Saturday poo, price per 10c retail prices, Saturday cent 3 Cakes for only "Flotilla," a floating Hath Soap at same Rieger1H Fine Perfumes, price. Regular selling price, f0c per oz. We want Hats and Caps, all new fall and 20 more of our customers to know how good this 35c winter 1900 styles, at per is. discount from regular cent Saturday only the price will be, . .". . . . . price, Saturday only . . We have a complete line of Tablets, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Mueingle., Toilet Sets, Candy, Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco and Cigars.:!' up-to-d- ate Tremont Mercantile Co. .... : M |