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Show A. aug 1 Iowa Republicans renominate B. Cummins for governor at Des Moines. It Speaker Cannon renominated for con gress at Danville, 111. IT J. 8. Harlan of Chicago appointed member interstate commerce commission. 0ep. 10 Cong. C. E. Littleneld, Bepubltc-un- . 1906 OF THE (( HISTOBYof lb PAST of Maine, reelected. President extends eight-hou- r to all public work. apply JO- - Hearst nominated lor governoi by New York Democrats at Buffa.o Chas. E. Hughes nominated for governor by New York Republicans ut Saratoga. Oct. 3 Senator Beveridge opens Republican campaign at Des Moines, la. Nov t Election held throughout country; chas. K. Hughes defeats W. K. Bears! York ticket for governor of New Democrats ebct rest of state tick1. maand elect governors Republicans of state ticket in Iowa, Michigan jority New onsin. Kansas. Nebraska, Hampshire and Colorado; also elect state tickets In Illinois. Ohio, Conner- tlcut and Pennsylvania; Democrats win In Minnesota. Massachusetts, Oklahoma and the south: Republican majority in house cut down fOJolin A. Mcllhenny appointed civil service commissioner. con3 p,., Final session of Fifty-nint- h gress begins. 10- - John W. Riddle, minister to and Servia. named to succeed Ambassador Meyer at St. Petersburg 11 President sends special message to congress urging full citizenship for Porto ttlcans. Mir Six large business firms of Kansas City admit receiving rebates from N. Y. freight broker. Jun. 11 Dr. W. B. Gillett and R. A. Gran-nisformer vice presidents of Mutual Life, Indicted for forgery and perjury. Jun. 12 Four leading packing concerns found guilty at Kansas City of accepting rebates from railroads. 13 C, B. & Q. railroad found guilty at Kansas City of granting concessions to leading packers. 25 Harry Thaw, Pittsburg millionaire, killed Stanford white, noted architect and millionaire, at Madison Square Roof Garden. X. V.. for alleged in- timacy with wife, formerly Evelyn Nes- BUSINESS FAILURES bit. 28 Thaw indicted for murder in first degree tor killing White. 29 Thaw pleads not guilty to murder Jan. 14 Parsons, Snyder & Co., Cleveland. O.; liabilities, (150.000. charge. Jul. 1 Negro hanged and burned near 18n. S. McReynolds & Co., Chicago; lia1. on Womack, T., by mob for assault bilities, (400.000. girl. Boliver County Bank, Cleveland, peb 6 C. & A. railroad and 2 former officials Miss.; liabilities, (llo.oOO; assets, (130,000. found guilty at Chicago of granting re- It lank of America, Chicago, placed lo bates. receiver's hands. 30 J. A. court clerk, 26 Cash Buyers' Union, Chicago, placed Cook, y in receiver's hands. .. .Williamson found guilty at Chicago of conspiracy to defraud Cook county; sentenced to Lumber Co., Oshkosh, Wis.; liabilities, $50(1.1100. prison. Southern Bank & Trust Co.. Ft Aug. 6 Mob at Salisbury, N. C, takes 3 Mar. Smith, Ark., owing depositors $80,000. from and them. negroes lynches jail 2 8 Standard Oil Co. indicted Walsh, president defunct Chicago Naat Chicago tional bank, arrested on charge of falsifor receiving rebates. 10 Geo. Hall sentenced to 13 years' Imfying reports. 111., prisonment at Salisbury, X. C, for par- 27 National Business College, Quincy, 3 in liabilities, (30,000; assets, $100.0u". of Said assigns; negroes. lynching ticipating Freedom (Wis.,) bank closed by to be first instance of kind. examiner. Sep. 3 Stensland arrested at Tangier, Morocco. Apr. 2 Tels, Smith & Co., bankers, Pekln, 111.; liabilities, (100.000. 5 A. Segal, Philadelphia promoter, arrested for causing failure Real Estate May 2 Delraont national bank. Delmont, Receiver for American RePa., closed Trust. 6 Mrs. serve Bond Co., St. Louis, appointed. H. Knippen decapitates her 2 Jun. 18 Farmers' State bank of Clearchildren. 22 Eighteen field, la., closed by state bank exwhite man negroes and aminer. killed in race war at Atlanta, Ga. 20 Stensland InAug. g Milwaukee Ave. State bank, Chipleads guilty; given cago, closed by state bank examiner; determinate penitentiary sentence. Oct. 10 Standard Oil Co.. Indiana, indictliabilities. $4,000,000. 8 F. E. Coyne, ed by lederal grand jury at Jackson, Chicago, failed in bakery and luncheon business. Tenn. 16 Garfield Park bank of Chicago closed Nov. 2 Federal grand jury at Atlanta, as result of collapse of Milwaukee Ave. manufacturGa., indicts 5 State bank. ers for peonage. 28 Real Estate Trust Co., of Philadelphia, 5 H. W. Heriug. former cashier of Milwaukee Avenue State bank of Chicago, suspends business; liabilities, $7,000,000. pleads guilty to forgery and embezzle- Sep. 20 Bates National bank, of Butler, ment; given indeterminate penitentiary 29 Mo., closed by directors. Private bank at Middleport, O., closed. sentence. 15 Nearly all deposits of (115,000 gone. Mayor Schmitz. of San Francisco, and Abram Ruef. indicted by grand jury on Nov. 15 Bank of Beckwith & Co., at Wyo., closed owing to financial charge of extortion. 23 troubles. Enrico Caruso, famous Italian tenor, found guilty ,nd lined $10 in Xew York 30 Three banks conducted by C. V. Chandler at Macomb, Colchester and for insulting women Joseph F. Smith. 111., lack of ready for closed Mormon church. Bardolph, pleaded president cash. guilty to charge of unlawful cohabitaDec. Bank of Kiowa, L T., closed on tion and lined (300 at Salt Lake City. 29 account of slow collections and inability Mayor Schmitz, of San Francisco, arto realize on assets. rested on charge of extortion. ... Federal sevvotes Lake Salt at City grand jury eral indictments in coal land fraud cases. NECROLOGY Dec. 4 Chester Gillette convicted of murder of sweetheart, Grace Brown, at Big Moose Lake, X. Y'., on July 11, at Herkimer. N. Y. Jan. 9 W. R. Harper, president University of Chicago, at Chicago. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL lit Coi. K. G. Lowe, Tex., Galveston, ( fZQUKI newspaper pub- Resolution Jan. 3 introduced Field. New Y'ork legislacnicago ofmercnam ture asking U. S. pneuprince, Senator Depew to monia, in New resign because of York. insurance expos20 H. B. Hurd, noure. ted 7 Gov. lawyer and IlInHanly, linois citizen, at diana, files suit to Evanston. oust Sec. of State Feb. 25 Storms for dereD. B. Henderson, liction of duty. of national house 8 J. M. Patterson of representatives, govinaugurated la. at Dubuque, ernor of Ohio.... 27 S. P. Langley, asD. B. Iowa general Henderson. Smith secretary sembly began. sonian institution, at Aiken, S. C. Wisconsin legis4 Hogg,, Texas, at Houslative inquiry be-- g Mar. n s insurance 11 ton. Gen. J. S. Gage, distinguished soldier, probe. San Jose, Cal. free 12 at Susan Philippine B. Anthony, suffragist leader, Cong. Hepburn trade tariff bill of 8d, in Rochester, N. Yr at John age of house national passes representatives. St. John, lirst white settler at head of Feb. 7 Venezuela requests V. S. to con90. in lakes, great Wis.; Superior, aged trol French consulate: Secretary Root 18 Johann Most,, noted anarchist leader, complies, at Cincinnati. S Gov. Patterson, Ohio, signs fare S. senator Pension appro- 19 Gen. J. M. Thayer, ex-bill, making It a law at Lincoln. priation bill carrying (139,000,000 passed. 25and governor, S. Nebraska, M. Ashbridge, at Phila14 J. G. Brady. Alaska governor, resigns. delphia. 19 Sec. of State Storms, Indiana, resigns. Illinois wins right to divert sewage 29 T. E. Barrett, sheriff Cook county. 111., at Chicago. int Mississippi river. In national Apr. 4 Former Gov. Gen. Blanco, Cuba, "urt case. C. A. Warwick, at Madrid alder-mani- c 20 iL. orni 'ts win in Philadelphia publisher Constitution Democrat, Keokuk, la. election. 30 E. J. of 21 Cong. Grosvenor Boyd, Nebraska, at of Ohio defeated for Omaha Mrs. Mary McKittredge, benomination. lieved woman in oldest America, at Mar.' 1 J. M. Patterson. Chicago commisUniontown, Pa.; age los. suicide. sioner public works, becomes socialist May 7 Max Judd, noted chess player, at and resigns. St. Louis. S Senator Green. Xew Y'ork, found not guilty of conspiracy to de- 23 Henrik Ibsen, noted Norwegian dramatist and poet, at Cbrlstlania. fraud government. 9 American Congressman Robert Adams. Philforces wipe out entire Moro Jun. adelphia, committed suicide at Wash bund in Island of Jolo battle, killing 600. 12 National ; supreme cViurt gives ington Chicago use of its streets, taking rights from 4 Senator A. P. Gorman, Maryland, at Washington. X. W. Gilbert, traction companies congressional representative, Indiana, 14 Robert B. Roosevelt, uncle of presi- resigns, accepting Philippine Judgeship. 15dent, at Sayville,R. L. E. , 15 Lester, Georgia, Congressman Auditor Sherriek. Indiana, result ot accident. found guilty of embezzlement. H. X. Pillsbuty. 19 C. S. Francis, named as ambassador noted chess masto to succeed Belat Phlla... ter, Storer. lamy Gen. H. L. Porter, 2- 1- Labor heads appeal to president for shoe manleading Federal aid legislative Chicago Judge ufacturer, at Howimmunity from punishment pleas grants ell. Mass. 16 to indicted packers. IM Qov. J. M. Pat- 28 G. W. Perkins arrested for ,.v2 grand lar&js3 ceny for giving N. Y'. Life ccsh to ReIf ff Milford....E. nia publican campaign fund. cins, ex-- a c t In g Mar. 31 Ohio general assembly adjourns Gov. at 190K. Utah, until Washington. Apr. 3 House passes national quarantine 27 Jerre Dunn, at bill. ...David S Rose. Democrat, defeated by S. M. Becker for mayor of MilElizabeth, X. J. 29 K e v. Dr. J. waukee Chicago goes on record as opSmith, noted Coposing municipal operation of street railngregational minisways. 5 Illinois ter, at Roxbury. supreme court declares new Mass. primary election law unconstitutional. 17 Jul. -G. Y. WtftWr, Wisconsin supreme court sustains noted consulting legality of law permitting women to at Devote In school matters. engineer, trolt. 26 Indiana supreme court declares Parks 9 A. P. Gorman. Congressman H. C. Adams, of Wisconlaw valid. sin, at Chicago. Judge G. P. Wanty, May 2 Gov. E. W. Hoch renominated by of Michigan, at London. Kansas Republicans. 4 President sends message to congress 16 Alfred Belt, millionaire South African at London. arraigning Standard (Ml Co. and officials 22 financier, Russell Sage, at Lawrence, and recommending legislation. U I.; 11 --Government wins suit brought to disage hU. A. son solve paper trust at St. Paul. of former secreAug. Gage, 1- 8- Sennte passed Hepburn railroad rate tary, at Seattle, Wash.; suicide. Admiral Train, at Chefoo. China. bill by vote of 71 to 3. 19 L. Morrison, noted actor, at Y'onkers, 21 Supreme court affirms decision senN. Y. tencing Senator Hurton lo months im-E. Aug. Roscwater, proprietor Omaha prisonment and tine of $2,500. 25 Senate lire, at Omaha. passes agriculture 3 H. Oelrlchs. prominent tion bill carrying I7.xuo.ooo, andappropriaNew York Sep. carrying meat inspection bill. clubman, on board ocean liner. 1 A. T. Bliss, of Michigan, at Senate committee on privileges Jun. Milwaukee. and election dei idea Road Sin out not en25 titled to seat as senator from Utah. Clarke, of Alabama 4 at St. l,ouls. report on conditions at 61Mrs. Oct. houses Jefferson sent to conDavis, widow of Chicago parking O. N. Carter, Regress by president president or the onfederarv publican, elected Justice of supreme Oct. 1 Albert J. Adams, noted policy court of Illinois. king, by suicide, at New York. 15 Samuel 8 W. P. White appointed senator from Jones, noted evangelist, on near Little Hock, Ark. land. train Mary 11 Col. H. A. Dupont defeats K F. J. E Davis, of In contest for scut In senate In Massachusetts, at Fall River. ... Bishop I tela ware Nicholson, D. D. of Milwaukee Epis14 House adoptee statehood bill copal diocese, at Milwaukee Oklahoma and Indian territoryadmitting tm one 31 Judge Joseph E. Garv, oldest mem her of Chicago bench, st te at Chicago, - Mouse aged sr. adopts Heverldge amendment bill to Hgril tiltural bill relating to meat Nov. Hour Rockwnod c,n(fresmsn on late Senator II II D Pierre appointed of Massachusetts, Insped on mi at Worcester. mitnstci to Norway, II, 12 Wm R Gen. B Wisconsin supreme court sustains Hhnfter, retired, at itai " tax law Unkerstielil, cal. ; net bill paoaml U con2? Chlca- deli, int. Young, Pure food bill passed Con gress metrJiml and mn In nt hi oplst, at vs. Wis 0 24 CUBAN REVOLUTION Aur. 21 I'prising of insurgents in west- 23 ern Cuba. Revolutro n spreads and government dec ides to raise lo.OOo men to light rebels; 7,000 insurgents under arms 24 in Pinar del Hio province. Heavy lighting In Pinar del Rio province. 26 Band of 100 Insurgents loot Las Laja.s, Santa Clara province. 29 Government offers amnesty rand in leaders many Provinces of - Ma. . .....1 j , Secretary Taft. Ciara gurrender. See 10 Cruiser Des Moines sails for Cuba 13 Sailors land from Cruiser Denver at Havana but immediately ordered to re- turn to vessel; guard for American legation left. 14 President decides to send Sec. of War Taft and Assist. Sec. of 6tate Bacon to Cuba to investigate conditions and lend Influence to restore peace Kxtra session of Cuban congress grants Pres. Palma fullest power to carry on war against insurgents. 16 Palma orders suspension of hostilities. 15 Taft and Bacon arrive at Havana and begin efforts for peace. 16 Indications are that American Inter-- j vention will be necessary to restore peace. 23 America:, intervention occurs; Sec. Taft Issues proclamation creating him-- ; self provisional military governor; ma- rines landed in Havana to protect treasPalma resigns presidency. ury Oct. 5 Amenjan troops quietly landed at Havana Chas. E Magoon, newly appointed provisional governor of Cuba, arrived at Havana ...Gov. Taft issues general amnesty decree. 17 Secretary of War Taft, Assistant Secretary of State Bacon, Gen. Punston and party arrive in Washington from Cuba. JO Arms of Cuban insurgents thrown Into sea from Morro Castle. SEISMIC DISTURBANCES 23 Mont Pelee in violent eruption shocks create panic Earthquake throughout West Indies. fire Apr. 18 Earthquake and ensuing ruins heart of San Francisco; property damage placed at (200,000,000; 50,000 people homeless; 160,000 buildings in ruins; 20.0(10 persons Injured; loss of life: damage extends along the entire Pacific coast. Congress appropriates $1,000,000 for sufferers. 23 Last or Frisco fires extinguished; congress provides $1,500,000 more for relief of quake victims. X President shifts authority of relief work to San Francisco citizens, with Red Cross as auxiliary. 26 War department sends 2,500 troops to San Francisco. 27 First cars run across city. May 8 President recommends appropriation of additional (300,000 for quake victims... .Vesuvius again showing considerable activity. Jul. IS Socorro, N. M., badly damaged by earthquake. Aug. 17 Disastrous earthquake visits Valparaiso, Chili; fatalities estimated at 2,000; property loss $2:.u,000,000 ; several other towns in country in ruins; railroads all destroyed; town of Quillota with population of 10.000 completely destroyed. Sep 27 San Juan, Porto Rico, experiences series of earthquake shock. 19 stet CRIME 1 E x-- o v. o f Stennenberg, murdered Idaho, bomb Boise. at by -- Clarence Barnum. Rochester, Mich., kills wife. Son and daughter with ax and slays self with gun... S t y e r, Mathew Caledonia, Minn., kills sweetheart, her mother, sister and self. near Nils Nelson, Wash., murders mother, to kill attempts wife and children; then slays seJf. 12 Ud'lVo r E Sherriek, Indiana, arrested at Stensland. charge Walkason, x-- Paul O. embezzlement and conspiracy. of Illinois, ulff. f7 Treasurer sentenced to 2 years in jail for alleged Hampshire lalottery swindle. 6 ...New ther kills wife. children and self after . burning, home. Nenuembnumer. Boise, Idaho, llHenry sweetand Ills mother 5, kills Including heart, and slays self. of Gen. Slocnm, which burned with loss of 1.000 lives, sentenced to circuit court emclerk, Indicted 25 times for forgery, bezzlement and larceny. 8 Amerimurders band Indian cans at San Miguel. Mex, Annie Dixon. Boston, asphyxiates anil sell'. 4 children severe1- 1- John Witt, Detroit, kills child, kills self. ly wounds 2 others, and 3 childrowned Jo Mrs J W. Walters, River (Mass.) dren and self from ofFall FederaWestern Leaders steamer 30 murders tion of Miners accused of Steunen-berand assassination of of Idaho. Hoch. convicted wife mur23 Johann Chicago. derer, hanged at) mob In race riot burn (O saloon and injure ofwreck dwellings, out ficers, making It necessary to call troops. 2- 5- Slx more homes burned in race riotDr. O. C. finds Mar faHaugh guilty of murder of mother, ther and sister. confessed slayer of Ivens. 2- 6- Richard found guilty of Mrs Bessie HolllSter,sentenced to .1. ith deed at Chicago and tS Six Italians murdered nt Minneapolis. e YA Mrs Myon"& V Minn. D E Sherriek. ex Indiana auditor, convicted of embezzling $110,000 state new trial, denied funds, Linn, rlerk circuit court, Apr 8 J A. III., pleads guilty of concook Co.. county; given Inspiracy to defraud definite prison term and Gay nor conGreen 12 Contractors In victed of fraud against government connection with harbor work it Savan' nah. !a. .... ' each and Gnytmr lined M ioiprls ard sentenced lo 4 Inn ge.i and burned by 14 Three negroe V mob at Sprmgtleld. H G. Coll. of Caul First National Hank of Milwaukee, of found guilty breaking banking laws. sentenced In years' impris- May Ft. Lemenwortli, K.m 2S ene . Ron-mani- a hi. Lib-be- 1 1 well-know- n 1 Feb. Jan. Hussier, noted musical di;lt Philadelphia. 8 Bishop Q. E. Seymour, of Episcopal diocese of Springfield. 111., at SpringA. Gar colon, of Maine, field at Lew 1st on I 9 Dr. K. Henrolin. leading h ago pliysi- Wil 'ciKn, ai Chicago.. 'apt. "Billy at New Or- liams. famous law to leans. IS A fiEVIEW At Davenport, Wash 6 by drowning. (0 United Mine Workers levy tax of M At Sang Hollow. Pa., 7 In train wreck. rents per capita for those idle during 8 Four Italians at Naugatuck, of work. Sep. suspension 17 in Oct. Conn., by police dispute. Wages of several thousand silver 14 in tornado In Nebraska. miners in Aspen, Col., district increased. Four 18 - Seven in train wreck at Cimarron Nov 2 Announced that wages of all ot Pennsylvania railroad system Blver, Okla 21 -- Seven at Jellico. Tenn . by dynamite on lines east and west of Pittsburg to $5hm.UW be explosion: property damage, Increased; nearly 150,000 nv affected. 3fi Six in rail eollis.on. near Danville. 111. 12 Tweius sixth annual convention 27- - Hurricane on gull coast devastates Mo-American Federation of libor opem. lr. Ala., anil l'ensarolu. Fla. Loss of at .Minneapolis It. e estimated at ISO; property loss, $12,- - 1". American S'ejety of Equity. National riHES no.oue. Farmers' union, affiliated with Ameri-ca- n Oct 2s Train of three electric ears carFeil, ration of Labor: organization 91 trestle from laims membership of over million. rying persons jutiiied Jan. 6 At Kansas ray. Mo., 4 buildings near Atlantic city. X J., carrying 24 Samuel Oompers reelected president loss, (509,000. Hi persona to watery grave. destroyed; about American Federation or Labor at MinFeb. 9 Littleton. IV. Va nearly wiped bodies recovered neapolis. out. 1.500 rendered homeless. Oct. I i loudhurst at Mobile, Ala., causes 30-- In trial of union teamsters at Chicago M Niverton, Pa., almost entirely wiped 4 of over $1 ,080,011 damages. defendants pleaded guilty. out 4 Twenty-nin- e known dead anil many Dee. 10 Two thousand members IndusIt Business section Rutland. Vt.. partly more entombed by explosion at Pocatrial Workers of World struck at Schedestroyed. "...Grain elevator at Duluth. N. mine ...Five passengers hontas Y.. (Va.) because of refusal of nectady. Minn., burned loss. (I.im'UOO. killed, score Injured in rear-enGeneral Electric Co. to reinstate 3 mem(1 Hitchcock, (ikla. business Bectlon near Troy, N. Y. bers of union. 19 Hurricane practically destroyed. sweeps roast Of Florida. section of Dawson, Wis Cuba and Central America, causing out. wiped of loss life and damage to heavy REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA Mar. 4 Last half of Btandhope, la., bust ness section burns, other half destroyed 21 Considerable property damaged by some time before. storm aloiiK eastern slope of Rockies II White Pigeon, Mich., business section Jan. -- Moscow revfrom Wyoming to New Mexico. Business portion. 25 At Kansas olution nearly wiped out crushed; City, Kan 13 by tire which insurrectlo n I s t s Rustln, Mich., completely destroyed Chamber of Commerce Blag. destroyed 2 12 sin rendering. Johnstown, Pa., swept by flames; loss, Nov At Cleveland, O.. six by boiler 4 Terrorists (560,000. began explosion. war Apr. 3 Buffalo (N. Y .) Evening Times 19 Insurgents Forty-twlives lost by sinking of (2"0."00 seize factory In building; loss. Hix In harbor at Seattle. Wash. steamer May (la.), Boone Cereal Co.; 2a E. D. Keeler, professional automobile Kiga; troops batter down doors, loss, (lo5,ooo. t racing autoa driver, kill"d in colllsi IS Hundred residences and dozen busikilling many and at Philadelphia. ness buildings wiped out at Stanley, 29 Samuel capturing l.fiOO. Southern president Spencer, 5 of Town One thousand Cobalt, Wis.; loss, (200,000.... In rear end Railway Co.. and 6 others ra. 3.000 New Ontario. Can. completely dekilled and collision in ar Lynchburg. wounded in Mosstroyed; several killed bv explosion. Dec. 4 Clifton, Ariz partly destroyed by Jun. cow South Boston, V'a.; loss, $300,000. riots. sevHood caused by breaking of dam, 7 9 Near Duck Hill, Miss, almost completely Hazenpot, Four children eral persons drowned Over too homeless. destroyed. dragoons surround burned to death in home near Westtleld. 11 killFire in Armour packing plant at revolutionists, N. J. South Omaha, Neb.; loss, $100,000. 7 At Ithaca, X. Y'., 7 in burning of ing entire band. perish 17 12 annex St. at loss, blow Cossacks Paul; Ryan building university fraternity house at Cornell $500,000. Armenian semi Xear Lewiston, Me., 4 In head-o20 Santa Cruz, Cal., main building of nary in ftflis kill collision. Casino at resort; loss, $144,000. lug 33 and wound 17 Jul. Wentzville. Mo., practically entire Nearly Premier Stolypm. ing 3n0. 350 killed as result of attack. business section destroyed. I.". Sep. IS Tiburon, Cal., entire business disItussiau rebels assassinate major genFOREIGN trict. 200 people homeless. eral and 3 police otlicliils. Oct. 18 At Birmingham, Feb. 21 Gen. orloff iu quelling Baltic Ala., business houses; loss (100,000. province outbreaks shoots more than 70S Jan. 3 Rodriguez 22 Second at disastrous revolutionists. conflagration ii e a r l uacks f Bristow. la., wiped out practically all Mar. 20 Mutiny among sailors at Sebas-topPlata. San Dominof remaining business section of town. results in massacre, go, killing 25. Nov. It Richland, O., practically wiped Fourteen Russian soldiers butoh-- , Apr. 4 San Domingo 2 out by gas explosion; children burned ered for refusing t tire on Sebastopol rebels defeated: to death. mutineers. Morales generals 8 Governor of Tver killed by bomb In Dec. l At Princeton. O.. mob of 300 and 120 men killed masked men burned 2 big tobacco stem-mstreets of city. 5 San lomiugo revit s owned by tobacco trust. 8 Governor general assassinated at olution ended with May 8 At Chicago. lire in wholesale business Kl aterinoslav Gov. Gen. murdered at defeat of President district caused loss of $5uo.O00; 2 lives Attempt made to as- Klizabethpol Morales and killlost. Vice Doubasoff at Admiral sassinate ing of Gen. Moscow. loczar to delivers douma; no sneer' 12 France lire a k s mention of amnesty made. SPORTING off diplomatic rela13 Body of Father Gapon found banging tions with Venein deserted bouse In Finland town. zuela. P. 11 14BalSir Thomas Imperative demand for reforms made Jan. in douma'S reply to czar's speech. four beaten I o r I.ipton plans race 21 W, II Stuart, American vice consul, election to parliaagainst New Y'ork British subject, killed at Batum. Y'acht club for ment; liberal s Britain. American cup. Jun. 14 Hundreds killed In massacre of Pres. Falllerles of 17 sweep 12 Herrera M. knocks at Blalystok.... Jews l. Christians Falllerles, t, out Young Republican, elect- tights throughout country. in fifth, at ed to succeed M. Loubet, as president Jul 11 Attlmpl made to assassinate Vice Los Angeles. of France. Admiral Cbtiknin at Sevastopol. 15 Willie lioppe de- 21 Brazilian cruiser Aquldaban destroyed li Port Arthur commission recommends 212 feated Man lives lost. by explosion; death lor Gen. Stoessel for surrendering expels all French consuls. for 2520 Venezuela port. Vignaux 18world's King Christian of Denmark dies at 21 Imperial ukase dissolves parliament. nch balk line billiard Copenhagen. ut fortress at Viborg, Finland, a t 30 Frederick VIII. proclaimed king of championship mutiny. lenmark. Inter Paris. 2 Mutiny at Sveaborg ended. football put Feb. 5 Countess Bonl da Castellane, for- :;Aug. Governor of Sauna killed by bomb. under ban at Harmerly Anna Gould of New York, en25 Bomb intended to slay Premier Stoly-pi- ti ters plea for divorce in Paris. vard university. wrecks bis villa on Aptekarsky IsG o o g 13New British parliament opens; J. W. IS "K i d" ;;2 persons killed. Premier esland. Lowther elected speaker. killed by blow on Oen. Mln assassinated by caped of In bout In 18 Remains of late King Christian heart, woman Peterbof. at young Joe Gans. Denmark laid to rest .Fallieres asNew York. 10 At least 300 Jews killed and sumes 29 Sep. OrFrance. of at Deniogeot presidency slaughter at Slsdlce; 1,008 wounded. monde Beach, Fla., drives auto 2 miles 25 In Colombia tidal wave, 2,000 drowned. in 58 5 seconds, breaking world's recMar. 4 Tavernola, Italy, swallowed up by 12 Massacre of Jews at Siedlce ceases. 19 Gen. ord. Nicolaleff assassinated at WarLake lseo. saw. Feb. 28 Frankie Neil knocks out Harry 5 Fueecchlo, Italy, dance hall panic re9 Oct. Commission appointed by czar sults In 16 deaths. Tenny at San Francisco; latter dies of finds causes of Sveaborg and Cron- 7 French cabinet resigns injuries. Three would-bstadt mutinies largely attributable to Mar. 14 Battling Nelson easily beats assassins of den. Reyes, president of negligence and ineificleney of officers. in 6 rounds at Philadelphia. Colombia, shot to death. SO Nine soldiers convicted of plot to blow 21 American bowling congress meets at 11 M. Sarrlen accepts task of forming Up building where court marshal trying Louisville, Ky.; R. 11. Bryson elected new French ministry ... .mine explosion mutineers Is sitting executed. Crongtadt president. and the kills 1,183 in France. S Nov. Seven nationalist workmen shot 27 Hoppe defeats Slosson for world's balk 13 In Arabian rebellion, Turkish troops Socialists at Lodez. down by line billiard championship at New York. massacre "lO.ooO natives at Sana, Arabia. Dec. 1 Chief of Police ChopotS of Kazan Apr. 12 National League baseball season IS assassinated. Earthquake at Kagl. Formosa, kills starts. hundreds and destroying 1,000 homes 17 American season League baseball 19 100 starts Palma elected president of Cuba. Sutton averaged and made run of 234 in reaches billiard game at Mar. 31 Moroccan conference MISCELLANEOUS agreement. Chicago. 23 5 Gotcli Fifty-livFrank defeats Tom Jenkins Apr. killed by collapse of May for wrestling championship of America hotel in Black Forest, Germany. Jan. 2 C. T. Ycrkes, deceased traction 6 German troops win Victory over natives at Kansas City. magnate, t'ivs $750,000 In Chicago uniJun. 16 Frank Kramer. American bicycle in German, East Africa; natives lose versity and making amph provision for 205 men. rider, wins City of Paris grand prize. numerous charities, as well as for wife, Value, (1,000. 10 Fourteen killed, over 200 injured by 7 Midshipman Decatur, acquitted by Jul. ft 16th annual congress American Market court martial of charge of hazing at Ancollapse place, at Naples. Whist League opens at Boston. IS Louis "Black father Martin, napolis. 21 Frank Gotch defeated C. Olson, south- Apr. H Hopkinsville Pope" of Jesuits, dies at Home, (Ky.) mob takes negro ern wrestling cham20 Town of Pasil, P. 1., destroyed by fire. sed ol assault, from Jail and hangs pion at New Orleans. 1 him. Considerable May day rioting in Aug. 7 Umpires Johnstone and Emslie May 21 Over l.ooo arrests made. Willof Marshall Field, deceased Chibarred from Polo grounds, N. Y.; Nat. 2 Paris. Czar of Premier cago merchant prince, opened, showing accepts resignation League game scheduled between N. Y. Witte. estate of (Io0,0oo,ou0, (li.ooo.OOO left to and Chicago forfeited to latter. museum. 24 W. R. Crosby wins western handicap 19 Palma inaugurated president of Cuba 28 weds Wilson Mrs. C. T. Y'erkes at Havana. at trap shooters' tournment at Denver 31 Mistier of San Francisco. Wedding of King with score of 97 targets. 2 Alfonso of XIII. Feb. President pardons Midshipman Sep. 3 Joe Gans wins lightweight chamspam and PrinMiller, convicted of hazing at Annappionship from Battling Nelson In 42nd cess Y'lctoria of olis. round at Qoldfield, Nov.. mi ouI. England celebrat- 6 Dr. G. H. Simmons, Peoria. III., minis14 C. M. Daniels, of New Y'ork, lowers ed at Madrid. ter, bank president and politician, kills world's record for 220 yard's swim at Couple narrowly self, when facing exposure of financial St. Louis. New mark, 2:42 assassinape methods and conduct. Oct. 2 Manager Fred Tenny announces he tion bv b o III b 16 Put Crowe private found not guilty of robNaand Roy Thomas, of Philadelphia which kills 16 and bery in connection with Cudaliy case at tional league club, have bought interinjures many. est In Boston National league club. Jun. 20 Pulajanes 17 Omaha. 13 Miss Alice Roosevelt married to Cong. won American Chicago league club kill 5 policemen on Nicholas Longworth at White House. world's championship by defeating NaIsland te. of Lei tionals In series at Chicago. Mar. 5 Prairie fires sweep Texas causing P. I. Nov. S Steve L'Hommedieu, 21 I laakon loss of (1,000,000, VII. and bookmaker, ruled off turf for life by d 11, Nine hundred Moros, slain In 4 days' Man Queen Louisville Jockey dub crowned rulers of fighting with Americans, in Philippines. 19 Tom Cooper, noted bicycle racer, 15 Andrew Hamilton scores New York Norway. killed in automobile collision In New 30- - 23 killed Life trustees bet,, re Insurance commitpersons York. In N. Y. wreck tee train at Albany, 30 Ralph Rose breaks world's record In near London. iS Steamer Atlanta burns off Sheboygan, at San Francisco; Jul. 4 Son born to putting 55 fee PAshot Snowsllde Wis, on Lake Michigan Inches. distance crown princess of King Haakon of near Ouray, Cal., causes damage of ( Norway lermany, (500.000. Spanish cabinet resigns. 19 Andrew Hamilton shows receipt for Natal troops del', it rebels, kllline 547. CASUALTIES te pcpublican campaign (75.0OO, donated 12 MaJ. Dreyfus restored to position In by New York Life Insurance comfunds, French army. at N1J1 Novgorod, Russia, de- 2" pany. Jan. 4 In Coaldale, W, Va., 23 in mine ex- 14 Fire 275 Giving of political contributions de- houses, over 3,000 families stroys in-.i.v Instil, t Attorplosion. i. homeless. 8 At Haverstraw, N J., 18 In landslide. ney Jerome. 15 9 At Minneapolis, Minn., 11 In hotel fire. Curaon dies In London. Ijtdy Alexander Dowlc deposed as John 18 20 At Detroit, W. Va., 18 In mine exF're at Yokohama, Japan, destroys Apr. reader or Zlon City, 111.; Overseer 1,000 houses. plosion. to Vulivii elevateti leadership. 2- 1- At Philadelphia. Pa., 18 in church fire 23 Hand of Pulajanes on Island of Leyte, 7 Kansas supreme court rules that KanP. I., killed 13 soldiers and panic. civilian. slock live sas exchange Is Illegal 118 In 23Off Vancouver Island. In Pacific. Ilallain steamer Hirlo wrecked off iu trustcity At Sunny-side- , wreck of steamer Valencia :iw drowned. island; Hormlgas 25 for receiver for Zlon City, Application Col., 5 In snowsllde. Sep. 8 Father Werni elected head of III., made by Dowle. 25 At Poteau, 1. T.. 14 in mine explosion. Jesuits at Rome. Jul. 3 Secretary of State Root sails for Feb. 4 Xear La Salle. 111., 4 by drowning. IV Hurricane in harbor of Hong-Kon3 months' tour America. 8 In West Vlrganla, 28 In mine explosion. China, caused over 1,000 deaths and Aug. 9 Wisconsin railway commissioners 12 At Portland, Ore., 4 In business section great damage. render rates for reducing opinion grain Oct. 14 Twenty-fivminers killed by exfire. state. 1 cent per bushel. 19 plosion In colliery near Durham, Eng. At Maitland, Col., 16 In mine dust exH. It. Brown, of Zanesville, O., If, Gen. Nov. 15 Anna Gould (Countess do Casplosion. of G. A. R. elected cnmmandkr-ln-cble25 Gambler, tellane) granted divorce from Count o., 3 in college dormitory at, Minneapolis. Bonl tribunal at Paris. fire. by French 30 welcomed at Xew Bryan Aug. Count's plea lor alimony denied. At Meridian. Miss., 24 In tornado Mar. York by big gathering of Democrats on which caused property loss of (1,500,000. 17 Bomb exploded in St. Peter's church'. from around world return trip Home, creates panic. 14 At Jamestown, Ind.. 3 in collapse of Dec. 3 Spanish Secretary of state Boot returns cabinet resigns; action Sep building ...In Atlantic ocean, 27 by of tour South America. from In hostile followed demonstration by drowning on foundered steamer British Oct 5 President Hill of Gnat Northern chamber of depot lei King. IMMD.OOt tons of ere to sold 7 Dr. railway Lapponi, physician to pope, died 16 At Adobe, Col., alsiut 45 In train colI'nlted States Steel corporation for at Rome. lision At Camden, N. J., 3 In aroiory 1400.000.000. lire. OH 28 fined t.mdard (5,000 at company 19 Near Sllvcrton, Col.. 16 In landslides. Flndlay, O., for carrying on business 22 In a West Virginia mine explosion, 2(1. In violation of state laws. combine INDUSTRIAL ....In Wlnfleld (Col.) mining district, 6 Oct. x Triennial convention of World's In landslide. christian Temperance I'nlon begun at 20 10 Keb. Near Natsona. Wyo.. by drowning. Operators reject demands of nunc 19 Boston. of 4 In (Ire and InNew workers for Troop York, cavalry sent to Wyoming to ....At explosion. wage Increase; miners to round up dissatisfied I'te Indians. crease defense fund. Apr. 14 Explosion In gun turret of batInIn .Nov. of JOO I'te Indians capture 13 Band A. Cuban waters kills F. Heinz sells Montana copper tleship Kearsarge 7. Injures 14. terests to Amalgamated rompiiny for WSgOn load of army rations lnt nded for 22 22 In mine near Trinidad, Col.. (25,000.000, ending Industrial war. troops in Wyoming. by dust Mar. 19 Standard OH officials agree to 6 Three Companies of negro troops in explosion Texas ordered dismissed from army for destrnvs llellevue, Tex., 11 answer questions of Missouri attorney oi comrades failure in disclose l dead; other damage throughout state. general. of rioting at Brownsville-- Tex. May 4 Seven In train wreck near B United Mine Workers, Hfter second - guilty ; VP e i elt I'i dent and Pa unsuccessful conference with operators, ;uid 28 on trip of ln- Five at GolcondH. Nov., by drowning deride on strike Apt II I, Involving both party leftof Washington I'. man, 'anal, on battleship as result of breaking of dam. ...At anthracite and bituminous fields; operapectlor LouisisJiH Louisville. 9 In train wreck. tors appeal to Roosevelt for aid. Jun. 3 At East Providence, R. I. 11 In Apr. 13 Strike of Z.inKI brick layers nt St. 24 President and party return to Washk Louis practically ington from trip to Panama and Porto brings building to trolley car wrei 7 At Rico. standstill. Rocky Ford, Mont., S by white dnmn IB mine F. W. l'lnley, second vice presiSix in storms in Minnesota May - Anthracite miners vote to accept Dec of Southern railroad, elected to redent and Wisconsin. original proposition of operators and 6 At Ijtfayettr mil iced late president. Sarnpel Spencer. in. Mrs. S. Gobbau and turn to work. ft 8 John D. Rot kefeller and 6 associates m 7 Wages tro d.le of southwest minchildren burned to death. ...at Snu- wlio control Standard OH Co., served Inaw. Mich.. 7 by explosion Of gasolim ers and operators settled by John Mlb at Kansas City; 1903 scale agreewith subpoenas to appear before federal tank 11 circuit At Martinsville. N v., r, In wreck. court in St Louis, January 7.... ment renewed 12 At Orlar Rapids, la.. IS Kansas grain IBMM lion ulid weighing National executive Dnlted committee girls young M law declared void. U'.ik' " ordei pet capita assessby drowning while wading in river At Manitowoc. Wis., 5 by lightning. cuts per week on working 10 Nobel peaci prise valued at Wo.mo. ment oi 23 At South Franiingham. conferred on President Itoowevelt mcmbet ship. Mass 7 by by Jul. 2 Increase of I per cent. In wages money will be) collapse of building Norwegian storthing At OmahR. Neb. ,,f v., i.eiii M bigan i upper mloe used to establish Industrial peso Q0ai children 0f T. Aug. O. Daniels In burning home. mission. Dec. 2 Mark 'f; into '0f' j Ex-Go- su-ro- ". Ex-Sta- 1 Ex-Sta- 17-- Austria-Hungar- 3 Ti; IPf ..tie.,,,,. 2- -E. ; 31- i i 1!- in-h- e, BgJ, rector and composer. 12 1! Ex-Go- i -- Fifty-- four . 3 n A3 1 (1 ff . Cor-bet- Antl-Jewy- h rice -i 1 e e post-seaso- n n 1 1 - e f Wi, 1 -- 1 i i , -- 6- I ll H ,', K ;', i |