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Show TEMPERANCE DEPT. Eon ku Uy Mrs. F. A. Cook. Leo's Start In Business. u a chance at all. Pushed aside by the other boyi, hi stood timidly, undecided what to do. All at oner, a gentleman from the car just iu front of him called: "Here.yuu clean little boy, I want your basket," aud Leo handed up his fruit and received to shining dimes. "Keep your nickel," said the gtntle-man- . "I don't want the change. Haven't you two baskets? I waul another. " Oh, if he had only brought the other basket! lie looked quickly around. Tom Lakin w as running along the car Leo frantically waving li is baske'. caught it from his hands. r o fruit-seller- s - j "Here," he cried, "Here's another, sir," and two more shining dimes drop- passed on to the older boy The long line of cars was mm ing off, before Tom Lakiu realized what had happened. When he and the other boya did understand, they gathered about Leo with quick, boyish expressions of admiration. They did not aooloeize for having teased him. but Leo understood them. And now Leo Jacquay is one of the most popular fruit sellers on the Nl- agaru river. . Always An Outlaw. That the saloon is ever up in arms a gainst all forms of legal restriction whet her it be prohibition, local option, or an excise law which interferes with the profits of the traffic, we have constantly maintained, and often show n. A fresh illustration is furnished from the stale of New Jersey, where we learn, upon the authority of Rev. John L. Scudder of the First Congregational church, Jersey City that the liquor dealers of the state have recently organized for the purpose of go their needs. into politics in order to secure the At last Leo had succeeded in gaining ing of legislation more favorable to passage his mother's couscnt to try selling fruit. them, just as they are everywhere organ And so this morning al sunrise, Leo, his from Maine to California, for ex mother and his two sisters were flying i.ed, a :tly the same purpose, and without re about the little clean kitchen. Lena, in the kind of restrictive legislation two years older than Leo, pulled the gard exists. This is what Mr. Scudder which ends of the striped necktie straight, pat the New Jersey movement: of ted the best suit, and tried to bn sh the says "Last Thursday over 1,000 saloon shabbiness off the tiny black cap. Sie, trom iy ot tiie it eouq younger, discovering a fleck of dust on Keepers, nailing of the state, met in Elizabeth and ties one of the polished shoes, was whiskirg the saloon votes to whichever a piece of red flannel briskly across it. pledged would be most favorable to the liLeo. in spite of these distractions, was party dealers' interests and inclined to re quor watching what seemed to him most impeal the features in the present law obportant of all the arranging of the from the saloon standpoint. jectionable basket of fruit. Iu other the saloons throughout words, First, Mrs, Jacquay lined the basket the state have organized and w ill with small, light-greegrape leaves. to annihilate, politically, all who Then she packed in very carefully, the in securing the excelwere instrumental pink checked peaches, dark plums; and excise law now iu force aud send to lent red aud purple grapes. Over all she the Legislature such men as will pass a tuek-iudrew a piece of fine mosquito-bar- , law more suited to their taster. the sides iu all around until the pret"I regard this action as a direct slap ty little basket looked neat as a pin. Leo in the face which every church in New surveyed it admiringly. "It's beautiful," he cried. "But, oh, Jersey should resent, whatever its size or denomination, whether located in the mother, why can't I take two baskets I or rural district, and I can assure the can carry lueni easily , and thirty cents city liquor dealers that their conbinat ion w ill is once again as many as fifteen." met and confounded by a counter bi "I've thought of that, dear," his combination of respectable people "But there, are so mother replied. the and breadth of throughout length and to with fruit sell, they many boys the state, who will keep the law just as may not like to have another comiug it is and allow no hostile changes." among them. )f you make friends with them, and sell one basket each trip for a few days, you may try two." Aud so Looks as though the Indians the matter was settled, and Leo ran off were getting the graft hunger. down the hill. Here are the Otes of Oklahoma, Before he reached the wharf he could who have dissolved their tribal hear the shouts of the boys who were already there awaiting the arrival of the form of government, and have He had expected, first of all, elected a white man to look after ridicule of his best suit, and he was not their business. iuita'.ieu. Tom Lakfu ran to him, calliquestion a good many times every day. There was another reason why Leo fill that he ought to sell the fruit. His father, though a man of good education, had fallen into bad habits and spent most of hit time sailing and fishing with some of the rough summer people, who gave him all the rum he wanted, and so kept him away most of the time. Small as Leo was, h? knew that sometimes his mother whs much troubled about supplying g ng- The U. S. Senate is not an idle our fine gentleman. When it has no other busiWalk up, boys, and look him over. See body. to ness attract attention, it can hisshoes? And, oh, oh, take in the neck fall back on the Smoot tie!" always of Tom was the the Now, biggest boy ca3e, group, and the one Leo dreaded most. His father was poor and shiftless, but, Really Mr. Carnegie need not as Tom had often told Leo, "wasn't a worry because an income tax will drunkard." Poor Leo felt now that if make liars. All taxes seem to Tom only kept off that dreadful subject have a tendency to do that. he could stand anything else. But Tom "Hero comes didu't. "His father drinks whisky and sleeps down at the tish dock; but this gentleman wears his best cloths every day. Going to give his nice little basket to some fine lady." Worst of all, some men, lounging and that Tom's tirade, at about, laughed made other boy it join in. before the steamer It was a came in, and Leo was tormented almost beyond endurance. At last the passenaud the gers came rushing up the steps, wares. b .( ran off cryiug their It kcemed to Leo a very rude, jostling crjwd. tod be felt tb: bo w3 having half-hou- r Paid up Capita! of n. b: orbison.. N. COLL. President, ( ( Will also carry complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES which will be sold at Lh e and Let-Live Prices. D D a 'ashier, ALE AT The Old Reliable Shop -- For Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing. There you can get in work the best done the State, and you don't have to stay over night to get it. Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition for cash. Ik o0.000 Interest paid on time deposits. For Hats. Caps, Shoes and Rubber Goods, and Gents' Furnishings. D . and carefull attention. HEADQUARTERS D Personal Responsibility 10. 000. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. All bttaiaea with ai will receive prompt Successor to J. C. Gates, is still - ed into his palm, aud quickly 'oriuue' I' tab, O MAIN STREET. TREMONTON, , Kvery rammer many small boys in the vieini'y of Lewiston earned sums of money by selling baskets of fruit to ibe loiirists as they changed from the Toronto steamers to the (j orge Route ears. whom Leo J tic Some of these his home saw passiog quay every day, dusty and barefooted, were s small as himself. But whenever he begged for permission to join their ranks, his moth- er said: "No, I.eo Laddie, not yet; some day." And Leo couldn't understand that his careful mother dreaded the introduction jf her boy among the sellers, many of whom were wild and coarse. (Jut in Jacquay 'a back garden were several peach and plum trees loaded with delicious fruit, and the trellis covering both ends of the cottage had its strength taxed to support the heavy bunches of red and purple grapes. Pretty wooden baskets, with handles, were to be had at three cents apiece. Why shouldn't a stout little fellow like Leo earn some money with the others? He asked the 1 P. JENSEN. I COLE BANKING CO. The FIRST, REST and only FIRST CLASS SHOP in town. R. F. MELDRUM, Lta h Tremonton, The merry day for the doctor is the day after Christmas. County Court Proceedings. D. County Commissioners met in regular session Jan. 2 1907. full Hoard present. Swift & Co., Patent EXPERIENCED Rock, Brick, and vest-pock- The sheriff's and clerk's reports dunng December and ditor's report of incidental expenses J. L. STAHL, of mail. Headquarters and Cigars. Au- Only two questions in the nematter (1) din- All work guaranteed Tremonton, Utah et They will, upon request, send both of these calendars post The deed of Mr. C. II. Thompson to paid to any of our readers. A grave! pit on Point Lookout was accept postal will bring them by return ed. fees collected k WORKMAN. Law- yers, of Washington D. C. , have Cisterns a specialty sent us a beautiful art calendar Richard Schwab and a calendar for Communication from Utah Independent Telephone Company in reply fo letter 1907. sent by Clerk was read and ordered filed. Cement-Moc- ing December approved. gro disbandment whether being Commander-in-Chimeans anything, and (2) Nebefcer, Recordei; Melvin whether Colonel Roosevelt or Surveyor; T, W. Sandal, Constable; Gjo. N. House, Justice of Pence; Ilyrum Captain Foraker is The following bonds were approved; ?, N. Cole, County Treasurer; Christina for Choice Wines, Liquors UTAH. inKMONTON, ef Miid-e- Justice of Peace; II. W. Adams, J istice of Peace; T. J. Nisli. Constable; a id K. H. Rudd, Justice of Peace. TREMONTON MARKETS S. N. Cole, County Treasurer, appear e and stated that Wm. Jones had cattle wheat per bu. " Oats per 100 lbs. Feed barley per 100 lbs 1 which had been assessed in Idaho and the same cattle were assessed in this county; that Mr. Jones was willing to pay the taxes on Ids cattle for the time they grazed in this county; the treasurer was instructed to collect the full amount of said taxes. The matter of furnishing means for the maintenance of Lona Nichols upon motion of ehr Valentine 15.00 per month was allowed Mary Wight for maintaining of Lona Nichols. The matter of providing additional light for the coutt room and judge's chamber was referred to ehr Valentine with power to act. Hoard adjourned until Monday, January 7th 1907. is good, if it is good and well and here is a bit clipped from an exchange that occurs to us as being wholesome and applicable to life's suc- .21-- 2 TO W GARLAND .071-- 2 .051-- 2 EPH. COOMBS, Proprietor. .HO V .071-- 2 Utah Garland, .60 PEARL SALOON ORDER SUITS will Bell the famous Chicago Garden City Tayloring Co Suits, cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Choice Wines, Liquor and Cigars. I Deweyville, Utah. Pool and "Fight your own battles. Hoe row. Ask no favors of any own your one and you'll succeed a thousand times better than one who is always beseeching some one's influence and patronage. No one will ever help you as you help Garland, Men who have acquired fame have never been thrust into pop- Proprietor. Utah. Advertise with us. It pays. Dr A. A. CANFIELD S. F. CHR1STENSEN Scientific Optician la now located at Tremonton to do Dental Work. HIS WORK IS ALL GUARANTEED. BYES TESTED FUEK With L.C. Christensen and Sons Hrigham City. Utah, Hart Nebeker C& yourself , for no one is as heartily interested iu your affairs. Lawyers The first step will be a long om perS and fi Commercial Block Suite haps: but carving your own way up the Logan Utah. mountain you will make each step lead 70. Phone P.O. Box to another, and stand firm while you chop another out. Men who have made fortunes arc not those who have had 5,000 given them to start with, but boys who have started fair with a well earn ed dollar or two. Pollards A. B. Manausa followed cess: CLUB Choice WINES. Liquors and Cigars 20&.25 Chickens Potatoes per 100 MADE Tremonton, Utah. Wm Hudson .95 Butter per lb. Eggs per doz. M. T. RICHARDS Paddle Your Own Canoe. Advice I Will buy, sell or exchange driving or work horses. Everything guaranteed as represented. Call on me. .52 1.05 .80 Brewers barley Beef cattle per lb. Pork dressed Pork alive LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLE nd TRADE-MARK- S promptly obtained In ail countries, or no fco. We obtain PATENTS THAT PAY. alverUae Uira tnoroutfbJ, at our txpenae, and help juu to mxrm. Send modd. photo or akrtch for FREf report on patentability, to jrnnt' praeUcc, bu m For free (julda PASSING REFERENCES. Book on Profitable Patent writ' to "rerrtonton - arness j DEALERS IN 54 .ALL Harnesses Saddles Collars Whips Blankets Oils KINDS Of: HARNESS GOODS AND ETC. Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awnings Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Tin Ware Repaired. ularity by pulT-- begged or paid f,)r. or in friendiy spirit. They have market quotation in which the people given outstretched their own hands and toil' REASONABLE PRICES. S03-BOShoes Resoled and Repaired. of the intarmountaia country are interSeventh Street. O. ed public hearts. Men who win lov P. WASHINQTON, ested are given in each issue of The their own wooing, and I never knew a Salt Lake Tribune, which man to fall as NlfMltj as one who inTHKMtWrtW. UTAH NKXT DOOIl TO (IATKH1 HTOHJ.. is published every Tuesday and Friday, to his effect duced kHUHe grandmother at ,80 per year. peal? a word for him. Whether you B H JONES, The moustache is said to be very much work for fame, for love, for money, or in style this fall and very popular with for anything else, work i'h your own BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN VOEMAN ArronNET uneOSMMUMAI law debutantes. The proper caper is to cut hands and heart and brain. Say "I Rear River Valley Homestead No 999 off the droop of the M.oustache ami wax I have a new loom and am preI'ract hrs in all State and Federal it so that it stands up straight like a cat's will," and some day you will conquer. meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday evening pared toldo the beat of weaving. Courts aud heforc the United ail lien a dog is stalking her. Young Ni m r let any man have it to say, "I of each month at it p. m in the FraterHring in your work. Any work nal Hall, Tremonton. Htatea Land office. men with with basebai whiskers, nine have dragged you up." Too many left at the Tremont Times office on a side, w ill tlnd considerable trouble M. B, Hart fii .ids sometimes hurt a man more than ver Rogeflbaam'i Sort""" Office will be promptly attended to, iu complying with this faJ. Fore ma a ": t:"nc a', all." , . UTAH. DRIOHall CITY, P. Burn HRS THOMAS LwS. Tfialcher. Lfaft C irreipnndent . All the live stock, grain an t l produce li- B GENERAL REPAIR SHOP Semi-Weekl- 1 Carpet Weaver , . |