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Show l'.tiu.r E. R. Slifr::mii an.l CHEAP! At Published Every Thursday Tremonto.'.. Utah. UtWIjWI n.50 ill II mommy turning over the manage- The railroad nip equipment. all speaking not presidcut.i are at oiicc, ''c regret to obeerve. LOTS i The Besi Senator Foraker must have a "mighty hankering" for the vote. Jim, old boy, don't mind, you'll loa the white man s respect by fighting Roosevelt, who is square to every one. nc-Ig- ns ta! men Is. upportumty i." cierk " . reenrd-losao- f is made Our guaranty never runs out make Sewing Machines to lult all condition! ofthitrade. The " New Home" standaatth bead of all Hlarh-trmllamil- y tawing machine hMM by autlxrli.-dealers onl j , to wear. We roe E. E. silk BRENKMANN, Agent. Trenionton, I'tali. SEWINd NJMMH At $.. and up supply of the belt Oil snd needles s! ways on hand. Ytn i sore to follow any strain or weakening Influence upon the nerves. It may be caused by heat, intense mental effort, colds, or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nerves. So sensitive are they that the least pressure or strain causes suffering. By sooth-kistrengthening and quieting the nerves. Dr. Fi'b relieve the pam. JfiVs' Anti-Paisold are by druggists, 25c a box, under a They benefit, or mone first the that guarantee refunded. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL lO, Elkhart In4 over-exertio- n, WfMfflmk Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. Atty. General J A Edwards. Auditor James Christiansen Treasurer 0 i.: i. n ' l oi ruunc tiiisirucuuii i State Senator 1 J jdge 1st Judical District Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. Dist Atty Chairman County Com. A W Valentine. M B Kart. Co Com 4 yrs E H Jones. Co Com 2 yrs Sheriff Joseph Josephson 44324. S N Col. Christena Madson J Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Attorney James N Holdaway Surveyor Elias Jensen Assessor A E Jensen School Supt Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Any old thing will do But if you want the "best" work done op Watches, ( locks and Jewelry, goto Practical Watch Maker. J. W. LEWIS, HOOTHK'rS WTOHF, OAHLAIsTJ, Vtait. iMm mm" Charles Cheal Constable Precinct Brigham Sunset Junctioa Constable Justice Andrew Funk Chss Cheal H C Vanausdcln T E Secrist R Walter J E Montgomery N J Nish E Rudd Plymouth C'has Card Promontory Geo House E W Parsons J nassctt Q Terrace Clear Creek S E Baker Park Valley D Hirschi WEWhitaker S W Cook Grouse Creek Phil Paskett J A Capener .las Hadfleld Riverside Geo J Wells S N Cook Willard Three Mile T C Youag Almon Wight N C Jcppsen Hans Kellar Mantua E Hunsaker W W Laslcy Calls Fort 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C0X0itO3 Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah INDEPENDENT DcoioNa CoTNIOKTB , UTAH 4C et h and duaertptlnn mar ileal orUtn our opinion It what tier att rtiTWrtlon la probabty WMab e. ( omuiuniea-Non Patent Hon at r let If eon ad an al H A II 0 CndaM iaganrT'fori eoonpfpeieiu. Mnt Co. recetTe Patent! taken tbrourt M bb Irr. rprcut naM. without ebam, la the headeoiuelr 1l1traie4 veektr eolation of B',J feVlj warn A i elr Umet Tifhia. M eiaii r tu WMhtwtoD. liKII. PHONES. Changed Hands I have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall and Drake. I will run a first class shop and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. rHorse Shoeing A Specialty- .- ROBERT BURGE, PrP TREMONTON, L. TIME TABLE. MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. DEPART 31 No. 32. P. M. 9:.V. 6:10 10:10 10:22 10:27 10:31 10:37 620 M 6:33 fl:38 B44 10:S2 6:48 8:55 7D7 7:10 7 20 11:20 11,32 11:38 12:01 100 p.m. Th. UTAH 34. No 55 a 11 42 A AND Blacksmith Shop A. M. n tob aeodlnf a LOHR, Cheao advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. D B Maride Dewcyvilln C .1 Dewey C E Twitchell t'olliuston JRStiuding E B Hadley .lames Coil Malad Bear River Al Holmgren HPThorescn Frank Walker Dewey Wood Fielding D Parkinson J W Halford Portage ARRIVE Tbos Law John H Wat Rawlins i A W L Rohbina Petersen Snowville 0 NO 88. No. K H Fridal Manila ('has Kroksh Here, but good healthy stork. Apple trees per 100, two years old and five feet tall. None better. Place Your orders now ADVERTISING. O. S. Located on the west bank of Hear River in C orinne. 40,000 Fruit Trees, and Roses. Come to the Nursery and stdect your trees and save a good sum of money and get Trees that (iROW. for whAt Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. Representative F WT Fishburn BOX ELDER COUNTY An Imported French Percheon, weight 2150, will be at ('has. Schmntz's Farm, 2hi miles west of Tremonton for season of 1906, Terms of service, t20.00 live foul. For further particulars apply or Write to Trcmonton Horse Breeders' Association. District Peter Clegg. Breed to the Best. NO. CONFIDENCE A C Nelson. Recorder Clerk MOIHEAU. boii" John c cutler. Treasurer m CORTNNE, . Nerve Pain 111 111 lOUpi. "B D. i All Pain is George Shuman. John Shuman. No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash S Home" r i n M any-t'lin- New i SBWatland. UTAH. Governor 'MVr ut from wh it hie 1'e pre :Ktx or baa done. enc mies to Utah almost an tire stranger and it will take him some time to become acquainted, with the people here ORANGE, MASS. are rnadetosell Sci- g, In taking eh urge of The Times the manager offers no promises t h it he will do Mirty Sewlnsr Machines quality, but the " Almost instantly, and effects. They also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, Kheumatic Pain, atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague n Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing-dowpains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. STATE E. iL SUEKMAN. U Pflla ia Cure Headache leave no bad chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. E M Wyatt. Member " " " " J c Gates. " " D c Roush. Treasurer t 1 Before You Purchas Any Other Writ HOME IEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY HT Aati-Pa- TREMONTON SAMUEL SCHRENK KW Dr. Hires' can-nin- choice. THE ro g s fourth as a Indiana r, State, although the amount of canned literature she is turn- out would seem to entitle Tre-monto- n ing her to the first place. Call before the rush and get your I nils Anti-Pai- n .: To get a lot for a start towards a home. and their ways, but he hopes to learn and become one of them, making their interests his interests, and working for the upbuilding of this new country. If he fails to meet their expectations for a time he trusts they will lay it to his ignorance of their ways and requirements rather than to his desire to change their established customs. And if in presenting the news of the Bear River Valley he should be behind some of his contemporaries, he wishes it understood that he would rather publish no news at all than to have the word go out that his published items were unreliable and untrustworthy. ' Some of the best Locations in can be had on terms that will Official Directory. please you all. ment of The Tremont Times to l, the new owner, Mr W. H. to no we have apologies make for ourselves. We simply say that we have done what we could under the circumstances to build up the paper, the town and the country. We have had the loyal support of a great many, and to them we extend our thanks hut there are some who do not appreciate the value of a paper in their town as much a s they ought. It is the duty of every business man in a town to place an adveitisement of some kind in the local newspaper. It helps to keep up the papr and shows to the outside worl I that We are a unit in the builiing up of our young city. We are sat- TKU RONTON, isfied that with his long experience Mr. Capwell will improve the paper and if supported by all will give us a p tper th it shall be a credit to the valley. All subscriptions v ill be pa d to the new manam"!. Respectful y Yours, Cap-wel- j " To Ee Sold Now On n .2 Change Of Management In 35 TOWN 3rd 1879 ?ubsrription rates. One year in advance Six months in advance One vear n.'t in advance yf Cheap! l m wa'ODd class matter Apr! the IVr offioa at TxemoatoL at I9ii4 Utah unJf the act of congress o:' r.utt-rei- Uuek CHE DR. MILES' J. J. Hill proposes thai th railnu'k wand a !iMion a real fF this next fire yeast THE TREMONT TIMES. mixed 7:88 8.30 Mi on th). A. M 9:40 8:30 9:07 Rrlgham ('orinne Wtakafu Kvans Ronita 'entral TRKMONTOa Oa.-Un- d Riverside Fielding Plymouth Washakie Mslad Brnnck is d.ily except Sund-- v . P. M. iM 4:80 4:18 -. 9:01 4:0- 8;M 8:50 8.45 8:40 8:23 3:58 8:50 8:40 8:25 8:21 252 8.15 7:52 7:15 2 45 2:.W 8J8 120 |