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Show g EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Eiffht- - Paie 53 Li . i m n lur 1 BUY i Stenauist S He, of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. DISTANCE RUNM'NS STAR, IS A FORMER A.A.U.CRySv COUNTRY STAR AND VJC-TJHOLDER Ur TWE AMERICAS RECORD AT son Sten-qui- st is home on furlough. David r ?-i,h- i. 9 fornia, which he enjoyed very much. He will report hack to San asPedro for further training and signment. ,T' K Y i A - j -- .U.. r.u " 1 Tremonfon A VS - -r 194- - 1 11 ' ' XP has just graduated from radar opCalierators school at Point Loma, THIRD SON IN SERVICE Keith J. Barfuss entered the SC Thursday, July 19, Miss Anna Geiei left vMrs. Veryl Bennion of Delta,. Frcdricksen and Bonnie .. , TT n J.. "WS W uay uj return to tier home in Lo- -, Mrs. Mary ueu namuron anu Rytting returned home Sunday Vu.mi Beach. XXiImn Hamilton She Vfrc has halt Ot AA mA "lt S; from rrovo, wnere uicy -- u at I t nomc f0r tt vJlUu uk-- summer music clime at the U. Lake were guetis ouuy Melvin Hamilton home. past three weeks. Y. U. for the past two weeks. 0, GRADUATES FROM RADAR SCHOOL TW1 F w -- J 1 hjr SERVICE MEN Ttemonton. Uta- h- Business Houses - Tip Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ser- vice last Wednesday, July II. He is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barfuss that has joined the armed services. Merchants Committee RAY l5 SERVING WITH THE U.S. MARINE CORPS MOW RAY CANNING HOME Lt. Ray Canning returned this week from Germany tor a M oay leave. He is here with his wire, the former Lois Cook, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cook. TREMONTON LIONS CLUB TREMONTON JAYCEES ARRIVES HOME is Flight Officer Noel Cook and Mr. home to visit his parents Mrs. A. L. Cook on his two weeks leave. F.O. Cook was stationed in Roswcll, New Mexico with a ELECTRIC u B-2- Arc Wdder HOME FROM GERMANY Now In Stock Cpl. Ben Eldredge arrived home Saturday, July 14 from Germany, to spend a 34 day furlough with his friends and family. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Eh dredge of Tremonton. Col. Eldredse wears two battle stars representing the two major battles he has been in; the Rhine and Central Germany. Pure Gamble's 100 Pennsylvania O Do expert welding at home. O Intermitten Transformer type. O 205 - 245 Ampers. MOTOR OIL RETURNS TO FT. ORD See ft Pvt. LeRoy J. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson of Tremonton, has returned to Ft. Ord after a furlough here. Pvt. Thompson was able to at' tend the funeral of his 92 year Sena Mrs. old grandmother, Centerfield. of Thompson Reg. 16c Others from $97.50 up. at. - I j. 199o50 qt. SALE A Ik i .. HOME ON LEAVE if m if In Drum Lota Plus Tax I It Today! Mason Jars 89c doz. A Price does not include cost of container. HOMEGUARD Sgt. Preston Anderson is here on a furlough and also to welcome the arrival of another daughter, born July 9 at a Brigham hospital. Jar Fillers Fire resistant, vermin proof, fluffy and feather light. Not affected by moisture, Fuel saved in winterwill and eventually pay insulating cost. HOME ON LEAVE Pvt. Verl J. Iverson is home on sick leave from the Gen a end Hospital in Santa Barbara, Calif. Verl is recovering nicely from a wound received on Okinawa. He is very happy to be home and among tnends. 30-da- 65c doz. 75c doz. $1.09 doz. Pints Quarts 2 Quarts WIDE MOUTH, Quart 1U y GREASE non-settlin- g. w. Clear Glass, Fits 15c any jar Atlas Caps (Zinc) 23c Porcelain Lined Bernadin No. 63 Lids 10c Bernadin Caps, 20c Complete Bernadin Caps, 2 pc, complete for Mason 2 qt. wide mouth 34c jars doz. doz. doz. doz. WYNN WOOD PROMOTED Word has been received that Wynn E. Wood has been advanc- No. 3 Cup Grease For med. and heavy 1 duty machines ed to the rank of Fireman 1c. He is now stationed in San Diego. T t in a letter written to the Leader he says, "Your newspaper brings me many of the things letters from home do not. Reading it is like having a few minutes at home or around town". Per Bag 7Lb The use of ipm :s from the state-- -. nt ti'i'M"-'- f An-lon- , Ili Pressure Grease The very finest for H Ce WO D- J Covers 1 1 i 26 square feet, inches thick, or 20 square feet, 4 inches thick. 3 6; Free t'"1""' "A g practiced in anrinf flrt-w, Cne remarkable tntanc n' in Sparta, where it wis clearly iurvival of an older custom whl- had died out among the othei Greeks. Modern writers sta'e tha' Sparta continued the use of iron money in order to discourage the pursuit of great wealth since having a fortune in iron necessitated the placing of It in warehouses and th payment of storage charges. Instead of putting it in banks and -s g interest Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodward spent Sunday at Fish Haven at Bear Lake, Idaho. RESOURCES SPOTLIGHTED "Utah's greatest resources are metallic and nonmctallic minerals," Dr. A. Ray Olpin, native Utahn, and now executive director of the Ohio State University announced daring a Utah visit. He warned that western industry must develop improved researcn t acuities it it is to expand or hold its own against larger concerns which have their eyes on the rich natural resources of this region. "I see no reason why your raw materials should be shipped away bringing a cheap price, and when processed, be shipped back at a considerably higher price," he said. 6-V- olt FENCE BATTERIES ' lAtfOtt 1 QQ i-.t- Use of our power blower. v Q 'iiiWigl COOL IN SUMMER KEEP WARM IN WINTER KEEP 6Player Croquet Sets THRIFTY PAYMENT PLA1 Ah liv 6.98 UNFINISHED Chest of Drawers complete 39c to PLIERS $1.79 to $2.29 "B" BATTERIES CATTLE SPRAY gallon 98c 9x12 Linoleum RUGS, special $3.98 TIRE PUMPS, engine driven .only $3.89 79c GAME LE'S Lifter Jar (Safety CdD) Avoid Scalds and Barns, 35c Paint to match your home decoration scheme, 4 and 5 drawers $77.95 rafcfflffi $12.95 Jelly Glasses Sauat. H pt., mold Bhape.Com AUTHORIZED DEALER Howard G. Frciss, Owner Tremonton Utah "With doz. Tall. 14 Pt-- . complete w,ith Cap. Can te m tumbltr. ai0k 'L'iv doz. |