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Show Tremonton, Utah- - BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Pare Four Brough Jr. and Mrs. Bernice Black. HIGH PRIESTS Mrs. Frank Dalton and Mrs. ENJOY OUTING were special V. R. Bunderson A most enjoyable outing and guests. cupper was enjoyed on Tuesday evening by the High Priests of the FARM BUREAU HOLDS SOCIAL First Ward and their partners. The Members of the East Tremonton group met at Guinavah Park in Farm Bureau enjoyed a lovely fK'-icanvon for the evening of outdoor social at the home of games and other entertainment. A Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott, large percentage of the quorum Wednesday. members were present. A short meeting was held with President Emily York presiding. A delicious chicken dinner furnished by the members was then enjoyed in the beautiful Abbott garden. Miss Mary E. Burns was a SOCIAL NEWS HOXORED AT RECEPTION i A reception was held Friday July 13 at the Bear River City Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill who were married June 22 in the Logan Temple. The bride was the former Miriam Carter of Brigham. Numbers on the program were furnished by Ruby Davis, Zella Hill, Glade Hill. Carol Madsen, LaYVana Carter and Gae Peterson. A dance followed the pro- 'A 4 The Midland Camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs. O. L. Mrs. May Wahl of Deer Lodge, Brough on Thursday for the purMontana, announces the marriage pose of honoring Grandma Brough of her daughter, Lily Bernice to and to hold the election of officers. S 1c Raymond N. Hansen, son Mrs. Lucinda Jensen of the county of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of company was in attendance and Tremonton. took charge of the election. The RECITE VOWS IN LOGAN TEMPLE FOR ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier SALES and SERVICE Call RONALD HALES Phone 32 R2 Garland JUST RELEASED BY U. S. GOVERNMENT FOR CIVILIAN USE. Stocks Available in a Few Days Farmers' following officers were chosen: Captain, La Verne H. Homer; 1st Lt., Helen T. Wilson; 2nd Lt. Louise K. Nelson; Secretary, Marguerite B. Hansen; Treasurer, Harriet W. Harris; chorister, Dora T. Brough; organist, Florence Beard; Honorary Captain, Jane E. Brough; Chaplain, Mary W. Harris; Historian, Helen Allen and Registrar, Mary M. Cornwall. Mrs. Cliff Beard presented Grandma Brough with a gift in behalf of the camp and the follow- inc program was eivcn: An original poem composed for Mrs. Brough s birthday by her granddaughter Irma Hansen Burke was read by Mrs. Amos Hansen, two vocal ducts by Mrs. O. L. Brough and her daughter Bernice, reading by a granddaughter, Francis Hill and two guitar selections by a great grand son, Glade Hill. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. O. L. Phone 35 Tremonton Mrs. Anna Wise of Corinne s visited with Mrs. Gertrude ill the for been who has quite past six weeks. Mrs. Lena Burrelle and daugh' iter Ruth of Albany, Oregon, vis-- I OScit! Nvy Photo ited one day this week with her "Killer" Foiled. Carrier loaded with uncle, John Miller and family. Curtiss Helldivers that War Bond funds helped to build, tilts to escape ir . rAnn Jap plane attack. The attacker was week-enat the last was a guest Shot down. . S. Treasury Department San-der- w.: - 1 d Eight Point Dairy Program Is Efficient home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand, Miss Loraine Kennedy, of (V den has been spending the past week at the home of her aunt Mrs. Larella Shuman. C. E. Sandstrom of Huntington Beach, Calif, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Anderson. -- Liberty Theatre 1 I. AM Dehydrating Quality Surplus Vegetables Grow plenty cf mm ft J- - Mi.. need not prevent the LACK jarsfrom laying aside a amount of this large year's garden products for winter use. Before drying, vegetables should be precooked In steam or boiling water. Steam cooking will furnish a superior product to those cooked in water. They should be removed as soon as tender and placed in the drier. A satisfactory drier is illustrated here. Or it may be advisable to dry in the oven, or in the sun, behind glass. It is advisable to furnish air circulation by means of electric fan, if possible. This process involves bringing currents of relatively dry air into intimate contact with the material to be dried. The temperature in the drier should not be hot enough to cook the food, yet it should be of a suitable temperature to cause evaporation of moisture. The drying must be a continuous process in order to prevent the growth of organisms. For best results foods should be cut into uniform sizes and spread evenly in thin layers to dry, stirAfter the product ring frequently. has been dried, it should be condi- - L.. R V Most universally used farm power equipment. Long- Life Economical operation Always a complete part and: repair service available. "YOU'LL BE AHEAD WITH A CATERPILLAR" - Kppn vw ELISHA COOK . in "BABES ON SWING STREET" nrnrfiir. Matinee Sat. Cartoon "Crow Crazy" and Serial. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 23, :4. Practice ITS disease control CRA8U! in inn methods MUSICAL ... n ,.7" it i 3:00 24 . . immJj t ff i I TV JU AVIUM ( THAT Produce milk the highest quality and cream of .OUTSTRIPS THEM A 6. L. TIERNEY in ANN BLYTH, PEGGY RYAN, LEON ERROL on each cow in your herd 5. ANNE JEFFREYS, TR, "DILLINGER" f w wv tion records m AU! Adopt labor-savin- g methods 20 SNTUtY-FO- sfvvSV 7. HARVEST SEASON WILL SOON FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 20 and 21 Balance your herd with your feed supply . Mr Tremonton roughage of TRACTOR y high-qualit- Dried Products Idea! Winter Food Addition Caterpillar ; Cash Union Semi-classi- c Include A IN YOUR POST-WAFARM PLANS THE MIRACLE PAINT PIAKO RECITAL HELD Fourteen students of the piano were featured in a piano recital given in the Second Ward Tuesday evening. They were the pupils of Miss Mary E. Burns. and classical selections were played by the following: Gae Waldron, Myrna Petersen, Duane, Liane and Oneta Bunnell, Carol Homer, Naone and Marlenc Mason, Karma Rucker, Karen Johnson, Marilyn Hamilton, Sandra Hales, Jocelyn Bradshaw and Melva Catleton. BEHERE.... Take care of your land 1 Ill NEWS 8. Develop i Gram Blowers WILLIAM GAXTON Post . BEATRICE KAY GEORGE SEAT0N CARMEN WILLIAM War Inventions CAYALLARO PERLBERG Matinee Sun. 3:00 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 25 and 26 Double Feature Program sound DON BARRY and LYNN ROBERTS in breeding program To Lighten your Grain leading and storage problems. Come in and see them. SILVERS oncMwhMK,d.scrM.h, s We Have a Large Shipment of "THE CHICAGO KID" ROBERT LOWERY and PHYLLIS BROOKS in Peterson Tractor Service Phone 90 ALBERT EARL, Mgr. Tremonton "DANGEROUS PASSAGE" Age Effect in Calf Type of Hanging Drier. tioned for about 10 days, but stirring from time to time, to prevent mold. After this period it may be placed in sealed air tight bags, such as cellophane or waxed paper, or in sealed jars, or placed in a stone crock, if desired. Properly dried vegetables, as well as fruits, prove a welcome addition in the winter menus, and lose little jof their value when properly hao died. After the first calf is dropped, age has little or no apparent effect oa cows getting in calf, according to E. J. Perry of Rutgers university. Bulls show a gradual reduction in breeding efficiency with advancing age, with the exception of the Heifers being bred for the firsl time require more services than the older cows. Breeding efficiency of the cows are not apby the length preciably seven-year-okt- o. Cartoon "Popeye Alamode" COMING FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 27 and 28 EAST SIDE KIDS in "MUGGS RIDES AGAIN" ROD CAMERON, FUZZY KNIGHT in "RENEGADES of the RIO GRANDE" of time between carvings. Emm m TWIN Bedspreads Use Our 4.98 To $6.90 Quality. . . . Durable - Lasting Newest Patterns Saturday Lay-awa- y! Blankeis July 21 KJVfJUUllb 5.95 2.:r WOOL DOUBLE 72x84 NED BLANKETS Richly bound in wide Rayon Bindings. - 10 a. m. NATIONALLY FAMOUS 36 inch PIECE GOODS Rayons Poplins Lawns Dimities ZS Rayon Bobinet 1 C Beautiful Patterns Yd. BATES Nationally Advertised by BATES 98c U Suitable for Blouses Curtain Panels Formate 98c $1.00 Deposit Holds Your Selection 3 Good Colors j Plasti Kote j special guest. The young couple will make their home in Brigham City for the GRANDMA BROUGH present. HONORED Thursday, July i9 lg WATCH FOR ' WAR QDHDS , gram. The wedding took place at the Logan Temple Friday, July 13, with President El Ray Christiansen officiating. They will make their home in Seattle, Wash., where the groom is stationed with the Coast Guard. -- Gephart Stores Co. "Buy For Cash and Pay Less" Yd. FACIAL Tissues 25'cBox One To 'A Customer LADIES LAWN PRINT Hankies 25c Ladies' SHEER Blouses 3.49 Size 32 to 40 COOL! Eye Catching! |