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Show rati auep mm mtWC oLi'Mn xx -- Completed For jus I Celebration at STAMP VALID AUGUST FIRST nf rn a A.. unit Kjrn in charge THURSDAY", NUMBER JULY 19, 1945 BEARFAX STAFF COMPLETES PROJECT NEW SHOE RATION River City :5 TREMONTOX CITY, UTAH Earl Ojler Talks To Lions; Committees Appointed The new shoe ration shmn1 . i . . announced would be-- ' come valid August 1, will be, a.Pnun. oidmp xt 4. m war impianc io, ration book No. 3. Airplane stamps rsios. l, 2, and 3 are good indefinitely, OPA added. tVv. Guest speaker at the meeting of the Tremonton Lions' Club held Wednesday night, was Earl Oyler who recently returned from overseas, and is spending his furlough her': with his parents. He spoke on his many interesting experiences in France and Italy. Plans were made for a Lions' family outing to be held August 1 and the following committee appointments were approved: Community Fund Rudy Miller, L. J. Cummincs, Henry Van Sweden, F. I. Moore, H. T. Woodward. Finance Hairy Drew, Douglas Cannon, R. Z. Heppler. Sight, Health and Safety A. D. Earl, Henry Morrison, N. E. Marble, Dr. E. H. White, Leon Christiansen, Dick Allen, Dr. A. J. Mohr. Attendance and Membership A. C. Conine, Del Hansen, H. G. Freiss, Dr. D. B. Green, Douglas Cannon. - City report that all Car now complete tor a last program of entertainment fLrRir the day. hout have been erected 4c rodeo grounds to provide Section for spectators, and there ' be plenty of grandstand space will heliable. The festivities and program in 's with a parade, o'clock set with one v forenoon, the opening of the hour for Sheriff's Elder Box .Ihe will make the Runted ?oac t Cffid entry and promise a splen-iexhibition of horsmanship, demonstrating some new "(Jn being furnish-Jbthe Sunset Ranch of Prom-ormanaged by Myron Adams x following prizes will be paid i local amateur riders: $75.0u for st saddle bronc riding; $50.00 'ydack riding; $50.00 for the calf roper. There will also be te chutes for local boys to the steers and calves. rodeo stock is i horse pulling with Park $:am in charge is set for 3 o'' jck, with entries limited to Box The Sir County teams. ie finals in the rodeo If necessary will be held horsepulling contest. During the day there will also is boxing matches, kid races and ie grand finale will be a dance the a tne evening. Funeral Services of Homer Set For Saturday Nels R. )Irs. .... snoes. Rupert Women Killed In Accident y y, iiter Mrs. Henry Sessions died early Thursday morning at the Valley Wednesday She was riding with her husband in a small pick-utruck to Ogden, when the accident cccured. The driver lost control of the car, as it swerved to the shoulder of the road. Mrs. Session is reported to have become frightened and jumped from the machine. Mr. p en-rou- te to visit with her daughter, Wallace Anderson Jr, in ayton and to receive medical at' aition there. She was traveling ?,i her nurse and son Dale. inois Commissioners Rule Hospital Bills Must Be Authorized Homer was born April 30, S5I, at Orilla. Ontario. Canada. i daughter of Humboldt and Re-cc- a Crawford Wiseman. She ne to Utah with her family in '!6 and had resided in Tremon- Ogden and Murray, prior to ing to St. Charles. She was a ert to the LDS Church and been active in church affairs Mrs. The Board of County Commis-sinerin their regular meeting on July 16, unanimously agreed that no hospital bills will be paid in the future, unless they are first authorized by the county doctor and a member of the county commissioners. This authorization must be in writing. It is the belief of the commissioners that this action will greatly facilitate matters, and will give all parties concerned the right picture on how to proceed with assistance from the county. s, dramatics. She Russel Homer was married on Sept. 18, A in the Salt Lake temple. is survived bv her husband. ; nand daughter, Dale and Mrs. Person; a brother and twr sis-Jack Wiseman, Moose Jaw, "Uiinewan, Canada, Mrs. Ann TIN CAN SALVAGE SasWhp- - COLLECTION and Mrs. Mary Mrs. J. W. Burgess will take Canada. any tin cans that have been saved funeral services will k held for salvage and wishes those who rday at 1 p. m. in the Tre- - have them, to bring them to her ?t0n First Ward chapel with home. The grocery stores do not iuy Wavno .4 ll rl Ir-dCLl'l WdM? IVl vunuun. OcUlUd.ll, IUUUUL.L found, Moss Canada, Bank-- -- V.- a friends oil mav tK T.wl and Sons' mnrtnarv Fn'rlav ing in Ogden. Interment will 111 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Roberts have received word that their son Pvt. Dredge J. Roberts has arrived safely in the Philippine Islands. Riverview Cemetery. LDIERS MAKE REQUEST FOR ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT AT CAMP A been made by thef HOSPITAL NEWS ;"tncan soldiers and guards at Prisoner of War camp, for much needed equipment. lhey have already received Births: ,fsPaPers, magazines and books Mr. and Mra. Ellis Perry of Bear River City, a girl, July 18th. Y"Mt appreciated very much wish jo thank the con- Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Bair, a boy for them. July 14 th. ..v.he.y are now in need of some Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Anderson, equipment, espcially for a ' ail, girl, July 16th. musical instruments, boob Mrs. Henry Sorenson of East igazincs. had a thyroid operation Garland ftose h.1v cA Her condition is good. no Wednesday. longer need, should sendj lu wc l';,lmiti wna nnrratfd on V Commanding Officer. Vv'arJ- Branch morning to remove the Wednesday camp, re- ,lJ"ln, Utah. pressure in the skull fracture automoan in ceived ten days ago u was He accident. r bike iL Rollcrts spent the Uit!l hcr daughter still unconscious Thursday after Sit I jnoon. request has 'e . . , ,rti-1.-.- o 2 r.l Wr 'tft ir. - bile-moto- T , BEBE STRAND CHOSEN UTAH QUEEN BY HAWAIIAN G.I.'s and Box , Elder candidate in the War Bond Queen contest, Miss Bebe Strand, has been selected as Miss Utah. At least she is the favorite of a group of GI's in the Pacific. The staff of the newsshect "The Coordinator" which is composed of a group of L. D. S. servicemen in Honolulu, Hawaii, received several newspapers containing the candidates for Utah war bond queen. They carefully considered each photo with the result that Miss Strand became their choice for the state queen and was voted their "Miss Utah". ow;n Notice For Bids The Board of County Commis- sioners of Box Elder county will accept bids until 12 o'clock noon, August 6, 1945, for the painting of the Court House roof, and the patching and painting of the old jail roof. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. To Check On Farm Hazards The Clubs, largest rural youth organization in the United States, will check accident hazards during the second annual Farm Safety Week, July They are being urged to remove home and hazards which lead to falls and burns. These causes result in the death of 11,500 farm persons annually. The First Ward chapei was crowded Sunday afternoon with friends and relatives who gathered to pay tribute to the memory of Wayne Burgess, killed in action on Okinawa. Bishop Wayne Sandall conducted the service with the American iegion, Auxiliary and Blue Star Mothers oiticiatmg with tne colors, lhe invocation was offered by W. L. Allred of Garland; Marion summers sang "in lhe Uar- den of accompanied by Mrs. Faun Quinney; Mrs. Ed gar Winchester, read a dedication rrom the Blue Star Mothers; and and Patriarch Joseph Kirkham spoke comforting words to the iamily, while recalling the fine traits of character he had admired in Wayne and his wife Beva Lynn. A violin solo "The Meditation from Thais" was played by Valeea Crowther with Gail Millward at the piano; Lola Johnson, a classmate then read a tribute to Wayne, which was followed by re marks by Kleon Kerr. Raf Christensen, commander of the American Legion read a resolution from the Post and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gee of Garland sang "Whispering Hope," accompanied by Mrs. Quinney. Wilma. Anderson, representing the Legion Auxiliary spoke of her association with Wayne and read some beautiful and appropriate verse in offering consolation to the wife and family. The closing song "My America" was sung by Moroni Ward, Arch Richardson, Francis Moore and Frank Stevens. The benediction was by Joe Burgess. y Pvt. and Mrs. LcRoy J. ThompRoy Thompson and Rhea Thompson attended the fun- of Mrs. Sena Thompson at Ccnterficld. Roy Thompson, was called to the bedside of his mother earlier. - son, Mrs. 4-- 22-2- Please send your bids to the ATTEND MEMORIAL County Clerk. J. Edwin Baird, SERVICE County Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laub attended the memorial services for reMr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor Darold Pfc J. Hess in Ogden Surv after spending turned Saturday wass killed in action Hess Pfc. dav. with their weeks the last two Bur-leHe was the son the on Nelson Ed Philippines. at Mrs. daughters and of Ezra J. Sylvia Durfey Hess and Mrs. Harold Person at of Ogden. Mountain Home, Idaho. Mr. nd Mrs. George Bitter and family of Idaho Falls, were weekend guests of her sister. Mrs. Myrle Crowther. Both families visited Sunday in Perry with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Thorne. t, Civic Improvement and Roads Kleon Kerr, Ervin Stohl, James Brough, Harold Sandall, Harry Miller, G. H. Watland. Lions' Education Milton Johnson, Frank Stevens, James Walton, Jesse L. Roberts, Ted Cochian. Major and Local Activities R. B. Waldron, Guy Johnson, Cliff Kerr, Wayne Sandall, B. F. Winzeler. Merchants' Committee H. G. Freiss, F. 1. Moore, Del Hansen, Norman Maughn, A. F. Johnson, Ray Ashcraft, F. M. Christensen, Frank Dalton, N. E. Shaw, L. J. Cummings, G. H. Watland, Orval Ewer. Inter-Cluand Conventions Guy Johnson, Rudy Miller, Harry Drew, J. H. Fronk, Arch Richardson, C. J. Dewey, P. W. Ful- to Mrs. Elaine Thompson, clerk. 4-H'- ers Memorial Honors Wayne Burgess to come. Tremonton Wesley Gep-harAlvin Norr, A. C. Toland. y The officers of the Tremonton First Ward M. I. A. are sponsoring a dance to be held July 31 in the First ward hall. A Logan orchestra has been engaged and everyone of mutual age is invited County's Rehabilitation -' 5 y t. Music J. R. Beckstead, D. B. No canning sugar will be isWalter Wuthrich. Green, .sued after this date, according' g MUTUAL SPONSORS DANCE ON JULY 31 fa. h, August 4th is the deadline for all canning sugar applica tions to be in to the Ration' Board. yearbooks. The day's events will begin at 5 p. m. and the books will be distributed. 'Everyone is to bring his receipt. dance An informal, semi-stawill follow in the evening, beginning at 9:15.' A Brigham City orchestra has been engaged for the night. All arrangements are under the direction of the Bearfax staff and officers. last year's student-bod- n, Scrap Metal J. H. Fronk, Alma Theurer, Ken Germer. Clothing ?nd Paper E. R. Winzeler, David Stander, Wilford Rogers. War Bonds D. E. Pecken-paugJames Walton, F. C. Gep-har- AUGUST FOURTH DEADLINE FOR CANNING APPLICATIONS Friday, July 20 is the day set for all Bear River students to meet at the high school and receive their ll Softball Game At Field High Homer died on the train Wednesday morning of a heart ail-ajust as the train was near- her destination. She was en-at- e Jg from her home in St. Charles in Enter Armed Service Men from Box Elder County who entered the armed services on July 11, are listed by the local board of the Selective Service system as follows: For the Army Irving Gerard Sampson, Oral Wilford Brough, Glen Shirley Jeppson, Robert Lewis Belew, Raymond William Gil-soDonald Joseph Harris, Loring Thomson Holladay, Keith John Barfuss, Jack 0Niel Kimber, Con-leAnton Christensen, Earl William Andersen, LaMar Waters School and Homer W. Pfeil. For the Navy Andrew Check-ett- s A Softball game between the Scothern. town team and the soldiers at the For the Marine Corps: Blaine Prisoner of war camp, will be played Friday night at the Bear River Lorenzo Jensen. high school campus. The public is invited to attend. Neal-O'Done- War Effort: Students Meet To Receive Bearfax Elder Men stayed in the car, which overturned three times before coming to a stop. He received severe head injuries, but they were not considered serious. The body was taken to Mortuary at Salt Lake where funeral arrangements City, will be made. Mrs. Nels Box Sessions morning by J. Homer and and Mis. D. relatives. co-edit- $ shocking news of the death Tessie Wiseman Homer, of Nels R. Homer was d iiff r; e. Mrs. Je The Bearfax staff (above) have now complet:d their task, with the distribution cf the 1945 Bearfax. They are: front row, left to right: La Ree Holt, Bonnie Whitney, Patricia Durfey, Ver na Ann Homer, Sadie Tanaka and Max Adams. Back row: Lorry Rytting, business manager, Lee Alien, Colleen Woolley, Winona Capener, Lois Forsgren, Don Woerner, and Kent Manning. hospital, from injuries received in an automobile accident early Wednesday morning just west of Snow-vill- The :: if The last stamp was validated Nov. 1, 1944, OPA pointed' out that the intervals between validation of stamps depend' , upon the available suddIv of fences ie The I - FORTY-FOU- R farm-wor- 9. k b Local Service Clubs To Aid Bushnell Action was taken during the past week by the Tremonton and Garland Lions clubs and the Tremonton Junior Chamber of Com- merce to support the benefit base ball game tor the Bushnell hospital golf course. The game will be played in the Rees Pioneer parg in Brigham City August 3, at 8:15 p. m., between the Brigham City Peaches and the all star club selected from the other four teams in the Industrial league. Women's clubs will assist the service clubs in selling tickets to the game. APPROACHING ANNOUNCED ler. Agriculture and Reclamation LcRoy Bunnell, J. L. Weidman, B. j MARRIAGE Mrs. Pearl Moore and Sgt. Harry Scott announce their approaching marriage which will take place Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morgan. A party given Sunday evening at Crystal Springs will honor the, ' couple. tV They will leave Monday to make their home in Council, Idaho. H. Adams, N. P. Marble, Israel Hunsaker, J. P. Holmgren, Steve De Jarnatt, Howard Glenn, Quen- tin Allen. Publicity Rupert Blackham, A. N. Rytting, Kleon Kerr, Vincent Chiodo. Wildlife Harold Sandall. Rudy Miller, R. Z. Heppler, D.B. Fuhri-inan. Association Director Frank Stevens. Legislative Committee D. R. Waldron, Cliff Kerr. Boys' and Girls' Committee Garland Puzey, R. M. Bone, Leon Christiansen, Dr. A. J. Mohr. Advisory Committee All past presidents. VFRL IVERSON HOST TO FRIENDS a r .i r . i,.. veil ivciaun cuici iiiui- iviuuujy, of fricnJs at hjs homc ed outJoor were ser- played and refreshments . . A . . v w spent. FARM BUREAU MEMBERS HEAR OF HOSPITALIZATION PROGRAM j At a meeting of members of the cooperation with the farmers of North Box Elder Farm Bureau, Utah for strengthening of the Naheld last Saturday evening, Frank tional Farm Bureau, Mr. Shelley L. Bryon of the naShelley, secretary of the state or- introduced H. tional organization, who gave a ganization, presented the propothe of unit splendid outline of the workings sition of establishing a of the bureau with the federal govPlan" "Blue Cross Hospitalization in Northern Box Elder county, and ernment and with state industrialof them in turn presented the merits of the pro ists as to the need the agriculturalists of gram. He suggested it wilt need supporting nation. the form an or AO to 50 families to Mr. Bryson further outlined the gnnization and take advantage of the benefits. It is estimated that a advance work done for commerfamily of any size can become a cial feterilization production near beneficiary of the organization at 'a cost of $18.00 per year, Mr. Shelley also stated that the State Farm Bureau is doing every-era- l thing they can to have such an hospitalization measure established in every county of the state. After a lengthy discussion of the strong j to us, and urged the local bureau to never let up in securing membership, pointing out there is no other source of support for the farmer. The national membership of the farm bureau is now approximately one million. |