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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, July 19, 19 13 ursday, STARTS 3JNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, July 22 to 25 NOTES LOCAL Olena t( M' w. Edmund Mrs Donald T. Mrs Melvin Homer attended Homer family reunion at Lo A Sunday. "j ; 'Nothing but Trouble' Bans Karloff and Bela ' visited her son David, she i I- OOKx Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Friday with Mrs. Johns' sister, uncurl Ui iuug ojtauii, vajjiiu ma, Mrs. O. W. Ewer and family. were the weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Allen. They Mr. and Mrs, Ray Ashcraft left Tuesday for Elmore, Ohio. Don't be envious of People jriendly smile. Get busy and imitate. Suitable for Utah sale Tremonton, Utah Phone 20 PANTIES rayon with cotton welt top and foot for extra wear Choice of two shades. Sizes 8i2 to lOVi 1.01 $ Rich satin finish rayon. Brief style leg with half elastic top. Ladies regu 49 c lar sizes. Pair McCormick binders; 1 - bottom gang plow, good shape; 1 Case side delivery rake, good shape; McCormick-Deering tractor mower. See Robbins Implement Co., Phone 72R1. New Farm Machinery will be FOR SALE doz. in box 4c doz. 59c Kerr Mason Jars, pt. size 1 Doz. 79c Kerr Mason Jars, Qt. size ... Black Rubber Rings.- .- BOYS' OVERALLS Ladie Heavy khaki twill. style. Sanforized. 1 Size 4 to 6 Bib $-- JL Pair Slips Dainty Lace Trim . BOBBY PINS FRYING PANS at 9 inch size. Made from 5 and Slussers, 10 cards heavy guage steel Each only .... stamped HQr kj J Garter Belts Reinforced satin with 3""x4" Three metal hooks elastic web front and back. and eyes for safe L Jsy fastening. Four elastic garters attach- J r A Our low price fTf w Ken Slusser Co. 1C to S1.00 Stores combine with motor. Wayne Phone 65R4. 2 Fran-com- cross-cu- f saw-- TREMONTON UTAH rc to $i.oo Stores fw'r t'.:'.t following tit? i.'c'. r;sts with .every of peace. The in oi the Mate. 1 INFORMATION The traveler must be told what there is to see and do. lou must first Do you know all the possess that information before you can tell it. answers? BEAUTIFICATION traveler will be Getting away from the ugliness of war and toil, the all our surroundings. to efforts beautify favorably impressed by our about How your neighborhood? ACCOMMODATIONS A tourist will go anywhere in Utah if there are worthwhile accommodations. However, we cannot afford to fool him. Have you checked your locality? UTAn STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY WI. AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Atlas Building Salt Lakt City, Utah s . ltp. forHsaiTf Wire.twtiW electric razor. $10.00. Call at the Leader office. FOR SALE 2 good milk cows. Frshen soon. Also 20 head young purebred ewes. A. J. Taylor. RENT New five room Aa efficient scraper for the barn modern home. Inquire at Leader floor can be made of an old cross-coffice. 2tc. saw. The scraper may also be used FOR SALE Walnut bed, guitar, roosts. in poultry bouses and on ice prongs, 2 kodaks, white enamel Braces should be ran from the monkey stove with water jacket. saw on either side to the handle, at Mrs. A. J. Taylor, Bear River City an angle shown in the illustration. If steel rods are not available, heavy wire may be used. RED RASPBERRIES ready next week. L. C. Peterson, Elwood 9 f 9 n.49 EIGHTH Allis-Chalme- ot Rayon, sizes 34 to 42 Always ft. FOR More 1535 Ofd 5 Adam's Drug Store Saw for Barn Scraper tfc. Housekeeping brand ANKLETS e farm lractors and Implement. Call Ruel Robbins, Phone 72R1. Canning Needs than ever in demand. Shop our counters for the new numbers. ment station. The experiment was undertaken to find uses for the large tonnage of waste leaves in the production and processing of vegetable crops. It showed that the blade portions of the leaves are high in protein, carotene and riboflavin, all of which are needed in poultry feeds. Some were so rich in carotene, or vitamin A, that they have become sources of raw material for vitamin concentrates. The scientists have processed large quantities of both field and packing house vegetable wastes. They utilized the waste leaves of broccoli, beets, spinach, turnips, carrots and lima bean vines, and from all excellent sources of poultry feed. 3 Minneapolis-Molin- i Here are three i'.LI reniihencnts: which has been proven an excellent chick feed supplement, according to results of cooperative research between the U.S.D.A. and the Delaware agricultural experi- ot McCormick-Deering- , soon. Good Chicks Started With Farm Waste. FOlT1sAL&-Tjo- h 1 - i.:: for haystacks and grain fields. See James H. Miller, Phone 764R Brigham City, Sh eer is can infers our prosperity at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City LADIES RAYON RAYON HOSE UTAH t TOURIST DOLLARS GlSBlTFEFnTBabTH Full Fashioned tives. Jti't wear yourself out with tiresome exercises. Don' t give up all tbe foods you like. Eat plenty not too much. In cltnualttsto under Ikt ilirtclioH of mtdical doctors mart Ikon 100 person ha 14 IS lbs. over aft in a lew weeks' time with the AYDS Vitamin Candy Han. AYDS way yourself. the Reducing Try 30 day supply, $2.25. I'hone , i are needed at Sperry Flour Co., at Ogden for essential work. Jobs are open for warehousemen, seed packers, flour packers. Good wages and working conditions. Referral from U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone 8811, Ogden Tremonton's Value Headquarters drugs. No Yet we were 42nd in total tourist income. Just what is the matter? " malfThelT $LU$$ER'$ plenty. No Cpl. Wendell Fife of Preston visited with his aunt, Mrs. Olena Homer, Wednesday. He has been in the service three years and was wounded in France. for at the Leader Office. WITHOUT EXERCISE Take offwelghl each week. Eat laxa- - to TyTEWRHrRRIBNs' THEATRE most interesting area in the United States, as rated by Globetrotters Magazine CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. Gam, 453 N. 2nd West. Brigham FRONK CHEVROLET COMPANY TREMONTON Mr. and Mrs. Erie Compton returned home Monday from Idaho, where they visited several days with relatives and friends. ts Phone 698. ST. LOUIS" Mrs. C. J. Carlson and son, FQ Roy Carlson and daughters, Elsie and Ruth of Salt Lake visited during the week at the Oscar Strand home. 1 sr Orpheum Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shuman, RETURNS TO FORT ORD and Mrs. Alivia Heed were weekJoel Richards left Tuesday for end visitors at the home of Mr. Fort Ord. Cal., after a visit at and Kirs. Earl Shuman. home. Joel has been stationed at i Mrs. Wm. E. Jenkins and Evan Camp Roberts. Jenkins of Freedom, Wyo., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin HamilLOSE WEIGHT SAFELY ton, Wednesday. 96-R- 4 o Per pair Vitamins are absolutely necessary to baby chicks they are Considerable work has been done in order to provide poultry with the elements, either from a vegetable or animal source and rapid improvement has taken place. The newest source is promised from waste vegetable leaf meal. 4 "3IEET ME ! for poultry will pay cash for dead or usless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Phone Tremonton ortJarland 35 J3. sl5 tfc Dam Canvas J M i, CLASSIFIED ADS Army Surplus Commodity Canvas mm W Vitamin Concentrates From Vegetable Spoils were in Salt Lake Sunday and Mrs. Harold R. Black left re- Monday on business. While there cently for North Carolina, to be they visited with Mrs. Ashcraft's with her husband Lt. Black, who parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. is stationed there. with a XZ7 sO Converting Wastes Into Poultry Feed Mr .and Mrs. Forest John visited ! flattering- in Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Barkle of; Jimmy, David and Spencer and her brother Carl M. King and Burley, Idaho, have been visiting Hamilton left Sunday to spend a family of Burbank. here with friends in Tremonton vacation in Freedom, Wyoming with their grandmother. during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Garfield: and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Day Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sandall Garfield were Ogden visitors Man-- ' and son Dallas, Lynn Iverson and day. Mrs. Naomi Marble were in Salt Lake Tuesday. Thelma Scott returned to her home in Salt Lake after spending 5three weeks at the Israel Hunsaker Pvt. Darrell Hansen of the MaA home. rine Corps is visiting a few days V with Mr. and Mrs. N. Earl MarMr. and Mrs. S. B. Hess were ble. Pvt. Hansen recently returned guests at the home of Mr. 'and from overseas. Mrs. J. H. Laub Monday. ATt'Rn4V TXT "HnHv Srmtcher" OTHERS -- O. Stenquist jjrs. Edwin rued' Saturday from California, rwe JLugost ; Homer, ,r! ) LAUREL and HARDY in "Enchanted Cottage" ROBERT YOUNG, DOROTHY McQUI RE, HERBERT MARSHALLuid Pare rive Tremonton, Utah Agriculture Government surplus carriage bolts, In the, News assorted sizes. 12c pound. Lilen VI. J. DRXDEN quist Brothers Implement Co. tfn LOST Ladies billfold containing Apples driver's license, B. gas coupons and of milk the apple is being The to Return other important papers. made into medicine and candy. This Leader office. Reward. 2tp. process was develFOR SALE Cabinet sewing ma- oped in Virginia from apple pulp. chine, section book case, full length The use of apple i I other and set mirror, upholstered In tobacco, as syrup Walter furniture. J. of a glycerin substipieces Green 2nd house cast of Elwood tute, has been well Phone 65R16. school. Other ltp. advertised. uses have also been FOR SALE Basement home. Call found for the syrup. I'Eldon Gardner at Utah Poultry. By the fermenta ltp tion of the expressed Juice of the apple, an alcoholic beverage is proFOR SALE Estate range in gtxxl duced from apples. condition. Ferris Allen. Call 34R2 It takes, on the average, a bushel of 2tp. apples to produce three gallons of cider. It is now possible to seWANT ToTlEhrrTor 5 room cure concentrated cider. ltc. The pulp, after juice has been exhniuwor ant. 79R2. tracted, has a definite feeding value FOR SALE one 6 year old sad equal to corn silage for cattle. Treacle, made from apples, can die horse, saddle; also used furni50 per cent of sugar usually replace Tremon79R1. ture. J. E. Hansen, employed in making preserves. A ltp good quality vinegar is also proton. duced from apples. Other uses of WOULD LIKE TO BUY small; apple products are: supplement to camera, telescope size, for hoy grain flour products, apple wax used overseas. Call MO or cvmi, iu in lubricants, and apple seed oil. 9 r. 9 Lockers! Lockers! Lockers! WE HAVE PLENTY OF LOCKERS FOR ALL WHO WANT ONE Branch Plant Operation Will allow entrance to Lockers all day, until the theatres start their second show Reserve Your Locker Now (as they are going fast) - AT 9 9 9 9 , Bear River Sfate Bank (for this week only) Lee's Locker Storage System "Where The Temperature Is Always Right" |