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Show -- Page Six BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Sheriff Pickets OPA Back to Horse and Buggy Days r' f sis s v i. - ( ': t . li i. j I ' "If'' I. ' 'I ; , j tV .4 I' x I Tremonton, Utah- - -- Thursday, MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM Wholesale and Retail 11 cloth. of yards problems. Bis League Record Hull Signs United Charter r I v i' i M .. SEEDS .. FEEDS GRAINS 000 o SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN STEAM ROLLING GRINDING CLEANING esses. When the nation's governors opened their annual conference at Mackinac island, Michigan, they found only horse carriages awaiting them. Automobiles are not allowed on Mackinac and even the progressive governors had to be content with a horse and buggy. Much of session was taken up by reports on the United Nations charter and discussion of food 19, l94- - ELW00D Miss Twila MelJrum is at home after spending a vacation with friends in Salt Lake City. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Meldrura. A. i f The work, meeting of the Relief Stciety was well attended by the ladies and much was accomplished. f i Miss Helen Hansen has been able to return home from the hospital in Preston, where she underwent an operation some time ago. She has a host of friends who are glad to see her again, and to know she is rapidly regaining health. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abel and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Christensen entertained a group of relatives and friends at the Abel home last 'J Friday evening. The house was attractively decorated with summer ' flowers. Games were played ana refreshments served by the host- Wearing a hogshead, Sheriff Kirk S. King of Rockford, III., picketed the 01 A office as a protest against regulations which virtually denuded him. He needs, Vi yards of cloth for a suit, but OPA says that is too much cloth. OPA regulations provide that three suits must be made from Juy The party was given in compliment to SSgt. and Mrs. Edward H;mscn, who were married last February in Seattle, Washington. This is Sgt. Hansen's first furlough. Mrs. Hansen is the former Miss Jean Abel. , A number of people from here attended the wedding dance of Ffc and Mrs. A. P. Forsgren at Perry last Wednesday night. The Boy Scouts got together Tuesday evening down at Boise Ford and cooked their supper. Latter they played games and told stories around the campfire. The boys are planing a thre day trip to Clear Creek in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Brough and family were in Salt Lake City last Friday on business. Mr. Brough has purchased a new truck and is having it equipped to resume his former business of trucking. 000 BUY ALL KINDS VfE OF GRAIN PHQXE 41 TREilOXTOX Mr. and Mrs. Arvol Hunsakcr and in service attracted much wnt-;and punch was servvd children, Mr. ana Jvirs. nnjan T nunsaker or noneyviue, A. v Jesse JJavis accompanied Fred Capcner and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Preston, to Salt Laki Wednesday. Capener. Mrs. Leland Bourne entertained her bridge Club Friday. Prizes were won by Ruth Packer, Alice Ward and Ali:e Coombs. Lt Oben, of Logan, who recently came home from Italy visitAt ed Tuesday with Mrs. R. D. Mac-- No ic crystali-C3plin9-farlane. whipping Ho srerrhtd 20 rcipt in orh pkg A costume dance was given P;a snd thij od fof Uct ofier, or buy from your grocer. Monday by the M. I. A. Prises were wirJecl for the best cakes Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hamblm, and to the best dancers as well as Brand Homemade Ice Cream Jenny Hamblin and Karen Ham-bli- the best cosumcs. STABILIZER were Sunday visitors of Mr. A c.::rlay of awards, souveniers and Mrs. Earl Firth and family. and gifts sent home by the boys Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porrit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholar and family. Mrs. L. A. Clayton and son Gene of Burley, Mrs. Leola Du. Boise and son Larry of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hmmcn and O. B. Hinmcn of San Diego anc' Mrs. Beth Newman of Salt Lake spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholar. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers and family were in Brigham Monday on business. Miss Virginia Krumperman is visiting wth Miss Kathcryn Anderson . Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holiday and family and Mrs. Ana Holiday were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson and family. If Your Tires Can Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson t' and Mr. and Mrs. Max Anderson Not Be Recapped spent Wednesday in Cropiey vis1 iting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toone and Come In end Letj family. Mrs. Dorothy Paskett and Mrs. 1 Maurinc Toone spent the week Make You Us Help j end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eli C. j Anderson and family. i Out an Jackie Tolman is spending a few i M days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack JVN I Gradt 1 Tir Certifieat Application for aj n i r W . m m m mm HiIl ICE home-A- ny No H0 . 15C BOTHWELL t Lonoomn n e The major league record was broken when Frank Hayes, Cleveland Indian catcher, appeared in his 218th successive game, without missing an appearance in the lineup. The record was broken when he caught against the Philadelphia Athletics. Former Secretary cf State Cordell Hull, a delegate to the United Nations conference at Sar. i rancisco, who was unable to attend because of illness, is shown signing the United Nations charter at the state department in Washington. Hull, although ill, was consulted by other delegates before and during the conference. Charter met with his active support. all-tim- How .War Hit Merchant Shipping ESH5H' . He Fired Last Shot i ( ) 1 it 1 i mm mum mud i4S wis X il - Vx V J RIVERSIDE v mm ' x This statistical table issued by the U. S. navy and British admiralty, shows the total loss of merchant ships by the Allies during the war, until fall of Germany. First column, or 538, represents the loss of V. S. ships. Second column, or 2,570, represents the British loss, and last column shows the total loss of all other Allies until V-- Day. Dominic Mozzetta, 19, of Providence, R. I., who fired the last shot in the European phase of the war, shown as be arrived at Camp Shanks, N. Y. Mozzetta was on res cue patrol, on May 7, when be fired the last bullet at a Nazi sniper. Farm Fish Ponds Prove Popular Ration Free Dinner 'il'l Tfc. i'iiIiiiim' E f.W.W WW." '.V." V V V.' '.VV.'. v.vMviyjw.v. ( ? r ! ) ;) v t v V ming to visit with Mrs. Carl Robinson. Mrs. Richards will remain there for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bigler of Salt Lake were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ward and daughter Margie of Ogden went to Pocatello Sunday, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Welton Ward. Mrs. Jesse Davis and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield attended the lecture in Brigham, Thursday by Dr. Kather-inTaylor, consultant in Family Life Education. First Lt. Ernest Skinner was visiting Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Glen Udy. Kathleen Andrew of Fielding was a guest this week of Carolyn Hales. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowcutt and children of Logan were visiting Sunday with Mrs. Rowanc Leon Macfarlane went to them and will spend a with Logan few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farnsworth of S.iit Lake and Don Farnsworth of Fort Lewis. Washington, visited Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Bourne. Mrs. Hward Capencr entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday of her brother, Arvol Hunsakcr. Guests included e Mac-farlan- Relaxation as well as food li provided by thr farm fish pond. This j ? 'i li i' rrc days this spring-- all pond on a North Carolina farm ylr!;?--- ! of them edible. It was br!" rarth dam across low, eroded field, then r the corner. It ted by springs and was - n ; Thousands of lobsters were cavt up on the beach near Santa Monica Canyon, Calif., and for hours men, women and children swarmed orei the beach to gather ration-fre- e sea fins. .7 V- - Needed Other Siiet Proportionsttly Low sv - Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and son Joel went to Afton, Wyo- - ) s v i.7--(- hd c nn , r I Tire Rationing ?: Certificate l usb l h AM is Tho Tires That IP n CD Stay Safer Longer Because of These Extra Value Features: 1 2 3 Tt Only Tin Built witli tb Famous Gear-Gri- p Tread for Extra Protection Against Skidding! d The Only Tire Built wita Safti-LocBody for Extra Strength and Blowout Protection! k The Only Tire Built with Gum-Dippe- Saftl-Sure- d Cord Construction for Oreater Safety and Longer Mileage! Fronk Chevrolet Co. |